It is incredibly important to engage in political campainginging. It's not like the Navy and Air Force is outright rebelling against the Prime Minister for dubious reasons, not like a civil war is going on in Catalonia...let's go ahead and talk about anonymous pamphlets and Morocco! Devolution is far more sexy a topic than blood on the streets! What is clear though is that none are "truly" loyal to this Second Spanish Republic. They may claim they do, but when the Republic's own leader wants them to do something, it's time to not obey it. "We have to disobey the Republic to save it!" The Republic has proven itself illegal, incompetent and impotent. This election, let's kill this beast. The Juntas will endorse Independent MP Candidates who agree with our views and have good moral characters. The Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista also decide to reluctantly endorse CEDA (though we only do so because the CTC itself has been established...we are reluctant to give up our independence to some larger entity unless it is absolutely needed and we still don't see CEDA as needed). We will also produce a platform of our own, because everyone prefer political platforms (and it will help us determine what Independents to endorse and what not). The Great And Awesome Political Platform of the Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista posted:Abolish the Second Spanish Republic, create a new Constitution that will take into account the interests of all legitimate political actors and be ratified by a popular referendum, and impose National Syndicalism as the basis of the economy of Spain. Our platform has the benefit of being at a very lean 86 words. The Futuristics' platform is 209 words, while the CTC's platform is 323 words long. There is also the secondary benefit that we plan on actually implementing this platform whenever possible, instead of keeping it as empty electoral slogans.
209x280 Indalecio Prieto Minister of Public Works As Minister of Public Works and member of the Cortes I hereby formally support Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios's blockade of Morocco and cast my vote to authorize the blockade. May Christ be with us all.
El Director wishes the admiral to clarify -- this is purely a naval blockade affecting military vessels only, and economic activity between Espana and Morocco will continue? El Director has no opinion on a restriction that keeps the Army in Morocco (other than that the continued uncertainty as to whether Martial Law will take effect or not is making it difficult to coordinate a police response in Catalonia); but El Director is quite concerned at the possible effect on the economy if economic vessels were kept in port -- such a thing could only further civil unrest in the mainland.
Manuel Fal Conde Leader of the Comunión Tradicionalista Member of CEDA What has been crying from the Center and Right for a while is now being answered by our absentee Prime Minister and that is the problems in Catalonia. If anything, martial law should had been declared earlier. The problems there is not something that can be lumped as being a left-wing fault as there are barricades raised where both the fascists and the anarchists are killing each other (Although, there has been attempts by the fascists to broker a ceasefire)! What is to be done about the Republican citizen there? Are we to ignore them just to use the blanket defense of protecting Leftists? Would the same have been said if the Central Madrid government declared the small peasant landowners kulaks which deserved to be liquidated as a class? What if they instituted the same things we are hearing about in the Ukraine with mass starvation? If there was a right wing peasant rebellion and martial law was declared in the region which Franco was sent to restore order. Will you, Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios or Luis Lombarte Serrano be so rash to stop him? I doubt it because of the actions that have defined the current government as of this moment. I, for one, am in support of weakening the central government, but we have gone too fast and it seems the only solutions in the Left is to instead weaken the government further than answer it. One cannot just ignore the problem, we need to answer it. Is the Republic so unable to address a crisis that the barricades need to be raised up everywhere else?
El Director, National Police Due to the uncertain status of whether Gen. Franco will be authorized to secure Catalonia, El Director is announcing a "surge" of police officers, who will temporarily be reassigned to Catalonia until the violence can be contained. As these officers come from other regions, they will be unhindered by personal connections to combatants on one side or another. Furthermore, El Director has relieved the chief of police in Catalonia from command pending an investigation into his inability to control the violence. He will be reinstated if it is simply a matter of the situation rapidly spiraling out of control, or outside influences attempting to destabilize the region. However, if he is found to have been complicit in furthering the violence, he will be replaced. In the meantime, the commander of the supplementary forces will take the role of acting chief of police in Catalonia.
(OOC: question. I've noticed the Basques party hasn't really posted an awful lot. Could I take over the guy, so the BAsques can try to get some more regional rights out of this whole thing)
Fernando de los Ríos Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works I would like to state my support for Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios's blockade on Morroco and call for an authorization of the blockade. These are trying times, my fellow Spaniards, I hope we pull through without too much bloodshed.
200x267 General José Sanjurjo El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil El Leon del Rif is sickened by the actions that General Serrano and Admiral Palacios have taken. This borders on treason! You are going to blockade the entire southern coast of Spain AND SEARCH EVERY SHIP THAT COMES ACROSS?! That is insanity! Now, we could have avoided this entire mess had we addressed the problem in Catalonia sooner, but instead we have the entire cabinet bickering this whole time over a few small issues then defecting from the government over the words of an anonymous man with boastful claims and head in the cloud ideals, and not a shred of proof or evidence to back up any of his accusations against the Prime Minister and General Franco? This is complete insanity! Have you people gone mad? What has power done to you? You have done little for the people you claim to serve and instead make grandstanding speeches while men beat each other to death in our streets in your names!! I appeal to the people of Spain to make your voices heard! Speak out against those representatives who make false promises in your name! Hold them accountable for their actions! I did not fight for my country to see it run by petty and incompetent idolaters! Your so called Cicero has done nothing! Where is he to stop the violence in the streets? Where has he been for years when I have begged for help in addressing the violence that plagues our nation? NOWHERE!! I beg you to stop your petty quarrels, your worship of false idols and shadowy figures and work together to combat the problems which afflict our great nation!!
retracted, didn't realize that was OOC.
edit: nevermind
OOC: Since the player/contact list in the OP is outdated, I've made this google doc. If you could fill in the blanks, and ideally Rakovsky could put it in the OP, that'd be great. New players can add their info in/update as people replace or take new slots. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhIlwgTR7eiydDFpME9DelRma0JyaEdSVnJhbzI5V0E&hl=en_US#gid=0 -e- posting the link would help.
General Francisco Franco Gentlemen of the Cortes, I ask the Cortez not to underestimate the forces in Catalonia opposed to peace, order, and the Republic. The Catalonian Generalitat has declared that it will not cooperate with the Spanish government, and the branch of CNT in Catalonia, led by radical members of the secret society FAI and supported by the Generalitat, are raising illegal militias to be employed against the government. Even now, they fight on the streets of Barcelona against other criminal militias, these belonging to the organization JONS. It is my considered opinion that the forces of chaos in Catalonia represent a real threat to the safety of the Republic, and that the only solution is for the government of Spain to reassert its authority in Catalonia, crush the forces of violence, and remove the powers that it has given to the Catalonian Generalitat. However, due to questions about the authority of the Prime Minister to declare martial law, the army will not be moving into Catalonia at this time. I urge the Cortes to take the disruption in Catalonia seriously, and to give the support to the police that they need to help bring about peace there. Know that the army always stands ready if needed to defend Spain against both its foreign and domestic enemies, and that, unlike certain services, does not take independent action of a martial character without prior coordination with civilian authorities. Finally, a personal note. Some have urged me to resign due to accusation of an unproven nature brought against me by an anonymous source. I will not resign. I have never been afraid of enemies, and I can respect those who openly declare themselves as my enemies, but I have nothing but disdain for those cowards who would hurl accusations and denunciations behind pseudonyms and anonymity. It is under the authority of the Prime Minister to dismiss me or transfer me to another position, and should he choose to do that, I will of course comply with any instructions he gives me. But I will not resign based solely on anonymous accusations. God Save Spain.
OOC: In light of the retraction of the OOC IRC chat and the unverifiable nature of chat logs I request FSADs logs be removed and stricken from the game record and that all IRC chat or forum PMs be considered OOC and off the record
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy Diplomaticus posted:El Director wishes the admiral to clarify -- this is purely a naval blockade affecting military vessels only, and economic activity between Espana and Morocco will continue? El Director has no opinion on a restriction that keeps the Army in Morocco (other than that the continued uncertainty as to whether Martial Law will take effect or not is making it difficult to coordinate a police response in Catalonia); but El Director is quite concerned at the possible effect on the economy if economic vessels were kept in port -- such a thing could only further civil unrest in the mainland. It would have been a naval blockade of military vessels, but all vessels would have been boarded and searched to make sure there were no army stowaways; if none were found then the ship would be sent on its way. And of course, only ships leaving Morocco would have been searched. Colonel Wood posted:
Perhaps it would seem less insane if you actually listened to anything I said, instead of making things up. I said I was going to blockade Morocco, not "the entire southern coast of Spain". Which of course, would not have been treason because we would have done so to protect the Republic from violations of our constitution and civil rights, by an unlawful declaration of martial law and the calling in of troops who were suspected of being compromised by General Franco. The Prime Minister's actions of course don't require any new evidence as they happened right in front of us - his turning of a 'temporary' assignment of War Minister into a permanent holding, his unilaterally appointing General Franco head of the army (a man who later turns out to possibly be purging leftists from the army in order to do something nefarious), and his unlawful/unconstitutional declaration of martial law in Catalonia just as he loses his majority and an election is demanded. And as for Franco, his loyalties and conduct are in dire need of an investigation. Epicurius posted:General Francisco Franco If you intend to ignore the illegal declaration of martial law, and keep the Fuerzas Regulares Indígenas in Morocco, then I will not go ahead with the blockade. The police may do what they wish to maintain order so long as they do not violate the civil rights of the Catalan people, under the constitution. As for the calls for your resignation, only one comes from pseudonym and anonymity; the rest - and they are many - come from well known figures in the armed forces and Parliament. An investigation into these allegations and your conduct should be held, and probably will be held if the Parliament gets its way. In the meantime it only makes sense that you temporarily step down so as to ensure nothing further gets out of hand. To do otherwise would be irresponsible of you.
Diego Abad de Santillan Federación Anarquista Ibérica Confederación Nacional del Trabajo Despite my reservations, I must loudly profess my support for the Confederación de Trabajadores y Campesinos. Only by the skin of our teeth have we avoided the bloodshed that would have resulted from the declaration of martial law. With the threat of fascism, Franco, and Mola hanging over us all, I beg for the people of Catalonia--and, indeed, all of Spain--to follow my example. Furthermore, I declare that the CNT-FAI will oppose--nonviolently, unless attacked--the increased police presence in Catalonia. Cities under CNT control will remain under CNT control, and I call for demonstrations against the right's encroachment on Catalonian autonomy. We will not disarm, and we will not stand down.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy You're welcome Catalonia...
OOC: You do understand that your blockade will mess with a lot of shipping lanes in the Straight of Gibraltar and affect maritime traffic to all of Southern Europe, right?
OOC: Probably not, as I was blockading just Morocco. The fleet would be wrapped around Morocco and so shipping through 3/4 of the Straight of Gibraltar would carry on as normal. Plus shipping to and from Spain would have been untouched save for those things shipped out of Morocco. I made it abundantly clear on more than one occasion that I wasn't going to have the fleet cover every last inch of the Straight, blockade X of Spain, keep ships from going into Morocco or next to Morocco, etc. So maritime traffic would have been pretty much the same as before unless they decided to send their ship into Morocco and then out again - in which case it would again, just be searched.
Gorgo Primus posted:
El Director thanks you for your concern, however, El Director wishes to remind the Admiral that he does not command the police, and they do not need his approval to conduct operations; the Navy needs to stick to policing the waters, and leave the land to other organizations. Please do not overstep yourself Admiral; you are not the Grand General of the Republic commanding all forces. As well, whatever the reasons, one who very nearly was prepared to conduct civil war against the Army ought not to be lecturing others on constitutional duties.
OOC: So you're going to affect 1/4 of the shipping into and out of the Mediterranean. Ok. Your words, not mine.
Diplomaticus posted:El Director thanks you for your concern, however, El Director wishes to remind the Admiral that he does not command the police, and they do not need his approval to conduct operations; the Navy needs to stick to policing the waters, and leave the land to other organizations. Please do not overstep yourself Admiral; you are not the Grand General of the Republic commanding all forces. As well, whatever the reasons, one who very nearly was prepared to conduct civil war against the Army ought not to be lecturing others on constitutional duties. Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy El Director, mistook my opinion for a command. Given the context of the statement you should know that it was directed at Franco as a statement that 'only the police can be called upon to keep order in Catalonia'. As for the warning to keep to the Navy's duties... I have. I have done my job as the naval defender of the Republic and its constitution. Both were under threat by the illegal declaration of Martial Law and the refusal to heed Parliament, and I used the Navy - which was and is 'my' organization - to defend them. I have never claimed to be anything more than a Fleet Admiral, and don't appreciate your insinuations otherwise. I was prepared to blockade Morocco to prevent a illegal military takeover of Catalonia - that is not something to be ashamed of and I do not consider it a black mark on my record in any way, shape, or form. As such I may lecture whomever I want - though I have not done so to you.
Colonel Wood posted:OOC: So you're going to affect 1/4 of the shipping into and out of the Mediterranean. Ok. Your words, not mine. OOC: You're bad at this. I said the Fleet was going to be in 1/4 of the Straight. Unless you believe that 1/4 of the shipping in the Straight of Gibraltar circa the 1930s come out of Morocco.
324x216 Partido Republicano Democrático Federal Manuel Rodriguez The PDR-F will join the Confederación de Trabajadores y Campesinos andcalls for the immediate resignation of the Prime Minister and for new elections to be held.
Gorgo Primus posted:OOC: Probably not, as I was blockading just Morocco. The fleet would be wrapped around Morocco and so shipping through 3/4 of the Straight of Gibraltar would carry on as normal. Plus shipping to and from Spain would have been untouched save for those things shipped out of Morocco. I made it abundantly clear on more than one occasion that I wasn't going to have the fleet cover every last inch of the Straight, blockade X of Spain, keep ships from going into Morocco or next to Morocco, etc. So maritime traffic would have been pretty much the same as before unless they decided to send their ship into Morocco and then out again - in which case it would again, just be searched. OOC: Your exact words. The Strait of Gibraltar is 8.9 miles wide at the narrowest point. Even if you take up 1/4 of it you are going to seriously affect shipping to all of the Mediterranean. It's not a matter of what ships you are searching its a matter of your ships blocking navigable waters for shipping lanes. Think about when a lane is closed on a freeway and how traffic is affected. Anyways I'm going to stop shitting up the thread now and let Rakovsky decide how this will play out.
Colonel Wood posted:OOC: Your exact words. The Strait of Gibraltar is 8.9 miles wide at the narrowest point. Even if you take up 1/4 of it you are going to seriously affect shipping to all of the Mediterranean. It's not a matter of what ships you are searching its a matter of your ships blocking navigable waters for shipping lanes. Think about when a lane is closed on a freeway and how traffic is affected. Anyways I'm going to stop shitting up the thread now and let Rakovsky decide how this will play out. OOC: The 3/4 thing was not meant literally as that would be retarded. And what does Rakovsky have to decide? I said I wasn't going to blockade anymore a while ago and well before your first OOC comment on the matter. Which is why I have been so confused as to why you've been pushing this OOC discussion in here.
Since the supposed 'leaders' of Spain was not competent enough to avert a civil war in Catalonia, I (Onésimo Redondo Ortega) did. After holding secret talks with Catalonia leftists, I hereby order that all Blueshirts leave Catalonia. The CNT militias will now be in charge of security and I will hold them to their promise to prevent politically-motivated kidnappings. You have 6 months.
Marcelino Domingo Radical Socialist Republican Party 210x261 I applaud the brave stance taken by the Fleet Admiral and the General of the skies against the domestic use of the military and thank them for their loyalty to the Republic. A lot hung in the balance and I am glad that cooler heads prevailed. The people of Spain will voice their opinion on the Catalonian question in the coming election and we can continue from there. In the meantime I will accept no violence against peaceful protesters in Catalonia. By all means curb the violence but there is a large difference between kidnappers and farmers who refuse to pay rent on land their families have worked for generations. I worry that a crackdown on "lawlessness" will do little to harm the former and much to harm the latter. I further welcome the PSOE, and the PDR-F into what will undoubtedly be the next ruling coalition. Any other leftist and republican parties are welcome including regionalist ones. I must also thank the CNT-FAI for their support and their efforts to calm the situation. Further to round out the legislative session: No Peacetime Militia Act: I vote against
Onésimo Redondo OrtegaCanasta_Nasty posted:By all means curb the violence but there is a large difference between kidnappers and farmers who refuse to pay rent on land their families have worked for generations. I have heard no evidence of farmers refusing to pay rent. The only crime that have been occurring in Catalonia (other than the bloodshed between Blueshirts and CNT militias) was kidnapping. And there has been a lot of kidnappings this past year. Solving them all will be a very difficult task indeed.
Prince Francisco Javier de Borbón Parma y de Braganza Prince of the House of Bourbon-Parma These are dark times for Spain. The threat of Communism grows ever greater, and the enemies of the Church persecute those honest Spaniards who have not turned their backs on God. The Republic is failing, and it pains me to see my beloved country in such turmoil. In this dark hour, I merely wish to remind all citizens of Spain that their one and only true monarch, His Majesty King Alfonso Carlos I, still prays for the day that he can return to Spain to fulfil the responsibility given unto him by God. I also wish to voice my support for CEDA, the only political organization that has demonstrated an understanding of the growing Communist threat and of the necessity of the Catholic Church in restoring Spain to greatness.
GOVERNMENT FORMATION MUST BE DONE BY FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, AT 11 PM EST LATE 1934 LEGISLATIVE NEWS Many political parties remove their support from the government. Facing severe internal dissent and the possibility of a minority government, President Alcalá-Zamora dissolves the Cabinet and removes the Prime Minister. Elections are scheduled to take place within the next six months. Naval Reorganization Act The one bill favored by a number of groups in the legislature, this bill is able to pass. Admiral Fernández-Palacios is granted mandate to expand the Navy, considerable latitude over its command structure reorganization, and permission to conduct studies with foreign nations. With distaste for the current government from both the center and the right, as well as significant fractures between the republican and Marxist left, most of the other political bills stall in the Cortes. Even a new budget is unable to find any significant support, and the old one is retained. DOMESTIC NEWS Fernando de los Rios is at a Futurist headquarters just outside Catalonia when a terrible explosion rips through the building. Luckily, the minister is far away enough that he is merely dazed. Outside it is clear that two truck-bombs have been detonated, and a police investigation reveals the bodies and reading material of suspected FAI members. The Civil Guard uncover FAI hideouts containing bomb-making materials as well as documents detailing the plan to attack the Futurists. The increased membership of many people in radical armed militias or the police and military required to stop them reduces unemployment significantly. Congratulations! The Pope denounces violence in Spain, placing much of the blame on communism and secularism. Alvaro de Albornoz gives speeches attacking the Prime Minister, declaring him as corrupt and ineffective. Albornoz implies that people seek devolution since they don't want to be Spaniards, which angers some regionalist supporters. While effective at rousing public support, his speeches become unnecessary once the government is dissolved. The UGT begins arming and training militia forces. They also launch a large recruitment campaign, with support from former Cabinet members Caballero and Domingo. The UGT sets up a number of special offices in devolved regions such as Galicia, Navarre, and Catalonia. The Department of Public Works, never a quickly-moving office, seems spectacularly slow. In many areas it falls to locals to keep up maintainence on roads, bridges, and public buildings. Often "Futuristic Work Brigades" will come to help, seemingly armed with the exact technical knowledge needed to complete the job. In regions where Futurists have less of a presence, leftist, fascist, or Carlist organizations take on this responsibility. The army remains out of Catalonia. Some see this as cowardice, others as the salvation of a Spain on the brink of disintegration. The fascist militias largely abandon Catalonia, though conflicts between the CNT and FAI versus the police and Civil Guard continue. The number of policemen in Catalonia surges greatly. At first an uneasy truce settles in, with police controlling some cities while union militias control others. However fighting breaks out in Barcelona itself when members of the Civil Guard attempt to arrest a member of the Catalan government with ties to the CNT-FAI. Six member of the CNT are killed, as well as one Civil Guardsman. Marcelino Domingo is nearly slain as the Civil Guard fires on a crowd of protesters. Other prominent members of the Generalitat speak out against the Civil Guard, claiming that political dissenters are being spirited away into the night. There have been a number of leftist disappearances that were once blamed on the Blueshirts which can no longer be explained since their absence. Land in areas of Catalonia controlled by CNT-FAI militias is aggressively collectivized, often with the aid of the Generalitat. The Department of Education seems to anticipate the failure of the government and does little. In areas without access to education, anonymous Futuristics collaborate to build small schools and teach classes. They also build a a few museums in some of the larger cities. Excerpts from Cicero's new book "Futuristicism - Build it Now": An Excerpt from Chapter 1 - Is Futuristicism Fascism? posted:Many are attempting to draw a line from the Italian governments' 'Fascisti' to the ideals and beliefs of the Futuristics, a purely Spanish innovation that attempts to move government to the next level of thought. Before we can attempt to say whether the Futuristics are Fascists or not, we must understand what Fascism is exactly, no simple task as the Fascists of Italy contradict themselves more often than not. The Fascist Manifesto of Italy contains many proposals that would not sound so strange to any governing party. Is any government that supports a minimum wage Fascist? Are the socialists Fascists for supporting women's right to vote? No, of course not, thus to understand Fascism we must look to how Fascism would describe itself. I have here excerpts of a translation of "la dottrina del faccismo" written under the hand of Benito Mussolini. The most damning statement is, "The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State—a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values—interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people." An Excerpt from Chapter 3 - The Futuristics Have A Plan To Support Your Family posted:'Man is entitled by birthright to a share of the Earth's produce sufficient to fill the needs of his existence' - Napoleon Bonaparte The National-Syndicalist begin forcing their strange form of land reform in areas where they have a presence. Aristocrats are allowed to keep their land but must turn over management and a large amount of the profits to peasant syndicates. This program is popular with the peasantry However, the National-Syndicalists other project, serving as guards to the wealthy to protect against leftist aggression is considered strange when they are the ones seizing land. Ortega releases a number of press documents urging right-wingers to join up with him. The PRD-F urges the collapse of the government, attacking the Prime Minister. Much of the Navy and Air Force gather at Murcia. The Air Force begins to train paratroopers while the Navy trains Marines. The construction of a naval carrier is begun, though it will take some time to complete. A number of smaller ships are also under construction. Naval elections are held, with leftists winning many of the officer positions. His Majesty King Alfonso Carlos I of Spain, Carlist claimant to the throne, officially declares Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma as his heir and regent. Xavier travels the country, visiting churches and urging support for CEDA. FOREIGN NEWS Austria adopts a new fascist-inspired constitution. Bulgaria and Latvia come under the control of authoritarian governments. quote:
SPECIAL ELECTION UPDATE LATE 1934 Here's the breakdown of who took how many seats. Basically, a coalition has to be formed which would include a majority - 235 seats - of the Cortes. This majority can then form a government by proposing a candidate for Prime Minister to the President. The President has the right to reject their choice. The current President is a center-left republican and will act accordingly. Once the Prime Minister is agreed upon, cabinet positions can be created and filled by the Prime Minister. OOC: Shogeton feel free to fill in for the leader of the Basque Nationalists or anyone else if you wish!
Toribio Echevarría Ibarbia Writer, El Socialista newspaper; member, Unión General de Trabajadores; member, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; not a government employee Excerpts from El Socialista: "...regret the turmoil brought about by the cabinet's dissolution, but we all know it was necessary, with Azana's power grab and the growing inability of any coalition to stand firm in the face of encroaching authoritarianism. Let our new government recall - a dictator is a dictator, whether he be called a King or a Prime Minister, and Spain has already rejected dictators! The people, standing united, will never let themselves be suborned again!" "...political projections are difficult to make; if the Partido Socialista Obrero Español and the Partido Republicano Radical Socialista stand side-by-side, and if they can count on the support of the Basque, Catalan, and Galician Regionalist parties - remembering that the left was instrumental in the creation of devolution - then that bloc will control 158 of the necessary 235 seats, needing only 77 more to form a majority coalition. A center-left coalition can still carry the day! El Socialista calls upon the left to stand together in the face of the growing global threat of facism - don't think events in Austria have passed us by - and remain united!" "...speculation regarding the true identity of this "Cicero." We cannot understand why this man would choose to conceal his identity... unless of course he is a cat's-paw for foreign aggression! Why will this writer, this "futuristic" with his great dreams for the future, remain so insecure as to refuse to give his name? All of El Socialista's staff give their names and are unafraid to do so - my name is Toribio Echevarría Ibarbia. What is your name, "Cicero?" What have you to hide?" (similar comments will appear in every issue of El Socialista; not one week will pass without Cicero being called a coward in the press until his identity is revealed) "...condemn the FAI's attack on Fernando de los Rios in the strongest possible terms. While we find Sr. de los Rios' recent political decisions unfathomable, still he has the right not to live in fear, as do all Spaniards - fear of the government, or fear of extremists. You are skilled with the pen, my friends - take it up, and put down the gun!" "...admit to disappointment with the leadership of Francisco Largo Caballero - the social programs of the Unión General de Trabajadores are second-to-none and the Union continues to grow, but as a politician, we would have liked to see stronger leadership. Perhaps it is time the UGT and the Partido Socialista Obrero Español were led by two men rather than one? Clearly the difficulty of focusing on two positions of power is wearing at him, and we of the left cannot afford for him to be distracted at such a crucial time!" "...applaud the brave men and women of Catalonia for holding firm in their resolve even under threat of unjust tyrannical oppression from Azana! Bravo, my friends, you have done Spain a true service!"
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (25 seats) a member of CEDA To Cicero You want people to live with the least interference of government in their lives? You want people entitled to the products of their work? So do I, but I do not have to create a new ideology when it already exists. It's name is liberalism. We believe in the rule of law. We believe in democracy. We believe in natural rights. We believe in freedom of religion. We believe in the equality of people. We believe every man is the architect of his own fortune.
José Antonio Aguirre Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco Such a sad state of affairs, but it is the only way it can be helped. For centuries, all that came to Catalunya, as well as to the my homeland, was the king's taxman, and the king's soldiers. Now, with all this talk of martial law, can one blame these people for being suspicious. I mourn the loss of lives, but the fact is the Catalunyan people, like the Basque people have a great longing for settling their own affairs, and a deep suspicion for everything coming from Madrid. If you wish to maintain Spain, you must understand this. When a man speaking only Castillian comes down and tells us what to do, our first reaction is to rebel. I cannot speak for the Catalunyans of course. They have their own, very popular party, but I can propose methods to prevent this from happening. I propose the Regionalization Acts 1: Amnesty Act Give total amnesty to the members of the CNT. yes, some of them likely have gone beyond what is acceptable in a Republic. But in a region so torn as Catalunya, truth is the first casualty. No matter how damning the evidence, any convictions WILL be seen as Madrid crushing the Catalunyan minority. 2: Local Police Act In Catalunya, Galicia and Vasque All policement serving outside of a great ermergency, needing a vote from the Cortes, are to be from local origins. One of the greatest signs that the Basque and Catalunyan people are not seen as full parts of Spain, but rather unruly children is that much too often, the man that imposes the law is a man that speaks only Castillian. 3: School regionalization Act Full control over educating our children: If you want to enrage a man or woman, you give the feeling you're trying to take their child away from them. The Curriculum of schools must be fully chosen by the local Generalitat.
Onésimo Redondo Ortega Catalonia is now in a state of civil war. I have attempted peace with the CNT-FAI by withdrawing the Blueshirts, and I'd hope their own militias contain the violence in Catalonia. They failed. The evidence uncovered the police indicated that the FAI were behind the attempted assassination of Fernando de los Rios (and may have been responsible for the attempted assassination of Emilio Mola). The kidnappings are still occuring; even leftists are still being dragged off the street! I gave 6 months for the CNT-FAI to control the violence; even if it began slowly decreasing, that would be a sign of goodwill. Those 6 months have passed. Though the CNT-FAI has managed to peacefully collectivize land in Catalonia, that is the only area where peace has prevailed. Everywhere else is chaos and destruction. Either the leaders of the CNT-FAI are actively criminal, or they has lost all control over their supporters. Either way, action is needed. Catalonia should be granted freedom to control its own destiny. Devolution must continue. But the armed criminal syndicate known formally as the CNT-FAI must be dissolved at once before that can happen. Catalonia cannot be in control of its own destiny when armed thugs can do as they will, kidnapping and killing anyone they please. The CNT-FAI will be destroyed, and I will instruct the Blueshirts to provide as much aid to the police as possible in Catalonia.
OOC: Should we hold off on the new turn until a government gets established and figures out what they want to do? Hopefully that'll happen by Friday anyway, but if it doesn't...
OOC: Sure, let's just say the absolute deadline for forming a government is by Friday. I don't want to let it drag on too long.
540x360 Juan Peligro Helado Leader of the Partido Regionalista de Mallorca With talks of allowing the Catalonian people the right to choose their own destiny, the proud people of Mallorca have decided that the time to forge their own place in history without the anchor of the Spanish Republic weighing us down. I, Juan Peligro Helado, will fight tirelessly for the rights of all Mallorcans to determine their own freedom and destiny. I, Juan Peligro Helado, on behalf of the Mallorcan people will join the Confederación de Trabajadores y Campesinos.
Alvaro de Albornoz I am pleased to see the Radical Republican Party is the second most popular in spain. Being centrist is appealing to the masses now that we see the folly of blind faith in socialism. Of course, there are many virtues to a government that controls everything for the people, but not when the powers that be pick and choose who gets the wealth. I suggest to Senor Lerroux that we join the proposed coalition, and start reforming the government with people who will work for a better Spain. As Senor Lerroux is ably handing the Ministry of Justice, I will stand ready to fill some other appointment, whatever Spain needs of me.
I invite all centrist and right parties to coalition talks and ministry appointments on irc.