This is a nation simulation forum game very similar to Al-Ghafur or Rio Grande. In this game you assume the role of any political or social figure in the nation. Rule, liberate or terrorize, you set whatever goals you wish. You may join as any vacant character or propose any character you can think of and I'll add you if it makes sense. As a player, you have no stats or special traits or magical cards. Your defining characteristic is your position of power in society, and you are free to do any action at all you feel you have the power to do, with me being the judge, jury and executioner over the rationality your actions. So please, pick a character and jump in! I will email you a summary of your position and power so you can better decide what to do, so please provide an email. Also feel free to join me in #simcountry on synirc. My email is EMAIL ALL TURNS HERE. I'll probably be able to update every other night, hoping to keep the game moving fairly briskly. quote:
good source for political parties at the time:,_1931 Thanks to rum sodomy the lash for the post, basically. As well as Ismail for the ruleset. Contact List:
quote:Spanish Police This sounds good to me, I'll sign up for Emilio Mola. Secret police beatings for all! swatjester aaaaaaaaaat gmail dooooooooooooot com
quote:Spanish Republican Army General Franco is reporting for duty. epicurius at
quote:General Union of Workers “Unión General de Trabajadores” Needs more socialism. Something my Union and I will be happy to supply. In as Francisco Largo Caballero. My email is
If you could give an email address so other players and myself can contact you, that'd be awesome.
what about romegame rakovsky??????? ill claim the presidency i guess. moodinconsistency at google mail, i have pms
let me take Prime Minister, liamobde gmail
quote:National Confederation of Labor “Confederación Nacional del Trabajo” The love of liberty and the sense of human dignity are the basic elements of the Anarchist creed. gailofoxford
rakovsky maybe posted:Minister of Agriculture, Trade, and Industry: Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán Count me in. canasta.nasty edit: Obviously there's a lot of parties not mentioned, and it's fine if you want to leave it out, but Marcelino Domingo was also one of the leaders of Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PRRS) which got 59 seats in 1931.
rakovsky maybe posted:Basque Nationalists “Partido Nacionalista Vasco” (Regionalist Center, 7 seats, led by José Antonio Aguirre/vacant) You silly Castilian-speakers and your silly political problems. You need some Basques to figure things out. Email is:
A RICH WHITE MAN posted:what about romegame rakovsky??????? In short, I read Homage to Catalonia and thought this would be a good time period for a goon political simulation game. Plenty of different ideologies to yell about, possible civil war, etc. Romegame is always a possibility afterwards. Canasta_Nasty posted:Obviously there's a lot of parties not mentioned, and it's fine if you want to leave it out, but Marcelino Domingo was also one of the leaders of Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PRRS) which got 59 seats in 1931. Yeah, I added it up there. Since I couldn't post every political party I just tried to put three different ones from the left, center, and right. If anyone knows there guy headed some political party/rebel group/major organization that I haven't posted feel free to tell me. I'll send out emails and we'll get started on Monday. Newcomers are always welcome to join.
Whoa, my dude's wikipedia page is pretty cool. I will now be referred to at all times as El Director.
Emails sent and first turn is due on Wednesday, 11 PM EST Send me an email for what your character plans on doing during the season of Late 1931. General guidelines? Anything your character could reasonably accomplish in half a year, happens. Anything more questionable will have a chance of failure, or won't succeed as well as you'd like. Obviously anything silly probably won't work! Setting things up in advance and working with others is always an awesome way to make difficult things easier! DivineCoffeeBinge or anyone else, feel free to join still and I'll set you up so you can get going.
Let's get in IRC!
Manuel Azaña The Prime Minister presents these points for consideration: -Schools should not be run by the church, it is the government's responsibility to provide secular schooling to all. -Cost for investing in the economy is low and will create jobs, investment in Agriculture sector will solve food issues, unemployment is at 18% -Tax increase on the rich as well as military spending cuts must be considered to account for budget shortfall. -Corruption and political violence in cities must be dealt with by an effective police force. Proposed Budget Taxation: 25% tax on high income (25) (+5%) 15% tax on middle income (9) 10% tax on low income (2) Light Industry Construction: 0/2 Heavy Industry Construction: 0/1 Agriculture: 4/4 (+1) Infrastructure: 4/4 (+1) Transportation: 2/2 (+1) Culture: 0/1 Police: 5/5 (+1) Military: 6/8 (-1) Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 (+1) Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 (+1) Healthcare: 3/3 (+1) Manufacturing: 2/2 (+2) Yearly Credits Free Credits: 0 Credit Income: 36 Debt Credits: 0 Notes: -Investment in Agriculture and Manufacturing sectors will grow economy and create jobs, provide food and consumer goods. -Increased Transportation spending will help move our goods throughout the country, also create jobs. -Increased Healthcare will create a healthier workforce. -Increased Police spending will reduce violence and corruption in the cities. Also I need to talk to as many people as I can about things to see where we all stand. I'll be on IRC most of the day.
I will take Luis Lombarte Serrano, leader of the Air Force. Email is AIM is Wishes for Death, but email is far more reliable until next week.
Francisco Largo Caballero For now I shall wait on the opinions of my fellow parliamentarians before casting a vote on the budget. I am here to make a suggestion on how best to deal with the unemployment issue. While the heavy investment promised by the Prime Minister looks to deal with that issue eventually, for now 18% of the people are starving, without access to even the smallest wage. I believe a short term public works program is the best way to deal with this. If we provide a program that temporarily employs the unemployed, and has them do useful work for a living wage, then the people will be tided over until more stable jobs appear. Therefore, I believe lumber is the best way forward for this For now, we need unskilled work so the majority of the unemployed can take part, we need temporary work, until more stable jobs come in and above all, we need useful work to ensure those who take part can feel pride in themselves. With proper supervision, the drudge work of forest planting is unskilled. Once the forests are planted, we need only retain a small force for replanting. Most importantly, once the forests are grown, the wood they provide will fuel many industries; Paper mills, lumber yards, furniture factories, the construction industry, all of these require lumber to function. Once we begin collecting lumber from our national forestries, a wealth of possible economic opportunities will make themselves apparent. By investing in this program now, we make the lives of many thousands of people better, while ensuring the economic betterment of out nation. I hope everyone can see the sense of such a program and I welcome any comments and improvments.
Luis Lombarte Serrano I wish to make a strong case for the development of a Spanish aeronautics industry. At the moment, our aircraft are almost entirely of foreign manufacture, and even maintaining them in an operational status requires the constant import of spare parts from countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Italy. The Great War demonstrated to all the vitality of aerial power to national defense. We must not allow such a key industry to remain subject to the whims of foreign powers, tariffs, embargoes and political pressure. The establishment of machine shops and the training of workers in tool and die casting and manufacture is a first step towards our own ability to produce and manufacture airplanes for domestic use and eventually, perhaps an export industry as strong as any other great nation. Is Spain any less of a nation than its European cousins? Give me the funds to turn our air force into a force worthy of the name!
Francisco Franco Mr. Prime Minister, Gentlemen, I wish to raise concerns about your proposed cuts to the army, which, I note, is the only department to suffer cuts. In these dangerous and unstable times, army cuts are unwise. As it is, much of our weaponry is outdated, and we need funds for modernization. Further, while the courage and ferocity of the Spanish soldier is superior to any other nation in the world, the troops are desperately in need of more training. These budget cuts will further mean the closing of military academies and that Spanish officers will fall behind in keeping up with military doctrine. Finally, while Morocco is peaceful now, it was only a few years ago that we faced Berber rebellion, and we can not rule out that it may happen again. I understand the temptation to cut back on military spending. There is only so much money and too many expenditures, and the military seems like an easy thing to cut back on. But this is a short sighted and unwise policy and I ask that you reconsider.
Toribio Echevarría Ibarbia Though not participating in the Parliamentary debate, Echevarría's writing appears regularly in The Socialist, and naturally he has a few things to say about how he thinks the government should proceed... ...and now that we have achieved our Second Republic, what then must we do? There will be discussions of budgets, of diplomacy, of the minutae of running a nation. But I say to you, my friends, the first thing we must do is UNITE and ORGANIZE! Unemployment is high and our industrial base is poor, and these things are to be expected when a country's economy has been mismanaged by greedy oligarchs and monarchist lapdogs. The swine have plundered and pillaged our great nation for the last time, and now it is time to build something new in their place. Let the workers of all regions of Spain unite in collectives, operated by the workers, managed by the workers. Before we can address what our people should build we must first address how our people should be organized, for it is only through the collectives' rise and recognition that the social inequities and injustices that have plagued Spain for too long will be stamped out. Let THAT be your first order of business, Parliament, and with a firm foundation on which to build all other decisions will be easier. Oh, not easy. But easier. For no house can stand if it is not built on a firm foundation." (I am reachable at divinecoffeebinge at gmail dot com and also am often in IRC.) edit: briefly, until Rakovsky Maybe puts info up, if you want to know who I'm playing you can see a machine-translated version of Toribio Echevarría Ibarbia's Spanish Wikipedia page here.
José María Gil-Robles Gentlemen, I would like to express my dissatisfaction at the recent elections. Universal sufferage should have been implemented before the election not after, not listening to half of the population in this day and age is barbaric. We pride ourselves on our social rights, but this government cannot claim to truely represent the population of Spain. Therefore I ask for a timetable for fresh elections, four years is simply far too long for a caretaker government to rule. Regardless, we have important matters to address. Unemployment cripples our nation, and our infrastructure prevents business from being done. Spain has always been at the forefront of the world, her culture imprinted on many nations that speak her tongue. However, we must act to stay relevent to the changing world. Planting forests will not bring us the greatness that is currently slipping from our fingers, we need to improve our infrastructure. and I propose a two pronged approch to this. Firstly we need to embark on a project of public works, using the currently unemployed to build roads, railways and canals that our previous administrations so ignored. The second prong is high tech industry, aviation. This field will only become more important as the world progresses, and we cannot let it become a monopoly of the British or Germans. Therefore I propose subsidies for the aviation industry, whether they be collectives or private investors Finally I would warn against cutting military spending - our army already lags behind that of both the monarchies and the bolsheviks in Europe, we cannot afford to be a second Ottoman empire. Edit - What I'm trying to say is that infrastructure and factories are far more desirable than trees. Steel is the material of the future, wood was what we used 200 years ago.
El Director approves of this increase to the police budget, and notes that an increase in forced labor for prisoners could help address industrial woes.
Francisco Largo Caballero Ignoring the issues of which project is better and more important, you raise a valid point José. To save further arguments I have a suggestion to make. Not everywhere is suited for forests and not everywhere is capable of housing factories. I suggest the creation of a national labour pool, which will organise and direct the efforts of the unemployed during the completion of our works projects. This way the unemployed can receive their relief work, both of our work's projects can progress where they are most needed, and any new projects can be submitted to the labour pool, which will ensure their completion through appropriate organisation and labour direction. Will this satisfy your public works requests José?
Marcelino Domingo, Minister of Agriculture, Trade, and Industry The Prime Minister's budget approach is a good start, but there are a few problems with it: -We must not simply make use of what industry we have, but expand our industry. Further, our commander of the air-force makes an excellent point about our current dependence on foreign manufacture. -We should not cut military spending but put it on a more secure footing. What we lack in advanced weaponry we make up for in indomitable spirit. Each town should form militias and elect their officers to receive training in our academies. The defense of Spain should rest on the shoulders of every Spaniard. -The prime minister seems to have misplaced 4 credits of the budget Proposed Budget Taxation: 28% tax on high income (28) (+8%) 20% tax on middle income (12) (+5%) 10% tax on low income (2) Light Industry Construction: 2/2 (+2) Heavy Industry Construction: 1/1 (+1) Agriculture: 4/4 (+1) Infrastructure: 4/4 (+1) Transportation: 2/2 (+1) Culture: 1/1 (+1) Police: 4/5 Military: 8/8 (+1) Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 (+1) Environment: 1/1 (+1) Education: 4/4 (+1) Healthcare: 3/3 (+1) Manufacturing: 2/2 (+2) Yearly Credits Free Credits: 0 Credit Income: 42 Debt Credits: 0 Notes: -My proposed budget provides the basis for the most thorough economic recovery possible. Absolutely every aspect of the economy is funded. -The tax increases are unpleasant, but necessary. The benefits of a revitalized economy should more than make up for the increased tax burden. -The increase to military spending should be earmarked solely for the arming and training of the workers and peasants militias. -The increased industrial base will bring us closer to Señor Serrano's dream of an aeronautics industry. We must walk before we can fly, and the new machine shops will aid our entire economy, particularly in modernizing agriculture. Outside of the budget I call on fellow ministers and patriotic Spaniards to join us in removing the last vestiges of feudalism from our country. I wholeheartedly agree with the prime minister that public education should be secular education and would support a law to that effect. Further as Minister of Agriculture I propose the nationalization of the large agricultural estates. These remnants of the nobility are holding back the modernization of agriculture and are responsible for the backwards condition of the peasants.
thanks for pointing out my math fuck up going to go back and revise it.
Gentlemen, It is time that I, Alvaro de Albornoz, became more involved in shady back door dealings and other such conspiracies. There will be no future, without justice. Disclaimer: This may or may not actually be him. sa.slothbear AT gmail
Marcelino Domingo, Minister of Agriculture, Trade, and Industry After talking things over with other ministers I have revised my budget proposal. Proposed Budget Taxation: 26% tax on high income (26) (+6%) 15% tax on middle income (9) 10% tax on low income (2) Light Industry Construction: 2/2 (+2) Heavy Industry Construction: 1/1 (+1) Agriculture: 4/4 (+1) Infrastructure: 4/4 (+1) Transportation: 2/2 (+1) Culture: 0/1 Police: 4/5 Military: 5/8 (-2) Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 (+1) Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 (+1) Healthcare: 3/3 (+1) Manufacturing: 2/2 (+2) Yearly Credits Free Credits: 0 Credit Income: 37 Debt Credits: 0 The cuts to the military will be rough but, as Spain faces no external threats, acceptable. Soldiers should rest easier knowing that there are new jobs waiting for them and that their families can find work. In order to make full use of our economic investments we need workers and peasants to organize locally and join in the management of these new enterprises.
Emilio Mora, El Director, Policia Nacionale El Director is displeased that these proposed budgets do not include an increase to police forces. He notes that increased industry, trade, and production will come with a requisite increase in corruption and crime, and require a corresponding bump to the police budget. He also welcomes Senor Alvaro de Albornoz, and looks forward to many shady backroom dealings with him in the future. The National Police also announces the creation of La Fuerza de Investigaciones Especiale (FIE), a "special police" unit for conducting difficult investigations and arrests of enemies of the state.
Luis Lombarte Serrano The Air Force has to state its alarm with regard to these proposed cuts to the military. Right now, our brave fighting men need jobs. We can't establish new industries overnight, but these cuts will result in instant unemployment. Would it not be better to take on a small amount of debt to prevent increasing the number of the unemployed immediately, than to force more men to compete for fewer jobs, thereby putting pressure towards a decrease of wages and further starvation and misery? We must build industry and create jobs before we can consciously throw patriotic men of Spanish blood out of work!
Canasta_Nasty posted:Marcelino Domingo, Minister of Agriculture, Trade, and Industry I see no problems with this budget proposal, and implore my Council of Ministers to work swiftly to enact it.
I, Alvaro de Albornoz, who will be referring to myself as such in nearly every post, do hereby approve this budget. After all, my children certainly aren't in the military!
Fall Sick and Die posted:Luis Lombarte Serrano Marcelino Domingo I encourage Señor Serrano to look to the future. We make the cuts now to fully develop our economy and allow a modernization of our forces. If we go into debt to make our airplanes then we are in no better position than if we depend on foreign production. I have had a hard fight, that I'm not sure is over convincing other ministers of the need to invest in Heavy Industry. Without bringing us into the era of mechanization all our military spending will amount to rowboats and a new set of pack burros. We need tractors, trucks, and airplanes, and we need them without dancing to the tune of some foreign power.
Since parliamentary politics can be a bit confusing, and the nature of the Spanish Republic exacerbates this considerably, I put together a tiny little update to make it more clear how power is distributed in the legislature. Parliamentary Update The current ruling government is formed from a coalition of the Marxist and Anarchist Left, the Republican Left, and the Regionalist Left. They control 291 of the 468 seats, or 62%. Bills proposed and supported by members of these parties, which support the values of the coalition, are likely to pass. Bills proposed by opposing parties and which go against the interests or ideals of those currently in power will have a much more difficult time.
General José Sanjurjo I, General José Sanjurjo, El León del Rif, leader of the Guardia Civil, voice my support for an increase in the police budget and voice my displeasure with the proposed cuts to the Military. Right now is a difficult time in our country, and the countryside remains lawless in the face of recent unrest. Additional funds would allow us more manpower to patrol and keep peace in the rural areas. Our military weapons and materiel are outdated and our forces require better training. Cutting the budget will put us at a serious disadvantage moving forward if we are to defend our nation. I would also like to warn against the nationalization of farms and agriculture. Taking land away from the rightful owners will result in conflict and bloodshed across the countryside that our forces may not be able to stop. Pitting peasants against landowners is no help to any cause. Email is sacolonel.wood at gmail
Emilio Mora, El Director, National Police El Director wishes to express his agreement with El Leon de Rif's opinion on the budget. The Guardia Civil and the Policia Nacional must work hand in hand to ensure safety and security both in rural and urban environments; for if we do not, we shall certainly suffer lower tax revenues, higher crime, citizen discontent and disruption of industry and trade. How can one build airplanes if brigands attack our brave farmers who grow food for the industrialists? How can one supply materiel for construction projects if the roads are ruled with lawlessness and the streets full of corruption? No, safety and security must be a prerequisite for economic growth and development. I pledge my department to work closely with the Guardia Civil, the Justice Ministry, and our military forces, to fight for this safety, but I cannot do it on a shoestring budget.
Toribio Echevarría Ibarbia Excerpts from handbills entitled "¿Qué seguridad precio?" (or "What Price Security?") posted throughout urban areas, especially those more left-leaning regions ...and they will tell you that the police and the military are vital - and they are, in their way, but not in the manner that they would have you believe! For did we not throw off the chains of oppression? I ask you, brothers and sisters - have we done so only to wear new chains? Our military must be representative of the people! Marcelino Domingo proposes a system of local militias - the people organizing for their own defense! And their officers chosen by the people and trained in our military academies, so that rational socialist thought can spread to the military. And this is a WONDERFUL idea, and an IMPORTANT idea, and deserves our support! We know that the military and civil guards are hotbeds of revanchist Monarchist thought. Do not hate them for this! Do not blame them! They have always been thus, for they benefited more than most by being the tools of the oppressors. These establishments can yet be redeemed, but only if we, the people, teach them a better way! And the best way to do that is to share the burden of our country's defense by maintaining the citizen action committees that helped bring about the Revolution! I call upon my fellows in the Unión General de Trabajadores to lead the way. Our trade and manufacturing collectives have traditionally armed themselves to protect the workers from the greedy capitalist leeches who revel in the sweat of the workers; let us make these militias OFFICIAL and LEGAL! We have taken power for the people - let the people keep it!
Manuel Azaña, Prime Minister I cannot in good conscience vote for the budget proposed by Marcelino Domingo. While it comes from a good place, very little thought was put into it and its consequences. We have disorder in our city streets and no sort of manufacturing backbone, and the minister wants to leap ahead and outpace the growth of our own infrastructure with the immediate investment into light and heavy industry. The desire to establish such industries is something we all share, but we must first think this through. How will we power these factories, ship their goods, or even build them when we have no manufacturing sector to begin with? I fear we will do nothing but waste our budget on an overly ambitious project if we do not have the proper framework in place first. As for Director Emilio Mola's proposal to create a secret police force, presumably one that answers to Director Mola rather than the Republic, the Director must understand that there is no place for that in a free society. The funds allocated to the police in this budget are to be used for regular police for recruitment and to restore law and order in our cities. Final Budget Proposal pre:Taxation: 25% tax on high income (25) (+5%) 15% tax on middle income (9) 10% tax on low income (2) Light Industry Construction: 0/2 Heavy Industry Construction: 0/1 Agriculture: 4/4 (+1) Infrastructure: 4/4 (+1) Transportation: 2/2 (+1) Culture: 0/1 Police: 5/5 (+1 for regular police, no FIE funding) Military: 6/8 (-1) Intelligence: 0/0 Courts: 1/1 Water: 2/2 Electricity: 3/3 (+1) Environment: 0/1 Education: 4/4 (+1) Healthcare: 3/3 (+1) Manufacturing: 2/2 (+2) Yearly Credits Free Credits: 0 Credit Income: 36 Debt Credits: 0 I would also like to call a vote on creating a secular education system run by the government for all children and removing the involvement of the Catholic Church in current schooling. If they wish to run private schools they may, but those schools shall be accredited by the government. I vote in favor
José María Gil-Robles After discussions with labour leaders (including the head of the largest union, Francisco Largo Caballero) the following proposal for a national labour system has been reached. Able bodied unemployed will register with the scheme, which will distribute labour among local projects as the scheme's directors see fit. These projects will include infrastructure, agriculture and local industry developments that are experiencing manpower shortfalls. An adequate wage will be provided by the government (through spending on infrastructure, agriculture and manufacturing development), although profitable industry will need to contribute to a portion of the wage if they wish to benefit from the manpower provided by this scheme. There will be a review of this scheme in the coming years to allow these projects to transform in to permanent employment once the new industry has been secured. Finally I would like to reiterate the demand for elections where all Spanish residents of age may vote, regardess of gender. Edit - although the proposed budget looks good, I would prefer if tax increases were spread across the whole of society. I understand the rich bearing the brunt of increased spending is an inevitable consequence of this government, but a few token gestures would certainly help stability
Joaquin Ascaso While the CNT remains opposed to the state's influence over the freedom in our lives, the lowering of the military budget is a welcome move and the CNT will offer a tentative hand of co-operation with the current ruling coalition. However, we cannot allow the police to become the cosh of the state, funding by the common worker in order to oppress them. The people of Spain can be sure that freedom is the watchword of anarchism, and that we stand on the forefront of the fight against the return of tyranny. This government will be kept in check.
Inspector Detector posted:As for Director Emilio Mola's proposal to create a secret police force, presumably one that answers to Director Mola rather than the Republic, the Director must understand that there is no place for that in a free society. The funds allocated to the police in this budget are to be used for regular police for recruitment and to restore law and order in our cities. His Excellency is unfortunately wrong. Corruption is a problem that must be fought by loyal men, especially if that corruption is found within the judiciary and police forces. It is not a secret police, but rather an anti-corruption brigade. Does His Excellency wish to allow corrupt officials to continue in office? Certainly, he would not fear such an investigation of his own staff, no, given that they control an immense amount of money?