Part III: Over Here
7 Mar - Great Britain and Columbia open the Panama Canal.
28 Jun - A Serbian nationalist assassinates Archduke Francis Ferdinand of
Austria in Sarajevo.
28 Jul - Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russia begins mobilization
to defend Serbia.
1 Aug - Germany declares war on Russia.
3 Aug - Germany declares war on France.
4 Aug - Germany invades Belgium.
5 Aug - Britain declares war on Germany. The North American nations declare
their neutrality, although sentiment varies: The CSA is pro-Allies, Texas
is neutral, the WSA is anti-Germany, Deseret is neutral, and the USA is
6 Aug - Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.
17 Aug - Russia invades East Prussia. In the battles of Tannenburg and Masurian
Lakes German troops rout the Russians. Over 150,000 of the 200,000 invaders
are casualties.
23 Aug - Japan declares war on Germany and begins occupying Germany's Asian
5 Sep - Weeklong Battle of the Marne begins. Over 1 million men are killed
or wounded, and the German hopes for a quick conquest of France are dashed
as the battle ends in a stalemate.
Oct - Germany begins U-boat campaign against British and French shipping.
3 Oct - The Ottoman Empire enters the war on the side of the Central Powers.
Britain begins sending aid to Arab rebels in the Middle East.
Oct - Nov - First Battle of Ypres. Britain prevents Germany from gaining
access to Channel ports, thus keeping the lines between Europe and the British
Isles open.
16 Nov - Battle of the Falklands. The British Royal Navy defeats a German
flotilla in the South Atlantic.
4 Feb - Germany declares that all shipping approaching Britain
is a target. The USA and CSA protest "this restriction of free trade and
virtual act of piracy."
Apr - Jun - Second Battle of Ypres. The first use of poison gas by German
troops is successful, but Germany is unable to capitalize on the victory
because of fear of the gas.
7 Apr - A German U-boat sinks a Confederate merchant ship in the mouth of
the Thames. The CSA declares war on Germany and begins mobilizing. The USA
begins mobilizing in response to the potential threat along its southern
15 May - Italy declares war on the Central Powers and invades Austria-Hungary.
31 May - Battle of Jutland. A draw between the Royal Navy and the German
High Seas Fleet, but the High Seas Fleet retires to port and does not venture
out again.
May - Jun - Russia achieves several victories against Austria-Hungary as
many Slavic Austrian soldiers desert to join the Russian army.
8 Jun - Bulgaria declares war on Serbia and invades.
17 Jun - CSA troops arrive in France and move on Ypres. They arrive in time
to take part in a disastrous charge. The British commander notes that the
Confederate troops are ill-trained and poorly-equipped compared to their
European counterparts. He states in his report to the War Ministry that "the
Southerners do not mix with our Troops, insisting to bivouac, march, and
fight independently
They take unnecessary risks, officers and enlisted
men alike, and show remarkable contempt for combined operations."
3 Aug - A British ship stops and boards a US merchant vessel in the North
Sea. The USA declares that it will arm and escort its merchant fleet to resist
all such further acts.
3 Sep - A combined task force of British Commonwealth (mainly Australians
and New Zealanders) and Confederate troops land on the Gallipoli peninsula,
near Istanbul. Originally planned for April, the operation was pushed back
to allow the Confederates to participate. Due to heavy use of anti-ship mines
by the Turks a planned running of the Dardanelles fails and the combined
offensive bogs down.
10 Oct - US naval units escorting a merchant convoy fire upon CSA ships on
blockade duty in the Baltic Sea as they move to intercept. The CSA declares
war on the USA.
20 Oct - US troops invade the CSA. Britain and France declare war on the
USA. The USA begins a submarine and surface blockade of the CSA.
25 Nov - US troops capture Memphis.
1 Dec - CS airplanes drop bombs on Washington, DC. Little or no damage is
caused, but panic is severe.
1 Jan - CS troops counterattack into Kentucky.
15 Jan - Through the NIS, the USA begins supporting rebels in Ireland.
8 Feb - Cuba declares war on the CSA and invades East Cuba. Despite the support
of the USA, however, Cuba's army is unable to accomplish much.
Feb - Jun - Battle of Verdun. German troops attack the French stronghold.
The battle lasts five months and costs 1 million casualties.
6 Mar - US troops arrive in Liberia. They will subsequently move east, west,
and north, capturing French and British African territory.
13 Mar - Confederate and ANZAC troops achieve a breakthrough at Gallipoli
but are lured into a trap and cut apart by the Turkish counterattack.
9 Apr - The Irish Republican Army begins a guerilla uprising against the
British in Ireland.
7 May - Rumania declares war on the Central Powers, but is defeated by Germany
in December.
9 May - The USA invades the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. This is the first
use of tanks by the USA, which scatters CS troops. Britain begins mobilizing
home guard Canadian troops.
13 May - US troops land on Bermuda.
May - Jul - The CS Army Air Service continues its practices of tactical and
strategic bombing. In response, the US Air Force is established. Both sides
develop and refine tactics for bombing, interception, ground attack, and
air combat.
1 Jun - Britain sends Colonel T. E. Lawrence to lead the Arabs against the
Ottoman Empire.
4 Jun - The USA sets up a partial submarine blockade of Britain and France.
6 Jun - Battle of Jamaica. US Navy defeats a CS fleet off the coast of that
Jun - Oct - Russia begins the "Brusilov Offensive," invading Austria-Hungary
and advancing quickly towards Vienna. The Austrian army is taken by surprise
and must be heavily supported by German troops. After failing to take the
Austrian capital and suffering over 1 million casualties, the Russian army
is broken and demoralized.
8 Jul - Battle of Lake Erie. US Navy ships intercept a Canadian fleet bound
for Cleveland.
13-15 Jul - Battle of the Hebrides. A brutal battle between the US Navy and
a combined CS/Royal Navy fleet. Lasting over forty hours, six battleships
and four heavy cruisers are sunk. In one particular incident, when the USS
is crippled her captain rams the CSS
, flagship
of the Confederate fleet. The sailors of the
board the
Confederate vessel and engage in hand-to-hand combat. The battle is inconclusive,
although the damage to all the navies is so severe that no major naval action
can take place during the remainder of the war.
Jul - Oct - Somme Offensive. British and German forces cut into each other
in a vicious and ultimately inconclusive series of battles.
Aug - Oct - Battle of Walden Ridge in eastern Tennessee. The CSA is victorious,
but cannot follow up due to casualties of over 300,000 on each side.
Confederate casualties after the Battle of Walden Ridge
Nov - The first Labor Party candidates are elected to the US House of
Representatives from Ohio and Massachusetts.
2 Nov - US troops cross the Detroit River and capture Windsor. Britain begins
shifting resources to the Canadian front.
14 Dec - IRA troops capture Dublin and establish a provisional government.
The USA recognizes this government immediately and begins sending overt,
rather than covert, aid to the Irish rebels.
13 Jan - In a secret meeting with tribal leaders, US officials
promise statehood to the Dakota PIT if the Indians will attack Canada.
6 Feb - Lakota Sioux war parties cross the border into Canada and attack
local Royal Canadian Army posts.
5 Mar - US Marines land outside Halifax.
12 Mar - Russian Revolution begins. Czar Nicholas is deposed and replaced
by Alexander Kerensky. Russia will soon settle a separate peace with the
Central Powers.
11 Apr - Royal Canadian troops make an amphibious attack across Lake Ontario
and land near Buffalo.
Apr - Jun - CS forces in eastern Kentucky invade West Virginia and capture
1 May - Canadian forces take Buffalo.
11 May - French troops in Belgium mutiny over abysmal conditions and horrific
casualties. The mutiny is surpressed, but at a terrible price. Many junior
officers are arrested in connection with the revolt (falsely, it is later
learned), and many units are left with inexperienced officers or none at
1-12 Jun - US troops take the Panama Canal.
25 Jun - Third Battle of Ypres. Attacking demoralized French troops, Germany
achieves a breakthrough along the Western Front and seizes the Channel ports.
Britain is cut off from Europe.
1 Jul - Advance units of the CS army reach the Ohio River.
4 Jul - US Army lands in Louisiana and advances on New Orleans.
11 Jul - Germans capture Paris, France surrenders.
Jul - Sep - Indian war parties raid deep into Alberta, Saskatchewan, and
1 Aug - US forces capture Montreal, Britain sues for peace.
12 Aug - US forces take New Orleans.
1-8 Sep - Battle of Frankfort. US forces break the CS advance outside the
Kentucky capital with a combination of tanks, horse cavalry, and air support.
Although they remain in control of southern West Virginia, Confederate forces
withdraw from Kentucky in disarray.
U.S. tanks at the Battle of Frankfort
15 Sep - A general cease-fire is agreed to by all the warring nations.
Oct - Nov - Campaign by Arabs against the Ottoman Empire reaches its pinnacle
with the capture of Jerusalem (23 Oct) and Damascus (11 Nov).
7 Nov - Bolshevik Revolution. Communists overthrow the Russian government.
Later, the Czar and his family are executed.
1 Dec - Sensing a transfer of territory in the upcoming peace negotiations,
Britain grants independence to Canada, South Africa, India, Australia, and
New Zealand.
3 Feb - The Treaty of Berlin is signed. By necessity, unstable
Austria-Hungary is partitioned. Germany annexes Austria, Bohemia, and Moravia
while the remainder is reorganized as the Kingdom of Panslavia, with a Hapsburg
on the throne. Panslavia also annexes Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro.
Germany annexes the conquered nations of Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg
in the west, as well as the remainder of Poland in the east. The border with
France is pushed farther west and drawn along the Somme and Marne rivers.
Finland, Ireland, and the Baltic nations are granted their independence.
Great Britain keeps the northern Irish province of Ulster, due to its large
Protestant population.
France and Britain are forced to reduce their militaries and pay reparations
to Germany, Panslavia, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire, but the United States
refuses its share. In Africa and Asia, Germany assumes all French, Belgian,
and Dutch colonies while the USA receives a mandate over the British colonies,
including Egypt and the Sudan, and a portion of French West Africa between
Nigeria and Gambia. Excluding the Portuguese colony of Guinea, all US-occupied
territory along the west coast of Africa excluding Nigeria is ceded directly
to Liberia.
In the Americas, the USA receives a mandate over the colonies of British
Guyana, French Guiana, and Suriname, and receives a return to pre-1915 borders
and duty-free use of the Port of New Orleans and the Mississippi River in
perpetuity. The CSA must also significantly reduce its military strength.
There are no territorial concessions or claims by any nation.
Germany protests the independence of Canada, South Africa, India, Australia,
and New Zealand but the USA backs these new nations. Unwilling to engage
in a colonial war so soon, Germany backs down. Germany purchases the release
of its Asian colonies and sphere of influence in China from Japan.
1918 - 1920:
Russian Civil War. "White" monarchist/republicans versus
"Red" Communists. The Reds eventually win and establish the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics.
Europe after the Great War, 1920
Africa and Asia after the Great War, 1920
Part IV: Raise the Red Flags
1920 - 1923:
French Foreign Legion troops in Indochina fight a guerilla
war against German occupation. In 1923 Germany combines the French and Dutch
colonies in Asia and cedes them back to France. This will quickly prove to
be a drain on the weak French government and economy.
The American Bolshevik Party (later the Communist Party of America)
is formed and begins advocating proletarian revolution on the Soviet model.
The Labor Party of America quickly disassociates itself from the new party,
pointing out that the Labor Party does not advocate the overthrow of the
Constitutionally elected government of the United States.
V. I. Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and General Secretary of
the Soviet Union, institutes the New Economic Policy to stabilize the Soviet
economy after the Civil War. Private industry and agriculture are legalized,
and the free market is re-established. Output rises dramatically but Lenin
makes it clear that these are temporary measures.
1921 - 1922:
Civil war in India between Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs.
Diplomatic intervention by the USA and Britain helps to produce a confederation
within the Indian Republic consisting of Rajasthan, Malabar, Pakistan, Kashmir,
and Bangladesh. Burma gains its independence. Mohandas Gandhi is elected
the first President of the Confederation, although executive power is held
by the Council of Five.
Benito Mussolini is elected Prime Minister of Italy.
In keeping with the promises made in 1917, the Dakota Permanent Indian Territory
is subdivided into three entities. Dakota and Wyoming are admitted as states,
while the remainder of the PIT is reorganized as the Bitterroot Permanent
Indian Territory. A Constitutional amendment is also pushed through: The
17th confirms citizenship for Indians.
Members of the Communist Party of America begin speaking throughout the CSA.
Britain launches the first dedicated aircraft carrier, HMS
. Other nations are quick to follow.
A military coup in overthrows the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and establishes
the Republic of Anatolia. The new junta recognizes the independence of the
Arab nations of Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Mesopotamia, and Arabia,
ending nine years of Arab rebellion.
Civil Disobedience demonstrations occur throughout the Confederate Caribbean
when black and Hispanic field hands stage sit-down strikes on sugar plantations.
Blaming the Communists, the CS government begins curtailing the activities
of CPA organizers.
1923 - 1928:
Despite democracy building by the USA, civil war breaks
out in China. Nationalist Kuomintang forces defeat the Communists and local
warlords as the European powers disengage, but the Communists retreat to
the interior and continue guerilla attacks.
A Labor Party majority is elected to the Pennsylvania General
V. I. Lenin, leader of the Soviet Union, suffers a minor stroke, and a power
struggle within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union arises while he is
incapacitated. Josef Stalin, a Party organizer, gains control but cannot
consolidate his power before Lenin recovers.
Lenin expels Stalin from the CPSU and exiles him from the Soviet
Union. He flees to France.
Tenant farmers, both black and white, stage an uprising in the country around
Shreveport, Louisiana. Taking control of the city government, rail yards,
and militia armory the farmers establish the Shreveport Commune. A Central
Committee administers services to the Shreveport area, redistributes land
amongst the member farmers, and defends the Commune against the Louisiana
militia forces that attempt to defeat it.
1925 - 1931:
Territories acquired after the Great War are spun off
by the victors. Germany releases Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
(1925); Poland (1929); and Picardy and Alsace-Lorraine (1930). Panslavia
experiences a brief civil war (1930-1931) after which the monarchy is reformed,
a constitution is written, and Rumania and Montenegro are granted independence.
Despite heavy fighting, Serbia is not released and is garrisoned heavily.
In 1926 the USA sells Egypt and Sudan to Britain for a nominal fee, then
purchases them back for substantially more. This income allows Britain to
pay off a large portion of her war reparations to Germany and Panslavia.
Egypt and Sudan are granted their independence in 1927. Nigeria is granted
its independence in 1928. The Guyanas are granted independence as Suriname,
Guyana, and Guiana in 1929. Other US possessions including Uganda, Kenya,
Rhodesia, and Bechuanaland in Africa; Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Aden in the
Middle East; and Afghanistan, Ceylon, and New Guinea in Asia are organized
as self-governing protectorates.
Europe, 1930
The Pennsylvania General Assembly elects a Labor Party Senator
to the US Senate.
Unable to defeat the Shreveport Commune with state units, the governor of
Louisiana appeals to Richmond to send Regular Army units. These regular units
succeed in crushing the Commune and arresting its surviving leaders.
First Trans-Atlantic flight. CS Army Air Service Colonel Robert
E. Lee IV flies from Hampton, Virginia to Lisbon, Portugal.
The USA and CSA re-establish diplomatic relations.
After a lengthy and contentious trial, the leaders of the Shreveport
Commune are hanged for rebellion.
After several years of wild speculation and inflated prices,
the New York Stock Market collapses. The Richmond, Sacramento, and London
markets follow. Depression begins.
Marshal Henri Petain, the hero of Verdun, is elected President of France.
His party, the Parti Nationale Francais, espouses extreme nationalism, rearmament
in violation of the Berlin Treaty, reclamation of former colonies, and
reunification with the "stolen" provinces of Picardy and Alsace-Lorraine.
Marshal Henri Petain, President of France
Lenin dies, and Leon Trotsky becomes leader of the Soviet Union.
1930 - 1935:
Strikes and demonstrations by tenant farmers or landless
field hands ("Dixie's Peasants" as one St. Louis newspaper calls them) become
more common. Several more Communes are attempted and all are met with severe
measures to defeat them. Since most of this activity can be traced directly
to the CPA and "Bolshevik agitators" the USA, while concerned about the unrest
in its southern neighbor, does not protest the Confederate response. State
militia and Regular Army units are on anti-rebellion duty constantly throughout
this period in wide areas of the nation. The Conservative Party regains both
houses of Congress and the Presidency in this period and maintains a
supermajority for years to come.
The only occupying power not to exit China, Japan extends its
sphere of influence to include Formosa.
Jun - US Great War veterans march on Washington, DC to demand
their enlistment bonuses in this time of economic hardship. Setting up a
tent city on the Mall, this "Bonus Army" becomes a very visible reminder
of the effects of the depression. By order of President Herbert Hoover, the
Army breaks up the settlement using bayonets, tanks, and tear gas. An estimated
two hundred veterans and their family members are killed.
Sep - A House of Representatives dominated by the Labor Party impeaches President
Hoover for his actions against the Bonus Army. He is convicted by the Senate
and removed from office. Vice-President Charles Curtis is sworn in as President.
1933 - 1935:
Italy invades the independent nation of Abyssinia from
its colonies in Eritrea and Somaliland. Although the Royal Abyssinian Army
is poorly equipped and minimally trained, it inflicts several serious defeats
upon the Italians. By 1935, however, the Abyssinians are defeated and the
Italians have honed their fighting techniques and weapons. Italy annexes
Abyssinia, Eritrea, and Somaliland. Germany and the USA both bolster colonial
troop strengths in their adjacent territories.
Henri Petain is re-elected President of France. He immediately
calls for the reunification "of all the French-speaking peoples of Europe,"
especially the territory lost to Germany. He begins modernizing the French
military, creating new units of small, fast tanks supported by infantry and
developing better fighters and bombers.
Japan establishes the puppet state of Manchukuo in Manchuria.
Chinese Republic and Communist forces both begin attacks across the Manchurian
The French Parliament suspends itself after a report from Petain states that
economic recovery could best be accomplished by an executive "unencumbered
by an argumentative and divisive legislature." Petain begins styling himself
a "new Napoleon." The US ambassador to France manages to obtain a map of
Europe, allegedly sketched by Petain himself, with the borders of France
stretched to include the Low Countries, Dalmatia, and Hanover. Germany is
reduced to several minor states. He forwards this map to Washington, but
it is not released.
13 Jun - Japanese troops cross from Manchukuo, beginning the
invasion of China.
19 Aug - Rejecting what they see as dangerously liberal forces within the
monarchy, a cadre of Spanish generals stage a coup, arresting the King and
his family and instituting martial law. The Spanish Civil War begins as most
army units and other fascists fight a coalition of Loyalists, Republicans,
and Communists. In response to the importation of French weapons and Italian
advisors, Britain begins supplying the Loyalists.
6 Sep - France and Italy sign a treaty of alliance, the Milan Accord.
Nov - Norman Thomas is elected President of the USA on the Labor Party ticket.
Coupled with a Labor-dominated Congress, he initiates a series of economic
reforms to pull the country out of the depression. Public works, anti-trust,
and farm cooperative legislation are all passed quickly. Over the next four
years Constitutional amendments are also submitted and ratified: The 18th
establishes an income tax and social welfare system, including retirement,
worker's compensation, and unemployment assistance; the 19th allows the direct
election of Senators; the 20th establishes the succession of the Presidency;
and the 21st guarantees the right of labor to organize.
WSA increases its military presence in the Philippines, sending several divisions
of troops and the heavy cruiser
to Manila.
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Copyright 1999, Matt Trepal