Alejandro Lerroux Radical Republican Party The eyes of Spain have been upon me and my party. With the votes and seats of parliament divided as they are, the center has become more important than ever. The direction that we lean is the direction in which Spain turns. Both the left and the right have given me generous coalition offers, and it has been no easy task choosing between the two. On each side, there are those who I believe are reasonable and those that I believe are not. I have now decided that it is in our best interests to form a center-left coalition. Some of my conservative friends will no doubt be disappointed, but I have taken a long time to think this over and this is what I believe will serve Spain best. Do not think that I simply want to see more of the same by sticking with the left. It is clear that Spain needs to change its act and make some tough decisions if it wants to stay intact. And on most of these tough decisions, I believe that it is the left that has the best solutions. First and foremost, Catalonia is a terrible mess. As much as we can try, I do not believe that we can simply force it to stop being one. I very much support our police and law enforcement agencies, but it will take more than just their effort to restore order. A reasonable solution must be found. There are many socialist economic plans I disagree with, but there are many liberal economic plans which I disagree with as well. I don't think that we will end up with any plans that are too radical if I support the left, since the left does not have a majority on its own. In this area, I believe that we have the people and the tools to work together and create a good plan through agreement, cooperation, and compromise. While I may be joining with the left right now, everybody should know that I am not abandoning my centrist ideas. I simply believe that the left is the best option for my party to work with at this time. If the left proves itself unreasonable, or unbending in their ideals, then they will no longer be able to count on my support. What I want most out of government is reason and cooperation. Both the left and the right should keep this in mind.
OOC: So, as far as I know, that's: Radical Republican Party (67), Spanish Socialist Worker's Party (66), Radical Socialist Republican Party (57), Republican Left of Catalonia (24), Democratic Federal Republican Party (24) for a total of 238 seats; just a majority. Who shall be PM?
OOC: I hereby nominate the mummified corpse of Karl Marx!
PM should be from the party with the most seats. That would be the Radical Republicans, and therefore Lerroux.
Onésimo Redondo Ortega As the illegitimate republic gets ready to coronate its latest illegitimate dictator, and as this useless Cortes begin its pointless debates, we of the Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista has held secret talks with members of the Catalonian populations opposed to the CNT-FAI. As a result of these discussions, we have announced that we have formed an alliance with a new coalition of rightists, monarchists and centrist forces. This coalition, the "Catalan League", is the largest opposition group in Catalonia. Though we disagree with many of the policies of the Catalan League (they wish to end the collectivization of land conducted by the CNT-FAI for instance), they represent the legitimate will of the people of Catalonia. The Catalan League needs militiamen to liberate Catalonia, and we will help the Catalan League by sending in the Blueshirts. However, the Blueshirts will limit themselves only to training League militiamen, so that they are the ones who engage in fighting in Catalonia. José Antonio Aguirre is right; so long as Castillians go into Catalonia, there's going to be violence and misunderstanding. By helping the Catalonians fight their own war, we will limit political violence and kidnappings and hopefully bring this conflict to a quick close. Once we feel the League militiamen are fully trained, the Blueshirts will leave Catalonia, this time for good.
El Director, National Police El Director is sickened by the actions of the CNT-FAI, who the police forces have reason to believe are the main instigators of the political violence, primarily in Catalonia, but across Espana as well. Furthermore, evidence has been uncovered by a joint investigation by the Civil Guard (while El Director was convalescing) and the National Police, identifying the FAI as the perpetrators of the assassination attempt on El Director. This will not stand. El Director hereby declares the FAI a terrorist and criminal organization engaged in armed insurrection against the state. Association with these anarchist murderers is acceptance of their war against the government, and will be investigated*. As the National Police expect further attacks against the government from the FAI, El Director will offer to make protection details available to government officials and members of the Cortes who so request; and will urge the Guard to do the same. *We believe that the Blueshirts were well-intentioned, yet duped in their dealings with the FAI in negotiating a pull-out of Catalonia, and as such will not be investigating that. El Director is referring to future association only.
Manuel Rodriguez Partido Republicano Democrático Federal And so the fascists gather for the war council. The Blueshirts openly plot an assault into Catalonia, and the police declare war solely upon Catalonia's defenders against the fascist tide? A travesty. An abandonment of all justice for the sake of political expediency. That Emilio Mola would accuse any other of terrorism while condoning armed assaults on the population of Catalonia is a bitter irony. This effort reveals Mola for his true self - a puppet of fascists and reactionaries. I call upon the Cortes to censure and block this insane adventure of the rightist police and for immediate action against the open call to violence by the National-Syndicalists.
Diego Abad de Santillan Federación Anarquista Ibérica Confederación Nacional del Trabajo El Director now has authority to unilaterally declare an entire political organization a terrorist organization?
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (25 seats) a member of CEDA Five socialist parties. One opinion. One political stance. One intransigence. One complete disregard for the will of the people. See it and weep, fellow Spaniards, because this is what the left mistakes for plurality.
Onésimo Redondo OrtegaRogue0071 posted:
Early 1933 posted:A wave of politically-motivated crime breaks out in Catalonia, with many members of the Spanish financial elite being robbed or even kidnapped. Take a look at that sentence. How in the world is the wave of politically-motivated crime at all "defending against the fascist tide"? We weren't even there before this crime wave occured. I examined my records, and it appeared the Blueshirts arrived in Catalonia because of this wave of crime...the National Action ordered them in to protect the wealthy from these attacks. Of course, the Blueshirts then got involved in the quagmire with the CNT-FAI and started kidnapping random people as well...but that doesn't mean the CNT-FAI are innocent players. They threw the first stone. And you know what? You are right that justice is not actually occurring. That's because justice can't occur in the first place due to the CNT-FAI's implicit support of politically-motiviated violence. No CNT-FAI member has ever been tried for their actions in Catalonia...and I would have tolerated this had the CNT-FAI ensured peace in Late 1934 and did not launch its ill-conceived assassination plot on de los Rios. We aren't blameless. Members of the Civil Guard should be held accountable for their attempted assassination of Marcelino Domingo. Blueshirts who kidnapped people should be asked to explain why they did so. But you can't have any justice without peace and you cannot have any peace so long as the CNT-FAI continue to exist, able to conduct crimes and assassinations without impunity. They started the war, and when we reached peace, they were unable to rein it in. For the sake of peace, we have to remove this element from Spanish society. Rouge0071 posted:I call upon the Cortes to censure and block this insane adventure of the rightist police and for immediate action against the open call to violence by the National-Syndicalists. Block, however? To do that require force...either the use of the Franco Army or the UGT militia. That means more bloodshed, and the possible escalation of the war in Catalonia...or even making the war more generalized. Manuel Rodriguez, if you want to avoid a civil war, then deal with the CNT-FAI instead of sheltering them.
It is not the CNT-FAI that is calling for civil war, Mr. Ortega, but rather you and your fascists. Your call to send armed paramilitaries into Catalonia is nothing less than a call for violent action against its people. You are correct when you say an accounting must be made of actions in Catalonia by the CNT-FAI and by the reactionaries and fascists. This is not, however, what you have propose. You call for the assignation of blame and "retaliatory" violence before the proper methods of trial and investigation have been conducted - before anything more than circumstantial evidence has been gathered. To whit the only thing the CNT-FAI has been convicted of is throwing your militias and paramilitaries out of their first assault on Catalonia. It is not the CNT-FAI that threatens publicly to march into Catalonia and gun down its populace. It is the Blueshirts who do so. To accuse the CNT-FAI of wishing a civil war is the height of hypocrisy when you proclaim your intent to initiate one on the floor of the Cortes.
El Director The leftists show their true colors now. Sr. Rodriguez has no interest in peace. He proclaims the CNT-FAI as saviors and "defenders" for their assassination attempts against the chief of police, and a minister of state, as well as betraying their promise to stand down in Catalonia. How many more car-bombs and assassination attempts will they make, if left unchecked? Will you defend those too Sr. Rodriguez? Have you thrown your lot in with these terrorists?
General José Sanjurjo El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil The Civil Guard and the Police condemn the movement of the blue shirts back into Catalonia. Violent militias are not the means to peace! Minister Rodriguez I understand you have a hatred and distrust of the Police and Civil Guard but are you truly so out of touch that you are defending the CNT-FAI in the wake of their attempted assassination of Minister De Los Rios? Need I remind you they are also most likely behind the attack on Director Mola, according to my intelligence. We cannot have this violence continue which is why we are attempting to stop it now once and for all. We are going to go after the FAI leader, who is in hiding. I urge all CNT members to cooperate and give up any and all FAI terrorists who may be hiding in their midst. If you attempt to obstruct the investigation you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! We will arrest anyone responsible for violence, regardless of affiliation!!!
You are falsely quoting me, Mr. Mola. I have never called the CNT-FAI "saviors". Furthermore, my reference to them as "defenders" was solely in the context of the fascist assault on Catalonia that Mr. Ortega has proposed - they alone would stand in the way of the fascists, as your office has apparently abrogated its duties to the people of Catalonia. I do not wish for this situation to be the case, rather I would infinitely prefer that the police intervene instead. Given your inactivity in responding to this open call for violent, criminal action - I reverse your question - how many more extrajudicial killings will you authorize or tolerate? How many fascist militias will you let roam the street, ransacking and killing as they go? I make my comments not for the sake of excusing the FAI of its alleged crimes or to deify it - and I admit that my earlier reference to them, although you have taken it entirely out of context, was a very poor turn of phrase and I retract it. I do not believe that the FAI are presently defending Catalonia - rather, I meant to condemn the failure of the police to do so and spoke poorly. I do not support the FAI above the law in any way. I call for nothing more than justice - equality under the law. Surely, Mr. Mola, you cannot possibly justify an extrajudicial assault on the FAI for crimes they have not been convicted of committing? If you have evidence that it is indeed guilty of the crimes you cite, then bring it to the courts - where it belongs - and follow the procedures of the Republic. For we are indeed a Republic - not a fascist dictatorship, however much Mr. Ortega might yearn! I urge you to recall this as you order extrajudicial killings and look aside as the Blueshirts plot to assault Catalonia. I commend General Sanjurjo on his prompt condemnation of this plot and support his call for peace and a proper judicial response and accounting of the violence.
Onésimo Redondo Ortega After a private consultations with the secretaries of Manuel Rodriguez and the recent statements by General José Sanjurjo, I cancel the planned movement of Blueshirts into Catalonia. The Catalan League will now have to train their militiamen by themselves. I do have hope that the Police ends up succeeding in crushing the FAI menace. The Blueshirts lieutenants are not as optimistic.
Rogue0071 posted:You are falsely quoting me, Mr. Mola. I have never called the CNT-FAI "saviors". Furthermore, my reference to them as "defenders" was solely in the context of the fascist assault on Catalonia that Mr. Ortega has proposed - they alone would stand in the way of the fascists, as your office has apparently abrogated its duties to the people of Catalonia. I do not wish for this situation to be the case, rather I would infinitely prefer that the police intervene instead. Given your inactivity in responding to this open call for violent, criminal action - I reverse your question - how many more extrajudicial killings will you authorize or tolerate? How many fascist militias will you let roam the street, ransacking and killing as they go? What are you talking about? El Director ordered a surge of police into Catalonia, which has helped stem some of the violence, though not all of it. Perhaps you should actually pay attention to what is happening before spewing rhetoric. Furthermore, why do you say "extrajudicial killings"; El Director has authorized no such thing, and none have happened. Do you think you can simply make up these things at random? And how do you expect these terrorists to be brought before the courts without being arrested first? Even a child understands this. Nothing will satisfy you it seems. The police try to keep the peace in Catalonia, you praise the FAI as "defenders" for fighting opposing political parties in the street. The police seek to arrest criminals, you call us fascists, and in the same breath praise the Guard for doing the exact same thing we are doing -- announcing plans to arrest those committing violent acts against the state and the people. And you have the gall to call El Director a hypocrite. Sir, perhaps you need a mirror.
Diplomaticus posted:What are you talking about? El Director ordered a surge of police into Catalonia, which has helped stem some of the violence, though not all of it. Perhaps you should actually pay attention to what is happening before spewing rhetoric. Furthermore, why do you say "extrajudicial killings"; El Director has authorized no such thing, and none have happened. Do you think you can simply make up these things at random? And how do you expect these terrorists to be brought before the courts without being arrested first? Even a child understands this. Sir, I refer, of course, to the openly proclaimed calls for a Blueshirt assault on Catalonia - thankfully now retracted, after an extensive conversation with Mr. Ortega and General Sanjurjo (who deserves the entirety of the credit for this). Mr. Mola entirely ignored this pronouncement of intent to launch a violent criminal attack on the region - and it is that to which I protested. The extrajudicial killings I refer to are those previously committed by the Blueshirts while they occupied the region and would undoubtedly occur again if Mr. Mola had allowed them to do so again. My remarks had a far greater grounding in reality than Mr. Mola's questions posed to myself. I do not expect trial before arrest, but rather the following of our laws. It is not the place of the police to allow a fascist attack on the FAI and Catalonia simply because members of the FAI are accused of crimes. If Mr. Mola had true interest in maintaining the peace he would have taken prompt action to halt the fascist plot to assault Catalonia. I contrast his conduct with that of General Sanjurjo. To his credit, the General immediately condemned the proposal and was instrumental in securing its halt. The conduct of General Sanjurjo was exemplary and entirely in keeping with the expectations of his office. I praise the Guard not for "the same plan" but rather an entirely different one - one in which the Blueshirts are not permitted to storm Catalonia and one in which the rule of law is respected, rather than cast aside for political expediency. With regards to your accusations against me I refer to my previous comments. I made an error in phrasing, and consequently altered my message beyond what I intended. I merely wished to call into question the apparent irony that Mr. Mola was denouncing the FAI at the same time that he would have left the people of Catalonia susceptible to fascist assault with only the same FAI before them. It was not my intent to praise the actions of the FAI, and I apologize for the confusion engendered by the poor choice of words.
Marcelino Domingo Radical Socialist Republican Party I must strongly oppose the bombastic approach of the El Director and Sr. Sanjurjo with regards to Catalonia, not simply because it resulted in me being shot. Although the law has been broken, treating the Catalonian question as a simple law enforcement matter is the path to Civil War. The CNT has the confidence of the Catalonian people precisely because it has broken the law to give peasants the land and the people a civil authority untainted by participation in the dictatorship's crimes. In order to restore justice we must first seek a political solution and address the basic reasons why the people of Catalonia have so thoroughly preferred the CNT to the Civil Guard. Let's be honest, when tens of thousands of workers are willing to arm themselves under the CNT banner they do not do so on a whim or the behest of a few "terrorists."
El Director Sr. Ortega can tell you, that El Director has warned him that his Blueshirts will be arrested if they are seen committing violence as well. Though El Director does not know the rationale behind their last minute decision to negotiate a withdrawal with the FAI, one hopes that the notice that the law will apply to his men as well had something to do with it. As for "allowing" the blueshirts into Catalonia, the Constitution verifies freedom of movement. The Blueshirts are allowed to enter Catalonia if they choose. What they cannot do is commit what is essentially warfare in the streets. Sr. Ortega was told this. His men withdrew from Catalonia under the auspices of a peaceful ...."cease-fire" is perhaps closest to the right word; however the FAI did not hold up their end of the bargain. You condemn the Blueshirts, but they have at least attempted to limit the bloodshed, while the FAI is actively waging a war. You speak of the police "assaulting" the people of Catalonia. This could not be further from the truth. There is no quarrel with those unaffiliated with the FAI. There is even no quarrel with those affiliated solely with the CNT but not the FAI. You are fearmongering sir, and no amount of backtracking can hide this.
Diplomaticus posted:El Director Mr. Mola, as I was in fact involved with the discussion which lead to an abandonment of the plot, I can say that it was directly related to the notice that the law would apply to his men - a notice sent by General Sanjurjo. The Constitution guarantees freedom of movement but not freedom to launch paramilitary attacks. The call was openly for an attack on Catalonia - by the "Catalan league" - nothing more than a facsimile for the Blueshirts. I question as to how a call for outright attack is an attempt to limit bloodshed! You again speak a falsehood about me, Mr. Mola. I have never once reference to a police assault on Catalonia but rather of the police under your direction ignoring the planned fascist assault on Catalonia. I have nothing to hide - and I am not fearmongering to point out what is boldly proclaimed in these very halls! It is not "fearmongering" to point to a fascist call to arms in the Cortes itself.
Rogue0071 posted:Mr. Mola, as I was in fact involved with the discussion which lead to an abandonment of the plot, I can say that it was directly related to the notice that the law would apply to his men - a notice sent by General Sanjurjo. You are speaking of the events that have occurred today. El Director is speaking of the events that occurred before this "Catalan league" was even announced (OOC: Last turn). Let us all be on the same page here.
OOC: It seems that I take a rather obessive view towards video games, so Ortega is going back into a coma (for my own sanity if anything)...but I do have one question though. What actually happens to people who got kidnapped inn Catalonia? I thought the kidnappings were to generate money: leftist and rightist goons were kidnapping people and then sending ransom letters demanding tons of cash for these people to be let go. Gorgo Primus on the other hand suggest people are being kidnapped to be killed off. Both ideas seem plausible, but if people were getting kidnapped to be brutally murdered...that'd probably lead to higher tensions. EDIT: IRC Reply: quote:23:07 rakovsky_maybe originally the left was kidnapping the wealthy and ransoming them for money/political statement. THEN when fighting broke out, members of the left and right started disappearing it is assumed that was just a tool of political aggression, most of them have not been returned
Diego Abad de Santillan Federación Anarquista Ibérica Confederación Nacional del Trabajo I will take this opportunity to release a statement: the FAI denies all responsibility in the attempted assassination of Minister de los Rios, and calls it out for what it truly is: a sloppy false-flag operation launched by the right as a pretext for aggression against the Catalan people. Not satisfied with this sloppy clandestine campaign, they now try to blame us for the assassination of Mola, providing absolutely no evidence of their charges. I call upon the Cortes, and, indeed, all of Spain, to look upon this for what it is: a naked attempt to violently suppress the Catalan people for the crime of daring to question the Madrid Consensus.
TURN IS DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 16 AT 11 PM EST LATE 1934 GOVERNMENT MINI-UPDATE The parties of the center have formed a coalition with the parties of the left. This coalition includes the: Radical Republican Party, Basque Nationalist Party, Mallorcan Regionalist Party, Democratic Federal Republican Party, Federation of Galician Republicans, Republican Left of Catalonia, Radical Socialist Republican Party, and Spanish Socialist Worker's Party. They control 251 seats in total. Seeing as this is a rather slim margin, dissent or disagreement among the Council of Ministers and party leaders has a very good chance of stopping bills. The current government is such: Prime Minister and Minister of Justice: Alejandro Lerroux/Radical Republican Party/Takanago Minister of State: Alvaro de Albornoz/Radical Republican Party/Slothbear Minister of the Interior: Santiago Casares Quiroga/Federation of Galician Republicans/Gowb Minister of Finance: Lluís Companys/Republican Left of Catalonia/Proposition Joe Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works: Manuel Rodriguez/Democratic Federal Republican Party/Rogue0071 Minister of Public Works: José Antonio Aguirre/Basque Nationalist Party/Shogeton Minister of War and Minister of Agriculture: Marcelino Domingo/Radical Socialist Republican Party/Canasta_Nasty Minister of Labor, and Trade and Industry: Francisco Largo Caballero/Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party/OscarDiggs Popularity: 53% Everyone can have until Monday to send in orders, argue about new legislation or a budget, start a civil war
Alvaro de Albornoz I propose the Martial Law Act Any deployment of the armed forces inside the borders of Spain must be approved by a unanimous vote of the cabinet and a majority of parliament.
SlothBear posted:Alvaro de Albornoz Lluís Companys I must agree with my fellow comrade here. The Republic of Spain should not be in the habit of oppressing its own citizens, but with the vile racist and power hungry right this law is a necessary one. The Republican Left of Catalonia supports the Martial Law Act.
SlothBear posted:Alvaro de Albornoz Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy Given that the requirements for declaring Martial Law are clearly stated in our constitution, would this change be constitutional? Furthermore the bill states 'armed forces', which includes the Navy and Air Force. Given that this bill doesn't even specify that it is dealing with martial law declarations in the actual text of it, could this not be construed as a bill blocking the deployment of the navy, air force, and army within our borders - which would include our maritime borders - thus preventing the Republican Navy from leaving port or the air force from doing patrols without a full vote of the cabinet? While I appreciate the intent of the bill after what happened last year, such a disaster was stopped by our constitution as is. If this were to pass as is I fear it would only prevent us from acting in any capacity in the event of invasion, rebellion, or civil war - thus handing precious time to those forces who would wish this Republic destroyed.
Fernando de los Ríos Some of you might have read on newspapers about a terrorist attack on the Futuristics headquarters and about how I was in the building at the time. Thankfully the truck bombs were located in the wrong side of the building and I've made out of that basically unscathed, very few people were at the building at the time so I can also inform you that there have been no deaths, only some injured people and a very hefty repair bill on the building. More importantly though is who the attack is blamed on, the FAI. While I can't vouch for their integrity as an organization as I know very little of their inner workings I can say that, knowing their ideology, their attack on me seems fishy. Why would they attack me? The radical left does not hold me in their good graces, I'm sure, but I'm also sure they hold others in an even more negative light, I also do not think finding a bunch of FAI reading material is a good enough proof that the perpetrators had any links whatsoever to the organization. I ask of you that a more thorough investigation be conducted upon the matter, it might be that the attempted murder of my person was indeed plotted by them, but I want definite answers.
Prince Francisco Javier de Borbón Parma y de Braganza Prince of the House of Bourbon-Parma, Regent of Spain, and Heir to the Throne An excerpt from a recent speech given by the prince, one of many along similar lines given during his tours of Spain and published in conservative and monarchist newspapers: It is truly a sad day when members of the Cortes will side with the leader of a terrorist organization over their own chief of police. Emilio Mola is among the most loyal defenders of the people of Spain, and yet he is persecuted by the socialist government for failing to subscribe to their radical views. How long will it be until this government decides to purge from the police and military all those who still believe in God, who are still loyal to their country and not to an international network of Communists? Already we have seen the beginnings of this process in the navy, with rigged elections designed to remove loyal Catholics and conservatives from their posts. Such is the nature of this Republic, however, when only the most radical leftists are allowed into government. I have heard Republicans claim that this system gives a voice to the people, but where is the voice of those who wish to stand up to the attacks of Communists, socialists, and anarchists against our homeland and against God and the Church? They are shut out and suppressed at every opportunity while known terrorists like the FAI - the very organization that evidence now suggests attempted to murder the chief of police in cold blood - are sheltered and protected by their allies in the Cortes. For how long can honest Spaniards allow this to continue? There is hope, however. The Communist and socialists may be vocal and powerful, but they are still a minority. Most Spaniards are honest Catholics, though many have no doubt been fooled into thinking the socialists are less of a threat than they truly are. You, the people of Spain, do not need a corrupt Republic to give you a voice. The socialists would have you believe that your only voice is your vote, and that afterwards you cannot speak as they dismantle the country around you. But they are wrong. Your voice is the will of the nation, and you must keep speaking, even as this illegitimate government tries to silence you.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy Open Letter reply to the so called 'Prince' Francisco Javier on his mad ramblings posted:
Juan Peligro Helado Leader of the Partido Regionalista de Mallorca I propose the Tourist Trap Act For the next three years, the Spanish government will spend 1 credit on tourism in Mallorca. This money would be used to enhance the already lovely beaches of Mallorca (which have sparkling blue waters and lovely white sands), as well as help start the ambitious "Sundae Sundays Plan." As part of the Sundae Sundays Plan, free ice cream would be given out to everyone on Mallorca every Sunday in an effort to attract ice cream loving tourists. Also, while I, Juan Peligro Helado, have your attention, perhaps you will indulge me and the people I represent and take some of these lovely pamphlets that outline just why Mallorca is the ideal vacationing spot for the whole family!
324x216 Manuel Rodriguez Partido Republicano Democrático Federal I propose the amended People's Budget, as a suggestion to the Finance Minister. Government Budget Taxation: 30% tax on high income (30) (+4) 15% tax on middle income (9) 5% tax on low income (1) (-1) Other Income: Nationalized Mines (0) Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1) Aereas Espanola (0) Light Industry: 2/3 (+1) Heavy Industry: 1/2 Agriculture: 4/4 Infrastructure: 4/4 Transportation: 2/2 Culture: 1/1 Police: 4/5 Army: 5/6 Navy: 2/1 (+1) Air Force: 1/1 Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 Environment: 0/1 Education: 5/4 (+1) Health care: 3/3 In addition, I propose the Literacy and Education Expansionary Reform (LEER) which would authorize the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Works to: 1. Establish public libraries in rural and inner urban areas which lack easy access to a public repository of literature. 2. Establish public schools in areas where children cannot access existent schools. 3. Open night, summer, or other remedial classes at public schools and universities for adults who require assistance in attaining proficiency in literacy. I vote against the Martial Law Act as, thought I support its intent, I believe it to conflict with the Constitutional requirement for declarations of martial law.
Icecream Jones posted:
You really want to know if Jones Danger Icecream is a real person's name?
Eh, I missed the Peligro part.
Could I join as a berber guerrilla leader in Spanish Morocco? Maybe an heir to Abd el-Krim.
Alvaro de Albornoz I don't have an issue with the increased tax on the rich or decreasing taxes to the poor, but spending money on a navy while underfunding the police in a time when nobody is safe due to terrorist assassinations is madness. I also do not think we need to keep funding the army to the extent we are. Industry and infrastructure is needed for Spain to progress. We cannot keep subsidizing agriculture, if we are giving the people land they must have the motivation to tend it on their own. The farmers of Spain have always found a way and they do not need Madrid holding their hands, with the lower taxes the poor farmers will be able to operate self sufficiently. I would like to spend more on culture and the environment, but we simply do not have the funds available. Here is a rough draft of a proposed budget, let us work together to fix it. Government Budget Taxation: 30% tax on high income (30) (+4) 15% tax on middle income (9) 5% tax on low income (1) (-1) Other Income: Nationalized Mines (0) Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1) Aereas Espanola (0) Light Industry: 3/3 (+2) Heavy Industry: 2/2 (+1) Agriculture: 3/4 (-1) Infrastructure: 5/4 (+1) Transportation: 2/2 Culture: 0/1 (-1) Police: 6/5 (+2) Army: 4/6 (-1) Navy: 1/1 Air Force: 1/1 Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 Health care: 3/3
rum sodomy the lash posted:Could I join as a berber guerrilla leader in Spanish Morocco? Maybe an heir to Abd el-Krim. Absolutely! Make up a name and I'll include you in the next update.
Letter to the papers It is with little surprise I see both republicans and the director of police blame the state of Spain today on CNT-FAI. The director wants to control our land for his own beliefs, and the Republic too cares only for their own power when they rush to condemn the actions of the working class. Voting is nothing compared to organization, and never will be. We will show you all how to deal with Fascism, with pick, seed and rifle. None are more important than the other, but we'll use them all till you're gone - even if we must do it in spite of the Republic! Anarchy and Solidarity, Buenaventura Durruti. ((Would I perhaps be allowed to enter as Buenaventura Durruti, anarchist guerilla and general live-wire? Otherwise this letter is just a one-off.))
Yeah, that's totally fine. Jeez, everyone wants to be rebels! We still need a leader for the conservative National Action, the largest party in Parliament. Both of you can send in a turn too, they're due today 11 PM EST.