NationSim archives

La Nation, la Loi, le Roi- A France NationSim

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Subject: Revolutionary France, 1791
Playtime: November 10, 2012 - February 14, 2013
Links: FranceSim Wiki, About page.

A House United: An Alpha Centauri NationSim

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Subject: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, M.Y. 2150
Playtime: March 31, 2013 - May 26, 2013

Mahers Hope: Lunar Colony simulation

Pages: 1 2

Subject: Moon colony, 2228
Playtime: April 29, 2012 - May 8, 2012

No pasaran! Republican Spain nation simulation game

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Subject: Republican Spain, 1931
Playtime: December 16, 2011 - February 27, 2012

Spread War to All Under Heaven! The 1592 Japanese Invasion of Korea!

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

Subject: Imjin War, the 1592 Japanese invasion of Korea
Playtime: December 19, 2012 - January 31, 2013

The Home of the Last Samurai - Republic of Ezo NationSim

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Subject: Republic of Ezo, 1869
Playtime: February 6, 2014 - August 30, 2014

Alternate History archives

Tripartite Alliance Earth by Randy McDonald

World Guide
Brief History
Directory of all pages

History briefing for 2400AD
Tripartite Alliance map by QuantumBranching

Originally located at Alternate History Travel Guides

Contact Randy at: r_f_mcdonald [at] yahoo [dot] ca
available on Instagram and Bluesky as randyfmcdonald

Mustafa the Pretender by Scott Blair

Timeline Index

Originally located at Antonio Cabañas's Geocities site

Archived as La Serenissima Eterna on wiki

The Five Nations of North America by Matt Trepal

POD - A Confederate victory at Gettysburg
Page 1 - 1863-1913
Page 2 - 1914-1936
Page 3 - 1937-1941

Originally located at All of Yesterday's Tomorrows

The New Delhi Conference by Mike Ralls

Hitler dies in 1940 and his successors make peace with Britain. 15 years later the three superpowers of the world, the USSR, the USA, and the Third Reich meet in New Delhi to deal with a three way Cold War.
Part 1 - 7

Originally located at The Alternate History Works of Mike Ralls

The Gentleman of the Imperial Surname by Joseph T. Major

If Coxinga had lived longer

Originally located at The Alternate History Page of Joseph T. Major

Alternate American Civil Wars by Adam Keller

Version 1 & Version 2

Originally located at Doug's Alternate History Site

Union Lost! by Blinky

PART I (1851-1879)
PART II (1880-1900)
PART III (1900-1926)
PART IV (1926-1933)

Originally located at Union Lost!

Alternate Headlines by Bill Livingston

Alternate Headlines

Originally located at Bill's Web Thingy Home Page

Changing the Times

Scott Palter
Dark America
The Panay War
Panay War map by RvBOMally

Originally located at Changing the Times

Thomas W.

Originally located at Changing the Times

Sci-Fi and Retrofuturism archives

Future History project by Enigma @ UCLA

Enigma home page

Discovered via Orion's Arm links

Turning of the Wheel by Andrew Benton

The Time of Troubles: 1996-2015

Originally located at Spearweasel Online

Turning of the Wheel is "a series of several directly overlapping stories [...] about the end of the world. The setting is White Wolf's World of Darkness, in the near future. The campaign borrows very heavily from GURPS Cyberworld, and much of the theme deals with America's transition into a police state during the last days before the Apocalypse."

The Dark Future timeline might also have been the inspiration for the infamous self-proclaimed time traveller John Titor. See theory by Rob Schwarz of Stranger Dimensions: "John Titor: The Cyberworld Connection" (May 13, 2016).
Thread "Titor is a liar" by Clark† on Time Travel Institute forums (June 28, 2001) - probable origin of above theory

GURPS Cyberworld map by RvBOMally
"A (New) Look At John Titor’s Predictions" by Rob Schwarz, Stranger Dimensions (November 29, 2019)
Overview of John Titor information on Time Travel Institute
John Titor Times

Transistor Beat

FDR chooses Vannevar Bush for vice president in 1944

Modempunk entry on 1d6chan
The Ride of the Foxleys by Joseph T. Major
Dieselpunk: Or, I Can't Believe It's Not Steam on /tg/

Originally posted on /tg/ as thread 16606474