Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha


Ángel Herrera Oria
Leader of National Action
Editor of El Debate
Director of Catholic Action

These are good proposals which I personally believe will bring some stability to Spain. The only two amendments I would make would be to more clearly lay out the consequences of not surrendering assets and to allow government sponsored permits. These permits would allow law-abiding citizens who have proven both their responsibility and loyalty to the Provisional Government to possess small arms.

These would set forth a 'carrot and stick' model for the Spanish criminal justice system. While the proposal is fine now as is, I feel it could be improved.

On a final note, I pray that the members of the Provisional Government will vote yes on An Act of Faith to finally stop the assault on religion happening within our borders.

José Antonio Primo de Rivera posted:

I propose the following items to my fellow members of the Provisional Leadership Council for consideration:

  • A one-month amnesty for possession of weapons, during which the authorities will operate a cash-for-guns program.
  • A similar one-month amnesty for financial institutions holding anarchist and rebel assets, including those of the former Leftist government, to turn them over to the authorities.
  • A further one-month amnesty for trade unions and socialist organizations to peacefully disband themselves. They will register their disbandment with the authorities to ensure that no organisations are accidentally classed as being in existence beyond the period of amnesty.
  • The creation of a Committee for Infrastructure, the aim of which will be to assess the state of transportation and offer counsel on how best to improve this for the common good.

I await your thoughts.

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Dolores Irarruri
Secretary-General, Partido Communista de Espana

Wonderful. Now the criminals are expecting praise for releasing one of their hostages. General, release all of the hostages you have kidnapped, and we will let you leave the city peacefully.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

tatankatonk posted:


Dolores Irarruri
Secretary-General, Partido Communista de Espana

Wonderful. Now the criminals are expecting praise for releasing one of their hostages. General, release all of the hostages you have kidnapped, and we will let you leave the city peacefully.


Ángel Herrera Oria
Leader of National Action
Editor of El Debate
Director of Catholic Action

The individuals you refer to are not hostages but are the primary suspects in an ongoing investigation. They are, among other things, accused of treason, conspiracy, and aiding/abetting terrorist acts against the Republic. This detention is standard procedure.

Once they are found innocent, they will be released and free to go just like Minister Quiroga. Be assured that I and the remainder of the Provisional Council will do our best to ensure their rights as a Spanish citizen are respected.

It is saddening to see a statesman as well respected as Dolores Irarruri degenerate into threats so quickly.

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

QuoProQuid posted:


Ángel Herrera Oria
Leader of National Action
Editor of El Debate
Director of Catholic Action

The individuals you refer to are not hostages but are the primary suspects in an ongoing investigation. They are, among other things, accused of treason, conspiracy, and aiding/abetting terrorist acts against the Republic. This detention is standard procedure.

Once they are found innocent, they will be released and free to go just like Minister Quiroga. Be assured that I and the remainder of the Provisional Council will do our best to ensure their rights as a Spanish citizen are respected.

It is saddening to see a statesman as well respected as Dolores Irarruri degenerate into threats so quickly.

Dolores Ibarruri
Secretary-General, Partido Communista de Espana

The Civil Guard and the Police have betrayed their nation by siding with the traitorous Franco. They have killed and tortured us, imprisoned us without trial, and yet we were willing to turn a blind-eye, as we thought they were honest enough to attempt to reach a peaceful solution. You and your friends may blather on about upholding the law, but every man, woman, and child now knows that your words are empty and without meaning.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

EARLY 1936


A new Republican government is formed.

At the behest of multiple parties, foreign volunteer begin to pour into Spain. Some are thrill-seekers and adventurers while others are genuine political believers. Both the PLC and the Republic gain support.

CNT-FAI aligned forces under the control of Durruti march west into Aragon. Most interesting is that Durruti has nine tanks with him, all Soviet-made.

Members of the CNT-FAI occupy the industrial centers of Catalonia, seizing control of the last remnants of private industry in the region. They begin to use the factories to produce war materials.

The Republican Police are subsumed into the Army. Lawlessness rises, though many areas are under the control of local governments due to devolution or armed militias, and the increase is not too significant. The army begins to quickly train more officers, and is able to produce a rather barebones group of leaders. They also attempt to recruit, but with the Republican government quickly falling to infighting and the remaining leader largely focused on their own militias, the army can only gain a few men.

Naval officers and sailors who wish to join the PLC are told that they can go, perhaps to prevent sabotage and theft. However, it is later discovered that officers who attempt to leave were shot while sailors were arrested. The Republican navy bombards the Southern coast of Spain, destroying ports held by the PL and preventing the importation of weapons or armaments from foreign powers. A small force of marines are sent to seize the Canaries, they succeed. The Navy attempts to recruit but encounters similar problems as the Army.

PCE members arm themselves and mobilize, planning to attack PLC forces in Madrid. Ibarruri gives the following speech:

Dolores Ibarruri posted:

Fellow Citizens of Madrid,

The Civil Guard and the Police force have taken members of the Government hostage, and barricaded themselves inside government buildings. These have already been surrounded by citizens loyal to the legitimate government of Spain. These buildings shall soon be under the control of the PCE, which in the absence of the kidnapped government, remains loyal to the Republic. However, we cannot content ourselves with the knowledge that these criminals will soon be brought to justice. Other traitors, loyal only to their own dreams of Power, seek to impose their ideas of what Spain shall be on us! They march beneath the banner of Fascism and Barbarism, seeking to make slaves of their fellow citizens. We must begin fortifying the city in anticipation of an attack by these rogues, and arm ourselves so that we may fight for the liberties we formerly took for granted! In the coming weeks and months, you may see armed men in the streets, or PCE officers working in tandem with government officials to keep order in the city. Do not be alarmed, for unlike the thugs and criminals who kidnap, torture, and murder, we are your friends, neighbors, and family. We, the citizens of Madrid, must take this matter into our own hands. Politicians often refer to "the people." Well, we are the people, and now is the time to see what we are made of! Any able-bodied man or woman who loves his country and city should report to either the offices of the CPE or any government building, to see how they can help!

To the men of the Civil Guard and Police currently hiding in Madrid:

We offer the following olive branch. Surrender your hostages and arms, and we will let you leave the city in peace. If you refuse, we will storm the buildings you cower in and drag you before the courts, where you will be charged with treason and most certainly convicted. This offer will not be repeated.

Alvaro de Albornoz, new leader of the Radical Republicans, forms a centrist militia (?). He hurriedly rushes refugees out of Madrid as the city descends into chaos. However many claim that members of his militia are participating and even instigating looting of banks and museums. Him and much of his militia are able to bribe their way out of the city and disappear.

The Naveas Espanola is created, and UGT workers are sent to aid in the construction of the light carrier. Factories are converted into producing war resources, and militias are armed.

Local militias are encouraged to rise up by the Republic, to defend against the Fascist menace.

Fortifications are built by the Republicans in areas bordering the PLC-controlled regions.

Futuristics create a militia in the morthwest of the country, seizing control of the region and presenting themselves as a third way to the people of Spain.

Acts of sabotage break out across Catalonia, perpetrated by the Civil Guard. The centralization of control by the CNT-FAI and support of this organization by the Generalitat renders these attacks largely unfruitful, though a Soviet Officer is captured. The Soviet Union claims that he was a "neutral observer".

Manuel Rodriguez plans on moving the government to Valencia, which is being fortified to prevent capture. He is rescued from Madrid by the air force, who promptly deliver him to Galicia and place him under arrest by the Futuristics.

Lluis Companys works with the leftist Cabinet to empty the gold reserves of Madrid before traveling to the new temporary capital. Rescued from the city by the air force, his plane begins to divert course from the agreed-upon destination, which he expected. However, rather than taking him to Barcelona he is taken to Galicia and put under arrest by the Futuristics.

PRRS members in Seville lead an uprising, and the city proper is held by leftist rebels.

Similarly, Caceres is quite friendly with the Futuristics due to their educational projects and local councils declare they are joining with them.

Angel Oria opens a number of charities for those affected negatively by the unrest. He writes to the Church and speaks to the people, criticizing the leftist government.

Aereas Espanola is relocated to Galicia and begins to pump out fighters, being supplied by the UGT.

The Air Force attempts to capture Sanjurjo in a quick raid, but the imminent attack on the city by the PLC forces them to cut the attempt short. They do offer to escort to many leftist government officials, before taking all of them to Galicia to be arrested. The Air Force also loots many of the museums, banks, and treasuries of Madrid with the aid of the Radical Republicans.

Cicero reveals himself as Air General Luis Lombarte Serrano, and gives the following speech:

Cicero posted:

Though we have always been for the movement towards the Futuristic style of government, our plan was to do so in a gradual fashion, supported by the people themselves. Unfortunately, real life got in the way of our plans. It was the Futuristics who raided the CNT headquarters and captured the CNT leadership! If the country wasn't fighting a war, the left would have fractured as it fell to squabbling over leadership. The Futuristics are not for fighting wars, we are for intelligent operations to defend the security of the country, to end threats to us. But because of Franco's rebellion, that can no longer be the case. The time has come to stand openly for what we Futuristics believe in! We would have continued to work within the strictures of the Republic, working with the forces of the left to combat the forces of the right who seek to overthrow democracy. But the left is just as bad as the right! Officers of the Sky Army, look around you, left and right, look at your brothers-in-arms. Know that the Republican government that you pledged your loyalty to told me to purge and kill any of you who might be of questionable loyalty! Your own friends who one moment you would have given your lives for, I was told to decimate you. Is this the government to whom I should pledge my loyalty? To the UGT, who receive their marching orders from the Soviet Union? To the Anarchists, whose plans are to forcibly collectivize the entire North of Spain rather than actually fighting the war against the rebels to the south? I have seen their plans, and that is why we made the movement we did now. I did this because I would rather fight these villains than firebomb Seville as they instructed me. I would rather cut off my own arm than purge my own officers!

But you should also know that the worst moment has passed! We have the entire leadership of the left in our hands! The ministers of the Republican state. The CNT. We also have the friendship of the Radical Republicans, the only true center in this nation. Together, the Futuristics and the Republicans, we will claw this nation back from the extremists of the right who wish to return us to the 13th century as surely as we have already defeated the left! People of Spain, do you wish to have your property taken from you? Do you wish to lose your vote to the landed aristocracy? The Futuristics have always had a plan, we're organized, we're strong, and we're going to lead the people of Spain to TRUE victory. No one in Futuristic territory will ever be given a test of political belief! No man in the Futuristic world will be subject to purges! No one in Futuristic society will have either his property or his labor stolen from him! If you do not wish to be a part of our new society, I grant you this moment of freedom, make your choice soldiers of the Sky Army. There are no half-hearts here, you are with us or you may return to your homes, or even to the enemies of Spain if you truly desire. It does not matter, because we're already winning this war. All across Spain, people are listening to this message, and they are learning that the Left and the Right are no true friends to them. The difference between the Futuristics and others is that to us, you're not pawns! You're the true Future of Spain, it's YOUR children we want to educate better than any others, it's YOUR life we want to help you live to the fullest. We've destroyed the CNT leadership, we've captured the communist ministers who betrayed our country, and we did it with a minimal loss of life! Where are the victories of Franco? If there's a war in Spain now, it's a war of ideas, but it's a war we've already won, because ideas belong not to the Past, but to the FUTURE!"

Members of the Air Force who wish to leave are allowed.

Using money looted from Madrid, the Futuristics begin to buy a large amount of military equipment.

Attempts are made to draw foreign volunteers to Futuristicism but it seems to not have the resonance of the other two ideologies outside of Spain.

Ahmed Balafrej, Moroccan soldier in the Army of Africa, leads an uprising that removes the Spanish officers from control.

The Battle of Murcia! The PLC army under General Franco marches from Granada through central Andalusia, harried but undaunted by guerilla forces and an assault by the Paratroopers. They arrive at Albacete before launching an attack on Republican forces gathered in Murcia. The 50,000 members of Franco's Army go up against the combined forces of the Navy, the hastily organized Republican Army, and half of the UGT militia. Republican forces are dug-in and fortified, though outmatched in training by Franco's army. A costly battle occurs for both sides, with the Republicans managing to hold off PLC forces.

The Battle of Madrid! With the capital of Spain itself being threatened, Republican and Provisional forces race for the city. The Civil Guard advance force has seized control of a section, but are surrounded by UGT, PCE and CNT militia. The Carlists, Falange, Police, half the PLC army, the PLC Police, and the remainder of the Civil Guard advance on the city. Combined PLC forces number nearly 120,000 while the Republicans can only garner 65,000. Though the UGT has 40 Soviet-made tanks, they are ineffective in the dense urban fighting. The battle quickly turns into a complete rout, with PLC forces carving a path of destruction through the city. UGT and CNT militias prove no match for their more disciplined enemy. Supply stores of both the Republican and PLC forces are robbed and destroyed.


Italy invades Ethiopia. The League of Nations condemns this act of aggression but ultimately does nothing.

Portugal, Italy, and Germany recognize the Provisional Leadership Council as the official government of Spain.



Country: República Española (Spanish Republic), formed in April 1931 from the former Kingdom of Spain.
Foreign Relations: Good relations with the Soviet Union. Poor relations with Portugal, Italy, and Germany.
Population: 26 million
Year: Early 1936


Popularity: Army Uprising! Who knows!
System: Presidential Republic
President: Niceto Alcalá-Zamora/vacant
Parliament: 470 members
Elections: Held every 4 years for Parliament or called by the President in between, last held in Late 1934. Presidential election is held every 6 years, last held in Late 1931.
Voting System: Men and women over 21.

All laws that have been passed: http://tiny.cc/1ggeg

Council of Ministers
System: President appoints the Prime Minister from the ruling coalition. President can remove the Prime Minister and dissolve the government, calling for new elections twice during his term. The Prime Minister proposes other Cabinet positions, which the President approves or rejects. Ministers may be removed with a vote from Parliament. Ministers are responsible for the strength and effectiveness of government policy in their field. Parliament determines the budget as well as passes new legislation, which the President can veto. The Parliament can overturn a veto with a two-thirds vote. The Parliament can impeach the President with a three-fourths vote.
Prime Minister: Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue0071 - In Geneva
Minister of State: Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue0071 - In Geneva
Minister of Finance: Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe - Captured by Futuristics
Minister of Trade: José Antonio Aguirre/Shogeton
Minister of Public Instruction: Marcelino Domingo - Captured by PLC
Minister of Fine Works: None
Minister of War: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs - In hiding
Minister of Industry: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs - In hiding
Minister of Labor: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs - In hiding
Minister of Agriculture: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN - In hiding
Minister of Public Works: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN - In hiding
Minister of Justice: Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernndez-Palacios/Gorgo Primus (**)
Minister of the Interior: Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernandez-Palacios/Gorgo Primus (*)
Minister of Tourism: Juan 'Peligro' Helado/Icecream Jones

(*) Temporary appointment for Santiago Casares Quiroga/Gowb
(**)Temporary appointment for Marcelino Domingo/Canasta Nasty


Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party “Partido Socialista Obrero Español” (Marxist Left, 66 seats, 17% popularity, led by Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs)
Radical Socialist Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical Socialista” (Republican Left, 57 seats, 15% popularity, led by Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán/Canasta_Nasty)
Republican Left of Catalonia “Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya” (Regionalist Left, 24 seats, 5% popularity, led by Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe)
Republican Action “Acción Republicana” (Republican Left, 5 seats, 1% popularity, led by Manuel Azaña/Inspector Detector)
Federation of Galician Republicans “Federación Repubicana Gallega” (Regionalist Left, 5 seats, 1% popularity, led by Santiago Casares Quiroga/gowb)
Democratic Federal Republican Party "Partido Republicano Democrático Federal" (Republican Left, 24 seats, 9% popularity, led by Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue 0071)

Radical Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical” (Republican Center, 67 seats, 13% popularity, led by Alejandro Lerroux/Takanago)
Basque Nationalists “Partido Nacionalista Vasco” (Regionalist Center, 7 seats, 6% popularity, led by José Antonio Aguirre/Shogeton)
Liberal Democrat Republican Party "Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata" (Republican Center, 25 seats, 5% popularity, led by Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada/Riso)

National Action “Acción Nacional” (Accidentalist Right, 75 seats, 18% popularity, led by Ángel Herrera Oria/QuoProQuid)
Traditional Communion "Comunión Tradicionalista" (Monarchist Right, 38 seats, 10% popularity, led by Manuel Fal Conde/Ramba Ral)
Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista" (Fascist, 12 seats, 5% popularity, led by José Antonio Primo de Rivera/Freudian)

Futuristic Party (Futuristic?, 61 seats, 14% popularity, led by Fernando de los Rios/Turkeymang)


National Confederation of Labor “Confederación Nacional del Trabajo”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Joaquín Ascaso/Noreaus - Captured by futuristics
Ideology: Anarchism
Influence: 785,000 members primarily in Catalonia, though some in Castile y Leon and Andalusia.
Forces: 46,000 armed members of workers' militias, entirely based in Catalonia

Iberian Anarchist Federation “Federación Anarquista Ibérica”
Type: Political organization within CNT
Leader: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN
Ideology: Radical Anarchism
Influence: Secret membership, believed to be about 10% of the CNT.

Communist Party of Spain
Leader: Dolores Ibaurri/tatankatonk
Ideology: Communism
Forces: 5000 militia

General Union of Workers “Unión General de Trabajadores”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: 1,175,000 members throughout the country.
Forces: 54,000 armed members of workers' militias throughout the country.

The Socialist "El Socialista
Type: Newspaper
Leader: Toribio Echevarría/DivineCoffeeBinge
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: Heavy readership throughout the country. Currently many offices are closed by police.

Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista"
Type: Political Organization
Leader: José Antonio Primo de Rivera/Freudian
Ideology: Fascism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Low in Andalucia
Forces: 16,000 Blueshirts

Futuristic Society "Sociedad de Futurismo"
Type: Political movement
Leader: Cicero/Unknown!
Ideology: Futurism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Andalusia, and Galicia

Type: Political Movement
Leader: Manuel Fal Conde/Ramba Ral
Ideology: Carlism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Navarre
Forces: 19,000 militia
Situation: Armed with Portuguese and Italian weapons

Other Individuals

Alvaro de Albornoz/SlothBear
Type: Legislator
Party: Radical Republican Party

Prince Francisco Javier de Borbón Parma y de Braganza/Viscardus
Type: Claimant to the Throne
Ideology: Carlism

Buenaventura Durruti/Tias
Type: Activist and militant
Ideology: Anarchism

Indalecio Prieto/HotDogDay82
Type: Legislator
Party: Futuristics

Ahmed Balafrej/gowby
Type: Rebel
Ideology: Morocco?
Forces: 5000 Moroccans

Military and Police

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 12,000 soldiers and 4 tank
Situation: Morale is low, virtually no officers stayed with the Republic.
Commanders: None

Provisional Leadership Council Army
Forces: 95000 soldiers, 10000 regulars, and 12 tanks in Spain
Situation: Morale is currently high. Troops from Spanish Morocco are composed of battle-hardened veterans.
Commanders: General Francisco France/Epicurius

Futuristic Sky Army
Forces: 50 light bombers, 14 fighters, 3000 Fuerza Paracaidista
Situation: Planes and equipment are somewhat outdated. Loyalty to the new government is uncertain.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano/Fall Sick and Die

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 9 destroyers, 12 submarines, 44 smaller craft, 1 carrier under construction [3/4], 2 cruisers under construction [2/6], 3 submarines [0/6] 2000 La Guardia Marina del Riego
Situation: Officers and sailors are largely leftist and pro-republican.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios/Gorgo Primus

Provisional Leadership Council Police
Forces: 39000 officers
Situation: About half are needed to maintain control of PLC-held land.
Commanders: Emilio Mola/Diplomaticus

Provisional Leadership Council Civil Guard
Forces: 21000 officers
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest. Some are needed to maintain control of PLC-held land.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo/Colonel Wood


Chaotic, this section will be revamped when the whole uprising is over

Media: Uncensored, a huge variety of newpapers with opinions ranging from fascist to socialist, royalist to republican, and everything in between.
Education: 67% literacy, moderate portion of children do not have access to schooling. Government-run, secular schools are in existence and share a standardized curriculum.
Electricity: Common in urban areas, controlled largely by foreign companies. Rural areas rarely have access to electricity.
Water: Most of the country has access to clean water though rural areas often rely on wells.
Healthcare: Hospitals only in the cities, healthcare access is limited especially amongst the poor. Orphanages have reduced childhood homelessness and starvation, though conditions leave something to be desired.
Transport: Railroads link the major cities, dirt roads still prevalent in rural areas. Roads are being built by the government.
Labor: Labor unions are legal and a large majority of workers belong to them. The eight-hour day is guaranteed by law. Unemployment is around 14% and show signs of improving. Businesses are regularly investigated by the government.
Land: Much of the land surrounding towns has been redistributed to the peasantry, though tracts of land away from rural centers are still owned by aristocrats.
Food: Food can be hard to come by for the poor, and food prices fluctuate wildly if the country undergoes instability.
Crime: Rural areas are generally well-protected and patrolled. There is an army uprising!
Trade: Exports are beef and agricultural products, as well as some very minor light industry. Minor trade with the Soviet Union.
Religion: Almost everyone is at least nominally Catholic, though there are a few Protestant churches. A greater number of people are identifying as non-religious due to disillusionment with the Catholic Church.
Languages: Castillian is the official language. However, regions are given a great deal of autonomy and thus Catalan is spoken in Catalonia, Basque in Navarre, and so forth.
Consumer Goods: Increasing in the major cities, though still difficult to find elsewhere.
Immigration: Very small, generally from Latin America.
Civil Rights: Plentiful, the people are guaranteed freedom of speech, the press, assembly, religion, and the right to petition the government. Government records are available to the public. Abuse by the Civil Guard is being reported by many in Catalonia.
Judiciary: Uncorrupted currently, loyal to the Republican government.

Government Budget
28% tax on high income (28)
15% tax on middle income (9)
5% tax on low income (1)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (1)

Light Industry: 3/3
Heavy Industry: 2/2
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/1
Police: 4/5
Army: 4/6
Navy: 1/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 2
Credit Income: 40
Debt Credits: 6 (5% interest)

Map of current political situation in Spain:

Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned
Red: Government Aligned
Grey: Futuristic Aligned

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
Onésimo Redondo Ortega, in Portuguese exile

Look at this Futuristic junk. Not only is it a dumb ideology, it also produces "works of art" like this. Yeah, we had to deal with Futuristics in Spain, but they're a joke, just like this joke I'm looking at in these Portuguese museums. I don't even know why Portugal even allow these art exhibits, I'm guessing they want to cultivate good relations with the Italians and so have to display this...mess. This...this is Portugal's secret shame.

Still. That was an enjoyable experience. Political activism often time prevent you from enjoying the finer points of life. Humor is, after all, a palliative medicine.

A few hour later
*buys a newspaper*
*read newspaper*
*flips over to the Spanish Civil War section*
*reads Cicero's long-winded speech*
*utter expletives*

Jun 1, 2011

Those sure are words on pages which are given in a sequential order!
Francisco Largo Caballero
[i]Prime Minister Of Spain
Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party
General Union of Workers[/]

It fills me with great regret, but as one of the last remaining Ministers of the Republic it falls to me to become Prime Minister.

My first and only act is to offer the surrender of the Republic. I will be honest, I do not and will never trust you Franco, but if you sign the bill of the Valencian Parliament accepting the conditional surrender of the Republic, then I will reveal myself to the closest patrol and await your judgement.

The conditions are that you simply give amnesty to those who stayed loyal to the Republic and to those that fought for it. The Militias, the Army even the Navy were simply doing their patriotic duty, just as you were when you rose up against what you saw as injustice.

To myself, I do not care what you do, just leave the people in peace.

Jul 29, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

Diego Abad de Santillan
Federación Anarquista Ibérica
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
Minister of Agriculture and Public Works

And so, with the majority of this farce of a government gone, Caballero unilaterally declares himself Prime Minister, and rolls over to offer Franco the belly of the Spanish people. We will not allow it! This war is not over, and it will not end until the people stand triumphant over the fascists and reactionaries. We in the CNT-FAI will continue to fight, and we urge all right-thinking Spaniards to join us! I hereby denounce Caballero as a traitor to the Spanish people, a usurper, and a coward!

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Francisco Franco

Mr. Prime Minister,

It is with honor that I accept the surrender, and so long as your forces end hostility, lay down their arms, and the militias disband, they will be allowed to go back to their homes and live in peace.

Jan 22, 2011

The name Daria was already taken.

Juan Peligro Helado
Leader of the Partido Regionalista de MallorcaMost Beautiful Republic of Mallorca

Excuse me, Mr. Francisco Largo Caballero, but you are not the Prime Minister of the proud Mallorcan people! I, Juan Peligro Helado, and the Mallorcan people I represent cannot, in good faith, follow this farce of a government any longer. It is high time that we parted ways, since you idiot Spaniards have no idea how to run a proper country.

So fight your silly little civil war, but you will no longer have the fierce Mallorcan people backing you. As of this very moment, I, Juan Peligro Helado declare Mallorca's independence from Spain, with me as her President and Prime Minister. Anyone who wants to abandon the sinking ship of the Republican government while they still have a chance can join me and my new government in beautiful Mallorca. No one will be turned away, as long as you're willing to pledge your allegiance to wondrous Mallorca!

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
Can we still get ice cream? If the flow of that sweet nectar is interrupted, we may have a major crisis on our hands.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
Breaking News Bulletin!

Reports and rumors of the capture of Spain's Prime Minister, Manuel Rodriguez, have been proven false. Rather, Rodriguez was able to cross into France and went to Geneva to speak before the League of Nations. He called for condemnation of the Italians as well as military forces taking control of the Republic.

The League of Nations, after much deliberation, issued a statement:

"The League of Nations condemns violence by both sides of the conflict and recommends that no foreign countries give aid to either party."

Ugh, I hate these chaotic turns! I need to keep better track of where everyone is...

Jan 22, 2011

The name Daria was already taken.

Diplomaticus posted:

Can we still get ice cream? If the flow of that sweet nectar is interrupted, we may have a major crisis on our hands.

Juan Peligro Helado
Leader of the Most Beautiful Republic of Mallorca

The Most Beautiful Republic of Mallorca is completely neutral in the Spanish Civil War and will continue to export quality liquors, wonderful beachfront property, fantastic vacations, and delicious ice cream to both sides, as long as they are both willing to respect Mallorcan neutrality in the Spanish Civil War.

Again, I, Juan Peligro Helado, invite anyone who has become disenfranchised with the Spanish government or with the rebel's platform to join me on beautiful Mallorca. The generous people of Mallorca are all too happy to have you and you will be granted political asylum.

Aug 23, 2005

Statement of the PRRS
There is a reason that Marcelino Domingo is the only minister that the fascists still hold, he is the only one willing to actually fight for the Spanish workers. Sr. Caballlero has shown his despicable cowardice and willingness to destroy every gain the people of Spain have made over the past few years.

What would be the result of a fascist victory, whether Futuristics or Falange they would both destroy all workers' organizations, take the land back from the peasants and murder anyone who stands in their way. They could not win the hearts of the Spanish people so they'll try to conquer their minds one bullet at a time.

The PRRS will never betray the workers and peasants and we will never cave into fascism which is the destruction of democracy and the murder of those who dared to demand equality. We call on the UGT militias to refuse to surrender before the war has been fought and we call on the soldiers currently in rebellion to overthrow their officers like their families overthrew the landlords.

Spain can either be for the Spanish people or it can be for the landlords and banks as exemplified by Franco and Serrano. The people of Seville have made their choice and need the help of all the people of Spain to oppose the tyranny of the fascists.

For Democracy! For Equality! For Victory!

Dec 8, 2009

Grey Hunter's next target.


Manuel Rodriguez
Prime Minister of Spain
Partido Republicano Democrático Federal

Citizens of Spain, disregard the lies of fascists and traitors! I am still free, and so long as I am alive there will be no surrender to fascists and reactionaries. Spain will be free - under the Second Republic - as the people demand! To back down in the face of the cry of the Spanish people would be utterly dishonorable and a disservice to our duty to them. Anyone who believes in a fascist promise of "amnesty" is bound to be the first with a case of acute lead poisoning upon their victory.

The people of Spain stand firm for democracy! No surrender! ¡No Pasarán!

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Francisco Franco

I repeat. Any individual who is willing to lay down his arms and surrender to the army will be spared, and he will be granted amnesty. The government of Manuel Rodriguez is illegitimate and he has no authority to issue orders. I urge you, people of Spain, do not listen to the lies of Rodriguez and the PRRS. Let us have an end to this. Let us have peace, prosperity, and honor.

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios
Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy

This government is the elected government of the Spanish Republic. You are a rebelling General.

The constitution is quite clear on the respective legitimacies of our government and your warlord state.

Jan 25, 2009

Alvaro de Albornoz

"Dawn has broken." The much loved minister says as he addresses a crowd of cheering people, people with common sense who have fled the senseless war. :toot:

"Aligned with the Futuristics the Radical Republicans will rebuild Spain. We have the finances and we have drive and commitment. The only motivation you will find in both the army and the communists is the drive to self destruction."

"I have learned much from my attempts to build a legitimate government. First I was thrown out for prosecuting the left for crimes they were guilty of. Then we were ignored as the left took us for granted, underfunding our police and provoking our armed forces while at the same time legalizing the use of force against our own people and offering amnesty to terrorists. The thought that any decent person would be part of such a government is laughable."

"The paths of the lunatics fighting for Madrid are the paths of failure. They would destroy Spain, cut off their noses to spite their faces. I call upon all men of reason to throw off the chains that bind them and join with the center. We will hold. We will win. We are Spain. Join with us, come to the north, or resist in your homes and await our advance. Spain will stand as one."

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Dolores Ibarruri
Secretary-General, Partido Communista de Espana

Comrades of the left,

We have lost Madrid, but we have not lost the war. The forces of the puppet El Infante march under the banner of monarchy and tyranny. Who do you think has the best interests of the people in mind? The parties that give the campesinos the land they work on but do not own, or the parties who back the landlords who sit idly and become rich while others starve? We represent the people. We count ordinary workers, farmers, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters among our ranks. They count aristocrats, land barons, feudal lords, and fascists among theirs. It is because of this difference that we can never be defeated. We will fight them in the fields, in the forests, in the mountains, and everywhere there is injustice. We are not career politicians, kings, or generals. We are the people, and we can never be defeated. I reject the coward's way out, and though I understand his decision, the PCE rejects Caballero's surrender. Victory awaits, either in this life or the next!

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 21, 2003


Any attempt by the Communists to forcibly take over Spain has been ended, by the FUTURISTICS. Your greatest leaders have either fled the country, or been placed under arrest. Your forces are scattered. However, you should have no fear, the Futuristics do not support the death penalty, and all forces who surrender to us will be taken to safety and given medical treatment. The Futuristics have smashed Communism as a force in Spain, defeating the CNT and UGT both! However, the Futuristics are no enemy of the common people. Under a Futuristic government, people may flourish, and we Futuristics guarantee freedom of speech! We also hereby invite the director of El Socialista to converse with myself, Sky Marshal Serrano, to spread the word as to why these necessary steps had to be taken. Rest assured, in Futuristic Spain, Mr. Editor, you need not fear for your safety!

Nov 12, 2011

Looking for strong men to discover what's under the helmet.

Fernando de los Ríos
Head of the Futuristic Party

Indeed, as my friend Sr. Serrano has very well said, I would like to reinforce that we do not support the death penalty and we won't take aggressive actions against those who try to surrender. In fact I would like to make public that I explicitly stated in my orders that my men are not to hurt or impede anyone who does not pose harm, if you wish to simply go on with your life, regardless of political affiliation simply lay down the guns and there will be absolutely no problems!

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
El Director

El Director likewise extends amnesty to any of the left who surrender their arms and cease their hostilities -- whether they surrender to the Provisional Leadership Council, or to the Futuristics is irrelevant.

Jan 25, 2009

Alvaro de Albornoz

Just wishes to remind everyone that you don't have to wear googly eyed goggles to join the center. You can just be a normal guy and join the Radical Republicans. It may require being extremely smug.

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios
Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy

And be a traitorous lying opportunist with no principles or coherent vision.

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 21, 2003


rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

LATE 1936


The PCE militia marches east to Castellon, confiscating land titles from those aristocrats who still hold them and handing them out to the peasants. They continue to train and recruit.

General Camancho seizes control of the Murcia airfields, capturing what few airfields remain. He also calls back the army's contribution to the paratroopers. The Futuristics lose a few aircraft to the Republican army.

Ahmed Belafrej gathers discontented Moroccans to his side. A contingent of airplanes lands, trying to convince the rebel to come with them to Spain but he seems unaware of such a plan.

Battle of Valencia! Francisco Largo Caballero declares the surrender of the UGT and claims to be able to speak for the whole government. He offers to sign terms of surrender at the Republic's interim capital at Valencia. A wary General Franco invades with his 46,000 soldiers and 6 tanks. Once in the city, a series of explosions are heard. UGT militia members claim it is the Navy, attempting to prevent their surrender, and urge General Franco and his contingent to come with them. Franco and his soldiers refuse, and begin to leave the city. However, it soon becomes clear that the entire mass of the Republican armies are converging on Valencia. The UGT militia, international brigades, and a large portion of the CNT militias attack Valencia with 110,000 men and 39 tanks. Franco's soldiers are better trained, but severely outmanned as well as surrounded. The battle wears on as Franco's forces take up defensive positions, many of which have been booby-trapped by the UGT. The army survives this season, but is in fairly dire straits if no relief arrives.

The UGT assures the people that a surrender will not be forthcoming, though the spread of rumors and dissent regarding this issue has weakened the resolve of the people somewhat. The labor union continues to maintain hospitals and social safety nets weakened by the conflict, and continues to recruit men into the militias.

In Catalonia further construction is demanded, as well a general call to arms to all members of the CNT. Though most feel the cause is just, the war is taking a toll on Catalonia.

Leftists in Seville, led by local members of the PRRS, begin to take control of the factories and outlying agricultural areas of the city. Violent reprisals against PLC-supporters are common, many being murdered by vigilante mobs sent to arrest them. Soon 10,000 men from the Civil Guard sweep into the city. Tight controls are established and resistors are executed. Many of the rebels disperse into the surrounding countryside.

Supplies to the PLC begin to pour across the border from Portugal. Weapons, foodstuffs, equipment all going to the PLC. PLC training camps are also established in Portugal.

Minister Domingo is tried by a PLC tribunal and found guilty. The sentence is death. However, General Sanjurjo commutes his sentence to mere exile, to be administered when the war is ended.

The police under Emilio Mola disperse throughout PLC-held areas of the country, maintaining order. A number of men are recruited into the police.

The Falange's blueshirts crack down on dissent in Madrid. They seize property owned by leftists and hand it out to their most trustworthy lieutenants. They also begin to speak with imprisoned trade unionists as well as businessmen, trying to build support for their fascist program.

Primo de Rivera makes the following speech:

Primo de River posted:

"Not so very far from this city, thousands of men fight under the twin banners of anarchism and communism. I cannot believe that every one of them is evil. They did not spring fully-formed from the earth to threaten us - they were once hard-working men, normal men. Good men, who are simply naive. They have been preached to by poisonous men, well-spoken men with mouths full of lies. These are the evil-doers, the true anarchists and communists and internationalists, who take innocent men and persuade them to take up arms against their own country. How can such a thing happen? How can such lies be so effective?

"The answer to this question, then, must surely be that the lies are closer to the truth than we would care to admit. 'Look', says the Leftist. 'You work hard, day and night, saving every centimo you make, but it's never enough. You have families to feed, but the food is so expensive. The rent is so much. And the hours are so long for so little. You deserve better than this.' And he is right.

"But then the working man asks, 'How can I change this?' And that is where the lies begin. 'Rise up and take what you want', the Leftist says. 'I will organise you, I will give you bread and guns. We will demolish the state and build something better in its place.' And the working man does not think to question him. The Leftist knows his hardships, he is a clever and kind man, surely he knows what he is doing? And the revolution begins, and the state is demolished, and the rebels take charge - with the Leftist at their head, of course, because he knows what he is talking about. He gave them the idea, didn't he? And for a time it seems as if things will truly change. But the shops reopen, under the Leftist's control, and there is less bread. The factories reopen, under the Leftist's control, and there are longer hours. The working man asks the Leftist, 'Why is this so? You said I deserved better than this, and this is worse than before.' If he is lucky, the Leftist replies, 'Don't you care for the Revolution? Everyone must make sacrifices to achieve true communism.' If he is not lucky, then the working man is taken to prison for crimes against the revolution. But the working man knows that something is very wrong.

"The capitalist has never thought of any of this. When he thinks of the working class, he sees only the 'unwashed masses', dirty people who fill his factories and turn his goods into money. He has never thought of their families, he has never considered their rent. When a man loses his job, he leaves the capitalist's mind, the hole he leaves to be filled instantly with another dirty worker. Not simply in Madrid, or in Spain - in London, in Paris, in New York. A Capitalist International. If they persist in ignoring the working class, they will prove every bit as dangerous to society as their Communist counterpart. By thinking only of profit margins, they abandon the greater part of the population, leaving the working man in the position where the Leftist can play on him. They doom the workers and themselves in their thoughtless greed.

"I call on the capitalist to change his ways! Embrace the working man, for he can be your greatest ally against that which we all rightly despise! Can we not strive for a day when the working man responds to the Leftist's seductions by saying, 'I work reasonable hours, I make fair pay, and I have a comfortable living! Peddle your claptrap elsewhere!' Where there is plenty, there are no thoughts of communism and anarchism. So, working man and owning man, put your differences aside! For the safety of the nation, for the good of all, unite!"

The PLC Army in Soria moves into Zaragoza uncontested.

The Navy's light carrier is completed, though the lack of airplanes renders it somewhat lacking. A few pilots are available, but only the army currently has planes. Marines are landed in the Mallorcas to prevent any threat of secession. Nationalist ports continue to be blockaded and destroyed. New fortifications are built in Murcia.

Ángel Oria begins a recruitment drive, and is able to rouse a considerable number of conservative men to join the PLC army. He urges centrists to join the cause, though the crowning of a king keeps many of them away. He also travels to Geneva to speak to the League of Nations, claiming that the reports of Rodriguez are fabricated.

Photographs of anarchist atrocities such as looted churches and murdered landowners are published in American and British newspapers.

The Republican Army is reorganized into the Ejército Popular, incorporating the antifascist organizations and ostensibly the militias, though they stay largely independent of government control. Recruitment efforts for the military are stepped up. Industrial production is also increased.

Prince Xavier de Borbon-Parma is proclaimed Regent of Spain by the PLC leadership. He rules in the name of Alfonso Carlos I. This bothers many pro-Republican centrists throughout the country. They aren't bothered for very long however, as shortly after the declaration a sniper's bullet tears through Xavier. He is wounded and bleeds out before medical attention can arrive. His son Carlos Hugo is quietly given the Regent title, though the PLC military leadership is effectively in charge.

Futuristic Galicia's borders are fortified. Refugees stream in from the rest of the country, but the left-leaning devolved government of Galicia is quite uncomfortable with the current state of affairs.

Futuristic Galicia's economy is tooled towards total war, men being offered large salaries in exchange for serving in the army. Anyone unable is given a job making war materials. Planes are made for the Sky Army. They retool factories with help from UGT workers towards the production of small arms, munitions, and trucks. They take measures to encourage the employment of women.

The Paratroopers are dropped in Vizcaya, securing the area for the Futuristics before heading west.

The Futuristic militia consolidates control over the northwest of the country as their guaranteed minimum income programs are implemented.

The Battle of Burgos! Fal Conde and the Carlist Militias attempt to push north to the Bay of Biscay, battling local leftist militias on the way. Unfortunately for them, the Futuristic militia, Paratroopers, and Sky Army arrive at Burgos and turn them back handily.

Airfields throughout Futuristic Galicia are sabotaged by highly-adept operatives. This will harm the Sky Army's ability to project its power.


In violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany reoccupies the Rhineland. France decries this as an act of aggression, though response in England is more mixed.

Italy annexes Ethiopia, merging it with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland to form Italian East Africa.

Arabs in Palestine begin to protests and strike in opposition to British colonial rule and mass Jewish immigration.



Country: República Española (Spanish Republic), formed in April 1931 from the former Kingdom of Spain.
Foreign Relations: Good relations with the Soviet Union. Poor relations with Portugal, Italy, and Germany.
Population: 26 million
Year: Late 1936


Popularity: Army Uprising! Who knows!
System: Presidential Republic
President: Niceto Alcalá-Zamora/vacant
Parliament: 470 members
Elections: Held every 4 years for Parliament or called by the President in between, last held in Late 1934. Presidential election is held every 6 years, last held in Late 1931.
Voting System: Men and women over 21.

All laws that have been passed: http://tiny.cc/1ggeg

Council of Ministers
System: President appoints the Prime Minister from the ruling coalition. President can remove the Prime Minister and dissolve the government, calling for new elections twice during his term. The Prime Minister proposes other Cabinet positions, which the President approves or rejects. Ministers may be removed with a vote from Parliament. Ministers are responsible for the strength and effectiveness of government policy in their field. Parliament determines the budget as well as passes new legislation, which the President can veto. The Parliament can overturn a veto with a two-thirds vote. The Parliament can impeach the President with a three-fourths vote.
Prime Minister: Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue0071
Minister of State: Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue0071
Minister of Finance: Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe - Captured by Futuristics
Minister of Trade: José Antonio Aguirre/Shogeton
Minister of Public Instruction: Marcelino Domingo - Captured by PLC
Minister of War: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs - In hiding
Minister of Industry: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs - In hiding
Minister of Labor: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs - In hiding
Minister of Agriculture: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN - In hiding
Minister of Public Works: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN - In hiding
Minister of Justice: Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernndez-Palacios/Gorgo Primus (**)
Minister of the Interior: Admiral Miguel Buiza Fernandez-Palacios/Gorgo Primus (*)
Minister of Tourism: Juan 'Peligro' Helado/Icecream Jones

(*) Temporary appointment for Santiago Casares Quiroga/Gowb
(**)Temporary appointment for Marcelino Domingo/Canasta Nasty


Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party “Partido Socialista Obrero Español” (Marxist Left, 66 seats, 17% popularity, led by Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs)
Radical Socialist Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical Socialista” (Republican Left, 57 seats, 15% popularity, led by Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán/Canasta_Nasty)
Republican Left of Catalonia “Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya” (Regionalist Left, 24 seats, 5% popularity, led by Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe)
Republican Action “Acción Republicana” (Republican Left, 5 seats, 1% popularity, led by Manuel Azaña/Inspector Detector)
Federation of Galician Republicans “Federación Repubicana Gallega” (Regionalist Left, 5 seats, 1% popularity, led by Santiago Casares Quiroga/gowb)
Democratic Federal Republican Party "Partido Republicano Democrático Federal" (Republican Left, 24 seats, 9% popularity, led by Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue 0071)

Basque Nationalists “Partido Nacionalista Vasco” (Regionalist Center, 7 seats, 6% popularity, led by José Antonio Aguirre/Shogeton)
Liberal Democrat Republican Party "Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata" (Republican Center, 25 seats, 5% popularity, led by Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada/Riso)


National Confederation of Labor “Confederación Nacional del Trabajo”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Joaquín Ascaso/Noreaus - Captured by futuristics
Ideology: Anarchism
Influence: 785,000 members primarily in Catalonia, though some in Castile y Leon and Andalusia.
Forces: 50000 militia members, 2500 maintaining order.

Iberian Anarchist Federation “Federación Anarquista Ibérica”
Type: Political organization within CNT
Leader: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN
Ideology: Radical Anarchism
Influence: Secret membership, believed to be about 10% of the CNT.

Communist Party of Spain "Partido Comunista de España"
Leader: Dolores Ibaurri/tatankatonk
Ideology: Communism
Forces: 14000 militia

General Union of Workers “Unión General de Trabajadores”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: 1,175,000 members throughout the country.
Forces: 52000 militia members, 5000 are maintaining order.

The Socialist "El Socialista
Type: Newspaper
Leader: Toribio Echevarría/DivineCoffeeBinge
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: Heavy readership throughout the country. Currently many offices are closed by police.

Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista"
Type: Political Organization
Leader: José Antonio Primo de Rivera/Freudian
Ideology: Fascism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Low in Andalucia
Forces: 16000 Blueshirts

Futuristic Society "Sociedad de Futurismo"
Type: Political movement
Leader: Fernando de los RíosTurkeybro
Ideology: Futurism
Influence: Strong in Galicia, Moderate elsewhere
Forces: 20000 Army, 23000 Militia

Type: Political Movement
Leader: Manuel Fal Conde/Ramba Ral
Ideology: Carlism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon, Navarre
Forces: 21000 militia
Situation: Armed with Portuguese and Italian weapons

Other Individuals

Alvaro de Albornoz/SlothBear
Type: Futuristic Ally?
Party: Radical Republican Party

Buenaventura Durruti/Tias
Type: Activist and militant
Ideology: Anarchism

Indalecio Prieto/HotDogDay82
Type: Legislator
Party: Futuristics

Ahmed Balafrej/gowby
Type: Rebel
Ideology: Moroccan Independence
Forces: 7500 Moroccans

Military and Police

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 12000 soldiers, 4 tanks, and 3 light bombers
Situation: Morale is low, though the officer corps has been somewhat replenished.
Commanders: Miguel Alejandro Camancho/Loomer

Provisional Leadership Council Army
Forces: 130000 soldiers, 9000 regulars, and 12 tanks in Spain
Situation: Morale is currently high. Troops from Spanish Morocco are composed of battle-hardened veterans.
Commanders: General Francisco France/Epicurius

Futuristic Sky Army
Forces: 60 light bombers, 28 fighters, 3200 Fuerza Paracaidista
Situation: Planes and equipment are quite good, but airfields have been damaged.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano/Fall Sick and Die

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 9 destroyers, 12 submarines, 44 smaller craft, 1 light carrier, 2 cruisers under construction [3/6], 3 submarines [1/6] 3000 La Guardia Marina del Riego
Situation: Officers and sailors are largely leftist and pro-republican.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios/Gorgo Primus

Provisional Leadership Council Police
Forces: 41000 officers
Situation: About half are needed to maintain control of PLC-held land. All are currently maintaining order.
Commanders: Emilio Mola/Diplomaticus

Provisional Leadership Council Civil Guard
Forces: 21000 officers, 6000 are maintaining order
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest. Some are needed to maintain control of PLC-held land.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo/Colonel Wood


Chaotic, this section will be revamped when the whole uprising is over

Media: Dependent on local political alignment, it is now extremely dangerous to disagree with the ruling government no matter who that is.
Education: 67% literacy, moderate portion of children do not have access to schooling. Government-run, secular schools are in existence and share a standardized curriculum.
Electricity: Common in urban areas, controlled largely by foreign companies. Rural areas rarely have access to electricity. Access is shrinking due to civil conflict.
Water: Most of the country has access to clean water though rural areas often rely on wells. Access is shrinking due to civil conflict.
Healthcare: Hospitals only in the cities, healthcare access is limited especially amongst the poor. Hospitals in Republican areas propped up by UGT aid.
Transport: Railroads link the major cities, dirt roads still prevalent in rural areas. Roads are being built by the government.
Labor: Labor unions are legal and a large majority of workers belong to them. The eight-hour day is guaranteed by law. Unemployment is around 12% and show signs of improving. Businesses are regularly investigated by the government.
Land: In Catalonia and Republic-held areas, land reform is almost complete. Most aristocrats have been dispossessed. Obviously less true in PLC areas.
Food: Food is largely taken for the armies and militias now.
Crime: There is a three-way civil war! That is surely illegal!
Trade: Exports are beef and agricultural products, as well as some very minor light industry. Minor trade with the Soviet Union.
Religion: Almost everyone is at least nominally Catholic, though there are a few Protestant churches. A greater number of people are identifying as non-religious due to disillusionment with the Catholic Church.
Languages: Castillian is the official language. However, regions are given a great deal of autonomy and thus Catalan is spoken in Catalonia, Basque in Navarre, and so forth.
Consumer Goods: Difficult to find.
Immigration: People are generally emigrating, except for those coming into Spain in order to fight.
Civil Rights: Depends on the region, but almost everywhere has limits due to fear of political enemies.
Judiciary: Uncorrupted currently, loyal to the Republican government.

Government Budget
28% tax on high income (28)
15% tax on middle income (9)
5% tax on low income (1)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (1)
Naveas Espanola (0)

Light Industry: 3/3
Heavy Industry: 2/2
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/1
Police: 4/5
Army: 4/6
Navy: 1/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 2
Credit Income: 40
Debt Credits: 6 (5% interest)

Map of current political situation in Spain:

Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned
Red: Government Aligned
Grey: Futuristic Aligned
Gold: Moroccan Aligned

Jun 1, 2011

Those sure are words on pages which are given in a sequential order!
Francisco Largo Caballero
Guy in Coma

“Damn that Franco, oh I knew he was a wily one. I'm going to have to pull out all the stops to catch him this time. I believe it is time to initiate Operation Abj...”. Before he can finish Caballero screams in pain, then falls flat on his face, unconscious.

His minions gather around him, “What should we do?” one asks timidly. The lead minion looks around and suddenly spots an answer. “Toss him in that bunker. He'll be fine in there for a few months”.

I just wanted to announce in thread that I will be out of the game for a while. Rakovsky has said the he will keep my position free until I can return, hopefully in a week or two. If I can't come back that soon, it's been very fun playing with you all.

I'm sorry for betraying you Epicurius, but I wanted my possible last action to be as bombastic as possible.

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
Rakovsky: Guadalajara shows no PLC forces, yet the turn says we moved into it uncontested?

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
Special Edition from El Fascista

Picture of Carlos Hugo, Duke of Parma

Though every right-thinking Spainard supports the PLC's worthy struggle against the forces of Bolshevism and Socialism, not every right-thinking Spainard is willing to embrace the new regent they put on the throne...mostly because nobody knows who said regent actually is. Therefore, we decided to get a special interview with the new Regent of Spain, Carlos Hugo. Come on down, Hugo!

El Fascista: So how old are you?
Carlos Hugo: Six.
El Fascista: Six? You...look older.
Carlos Hugo: Mommy always say that, but I really am young. I was born in April 8th, 1930 in Paris, France. The reason I look old is due to my highly-paid education. Mommy quickly enrolled me into an intensive Pre-School and Kindergarten class to prepare me for royalty. Did you know that they only limit naptime to 30 minutes?
El Fascista: I see.
Carlos Hugo: I always begged Mommy to make me Regent, and now I am! Shame about Daddy though. I hope he'll wake up soon after his, what do you adults call it...
El Fascista: Coma.
Carlos Hugo: That's right, coma! I've heard thousands of people in Spain are going into coma every day due to the riots. When I assert my rightful claim to rule Spain, my first decree would be to give free candy to everyone. That should stop the comas; nobody likes comas.
El Fascista: ...Moving on. What's your favorite color?

You sold out, El Fascista. You sold out.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

Diplomaticus posted:

Rakovsky: Guadalajara shows no PLC forces, yet the turn says we moved into it uncontested?

Zaragoza is what I meant, and what I was told to do. That was just just a transcription error.


Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios
Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy

This has been a long time coming Franco. Long ago I told you you would pay for your crimes if you attempted to betray the Republic... now you shall. If it is the last thing I do, I will finish what I started years ago and crush your personal little rebellion in the act.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
General Francisco Franco

If I die, I die loyal to Spain and my oath to defend it from its enemies. But I'm not dead yet.

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

From the desk of Dolores Ibarruri,
Secretary General of the Partido Communista de Espana

Goodbye, General.

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...

A Public Appeal from Onésimo Redondo Ortega to the "League of Nations"
Let's take a look at the facts.


Food: Food is largely taken for the armies and militias now.

When the leftist says that the people are hungry and oppressed, they rally support. But when they launch their revolution the leftists say: "No, workers! Food is too precious to be given to the hungry. You are free, so you don't need bread!"

When the rightist says that private property is being stolen from underneath them, they rally support. But when they are in a war, the rightists say "Don't you have private property? That's all, right? You don't need to live, right?"

The Futuristics, at least, don't say anything meaningful or intelligible when they ensure that only their goons can eat food. That's make their lies far more tolerable.

The army generals on both sides don't need to say anything at all. Why should they? They are the good guys, right? They are fighting to defend Spain, so anything that helps them defend Spain must be good, right?

Oh but at least it's understandable that we've got a food shortage due to instability--


Trade: Exports are beef and agricultural products, as well as some very minor light industry. Minor trade with the Soviet Union.
What a rather curious sort of instability we have here. The sort of instability that allows us to produce enough food to fund our bloodthirsty militias but not enough food to feed the people.

The Spanish people are decent, hardworking individuals. Unfortunately, they are under the grasp of leaders who just don't care about them. They are treating this as some sort of "civil war" game, where the goal is to 'win, win, win'. Each division is a piece on a game board, each word is a carefully-placed card designed to create more divisions to place on the game board. The leaders aren't even exercising much control over the behavior of their own militias, and I doubt they even can, because the militias has the guns and their "leaders" don't.

At least when Francisco Largo Caballero plotted his surprise attack on Franco's forces last Turn, things were...bearable.


Food: Food can be hard to come by for the poor, and food prices fluctuate wildly if the country undergoes instability.
At least there was food! At least the poor could still purchase it, if times are good! But now, nobody is allowed to eat a loaf of bread unless they join up with an armed militia group and conduct horrible war crimes.

We don't have reliable statistics, but I'll bet each of you LoN delegates that more people are dying from starvation every day than they do the actual bloodbath.

And all you LoN delegates all know full well that this is only going getting worse. Spain is continuing to splinter along ideological lines and there's no guarantee that the victor (if they'd be any) will be able to rein in all their goons to prevent another outbreak of political violence. Your pitiful "nonintervention" pledge has not done enough to halt the violence. More must be done. And it must be done now, before the civil war in Spain escalates into a World War. And it can happen, you know. Italians, Portuguese, and Russians now have a stake in this war. Who knows who else will enter into the combat?

I don't claim to be innocent. I don't ask for sympathy. I do however claim to speak for the "silent majority" of Spaniards, the ones who detest the lies of ideologues who claim to speak for them and then take their food.

What I say is one simple demand:

That the League of Nations authorize a multinational military intervention force to occupy Spain and end the Spanish Civil War. That the military intervention forcibly disarm all armed militias and run an interim unity government until democratic elections can be held.

The League of Nation may be weak, but in this case, they are the only entity with the international legitimacy necessary to authorize such a military intervention. Just give your official seal of approval and let the international community comes in and discipline the rest of Spain. Before more Spaniards are killed.

I...it pains me to be a beggar, but that is because Spain has been poor. Once, we were the bastion of immigration, as Latin Americans came to our country for opportunities. Now, the only people who want to enter our country are blood-thirsty murderers who happened to sign a contract with their local militia of choice. The sane are already beginning to leave. Soon, all that'd be left are madmen.

We have attempted to govern ourselves. We failed. We have attempted to rule Spain like a civilized country. Instead we have turned into barbaric babies. If the only way to restore order is to become a "de facto" colony, then so be it.

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Dolores Ibarruri
General-Secretary of the Partido Communista de Espana

I can only shake my head in confusion at this appeal. First you agitate against the lawful government and declare war against your countrymen in a base attempt to seize power, and then when you see your rebellion might fail you run to your imperial masters to beg for their assistance? The men and women who have armed themselves to protect their homes against Franco and his forces are the same you call "blood-thirsty murderers." I am staying with a young couple who, for fear of a monarchy being reinstated, took up arms and now help to govern their community in peace, safe in the knowledge of their own strength. Are these the rampaging monsters you speak of? You see the results of your crimes, and in the place of repentance issuing from your mouth, instead comes a cry begging unaccountable foreigners to come and rule harshly over us? If you seek to heal Spain as you say, lay down your arms and surrender yourselves to the lawful government.

Mar 23, 2011

José Antonio Primo de Rivera

As leader of the Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive, I declare Onésimo Redondo Ortega to be permanently and irrevocably stripped of membership and rank within the Falange. Furthermore, as part of the Provisional Leadership Council, I am authorised to find him guilty in absentia of high treason, for which the traditional sentence is death. In light of our old friendship, I am minded to commute this to exile on pain of death.

Ortega, you have made your choice. I ask you to stop interfering in the business of a country that no longer desires your meddling.

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...

Freudian posted:

José Antonio Primo de Rivera
As leader of the Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive, I declare Onésimo Redondo Ortega to be permanently and irrevocably stripped of membership and rank within the Falange. Furthermore, as part of the Provisional Leadership Council, I am authorised to find him guilty in absentia of high treason, for which the traditional sentence is death. In light of our old friendship, I am minded to commute this to exile on pain of death.

Ortega, you have made your choice. I ask you to stop interfering in the business of a country that no longer desires your meddling.
Onésimo Redondo Ortega
Very well then. I will stay silent if you wish.

17:28 rakovsky_maybe This isn't directed specifically at you servant, cause a representative of the leftists and the rightists have both gone to them as well
17:28 rakovsky_maybe but the League of Nations isn't going to do anything
17:28 Servant I know.
17:29 rakovsky_maybe except maybe set up a non-intervention league trying to *prevent* others from getting involved in the conflict
17:29 Servant Even that wouldn't would though
17:29 Servant in stopping the war
17:29 Servant Though it will prevent a World War
17:29 rakovsky_maybe Yeah, it didn't work historically

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester

May 31, 2011

Thus equipped by fortune, physique, and character, he was naturally indomitable, and subordinate to no one in the world.

The Late Prince Francisco Javier de Borbón Parma y de Braganza
Prince of the House of Bourbon-Parma, Regent of Spain, and Heir to the Throne

In a radio address that carries across the nation, the Prince proclaims the restoration of the Kingdom of Spain in the name of his uncle, His Majesty King Alfonso Carlos I:

"I will only speak briefly today, as this is a time not only for words but also for actions, and there is much to do. But today I have an important message for all those who carry in their hearts any love for Spain.

For too long, we have been a country divided. Even before this civil war, too many Spaniards were divided by ideology, our divisions exacerbated by the dysfunction of the Republic. But today I stand before you to proclaim the beginning of a new, unified Spain. A Spain that holds true to the values of her past while embracing the possibilities of her future.

With the unanimous consent of the parties of the PLC and the esteemed generals who are even now protecting Spain from her enemies, I am speaking to proclaim the restoration of the Kingdom of Spain, with His Majesty King Alfonso Carlos I restored to the throne! In his absence, I will act as Regent and Head of State, presiding over the new Cortes Generales.

I wish for this to truly be a new beginning for our country. We will not make the same errors that led to the creation of the ill-fated Republic. We will allow representation and dissenting opinion, but we will not allow violent and dangerous ideology based on the destruction of the state. We shall have a new Constitution unlike the flawed document upon with the Republic was based. And we will have a nation unified in loyalty to the king, to the country, and to God.

I ask that all Spaniards who wish for peace, prosperity, and order to pledge loyalty to the Kingdom of Spain. Previous allegiance to the dead Republic will be forgiven; all that matters is a willingness to work together for the common good of the Spanish people.

And to those who wish to destroy Spain, those whose only loyalties are to their Soviet paymasters, I pledge that you shall be destroyed. For the dark forces of anarchism cannot match those who are loyal to their king and to their country!

Viva el Rey! Viva España!"

After the speech, the Prince is just stepping out of the door of the building when a sniper's bullet tears through his chest. His attendants shout for a doctor, but the Prince can already feel the life fading from his body. Before losing consciousness, he whispers his last words to those huddled around him:

"Don't worry, my friends... A mortal man may die, but Spain... shall live forever."

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios
Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy

So that is why you all ignored the democratic results of the election and launched a rebellion - you wanted a medieval kingdom in Spain by 1937.