I'm surprised no one had taken Durruti, to be honest And thanks, but no thanks. Haven't read the thread in it's entirety, so I forfeit and let the letter be my first act.
Marcelino Domingo Minister of War and Agriculture Radical Socialist Republican Party My first act as Minister of War is to suspend General Franco from his position as Head of the Army, pending an investigation by the Justice Department into allegations that he has been politicizing the military. Secondly, although it is late in the parliamentary session I feel the need to propose a different budget, and ask that other proposals be withdrawn to allow its quick passage. Hopefully it will be an acceptable compromise with proposals already on the table. Domingo Budget Taxation: 28% tax on high income (28) (+2%) 15% tax on middle income (9) 5% tax on low income (1) (-5%) Other Income: Nationalized Mines (0) Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1) Aereas Espanola (0) Light Industry: 2/3 (+1) Heavy Industry: 2/2 (+1) Agriculture: 4/4 Infrastructure: 4/4 Transportation: 2/2 Culture: 0/1 (-1) Police: 4/5 Army: 5/6 Navy: 1/1 Air Force: 1/1 Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 Healthcare: 3/3 Yearly Credits Free Credits: 1 Credit Income: 39 Debt Credits: 8.5 (5% interest) It is imperative that we fund our industrial development especially so we can begin seeing a profit from our aeronautics industry. I also do not think it is wise to change military or law enforcement funding at this stage. The political violence in Catalonia cannot be solved by brute force. ooc: Also I don't think there's much point in funding a program over its maximum as both current proposals do. I also vote against the Tourist Trap Act, Although we all love helado de coño, I do not think it is an effective use of government funds.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy I would implore everyone to increase the budgets of the Air force and Navy. Our Air Force remains disturbingly outdated, and I can not complete my Naval expansions/upgrades without increased funding. ooc: I'm pretty sure that funding a program over its maximum while also taking steps to expand said program would be better then attempting to expand it and then it being underfunded the moment it's done. Plus I'd think throwing additional funding at my naval expansion program would allow me to do much more in less time. At the moment I can only afford to build a carrier; if I had more money I could work on a handful of ships at a time.
An Official Announcement From The Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista Due to repeated medical problems faced by Onésimo Redondo Ortega, he has became unable to fulfill his duties as head of the Juntas. As a result, Onésimo Redondo Ortega has hereby resigned from the head of the Juntas for health reasons. If he recover from his periodic illness, he may continue to serve the cause of National Syndicalism as a private citizen. Our new leader for the Juntas is a Blueshirt commander named José Antonio Primo de Rivera, distinguished in action during his service in Catalonia. As a tribute for the sacrifices our Blueshirts has made in the cause of National Syndicalism, we also hereby name our organization the Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista, Falange de las JONS (translation: Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive). OOC: Freudian will take over the Juntas as José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
Francisco Franco-General? Minister, I would like clarification as to your announcement. Am I to be suspended as head of the Army, reassigned, suspended altogether from active service? As you can imagine, this is a matter of personal concern to me, so I hope you'll answer quickly.
Epicurius posted:Francisco Franco-General? Marcelino Domingo You are to be suspended as head of the army. You still have the rank of general and unless our prime minister's investigation turns up serious malfeasance, I have no plans to change that. During this suspension you can continue your work as general unimpeded except all personnel decisions you wish to make must be vetted by the War Ministry. The only reason I feel the need for this measure is the seriousness of the accusation and the position of your accuser. The proper basis for full military cooperation is complete trust between the branches of our armed forces. Hopefully, this whole thing will quickly be revealed as a misunderstanding and you and General Serrano can get back to your work.
José Antonio Primo de Rivera I thank my predecessor for passing his post on to me, and wish him the best with his many health problems. I will dispense with the formalities, and state that I do not intend to go back on his promise to keep the Blueshirts out of Catalonia. I would also pledge my support to a budget that involved an increase in funding to heavy industry. This is vital to our economy, and not to fully fund it is negligent at best. OOC: I'm Freudian on IRC, and my email is i.bindley@gmail.com.
José Antonio Aguirre Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco I am content to see the Basque people be recognized as having a voice in the going ons in Spain. As a minister of public works, I will see that the right works are done at the right places, with consideration for each local people, rather than having some areas suffer for the sake of the majorities. On to business, I have inspected the budget proposals, and think that Marcelino Domingo's budget proposal is the superior one. Education is important of course, but if little support for industry and all too high taxes chase away all busines, all we'll do is give other countries highly educated migrants that flee an economical wasteland. Let us build a solid economy. I also propose further empowering the local Generalitat, delegating more lawmaking power to them. For some things, one has to be able to stand back and see the large pictures, but for many things, being closer to the people is a blessing. Local Power Act Increase authroity of the local Generalitat, granting them the right to write traffic laws, labour laws, enviromental laws and public safety laws, provided they are within the laws set by the Cortes and the Spanish Constitution.
Marcelino Domingo Minister of War and Agriculture Radical Socialist Republican Party 210x261 After discussion with Slothbear, I have decided to modify my budget proposal. I assure the armed forces that I will seek to refund the military in the next parliamentary session, but I will do so alongside significant reforms. Revised Domingo Budget Taxation: 28% tax on high income (28) (+2%) 15% tax on middle income (9) 5% tax on low income (1) (-5%) Other Income: Nationalized Mines (0) Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1) Aereas Espanola (0) Light Industry: 3/3 (+2) Heavy Industry: 2/2 (+1) Agriculture: 4/4 Infrastructure: 4/4 Transportation: 2/2 Culture: 0/1 (-1) Police: 4/5 Army: 4/6 (-1) Navy: 1/1 Air Force: 1/1 Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 Healthcare: 3/3 Yearly Credits Free Credits: 1 Credit Income: 39 Debt Credits: 8.5 (5% interest)
I support the budget proposed by Marcelino Domingo I want to see better police funding, and once the economy of Spain grows funding returned to culture, but this is an acceptable compromise for now.
(OOC: Is this okay? Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.) Ángel Herrera Oria National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action In the name of God, the merciful the compassionate, Since the establishment of the Second Republic, I have watched with dread at the slow washing away of culture and tradition. With misguided hands, our leaders have enacted reform after reform. Although well-meaning their actions have made the country vulnerable to the assault of the left. Communism threatens to undermine us. These actions have worn thin upon our people and now they cry out for us to return to the days of old. I am humbled by the suffering endured by so many for so long. It is of the utmost importance that the position of the Church be defended in this new age. Although some would seek to paint Catholicism as the cause of our society's ills, I instead see it as a solution. The Church is an essential aspect of both the family and community. As long as the Church remains strong so shall Spain. We must affirm and defend the principles of Christian society. My appeal to all sides is this: Let reason and understanding prevail.
Gil-Robles is available if you want to run the National Action Party
Rakovsky could just change it so that this guy runs the party really
NEXT TURN IS DUE THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, AT 11 PM EST EARLY 1935 LEGISLATIVE NEWS Martial Law Act: In the wake of the previous Prime Minister's abuse of this power as well as fears of the military, this act passes with the support of the governing coalition. Tourist Trap Act: This act fails without the support of any other member of the governing coalition, paying off the country's debt being regarded as more important than improving the rather small Mallorcan economy. People's Budget and Albornoz Budget and Domingo Budget: The Domingo budget is ultimately agreed upon thanks to support from the major centrist faction of the ruling government. The increase in heavy manufacturing results in the first profits coming from Aereas Espanolas. Local Power Act: The current ruling coalition's need for the support of the regionalist party bloc forces them to accept this and pass it. The local governments immediately begin to make use of it. DOMESTIC NEWS Bombing! Civil guard outposts in Catalonia are bombed, 12 people are dead as a result. The FAI is suspected. The new government's formation shakes the confidence of many people in the center. They are unsure what to make of the Futuristics' intransigence in forming a coalition with the right, as well as the Radical Republicans' willingness to join with the left. Some right-leaning centrists begin to look to CEDA for guidance. The police begin to arrest known members of the FAI, but find difficult since their membership is secret. Nevertheless many are found, including some in the Catalan Generalitat. The Marine Guard continue to be trained as the Spanish navy engages in training exercises with the French. CNT-FAI militias in Catalonia begin to train and drill in military tactics. Observers report officials with Russian accents aiding in many of these activities. The CNT-FAI is able to position themselves as the only hope against rampant government persecution in Catalonia. They further collectivize areas they control, winning more peasants over to their side. Many CNT-FAI aligned cities are becoming increasingly fortified. Anarchist and socialist groups in Galicia and Navarra begin to form militias, but support for them in these regions is limited. The Instituto Futuristico is established in rural Extremadura, one of the poorest regions of the country. No expense is spared in hiring some of the best teacher's in the country. Lessons are taught using the Montessori method. The Air Force continues to recruit paratroopers. Futuristic rallies are held with free food being given out. In many areas speeches by a figure in a black balaclava, claiming to be Cicero, are given. These are held all over the country, some very close to each other, with many wondering how Cicero is able to get from place to place. His speeches stress the need to live in a country that isn't at war between left and right, and to build a better future for the children of Spain. A number of Cicero's speeches are broadcast regularly by radio, to reach the people who cannot or will not attend the rallies. Leni Riefenstahl, a German filmmaker, films a Futuristic event with an incredibly gravelly-voiced Cicero. She puts the footage together in a piece called "Triumph of the Future", which brings acclaim from even apolitical foreigners and film critics. While all these speeches are compelling, many people are still confused with what exactly the Futuristics want - do they refuse to work within the democratic system? Carlist militias gather more people in the conservative regions of the country who are angry at the rise of another center-left government. They also begin a number of social initiatives working through the churches which win over many of the peasants. El Socialista begins printing free weekly editions, and distributing them throughout the country. José Antonio Primo de Rivera, leader of the Falange, is recognized as leader of Fascist thought in Spain. He ends the previous policy of land reform, angering many of the peasants but earning the gratitude of Castillian aristocrats and business owners. Manuel Rodriguez establishes a number of public schools and libraries in areas without easy access to them, primarily the inner city and rural areas. He also seeks to increase literacy among adults with night school classes. He founds Accion Antifascista, a nonviolent organization which is opposed to the Blueshirts activities in Catalonia as well as violent excesses by the police. Though many far-leftists in Catalonia find this organization naive, people in the rest of the country find the message reassuring. Franco is removed from his post as head of the military. A number of protests by the PRRS are held in support of the resistance in Catalonia to police oppression, but some in the left now view this as the government's unwillingness to get truly involved. They don't see why a government ruled by the leftists can't order the police to stand down. Cardinal Pedro Segura y Sáenz, one of the most powerful Catholic officials in Spain, denounces the leftist government as well as the entire Republican project. He expresses support for the political goals of Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma. Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma visits a number of churches throughout the country, protected by an entourage of bodyguards. The UGT begins to create workers' collectives, often utilizing loans or other government benefits from the Ministry of Labor. They also expand their social programs, specifically directed towards taking care of their members with children. They also centralize activities and work with the National Labor Pool to provide workers where they are most needed. Many in the labor pool - applicants and administrators - become members of the UGT. Militias continue to be trained. Ángel Herrera Oria takes over as leader of National Action as the mysterious comas that seem to affect rightist political figures claim another victim. Another anonymous pamphlet begin to circulate around the country: Cervantes posted:Our esteemed Admiral of the Oceans has weighed in stressing his support of democracy, and with great dudgeon takes the Duke of Parma to task for daring a criticism of his blessed Republic or the current government of said Republic. Well, I suppose that if one takes a salary, it would be ingratitude to attack one's masters, so it wouldn't do to be too hard on him. After all, one has to make a living somehow. It's especially true in these days, with so many people unemployed. Ah, but we're told, the government is getting the employment problem under control! And it's true. No matter what your views, be they Fascist, Carlist, Liberal, Marxist, Anarchist, what have you, the militia of your choice is hiring. We can thank this Government for their wise employment programme. FOREIGN NEWS Adolf Hitler is declared Führer of Germany, becoming both head of government and head of state. The Wehrmacht swears an oath of personal loyalty to the new leader. quote:
To answer a question from earlier, overfunding something makes improvement in that field A LOT easier.
Diego Abad de Santillan Federación Anarquista Ibérica Confederación Nacional del Trabajo The Civil Guard and the National Police continue their campaign of terror against the people of Catalonia. They brazenly arrest anarchists whose only crime is belonging to a labor union, they continue to kidnap leftists in the night, and they continue to antagonize and oppress the Catalan people. No more! We hereby call upon the government to take their police where they are welcome! We call for the immediate dismissal of General Sanjurjo! It has become increasingly clear to me that the Police and Civil Guard want nothing less than blood in the streets, and if this is what they want, then we Catalans will give it to them!
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata member of CEDA Anarchists and socialists are attacking people openly in the streets, demolishing property, kidnapping citizens, bombing government buildings, and your response is to call for removal of the chief of police who tries his utmost to reign in the violence? People like you disgust me. You have no respect of the rights and wishes of others, just your own demented agenda.
Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action I am afraid I must agree with my colleague, Melquíades. With all due respect, your call to arms is motivated by little more than self-interest and lunacy. How can we fight these anarchistic ruffians without people like General Sanjurjo? What you suggest will lead Spain and her people down the road to ruin. I weep for the innocents tainted by these acts of violence. What we need now is a crackdown on these brutes threatening the public order. This has gone on long enough.
Juan Peligro Helado Leader of the Partido Regionalista de Mallorca Well I, Juan Peligro Helado, hope you are happy. Why would I wish happiness upon the very body who rejected the most ingenious Tourist Trap Act? The reason is simple; I have come to the conclusion that you hate children and want them to cry, because this is what you have done to Mallorca's children. We promised them Sundae Sundays, but because you have failed to deliver, they are now cry. Every single one of them. Can you even imagine how loud it is to have every child on Mallorca cry? I assure you it is very loud. Because it is so loud none of the Mallorcan people have gotten any sleep for three days. You, in your infinite wisdom, have cursed the great island of Mallorca to suffer eternal waking. What's more, with all the infernal noise created by the children, no tourist wants to visit Mallorca, because they are reminded of their own In summation, you have ruined Spain's greatest resource; the tropical beauty of the great isle of Mallorca.
Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action What good is government if she does not respond to the needs of her people? I ask those present here today to ask any outsider about the current crisis. This is what they will tell you: Peace cannot be served by refusing to recognize the existence of one’s neighbor, by perpetuating a climate of fear and insecurity, nor can peace be progressed by such practices as abduction and intimidation. Each man, woman and child is bestowed upon by God inherent dignity. When that dignity is trampled for any reason, all the world suffers. It is with grave concern that we have noted the escalation of violence in Catalonia over the last few days. National Action firmly and unconditionally condemns all forms of terrorism, regardless of motivation. It is with this that we insist the government take firm action against such unjustifiable acts and their perpetrators. Refusing to do so will only solidify a culture of violence, one that not only disregards the principles upheld by the public but that of Christian society as a whole. Spain has a duty to defend her citizens from such deplorable activities. Action must be taken against the FAI should they be proven guilty. Peace and security is paramount. My brothers and sisters, my plea is this: Let justice prevail. Do not listen to the words of those like Diego Abad de Santillan for he only seeks to confuse and antagonize. There must be retribution for such a blatant disregard for the law. Spain will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it is only because we destroyed ourselves.
Francisco Largo Caballero Minister Of Labour Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party General Union of Workers I could not agree with you more Sr Oria. I call for the immeadiate removal of General Sanjurjo from his position as head of the Civil Guard. The recent violent excesses in Catalonia are to be blamed on your severe mismanagement of the situation and of the Civil Guard itself. As Sr Oria puts it “There must be retribution for such a blatant disregard for the law.”
José Antonio Aguirre Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco Minsiter of Public Works Once more, we see only the extremes. Either fully put blame on the National Guard and fire their leader in this perniculous moment, or ignore the clear sign of popular support the CNT has, and the suspicion towards the National Guard, and simply go in truncheon's swinging, as if this is a way to obtain justice. Peace. We must have peace first. As long as there is fighting, there will be no justice. Will a Catalunyan testify that another Catalunyan has commited violence, if he feels that they are in the middle of a defence against a foreign aggressor? Again I say, remember that for the people of Catalaonia, armed men from Madrid usually means they are there to oppress you. But this is the Republic, this is not how we work. On the other hand, this government is the one chosen by the people of the Republic, and we cannot have armed bands ignore the law, and the rights of its citizens, no matter whose ideology they follow. I propose a withdrawal of the National Guard from all areas where violence is highest. And a negotiation with leaders of the CNT, and even the FAI. Listen to them and see what grievances they have, and what would be needed for them to work once more in harmony with the rest of the Republic. Efforts are being made to improve the lives of all in Spain, but the Catalunyans enjoy this the least, and this is something they do not want, and we do not want. I am convinced that common ground can be found.
300x446 José Antonio Aguirre Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco Minsiter of Public Works All right. I have spoken with representatives from the Catalan uprising. We cannot keep dawdling on this. This government does clearly NOT wish to strike what is happening downthere with force, for which I am glad. But just because we choose the path of diplomacy does not mean we must not be resolute and decisive. here is what I propose. 1: The National Guard will withdraw out of Catalonia. 2: Non Catalan Police force will withdraw from Catalonia. Catalan Police officers will remain to oversee order and train more, under the auspices of the Generalitat. 3: This is no slight against either Director Mola or General Sanjurjo. They will remain in their station. 4: As soon as this withdrawal is complete, the Militias will 5: A vote will be held for the Generalitat of Catalunya, with observers from all parties there, but no police intrustion. We might also request observers from the Leage of Nations. 6: If the Catalunyan people make it their clear wish to sail a more leftist course than the rest, unwise as I personally find it as centrist, it is their right. 7: Those Catalunyans of wealth that would find the situation their untenable, would be allowed to leave with all possessions that might be moved unmolested. Proper restitution for lands is something that might be done. 8: Should the Catalunyan people refuse the Anarchsitic ways, in this election or later ones, the FAI will accept this, and seek peaceful re-election. 9: General Amnesty. For everyone involved. Yes, some murders will go unavenged. But I rather save the victims of tomorrow and avenge the victims of yesterday. There might be flaws in this. This is something to start from at least. If somethings are unacceptable to other groups, that can be settled. Let us talk of this. Let us talk like men, rather than simply hope this problem goes away. For I understand the frustration of the General and the Director. We criticize them for the use of force, but we, who use words and diplomacy, have not done so adequately.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy Well the terrible Martial Law Act, which doesn't address or effect Martial Law at all and instead makes being an effective/working Admiral or General impossible, has passed. Can this be repealed so that I can walk from one end of my ship to another without an unanimous vote from the Cortes please? Or if we are to keep it, why nto just disband the entire armed forces if none of them are allowed to move from their place without such a vote? May I remind this Parliament that it was the unilateral action of the Navy and Air Force that saved this Republic from disaster last year - action that would be impossible under the current moronic legislation! In other news we have a peace accord with the Catalans, but one that seems rather... problematic - most notably provision 7: "7: Those Catalunyans of wealth that would find the situation their untenable, would be allowed to leave with all possessions that might be moved unmolested. Proper restitution for lands taken can be done". Who, pray tell, is going to repay the those Catalans who have had their land confiscated by the Anarchists? The Anarchists certainty can't afford to do so, and won't. This Republican Government undoubtedly would have a hard time agreeing to cut the budget so as to pay for actions that this Republic has neither approved nor taken part in. Do they expect a government filled to the brim with idealistic socialists and Marxists to re-compensate them with nationalized and/or public land elsewhere in Spain? Where is this restitution to come from if the FAI is allowed to keep the land they've taken?
Francisco Largo Caballero Minister Of Labour Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party General Union of Workers I still believe General Sanjurjo is incompetent. If we had someone fit to lead the Civil Guard in place at the time, those protesters and the Minister Marcelino Domingo would not have been shot at for no discernible reason. However, I shall recall my request for the General's dismissal, for now. Sr Aguirre, I heartedly endorse your plan for promoting peace in the Catalonia. I hope it is successful in its endeavour.
Shogeton posted:
José Antonio Primo de Rivera 1: Pull everyone in opposition to the CNT-FAI out of Catalonia. 2: Ask the CNT-FAI nicely to disband their militias without any way of enforcing this. 3: Hold elections. 4: If it so happens that the movement that is violently occupying the region wins, then that is the will of the people as freely expressed. It is unbecoming of a minister to so publicly bend over for the Anarchists.
[quote="Shogeton"] 300x446 José Antonio Aguirre Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco Minsiter of Public Works I thank you for your support Minister Caballero, but I must insist that we focus now. Peace in Catalunya is more important than discussing General Sanjuro at this moment. I thank the good admiral for his input. And he has a fair point. My initial proposal does not address this. However, it creates a very bad precedent if people can be disowned of large pieces of land without even the slightest recompense. I have no particular love for the aristocracy. Many of them are Castillians that rule over people whose language they hardly speak. But we still have private property in this country, and some respect for it should be shown. Not to mention this would create more unrest. So I would propose that this Cortes, despite its reddish colour, look past ideology for a moment, and see fit to discuss a certain amount of recompense. Not done in one sum of course, as that would break our budget, but over the years. Hm, that or, and now I am simply, thinking out loud. We appropriate land from other aristocrats to give to the disowned ones. It should already be arranged in Latifundia. Of course, it doesn't remove the problem of restitutions entirely. Just divides it over more people, and gives the displaced aristocrats some lands. And something to lose, should they decide to move against the Republic. But if we leave them fully landless, they might decide they have little to lose.
Shogeton posted:
195x320 Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action While well-meaning, this proposal only sets forth a precedent in which Spain can be held hostage by any hostile organization. Give them a yard and they will take a mile. I am sympathetic to their grievances but this behavior is unacceptable. National Action will not support amnesty for everyone involved. No, we cannot bend so easily to the whims of anarchists. It will lead Spain down the road to ruin. I am presently working on a number of proposals that will hopefully prevent this situation from ever occurring again. One of these includes the establishment of an internal intelligence agency. I also agree that the Martial Law needs to be repealed.
300x446 José Antonio Aguirre Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco Minsiter of Public Works I thank you for your oppinions, even if they disagree. It is good to know where we all stand in the solution to this problem. I will leave this open for discussion for now, as I tend to actual responsibilities of my office. In the meantime, I'd like to stress that the Generalitat of Catalonia would remain beholden to the Constitution and Laws of the Republic of course. If a Catalonian wishes to espouse capitalism, fascism or, if he must, Carlism, he must be free to do so.
Shogeton posted:
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy You can not say they are to be held to the Constitution, whilst simultaneously allowing them to violate its articles with regards to private property rights and/or civil rights.
Alvaro de Albornoz And of course the military is going to complain about an act that doesn't stop them from doing anything other than being deployed against Spanish citizens without the consent of the parliament. Hopefully none of the parliament are dumb enough to actually buy that an act which they all read and voted on does something other than what it says. If this was really restricting the Navy from doing anything, why has the Navy never had to ask Parliament for a vote of approval for any of their actions? Because the Martial Law Act is not stopping them from doing anything. I was going to propose cuts to Education thanks to the academies springing up everywhere but clearly if our government is so easily bamboozled we need all of the education we can get. Moving on to actual issues. We see how the increased spending on infrastructure (which was only added to the budget based on my demands) has actually led to the Areas Espanola turning a profit for the first time ever. Stunning. Additionally, is it not very peculiar that the more we cut the police budget the worse our society gets in terms of lawlessness and assassination attempts. If only there were an obvious solution. Oh wait. We use the money from our improved industry to fully fund the police. Proposed Budget 28% tax on high income (28) 15% tax on middle income (9) 5% tax on low income (1) Other Income: Nationalized Mines (0) Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1) Aereas Espanola (1) Light Industry: 3/3 Heavy Industry: 2/2 Agriculture: 4/4 Infrastructure: 4/4 Transportation: 2/2 Culture: 0/1 Police: 5/5 (+1) Army: 4/6 Navy: 1/1 Air Force: 1/1 Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 Healthcare: 3/3 Yearly Credits Free Credits: 2 Credit Income: 40 Debt Credits: 7 (5% interest)
Cervantes posted:Meanwhile, National Action, the party that won the most seats in Parliament, is nowhere to be seen on the Government benches. The Futurists, the fifth largest party, or Traditional Communition, the sixth? Mysteriously absent. But the Federation of Galician Republicans, all five of them in the Legislature, can be proud that one of their number commands the Interior Ministry. I, Alvaro de Albornzo, hereby issue an open invitation to the above mentioned parties to nominate a better candidate for the Minister of the Interior. I would also invite any of those parties who wish to take part in the governing of Spain to seek a place in the active government. Sitting on the sidelines and shouting jeers is for the stadiums.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy SlothBear posted:Alvaro de Albornoz Deployment: Moving from one area to another for an operation. If a force must be moved in order to do anything - like leave a dock or airfield then this would also count as said force being deployed. Inside the borders of Spain: All of Spain as well as our maritime territories and the waters around/connecting them. Must be approved: A vote must be held before any such action is taken. By a unanimous vote: All members voting must be in the affirmative. Any deployment of the armed forces inside the borders of Spain must be approved by a unanimous vote of the cabinet and a majority of parliament: No armed forces may operate in Spain, the maritime territories, or the waters around/connecting them without a vote being held in which all the voters agree that it would be a good idea first. What this bill doesn't do: Have any effect on the rules pertaining to Martial Law as such a thing is set and codified in the Constitution and can not be altered unless done as an amendment to said Constitution. In addition Martial Law is far more than a 'deployment of armed forces in Spain' and so this Act does not actually address Martial Law. You are very very wrong and need to learn how to read and write before you decide to try your hand at bills.
Alvaro de Albornoz Yes, you are correct. Clearly new legislation is called for. I propose the Armed Forces Mental Health Act. All officers in any branch of the armed forces must be cleared by a mental health professional every year in order to assure that the stress of their job is not too much for them to handle. That should solve this problem. Now, moving on to an actual issue. There should be no compromise in Catalonia. We cannot let down the people in their moment of need. The FAI use tactics of terrorism and violence because we underfund our law enforcement and allow thugs to run roughshod. We shall simply dispatch an improved police force to curtail violence. If the FAI wish to have political influence legitimately, the door is open for that under the Minor Devolution Bills. That the people do not seem to support them tells me it would reprehensible to abandon the people to terrorism simply because these terrorists put a bit of effort into it. As the government our responsibility is to curtail violence and let the people of Catalonia be free and safe. Our actions should be limited to that. Better funding for the police and the special attention of the police commanders should accomplish this.
195x320 Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action SlothBear posted:I, Alvaro de Albornzo, hereby issue an open invitation to the above mentioned parties to nominate a better candidate for the Minister of the Interior. Frankly, I find the implication of these statements insulting. I have always sought to represent the values of the National Action party and govern to the best of my ability. SlothBear posted:Now, moving on to an actual issue. This, I can agree with. There can be no compromise. To do so would not only invalidate our government but abandon those very individuals we hold dear to the mob. It is the duty of the government to protect against hostile threat. More policing is required to preserve security. I propose these acts, however, in hopes of improving the stability of the Republic. A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act This act hereby lowers the voting age to 21 for all citizens of the Second Spanish Republic. It is our belief that the current crisis in Catalonia is one aspect of a larger agitation within Spanish society. Frustrated with their inability to participate in government, many youth have turned to the militias to make their voices heard. We need to redirect this sentiment into more constructive methods. The present restriction to only those older than 21 is, quite frankly, illogical. One is fully capable of making decisions on his own by age 21. I dare say many of those in the CEDA’s youth movement, Juventudes de Acción Popular, may be more articulate in their political beliefs than some others I have met. It is unfair to exclude these individuals from the political process. Furthermore, it would standardize us with other Western countries. The youth of Spain should know that National Action stands for their right of self-determination and extends a helpful hand to them. This generation has a rendezvous with destiny! The youth will lead Spain back along the path to Christ. An Act of Intelligence Using the British MI5 and American FBI as a basis, this act hereby establishes the Oficina de Inteligencia Interno, to investigate internal threats against the Republic and protect her citizenry. This independent nonpartisan agency will serve as the principle investigation arm in cases of the Republic in cases such as corruption, bribery, terrorism and espionage. This national agency will also work with local law enforcement agencies to improve policing methods and promote civility with the public at large. This agency shall be under the direct purview of the Minister of Justice of the Second Spanish Republic. The Director General of the Oficina de Inteligencia Interno will be appointed by the Prime Minister and confirmed by the Cortes Generales. I myself am not a military man so it is likely the wording of this proposal needs some tweaking. I do believe, at it's heart however, this concept is a good one. Spain needs specialized force to deal with matters such as these. I would also support the creation of an agency to confront foreign threats and improve our position abroad.
QuoProQuid posted:A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act I vote in favor. Even 21 is too old in my opinion, but a little bit at a time as the saying goes.
Manuel Fal Conde Leader of the Comunión Tradicionalista Member of CEDA With all this rabble rousing in the parliament, I hereby propose: In Defense of Property Act That the government shall not under any reason or ideological bent confiscate any and all property such as an individual's private property unless the person has forfeited their right by either death or conviction by our fair and impartial courts. It is a person's God given right to hold property and with this blatant disregard for anyone's ability to keep it with the threat of more nationalization and stealing from the anarchists. Instead, the state shall be used in it's capacity to protect property holders from this threat. It will lead to increase investor confidence and will allow better private initiative in Spain to occur. Foreign capital will be able to come into Spain due to the fact their investments will be safe and it will lead to a much more robust and developed economy. This does not mean we destroy unions, no, but we try to create an atmosphere friendly to foreign commerce. I do hope that both the Centrists who are liberal in the defense of property rights and the Catholics under the influence of Rerum Nevarrum can agree that the defense of private property is paramount to the safety of the Republic. We must have stability and the only way to gain it is to defend the right to hold property! I also vote to repeal the martial law act due to the fact the majority of parliament is Leftist bent and by their word, they can send troops to round up and execute anyone that does not follow their "revolutionary" program. I even would have opposed this if we had the majority in parliament because it is such a dangerous tool to use against our military and ultimately our people. I oppose the Armed Forces Mental Health Act despite it appearing to be a joke. The Cortes is not a place to make light since we here are deciding the path that Spain shall take. The Admiral and I may disagree on a lot of things but he does raise an important point.
Marcelino Domingo Minister of War and Agriculture Radical Socialist Republican Party 210x261 I also endorse Sr. Aguirre's plan for resolving the Catalonian Question. The police have neither the strength nor moral fortitude to prevent a bloodbath. The FAI has only gained its strength because our government has refused to move fast enough in breaking up the latifundios and improving the lot of the peasant. To solve this I propose the Land Nationalization Act which authorizes the agriculture ministry to nationalize land with compensation and begin paying compensation to landowners whose land has been seized. To make this effective I propose the following budget: Domingo Budget Taxation: 29% tax on high income (29) +1% 15% tax on middle income (9) 5% tax on low income (1) Other Income: Nationalized Mines (0) Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1) Aereas Espanola (1) Light Industry: 3/3 Heavy Industry: 2/2 Agriculture: 5/4 (+1) Infrastructure: 4/4 Transportation: 2/2 Culture: 0/1 Police: 4/5 Army: 5/6 (+1) Navy: 1/1 Air Force: 1/1 Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 Healthcare: 3/3 Yearly Credits Free Credits: 1 Credit Income: 40 Debt Credits: 7 (5% interest) Further my internal investigation into the military has corroborated the allegations of Sr. Serrano. I will await the Justice Minister's investigation before laying any formal criminal accusations but there is clear evidence that the composition of the officer corps has been compromised in order to exclude leftists. I seek to increase military funding in order to revitalize the officer corps on a more representative basis. In order to further help resolve the Catalonian conflict I repropose with changes, Caballero's Grand-Scale Devolution Act Any region that wants too can request devolved powers just like the three previously devolved regions. This will be the right for any region in Spain, central or outer. Unless otherwise stated, any request will automatically lead to devolution. In addition autonomous regions have the right to raise their own police and militia forces subordinate to the Interior and War Ministries respectively, and their own legislatures. I also vote in favor of the A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act. I was surprised that National Action would vote for this after voting down the last attempt to lower the voting age. Finally as Minister of War I politely request that the Fleet Admiral stop railing against the Martial Law Act. Deployment in a military sense has always included the connotation of a combat mission. If the police attempt to arrest you for walking from one side of your ship to the other, I have no doubts that that the courts will rule in your favor. If they don't I'll owe you a formal apology. I would also like all those concerned over private property to note that our constitution considers private property subordinate to the public good. Latifundios were a detriment to our economy as a whole, and I find the land reform enacted by the CNT-FAI to be far more patriotic than the ruthless intransigence of the landlords. My proposed land reform measures will bring those acts of collectivization within the law by compensating the landlords as our constitution requires. Further I vote against An Act of Intelligence (I see what you did there).
200x267 General José Sanjurjo El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil I am disheartened to hear that our Cortes is planning on giving a pardon to the murderers and assassins of the FAI. Need I remind you I have two FAI safehouses full of evidence. Bombmaking materials and plans for the truck bombings on the Futuristic Headquarters of the esteemed Minister De Los Rios. I must confess the Leftist disappearances were my confidential informants, cruelly kidnapped and murdered in the night by the bloodthirsty FAI dogs. These men cooperated with the Civil Guard in an effort to halt the violence of their comrades and they were repaid by their FAI comrades with a bullet in the back of the head and a shallow grave. I give my condolences to their families and demand that the FAI compensate them for their loss. I have been begging for additional funding to combat the violence in Catalonia since it began! And yet, my pleas are ignored by the Cortes! Now, we have these leftist armchair Generals who complain at every turn. If I arrest these FAI murderers, I am accused of persecuting them! But if I don't arrest anyone and the violence continues, I am accused of allowing the violence to continue! No matter what action I take, I will never make these braying Leftist whelps happy! Even if I arrested every murderer in Spain they would complain that my men made the handcuffs too tight or that the cell was not big enough! I hope that the people of Spain can see what these men are so blinded by hatred and rhetoric they cannot even comprehend simple logic!
Canasta_Nasty posted:The police have neither the strength nor moral fortitude to prevent a bloodbath. Alvaro de Albornoz And if you have your way they never will. People of common sense regardless of your political party, vote for my budget, fund the police, and let us restore peace and order to Catalonia.
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (25 seats) a member of CEDA I had enough of this nonsense. I move to hold a vote of no-confidence.