Part III: --WAR--
Apr - Japan launches attacks against many Chinese ports. The
USA, WSA, Texas, Canada, Britain, and Germany respond to the Japanese aggression
by placing embargoes on Japan concerning steel, oil and scrap iron.
The Labor Party splits over the nationalization of industry and railroads.
Approximately 15 percent of the sitting Labor Representatives and Senators
leave the party and form the Socialist Party of America.
Marshal Petain demands that Picardy and Alsace-Lorraine dissolve their
governments and rejoin France. Picardy complies immediately and is annexed,
but Alsace-Lorraine refrains. The German Prime Minister, Great War fighter
ace Manfred von Richtofen, warns France against expanding its borders east.
"Many in Alsace-Lorraine do not consider themselves French," he says. "They
are and always will be German."
Carnegie Amalgamated Industries is dismantled after the first Federal anti-trust
suit by the Labor government. The $1 billion conglomerate is split into its
steel, automobile, broadcasting, railroad, mining, and shipping concerns.
French troops are observed fighting alongside Spanish fascists.
4 Mar - Spanish Loyalist forces defeat the fascists at the Battle
of Cuenca.
15 Mar - Large numbers of French troops cross the border into Spain.
16 Mar - Britain demands that France withdraw all troops from Spain.
17 Mar - French armored columns cross into Spain in defiance of the British
18 Mar - Britain declares war on France and begins mobilizing troops.
2 Apr - The British Expeditionary Force lands in Spain in support of the
Loyalists, at Gijon in the north and Gibraltar in the south.
Apr - May - British and French forces fight a number of small skirmishes,
establishing a perimeter around Gibraltar and gaining the northern provinces
for the Loyalists.
May - France establishes a hasty naval blockade of Britain. The Royal Navy
soon breaks the blockade, but as France relies more and more on submarines,
British losses steadily increase.
6 Jun - Italy invades Albania and Montenegro. Within three months those two
nations are defeated and annexed. Panslavia declares war on Italy.
11 Jun - French forces make an amphibious landing behind the British lines
in northern Spain while a heavy assault is made along the front. The BEF,
still below optimum strength, is routed and retreats to Gijon.
19 Jun - Serbian nationalists stage an uprising in Belgrade against the Panslavic
throne. Soon, Italian and French weapons are being sent to the rebels, who
score several early victories against the poorly motivated and unprepared
Panslavic army.
6 Jul - The NIS notices that the Japanese embassy in Washington is transmitting
coded messages to the Japanese embassy in Sacramento, and begins work on
breaking the code.
14 - 30 Jul - In a series of stunning victories, France invades Alsace-Lorraine,
Luxembourg, and Belgium in turn, overrunning their small militaries. French
paratroopers land in the Panslavic cities of Split and Dubrovnik and elsewhere
along the Dalmatian coast while Italy invades at Trieste. Panslavia declares
war on France, and Germany declares war on both France and Italy.
23 Jul - French Air Force bombers begin attacking southern Britain. Royal
Air Force fighters take a heavy toll on the raiders, but great damage is
inflicted on British airfields and ports. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
proclaims that "Britain will toil to defeat her enemies even if it takes
every drop of sweat, every pint of blood, and every bitter tear in the British
8 Aug - Japan joins the Milan Accord. France begins supplying the Imperial
Japanese military with oil from its East Indies possessions.
Aug - Dec - France and Italy consolidate their positions in the conquered
territories while Britain and Germany build up for the next round they know
will come. Panslavia fights the Serbian rebels, but it becomes obvious that
the polyglot nation cannot last for long.
Oct - The NIS begins supporting the Viet Minh, a revolutionary group in French
4 Nov - France officially annexes Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg, Belgium, and
10 Dec - French submarines and naval bombers attack and destroy a convoy
headed to reinforce the BEF in northern Spain.
Jan - Serbia achieves its independence as Panslavia disintegrates
into widespread civil war and ethnic rebellion. Each ethnic group declares
its independence from the Hapsburgs in Budapest. Serbia, Croatia, and Slovakia
all ally themselves with the fascists.
6 Feb - France launches an attack into Germany across its whole eastern border.
Fighting is brutal, but the Germans are constantly driven back until they
reach the Rhine (23 Apr). When the Germans destroy the bridges across the
river in their retreat, the French advance is halted.
Bridges destroyed by the Germans in the retreat across the Rhine
7 Feb - Poland declares war on France and Italy.
3 Mar - The NIS partially decodes a message from the Washington to the Sacramento
embassy of Japan. Although designated targets are unknown, a broad Japanese
offensive is planned for June. The NIS transmits this information to WS and
Soviet military officials.
8 May - France invades the Netherlands. After a two-week campaign, the country
is defeated and annexed.
25 May - France again invades Germany, north and south of the Rhine. In Bavaria
and Austria, the German Fascist Party assists the French in conquering southern
Germany. In July, the French puppet state of Austria is established, with
GFP leader Adolf Hitler as President.
16 Jun - The planned Japanese offensive begins. As the Japanese ambassadors
in Washington, Sacramento, and Moscow deliver declarations of war, an attack
from carrier-based aircraft is made on the WS naval base at Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii just after dawn. Having been partially alerted, however, the WS sailors
react quickly and shoot down many of the attacking aircraft. Several WS ships
are destroyed or damaged, but the damage is not nearly as severe as it might
have been.
Simultaneous with the Pearl Harbor attack, Japanese troops attack Guam and
Wake Islands, the Philippines, Peking, Vladivostok, and the US protectorates
of New Guinea and Hong Kong. The USA, WSA, and Soviet Union declare war on
17 Jun - Australia declares war on Japan.
19 Jun - French forces attack Singapore and Brunei. The USA declares war
on France.
20 Jun - Italy declares war on the USA, WSA, and Soviet Union.
1 - 10 Jul - Singapore, Guam, Wake Island, Hong Kong, and Brunei all fall
to French or Japanese troops.
6 Jul - The USA and WSA meet to adopt a joint strategy for fighting in the
Pacific theater.
9 Jul - The French cruiser
Le Havre
puts in at the Confederate port
of Santiago de Cuba. The USA warns the CSA against allowing any more French,
Italian, or Japanese ships to dock at Confederate ports.
13 Jul - At the suggestion of the USA, a joint Caribbean fleet begins patrolling
for fascist ships. Prominent participants are Mexico, Texas, and Cuba. There
is no declaration of war, but a resolution "to promote regional security
and stability" is issued. The CSA protests this action.
18 Jul - British troops and aircraft arrive in Denmark.
20 Jul - Japan invades northern Sakhalin Island.
27 Jul - Australia joins the USA and WSA in the joint Pacific Command.
1 Aug - British and Danish Royal Air Forces begin air raids against French
troops in Hanover and the Netherlands.
3 Aug - French Foreign Legion troops in Indochina invade China along the
Gulf of Tonkin and on Hainan Island.
6 Aug - Spanish Loyalist forces defeat French troops at Valladolid.
17 Aug - British troops land at Santander. The landings are a success and
the city is captured but French submarines extract a heavy toll on the convoy
as it crosses to Spain. Britain decides to concentrate on airlifting supplies
to Spain while Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany will be the target of
ship-borne operations. Anti-sub measures are increased.
Vladivostok falls to Japanese troops.
23 Aug - Japanese troops enter Peking. After consolidating their control
of the Chinese capital they begin to move into the Yellow River valley.
31 Aug - US troops arrive in Seattle and San Diego for integration into the
joint Pacific Command.
Sep - Japanese submarines pass through the Coral Sea and begin hunting off
the northeastern coast of Australia.
Japanese troops begin moving up the Kuril Islands towards the Kamchatka
6 Sep - India declares war on France and Japan and joins the Pacific
7 Sep - Italian forces invade German North Africa at Tunis. Algerians sympathetic
to the French rise in support of the Italian invasion, attacking German officials
and sabotaging roads, rail and telegraph lines, and government buildings.
The German Afrika Korps are scattered.
9 Sep - Italian forces from Eritrea and Somaliland invade the German colony
of Djibouti and U.S. Somaliland. German and US troops retreat across the
Red Sea to Aden.
11 Sep - French troops invade the Solomon Islands.
11 - 30 Sep - Battle of Prague. The French are defeated by a combination
of German, Polish, and Hungarian troops. The German front stabilizes along
a line from Prague, curving northwest to Nuremburg, Frankfurt, Hannover,
and Rostock. This is called the "Heinrich Line" after the Kaiser, and the
Bundeswehr continues to fortify it against further attack.
Oct - The Bomber War begins. Regular sorties by French, Italian, British,
German, and Danish bomber groups are flown in lieu of further ground action
along the Heinrich Line. Intense fighter activity makes losses high although
damage is also severe, involving the use of napalm and other incendiary devices.
Both sides consider the use of poison gas, but the memories of the previous
war are still vivid and it is discarded.
Japanese troops reach the Kamchatka Peninsula and also move north out of
French troops invade Siam from the south and east. Burma declares its neutrality
but begins a meager attempt to fortify its eastern border, along the Salween
and Mekong Rivers. Still wary of the 1921-22 civil war, in which it gained
its independence, Burma refuses offers of aid from India.
6 Oct - Italian paratroopers are defeated in their surprise attempt to take
the Suez Canal. Egypt declares war on Italy.
13 Oct - Australian troops invade New Guinea.
17 Oct - Battle of the Horn. US, Egyptian, and German naval units defeat
the Italians off the Horn of Africa.
US and WS troops invade Wake Island.
25 Oct - 17 Nov - Japanese troops conquer the Gilbert Islands.
Nov - Lenin dies. After a brief power struggle, Leon Trotsky takes control
of the Party. Despite Lenin's threats, the NEP was never dismantled. Trotsky
makes no mention of it upon his assumption of power.
1 Nov - The Indian navy defeats its French counterpart in the Battle of the
Nicobar Islands.
8 Nov - North American submarines arrive in the western Pacific.
11 Nov - The North Americans are defeated in their attempt to take Wake Island,
and must retreat to Hawaii. The retreat takes a severe toll on the North
American naval support units.
23 - 29 Nov - Japanese bombers strike Midway Island.
2 Dec - French troops invade Burma. They quickly overcome the Burmese defenses
and take Rangoon within a week. The Burmese government retreats to Mandalay
and requests aid from India.
15 Dec - Manila falls to Japanese troops. The WS Philippine garrison retreats
to the fortress of Corregidor in Manila Harbor.
22 Dec - French paramilitary troops enter the Basque Provinces.
26 Dec - Battle of the Coral Sea. Australian surface vessels encounter a
French invasion fleet. The battle is a stalemate until Australian naval bombers
arrive and destroy the transports and support vessels. The French retreat
to the Solomons.
Europe and Asia at the height of Fascist power, January, 1940
6 Jan - North American troops and aircraft arrive in
10 Jan - Spanish Loyalists, supported by British troops from the Gibraltar
perimeter, take Seville.
13 Jan - Japanese troops move west from Shanghai and Nanking up the Yangtze
River valley.
19 Jan - Italian troops invade Kenya.
25 Jan - Pacific Command air forces begin bombarding French positions in
New Guinea, the East Indies, and the Solomon Islands.
Feb - US troops arrive in Nigeria. These troops will be ferried across Kamerun
and Kongo to attack the Italian colonies and occupied territories.
6 Feb - Pacific Command submarines bring supplies and fresh troops to the
besieged WS garrison on Corregidor.
7 Feb - Liberian troops make surprise attacks against the Spanish colony
of Rio Muni. The fascist garrison quickly surrenders.
10 Feb - Texan and Cuban vessels prosecute and sink two French submarines
in the Straits of Florida. The CSA announces that it will patrol its territorial
waters, which it defines as 100 miles offshore. This interferes directly
with the territorial waters of Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the Bahamas.
11 Feb - 6 Mar - Chinese Communist guerrillas infiltrate the Japanese-occupied
cities along the coast and incite an uprising. The "Twenty-four Days of Fire"
cause heavy damage to Japanese forces and positions, but the response is
brutal. Chinese civilians are massacred in Canton, Fuchou, Tsingtao, and
Tientsin. The Japanese remain firmly in control of the area.
22 Feb - Basque rebels destroy a Franco-Spanish column outside of San Sebastian.
The French respond by arresting and executing all Basque men they can, then
burning the city.
3 Mar - US, Egyptian, German Ostafrika Korps, and US Colonial troops invade
Abyssinia and Somaliland from the west and east.
U.S. Colonial troops rest in between combat in Abysinnia
12 - 15 Mar - Indian troops make landings outside of Rangoon, Burma, and
establish beachheads.
16 - 27 Mar - French troops attack the "Frisian Line," the fortified border
between Denmark and French-occupied Germany. Although the line has some permanent
fortifications these are used as decoys to engage the French while Danish
and British troops attack from the flanks and rear. While most of the forts
are overrun and destroyed, the French attack is repulsed.
30 Mar - Pacific Command troops invade New Guinea and the Solomons.
7 Apr - Battle of Midway. Japanese carrier aircraft catch a Pacific Command
battleship group with only minor air cover. They sink three of five battleships
and six cruisers and heavy cruisers.
9 Apr - Spanish Loyalists forces enter the Basque Provinces in support of
the rebels. The Basques are promised greater autonomy within Spain if they
coordinate with the Loyalists and British.
11 Apr - After amassing troops all winter, the Soviets invade Manchukuo and
Japanese-occupied Siberia.
19 Apr - Egyptian and Afrika Korps troops invade Italian Libya.
20 Apr - Nationalist Chinese forces begin a broad offensive against the Japanese
in the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys.
27 Apr - British troops arrive in German North Africa.
29 Apr - Pacific Command troops invade Wake Island for a second time.
Apr - Jun - Pacific Command troops take Guadalcanal, Rabaul, and most of
New Guinea.
6 May - Allied troops take Addis Ababa. The Abyssinian Emperor is re-seated
on the throne.
7 May - Indian troops liberate Rangoon.
15 May - German, Polish, and Hungarian troops invade Slovakia in an attempt
to eliminate the rear threat to the Heinrich Line.
Naval Battle of Wake Island. The Japanese attempt to disrupt the Pacific
Command invasion of Wake is defeated by submarines and naval bombers from
Midway. The remaining strength of the North American Pacific fleets is relocated
to Midway as the US begins assigning Atlantic and African fleet vessels to
the Pacific.
21 May - Reinforcements arrive for the Pacific Command troops on Wake
22 May - Soviet troops liberate Khabarovsk, Siberia.
29 May - British and Afrika Korps troops besiege the Spanish fascists in
Tangier and Ceuta.
6 Jun - The last Japanese positions on Wake are eliminated. The headquarters
of Western Pacific Operations relocates there from Hawaii.
18 Jun - As Allied troops cut deep into Slovakia, overtures are made to the
Soviets about assisting in the European war. The Allies need a guard on the
fascist (but quiet) states to the south of Hungary. In return, the Soviets
will receive financial and material aid in their fight with Japan.
20 Jun - The Nationalist Chinese liberate Wuhan.
1 Jul - Soviet troops enter Hungary and are directed toward Slovakia and
the borders with Serbia and Croatia.
4 Jul - Pacific Command troops launch invasions of Timor and Java in the
East Indies.
8 Jul - Slovakia surrenders. Allied command establishes the Soviet
16 Jul - CS surface vessels attempt to disrupt Mexican and Texan ships from
attacking an Italian submarine in the Windward Passage, between Hispaniola
and East Cuba. The US warns that it will view the next act of interference
with the prosecution of Milan Accord vessels in the Caribbean by the CSA
as an act of war.
18 Jul - Soviet troops besiege Harbin, Manchukuo.
21 Jul - Battle of Timor. French and Australian fleets clash off the coast
of that island. The French are unable to disrupt the Pacific Command
30 Jul - The last French troops on Timor surrender.
Jul - Aug - Spanish Loyalists achieve several victories in the southeast,
taking Granada, Murcia, and Cartagena.
Aug - After nearly a year Leon Trotsky finds that the Politburo is still
not entirely under his control, and his position as General Secretary is
still precarious. To solidify his rule, he works to strengthen the Congress
of People's Deputies as a legitimate legislative organ.
1 Aug - The Bomber War ends as Allied troops, with heavy air support, invade
occupied Germany and Austria near Hamburg, Kassel, and Nuremburg.
2 Aug - Soviet troops reach the outskirts of Vladivostok.
17 Aug - Spanish Loyalists execute several Basque rebels, much to the dismay
of the British. Basque leaders repudiate their agreement with the Loyalists
and renew their fight for independence.
18 Aug - Pacific Command troops take Surabaya, Java.
22 Aug - Allied troops secure Eritrea.
30 Aug - Some Soviet units bypass Vladivostok and enter Korea.
Aug - Sep - Allied forces make significant gains in Germany, taking Bremen
and Wilhelmshaven in the north and Munich in the south.
Sep - Pacific Command operations against Kwajalein, in the Marshall Islands,
begin. The island is a major Japanese base, heavily fortified and supported,
and must be removed to secure Pacific Command advances toward Japan. Air
operations begin on 6 Sep, and submarines blockade the island on 11 Sep.
On 13 Sep WS and US troops invade from Wake, while Australian troops arrive
on 17 Sep.
18 Sep - Indian troops cross into Siam.
23 Sep - The Soviets take Chongjin, Korea.
Oct - Austria erupts in chaos as German troops advance on Vienna. Fascist
forces battle German loyalists in the streets of many cities, looting is
widespread, and civil order is disrupted in many rural areas. Italy invades
in support of the Hitler regime.
3 Oct - The Italian army is surrounded and destroyed outside Mogadishu, Italian
9 Oct - Indian troops invade French Indochina.
13 Oct - Claiming border incursions by Croatian troops, Soviet troops in
Hungary invade Croatia. Serbia and Italy declare war on the USSR. The Allies
make no comment.
17 Oct - Tangier surrenders.
Indian Army Intelligence makes contact with elements of the Viet Minh.
21 Oct - Ceuta surrenders. The Allies control the Pillars of Hercules.
Nov - US submarines arrive in the Mediterranean. They ravage Italian convoys
in support of operations in Libya and Algeria.
2 Nov - Japanese resistance is eliminated on Kwajalein.
W.S. Marines clear out Japanese resistance on Kwajalein
17 Nov - After two months of brutal house-to-house fighting, the Soviets
retake Vladivostok. The Japanese have been removed from mainland Siberia.
19 Nov - Indian troops liberate Bangkok. The Siamese king is re-seated.
6 Dec - Indian and Viet Minh troops capture Hanoi, and establish a provisional
government. All the Pacific Command nations recognize the Mekong
US ships sink a French submarine off the coast of Key West. Although the
action is taken within sight of the guns of Fort Taylor, the CS military
takes no action.
9 Dec - Soviet troops take Belgrade, Serbia.
21 Dec - Leaders of the four Pacific Command nations meet in Sydney, Australia
to discuss the coming year's strategy. It quickly becomes apparent that there
are severe disagreements concerning war aims. The North American nations
favor attacking the Japanese island fortresses but are split as to specific
targets: the US wants to take Truk Island in the Carolines, while the WS
aims at Saipan, in the Marianas. Australia and India, meanwhile, favor
concentrating on the French in Southeast Asia and the East Indies. After
a week of wrangling, a compromise that attempts to be all things to all people
is worked out.
Four task groups will be assembled for the four targets, and will attack
in staggered intervals in order to distract the Milan Accord forces. Task
Force A will attack Truk, Task Force B will attack Celebes and aim at the
Philippines, Task Force C will attack Saipan, and Task Force D will attack
Malaya and Sumatra. "Operation Vortex" will commence on 14 Feb, 1941.
25 Dec - Albania and Montenegro rise in rebellion against Italy.
Jan - British Special Air Service troops and German
land in Belgium and the Netherlands to organize and assist
resistance movements.
3 Jan - Soviet troops invade Sakhalin Island.
8 Jan - Allied troops capture Tripoli, Libya.
13 Jan - Nationalist Chinese forces liberate Nanning.
3 Feb - Allied troops invade Sicily.
6 Feb - After a year of rebuilding following the Twenty-four Days of Fire,
Communist Chinese forces attack along the western border of Manchukuo. Within
a week they have taken the city of Paotou.
9 Feb - Soviet troops take the cities of Kirin and Fushun, Manchukuo.
14 Feb - Operation Vortex begins as Pacific Command bombers attack Truk Island
and Macassar on Celebes. On 17 Feb a naval bombardment of Truk begins, and
on 19 Feb the Pacific Command troops invade. Celebes is invaded on 26 Feb,
Saipan on 5 Mar, and Malaya on 12 Mar.
As a whole, the operation fares poorly from the beginning. Although Indian
and US Colonial troops make headway on the Maylay Peninsula and are able
to cross the Strait of Malacca to Sumatra, the assaults on Truk and Saipan
suffer from the division of forces. The Australians are able to take Macassar,
but the beachhead is placed in jeopardy when the remaining French fleet in
Asia destroys a support convoy in the Macassar Strait.
16 Feb - Soviet troops take Zagreb, Croatia.
19 Feb - Soviet troops take Sasu-ri, Korea.
23 Feb - Kimchaek, Korea falls to the Soviets.
2 Mar - Henri Petain suffers a fatal stroke. Coming during the late planning
stages of the spring offensive, the French military is paralyzed. Petain's
habit of keeping important information from his lieutenants and playing them
one against the other has left no clear successor.
6 Mar - Soviet troops take Mukden, Manchukuo, cutting the bulk of Manchukuo
from Korea.
11 - 17 Mar - Uprisings in the Low Countries. Resistance fighters begin
large-scale revolts against the French occupiers. The French, bewildered
by a lack of orders from Paris, fight back as best they can. Success is
20 Mar - Soviet troops besiege Split, Dalmatia.
US Colonial troops take Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
27 Mar - A bomb explodes within the French High Command, killing several
staff officers. It has become obvious that there is a power struggle within
France to assume supreme authority. Factions are rising within the military.
The loyal "Petainistes" support the most obvious successor to Petain,
Vice-President Pierre Fleury; and the "Bourbonistes" support Air Marshal
Marcel Bourbon. Other smaller factions include anarchists, Communists, New
Republicans, and monarchists. Some of this latter group also support Bourbon,
as he claims descent from that royal house.
29 Mar - Indian troops take Medan, Sumatra.
30 Mar - Japan contacts the Soviet Union through Iran, and requests negotiations
regarding a cease-fire.
Apr - France erupts in open civil war. Army units arrive from the occupied
territories to fight on the behalf of one faction or another. Allied units
follow through Germany, Austria, and the Low Countries fighting what little
French resistance remains. Normandy, Brittany, Flanders, and Provence rise
in open revolt.
Due to the chaos in France, French troops in Asia stop receiving orders from
the High Command. Indochina is in full revolt under the provisional government,
and only Borneo is still completely under French control. Left to their own
devices, many commanders surrender to the advancing Pacific Command troops.
By the end of the month, the East Indies and Indochina are occupied by the
Pacific Command or Viet Minh.
2 Apr - Italy requests a cease-fire.
9 Apr - Pacific Command troops must be evacuated from Saipan.
15 Apr - The Japanese garrison on Truk is eliminated. The decision is made
to concentrate on the Philippines, rather than re-attack Saipan.
17 Apr - Allied troops reach the Rhine.
19 Apr - The Japanese and Soviets announce their cease-fire agreement. The
Pacific Command nations are stunned, as Soviet assistance would be necessary
for any action against the Japanese home islands.
25 Apr - Pacific Command military leaders meet in Darwin, Australia to discuss
the recent developments in the Pacific War. They also consider methods of
convincing the Soviets to re-enter the war.
27 Apr - The Treaty of Tehran is signed, ending the war between the Soviet
Union and the Empire of Japan. The treaty calls for the Japanese withdrawal
from Siberia and Manchuria in exchange for a Soviet withdrawal from Korea.
May - The Japanese and Soviets exchange positions in Manchuria and Korea.
The Communist Chinese take control of Manchuria, establishing the People's
Republic of China.
6 May - A coup in Austria unseats Hitler and the fascists. The ruling generals,
mainly former Austro-Hungarian officers, turn the fascists over to the advancing
German Army.
7 May - The Pacific Command nations propose a cease-fire with Japan, but
continue building up forces in the East Indies for an invasion of the
10 May - Allied troops cross the Rhine into France.
Japan accepts the cease-fire offer. Negotiations to end the war begin.
12 May - Josef Stalin arrives in Paris from Switzerland, where he had been
hiding from Petain's anti-Communist purges, to take control of the Communist
factions in the civil war.
17 May - The Treaty of Athens ends the war with Italy. In return for cessation
of hostilities, Italy relinquishes control of all occupied territory and
colonies. Albania and Montenegro regain their independence, Egypt receives
a mandate over Libya, and the United States assumes administration of Eritrea
and Italian Somaliland.
19 May - Split surrenders to Soviet troops.
May - Jun - As French troops retreat from Spain, the Loyalists advance. The
Basques secure their independence, establishing a republic. Madrid falls
to the Loyalists on 20 Jun and the King retakes the throne. The BEF arranges
to exit Spain, beginning in late July.
6 Jun - Communists take control of Paris and the Ile-de-France.
The Treaty of Valpariso ends the war between Japan and the Pacific Command
nations. Negotiations drag over the status of the Philippines and China.
The WSA is reluctant to formally relinquish control of its former colony
to the Japanese, and Japan is also reluctant to withdraw from occupied China.
The Nationalists have been invited to the peace talks, but as observers only,
and are insisting upon the complete withdrawal of Japanese troops from
The final agreement trades the Philippines for mainland China. The Japanese
will maintain possession of the Marianas, split the Caroline and Marshall
Islands, and relinquish the Gilbert Islands. Despite the objections of the
Nationalists, Formosa remains Japanese. India assumes administration of Malaya
and Sumatra, Australia receives a mandate over the remaining French East
Indies and the Solomon Islands, and the WSA receives administration of the
Gilberts and the non-Japanese portions of the Carolines and Marshalls. The
USA resumes administration of Hong Kong, Brunei, Singapore, and East New
Guinea. The independence of the Mekong Confederation is recognized.
Jul - Allied troops halt at the east bank of the Marne. They decide to cease
operations against France, maintaining their current positions until a victor
appears in the civil war.
Jul - Oct - The Bourbonistes gain the upper hand in the French civil war.
The Communists are routed and eliminated in Paris in September, and Stalin
is arrested. The independence movements in Flanders and Brittany are defeated,
Normandy and Provence achieve independence, and the Allies re-establish the
governments of Alsace-Lorraine and Picardy. In November, Air Marshal Bourbon
declares victory and requests discussions regarding formally ending the war
with the Allies.
Nov - The Soviets establish sympathetic Communist governments in Croatia,
Serbia, and Slovakia.
1 Dec - The Oslo Conference begins. The Conference consists of two separate
sessions: one between France and the Allies to determine the terms of the
peace treaty, and another among the Allies to develop a post-war policy.
20 Dec - The Treaty of Oslo ends the war with France. In it, the Allies withdraw
from the traditional boundaries of France although Alsace-Lorraine and Picardy
will remain independent. By 1945 both will hold referendums on rejoining
France, which France will not interfere with. French Dalmatia is ceded to
Croatia, and the Communist governments of Croatia, Serbia, and Slovakia are
considered provisional until elections can be held. Germany re-annexes
The Second Great War has ended.
Comments? E-mail me:
Copyright 2000, Matt Trepal