Jan 22, 2011

The name Daria was already taken.
Breaking News from Mallorca's leading news source The Peligro Times

Stunning news has just arrived from Mallorca's capital city, Ciudad Peligrosa (formerly Palma). The most esteemed and beloved President and Prime Minister Juan Peligro Helado, who has not only freed Mallorca and her people from Spanish rule, but also instituted Sundae Sundays, has uncovered ancient Roman documents that trace his heritage back to the original Roman puppet ruler of Mallorca, Iohannes Infestus Heladous. As is his birthright, Juan Peligro Helado, has claimed all the titles associated with forefather's position. From this point forward he shall be addressed as: Juan Peligro Helado, Emperor of Mallorca, King of the Mediterranean, Proconsul of the Balearic Territories, and President and Prime Minister of the Most Serene, Beautiful, and Democratically Elected Republic of the Isle of Mallorca.

Emperor Juan I released the following statement; "I, the most humble and eternally gracious Juan Peligro Helado, would like to assure the rest of Europe that I have no intention of trying to recreate the Greater Mallorcan Empire at any point in the future. The Mallorcan people have no malice for those who are currently occupying their rightful lands. Just be aware that I will start charging you rent."

The completely historical boundaries of the Ancient Mallorcan Empire, c. 256 AD.

Maximo Roboto
Feb 3, 2012


It seems like there may be some communications issues and confusion. Could each side provide a loose roster that outlines what their current organization is, with the contact info for each player? The GM's reports are comprehensive but it doesn't exactly explain for instance who are making the key decisions in the PLC or the Republic. We see various leaders for each side, but it doesn't explain who's at the very top.

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
There's no formal hierarchy on the PLC. We're all nominally in charge of our own forces, and tend to make our decisions by consensus (or lack of objection).

Oh in other news, I have been having internet issues (lol Africa) and haven't had internet at home in a week; this means I can only check this thread at work. Unfortunately that caused me to miss my last turn I think, and has not left me with enough time to come up with detailed orders or anything. I'm fortunately still able to get email on my phone, so I'm available diplomatically. They told me it should be fixed yesterday, of course it wasn't. So if I'm hard to get in touch with, please use email (swatjester aaaat gmail dooooot com). Hopefully I'll be back up to full play-speed shortly.

Nov 12, 2011

Looking for strong men to discover what's under the helmet.

Fernando de los Ríos
Head of the Futuristic Party

In a radio address in a program know as The Spanish Hour

Citizens of rightful Spain, as you all know we are currently at war agaisnt the rogue state of the PLC, recently I've had the chance to look at some of their governmental papers that just happened upon me, let me read from them.

Oria posted:

[...] My fellow members of the Provisional Leadership Council, I plead you vote yes on the following pieces of legislation. We are in dark times and quick action is needed. It is time to face the enemy head on.


Now, if you take a look at the legislation you will notice that these are things that us Futuristics have implemented an year or more ago, tell me, doesn't their National Civilian Defense Force sound like exactly the same thing as our Futuristic Worker Brigades? The PLC would call us backstabbers and vile and yet they copy us. Copy us poorly though, in our own act to militarize industry we did not discriminate by political allegiance, we simply chose the most apt and who would agree to the deal, skill and merit are the guiding values of Futuristic Spain, not your political thought.

This also shows another faucet of the PLC and that is that they do not innovate, had us not made changes similar to the legislation they try to pass now do you think they would do it? Of course not, they are way too boneheaded and stuck up in tradition, they don't innovate, they don't change, they don't modernize, they are stuck in reactive ways while we, the bold new way, are proactive.

How else do you think we rose from our small stronghold in Galicia to holding more than half of Spain? Innovation and cunning, something the PLC seems to completely lack, they just throw their men at the meatgrinder and expect results, just compare Futuristic losses to PLC losses in this war! It wasn't but a year ago when we had less than half their troops, now we outnumber them! We came to control more than half of Spain, with minimal losses of good Spanish men, we striked when we knew we would win and put the enemy in no-win situations, we have won not by brute strength but by cunning, and we will win the other half of Spain like this too.

Oria, the man who has proposed this legislation also conducted a radio address, much like this one, in which he said the Futuristics will be remembered poorly by history, to that I have only one thing to add.

History is written by the victors, and I plan to win

May 6, 2010

Friends are what make testing worth it.

Icecream Jones posted:


The completely historical boundaries of the Ancient Mallorcan Empire, c. 256 AD.

There is no way to refute this clear evidence. As it is, i have ordered the Regia Marina to lift the blockade on Mallorca, ensure the independence, arrest and execute the signore Fernández-Palacios and stabilish an embassy on Mallorca. I am also ceding the islands of Malta and Sardinia to Mallorca and sending a great amount of gold as tribute.

May our trade of pizza for icecream bring much profit and out empire last forever.

Signed: Sua Eccellenza Benito Mussolini, Capo del Governo, Duce del Fascismo e Fondatore dell'Impero

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
Alberto Lanza, Supervisor of the Constitutional Assembly
The Futuristics are the only faction in Spain that looks to the future. While the other factions say they are creating a just order, we are doing so right now, with the help of scientific experts! We held elections! We abolished poverty! We guaranteed cultural autonomy! The rightist PLC and the leftist Republicans flounder as they beg for their foreign sponsors to intervene, but it is the centrists and the non-ideologues that are pushing forward and triumphing! Through calm, dispassionate action, we will liberate Spain from the forces of extremism.

To liberate Spain, restore the Spanish Republic, and bring a quick end to this bloody and barbaric war, we must give complete obedience to the scientific experts who are guiding our State. And our scientific experts from the Futuristic Bank has informed us that we are suffering from two major crises. First, we are slowly running out funds necessary keep funding the war effort and the Guaranteed Minimum Income. Without these necessary spending programs, Spain will fall into the Dark Ages, where man will look backwards and not forwards. Second, the Spanish industrial economy is slowing down. It is not due to lack of demand, but of a lack of supply: we cannot produce enough. The bank also notes that though we abolish poverty, there are many men who refuse to work and contribute to the cause of Spain. Because they hoard their talents, the entire economy of Spain collapses. If we are to triumph over adversity, we must utilize the talents of everyone within Spain.

Therefore, on behalf of these scientific experts, I propose the Wartime Sacrifice Act to address these crises. The Act is composed of two parts: a "Single Tax" on the unimproved value of land, and the mandatory conscription of all non-working individuals taking the Guaranteed Minimum Income into "work brigades" so that they will be able to contribute to Spain.

The "Single Tax" has been first proposed by American economist Henry George, and had since been advocated by José Antonio Primo de Rivera. The idea behind this tax is that the benefits of land should be shared equally by all rather than be held privately. Obviously we need to keep private ownership of land, but the 'economic rent' of that land has to be equally shared, and the way to do that is through a tax on the unimproved value of land. All economists agree that this Single Tax helps to promote economic growth and will not hurt the economy, so it is time we listen to the consensus.

The Single Tax will fall most heavily on the rich landowners and industrialists, those who own high-value land. But this is a policy that benefits these rich people as well, because that's the only tax they have to pay. They will not have to worry about a confusing and nonsensical tax code that seeks to penalize them for success and distort the economy, but instead a simple tax based on the unimproved value of land. In addition, to ensure that the poor will not be hurt by the tax, we will give waivers for individuals with property value under a certain limit decided by the Futuristic Bank.

As for conscription, we have to utilize the skills of every worker in the fight against the PLC and the Leftists. We have abolished poverty through the GMI, but workers have an obligation in response, and they cannot hoard their talents. Many hard-working individuals today are already contributing to Spanish success, but layabouts need to be pressured to contribute to Spain's interests. We will administer tests to ensure that these layabouts can be placed in the position they are most suited to.

The Wartime Sacrifice Act has been carefully designed to ensure the minimum possible sacrifice needed to win the war. We understand people suffer, even in Futuristic Spain. But if we do not sacrifice now, then the suffering will be even greater, as the welfare system we established will collapse all around us. Let us work together for the good of Spain, to bring the war to an end and re-establish the Spanish Republic.

History is written by the victors, and I plan to win.

EDIT: Changed the bill to only include conscripting people who aren't working. Thanks Rogue.

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Dolores Ibarruri
General Secretary of the Partido Communista de Espana

The following memo was mailed to all of the major newspapers in Spain on January 1st, 1938.

From General Secretary Ibarruri, to members of the PCE and their families:

Comrades, we all know the state of things so I shall keep this message as brief as I can. For over two years, we have fought Franco, and then the traitorous Futuristics. As most of you also know, we have also been forming a group to prepare for the worst-case scenario. The bourgeois republic that we gave our lives to preserve teeters on the edge. We cannot go six months before our Republican allies change their plans without telling us, or kill themselves, or defect. It is under these circumstances that we reveal to the public the existence of the People's Liberation Army, and fully commit ourselves to our cause. We will no longer rely on the trembling Republicans for our salvation. We will take the fight to the enemy, no matter who he is, and no matter his location. The PLA will continue to fight, to sabotage, to assist those who whisper our name in desperation. We will provide justice where it cannot be found in a monarchy, or in a society ruled by technocrats who can upend your life on a whim. We will do these things because we must fight for a truly free society, where there are no classes, where there is no oppressive state determining what you are to do in life regardless of your own wishes. To the oppressed of Spain: Look for us! We shall be all around you, watching, striking at the forces of tyranny. To the members of the now-activated People's Liberation Army: We have been through so much, but I know that this is just the beginning of a journey that shall see Spain free once and for all. No Pasaran!

La Pasionara

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
Alberto Lanza

tatankatonk posted:

We will do these things because we must fight for a truly free society
And you plan on doing this by...ruining the Spanish economy and putting the proletariat out of work?

If so, sad to say, but the capitalists at the American Stock Markets has done more sabotage than you ever could.

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Dolores Ibarruri
General Secretary of the Partido Communista de Espana

Yes, God forbid something interrupts your exploitation of the Spanish worker's labor.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

LATE 1938


Francisco Largo Caballero is grievously injured in a Futuristic bombing attack. The civil war has radicalized him, as his last command is telling the UGT to join with the CNT-FAI. A long history of partnership and this final order results in most complying, though a few remain loyal to the quickly collapsing Republic.

CNT-FAI forces, swelled with men from the UGT militias, march to Catalonia and overthrow the Generalitat. With the capture of Lluis Companys and the effective control of all major land and industry in Catalonia by the CNT-FAI, this is not very difficult. They proclaim the Sovereign Catalan Territories "Territoris Sobirans de Catalunya" and declare independence from Spain. Industry is directed to building tanks, airplanes, and small arms. Many weapons flood in from Portugal of all places. There is a bit of chaos as anarchists who disagree about the exact implementation of their philosophy all find themselves armed.

The CNT sends out a call for all leftist to join them in Catalonia, many throughout Spain do. There is an exodus from the small remaining Republican territory, PLC-controlled lands, and the northern area of the Futuristics.

Battle of Jaen! The Alfonsine militia and PLC army under Franco attempt to march northwest towards Badajoz, hoping to open the border with Portugal. Meanwhile, the Futuristic Army of the South marches to Ciudad Real and attempts to sweep south while Primo de Rivera and his Blueshirts head northeast. This results in the interception of PLC forces, who are attacked form two sides. They put up a remarkable defense, but the force of Futuristic tanks and planes bears a heavy toll on the defenders. Franco is able to hold the attackers in Jaen while the Alfonines slip away to Badajoz. The path to Portugal open once more, arms and supplies begin to flow to the PLC.

Alfonsine forces in Badajoz try to local Futuristic officials for treason and execute them. They attempt to repair the damage done to the province by the war. A few foreign volunteers from Portugal arrive, but not many.

Alfonsine propaganda is spread throughout the country, claiming that future King Juan is the only one who truly cares for Spain.

Repair of airfields is successful in Futuristic-controlled Spain. The new police force is largely effective at eliminating sabotage and protecting the workers.

The Futuristic Constitutional Assembly passes the Wartime Sacrifice Act, which imposes a Land Value Tax as well as an obligation on the currently non-working to join work brigades. The tax has to be quite high to meet the financial demands of the Futuristics social programs, especially since small land-holders are given an exemption. In areas where the Republic did not carry out major land reform, large tracts of land continue to be held by powerful aristocrats. While previously going along with Futuristicism for the stability it brought, they are now deeply troubled by it. PLC-spread propaganda exacerbates this growing rift.

The Futuristic Bank is integrated into the police force, this makes many people wary especially industrialists.

Battle of La Coruna! Paratroopers are picked up from Almeria and sent to La Coruna to drive out the Marines with the aid of the militia in Lugo. The marines fall back, but have been able to dig-in enough that the Futuristics lose a large number of men by driving them out.

Battle of Navarra! The Futuristic Army of the North invades Zaragoza with air support. The PLC foreign volunteers are tired and in poor spirits, and are thoroughly crushed by the enemy. A few survivors retreat to join with the main PLC army.

PCE forces seemingly dissolve.

Assault on Segovia! PLC forces in Guadalajara and Madrid begin to move towards Segovia. The Futuristic army in Leon marches to aid in the defence of the this province. A hard-fought battle occurs, where the odds are stacked against the PLC. The Futuristics have fresher men, air support, and many more tanks. However, the PLC army is thoroughly battle-tested, whereas the Futuristics are newly raised or have been taking largely undefended territories. PLC forces win a costly, perhaps even Pyrrhic victory, forcing their way into Segovia. However they have lost more men than their enemy, and are exhausted from the brutal fighting.

Recruitment for the Futuristic army continues - but with tax protests breaking out, stolen Republican gold being exhausted, and general war fatigue setting in - the number of new men is low.

Tests continue in Futuristic areas among people receiving the GMI. Some new prodigies are discovered, and put into service in areas of Futuristic industry or research.

Fernando de Los Rios creates a radio show called "The Spanish Hour", spending time talking to the people of Futuristic-controlled Spain as their leader.

Angel Herrera Oria publishes Una Nueva Esperanza on January 1, 1938. In it, he details his hopes for peace and the future of post-war Spain. The novel discusses the need for:
~A society based upon the Catholic values of social justice, dialogue and solidarity.
~A democratic country where no groups are excluded for their political beliefs or fear the tyranny of the majority.
~Peace and stability throughout Europe to foster the same domestically.
The biggest highlight of this piece however is the last section, Chapter Four: A Noble Experiment. Known as the Reborn Constitution or the Constitution of 1938, the section lays out a new form of government that takes into account the demands of each faction. It establishes a directorial head of government acting under a figurehead monarch. The book is not officially sponsored by the PLC, but urges each individual faction to at least consider the proposals within. Copies of the book are also distributed outside of Spain for international discussion. Many find their way to colleges and universities across the Western world. The Constitution is also published in El Debate and other newspapers.

A useful graphic details the structure of the proposed government:


Meanwhile, the Emergency Defense Act, Military-Industrial Alliance, and Military Technology Committee Acts are all put into effect. This is successful at producing a few more tanks for the PLC, although lack of control over a substantive and well-controlled territory blunts these acts full effect.

Oria tours PLC Spain, urging support for his new government. A number of disillusioned Republicans, Carlists, aristocrats or refugees from Futuristic Spain, and even a few Socialists uncomfortable with the Catalonian anarchists create a new militia in Toledo calling themselves "The Reborn" "Los Renaceres". They support Oria's idea and seem intent on defending it.

Angel also meets with King Alfonso XIII, suggesting support for the Alfonsine cause. He supports the PLC war effort with speeches and recruitment drives.

Workers in Futuristic Spain strike when their pay is late, slowing down industry.

Gil-Robles is able to court a few disenfranchised aristocrats from Republican and Futuristic areas to send support to the Alfonsines. He tries to appeal to the Radical Republicans, but the few remaining now seem firmly committed to Angel Oria's ideas.

The PLC navy moves to safety in Portugal.

The foreign press continues to speak highly of Franco, many now see him as the only hope for Spain in the face of Futuristicism or Anarchism. He is in the running for Time's Man of the Year, but is ultimately beaten by Hitler.

The remnants of the Republic gather in Valencia, bulding trenches to defend the city in case of attack. Recruitment is attempted but fails as many people flee to Catalonia or PLC-controlled territory.


Adolf Hitler abolishes the War Ministry and creates the High Command of the Armed Forces, giving himself direct control of the German military. He removes from a office a number of political and military officials opposed to his philosophy or policies.

German troops enter Austria after a coup by a local party loyal to the Nazis. Germany annexes Austria.

Italy withdraws support from the PLC and declares neutrality in the Spanish crisis. In exchange, the UK recognizes their conquest of Ethiopia.



Year: Late 1938

República Española (Spanish Republic)
Government: Presidential Republic, currently suspended elections
Foreign Relations: Fair with the Soviet Union and France. Very bad relations with Italy, Germany, and Portugal.
Population: 6 Million

Prime Minister: Manuel Rodriguez (Rogue0071)
Minister of Justice and the Interior: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios (Gorgo Primus)

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 25000 soldiers, 17 tanks, and 13 light bombers
Situation: Morale is low due to the seemingly inevitable defeat of the Republic.
Commanders: Rafael del Riego

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 7 destroyers, 10 submarines, 39 smaller craft, 1 light carrier, 4000 La Guardia Marina del Riego
Situation: Currently based out of the Baleares.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios (Gorgo Primus)

Tecnocracia Futuristica de España (Futuristic Technocracy of Spain)
Government: Decentralized Technocracy
Foreign Relations: Fair with Italy. Bad with Portugal, France, and the Soviet Union.
Population: 10 Million

Supreme Technocrat: Fernando de los Ríos (TurkeyBro)
Head of the Futuristic Constitutional Assembly: Alberto Lanza (Servant)

Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista"
Type: Political Organization
Leader: José Antonio Primo de Rivera (Freudian)
Ideology: Fascism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon and Andalusia, Low in Extremadura
Forces: 9 Blueshirts, 17 Tanks

Futuristic Sky Army
Forces: 65 light bombers, 34 fighters, 50 Close Air support, 2000 Fuerza Paracaidista
Situation: Planes and equipment are very good, but airfields have been slightly damaged.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano (Fall Sick and Die)

Futuristic Army
Forces: 67000 Soldiers, 5000 Militia, 33 Tanks
Situation: Well-supplied but typically green. Under risk of not being paid.
Commanders: None

Policia Progresista
Forces: 10000 Police
Situation: Effective but newly drafted. Under risk of not being paid.
Commanders: None

Unidad Especial de Intervención
Forces: 2500 Investigators
Situation: Effective but newly drafted. Under risk of not being paid.
Commanders: None

Consejo Provisional de Liderazgo (Provisional Leadership Council)
Government: Monarchy/Oligarchy
Foreign Relations: Good with Portugal. Fair with Italy and Germany. Bad with the Soviet Union and France.
Population: 4 Million

Provisional Leadership Council:
Angel Herrara Oria (QuoProQuid)
Emilio Mola (Diplomaticus)
General José Sanjurjo (Colonel Wood)
Francisco Franco (Epicurius)

Provisional Leadership Council Army
Forces: 60000 Soldiers, 3000 Foreign Volunteers, 7 Tanks
Situation: Veterans of combat, but also worn down.
Commanders: General Francisco France (Epicurius)

Provisional Leadership Council Navy
Forces: 1 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 2 submarines, 5 smaller craft
Situation: Stolen from the Republicans, understaffed. Based in Portugal.
Commanders: None

Provisional Leadership Council Police
Forces: 16000 Police
Situation: Many have abandoned the police force.
Commanders: Emilio Mola (Diplomaticus)

Provisional Leadership Council Civil Guard
Forces: 11000 Civil Guard
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo (Colonel Wood)

Ideology: Alfonsine Monarchy
Forces: 7000 Militia
Situation: High morale, equipped by Portugal, not experienced.
Commanders: José María Gil y Robles (Maximo Roberto), Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona (JosefStalinator)

Territoris Sobirans de Catalunya (Sovereign Catalan Territories)
Government: Federation of Anarchist Communes
Foreign Relations: Good with Soviet Union. Fair with France. Bad with Portugal, Italy, and Germany.
Population: 5 Million

CNT-FAI Chairman: Diego Abad de Santillan (A RICH WHITE MAN)

CNT-FAI Militia
Forces: 62000 Militia, 32 Tanks, 15 Fighters
Situation: Morale is high. Men are experienced and well-equipped. Somewhat war-weary.
Commanders: Buenaventura Durruti (Tias)

Other Groups

Communist Party of Spain "Partido Comunista de España"
Leader: Dolores Ibaurri (tatankatonk)
Ideology: Communism
Forces: 12000 Militia

Type: Political Movement
Leader: Manuel Fal Conde (Ramba Ral)
Ideology: Carlism
Influence: Very little
Forces: None
Situation: Seemingly nonexistent

Map of current political situation in Spain:

Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned
Red: Government Aligned
Grey: Futuristic Aligned
Orange: Catalan Aligned

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Et tu, Benito?

Dec 21, 2008

rakovsky maybe posted:


LATE 1938


So was the turn I sent in multiple times just ignored or what?

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 21, 2003
Ernest Hemingway supported the Republic sadly...

Dec 21, 2008

Fall Sick and Die posted:

Ernest Hemingway supported the Republic sadly...

Yes, but I forget the part in "real life" where, you know, any of the things that are happening actually happened. I asked this question several times and received assurances that it was within the realm of the game to make a bizarro Hemingway. Herp the fucking Derp, guys.

Pinche Rudo
Feb 7, 2005

FSAD would you like Bizarro Hemingway to write your obituary?

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
Minor Update!

Gorgo informed me that he tried to send in a turn but it got bounced back to his email, I'm going to try to accommodate him since its clear it was a mistake.

Assaulted by the Paratroopers and Futuristic Militia, the Republican Marines are forced to retreat back to their ships. The Republican Navy attempts to directly attack the PLC Navy, trying to board and recapture many of their ships. This requires going into the Portuguese waters in which the navy is now based. Nevertheless the attack is successful, with a number of PLC ships captured while the Republican Navy is able to escape unscathed. A few Portuguese ships are sunk, and Salazar refers to the attackers as a "rogue navy".

Members of the Republican government are transported to Mallorca.

An anonymous polemic is released blaming France and the United Kingdom for the mess Spain is now in.

JMHX posted:

So was the turn I sent in multiple times just ignored or what?

I definitely did not get a turn from you JMHX. Someone else had a problem last turn with emails getting bounced, I don't know why my email would have that issue though. My email is rakovskymaybe at gmail dot com

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!
OOC: Thanks Rak! No idea why it didn't go through that time.

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...

Alberto Lanza, Supervisor of the Constitutional Assembly
Okay, maybe the tax was a bad idea.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
Just wanted to make a post to make something clear. If you've been paying attention, you'll notice that recruitment for everyone has gone down significantly. Spain is getting quite war-weary, and so the troops you have now will probably be the ones you have for the remainder of the conflict, barring extreme measures like forced conscription.

Dec 8, 2009

Grey Hunter's next target.

Rakovsky, I was told last turn that I was free to command the UGT militias. So did the entire UGT militia disappear or defect, and the International Brigades vanish into thin air because I was unexpectedly without internet access an unable to send in a turn?

Nov 3, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.
Meanwhile, in Germany:

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

Rogue0071 posted:

Rakovsky, I was told last turn that I was free to command the UGT militias. So did the entire UGT militia disappear or defect, and the International Brigades vanish into thin air because I was unexpectedly without internet access an unable to send in a turn?

No, OscarDiggs playing Francisco Largo Caballero, leader of the UGT Militias, came back and gave one last order for his character. That order was for the UGT to join with the CNT-FAI and follow them to Catalonia.

Also Mood had been infiltrating/subverting the UGT to make them more radical and friendly to anarchism.

Pinche Rudo
Feb 7, 2005

General José Sanjurjo
El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil

El Leon del Rif makes a speech that is printed in newspapers and fliers distributed throughout PLC and Futuristic territory. "My fellow Spaniards I know you are weary of war. The yoke of conflict weighs heavily upon our already burdened shoulders. But to you, I say 'Raise your head! For this weight shall soon be lifted! These past few years have been difficult, we have seen the fall of the bloated, corrupt republic and the rise of a new menace to Spain! The Futurists are little more than a pack of corrupt, greedy bureaucrats hell bent on destroying Spain to line their pockets. Look at the rampant corruption in their cities, government officials skimming money meant for workers and soldiers! This is no different than the corrupt Leftists in the Republic fighting against the noble efforts of Director Mola and his FIE which began bringing to light the criminals who preyed upon the labor of the masses when the agency was hamstrung and eliminated by the Republicans so they could shield their brethren from the light of justice. I can promise you this, my fellow Spaniards. Corruption will be rooted out in the new PLC led Spain! We will bring back the FIE and set them about the task of arresting corrupt officials who would dare to exploit the Spanish people. The PLC can promise you something the lying whoresons in the Futurist government never can: stability. They cannot even pay their own soldiers and workers, their government weighed down by bloated, overpaid, corrupt bureaucracies that will ultimately be its downfall. I urge my brothers in the Futurist armies, militias, and workforces: rise up against the oppression of the Futurist government! Join the PLC! Your leaders have lied to you! They have made promises for years and years now, and look what they have done, nothing! Your family goes hungry, your labor reaping no pay while their bureaucrats and officials dine on the finest foods and drink the finest wines paid for by your labor and toil! Rise up! Burn their opulent government paid homes with them in it! The Futurist officials care not for you. They care not for your well being! Look at the former republican government in shambles. It is only a matter of time before the Futurist officials bankrupt the government and you are left worse off than before! Join the PLC, fight with us my brothers and sisters, fight for a new vision, one of a Spain led by competent uncorrupted leadership. General Franco and the rest of us in the PLC offer the only hope Spain has of breaking free of its corrupt past. Do what is right, rise up against your government! For the people! For Spain! For a new future!!!"

Jul 29, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

Diego Abad de Santillan
Federación Anarquista Ibérica
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo

In these trying times of war, with our sons, brothers, and husbands dead, it is easy to buy into Sanjurjo's honeyed words. The General offers you stability, but when he makes such offers, we must consider his and the PLC's definition of 'stability'; like the stability he brought when he lead the Civil Guard's rape of Catalonia.


A mass grave discovered after the withdrawal of the Civil Guard from Catalonia.

Pinche Rudo
Feb 7, 2005

General José Sanjurjo
El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil

Ah yes, a grave of CNT-FAI rapists, pedophiles, thieves, and murderers tried for their crimes and executed. No doubt you defend them to the end no matter their guilt or crime. A man in anarchist territory is free to murder, rob, and rape whomever he wishes as long as he carries his CNT-FAI membership card. I shudder to think at the brutalities the poor people of Catalonia will endure under the lawless banner of anarchism. And I'm sure your men added a few bodies of their own, the members of their own organization who cooperated with the Police and Civil Guard and were murdered by your own people. I have pages of records involving informants who ended up disappearing at the hands of your death squads. Spare me your false innocence.

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
Onésimo Redondo Ortega, in Portuguese exile, reading a pamphlet of a speech written by José Sanjurjo, but in his own private, top-secret yellow-padded room, by himself, which is completely sound-proof and not addressed at all to any foreign or domestic dignitary, thereby not at all interfering with the internal stability of Spain and avoiding a potential icepick in the back by an angry Primo de Rivera.

Think that'll do it.

Colonel Wood posted:

This is no different than the corrupt Leftists in the Republic fighting against the noble efforts of Director Mola and his FIE which began bringing to light the criminals who preyed upon the labor of the masses when the agency was hamstrung and eliminated by the Republicans so they could shield their brethren from the light of justice. I can promise you this, my fellow Spaniards. Corruption will be rooted out in the new PLC led Spain! We will bring back the FIE and set them about the task of arresting corrupt officials who would dare to exploit the Spanish people.
Director Mola? The guy who staffed his investigate police force full of loyalist cronies? And now he wants to bring back his own personal militia from the brink? How am I somehow different from him?

Oh that's right. Unlike Mola, I actually tell the truth.

Director Mola is the man who said in public that he would crack down on the Blueshirts if they conduct any political violence...while privately allowing me to use them as "scouts" to highlight CNT-FAI units for targeting. And that's perfectly fine, and I was willing to work with that man against a common enemy. But who in their right mind would ever trust a liar?

Probably the naive. I trusted Alvaro de Albornoz...but all he did was present blatant accusations and lies, while funding criminals to strip Madrid clean. And he had the nerve to steal paintings too before fleeing to Spain. The police must not be good with background checks if they allow known kleptomanics to join up.

Look, I agree with you, José Sanjurjo. The Left are corrupt to the core, and the Futuristics are a bunch of morons. But you don't need the police to tell you that. You just need to open your eyes.

What you need is not the FIE. What you need is a moral code to resist corruption yourself, so you don't follow in the same footsteps as the Leftists (as your "idol", Director Mola gleefully did). You may be the purest fascist in the world, the proudest nationalist in Spain...that doesn't make you good. That doesn't make you moral or just. That's just the starting point. You have to move beyond that, and take responsibility for your own actions.

And that means not lying about your intentions in public and not creating a private militia full of lackeys. You're policemen, not common militiamen. You have to have standards. If you don't have standards, then where Spain will go?

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Broadcast from General Franco

To the Men and Women of Spain,

Spaniards! Since 1931 when the Republic was established, Spain has been a place of revolutions. All the old systems have been swept away, replaced by wild experiments; first socialism and anarchism and then futurism. We have become dizzy with new schemes, implemented without care or concern as to the consequences. Too many have been content to throw away traditions in the name of new utopian dreams.

Spaniards! You are the heirs of the greatest empire the world ever saw. Spain was feared and respected everywhere. You are the heirs of artists! El Greco and Velasquez, Cervantes and Lope de Vega. You are the heirs of great thinkers and theologians! Ignatius Loyola and Saint Dominic. All this is ours, Spain. Do not listen to those who would have you throw away your heritage for foreign ideas.

Further, I say this to those who suffer under the regimes of these philosophies of madmen; to the oppressed in the futuristic and socialistic controlled territories. Have faith. Do not lose hope. Remember, our ancestors too suffered under the rule of the Moor, who tried to impose his alien faith on them. But it was then that a miracle of faith happened. Armies from all the people of Spain drove them out; from Navarre, from Aragon, from Castile, from Galicia, and finally from Andalusia in a holy crusade to set our people free. Now, we fight in one last crusade against the enemies of faith. Join us, Spaniards! Men and women the lands controlled by the PLC, redouble your efforts. If you can take up a gun, take it up. If you can not, make the resources to arm, feed and clothe those who can. Not only every bullet you fire at the enemy, but every screw you turn in the factory, every stitch of clothing you make, every piece of iron, tin and rubber you donate, mothers, every child you bear helps contribute to our inevitable victory.

Spaniards in Futuristic and Socialist controlled territory, you face the more immediately difficult task, but you are the sons of heroes. If you're in the futuristic or socialistic armies, desert. Come over to the PLC. You'll be granted amnesty for any actions you were made to do by those who rule over you against us and given the chance to fight for our holy cause. Alternatively, if you do not wish to fight any longer just return to your homes. Don't you know that your wives, your children and your parents will be glad to see you home safe and sound and no longer having to fight for such evil causes. All of you who work in the factories there, stop. Go on strike to protest their tyranny over you. Or, if you can, sabotage the machinery. You will striking a mighty blow for freedom.

Spaniards, know that you are in my prayers and that I wish you health and a long life.

Maximo Roboto
Feb 3, 2012

José María Gil-Robles y Quiñones
El Jefe del Partido Justicia Nacional

People of Spain! A new dawn awaits us!

We stand at the brink of national restoration. I, el Jefe of the Partido Acción Nacional, do hereby reform our party into a new political order: the National Justice Party, or el Partido Justicia Nacional. We call for the reestablishment of the Spanish state, and the reforging of a new Republic committed to charity, to social responsibility, and human dignity.

It is to this end that I now submit before the Council these proposals for the betterment of our nation:

Prodigal Sons General Amnesty Act

Spain has been gripped with war for far too long. This act declares general amnesty for anyone wishing to live peacefully in PLC-administered territories. Any citizen of Spain may be allowed to live in PLC territory and participate in civic life so long as they swear a pledge of loyalty towards Spain and refuse to take up arms against or in any other way harm the PLC. Those who do so may receive all of the public services and allowances that PLC residents already enjoy.

Bread instead of Stones Humanitarian Aid Act

The civilian populace has been suffering greatly throughout this war. This act creates a Board of Reconstruction that will coordinate resettling efforts for refugees. As part of this act, we shall petition support for humanitarian aid in the form of food, clothing, and medical supplies from the international community. This aid will be distributed not only to PLC areas, but all of Spain as need be.

Additionally, the PJN is proud to announce the creation of the Royal Peace and Victory Fund. This charitable non-governmental organization will provide funding for humanitarian efforts that will bolster the Reconstruction Board. It will be funded by the benevolent of all classes and all nations who wish to help Spain in her time of need. The royal family has already committed to the support of this fund, selflessly helping their nation.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. Try not to die.

Easily the best 5 minutes ever spent in Photoshop

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

EARLY 1939


The PLC Police forces attempt to move en masse to Tenerife, in the Canarias, but are intercepted by the Republican fleet under specific orders to patrol those islands. A few of the police are captured, and Director Mola excoriates the Admiral for preventing the return of justice and stability to the area.

Lluis Companys is released from Futuristic custody.

Alberto Lanza publicly apologizes for the Land Value Tax, urging the repeal of it through the Constitutional Assembly. A progressive income tax is implemented, which does not make the wealthy much happier but does provide more revenue.

The new technocratic judicial system begins to operate. Prisoners are confused when their counselors go on and on about oedipal complexes, Thanatos and Eros, and penis envy.

Futuristic wartime production is scaled back, focused more on supplies than creating new weapons.

Fernando de Los Rios attempts to give his morale-boosting speeches. However, the signal is interrupted by a transmission of an "Anonymous Spanish Soldier". The voice on the radio claims to have grown up in Galicia and a supporter of the Futuristic Party from early on. He states that he believed in the Futuristic mission but his faith in the faction was shattered when he discovered that soldiers' pensions and paychecks were going directly into the leadership's pockets. Hundreds of families have been forced into poverty because of this. He closes by begging listeners to spread the truth and the broadcast abruptly ends.

A series of problems begin to arise for the Futuristics. While the new tax plan and decreased spending had seemingly guaranteed fiscal solvency, attacks by bandit forces (though typically politically-aligned with conservative movements) on major roads have prevented the easy movement of money throughout the country. Previous fears and rumors of the dire economic situation for the technocartic state now seem justified. Workers in Futuristics areas are compelled to strike when they don't receive pay, and a few members of the Futuristic army are paid off by aristocrats to leave and join the bandits. PLC propaganda is distributed by these rabble-rousers. The police force attempts to get a handle on this but appears unable.

Diego Abad de Santillan urges leftist in the Republican Army to revolt, claiming that their government will soon surrender to the conservative PLC. Any action is easily stopped, however, since most of those with extremist views have already left for Catalonia.

The CNT-FAI militia, now the national army of Catalonia, sends 20,000 men into Huezca. They are able to wipe out the small Republican garrison stationed there as those troops attempt to reach ports in Catalonia.

Battle of Valencia! CNT-FAI forces send 40,000 men and 32 tanks south to the remainder of the Republican state. Valencia has been hastily defended, and the fighting is difficult. Ultimately, numbers rule the day as the Republican army is pushed back to Alicante. Large-scale desertions occur, as soldiers fear their days are numbered. Only a small corps of loyal Republican troops remain.

Catalonian industry continues to focus on aircraft production.

Attempts are made to smooth the merger of socialist refugees in Catalonia. Unfortunately the wide availability of weapons is aiding the proliferation of chaos. Some socialists are unhappy with the nature of anarchist society, and many of the newly conquered peoples in non-Catalan areas are unsure of their position in the new country. Violence is breaking out in Zaragoza, Teruel, and Castellon.

Commissions on Agriculture and Industry are formed, traveling Catalonia in an attempt to modernize the country. They are able to make some useful suggestions, though socialists argue they are too politicized to be truly accurate.

A Military Advisory Board trains union members in how to defend themselves in case of an attack on Catalonia.

Anarchists from around the world travel to Catalonia, admiring the culture of equality and freedom that prevails in her cities.

Catalonia appeals to the French and Soviets, but the betrayal of the Republic as well as political changes has made the former quite hostile to Catalonia. The Soviets, upon hearing of socialist sidelining by anarchists, become less friendly as well.

Battle of Toledo! Futuristic forces in Ciudad Real attempt to attack the Renaceres in Toledo, but are surprised when Franco's army arrives from the rear. Trapped between the two forces and outnumbered, the Futuristics are forced to retreat to Albacete after taking considerable casualties.

Franco's call for the Republic to surrender to the PLC falls on deaf ears with the fate of Madrid unknown. However, southern Futuristic areas, cut off from the monetary rewards that make Futuristicism attractive, are now split.

Battle of Madrid! Futuristic paratroopers drop in Murcia and march northwards with the Blueshirts while the rest of the Futuristic military surrounds Madrid and Segovia. Despite troop desertion, the Futuristics still outnumber PLC forces by twice as much. Heavy bombing by the Futuristic air force continues, with Madrid being severely bombarded and civilian casualties high. As the attack begins, PLC forces find their radios giving contradictory or confusing commands. Reports are arriving along encrypted channels that the PLC has surrendered, that Franco is dead, and that Sanjurjo is captured. The chaos aids Futuristic forces in reaching the city, but fighting remains brutal in the urban environment. However, contingents of the PLC army do surrender. Unfortunately for the Futuristics, many continue to fight. Futuristic numbers, air support, and strategy are able to win the battle. But the plains of Segovia and streets of Madrid are filled with the wounded and the dead, from both sides of the conflict. Only a few stragglers escape to rejoin the PLC army.

Angel Oria continues to travel the country, drumming up support for the Constitution of 1938. The loss of Madrid seems to sour many peoples moods to any hope of compromise with the Futuristics. The United Kingdom supports the '38 Constitution but other powers do not think this war is likely to end with a compromise.

Anti-Futuristic posters appear in Southern Spain, turning many there against the ideology.

Service programs for the poor in PLC areas continue, though such programs are stretched thin with the horde of refugees traveling the country.

The Alfonsines attempt to sway more monarchists and aristocrats to the PLC cause, but those willing to join up have largely already done so.

Some members of the Republican government begin to talk openly of joining with the PLC as the lesser of three evils, but the fall of Madrid as well as Republican isolation from the PLC makes this difficult to accomplish.

The Alfonsines attempt to create yet another militia, but there aren't enough people in the country willing to die.

The Benevolence of Alfonso is emphasized throughout rallies in the PLC. The PLC government seems uncoordinated. A Carlist boy-king hides in Portugal while a military junta rules the country while the Alfonsines hold rallies while Angel Oria promotes a compromise constitution. Some people find it as ideologically confusing as Futuristicism.

Helado is released from house arrest, though put under mental watch out of concern.

Republican Spain plans to hold elections, with all parties allowed to run except Futuristics. The Republic's new capital is Palma, Mallorca.

Jose Maria Gil-Robles establishes a new radio, "Noticias del Zorro" which spreads propaganda regarding the failure of the republic and terror of futuristic or anarchist rule. This does help keep PLC areas unified.

The Prodigal Sons General Amnesty Act and Bread instead of Stones Humanitarian Aid Act both pass. Due to these two acts as well as the Futuristic financial problems, authorities in Southern Spain reject the few remaining Futuristic authorities.


Republican Spain withdraws from the League of Nations in protest. Chile also withdraws, for some other reason. The League is even more meaningless than it was before.

Germany begins to suggest that it will take action to liberate the German minority in Czechoslovakia. A flurry of diplomatic activity occurs in the next few months, until armed Sudetenlanders rise up in Czechoslovakia. Though the Soviet Union is willing, the United Kingdom and France both agree that they will not step in to protect Czechoslovakian sovereignty. Ultimately, Germany, Italy, Britain, and France agree to German annexation of the Sudetenland. The Czech government is not a signatory to the agreement, but can do little to stop it. Neville Chamberlain declares, "Peace for our time."

Nazi activists and sympathizers loot and burn Jewish businesses and synagogues in the "night of broken glass".

Slovakia is granted the status of an autonomous state under the rule of Catholic priest Fr. Joseph Tiso.

A coelacanth, a fish thought to have been extinct, is caught off the coast of South Africa.



Year: Late 1938

República Española (Spanish Republic)
Government: Presidential Republic, currently suspended elections
Foreign Relations: Fair with the Soviet Union and France. Very bad relations with Italy, Germany, and Portugal.
Population: 6 Million

Prime Minister: Manuel Rodriguez (Rogue0071)
Minister of Justice and the Interior: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios (Gorgo Primus)

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 7000 soldiers, 9 tanks, and 13 light bombers
Situation: Morale is low due to the seemingly inevitable defeat of the Republic.
Commanders: Rafael del Riego

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 7 destroyers, 10 submarines, 39 smaller craft, 1 light carrier, 4000 La Guardia Marina del Riego
Situation: Currently based out of the Baleares.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios (Gorgo Primus)

Tecnocracia Futuristica de España (Futuristic Technocracy of Spain)
Government: Decentralized Technocracy
Foreign Relations: Fair with Italy. Bad with Portugal, France, and the Soviet Union.
Population: 10 Million

Supreme Technocrat: Fernando de los Ríos (TurkeyBro)
Head of the Futuristic Constitutional Assembly: Alberto Lanza (Servant)

Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista"
Type: Political Organization
Leader: José Antonio Primo de Rivera (Freudian)
Ideology: Fascism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon and Andalusia, Low in Extremadura
Forces: 7000 Blueshirts, 12 Tanks

Futuristic Sky Army
Forces: 65 light bombers, 34 fighters, 50 Close Air support, 2000 Fuerza Paracaidista
Situation: Planes and equipment are very good, but airfields have been slightly damaged.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano (Fall Sick and Die)

Futuristic Army
Forces: 42000 Soldiers, 25 Tanks
Situation: Well-supplied but typically green. Some desertions due to lack of payment and PLC propaganda.
Commanders: None

Policia Progresista
Forces: 10000 Police
Situation: Effective but newly drafted. Seemingly preoccupied and unable to deal with bandit issues.
Commanders: None

Unidad Especial de Intervención
Forces: 2500 Investigators
Situation: Effective but newly drafted. Seemingly preoccupied and unable to deal with bandit issues.
Commanders: None

Consejo Provisional de Liderazgo (Provisional Leadership Council)
Government: Monarchy/Oligarchy
Foreign Relations: Good with Portugal. Fair with Italy and Germany. Bad with the Soviet Union and France.
Population: 4 Million

Provisional Leadership Council:
Angel Herrara Oria (QuoProQuid)
Emilio Mola (Diplomaticus)
General José Sanjurjo (Colonel Wood)
Francisco Franco (Epicurius)

Provisional Leadership Council Army
Forces: 27000 Soldiers, 3000 Foreign Volunteers, 5 Tanks
Situation: Veterans of combat, but also worn down.
Commanders: General Francisco France (Epicurius)

Provisional Leadership Council Navy
Forces: 1 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 2 submarines, 5 smaller craft
Situation: Stolen from the Republicans, understaffed. Based in Portugal.
Commanders: None

Provisional Leadership Council Police
Forces: 16000 Police
Situation: Many have abandoned the police force.
Commanders: Emilio Mola (Diplomaticus)

Provisional Leadership Council Civil Guard
Forces: 11000 Civil Guard
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo (Colonel Wood)

Ideology: Alfonsine Monarchy
Forces: 5000 Militia
Situation: High morale, equipped by Portugal, not experienced.
Commanders: José María Gil y Robles (Maximo Roberto), Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona (JosefStalinator)

Territoris Sobirans de Catalunya (Sovereign Catalan Territories)
Government: Federation of Anarchist Communes
Foreign Relations: Fair with Soviet Union. Bad with Portugal, Italy, and Germany.
Population: 5 Million

CNT-FAI Chairman: Diego Abad de Santillan (A RICH WHITE MAN)

CNT-FAI Militia
Forces: 53000 Militia, 24 Tanks, 20 Fighters, 10 Bombers
Situation: Morale is high. Men are experienced and well-equipped. Somewhat war-weary.
Commanders: Buenaventura Durruti (Tias)

Other Groups

Communist Party of Spain "Partido Comunista de España"
Leader: Dolores Ibaurri (tatankatonk)
Ideology: Communism
Forces: 12000 Militia

Type: Political Movement
Leader: Manuel Fal Conde (Ramba Ral)
Ideology: Carlism
Influence: Very little
Forces: None
Situation: Seemingly nonexistent

Map of current political situation in Spain:

Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned
Red: Government Aligned
Grey: Futuristic Aligned
Orange: Catalan Aligned

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

rakovsky maybe posted:

A coelacanth, a fish thought to have been extinct, is caught off the coast of South Africa.

This changes everything, expect a press release soon.

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
Alberto Lanza, Supervisor of the Constitutional Assembly
The war in Spain is slowly coming to a close. The Republican regime is in tatters. The PLC regime is beginning to be in tatters. The people of Catalonia has proven themselves to be reasonable, and an accommodation can be made with them. The Futuristics, once considered a joke in parlor circles, are the victors, able to finally implement its technocratic utopian vision. It will be the masters of the Spanish people, and will lead it to the 21st century, a post-scarcity future.

But, that does not mean that we must fall into the trap of triumphalism. Many good people died fighting for their beliefs, on all sides of the conflict. And one of the tenants of Futurisicm is competence: no matter what ideology you belong to, whether it is anarchism, monarchism, or fascism, one can still be productive to Spain. We cannot let battle blind us to the contributions of our fellow Spanish brothers and sisters. They too can assist Futurisicsm.

We are the only faction preparing for the future, but we must prepare for something greater: integration. So, I will say this to the PLC. When the Futurisicts win this war, we will begin a process of amending the Futuristic Constitution to take into account your interests and desires. Spain will be based on Futurisicism, but we are open to compromise and amendment. We're even open to borrowing elements from the Reform Constitution.

And this is an offer for all factions in Spain, not just for the PLC. At the end of the day, we all are part of the same nationality, and we must learn to live together. Let us march forward towards a progressive future that we can all agree upon.

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
El Director

So says an organization that has been offered negotiations time and time again, made agreements, and betrayed them every single time. Why should anyone trust the Futuristics now, proven double-dealers, backstabbers, and liars that they have been shown to be? El Director cannot believe that he is saying this, but even the anarchists, communists, leftists, and republicans ought to know better than to trust the Futuristics by now.

If the Futuristics want to earn trust in negotiations, they need to think about how to do that, because no deals can be made when one side expects the other to simply betray them.

You know, in the old days, a party wishing to offer a gesture of good faith in negotiations would offer one of their leaders as a temporary hostage to the other party to ensure fair dealing. El Director does not suggest that this is a perfect solution, merely that it exemplifies the level of good faith necessary to be shown by the Futuristics before they can even think of coming to the bargaining table.

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona

Radio Address to the nation, early 1939 on Noticias del Zorro

(Begin transmission)

People of Spain!

I come to you this day with fantastic tidings, which bode well for the cause of order, stability, and justice in our nation. I have just returned from a meeting with Prince Carlos Hugo, claimant to the Kingdom of Spain for those commonly referred to as the "Carlists". I once this word pejoratively, but no longer - for the Carlist and Alfonsite causes are now one.

Carlos Hugo and my daughter, Princess Pilar, are now betrothed to wed, and on their 16th birthday will officially bring together the once broken bloodline of our great Kingdom, and become heirs to the throne, each in their own right, to rule as King Carlos Hugo and Queen Pilar of Spain upon my death.

Furthermore, the Carlist cause has officially ended its feud, and endorsed Alfonso as King, and myself as heir apparent. The interests of Spain come first, and we cannot have petty dynastic squabbles impede the process of unification and reconstruction in this time of great need. In the spirit of our unity, let us all pray for the future of Spain, that it be united under God and not torn asunder by separatists and fascists who might undermine our traditions and legacy.

In addition to this news, more unity and clarity has been brought to our cause.
The king, advised by firm and wise men of action, the brilliant General Franco and our other great men of arms in the PLC, has triumphantly endorsed a series of reforms to clarify our great crusade. Where we were once a motley assortment of varied interests, each united by our desire to unite Spain and drive back the forces who would divide and destroy it, we are now a voice of unity. The PLC has officially recognized King Alfonso XIII as rightful King of Spain, and adopted a constitutional framework such that, once the fighting is done, we might bring together all Spaniards under a legalistic and democratic entity. As a constitutional monarchy,the Kingdom of Spain shall rectify the errors of the republic, preserve the just church in its rightful place of divine reverence, and allow the people of Spain to voice their frustrations and desires through peaceful and non-divisive means.

And now, father Rodriguez shall lead us in a prayer for our nation:

Father Rodriguez:

May God bless our men at arms, and bring them victory. May God bless us all, and alleviate the suffering of the common man, who struggles under the burdens of war and injustice. May we all lend our strength and a prayer to General Franco and his men, and each and every man and woman in Spain touched by the horrors of this war.

(moment of silent prayer)

Thank you padre. May God bless us all, and keep us safe from harm.

This has been your Prince Juan.

(End transmission)

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 21, 2003


After a great deal of negotiation, the Futuristic State of Spain has come to an agreement with the Free Associated Territories. We hereby recognize the F.A.T. as the legitimate government of the former provinces of Zaragoza, Huezca, Lerida, Gerona, Barcelona, Tarragona, Teruel, Castellon, Valencia, Alicante and the Baleares. We also recognize the CNT-FAI as the sole legitimate representative of the voice of the F.A.T. In return, the F.A.T. government recognizes the Futuristic Government as the sole legitimate representative of Spain, inheriting all of its previous rights and duties, treaty obligations and international memberships.

A majority of the Futuristic Assembly of Geniuses has approved the following treaty between the two powers.

1. Free Movement of Population - Should any citizen of Futuristic Spain wish to do so, he or she may freely migrate to the Free Associated Territories, and vice-versa, without government interference or harassment from either side.

2. Non-Aggression and Non-Interference Pact - Neither the Futuristic Government nor the Free Associated Territories shall promote any action which would be harmful to the other government. No propaganda or education which antagonizes the other state shall be promoted within either state. Neither shall either state undertake to interfere in the internal affairs of their neighbor.

The Futuristic Assembly of Geniuses hereby signs and implements this treaty, so help us Science.

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona

Radio Address to the nation, early 1939

(begin transmission)

People of the Kingdom of Spain!

Today will be remembered as the day the "futurists" showed their true colors. The leaders of the futurists, so called "geniuses" invested by the powers of "science", and not the almighty God, surrendered the entirety of Spain's Catalonian region to anarchist radicals.

Have the futurists no concern for the will of the Spanish people? Much like themselves, the anarchists are Godless fools who would seek to rid our great nation of the traditions and values which made it strong, who subverted our flawed republic and brought about the civil war which has resulted in so much bloodshed.

I send out a prayer to my Spanish brothers in Catalonia, who endure the oppression of communist and anarchist tyranny, and who will soon find themselves categorized and divided along ethnic lines, ordered to the factories or the slaughterhouse like cattle. Do you find much difference in this metaphor, in the scientific bases of futuristic ideology? This dehumanization is exactly the goal of the anti-clericalism of the futurists and the anarchists, so that they might control our lives and destroy our identities, along with all we once held dear.

It is ever more evident that the only way to safeguard our values, and to preserve the unity of our nation, is through the support of King and country, and through the support of the PLC and the continued valiant efforts of General Franco.

Let us pray, that when the Futurists betray yet another ceasefire, or when the Catalonians seek to dominate all of Spain under their communist and ethnically divisive banner, that the innocents and just people of Spain can remove themselves from the conflict, and let the Godless heathens send themselves to hell.

God bless us all, as we are all Spaniards, under the same banner and the same God.

This has been your infante.

(end transmission)

Jul 29, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

Diego Abad de Santillan
Federación Anarquista Ibérica
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo

Though we do so only out of necessity, the CNT-FAI will sign the treaty proposed by the Futuristics.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

LATE 1939


Strikes spread throughout Futuristic territory. Originally motivated by lack of pay, workers are now demanding representation in the technocratic government.

A few minor bombings occur at Futuristic factories, but police forces are able to maintain security in most areas. PLC agents are suspected.

There is minor violence in the Basque territories.

Catalonia renames themselves the Free Associated Territories, composed of the Free Territories of Catalonia, Aragon, and Valencia. Newly conquered territories are given to the control of local anarchist councils, and ethnic violence largely subsides.

Building of industry increases across Catalonia.

Futuristic police focus on patrolling the roads, cutting down on the bandit problems.

A newspaper is established in Galicia called the Nueva Voz. It includes some criticism of the Futuristic government, though nothing too radical. Conservatives and leftists are included as writers.

Diplomatic offices for the Futuristics are established in France, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

The judicial system is reorganized to hold as many prisoners as possible, rather than focusing on rehabilitation. This increases its effectiveness in the short term.

Anti-clerical propaganda is spread in the PLC, but is almost entirely ineffective.

The daughter of Infante Juan is betrothed to Carlos Hugo, supposed Carlist King of Spain. Juan is declared King of Spain, with the understanding that Prince Carlos Hugo and Princesa Pilar will together inherit the throne upon his death.

The new Pope continues the policy of the old Pope, denouncing anarchism and communism. He says little about Futuristicism, only a vague warning of replacing God with a misformed concept of reason and science.

A simplified constitution is promulgated in the PLC. King Juan III rules as a figurehead in charge of appointing the Prime Minister with the consultation of the army. The Prime Minister is advised by an elected Cortes. The Cortes is apportioned by proportional representation, but with a 5% minimum to receive seats. Many hope this will solve the problems that plagued the old Republic.

Franco is appointed Prime Minister, with the other members of the Junta as ministers in his cabinet.

The Republican army is transported to Mallorca as FAT troops enter Alicante largely unhindered.

Battle of Caceres! Alfonsine militias in Caceres combat Futuristic forces, but cross over the border with Portugal when fighting increases. Futuristic tanks and infantry push down to Huelva, harried by the Alfonsines. However, they are able to crush the Foreign Volunteers before marching northeast to Cordoba.

Futuristic forces in Albacete attempt to sweep through the south of PLC territory, but resistance from the locals who have already cast off Futuristic before makes the prospect look very costly.

PLC forces dig in, but Franco's army suffers under intense bombing.

Futuristic propaganda is dropped across PLC Andalusia, but is mostly ineffective. People in the area have already made up their mind about Futuristicism.

The Republican fleet raids Futuristic and PLC ports, grabbing a small amount of oil and supplies.

Elections are held in the Republic, resulting in the Presidency going to Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios.

An attempt is made to confuse Futuristic sources with misleading information in their own radio channels. However the Futuristics have established protocols and codes for exactly this situation, and are quickly able to determine what is true and false information.

Fortifications continue to be built on PLC border areas. Civilians are evacuated.

The humanitarian work of the Alfonsines is publicized.


Hungary joins the Anti-Comintern Pact, becoming the fourth member along with Italy, Japan, and Germany.

The Great Arab Revolt in Palestine ends, with minor concessions from the United Kingdom regarding Jewish immigration to the area.

Pope Pius XI dies, and is succeeded by Pope Pius XII. Pius XII is a stalwart anti-communist, and has worked to make diplomatic deals with many fascist nations.

Italy and Germany sign a treaty of alliance, the Pact of Steel.

Slovakia declares independence.

Italy invades Albania, turning the country into a puppet government.



Year: Late 1938

República Española (Spanish Republic)
Government: Presidential Republic, currently suspended elections
Foreign Relations: Fair with the Soviet Union and France. Very bad relations with Italy, Germany, and Portugal.
Population: 2 Million

President: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios (Gorgo Primus)
Prime Minister: Manuel Rodriguez (Rogue0071)

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 7000 soldiers, 9 tanks, and 13 light bombers
Situation: Morale is low due to the seemingly inevitable defeat of the Republic.
Commanders: Rafael del Riego

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 7 destroyers, 10 submarines, 39 smaller craft, 1 light carrier, 4000 La Guardia Marina del Riego
Situation: Currently based out of the Baleares.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios (Gorgo Primus)

Tecnocracia Futuristica de España (Futuristic Technocracy of Spain)
Government: Decentralized Technocracy
Foreign Relations: Fair with Italy. Bad with Portugal, France, and the Soviet Union.
Population: 10 Million

Supreme Technocrat: Fernando de los Ríos (TurkeyBro)
Head of the Futuristic Constitutional Assembly: Alberto Lanza (Servant)

Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive "Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista"
Type: Political Organization
Leader: José Antonio Primo de Rivera (Freudian)
Ideology: Fascism
Influence: Moderate in Castile y Leon and Andalusia, Low in Extremadura
Forces: 7000 Blueshirts, 12 Tanks

Futuristic Sky Army
Forces: 62 light bombers, 31 fighters, 48 Close Air support, 2000 Fuerza Paracaidista
Situation: Planes and equipment are very good, but airfields have been slightly damaged.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano (Fall Sick and Die)

Futuristic Army
Forces: 37000 Soldiers, 23 Tanks
Situation: Well-supplied but typically green. Some desertions due to lack of payment and PLC propaganda.
Commanders: None

Policia Progresista
Forces: 10000 Police
Situation: Effective but newly drafted.
Commanders: None

Unidad Especial de Intervención
Forces: 2500 Investigators
Situation: Effective but newly drafted.
Commanders: None

Consejo Provisional de Liderazgo (Provisional Leadership Council)
Government: Monarchy/Junta
Foreign Relations: Good with Portugal. Fair with Italy and Germany. Bad with the Soviet Union and France.
Population: 4 Million

King: King Juan III (JosefStalinator)
Prime Minister: Francisco Franco (Epicurius)

Other Ministers:
Angel Herrara Oria (QuoProQuid)
Emilio Mola (Diplomaticus)
General José Sanjurjo (Colonel Wood)

Provisional Leadership Council Army
Forces: 24000 Soldiers, 3000 Foreign Volunteers, 8 Tanks, 10 fighters
Situation: Veterans of combat, but also worn down.
Commanders: General Francisco France (Epicurius)

Provisional Leadership Council Navy
Forces: 1 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 2 submarines, 5 smaller craft
Situation: Stolen from the Republicans, understaffed. Based in Portugal.
Commanders: None

Provisional Leadership Council Police
Forces: 16000 Police
Situation: Many have abandoned the police force.
Commanders: Emilio Mola (Diplomaticus)

Provisional Leadership Council Civil Guard
Forces: 11000 Civil Guard
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo (Colonel Wood)

Ideology: Alfonsine Monarchy
Forces: 1000 Militia
Situation: High morale, equipped by Portugal, not experienced.
Commanders: José María Gil y Robles (Maximo Roberto)

Territoris Lliures Associats (Free Associated Territories)
Government: Federation of Anarchist Communes
Foreign Relations: Fair with Soviet Union. Bad with Portugal, Italy, and Germany.
Population: 8 Million

CNT-FAI Chairman: Diego Abad de Santillan (A RICH WHITE MAN)

CNT-FAI Militia
Forces: 53000 Militia, 24 Tanks, 20 Fighters, 10 Bombers
Situation: Morale is high. Men are experienced and well-equipped. Somewhat war-weary.
Commanders: Buenaventura Durruti (Tias)

Other Groups

Communist Party of Spain "Partido Comunista de España"
Leader: Dolores Ibaurri (tatankatonk)
Ideology: Communism
Forces: 12000 Militia

Map of current political situation in Spain:

Blue: Provisional Leadership Council Aligned
Red: Republic Aligned
Grey: Futuristic Aligned
Orange: Catalan Aligned

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...
El Fascista, the Primer Source for News On Fascism In Spain
as read by Onésimo Redondo Ortega, in exile

... the current Sevilla rounds of talks to end the Spanish Civil War was cancelled today when Sevilla was conquered by Futuristic paratroopers. Reports indicate that these were low-level talks between PLC and Republican representatives over how best to amend the Second Spanish Republic constitution. Though both the PLC and Republicans agree that it was necessary to unite to counter the Futuristic menace, they disagreed on the minor matter of government. While the Republicans were interested in maintaining a Republic, the PLC was committed to establishing a military dictatorship, believing democracy to be heavily flawed.

A new round of talks is now being held in Jaen, between Futuristics and PLC members, on how best to amend the Futuristic constitution, but these talks are also expected to fail. When Fransisco Franco was asked to speak about the Futuristics, he said that he disagreed with key clauses in the constitution that allows scientists to dominate the federal Spanish government. He stated that those clauses were not only anti-democratic (which, admittedly, he doesn't care about) but also stupid (which he does care about).

The tradition of holding completely pointless talks seems to be a uniquely Spanish one. "I have never seen," says one unidentified LoN observer, "so many diplomatic conferences that does so little. One wonders how they manage to arrange the cease-fires necessary to actually send diplomats to these talks." The answer is quite obvious, unidentified LoN observer. More talks. ...

Pro-PLC kids playing with boxes filled with anti-clerical pamphlets and pro-Futuristic flyers. 2 million of these boxes were produced by the Futuristic war machine before the Futuristic supervisors realized nobody was actually reading what was inside the boxes.


League of Nations' Proposed "Confederation" Plan would divide Spain into Anarchist (red), Republican (orange), Basque (green), monarchist (yellow), and Futuristic (grey) districts, with a neutral Madrid district (blue) to serve as the capital of the Confederation. Though the plan had interested Alberto Lanza, José Antonio Primo de Rivera denounced the plan as part of an elaborate conspiracy by Freemasons, Esperantists and other internationalists and cosmopolitans.

CNT-FAI Commander celebrating the peace treaty between the Free Associated Territories and the Futuristic State. She had previously been distinguished for personally killing 30 Blueshirts during the Barcelona conflicts, but now is willing to put old grudges aside and work alongside the Falange for the far more important goal of "oppressing those jerk Aragonese".

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

Ángel Herrera Oria
Leader of National Action
Editor of El Debate
Director of Catholic Action
Member of the Provisional Leadership Council

-Radio address delivered on August 10th, muttering and sobbing is heard in the background-

It is difficult to say in a few words to say how truly devastating this war has been. My throat is tight with grief when I think of all those people who have surrendered their lives through the course of battle. I think of what could have been. I think of the lives they could have lead. I think of the youth struck down before their lives truly began. In spite of all my efforts, I have failed to bring peace and prosperity to Spain. This war has worn hard on us all.

This war has not discriminated in its victims. Communists, Fascists, Republicans, Monarchists, Futuristics, we shall not forget you. All these are men who loved their country so much that they were willing to offer themselves unconditionally. They gave us everything, both their youth or their maturity; their science or their experience; their blood and their lives; their hopes and aspirations—and they asked us for nothing. Never has the world witnessed such courage and sacrifice.

I ask all Spaniards listening now for a moment of silence to honor all those who have fallen, soldier and civilian alike.

(5 Minute Pause)

Thank you. I have always firmly believed that it darkest just before the sun rises. Spain will one day be restored to peace and prosperity. This is not the end.

May God bless you all.