Apr 26, 2007

"Little by little the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him"


José Antonio Aguirre
Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco
Minsiter of Public Works

The admiral makes a salient point in that the actions of the FAI were, without a doubt, in violation of the law of the Republic. Hence the need for an amnesty. Considering the future likely carries the promise of further land reform, something where I would call upon moderation, there will need to be a legal framework for it. But what is done is done.

I support the Grand-Scale Devolution Act and think this may lead to a much more peacerful Spain, where different people might sometimes do a different dance, but we'll all dance all the more cheerful dancing to our own music. It might look less ordered, but it'll be a better party.

I must say I am... wary of the Land Nationalization Act. Could there be some provisions of the minimum amount of land one owns before one could be targeted by this? These grand Latifundia are a problem, yes, but as one who has experience running one's own business, understand how many entrepreneurs and moderately sized up and coming farmers might be spooked by this.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha


Ángel Herrera Oria
Leader of National Action
Editor of El Debate
Director of Catholic Action

I support the In Defense of Privacy Act and hope all my fellow Catholics will do the same. Government has no right to confiscate private land. It amounts to little more than stealing. I applaud my fellow CEDA member, Manuel, for his proposal.

On a related note, I vote to Repeal the Marital Law Act and oppose the Armed Forces Mental Health Act. Both these bills are unnecessary and create more problems than they solve.

I ask all those in opposition of An Act of Intelligence to please explain their reasoning. Spain needs a national policing organization to tackle the most severe of crimes. This is a new era and Spain needs a new form of policing.

I support a vote of No Confidence.

May God's blessings be upon you all.

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
El Director

Intelligence is not policing. These are two different things. El Director asks for clarification -- what is to be the purpose of this new agency. Is it to defend Spain from external enemies? That ought to be the province of the military, which has its own intelligence. Is it to combat crime? That is the province of the police and civil guard -- do not create a new agency when the existing ones are underfunded already.

The only avenue El Director sees for supporting this agency is if it is done in such a way that its only mission is to gather intelligence to be shared with the military, and police. It should be an information gathering agency, while the actions to be taken as a result of said information ought to be done by other agencies.

However, mixing intelligence gathering with the investigation of political corruption and similar crimes is doomed to fail: the two are two wildly different things.

El Director has yet to see why this new agency would fill any gap not being filled by the Police/FIE, Civil Guard, and the Interior Ministry's investigation branch. Therefore, El Director in his professional opinion must express his opposition.

Ramba Ral
Feb 18, 2009

"The basis of the Juche Idea is that man is the master of all things and the decisive factor in everything."
- Kim Il-Sung

Manuel Fal Conde
Leader of the Comunión Tradicionalista
Member of CEDA

Canasta_Nasty posted:

I would also like all those concerned over private property to note that our constitution considers private property subordinate to the public good. Latifundios were a detriment to our economy as a whole, and I find the land reform enacted by the CNT-FAI to be far more patriotic than the ruthless intransigence of the landlords. My proposed land reform measures will bring those acts of collectivization within the law by compensating the landlords as our constitution requires.

There will be people who will not give up their property for due remuneration. it is because there exists a sacred connection between the person and the land he lives on. This land is where he was born on and will die on. He may lose everything, may become destitute but in the end, his only connection to this Earth is through the dirt itself. This is the problem I have with this utilitarianism mindset. It only benefits the urban centers who have a majority and can shirk any and all responsibility to those in the outside. You tell the peasant he needs to vacate the land for it is to be used for the public good of the Spanish nation, and he will ask what about his good? What about the fact that it belonged to his father, and his grandfather, and so on and so forth? Will you say that we need to disregard them? Perhaps you will label all those that refuse kulaks and declare martial law where the military will clear the lands to appease the cities like Madrid. And you will consider this patriotic, but I will see this as another horror committed by those that called themselves 'enlighten'.

So, I will oppose your collectivization act! This Land Nationalization Act will only seek to displace the peasants from their homes and throw them to the wolves at Madrid. Make them subservient to the central government who only desires to put an iron collar around their necks.

You cannot commodify something that a person put his soul into.

Aug 23, 2005

Marcelino Domingo
Minister of War and Agriculture
Radical Socialist Republican Party


In response to the reasonable concerns of Sr. Aguirre I amend the Land Nationalization Act to exempt any land where the owner's family provides the majority of labor. These smaller farmers may join or form peasant collectives to receive modernizing subsidies.

This Act is necessary for the development of our nation and I will push it as far as I can.

Oct 11, 2008

by merry exmarx

Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada
leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (25 seats)
a member of CEDA

Fellow Spaniards, are you as tired as I am of the partisan politics of the left?
Everytime the center-right has tried to be reasonable and offer compromise, they were rebuffed, vilified, slandered!
Instead of moderating themselves the Socialists have become ever more extreme, fanatical. We might as well have only one socialist party instead of five, for their rhetoric is all the same.
Instead of upholding the oath they swore to the constitution to uphold law and order, they do the opposite!

Militias roam the cities, damaging property, kidnapping people by daylight on the streets, and what does the government do? They tell the Police not to interfere!
Militias roam freely on the countryside, stealing and intimidating farmers and landholders, forcibly collectivising them like in the Soviet Union! What does the government do you ask! Censure the people who want to put and end to this! Worse, they put forward their own land seizure initiative!
Militias roam the country unchallenged, and instead of declaring marital law they used trumped up charges to remove the head of the armed forces!

They have shown they are not interested in peace, prosperity, or the future of Spain.
This is why I called for a motion of no-confidence against the government, for they are bringing us ever closer to an abyss.

Our government is not ruling, as much as using the opportunity to put their own people into all important places of state, so they may do as they please.
Political discourse and diverse political viewpoints are not wanted, as you can see on every official appointment they make, on every statement they publish, in every speech they hold.

It is not only law and order they hold in contempt, but also liberty.
Apparently the government thinks the people of Spain are mewling infants and can't make decisions for themself.
That is why they don't want you to have a choice between private, Catholic, and government schools. They want everyone go to a state school so they can imbibe them from the earliest age with their demagoguery.
Worse still, they are now also reaching for your property. They have proposed a new law allowing the state to seize your land, whether you want to or not. We do not know what happens after that, as the government has refused to share that specific information.
They have graciously allowed for an exception should family farms decide to collectivis. However I must point out that this means a loss of the family land as well, as it will not be able to be left as inheritance.

But detractors of liberty can also be found in my colleagues on the center-right!
The recent proposal to create a domestic spy agency is simply an affront. Government has no rights to abrogate and interfere in the civil liberties of our citizens!
The plans to create a domestic intelligence service is simply out of the question. The government has to much power already, I will not stand for giving it the right to spy on our own people!

motion of no-confidence
Proposed and supported.

Land Nationalization Act
No, there is no reason for this and I haven't heard a single argument why this should be so.

In Defense of Property Act
Yes. It reaffirms the importance of private ownership.

Repeal Martial Law Act
Yes there are enough constitutional limits already

Armed Forces Mental Health Act
No, this is ridiculous.

An Act of Intelligence
No, no, no! This is but the first step towards a police state and is an unacceptable abrogation to the liberty of a people.

A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act

May 25, 2008

Pictured: the patron saint of internet political arguments (probably)

This avatar made possible by a gift from the Religionthread Posters Relief Fund

Buenaventura Durruti
Anarchist, insurgent warrior, philosopher, and no friend of burgeois cowardice!

It is clear to me what is happening here, sons and daughters of Spain.

Ángel Herrera Oria claims the self-organization of the working class towards direct democracy, solidarity and peace makes us "ruffians". Well, if this is the case, then I am a ruffian, and I feel not as slighted as proud that a fascist and his pretend god looks down their noses at me! Clowns like "Generalito" Sanjurjo, radical donkeys ass de Albornoz Melquíades and Gónzalez-Posada happily follow suit. Why, one may think? Are we not governed by sensible men?

Sensible action may yet be taken by the, arguably socialist, majority in the Republic, but I highly doubt anything auspicious will be given to the working class from on high by those with unjust privilege. No, they are all afraid of us, and for good reason: We are showing not only them, but the working class in Italy and Germany, how to treat fascists - by putting a permanent end to their tyranny.

Onwards, to revolucíon!

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha


Ángel Herrera Oria
Leader of National Action
Editor of El Debate
Director of Catholic Action

Canasta_Nasty posted:

Marcelino Domingo

I also vote in favor of the A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act. I was surprised that National Action would vote for this after voting down the last attempt to lower the voting age.

Little by little, my friend. Better we be safe than sorry. Should this reform meet some success we will discuss lowering it to 18. I am confident that it will but I would prefer to be safe.

I am afraid one of my proposals, An Act of Intelligence, has been interpreted in a manner which I did not intend. I blame this on myself, for not articulating well enough it's purpose. It was not written to be a "abrogation to the liberty of a people". My purpose was not to install fascism but instead promote peace, prosperity and stability. It is saddening that many of those whom I consider friends would think for even a moment that I would strive for tyranny.

While my proposal may have not been the best method, I still hold that policing in Spain needs to be strengthened to confront this new era pf uncertainty. What sort of country can we claim to govern if the average family does not feel safe in their home? Given the overwhelming hostility toward the legislation, however, I will withdraw the proposal.

Tias posted:


Buenaventura Durruti
Anarchist, insurgent warrior, philosopher, and no friend of burgeois cowardice!

It is clear to me what is happening here, sons and daughters of Spain.

Ángel Herrera Oria claims the self-organization of the working class towards direct democracy, solidarity and peace makes us "ruffians". Well, if this is the case, then I am a ruffian, and I feel not as slighted as proud that a fascist and his pretend god looks down their noses at me! Clowns like "Generalito" Sanjurjo, radical donkeys ass de Albornoz Melquíades and Gónzalez-Posada happily follow suit. Why, one may think? Are we not governed by sensible men?

Sensible action may yet be taken by the, arguably socialist, majority in the Republic, but I highly doubt anything auspicious will be given to the working class from on high by those with unjust privilege. No, they are all afraid of us, and for good reason: We are showing not only them, but the working class in Italy and Germany, how to treat fascists - by putting a permanent end to their tyranny.

Onwards, to revolucíon!

How can you continue with such rhetoric when so many have already suffered at the hands of your fellow anarchists? Catalonia burns and you seem to see it as a political victory against "tyranny". You slur insults at me and my fellow compatriots when we have done nothing compared to the chaos instigated across the country by anarchism. Look and you will see the blood of the innocent is on your hands, not our own.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
In areas with a Futuristic presence, a new poster that promises a better world is revealed:


Oct 11, 2008

by merry exmarx

Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada
leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (25 seats)
a member of CEDA

How gracious of the futurists to allow you to travel within your own country.
As long as you were granted your travel papers of course. Much like in the Soviet Union apparently, you will require a bureaucrat's approval to leave your "autonomous province".

Apr 26, 2007

"Little by little the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him"


José Antonio Aguirre
Leader of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco
Minster of Public Works

You know, considering their electoral success, and their ambitious promises, it would behoove the Futuristic Party to come forward and assist in a solution for hte current predicament. Several Parties oppose the current one, but at least they offer an alternative solution. That is, forcing it into open conflict and arresting all elements that are part of it. It's a solution I find entirely unacceptable, but at least they are doing more than making wild promises.

Futurists, you are in the Cortes. You have voters. They pay you to represent you. Then represent them. Do more than just make lofty promises of paradise for a moment, and come down to the ground to actually show some concrete initiative here.

I am glad for the adaption of the nationalization act. While I'm no fan of it, I recognize the political reality of this government. Also, to make clear, this would be focused on the farms, correct? Businesses in cities, factories that don't own particularly large amounts of land would not be affected b this?

For now, in order to make sure the government acts, I am williing to support the Land Nationalization Act

I do agree with Sr. Gonzalez-Posada that the Armed Forces Mental Health Act is a joke. Please, gentlemen. Government is a serious business.

I vote against the In Defense of Property Act

I vote against An Act of Intelligence

I vote for A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act Though I wouldn't call a 20 year old man a child.

Jan 22, 2011

The name Daria was already taken.

Juan Peligro Helado
Leader of the Partido Regionalista de Mallorca

Are the Futurists actively trying to harm Mallorca's tourist business? Your completely insane Omnicard plan would make it harder for Spanish citizens to visit beautiful Mallorca (now with less crying children!) if they aren't granted an Omnicard by the Futurist government.

Also, your plan talks about increasing arable land in a province no one cares about, when it should be talking about how you're going to make wonderful Mallorca (Sundae Sundays coming soon!) even more wonderful.

Oh and you completely forget to talk about just how you plan on doing all this. It would probably be a good idea if you, I don't know, laid out some sort of solid plan outlining how you plan to implement all your "genius" ideas.

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester

Riso posted:


Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada
leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (25 seats)
a member of CEDA

How gracious of the futurists to allow you to travel within your own country.
As long as you were granted your travel papers of course. Much like in the Soviet Union apparently, you will require a bureaucrat's approval to leave your "autonomous province".

El Director found this puzzling as well, since the Constitution guarantees freedom of movement within the country. Is this a sign of the Futurist intent?

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
Small little rules update, since a couple of people have asked now. Conditional orders are okay, as long as you make it extremely clear what triggers each condition.

For example: "If X happens, do Y. If not, do Z."

Hopefully this won't get too insane or complicated.

Ramba Ral
Feb 18, 2009

"The basis of the Juche Idea is that man is the master of all things and the decisive factor in everything."
- Kim Il-Sung

Manuel Fal Conde
Leader of the Comunión Tradicionalista
Member of CEDA

There are more than one ways to aid in developing agriculture. You could, for example, subsidize and give out loans so that the people can buy mechanical equipment to improve their lands. Have schools teach agricultural techniques so that they can better use the land they have. But, it seems to me, the only solution for you is to force them off the land and either have them work in collectivized farms, or send them to the urban centers. And, of course, if they resist, you will just execute them. Since the Left has such a great track record in listening to valid complaints like Kronstadt. I for one support Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada vote of no-confidence.

I vote for:
vote of no-confidence
A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act
In Defense of Property Act
Repeal Martial Law
Grand-Scale Devolution Act - If any act that weakens the central Madrid government and gives autonomy to regions that desire it is something that is central to the Carlist cause.

I vote against:
Land Nationalization Act
Armed Forces Mental Health Act

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

LATE 1935


Repeal of Martial Law Act With support from the right and the silence of the left, this proposal looks like it will be stonewalled. Events later in the year convince some leftists and centrists it is necessary, and it passes.

A Little Child Shall Lead Them Act This passes with almost no opposition. The voting age is lowered to 21.

An Act of Intelligence Opposition from the left and the center is enough to doom this legislation.

In Defense of Property Act In direct opposition to attempts to push for land nationalization, this act is deemed too far to the right by the centrists holding power in Spain's legislature.

Land Nationalization Act This act is deemed too far to the left by the centrists holding power in Spain's legislature.

Grand-Scale Devolution Act Most major parties support this act, and it passes.

Neither of the suggested budgets gains any traction, and political events make it likely a new one will be needed soon anyway.

The vote of no confidence is postponed considering the dire situation now faced by the country, and the questionable loyalties of the conservative opposition.


Army Uprising! Marcelino Domingo, in his role as Minister of War, attempts to forcibly retire older officers and promote younger ones. Many of the new promotions are to be drawn from working-class, industrial families. He also enacts several regulations allowing various political parties to have contact with members of the military. Almost all officers in the army regard this as a politically-motivated purge by the government. Officers refuse to step down from their posts, and soon are ordering their soldiers to seize control of the regions they are stationed in.

A portion of the Italian Navy begins to ferry troops from the Army of Africa, including General Franco, across to mainland Spain. They attempt to land at Malaga. When it becomes clear what is happening, the Republican Navy heads out to prevent the crossing. Shots are exchanged, but the Italian Navy is unwilling to commit too deeply and ultimately retreats under orders not to start a war. A number of troops from the African army as well as General Franco are able to enter Spain.

General Franco makes the following pronouncement:

Francisco Franco posted:


All of you who feel a holy love for Spain, all of you who, in the ranks of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, have sworn to defend the fatherland, those of you who swore to defend it from its enemies with your lives, your nation calls you to defend it.

The situation in Spain has been growing worse every day: In the countryside and the cities, anarchy reigns. In Catalonia, armed mobs use the pistol, the gun, and the club to settle their disputes, and the very officials who should be combating the violence are themselves encouraging and participating in it. Murders and kidnapping paralyze civic life, while filling ordinary men and women with fear and desperation.

All over, hardworking men of Spain sit idle, unable to find employment, worried how they will be able to feed their families, and the government is unwilling to do anything to help them; unwilling to create the economic conditions that will allow them to regain their dignity.

These serious crimes are committed in cities and countryside while the forces of public order are forced to remain in their barracks, restrained by our obedience to authorities who seek to dishonor them. The military is daily exposed to the lowest and most slanderous attacks by the ones who should safeguard its prestige.

There is no longer equality before the law nor liberty, but rather tyranny, nor fraternity, but hatred and crime replacing mutual respect, nor unity of the fatherland, but the threats of the tearing apart of the national territory, that the ruling powers themselves are promoting, nor solidarity and the defense of our borders, but division and neglect.

The Church, which has served and protected Spain since the reconquest, is under attack, not only by ignorant men, but by the government itself; its schools closed, its charities shuttered, the men and women of the cloth subjected to the greatest indignities.

Electoral pacts have been entered into and corrupt bargains made to subvert the democratic nature of the state, to put a mask of liberty over the true face of tyranny. Nothing restrains their appetite for power.

In the field of foreign relations, they have reversed long established foreign relations and have entered into alliance with a hostile and revolutionary foreign power, that has sacrificed 25 million people for its existence, and even now sends its agents to deceive and exploit the ignorant masses.

In addition to all this, there is a general spirit of maliciousness and negligence of authorities, who, protected by an incompetent government, lack the authority to impose order and the rule of liberty and justice.

Can we stand by one more day and watch this? Can we abandon Spain to its enemies without a struggle, surrendering it without resistance? No! Traitors may do so, but those of us sworn to defend it, who love it, will not.

We offer you justice and equality before the law. Peace and love among all Spaniards. Liberty and fraternity free from licentiousness and tyranny. Work for all. Social justice, carried out without rancor and violence, and an equitable and progressive distribution of wealth without destroying or threatening the Spanish economy.

But first, war without quarter against the exploiters of politics, against the deceivers of the honorable worker, against the foreigners and would be foreigners who, either directly or indirectly, seek to destroy Spain.

At this moment, it is Spain as a whole which is rising up and demanding peace, fraternity, and justice; in every region, the army, the navy, and the forces of public order are rushing to defend the fatherland. The energy devoted to upholding order will match the magnitude of the resistance offered to it.

Because the purity of our intentions prevents us from stifling progress and because the spirit of hatred has no place in our heart, we will be able to bring about for the first time in our country, the three part order. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!

Spaniards! Long Live Spain! Long Live the Spanish People!

The Civil Guard and Police pull out of Catalonia, leaving behind at hastily dug graves the bodies of numerous members of the CNT-FAI who were clearly executed. Some corpses even show signs of torture. The Civil Guard and Police work with Carlist and Falange militias to seize Sevilla and the surrounding areas of the countryside.

The official bodyguard of the Prime Minister, sent by the Civil Guard and stationed in Madrid, immediately set about to arresting members of the government. Caballero has already disappeared, and cannot be found. Domingo is arrested and taken into custody as is Quiroga. Manuel Rodriguez is able to quietly escape the city. The military and police are able to seize areas surrounding Madrid, but the city itself is strongly left-wing and resists. The Civil Guard are trapped with their prisoners inside a hostile city as violence breaks out.

The police kill any discovered members of FAI, suspected or otherwise. They also shut down the offices of La Socialista, where they can.

Buenaventura Durruti urges the Catalonian communes to arm themselves, which now seems very wise. He contacts other leftist leaders and begins discussing the arming of people throughout Spain.

A team of highly trained operatives launch a fast and effective attack on CNT headquarters in Barcelona. The eliminate telephone communications before invading the main building, searching for CNT leadership. They are able to seize many members of CNT leadership there, including Joaquin Ascaso. Diego Abad de Santillan is nowhere to be found though. After this kidnapping, the team disappears, and few are able to say to where or even who they were. Rumors begin to fly blaming the Civil Guard or some other mysterious agency.

Cicero makes the following speech:

Cicero posted:

And so Spain has reached a point of standoff. The government in unable to maintain control, and the people have realized this and begun to take power into their own hands. It is a revolutionary idea that one can simply ignore the state, and a sign that we have truly entered the Futuristic period. Why do the Futuristics refuse to join a governing coalition? Because neither the left nor the right will truly support Futuristic ideas. We would be nothing more than a tool by which they would continue to enact their 19th century political ideals. Spain has entered the 20th century, it's time that we woke up the governing classes and alerted them to that fact! The people of Spain will no longer put up with more of the same. They won't be pushed from left to right, forced into extremes that will turn family against family.

Members of the Futuristic Party, this year I encourage you to take a test offered in twenty cities throughout Spain, each test administered in the predominant local language. From Santiego de Compostela and Bilbo in the north, to the Canary Islands and Spanish Sahara in the south, every citizen of the 2nd Spanish Republic or one of its lamentable colonies in North Africa may freely take a test to determine their ability. This examination will test your critical thinking, your technical ability, your moral fortitude, and even your empathy, for what is intellect without the emotional maturity to temper it? After taking your test and speaking to a Futuristic representative, you will be eligible to receive an Omnicard representing citizenship within the Futuristic party. In Futuristic Spain, positions of responsibility will be offered to those with the most skill, not to those with the most money, the most extreme rhetoric, or the longest family tree. While the results of the examinations will be kept secret to ensure quality standards, our Futuristic scientists and mathematicians will pore over the results, tabulate them, calculate them, and determine who among us is best fit to receive the proper training for various positions necessary to the functioning of the nation. I do not doubt that in this very audience there are those among you with the natural intellect and willpower to rise to the top, to seize the moment to build the destiny of Spain yourselves, and I encourage you all to undertake the test yourself, which will be available at all Futuristic centers across our twenty autonomous technarchate capitals.

Without your Omnicard, you will be unable to receive your Guaranteed Minimum Income, the Futuristic guarantee that no Spanish citizen will starve, be forced to abandon their nation for colonies across the sea, or give up their dignity and turn to a life of crime to satisfy the cries of hunger that torment their family each night. The Futuristics will offer you work. The Futuristics will offer you security and stability. The Futuristics will end the chaos that threatens to spread throughout Spain! You won't wake up tomorrow to find that your land has been stolen, that your home has been invaded... no not with the Futuristics in control! The government is unable to solve the grievances of the people, do we really believe that removing them and electing a government composed of monarchists and reactionaries will defuse this situation in Catalunya? The Futuristics call for action, and we will take matters into our own hands to ensure that Spain does not fall to civil war. We will take action now, not after a series of votes, not after taking into consideration the feelings of those who resort to violence and fear to achieve their political goals, not after those who think that because they are the loudest and the strongest that they can push normal people about have taken everything that they desire and we are left with nothing at all!

Some of you have lost faith already, which I understand. You thought the Futuristics were simply another party entering parliament, one more color in the mosaic of Parliament. Some of you believed that your vote for the Futuristics was wasted. Well we're here to tell you that every vote for this corrupt Republic is wasted! We didn't join the government because soon the government will be begging to join us! Join the Futuristic Party, if not for yourself then for your family, your community, your people and your nation. The Futuristics promise to end anarchist terrorization of the Spanish people once and for all, starting now!

The Futuristics begin to present themselves as an alternative to the choices of the Spanish government. They hold more rallies, though as the chaos begins the effect of these is somewhat drowned out. They plan to become their own state-within-a-state, but it is unclear how they will protect people from the twin threats of rightist military oppression and militia-led communism.

Indalecio Prieto tours the country supporting Futuristicism. He begins spreading some of his generous wealth to people who attend rallies.

Fernando de los Rios spreads the Futuristic movement to every region of Spain. He begins testing employees with a number of exams to prove their aptitude. Children at the Instituto Futuristico take their first tests since starting, and are significantly above the norm for the average Spanish student of their age. Enrollment in the institute is increased.

The UGT removes a few members accused of spying. They also begin to recruit people into the militias, using the threat of rightists as reasoning. This reason proves itself very convincing in the later part of the year. The UGT continues to buy abandoned factories from the Ministry of Labor and collectivize them. Members of collectives are quite well paid. These collectives also seem able to find the best goods and materials to use, as well as the newest industrial methods. UGT affiliates are established in rural areas, creating a bulwark against the military which is assuming control of these places.

The PSOE attacks the right for calling no confidence as well as claiming that they support the recent coup attempt.

A National Prize For Innovation is created, giving money to inventors for coming up with practical ideas that can benefit the economy and industry.

Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada tours the country attacking the left. As soon as the army uprising occurs, he takes a vacation in Portugal.

The Falange officially declare that they are joining CEDA and denounce the leftist government as traitors who have been cooperating with the Catalonian anarchists.

Ángel Herrera Oria appeals to the center of the country in speeches and on the radio, insisting that the left has brought this situation by their own mismanagement and radicalism. A rally for CEDA youth is held in Madrid, but as news of fighting in the south of the country spreads it becomes unsafe. Oria joins the Provisional Leadership Council, an organization which claims to be leading the uprising, and claims that these emergency measures will only be temporary.

An anonymous pamphlet circulates around Madrid:

Anonymous posted:

¡Contra la revolución y sus cómplices!

Let me ask you a simple question, has your life improved since the establishment of this so-called republic? Are you or is any of your family well-employed? Do you not fear for your children at night? Has a new age of peace blossomed in Spain as many have claimed or do you awaken every morning to hear more news of violence, anarchy and insurrection? Who among us can answer, yes, to any of these questions? I know I have yet to meet a single Spaniard who claims his life has improved since the liberals established their regime. Despite empty promises and false gestures, little has been done to safeguard the average citizens. I will tell you here how the leftists came to establish their oligarchy.

..."Progress," they shout, "all in the name of progress!" but progress for who? Progress for the innocents being slaughtered in Catalonia daily by communists and anarchists? Liberals in the Cortes Generales like Diego Abad de Santillan claim these butchers are heroes and José Antonio Aguirre wishes to grant them amnesty. Progress for the children, who are fed lies and propaganda through these newly secularized schools? The new curriculum distorts history and rewrites events to further those in power? Progress for the Church and her clergy, who is mocked and persecuted in the highest halls of parliament despite widespread support for her among the public? Our current government shuts down schools and churches when our people are lost in a desert of ignorance, because they cannot stand that they are associated with the Catholic Church? Progress for the landowners, whose livelihood is threatened by such proposals as the Land Nationalization Act and the growing violence across the country? They have been forced to carry an increasingly large burden over the past few years due to liberal mismanagement. Progress for the poor who are unable to go to a Church for charity, for the churches themselves are overtaxed? Under its current management, the weak and destitute are forced to join radical militias that attack the state to find help. Progress for the army who is attacked at every turn by suggestions such as Armed Forces Mental Health Act. The left has not been subtle in their attacks of the army and now seeks to incriminate leaders like Franco on false charges for questioning their rule. As you can see, no group other than the leftist politicians and their supporters have benefited from this so called "progress".

...My dear reader, all I ask is this. Do not let these crimes go unpunished. Do not be afraid to speak out against the system. What the liberals have done to Spain is both unjust and uncivilized. Their tactics of violence and intimidation have dishonored not only themselves but Spain as a whole. Through your support, we can hope to retake Spain and restore the country to her former glory. It is not too late.

May God have mercy.

The Catholic Church calls for an end to all political violence in Spain, urging the need for stability and safety.

The Navy continues to expand, equipping the carrier with anti-aircraft weapons. Their training exercises are interrupted by the Italian skirmish, and now Malaga is under threat of being taken by the Army.

The CNT-FAI begins to arm workers in militias throughout the country, cooperating with the UGT where possible. They continue training exercises.

The Carlists recruit people, claiming that Christ the King demands service in the name of building a Catholic Spain.

Marcelino Domingo begins to spread Catalonian land reform throughout Spain despite the failure of his bill, but is soon arrested by PLC-aligned forces. He is able to begin distributing weapons from government armories to the militias.


A plebiscite in the Territory of the Saar Basin results in that micro-state joining Germany. A few months later, Adolf Hitler begins rearmament in violation of the Versailles treaty.



Country: República Española (Spanish Republic), formed in April 1931 from the former Kingdom of Spain.
Foreign Relations: Good relations with the United Kingdom, France, and Soviet Union. Poor relations with Portugal.
Population: 26 million
Year: Late 1935


Popularity: Army Uprising! Who knows!
System: Presidential Republic
President: Niceto Alcalá-Zamora/vacant
Parliament: 470 members
Elections: Held every 4 years for Parliament or called by the President in between, last held in Late 1934. Presidential election is held every 6 years, last held in Late 1931.
Voting System: Men and women over 23.

All laws that have been passed:

Council of Ministers
System: President appoints the Prime Minister from the ruling coalition. President can remove the Prime Minister and dissolve the government, calling for new elections twice during his term. The Prime Minister proposes other Cabinet positions, which the President approves or rejects. Ministers may be removed with a vote from Parliament. Ministers are responsible for the strength and effectiveness of government policy in their field. Parliament determines the budget as well as passes new legislation, which the President can veto. The Parliament can overturn a veto with a two-thirds vote. The Parliament can impeach the President with a three-fourths vote.
Prime Minister and Minister of Justice: Alejandro Lerroux/Takanago
Minister of State: Alvaro de Albornoz/Slothbear
Minister of the Interior: Santiago Casares Quiroga/Gowb - Imprisoned by Civil Guard
Minister of Finance: Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works: Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue0071 - Escaped Madrid!
Minister of Public Works: José Antonio Aguirre/Shogeton
Minister of War and Minister of Agriculture: Marcelino Domingo/Canasta_Nasty - Imprisoned by Civil Guard!
Minister of Labor, and Trade and Industry: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs - In hiding!


Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party “Partido Socialista Obrero Español” (Marxist Left, 66 seats, 17% popularity, led by Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs)
Radical Socialist Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical Socialista” (Republican Left, 57 seats, 15% popularity, led by Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán/Canasta_Nasty)
Republican Left of Catalonia “Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya” (Regionalist Left, 24 seats, 5% popularity, led by Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe)
Republican Action “Acción Republicana” (Republican Left, 5 seats, 1% popularity, led by Manuel Azaña/Inspector Detector)
Federation of Galician Republicans “Federación Repubicana Gallega” (Regionalist Left, 5 seats, 1% popularity, led by Santiago Casares Quiroga/gowb)
Democratic Federal Republican Party "Partido Republicano Democrático Federal" (Republican Left, 24 seats, 9% popularity, led by Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue 0071)

Radical Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical” (Republican Center, 67 seats, 13% popularity, led by Alejandro Lerroux/Takanago)
Basque Nationalists “Partido Nacionalista Vasco” (Regionalist Center, 7 seats, 6% popularity, led by José Antonio Aguirre/Shogeton)
Liberal Democrat Republican Party "Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata" (Republican Center, 25 seats, 5% popularity, led by Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada/Riso)

National Action “Acción Nacional” (Accidentalist Right, 75 seats, 18% popularity, led by Ángel Herrera Oria/QuoProQuid)
Traditional Communion "Comunión Tradicionalista" (Monarchist Right, 38 seats, 10% popularity, led by Manuel Fal Conde/Ramba Ral)
Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista" (Fascist, 12 seats, 5% popularity, led by José Antonio Primo de Rivera/Freudian)

Futuristic Party (Futuristic?, 61 seats, 14% popularity, led by Fernando de los Rios/Turkeymang)


National Confederation of Labor “Confederación Nacional del Trabajo”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Joaquín Ascaso/Noreaus - Captured by mysterious assailants, unknown location
Ideology: Anarchism
Influence: 785,000 members primarily in Catalonia, though some in Castile y Leon and Andalusia.
Forces: 40,000 armed members of workers' militias, entirely based in Catalonia

Iberian Anarchist Federation “Federación Anarquista Ibérica”
Type: Political organization within CNT
Leader: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN
Ideology: Radical Anarchism
Influence: Secret membership, believed to be about 10% of the CNT.

General Union of Workers “Unión General de Trabajadores”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: 1,175,000 members throughout the country.
Forces: 50,000 armed members of workers' militias throughout the country.

The Socialist "El Socialista
Type: Newspaper
Leader: Toribio Echevarría/DivineCoffeeBinge
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: Heavy readership throughout the country. Currently many offices are closed by police.

Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista"
Type: Political Organization
Leader: José Antonio Primo de Rivera/Freudian
Ideology: Fascism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Low in Andalucia
Forces: 15,000 Blueshirts

Futuristic Society "Sociedad de Futurismo"
Type: Political movement
Leader: Cicero/Unknown!
Ideology: Futurism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Andalusia, and Galicia

Type: Political Movement
Leader: Manuel Fal Conde/Ramba Ral
Ideology: Carlism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Navarre
Forces: 12,000 militia
Situation: Armed with Portuguese and Italian weapons

Other Individuals

Alvaro de Albornoz/SlothBear
Type: Legislator
Party: Radical Republican Party

Prince Francisco Javier de Borbón Parma y de Braganza/Viscardus
Type: Claimant to the Throne
Ideology: Carlism

Buenaventura Durruti/Tias
Type: Activist and militant
Ideology: Anarchism

Indalecio Prieto/HotDogDay82
Type: Legislator
Party: Futuristics

Military and Police

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 15,000 soldiers and 4 tank
Situation: Morale is low, virtually no officers stayed with the Republic.
Commanders: None

Provisional Leadership Council Army
Forces: 95000 soldiers, 10000 regulars, and 12 tanks in Spain; 2000 soldiers and 5000 regulars in Spanish Morocco
Situation: Morale is currently high. Troops from Spanish Morocco are composed of battle-hardened veterans.
Commanders: General Francisco France/Epicurius

Spanish Republican Air Force
Forces: 50 light bombers, 10 fighters, 1500 Fuerza Paracaidista
Situation: Planes and equipment are somewhat outdated. Loyalty to the new government is uncertain.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano/Fall Sick and Die

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 9 destroyers, 12 submarines, 44 smaller craft, 1 carrier under construction [2/4], 2 cruisers under construction [1/6], 2000 La Guardia Marina del Riego
Situation: Officers and sailors are largely leftist and pro-republican.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios/Gorgo Primus

Spanish Police
Forces: 5000 officers
Situation: Weak and leaderless
Commanders: None

Provisional Leadership Council Police
Forces: 40000 officers
Situation: Focused in Seville, area around Malaga, area around Madrid.
Commanders: Emilio Mola/Diplomaticus

Provisional Leadership Council Civil Guard
Forces: 22000 officers
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest. Currently focused in Seville, area around Malaga, area around Madrid.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo/Colonel Wood


Media: Uncensored, a huge variety of newpapers with opinions ranging from fascist to socialist, royalist to republican, and everything in between.
Education: 67% literacy, moderate portion of children do not have access to schooling. Government-run, secular schools are in existence and share a standardized curriculum.
Electricity: Common in urban areas, controlled largely by foreign companies. Rural areas rarely have access to electricity.
Water: Most of the country has access to clean water though rural areas often rely on wells.
Healthcare: Hospitals only in the cities, healthcare access is limited especially amongst the poor. Orphanages have reduced childhood homelessness and starvation, though conditions leave something to be desired.
Transport: Railroads link the major cities, dirt roads still prevalent in rural areas. Roads are being built by the government.
Labor: Labor unions are legal and a large majority of workers belong to them. The eight-hour day is guaranteed by law. Unemployment is around 14% and show signs of improving. Businesses are regularly investigated by the government.
Land: Much of the land surrounding towns has been redistributed to the peasantry, though tracts of land away from rural centers are still owned by aristocrats.
Food: Food can be hard to come by for the poor, and food prices fluctuate wildly if the country undergoes instability.
Crime: Rural areas are generally well-protected and patrolled. There is an army uprising!
Trade: Exports are beef and agricultural products, as well as some very minor light industry. Minor trade with the Soviet Union.
Religion: Almost everyone is at least nominally Catholic, though there are a few Protestant churches. A greater number of people are identifying as non-religious due to disillusionment with the Catholic Church.
Languages: Castillian is the official language. However, regions are given a great deal of autonomy and thus Catalan is spoken in Catalonia, Basque in Navarre, and so forth.
Consumer Goods: Increasing in the major cities, though still difficult to find elsewhere.
Immigration: Very small, generally from Latin America.
Civil Rights: Plentiful, the people are guaranteed freedom of speech, the press, assembly, religion, and the right to petition the government. Government records are available to the public. Abuse by the Civil Guard is being reported by many in Catalonia.
Judiciary: Uncorrupted currently, loyal to the Republican government.

Government Budget
28% tax on high income (28)
15% tax on middle income (9)
5% tax on low income (1)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (1)

Light Industry: 3/3
Heavy Industry: 2/2
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/1
Police: 4/5
Army: 4/6
Navy: 1/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 2
Credit Income: 40
Debt Credits: 6 (5% interest)

Map of current political situation in Spain:

Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned
Red: Government Aligned

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
Special Edition from El Fascista, the Primer Source for News On Fascism In Spain

Onésimo Redondo Ortega, founder of the Falange, is unfortunately still recovering from his health problems. Luckily for him though, treatment is in sight. We have received word that Redondo has decided to take a vacation in Portugal, all-expenses-paid by the Falange, to aid in his recovery. And with such luck too, to leave Spain just hours before Franco's coup.

Due to the severeness of his condition, it may be years before he can return back to Spain, but when he does, he will receive a hearty welcome and will not at all be marginalized by a now-empowered and popular Primo de Rivera.
Pictures Taken By Onésimo Redondo Ortega While He Is In Exile In Portugal

All these pictures were recovered in Onésimo Redondo Ortega's personal files, some of them scribbled "Si yo sólo sabía portugués!"

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
El Director


It is with a heavy heart that El Director has ordered the newly formed Provisional Leadership Council Police to assist the armed forces in bringing stability and security back to this country. The Leftists have time and time again shown themselves to be concerned with nothing less than gutting the principles that made this country great. For their own political motivations, they would seek to take control of the Army and police, as well as encourage lawlessness and anarchy in the countryside, all while their leaders line their pockets at the expense of the workers they claim to protect.

El Director....I... cannot allow this to stand. After deep consultation with my comrades in the military and guard, El Director has determined that the police must assist them in removing the criminal leftist threat.

Those leftists who are truly interested in helping the people, and not dillying about trying to place their puppets into highly important military officer positions, will surely find a place in the provisional government. The extremist socialists and anarchists who brought Spain to this position, however, will not.

Mar 2, 2011

Spider-Man's Amazing Construction Company
Toribio Echevarría Ibarbia
Writer, El Socialista newspaper; member, Unión General de Trabajadores; member, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; not a government employee

Jan 25, 2009

Alvaro de Albornoz

I sit in the ashes of a dream. Perhaps Spain was not ready for a Republic after all. Where is the nobility in this? Outrage upon outrage rains down upon us. What shall we do...

Senor de Albornoz shakes his head sadly, ruminating on where Spain can go from here.

May 25, 2008

Pictured: the patron saint of internet political arguments (probably)

This avatar made possible by a gift from the Religionthread Posters Relief Fund

Buenaventura Durruti
CNT-FAI Member, Protecter of the Revolution and Leader of the Durruti Column

So fascism yet again shows its true nature. Our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, sons and daughters will soon suffer and die because riches and social control was not good enough for some men. I doubt the Republican government will muster a response in time. After all, no government in the world fights fascism to the death. When the bourgeoisie sees power slipping from its grasp, it has recourse to fascism to maintain itself.

So, I call unto the CNT and UGT to mobilize further, respect no orders not given by the authorities of workers collectives or the unions. Give me men, and I will finish what we started. I am ready to travel north on Aragon and beyond, and create the first of what will be a thousand columns of worker militia!

There are only two roads this struggle can go, my fellows - victory for the working class, freedom, or victory for the fascists, which means tyranny and injustice. Both combatants know what is in store for the loser, or Franco's barbarian hordes will make it clear soon enough. We are ready to end fascism once and for all, even in spite of the Republican government. We hope of course this isn't so.

Ángel Herrera Oria posted:

How can you continue with such rhetoric when so many have already suffered at the hands of your fellow anarchists? Catalonia burns and you seem to see it as a political victory against "tyranny". You slur insults at me and my fellow compatriots when we have done nothing compared to the chaos instigated across the country by anarchism. Look and you will see the blood of the innocent is on your hands, not our own.

I invite you to travel to Catalonia and see the many young anarchists, some only children, shot in the head with their heads bound when state police realized they did not have time to conduct a show trial. It can be seen in the papers as well. After that, I will accept your apology, you may receive a rifle and walk in the Iron Columns.

Solidarity and Anarchy,

((e: just fixed QuoProQuid to Ángel Herrera Oria for immersion))

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice

Durruti posted:

I invite you to travel to Catalonia and see the many young anarchists, some only children, shot in the head with their heads bound when state police realized they did not have time to conduct a show trial. It can be seen in the papers as well. After that, I will accept your apology, you may receive a rifle and walk in the Iron Columns.

Have no fear, Durruti. I will take up your invitation and get to Catalonia soon enough!

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester

Tias posted:


Buenaventura Durruti
CNT-FAI Member, Protecter of the Revolution and Leader of the Durruti Column

So fascism yet again shows its true nature. Our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, sons and daughters will soon suffer and die because riches and social control was not good enough for some men. I doubt the Republican government will muster a response in time. After all, no government in the world fights fascism to the death. When the bourgeoisie sees power slipping from its grasp, it has recourse to fascism to maintain itself.

So, I call unto the CNT and UGT to mobilize further, respect no orders not given by the authorities of workers collectives or the unions. Give me men, and I will finish what we started. I am ready to travel north on Aragon and beyond, and create the first of what will be a thousand columns of worker militia!

There are only two roads this struggle can go, my fellows - victory for the working class, freedom, or victory for the fascists, which means tyranny and injustice. Both combatants know what is in store for the loser, or Franco's barbarian hordes will make it clear soon enough. We are ready to end fascism once and for all, even in spite of the Republican government. We hope of course this isn't so.

I invite you to travel to Catalonia and see the many young anarchists, some only children, shot in the head with their heads bound when state police realized they did not have time to conduct a show trial. It can be seen in the papers as well. After that, I will accept your apology, you may receive a rifle and walk in the Iron Columns.

Solidarity and Anarchy,

((e: just fixed QuoProQuid to Ángel Herrera Oria for immersion))

El Director

Considering it was YOUR anarchists who forced this situation by bombings and assassination attempts against the government, rioting and political violence in the streets, all so you could purge the center and right from the government, El Director has little sympathy for you or your terrorists. That went out the window when El Director was attacked for attempting to enforce the law.

The true colors of the CNT-FAI are clear -- they are the colors of lawlessness, hatred, and violence. They speak of a class war against the rich, when they lined their pockets from robbing hard working citizens, but as anarchists do they pay taxes? No, in fact they have been lobbying to bankrupt the police and military from the beginning of their mobs, yet conveniently complain about it every time there was violence -- violence caused by their own members. My friends, they have been conspiring to bring down the government for years. It is time that their brigades of terror are disbanded, and Sr. Durruti placed in a jail cell for his terrorist activities.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha


Ángel Herrera Oria
Leader of National Action
Member of the Spanish Provisional Leadership Council
Editor of El Debate
Director of Catholic Action

In a radio address broadcasted across Spain

My beloved Spain, what have they done to you? You have been ripped asunder. Man against man, friend against friend, brother against brother. Will this wound ever heal? I shudder to think how future generations will remember us.

I have here today to speak to you about the current Civil War and what it means to you. There are rumors circulating about the conflict but I will do my best to dispel them. It is time to set the record straight.

Last week, Marcelino Domingo, your Minister of War attempted to purge the army. Just as the communists do in Russia, he attempted to rid himself of political rivals and take full authority over our armed forces. Simultaneously, trumped up charges were brought against Franco and the left tried to seize control elsewhere. The purge failed but the Cabinet succeeded in discrediting their own regime. Violence has broken out. I am afraid we are now live in an age of poverty, greed, violence, destruction. In order to maintain stability, members of the former government have come together with hopes of saving Spain. The rebellious Cortes has fled.

The former Cortes Generales, I am now speaking directly to you. I do not consider you my enemies, but my friends. Please, turn yourselves in before more blood is spilled across the countryside. I have no desire to see my people suffer any further. This must stop. Now. Once captured, I will personally guarantee you a quick and speedy trial by an impartial jury. Many of you are not rebelling out of malice but simply because you have been mislead. It is these deceivers whom I wish to punish, not yourselves. I am confident you will be found innocent of all the crimes against you.

Only together, my fellow Spaniards, can we reach our full potential. One Spain, under God, forever and ever. Now, I must say farewell for there is much work to be done.

To the Provisional Leadership Council

I propose the following legislation:

An Act of Faith

This bill hereby grants tax exemption status to all religious organizations and public charities.

Dec 18, 2007

A Very Special Hell
Entering the game as...
Miguel Alejandro Camancho
Image Unavailable
Commander of Remnant Republican Army Forces, Loyalist.

While it is the opinion of many that the military is solely composed of jackbooted thugs, thirsting for the blood of political enemies and Spanish citizens, there are still officers dedicated to serving the Republic - some of whom, despite Minister Domingo's officer scheme, both refuse to step away and to turn against the government.

However, the revolt Minister Domingo's action has caused has left the Republican Army sorely depleted, disorganized, and demoralized. It is my suggestion that the Republican Army, being in no condition to maintain order or to fight against enemies of any nature, temporarily withdraw to Valencia to reorganize, rearm, and rebuild.

We also suggest, that until such a time as the present crisis is resolved and Minister Domingo is available, that an acting Minister of War be selected, and further, that the remaining loyalist police be seconded to the command of the Republican Army until such a time as the crisis has been resolved.

Jul 29, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

Diego Abad de Santillan
Federación Anarquista Ibérica
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo

Though I am not a member of the Cortes, I must humbly request Parliamentary sponsor for legislation:

In Defense of Spain
Workers militias under the banners of the CNT and UGT are hereby to be recognized as Republican forces, with all of the material support and legal status entailed. These militias will retain their independence, and remain under the sway of their respective unions. Supplies must be shared equally between our allied forces.

Furthermore, the bulk of our economy
mustbe mobilized to support the war effort. To this end, factories should be drafted into service producing arms, ammunition, tanks, planes, and other supplies.

Mar 23, 2011

José Antonio Primo de Rivera

I propose the following items to my fellow members of the Provisional Leadership Council for consideration:

  • A one-month amnesty for possession of weapons, during which the authorities will operate a cash-for-guns program.
  • A similar one-month amnesty for financial institutions holding anarchist and rebel assets, including those of the former Leftist government, to turn them over to the authorities.
  • A further one-month amnesty for trade unions and socialist organisations to peacefully disband themselves. They will register their disbandment with the authorities to ensure that no organisations are accidentally classed as being in existence beyond the period of amnesty.
  • The creation of a Committee for Infrastructure, the aim of which will be to assess the state of transportation and offer counsel on how best to improve this for the common good.

I await your thoughts.

Jan 22, 2011

The name Daria was already taken.

Juan Peligro Helado
Leader of the Partido Regionalista de Mallorca

It seems to me, Juan Peligro Helado, that everyone is all hot and bothered about silly things. I'm sure that if everyone was to relax, things would be much clearer. That is why I would like to invite everyone to beautiful Mallorca for a few days of rest, relaxation, and partying. I would particularly like to invite Admiral
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios and all his sailors; drinks are on me!

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

entering the game as Dolores Ibarruri, Deputy Secretary General of the Partido Communista de Espana

The outbreak of civil war has forced the hand of my party, and we hereby declare our unconditional support for the government and all of our allies on the Left. We will aid the government and our Anarchist friends in any way we can, and we will continue to organize and arm workers so that we may defend ourselves from the looming specter of Fascism. The forces of backwardness have taken off their masks and seek to plunge our Spain into the shadow of dictatorship, but they cannot stand against the might of the people, working together. For the Republic, and for Spain!


Dec 18, 2007

A Very Special Hell
Miguel Alejandro Camancho
Image Unavailable
Commander of Remnant Republican Army Forces, Loyalist.

The Partido Communista's pledge of support to the legitimate government is a welcome development. It is my opinion that recognizing both the worker's militias of the Partido and those of the UGT and CNT is perhaps the best option available to provide the Republica Army the breathing room necessary to rearm, rebuild, and regroup, and to speed the training of a replacement officer corps from those remaining non-commissioned officers. It has also been brought to my attention that the plan to relocate to Valencia is simply unworkable at the present time, and therefore, we will no longer be issuing orders to that effect.

Further, while my aides have brought to my attention the belief that this mass desertion was inevitable, and Minister Domingo's plan necessary, I rebuke this. I refuse to believe that my former comrades cannot be reached through reason and sound arguments, and I suggest that we offer amnesty for any turncoat officer who reconsiders their decision within a reasonable time frame of, perhaps, three months. All men may be misled by demagogues and propagandists, and in times of crisis, this must be accounted for.

Turns out I forgot my email on entering. That's what I get for posting before I've had my coffee.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
I would invite new players to join #simcountry on synirc if possible, it's where most game discussion and plotting is actually done.

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Dolores Ibarruri
Secretary-General, Partido Communista de Espana

As our party supports the platform it has put forward, the PCE will join the Confederación de Trabajadores y Campesinos.

Jun 2, 2007

You'll see...

Alejandro Lerroux

My fellow Spaniards,

You have no doubt noticed my absence during these troubling times. While Spain sailed towards disaster, I was asleep at the helm. I have failed in my goal to be the glue that holds our country together and holds back the radicals and extremists. It is quite unfortunate.

My health has been failing me recently. Instead of spending time in parliament, I have been spending time at home or at the hospital. To be frank, I do not believe I am currently in any condition to lead the Spanish Republic. Now, many of you have already heard this and have been waiting for me to step down and announce who I wish to take my place.

So, let me make this official: I am resigning from the office of Prime Minister, Minister of Justice, the leader of the Radical Republican Party, and the director of the newspaper, "El Republicano". In my place, I appoint Alvaro de Albornoz to take my place as the head of the Radical Republican Party. Additionally, I would like to ask that he be chosen to succeed me as the next Prime Minister of Spain.

Let me say one last thing to my country of Spain, who is split in two. Despite what how it may appear, the Center is not dead.

OOC: I don't have enough time to dedicate to Spain anymore. So for now, I am dropping out.

Jan 25, 2009

Alvaro de Albornoz

"Evil shines darkest before the dawn." Is all the Minister has to say upon acceptance of leadership of the Radical Republicans.

Dec 8, 2009

Grey Hunter's next target.


Manuel Rodriguez
Partido Republicano Democrático Federal

It shocks and deeply saddens me to see my country so riven by treason and betrayal. In this hour of the Republic's greatest need, all Spaniards must stand firm against fascism and reaction. With the heavy burden of prosecuting the defense of Spain in mind, I am compelled to announce a wartime government, on consideration of and with support from a majority of the parliament.

While we appreciate the service of Alejandro Lerroux and took his advice into due consideration, the necessities of rebellion and war demand immediate, strong action to preserve Spain and the Republic which precludes its implementation. With that in mind, I call for, with the support of parliament, a new government to be formed in Valencia.

This is a war for democracy. This is a war for the very soul of the Republic. The fascists and Carlists have refused to accept the verdict of the Spanish people, and have risen up against it - to establish a fascist state or monarchy in which the will of the people does not inconvenience them. The people of Spain - and its loyal defenders - reject this assault on liberty and democracy.

I call upon all parties loyal to the Republic to endorse the wartime government and join in its defense of Spain.


Prime Minister: Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue0071
Minister of State: Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue0071
Minister of Finance: Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe
Minister of Trade: José Antonio Aguirre/Shogeton
Minister of Public Instruction: General Luis Lombarte Serrano/FSAD (**)
Minister of Fine Works: Alvaro de Albornoz/Slothbear
Minister of War: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Minister of Industry: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Minister of Labor: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Minister of Agriculture: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN
Minister of Public Works: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN
Minister of Justice: Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernndez-Palacios/Gorgo Primus (**)
Minister of the Interior: Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernandez-Palacios/Gorgo Primus (*)
Minister of Tourism: Juan 'Peligro' Helado/Icecream Jones

(*) Temporary appointment for Santiago Casares Quiroga/Gowb
(**)Temporary appointment for Marcelino Domingo/Canasta Nasty

Jan 22, 2011

The name Daria was already taken.

Juan Peligro Helado
Leader of the Partido Regionalista de Mallorca

I, Juan Peligro Helado, am pleased and honored by my new position as Minister of Tourism. I must say that this is certainly the best government Spain has ever had, if only because it finally includes me and gives the long oppressed Mallorcan people a real voice in the government.

I would also like to say that as the Minister of Tourism, I will work towards ending this horrid civil war, because if it goes on much longer the Jewel of Spain, the wondrous land of Mallorca, will start seeing a significant decrease in profits, because no one wants to vacation in a nation where they have a chance of being brutally murdered.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Francisco Franco


Once again, the left shows their true colors by setting up a "wartime government" that has, with the notable exception of their minister of Tourism, rejected moderation altogether. They claim to support the Constitution, but their government contains two military officers in violation of that very constitution.

Make no mistake, people of Spain, this government may claim to be headed in Valencia, but its true location is Moscow. I call on you, men and women of Spain, to be loyal to your sacred fatherland, and to the principles on which the Spanish Republic were founded; principles of freedom, equality, and brotherhood for all. Reject this so called "wartime government", and join us in bringing Spain back to life.

Jul 29, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

Epicurius posted:

Francisco Franco


Once again, the left shows their true colors by setting up a "wartime government" that has, with the notable exception of their minister of Tourism, rejected moderation altogether. They claim to support the Constitution, but their government contains two military officers in violation of that very constitution.

Make no mistake, people of Spain, this government may claim to be headed in Valencia, but its true location is Moscow. I call on you, men and women of Spain, to be loyal to your sacred fatherland, and to the principles on which the Spanish Republic were founded; principles of freedom, equality, and brotherhood for all. Reject this so called "wartime government", and join us in bringing Spain back to life.

It's good that you're here, Franco, to protect the constitution. What would we do without you? Where's the clause that allows you to launch a rebellion and form your own government, by the way?

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Right next to the clause that lets you set up a private army of secessionists in Catalonia and use it to kidnap and murder law abiding citizens.

Pinche Rudo
Feb 7, 2005


General José Sanjurjo
El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil

My fellow Spaniards, I am saddened that the former Republican Government was overtaken by the corrupt Stalinist Left. I take no pleasure in having to take such drastic action, but it was necessary to cure our nation of its ills: Violent Anarchist Ideology, Stalinism, and Corruption! The Left steals land from rightful land owners big and small. Families that held small acreages for generations saw their land violently taken from them in the name of "collectivization". That land was given to cronies of the Left, installed with titles such as as the "Collective Organizers" or "Collective Leaders". No doubt they are lining their pockets with the profits of the farms such as the Latifundists before them. I fear for any Centrists in the Left-controlled territories, as they will no doubt be targeted for purging by the bloodthirsty Anarchists who are given free license to murder and steal as they see fit. I say to these Centrists, who again see their leaders in bed with the radical Left: Throw off the shackles of your incompetent leaders! Join the ranks of our forces to help beat back the puppets of Moscow! Surely, if the Left regains control you will see violent purges of the Center and Right and those not murdered sent to prison camps just like their Soviet Masters! Even if you do not agree with my and my colleague's viewpoints, I urge you to fight the Left not for us, but for your own liberty!

The Left has worked so diligently to paint the Right as monsters, while they send armed gangs of Anarchists like the FAI to rape, steal, and murder at will! To show that I am a reasonable man and as a sign of good faith I am releasing Minister Quiroga from custody. My investigation has shown he has committed no crimes and was one of the few on the Left willing to compromise and work to actually improve our nation, much to the chagrin of the other Leftists. I thank and commend him for his service, and I apologize for having detained him. Minister Domingo however, will continue to be detained and will face arraignment on his charges.