I am Muḥend n Ɛabd Krim Lxeṭṭabi, President of the Rif Republic. I have returned home to Morocco from my exile in Réunion to continue the fight. The chaos and war engulfing the Spanish imperialists provides perfect opportunity to seize independence. Even when the colonial empire was united I lead victory after victory against them, forcing them to beg the French for aid. Now they are shattered and there is nothing they can do to retain their bloody grip on us. I call on the berber tribes to unite and take freedom! Restore the Rif Republic and drive out the Spanish! edit: oh well some moroccans already done this already. welp nevermind.
NEXT TURN IS DUE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, AT 11 PM EST EARLY 1937 LOCAL NEWS An attempt is made to rescue General Franco by sea, but the Republican Navy is heavily patrolling the waters around Valencia and it is impossible to reach him. Recruitment in the PCE continues, though it slows down as they seem to be avoiding most of the major fighting. Battle of Guadalajara! At Guadalajara, thirty-two thousand Republican troops are assaulted by sixty-four thousand PLC soldiers from Zaragoza and Soria, both the PLC army and foreign volunteers. PLC training and morale enables them to thoroughly crush Republican resistance in the region, and the Republic loses a large number of soldiers. During the battle, both sides are bombed by the Sky Army, leading to greater-than-normal losses. Battle of Albacete! The newly-formed Army of Toledo attempts to break Franco out of Valencia with support from the Carlists under Manuel Fal Conde. One-hundred and six thousand PLC soldiers converge on Albacete, while ninety-three thousand and five hundred Republican forces seek to prevent them from leaving. Franco's forces in Valencia are bombarded by the Republican Navy and assaulted by guerilla forces as they leave the territory. The Futuristic Sky Army bombs both sides, receiving only minor resistance from the small Republican air force. Franco attempts to get out of Valencia but a series of strategic blunders results in his forces being ambushed as they try to enter Albacete. An extremely bloody battle results, with Republican forces preventing Franco from breaking free and devastating much of his army. Franco's tank force is encircled and surrenders, the working tanks being taken by the Republicans. The Futuristics continue to recruit men into their military with the promise of hefty financial rewards. The Futuristic system of omnicards and a guaranteed minimum income continues to be established. The bureaucracy and necessarily decentralized nature of the government due to civil war leads to some fraud and corruption by local governments. Futuristic factories are directed to pump out arms and munitions, as well as a few hastily-constructed tanks. The Civil Guard eliminate leftist resistance around Seville before moving to the Portuguese border to transport arms and munitions. Portugal delivers twenty Italian made tanks, thirty fighters, and thirty bombers. The Blueshirts under Rivera head to the Portuguese border, not to flee like their ideological compatriot but to collect supplies intended for the PLC government. Portugal delivers twenty Italian made tanks, thirty fighters, and thirty bombers. However, the Falange then takes these supplies and spreads out to Salamanca, Caceres, Badajoz, and Sevilla. The Falange then announce that their ideals are better suited to the Futuristic state, and promptly switch sides. They attempt to seize control of the territories they occupy. However the Civil Guard had been rousing up anti-Futuristic sentiment in these areas and rightist miltias rise up in Salamanca and Badajoz. The Salamancan militia is destroyed by the approaching Futuristic army, but those in Badajoz are able to push the Falange back to Caceres. Battle of Seville! Fourteen thousand Blueshirts with the aid of the Futuristic Paratroopers are able to push the Civil Guard out of Seville, though they are currently cut off from their compatriots. The betrayal of the Futuristics launches a series of PLC contingency plans. Carlist militias in the newly conquered Basque regions rise up, declare their allegiance to the Infante and the PLC, and contest control for much of the north. Teams of Civil Guard officials, extremely adept at guerilla warfare, sieze control and sabotage a large number of airbases in Futuristic-held areas. The Futuristic ability to launch planes is significantly compromised. Lluis Companys declares the independence of Catalonia, though with his imprisonment, support for the Republic high, and no word on the matter from the CNT-FAI who control large portions of the country, this edict is largely meaningless. Men are recruited into the PLC's army. Men are recruited into the Republic's army, rallied by the cause of fighting against a new attempt at monarchism. However, recruitment is small since the loss of the capital as well as the auxiliary capital. They do receive twenty planes from the Soviet Union, however. Dolores Ibarruri is appointed Minister of Tourism. Police purged for being too moderate as well as judges who disliked the leftist government follow Alvaro de Albornoz to Futuristic Galicia, where they begin to establish a justice system for the new state. They focus on catching those responsible for sabotaging the airfields. Industry and manufacturing continues to be built up in Galicia. The Sky Army drops fliers over Spain declaring that only the Futuristics truly want a Republic, but the Fascists and Carlists on the right as well as the leftist terrorists on the left are making this impossible. While an effective propaganda tool, attacking the Fascists rings hollow considering they have joined the Futuristics. Men are sent from the Republican Army in Guadalara to help support Durruti in Teruel. Training of new Republican officers continues, specifically focused on bomber pilots. The Futuristic air force begins experimenting with a new type of plane: close air support. Technically, the Republic is supposed to have a Presidential Election next season. FOREIGN NEWS Germany signs treaties of friendship with Italy and Japan. King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom abdicates in order to marry American socialite Wallis Simpson. quote:
Map of current political situation in Spain: Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned Red: Government Aligned Grey: Futuristic Aligned Gold: Moroccan Aligned
SKY MARSHAL LUIS LOMBARTE "CICERO" SERRANO It has come to the attention of the Futuristics that a terrible crime has been committed. Though we personally do not support the re-establishment of a monarchy in Spain, we did not wish to see the death of Prince Francisco Javier de Borbón Parma y de Braganza, and we are unaware of any crimes that he personally committed save for perhaps an excess of ambition. Many are asking themselves who would have killed the heir to the Spanish throne? During this tumultuous period, few have asked questions, and no investigation has been done on the part of the PLC. Who killed the Prince, and what purpose would they have to do so? The Carlist cause has been dealt a serious blow, so one might be tempted to look to the FAI, the CNT, one could even think it was my own Futuristic party that pulled the trigger. But look at the evidence. Madrid was under the control of PLC forces. Who was controlling security in the city at that time? A killing must have a motive. If the forces of the Left did not strike at Franco, Sanjurjo, Mola, Conde or de Rivera, each of whom actually had significant forces at their disposal, why would they strike at de Braganza? The answer of course is that they did not. The claimant to the throne of Spain was killed by the PLC itself. The Prince wished to forge a more neutral path, and was difficult to control. Never a full member of their cabal, his assassination was casually debated, and deliberately planned. With the Prince gone, the heir to Spain's throne was nothing more than a child, a King in name only, and unable to wield any power but that directed by his masters within the PLC, namely his assassin, General José Sanjurjo. Sanjurjo pulled the trigger, but citizens of Spain you must ask yourself, how much did the other members of the PLC know? What about the leader of the Carlists themselves? These questions need to be asked. If you are going to give your lives to people for a cause you believe in, shouldn't you be certain that they're representing that cause truthfully, and not merely their own naked grasping for power? Those of you who cared about your King, demand an investigation as to who killed him, if you do not believe the Futuristics, then believe your own eyes, as no one in the PLC has done so much as mention this matter thus far.
JOSÉ ANTONIO PRIMO DE RIVERA Leader of the Falange, Twice-Saviour of Seville There have been rumours circulating about the death of our former King. Until now, the PLC Junta has been content to blame this atrocity on the anarchists of the East - and this has been easy to swallow, as Communists and Anarchists have a poor track record when it comes to assassination, as I am sure the Americans would be quick to remind us. But I have remained silent as to the nature of the death of His Majesty, a course of action of which I am deeply ashamed. I feared for my safety, should I be seen to set the record straight. No longer. For some time the PLC had been dissatisfied with the King. They saw him as headstrong, arrogant and altogether inconvenient. But they believed that he could be harnessed as a popular figurehead to draw people to their cause, so long as they kept him utterly powerless. You can imagine, then, their alarm, when the King announced his plans for coronation. He had become a liability to their cause. And so the PLC asked, why do we keep him? Is there any purpose he serves that his son cannot serve better in his death? Finding the answer to be "none", they arranged for his killing. I know this because I was a member of the Council at that point. We were all aware who ordered the sniper - Franco, Sanjurjo, Mola. Even Manuel Fal Conde, the self-appointed leader of the Carlist cause! So much for his dedication to his King. So, people of Spain. I ask you for two things. Firstly, I beg forgiveness for my silence until now; secondly, I ask that you seek vengeance on the scoundrels who will deny this. Not every man in Spain is a monarchist, but cold-blooded murder is the most abominable sin, and I call on you to put your allegiances aside to bring the killers to justice. I remain a servant of the people, José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
"Alberto Lanza was a careerist bureaucrat who did not share any strong ideological leanings. Nevertheless, when the Futuristic movement began, he grew attracted to its rhetoric, especially of its calls to empower "experts" instead of corrupt politicians. He became one of the first members of the Futuristic Societies and organized several Futuristic Work Brigades. Lanza's competence at organizing architectural projects made him famous within Futuristic circles, and he continued building on this reputation as an competent manager. Lanza had grand ambitions to create the entirety of the new Futuristic society from the ground-up, and there were many powerful people willing to let those ambitions be realized." ---Spanish Encyclopedia of Futurism Email: igorhorst@gmail.com === Onésimo Redondo Ortega Little known fact... Alberto Lanza also was a subpar artist.
And the Futuristic Falange Flag... Welcome to the future, gentlemen.
Now the Futuristics really are fascist.
Gorgo Primus posted:Now the Futuristics really are fascist. It's like hot potato, except if you lose you turn into fascists.
200x267 General José Sanjurjo El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil More lies from the mouth of the so called "Futurists". All they wish for is power, not a Republic. Look at their lies! [i]El Leon del Rif raises a Futurist flier denouncing the Fascists even though they now count them among their ranks[i/]. They spread lies about the death of our King! They have no evidence, and merely attempt to slander us who would fight to preserve Spain. My fellow Spaniards, I urge you to ignore their lies, their hollow rhetoric which tells of fantastical tales of the future. They are completely incompetent, corruption runs their government as those who pledge to help the people steal from them! They are no better than the Leftist dogs who murder their own men. People of Spain, join us! Join us and fight against this menace!
And finally, we in the Futuristic Party would like to welcome Indalecio Prieto back from his long vacation...
NEXT TURN IS DUE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, AT 11 PM EST LATE 1937 LOCAL NEWS Alvaro de Albornoz, dismayed by the alliance of the Futuristics with the Fascists, changes his political affiliation for the fourth and last time. He takes an available opportunity to steal some of Spain's precious artwork and flee for Havana, Cuba. His last act is urging the members of the Radical Republicans to rise up against the Futuristics. The Futuristic army and militias both lose men to desertion. Attempts are made to raise further militias in Catalonia, and while it is effective at strengthening the home guard few are willing to head out and fight. The CNT begins to draw on militias in Aragon and Valencia, but their numbers are smaller. Factories in Catalonia do begin to produce aircraft. The PCE continues recruitment to moderate effect. They reveal a force of thirty Soviet tanks. They send out a request for aid to International Communist Parties as well as the current French government. The French begin to send weapons and arms across the border, much to the United Kingdom's dismay. Alberto Lanza organizes elections for a Constitutional Assembly in Futuristic areas. He is elected as Supervisor of the assembly, and members are screened to ensure they have the proper scientific credentials before being allowed in. Areas where Futuristic rule is uncertain have their representatives appointed, rather than elected. Indalecio Prieto returns from a long holiday in Germany and Italy, definitely not researching their systems of government. Futuristic Worker Brigades begin to repair the damage cause by the war and sabotage, but are constantly harried and murdered by elite members of the Civil Guard acting as guerilla units. The Futuristics continue to produce tanks as well as spread the omnicard system to outlying regions. New resistance from former Radical Republican allies makes this progress slow. Corruption of the system is becoming more widespread, with some local governors taking portions of the guaranteed minimum income from the people. Manuel Fal Conde disappears, though his ransacked headquarters leads many to believe he has been kidnapped. Some believe the death of the King has led to him abandoning his post, while others say he was kidnapped. Police militias contact Radical Republicans dissatisfied with Futuristic rule in Avila and Valladolid, seizing those areas for the PLC, but they are promptly retaken by the Futuristic army moving through. El Debate calls for people to take up arms against the Futuristics and the Left. A few Moroccan troops in Franco's army desert. Murcia is fortified. Angel Oria travels to Toledo, where he calls for an end to the violence. The Pope speaks out and urges the same, expressing the need for peace. The church opens its doors to the wounded of Spain, though many don't trust radical leftists to behave in these places. The Futuristics drop leaflets implicating PLC generals for the death of the former monarch. The Carlist movement in support of the PLC is weakened, and many abandon their militias. The Futuristics begin to produce Close Air Support Craft and step up recruitment. Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios sends evidence to the League of Nations that proves Portuguese and Italian involvement in the war. He demands that these actions stop and gives them 48 hours. As the Portuguese do not withdraw support, the Republican navy begins a blockade of Portuguese and Italian ships headed to Portugal. This is functionally an act of war against Portugal. Italy decries the rogue leftist armada, and plans on sending support through Portugal anyways. France sends troops into Spanish Morocco to pacify the situation there, simultaneously demanding that Italy desist from aiding the PLC. German support gives Italy confidence, and they again refuse. Neville Chamberlain shits himself. Amnesty is declared for any Carlists who rejoin the Republic, but Carlist orders to assist the PLC in battles leave many confused. The Campaign of Huelva The Blueshirts and Paratroopers invade Huelva to remove the Civil Guard. While vastly outnumbered, the Civil Guard dig in a prepare their artillery. Soon, half the Carlist militias come to relieve them. Futuristic forces find themselves under a hail of mustard and chlorine gas, seized by the PLC at the beginning of the war. The chemical warfare is unreliable, and Futuristic forces are able to defeat the Civil Guard after heavy losses. The Campaign of Alava! The Futuristic militia attempts to get rid of the Carlist militias in the north of the country, but the PLC foreign volunteers come to their aid. Republican desertions have weakened the milita particularly, and they are forced to retreat to Burgos. The Campaign of Utiel! PLC forces launch an all-out attack on Cuenca, attempting the free the trapped General Franco while Republican forces converge on Valencia to wipe him out. The area surrounding the small town of Utiel sees most of the fighting. 141,000 PLC troops move into battle against 143,500 Republican troops. The bloodiest campaign of the war is the result, as the PLC is able to carve a bloody path to Franco, letting him escape to Cuenca. Both sides are tremendously injured and exhausted from the fighting. FOREIGN NEWS Neville Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. One of his major goals is preventing a war in Europe, and he sees maintaining neutrality in the Spanish conflict as essential to this goal. Picasso's painting Valencia, a chaotic and abstract depiction of the Republican and PLC armies fighting while both are bombed by Futuristic aircraft becomes a sensation. quote:
Map of current political situation in Spain: Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned Red: Government Aligned Grey: Futuristic Aligned Gold: Moroccan Aligned
I'd like to pick up the deserted post of José María Gil y Robles, my email is maximo.roboto@gmail.com
Joining as Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona EDIT: Email josefstalinator@gmail.com
A formerly distinguished statesman sips on a mixed drink of lime, rum, and Coca Cola as he sits in a covered gazebo overlooking the Caribbean. A crowd of revelers has gathered and is taking in his amazing art collection that is on display in the courtyard of his new mansion. "How did you come upon such amazing and rare artwork Senor de Albornoz?" "At a very heavy price." The man replies melodramatically. "First, I had to learn that corruption can reach even the highest ranks of government. Then, I had to discover that a socialist is just as happy to resort to murder and blackmail as any monarchist. Finally, I had to give up hope for the future." He stands and walks over to one of Picasso's masterpieces. "I have many great works, many memories of what Spain once was. But this..." He says with a sad smile, indicating the great work in front of him. "This, ladies and gentlemen, my friends, this is Spain now." He finishes his drink. "Ah. I need another." He turns and walks back to the bar. Fun game everyone, thanks for having me rakovsky!
Alberto Lanza, Supervisor of the Constitutional Assembly While the other 'factions' prepare for war, we are the only 'faction' ready for peace. We are promoting good governance and already drafting a new republican Constitution to replace the flawed and outdated one. We feed our people, provide them jobs, secure their civil liberties, and ensure them some modicum of prosperity away from the bloody fighting. Can you really say the Leftists and the PLC can do the same? That being said, I am especially concerned of the robbery of the guaranteed minimum wage. I had expected Alvaro de Albornoz to deal with it, but apparently he had other issues. I will petition the Futuristics to establish a police system to eliminate corruption; a corrupt governor is probably more dangerous than Civil Guardsmen. I also want to bring an end to the Radical Republican insurgency! Radical Republicans, we are in favor of an elected Republic! We want to restore electoral governance and end the predatory crimes of the Left. The Fascists, for their part, want the same. For now anyway. If they seek to establish a dictatorship, then the Futuristic population will rise up and crush them. But the Fascists know that and refuse. Is it a crime, Radical Republicans, merely to hold an odious ideology? In the Second Spanish Republic, Fascists organized into unions, ran for office, and even got elected into the Cortes. So long as we watch over the Fascists carefully, we can gain a natural ally that will help bring this war to a close and secure the future of our Republic. --- Onésimo Redondo Ortega Good night, sweet Alvaro. Your quest for "justice" was naive, but at least it was hilarious.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy The fuck? You wanted a democratic elective Republic, so you revolted and started a civil war once the left won a democratic election in a Republic with the help of the centrists and became the government... did you mean to say you want a rigged 'elective' Republic where half the parties are banned or something? I have no clue what you morons want anymore...
Gorgo Primus posted:
Juan Peligro Helado Prime Minister and President of the Most Beautiful, Serene, and Democratically Elected Republic of the Isle of Mallorca Admiral, I, Juan Peligro Helado, have a super fun fact for you. Did you know that the Republic of Mallorca elects its heads of state using such wondrous things as "voting" and the "democratic process?" You should jump the sinking ship of the Spanish Republic and join Mallorca! You could be the democratically elected Minister of Ships, Boats, and Other Things That Float On Water! The job comes with all the free drinks and ice cream you can handle! What do you say, is it a deal?
Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action My beloved Spaniards, it is time to end the violence engulfing Spain and come to terms with the failure of the Second Republic. As the world collapses around us, the need for stability becomes increasingly urgent. War is on the horizon and when it comes Spain must be united against it. How many more lives must be lost before the futility of this conflict is realized? For these reasons, I encourage a total ceasefire to promote dialogue between the opposing sides. I further suggest that representatives from each group meet in Madrid to draft a new constitution that can be acceptable to all parties and deal with the pertinent issues facing Spain. Compromises must be made and to encourage this a neutral party should over see the talks. Do not take this as a surrender. The PLC is more than willing to continue fighting should the need present itself. I personally feel, however, that a peaceful solution would be more conductive to Spain's long-term goals than one achieved through violence. May God bless you all and may God bless Spain.
Alberto Lanza Admiral, our support for electoral democracy does not mean that we must support every electoral democracy, especially the primitive one that has failed to provide for its citizens. The electoral system of the Second Spanish Republic is an outdated one, suited only for the 19th century. With new technological advances and expertise, we should reform our government to take into account their insights. The other two Spanish factions look to the past to guide them what to do. We look to the future. If you do not understand the future, then it is not a problem with us, but a problem with your upbringing in the 19th century.
Miguel Alejandro Camancho Image Unavailable Commander of Remnant Republican Army Forces, Loyalist. After gathering his men to hear his word, General Miguel Alejandro Camancho takes the stage in full dress regalia, raising his voice loud, strong, and proud. "My loyal soldiers! You have fought long and hard. I salute you!" He pauses, actually saluting. "But I regret to say that we. Are. Doomed." Succumbing to ennui, fatigue, and propaganda, their commmander raises his sidearm to his head, pulls the trigger, and slumps. In other words, I'm out. Not finding the time to strategize enough or get in IRC. Best of luck to everyone still in!
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy We already had a meeting in Madrid of all the factions of Spain to create a new constitution... in 1931. We are keeping that constitution, which we have all sworn to defend to the last. The Republic does not recognize your fascist military clique and will continue to put down your rebellion against the democratically elected government of Spain until you surrender your forces and have your leaders stand trial for all you've done. As the Minister of State I hereby inform you that Spain does not and will not enter into cease-fires with war criminals and thieves.
Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action Forgive me, for a moment as I speak plainly and drop all formalities. Miguel, you and your government have got to have the worst sense of self-preservation on this planet. You have become so blinded by your own cause and self-righteousness that you fail to see that someone is trying to help you. There are no words in English or Spanish to convey how utterly stupid and erratic your decisions have been. You claim to represent 'Spanish democracy' but are totally unwilling to accept compromise or engage in dialogue with those who disagree with you. May God bless Spain and may God have mercy on your souls.
Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona Heir apparent to the Kingdom of Spain Son of King Alfonso XIII Radio address across Spain, heard on January 6th 1938 as Spanish families gathered to hear mass and holiday tidings for Dia de los reyes (Day of the Kings) My Spanish brothers, This is your rightful heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Spain, Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona, addressing you this wondrous holiday. What have we learned of the experience of the last few years? This civil war that has divided our country is the ultimate price we pay for the failings of the republic, which sought to sacrifice stability for ill conceived, if well meaning, concepts of liberty. Republican government tore open the divisions within Spain, having no anchor or uniting principle with which to avoid direct confrontation between ideological forces both extreme and rational. Excessive republicanism has emphasized the radical, the communist, the fascist, and the futuristic, all representatives of empowered and militarized minorities seeking to impose on the moderate, God-fearing majority every manner of horrors. What Spain needs, as the Catholic church needed in its early days, is to return to its founding principles. Much as Peter was the rock for the church, so is the monarchy the rock for the nation of Spain. Without it, we are divided, be it by language or ideology. Do you not remember the days of the monarchy, before this wretched 1931 constitution destroyed everything we, as Spanish, had come to love? Do not take this address as an attempt to return to the days of absolute monarchy, or the type of monarchy envisioned by some supporters of pretenders to the throne. Spain seeks modernity, it seeks to forge its own future free of the whims of autocrats. Under a reformed, constitutional monarchy, in which the people bear the burden of responsible government but united by a symbolic and largely ceremonial King, Spain can regain the stability and glory of its past, while maintaining its free and just future. A free and just future, in which the church is respected, our military is strong and able to preserve our interests abroad, and extremists on the right and left wing of politics are held in check by reformed institutions. These are what Spain needs, these are what Spain requires if it seeks to avoid the horrors of continued civil war. You may hear some of the ideology of "futuristics" espouse similar rhetoric, but they are masters of deceit. The futuristic promise is one of stability and socialism, one in which power is removed from the people and traditions alike, where all is torn down in a blaze of fire to make way for the autocratic whims of their masters. Our beloved church, our freedoms, and any sense of justice is lost through their inane ideology, and they pose as great or even greater a danger to the future of a powerful, united Spain as those who consider themselves anarchists or communists. So, my Spanish brethren, I announce to you my return to Spain, to reaffirm the rights of the people and the church, the townsmen and the urbanite alike. I call for moderation, for the reconciliation of the socially just and devout conservatives under Franco and the PLC, and the more moderate elements of the Republic, well intentioned in the pursuit of liberty, if not subverted by communist and anarchist radicals. The common threat of futurism is not to be underestimated, for as our friends in the conservative camp, and those who still owe loyalty to the flawed republic, destroy each other, the futurist camp only waits with baited breathe to strike at the heart of our great nation, and carve out a future devoid of any semblance of order, tradition, liberty, or justice, filled only with their own twisted desires. With the blessing of the Pope, and of the people, I return to you to bring order, stability, unity, and freedom. May we all travel with the blessing of God, in the name of a United Spain. Your Prince and Infante Juan Heir to the Kingdom of Spain
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy Yet again the PLC attempts to bring in a King to overthrow the Republic. Your 'help' and 'compromise' is to force people under military threat to accept massive reactionary reforms when you lose an election to liberals and socialists.
Dolores Ibarruri Secretary General of the Partido Communista de Espana, Minister of Tourism I do not need to make a lengthy response, because the facts remain unchanging, and will forever betray your long-winded speeches. You and your compatriots illegally took up arms against a democratically elected government because you disagreed with the results of an election, in which all citizens of Spain voted their conscience. We have nothing to say to criminals, and will not allow you to murder and terrify your way back into power.
José María Gil-Robles y Quiñones El Jefe del Partido Acción Nacional Neither the Infante nor his father the King were behind the uprising. They are merely bystanders who can no longer simply look while Spain falls into ruins. The royal family seeks to resume its ancient duties to protect the best interests of our country, against its enemies both on the left, right, and center; both foreign and at home. They have come to bring peace and reconciliation.
José María Gil-Robles y Quiñones El Jefe del Partido Acción Nacional People of Spain! We stand at the brink of destruction! Our nation has been at war for too long. This carnage cannot stand. I shall be brief. Even as I speak, depraved plotters bewitch good men, leading them towards the destructive influence of foreign philosophies alien to the well-being of our country. Even now, lawless brigands despoil the countryside, seizing rightful property and killing their lawful owners. What is there to do? The nation must have peace, peace and reconciliation. We must unite, for this war will not end until the armies lay down their arms and unite against the true foe. I appeal to the moderates, those desiring national unity and good governance, to join our cause. Spain shall have law and order again. Spain shall have democracy. The Second Republic failed our nation with legislative gridlock and in-fighting. It brought upon its own destruction. Yet its dreams were worthy. We shall have a Republic once more. The Republic shall be reborn, but it must be reforged with sense and reason. The monarchy, which once so brought our nation to empire and greatness, must have its role again. Let good kings temper democracy, and let constitutionalism guide good kings. Disorder by selfish, ideological parliamentarians will wither away by checks and balances provided by our monarchy. The king shall prove to be a beacon of light, shining over our state. We shall have unity. We shall have law. And we shall prosper. Join the cause of the Partido de Acción Nacional. Enough blood of martyrs and patriots has been spilled. Let us rebuild our nation together with wisdom and clarity. ¡Para el Renacimiento Republicano! ¡Viva el Rey!
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy Attempts to violate the constitution multiple times. Commits a holocaust in Catalonia. Holds election. Loses. Declares revolution. Allies with fascists. Installs a King. Invites in Fascist Italy and totalitarian Portugal to invade Spain. Begins to lose war. Refuses to agree to any surrender that involves having anyone standing public trial. Calls for Democracy, moderation, respect for law, unity, and reconciliation. Claims the second Republic failed due to internal mechanics. Installs another King. What is wrong with you people? Seriously...
JosefStalinator posted:With the blessing of the Pope, and of the people, I return to you to bring order, stability, unity, and freedom. 1322x1794 Pope Pius XI What in God's name are you talking about? I have given you no such thing. As far as I am aware, Spain already has a king: King Carlos Hugo I, son of St. Francisco Javier of Madrid. In related news, I'd like to announce the canonization of the aformentioned St. Francisco Javier of Madrid. The usual process was expedited due to the overwhelming evidence of both his martyrdom and his miraculous intercessions with God. Oh, and Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios has been excommunicated.
Onésimo Redondo Ortega, reading the newspaper El Fascista: So what is your opinion on the Jews in Spain? Adolf Hitler: They are an immensely clever people and I envy their prosperity and skill. If only we could copy half their talent, then the German Reich will last for a thousand years... Adolf Hitler: ...actually, why do you ask? El Fascista: Don't you know? The Spanish people are so stupid that they'd listen to any idiot who can speak. And I think it's important for you to speak so that you can drown out all the other idiots who speak. Adolf Hitler: Oh, huh. By the way, I got some old paintings I want to sell. Can I put an ad out in your newspaper?
NEXT TURN IS DUE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, AT 11 PM EST EARLY 1938 LOCAL NEWS The Futuristic Constitutional Assembly finishes drafting and then ratifies a new Constitution. They produce a pamphlet that is spread across Futuristic-controlled areas to explain what the new document promises for Spain. Important text of the Constitution posted:-The federal government is composed of scientific "experts" appointed by a nation-wide testing system to check their specialized 'knowledge'. Specialists are in charge of their own respective field (economists in charge of the economy, teachers in charge of education, etc.) These experts have the obligation to create a society "where every person is free to do what they are best able to do, regardless of birth or circumstance", and are given the appropriate power to do so. Two distinct police forces are created by the Futuristics. The first, the Police Progresista, primarily focus on reducing crime and terrorist activity. They are led by economists and psychologists. This does help to reduce the chaos in many of the Futuristic-held territories. They also create the Unidad Especial de Intervención, whose specific function is investigating and eliminating corruption. They succeed somewhat, though a few of their technocratic advisors seem to go missing. The Futuristic Work Brigades attempt to repair sabotaged airfields, now protected by the Police. Technocracy Incorporated, a US-based movement, send observers to Spain. However, the American organization is very small by now, and unable to provide any meaningful support. The Futuristics continue to recruit troops into the military. While successful, they note that the money they took from the Spanish treasury is running low and they will need to start finding another source of income soon. The Futuristic militia is moved to Galicia for training exercises. Futuristic government expands to new areas, and a Futuristic Bank is created. The Guaranteed Minimum Income is given to those who qualify. The goal of the centralized system is to decrease corruption, though with no effective electronic means of record-keeping it continues to exist. A ceasefire is declared between the Futuristic and PLC forces. The PLC begins to leave the northern regions of Spain, anticipating to occupy the Futuristic-controlled south. However, Futuristic forces in the south refuse to lay down their arms and fire on PLC troops sent to enforce control. News of this spreads throughout the country and prevents the Futuristics from grabbing much more of the North. Angel Oria travels to Madrid where he pleads for peace. He holds a rally in support of the ceasefire. He invites various faction leaders, and a few leftists and Futuristics as well as PLC supporters attend. Oria makes it clear that he intends on writing a new Constitution and decries the Republican forces for refusing to lay down their arms and compromise. However, he looks foolish when word of the Futuristic betrayal arrives. A League of Nations observer arrives, ostensibly to watch over the drafting of a new constitution. Angel Oria makes a speech encouraging Republicans to lay down their arms and tells all the people of Spain to encourage their leaders to seek an end to the conflict. El Debate's headline, much mocked by later historians: PEACE IN OUR TIME The Drive to Murcia! PLC forces in Cuenca and Ciudad Real attempt to move through Albacete down to Murcia. The loss of their commander and chaos in the union militias' ranks leaves Republican forces in disarray. The PCE militia travels down to Albacete but leaves their tanks behind with the Republican Army. 48,000 PLC troops go up against 34,000 Republican troops. The PLC is able to force their way down to Murcia, but it is a costly victory. Much of the Republican Navy abandons the port and heads to the Balearic Islands, though the ships under construction are scuttled. They declares themselves the "Republic of Noterb" which will cooperate with the Republican government but continue to act independently if it falls. A few ships are docked at Murcia and seized by PLC forces. Helado is put under house arrest to prevent him from interfering with the navy or declaring independence. Recruitment in the PLC Army continues, but is quite slow. General Franco gives interviews with the press, and with Republican defeats and trepidation about the Futuristics intentions, many laud him as the only hope for a peaceful Spain. Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona, visits Italy with King Alfonso XIII to see the Pope. He warns them that a strange and presumably insane impostor has been making declarations in his name. The Pope provides them his blessing to return to Spain in the name of peace and unity, but the Pope notably does not recognize them as the proper monarchs of Spain. The Pope does, however, cast a few criticisms at Futuristicism, which he believes exalts scientism and modernism too highly. He also continues to condemn the Republican government. The traveling royalists also meet with Mussolini, who assures them he is doing all he can to aid the cause of conservatism in Spain. Infante Juan visits Alfonsine exile communities throughout Europe and gathers resources for his return. He issues a radio address which encourages a return to normalcy under the monarchy. Though not directly attacking the Republic, he does seem to suggest that this trouble would not have happened under the former government. He does attack the Futuristics, calling them unstable and dangerous. He returns to Spain via Andalusia, bringing a few foreign volunteers and working to ease the suffering the war has caused. The rebellion in Morocco is crushed by French forces, who occupy Spanish Morocco as interim peacekeepers. Assault on Teruel 46,000 PLC troops advance on Teruel, guarded by the 23,000 men of the CNT militias. Dug-in and with local support, the CNT militia is able to hold off the much larger force. Gil-Robles attempts to assume control of the Radical Republicans. However, they are opposed to monarchy and quite dissatisfied with politics entirely. Few are willing to join the Alfonsines. He appeals to the center of the nation while urging the need for a return to monarchy. His plan would entail the creation of a constitutional monarchy under Alfonso XIII. Many people are dissatisfied with the Republic, but the recent crowning of the Carlist candidate also leaves them confused regarding monarchy. The Internationale Brigades increase, including some men from America. A virtually unknown man by the name of Rafael del Riego is given a position as the new commander-in-chief of the Republican army. Manuel Buiza Fernandez-Palacios issues a directive making it clear that the surrender of the PLC will include fair and public trials. Mola will be charged with the attempted genocide of the Catalan race. Fernandez-Palacios provides eveidence of mass graves as well as evidence of gas attacks by PLC forces to the League of Nations. With members dropping out and war in Europe looming closer, that organization is only able to issue a condemnation. Another concern is that seriously enforcing a weapons embargo would guarantee a Futuristic victory. Republican marines land in Northern Galicia, seizing control of Futuristic territory. The main Futuristic army breaks up, the Northern wing sweeping into the Pamplona region and wipe out the Carlist militias. However the mountainous terrain and local resistance slows their approach to Zaragoza. Futuristic Paratroopers drop in Almeria, immediately falling into conflict with a hidden group of PCE guerrillas. The Paratroopers are able to destroy the leftist forces, but attempts to move west are stopped by the newly arrived Alfonsine militias. Battle of Malaga! Futuristic forces in Badajoz, in conjunction with the Falangists in Huelva, move east to crush the Civil Guard. The battle is a rout, the Futuristics suffering minimal losses while destroying the PLC members. The Futuristic Sky Army attempts to send out bombers and leaflet-droppers, but are stymied by their sabotaged airfields. Their workers continue to repair them, though the question of pay is coming up more as the economic situation in Futuristic Spain is decreasing. They continue to build Close Support Aircraft. FOREIGN NEWS Japanese forces invade China, Japan will advance to Beijing, Nanking, Shanghai, and Nanjing later in the year. The Communist Chinese National Revolutionary Army is able to deliver a few victories against the Japanese but is ultimately forced to retreat away from the Japanese-controlled coast. Italy joins the Anti-Comintern pact with Germany, and then leaves the League of Nations. The organization seems increasingly toothless. quote:
Map of current political situation in Spain: Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned Red: Government Aligned Grey: Futuristic Aligned
El Director Attempted genocide? Are you out of your mind. There was no such thing, your sick twisted attempts to redefine history are ludicrous, false Admiral. The police attempted to arrest criminals. You defended those criminals, even when they attempted assassination attempts, including against the director of the police -- yet you did nothing but malign the police for attempting to do their jobs. And now you speak of genocide? You speak of "War crimes" yet you are the one who attempted to open fire on the Army in the first place; you are the one who attempted to purge anyone who disagreed with your outright leftist ideology from the military. You sir are the criminal, not El Director. You are a coward, a liar, and quite honestly, you are the sole reason that El Director remains in the PLC -- because of the off chance that we might see you brought to justice. El Director will make it known that he is willing to enter any negotiations for cease-fires, future government, or whatever may be on the table for discussion, on the sole condition that the false Admiral, the usurper of multiple ministerial positions, Miguel Buiza Fernandez-Palacios, is not involved either in the discussions or the government to follow. OOC: It's utterly laughable that you're accusing me of genocide since I've by far been the most moderate of the PLC bloc, have repeatedly been pushing diplomacy, and have every single time I submitted orders advocated restraint on my troops.
rakovsky maybe posted:Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona, visits Italy with King Alfonso XIII to see the Pope. He warns them that a strange and presumably insane impostor has been making declarations in his name. 1322x1794 Pope Pius XI This is distressing news, my children. It seems that even now, in 1937, our most Holy Church is undergoing a schism! This false Anti-Pope bearing my name is nothing but a coward and imposter in the pocket of the corrupt Prince Juan, and I assure you he will be brought to justice by the loyal citizens of the Church. To help distinguish myself from this charlatan, I will from now on be known as SuperPope Pius the Extremely Pious. My stationery will be adjusted accordingly.
225x301 Buenaventura Durruti CNT-FAI Member, Protecter of the Revolution and Leader of the Durruti Column - in an interview with Mikhail Koltsov of the russian press Much as it pains me to say we did not get to Franco, slapping the taste out of the pig dogs mouth felt good! We embrace the companionship of the Americans, French, Italians, Germans, Danes, Brits and Irish who come to us in the hour of need. Your names will live forever, even if we shall not. [...] I trust all comrades to ignore the calls for coincilation from both left and right. The communists seek only mastership over that which they cannot control, the fascists and futurists the death and slavery of the nation as a whole. Finally, spare a thought for comrade Camancho. While a coward, he was a man of integrity, and as we are not dogs brought up in fear of a master, we shall honour his memory - But not his words! [...] It is possible that only a hundred of us will survive, but with that hundred we shall enter Saragossa, beat Fascism and proclaim libertarian communism. I will be the first to enter Saragossa; I will proclaim the free commune. We shall subordinate ourselves neither at Madrid nor Barcelona, neither to Azaña nor Companys. If they wish, they can live in peace with us; if not, we shall go to Madrid. We shall show you, bolsheviks, how to make a revolution!
Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action In a radio address across Spain As I look out my window now, a sense of total emptiness overwhelms me. Any man on the street can tell you that I have always acted in what I felt was Spain's best interests. I have promoted peace and compromise, in hopes of ending this pointless bloodshed. I opened my arms to the Futurists and Republicans and in return received daggers to the back. You have broken an old man's heart. I am very afraid of what the future holds for Spain. How future generations will remember us and this struggle concerns me. One thing, however, is certain. History will not vindicate the Futurist rebellion. They will not forget their false promises and pointed lies. Their hypocrisies, those calls for civility while perpetuating war and urges for rationalism while being guided by temporary excitement, will be castigated in the highest halls of society. Their names will live on in infamy, forever. My beloved Spain, I leave you with this. Do not lend your trust to either the Futurists or the Republicans. If nothing else, their actions have revealed that they cannot comprehend common decency. Their leadership would abandon you at the first sign of weakness. They would shatter our hopes of peace, order, and security if it meant furthering their own cause. All they care about is fulfilling their own selfish desires. I weep for them. PLC officials are working around the clock to bring about a better tomorrow. By now, you have encountered PLC troops in your towns, in your settlements, in your churches. Lend whatever support you can to them. They are your friends. This country will be returned to greatness, I promise you. All you need is a little patience, a little faith. This is Angel Oria, signing off.
740x580 Diego Abad de Santillan Federación Anarquista Ibérica Confederación Nacional del Trabajo The Second Spanish Republic has failed. These six words sum up a sentiment that every person in spain--from the thuggish soldiers in the armies of the PLC, to the brave militiamen of Durruti's column--know to be true. What is left to ask, then, is what better alternative is there? Monarchy or fascism under the PLC or Futuristics? A doomed war to defend a bourgeoisie republic, unwilling or unable to accept victory and liberation through revolution? Neither of these, of course, is true. And this is why the CNT-FAI must withdraw from this war! We will return to Catalonia, march on Barcelona, and declare the Sovereign Catalan Territories, administered by the people under the principles of anarcho-syndicalism and libertarian communism! We urge our brothers on the left to join us; communist, socialist, or anarchist, abandon this failed Republic, so uninterested in true liberty, and join with the CNT-FAI in Catalonia. Together, we will build a new society; a society of free-association and brotherhood which will surely last for a thousand years!
Ángel Herrera Oria Leader of National Action Editor of El Debate Director of Catholic Action Although I disagree thoroughly with the political beliefs of former Minister of Agriculture, Diego Abad de Santillan, it is nice to see that someone formerly a member of the Republican faction has admitted the fruitlessness of their cause. My fellow members of the Provisional Leadership Council, I plead you vote yes on the following pieces of legislation. We are in dark times and quick action is needed. It is time to face the enemy head on. Emergency Defense Act This act hereby establishes the National Civilian Defense Force, a public work relief program and defense league. It will use unemployed workers to engage in unskilled manual labor with the intent (1) Rebuilding those areas damaged by fighting, (2) Constructing new fortifications to defend against outside threat, (3) Distributing aid among the public. All enrollees shall be subject to a physical examination and a background check before being accepted. Those who are accepted following these will be payed 3775 pesetas (about $30 US) and granted food, clothing and medical care. This agency shall be placed under the direct control of the PLC and remain in place for the remainder of the Spanish Civil War. Military-Industry Alliance Act This hereby establishes the Board of War Industries. Recognizing the role business plays, the purpose of this agency shall be to coordinate the war effort within those businesses loyal to the PLC. The government will assist in increasing efficiency, decreasing waste and acquiring supplies. This agency is to be placed under the direct control of the PLC, with assistance provided by the military. It will remain in place for the remainder of the Spanish Civil War. Military Technology Committee This act hereby established a committee, under the jurisdiction of the PLC military, to research new technologies that may be useful in maintaining the war effort against hostile forces.
News Bulletin! News reports that the good Admiral wished to charge Mola with the genocide of the Catalans were technically incorrect. It was Sanjurjo against whom he made that charge.
Spain is dark. I can feel the rain. The war is ripping the country apart. Something needs to be done to promote the peace. Wars are always like this. I got the wire from Franco and made my way to Spain. Assist us with the volunteers, Franco told me. He was noncommittal about a rank. That didn't matter so much to me. War is the test of a person, and none can call themselves men until they feel the blood on their hands. A long time ago this was the way it was. Hemingway. Leader of the Nationalist Volunteers. Eight thousand men under Franco's leadership, all fighting for unified Spain. I lent my hand because that, in the end, is just what men do.