![]() Takenaka Shigekata Chief Justice of the Ezo Supreme Court The Court also condemns the attack on the wedding. We urge all citizens to remain calm in this time of crisis and avoid the temptation of vigilantism. This matter will be handled by the appropriate legal bodies and any attempt to deal with the crisis on a unilateral basis will only impede the investigation. Thank you for your time.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 18:42 |
Tokugawa Kamenosuke, shogun, hero of the battle of Sado, shinto devoutee, brother to a murdered sister. I thank the Magistrate for his willingness to bring whatever miscreant performed this appalling crime to justice, but I wish to be allowed to head this investigation, for it was my family preyed upon and I will not rest until I find who perpetrated this crime. I wish to investigate this along with the Authorities, as to me no one is beyond guilt for this crime, and none are yet vindicated. in fact if the authorities are willing, I wish to head this investigation personally. I will take leave of my military duties, and track down this man. I mean this not as a sign of disrespect, but at the moment I trust no one. cxcxxxxx fucked around with this message at Feb 19, 2014 around 18:51 |
# ? Feb 19, 2014 18:43 |
![]() It will take some time, but unfortunately as my first act of this new legislative season, I will be removing Otori Keisuke from his position as Minister of the Army. He has openly defied the orders of the Commander in Chief and endangered the lives of the samurai who serve the Republic of Ezo. His actions have resulted in Matsumae Takahiro's capture. This is undeniable fact. I also have reason to believe that it was he who made the attack against Saigo's life, knowing it would fail in his attempt to see Matsumae Takahiro removed from the political scene in Ezo. I also have a strong inclination that the attack on the Shogun's wedding was related to Otori. If he would deny these actions, I call upon him to meet me on the floor of Congress, with his sword drawn and defend his honor. If he will not, then let him remove himself from the army and slink back to the hole from which he crawled. Recognizing the increased power and presence of the Homeland faction, I hereby nominate Matsudaira Sadaaki (Takanago) to the position of army minister. His bravery and strength on the battlefield are an inspiration for all citizens of the Republic.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 18:51 |
Erwin Balz Distinguished minsters of Ezo, I thank you for your hospitality and for allowing me to use my skills the help the poor and wounded. I would also like to express my sorrow for those who were lost in the wedding massacre, it is truly a sad day when any life is lost. I would like to humbly ask the ministers of Ezo to allow me to extend an olive branch between you and the German Empire. While relations are strained because of our involvement in the Meiji Government I personally hope that we can see past that and work for a better future.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:01 |
Kasuga Saemon![]() Letter to Friar Takahiro posted:My heart is heavy, my friend, too heavy, for it reminds me of the darkness I dwelt in before seeing the light of Christ. Masako, though unbaptized, was a woman of high virtue, and her loss looms large. Even now men squabble and babble at each other to find and blame the culprit, but I cannot enter that fray. I thank God for my survival, but more fervently I pray to Him that her soul might reach Heaven.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:36 |
![]() Thomas Blakiston I have spent some time trying to summon words that can adequately express my grief and my horror at what has occurred. It is a waste of time; such a thing would be impossible even for the greatest of poets. It does not suffice to say that it is a tragedy, though it was one. Not only for me personally, or for the Tokugawa clan, or for everyone else who loved Masako; but for the family and friends of all those who were cruelly murdered by bomb and mob alike. Neither does it suffice to say that it is an outrage, though it was that as well. Not only against the laws and society of Ezo, but also of the United Kingdom from which I hail, and indeed against all decent human beings who deplore such evil acts. But though I will no doubt dwell on what occurred that day for years to come – for the rest of my life, perhaps – it serves no one to do so in public. Instead, I will focus on one thing, my only goal until it is achieved: bringing those responsible to justice and seeing them duly punished for their crimes. Not out of revenge, though I would be lying if I said that I do not desire it, deep within my shattered heart. No, I will see it done because justice must be served, and wicked men must not be allowed to sow misery and chaos with impunity. It has already been announced that there will be an investigation. I would expect nothing less. I will naturally cooperate with it to the utmost of my ability. I sincerely hope, however, that it can be relied upon. Already there are rumours that members of the government itself may have been complicit in the attack, and even a whiff of possible corruption within the investigation would be utterly inexcusable. On that note, I must move on to an even more pressing matter. I must formally protest in the strongest possible terms the appointment of Matsudaira Sadaaki to any sort of government position. Not only is he an obvious suspect in the bombing, he was personally responsible for the creation of the violent mob that attacked the crowd and killed several of the victims. In a less civilized age he would already have been dealt with. Indeed, if he had even the barest scrap of honour befitting a true samurai, he would be dead by his own hand. As it stands, it is a travesty that he is not already in police custody, awaiting his trial. I am a great admirer of this republic, and I sincerely hope that it can prove itself worthy of that admiration. I would hate for the intervention of my government to be necessary in order to achieve justice for the dead.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:46 |
![]() Otori Keisuke, Army Magistrate, Chairman of the Republican Party Enomoto Fumeiyona, eight years ago I thought I had seen the last moment of your insanity. On the eve of one of the greatest military victories in the history of our Republic, you contemplated Seppuku. The sun was setting on that warm night in June of 1869 and you came crawling into the officers' barracks asking the honorable men to assist you with the traditional decapitaiton. "If it's dying you want you can do it anytime.", I told you. You had fired me the night before for disobeying your orders; do not forget sir, this is not the first time we have quarreled. The day after, I and my generals ordered our men to surrender. Then, in the tradition of some of Japan's most accomplished daimyo and generals, we gained an excellent position with which to smash the Meiji. Our honorable Navy Minister made short work of the Meiji fleet in a concurrent battle, and our Republic was preserved. But just three days earlier, our "founding father" was one witticism short of becoming a founding corpse. Seppuku is honorable, but victory, that is sweeter, and for a leader to abandon his men is disgraceful. I thought I saw the end of that insanity after saving Enomoto's life, but it was clear I overestimated him. After a great victory in Sado, and manyfold expansion of our defensive capabilities, eh wants to fire me, and accuses me of engineering a conflict between Matsumae and Saigo. Worse yet, this happens in a time of national peril and dual threats from the Meiji and internal terrorism. These accusations are not only baseless but impossible. Look at what I conducted in the last several months: renewed victory in Saigo, the salvation of the Republican party and the balance of power, mobilization of thousands of men, fair and honorable land compensation and distribution out of my own estate. How many things can I manage, and what interest do I have in eliminating Matsumae, who I myself commissioned, appointed, and asked to join in service. Yes, I will admit it, I disobeyed the President, but no, neither I nor a majority in either the party or military council has a single regret. The President's sanity has been faltering for the past year; the great Enomoto that we once knew is now a husk of himself. His elimination of term limits that he himself implemented in the founding of this country is nothing short of corruption, his public release of specific plans of the military are confirmed to have needlessly killed hundreds of our men, and his harebrained attempted coup against the Satsuma Rebellion cost us a thousand men, and would have cost 5,000. When I dispatched the venerable General Matsumae to Satsuma, he had orders to assist the rebels if they were to help, but the President had different ideas. Matsumae is sitting in captivity not because of undersupply, but because of confirmed interference directly from the executive branch that gave Saigo the conviction that Enomoto wanted to kill him. Enomoto's plan was to use 5,000 samurai to outvote the Satsuma rebels, put Saigo to death, and control the rebellion from Ezo. Earlier I and other military officials presented the clear alternative of helping if Saigo asked and always making boats available for transport on the Satsuma heroes' own accords, but Enomoto would not listen. General Matsumae has redeemed himself and his family to the state and had given indication that he was following his own designs, a different set of orders, bearing no objection when twice I publicly and privately announced that the mission would receive 1,000 samurai. Let's consider the options. Deploying 1,000 samurai had the potential of this being the diplomatic mission that General Matsumae astutely wished it would be. Deploying 5,000, against the will of Saigo, which I and the President were both aware of, was an invasion. Saigo had tens of thousands of men, we would have 5,000 at best. I and Enomoto agree on one thing; that this operation would have proceeded differently had his endangering orders been followed. Saigo would not even have considered talking; the first order of business would have been an ambush, and 5,000 would have died, not 1,000. Their souls are an unfortunate loss, suffered from Enomoto's folly, and they fought bravely, but we needed those 4,000 men to defend the mainland. Let's speak plainly, 5,000 samurai was every single samurai who joined the military last season. They would all be dead. Enomoto's accusations that the attack on the Shogun is related to me are shameful. Not only does he have no evidence, I've offered the military's services in an investigation not led by us. I made my resolutions for the season long before any conflict with the Shogun, they couldn't have changed. But don't let this be a declaration of mere complaint, let me point out realities. To avoid conflict within the government, I offered to resign independently, but Enomoto refused out of his mad desire to project his force after a year of criticism. The Republican Party has conferred, and in its majority it recognizes the abandonment our increasingly misjudging president had given it in the elections and the fact that salvation came only from the figures Enomoto now criticizes. The majority of the party has declared it does not support this move, especially not after the victories in Sado and the effective mobilization designs, and Enomoto stands supported only by a slim minority. The structure of this party has changed since the last election. So why does this matter? Because the President cannot replace a magistrate without the approval of a majority of Congress, and the President cannot rule without the support of his own party. Furthermore, staff appointments have been decided by precedent to need approval from the military council in which active officers and generals vote. The President's failure to consult the court, the legislature, or the military is not only unilateral, but stupid. Enomoto cease to pretend you have the guts to fight me. You misjudged the odds in our greatest military victory to warrant seppuku, and you have misjudged your failing strength. Your challenge I accept with all due willing though, but we will not defile the legislature's floors with your blood. We will do battle honorably in the Goryokaku fortress, where without me you would have died many years ago. If it's dying you want, you can do it anytime.s
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:47 |
![]() 340x448 ![]() 224x448 Arai Ikunosuke, Naval Minister, Daimyo Firstly, I must add to the condemnations of the wedding bombing. I am deeply saddened that this event took place and that many Christians died in this event. I hope that tensions between Christiand and non-Christians are able to heal and that this incident does not cause a permanent fissure between the people of the republic. I have immense faith that God will bring the perpetrator of this attack to justice. In regards to legislative matters, I suggest that we use the credits an resources gained from our new friends in Russia to begin construction of railways so that we may further develop our republic. Map of Proposed Railways ![]() 1119x970 The railways plotted above connect all of our main cities in the southwest and continue to the Wakkanai in the north and Nemuro in the east. After these main railways are completed we may construct further expansions and spurs to reach other parts of the island. 3-1 - The Republic of Ezo will construct the Wakkanai and Nemuro railways with a spur connecting the city of Otaru, connecting our developed southwest with our frontier, in order to facilitate economic development. I would also sugges using surplus credits to purchase more frigates from the French government in order to solidify our naval supremacy over the Meiji usurpers. Proposition Joe fucked around with this message at Feb 19, 2014 around 20:02 |
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:51 |
![]() Stalin-Chan fucked around with this message at Feb 19, 2014 around 20:23 |
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:53 |
Stalin-Chan posted:
This is beautiful, canon, and worthy of a free AP.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:56 |
![]() Jules Brunet, Private Military Contractor Monsieur Blakiston, the services of myself and my men are at your disposal until the culprits are brought to justice. No man should have to bury his bride. In other news, the "Buy Brunet a Boat" Campaign is in full swing. Want to advertise a business? Commemorate a loved one? Immortalize the weakness of an enemy? Buy an inscription today! sniper4625 fucked around with this message at Feb 19, 2014 around 20:02 |
# ? Feb 19, 2014 19:59 |
![]() I will not even deign to respond to the ridiculous assertions of Otori as he attempts to preserve his position in the face of our Constitution and law. I will ask the Supreme Court to make an immediate assertion, for the benefit of the Republic. Does the President have the authority, as Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, to fire one of his ministers? If so, Otori Keisuke is fired. Regardless of whether he is fired, I ask you samurai of Ezo, you noble men who have given your lives for this Republic. Who is the Master, the President or the Minister of the Army? If your Lord gives you an order, to bring 5,000 men into the field, does a Samurai take those men and do his best to see his Lord's will to the end, or does he lie, does he cheat and betray his Lord, to hold back from the Lord the truth, and then blame the Lord for the failure to win the field when he himself was the cause of that failure? Stand up for yourself, Otori. For you who have twice dishonored me, playing politics and attempting to build yourself into a power among Congress secretly, and then attempting this coup against the power of the very Republic you claim to serve. I say that you are WITHOUT HONOR. For the man who has no honor, he can win a thousand battles, perhaps yes, he can defeat his rivals, but in his heart, there is nothing but blackness, and when he is gone, none will remember him for the good deeds that he had done. Otori pretends to care for the sanctity of the Republic. He doesn't want to shed blood in Congress. He will stab me in my back, attempt to subvert the very laws of Congress itself, but no, not blood on the floors. My fellow samurai, citizens of Ezo, I do not fear blood! And you who have shed your blood for this Republic, I know you too, do not fear blood. There is no better place for this duel then before Congress, where nothing can be hidden, none of your schemes can be undertaken! Let your supporters and mine stand by and watch as I cut your dog heart from your body or die in the attempt, but regardless... you are NOT a member of this government any longer, and you have NO authority over any member of the army. For honor's sake, I will say this. Any samurai who wishes to follow Otori, resign your commission for the Army, you have that right. But do not throw this nation into civil war following this man who has no honor. Otori, I will see you in Congress, or I will hunt you to the ends of this island, to the ends of the Earth!
# ? Feb 19, 2014 20:23 |
![]() 340x448 ![]() 224x448 Arai Ikunosuke, Naval Minister, Daimyo In regards to the scandal over the Army Minister position, I must protest strongly against the appointment of a member of the Homeland Faction and especially Matsudaira Sadaaki to the head of the army. Matsudaira Sadaaki is a dishonorable individual and quite possibly a murderer involved in the regrettable actions that took place at the wedding of Thomas Blakiston. Sadaaki brings great dishonor on himself and the entire Homeland Faction and the presence of these swine in any military capacities will greatly impact the republic's ability to defend itself. I am sure that the other parties in congress share similar opinions on Matsudaira Sadaaki and if a replacement for the Army Minister must be found then the replacement clearly must be someone who is not about to be investigated for bombing a wedding.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 20:35 |
Matsudaira Sadaaki 松平 定敬 (S) Nominee for Army Minister, Daimyo-in-Exile of Kuwana I humbly accept the President's nomination for Army Minister. Lord Otori, I strongly urge you to back down. The only thing you are going to accomplish here by causing such a big ruckus is embarrassing yourself. Also I must offer my sincere condolences to the Tokugawa family for the tragic demise of miss Tokugawa Masako. While indeed I objected very strongly to her marriage to the gaijin, she absolutely did not deserve to die so young. I promise you that I will cry a thousand tears on the day of her funeral.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 20:37 |
![]() Otori Keisuke, Army Magistrate, Chairman of the Republican Party Put away your empty threats, Enomoto. You've already conceded by both not challenging them and letting us know openly that you set up the mission to Saigo. 1,000 men are dead not because of an honorable command and attempt to support our brethren, but because of a snakelike plot by you to usurp leadership over the rebellion and satisfy your ego. 5,000 would be dead, every samurai who enlisted during the invasion of Sado if I had listened to you; this Republic would not have existed if I had listened to you in June of 1869. Your titles you think give you powers, but you once again prove your ineptness by not reading the laws. The President is never given authority in the United States Constitution or the Ezo Constitution to vacate ministerial positions, this is only implied by his power to replace, but replacement takes a congressional vote. Furthermore, insight is necessary to govern a country, so consider this insight; you cannot fire someone without a replacement. If you are commander in chief, tell me, which battles did you command? When have you done more than hid in your office while brave men died in your name on the front? The President cannot function in his executive capacity until he regains his mental faculties. Until then, it is up to the rest of us to keep this madman in check. I will check him with my blade, but let us not despoil the laws while we await him in his own castle, which he cowardly refuses to fight in. Only destiny can determine death, and I saved this man from his destiny out of a desire to give him a second chance. Destiny wants its deserts, and it will receive them. Enough with the excuses, be a man. We will have a vote, inside our council and in this congress. Until you file a court case otherwise, ruling will come only through pragmatism and reality, not your titles. You cannot destroy the unity of this government and country in a time of crisis without approval, and certainly cannot do so without your own party.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 20:44 |
![]() 340x448 ![]() 224x448 Arai Ikunosuke, Naval Minister, Daimyo I would also at this time like to point out that the attempted assassination of Saigo Takamori was indeed the idea of President Enomoto Takeaki. He asked that I task NINJA with the assassination but I thought against it and spent my efforts on defending the island from possible Meiji attacks. I hope that the current political mudslinging calms down now and that we may resume out attempts at economic development and defense from Meiji.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 21:01 |
![]() Jules Brunet, Private Military Contractor Are you lot Samurai, or are you squabbling children. Do you honestly think this is the right time to make political power-plays, even as the Meiji Emperor turns his gaze north? President Enamoto is the lawfully and recently elected President, and is thus the political power. That the military would consider making a bid for supremacy reminds me more of a Latin American hellhole than a proud and honorable republic. Shame!
# ? Feb 19, 2014 21:22 |
Litos posted:
![]() Your inability to understand the government that we have established and how it functions does not mean that you get to force the government to work as YOU desire. The lines are being drawn for what is essentially a coup, by what looks to be the Army and Navy Ministers. While I have worked to see Christianity accepted by this government, in their desire for further power and protection, who knows what promises were made between Otori and the Christian faction. I am thus forced to make the following statement with a heavy heart, that Naval Minister Arai Ikunosuke is removed from his position as well. Questioning my mental competency is laughable. I denounce every one of the claims made against me. I am the Father of the Republic. I will lay the case out for you more clearly. Last season, while I was planning the invasion of Sado and assisting in the running of the affairs of the Republic, Otori was attempting to form factions within my party, rather than face me honorably for the leadership. He claimed it was a mistake, and I foolishly believed him and let the matter stand. This year, his betrayal has become all the more unbelievable. Disobeying a direct order. Attempting to promote himself as the 'Chairman' of the Republican Party. Proclaiming that the President does NOT have the authority to fire his Ministers at will, because he does not have a replacement for those ministers, despite Congress not even having had a vote? Promoting some 'Council of Generals' as having the TRUE authority to decide who leads the army? What is this council of which he speaks, what constitutional authority grants it that power? What exactly is Otori doing in the military? While I was building a school and a new Supreme Court, he was using his time to scheme to take control of the Republican Party and engaging in vote-trading and presenting fiefs to samurai in exchange for their pledges of PERSONAL loyalty to him, NOT to the Republic of Ezo. I ask you, are these the actions of an honorable man who will protect this nation? Once again, I denounce this madness. I have been and shall continue to fight for CONSTITUTIONAL justice here. I hereby nominate Katsu Kaishū for the position of Naval Minister, and hope that his experience as an Admiral will be sufficient to see him successfully through the confirmation process. Regarding the attack on the Shogun's wedding, I hereby appoint the Takenaka Shigetaka, High Justice of the Supreme Court, with delivering to me a person suitable to take the position of 'Special Prosecutor'. Considering the nature of this crime, and the possibility that it extends through the highest levels of government, the necessity for independence is critical. The Shogun and Mr. Blakiston will have an official advisory capacity when it comes to choosing the special prosecutor, so that their views are definitely taken into account. We are approaching what is clearly a constitutional crisis. The military is attempting to destroy the government, what they will erect in its place, I can not say. I ask all friends of the Republic to make their stance clear immediately.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 21:40 |
![]() 340x448 ![]() 224x448 Arai Ikunosuke, Naval Minister, Daimyo Excuse me President Takeaki, but you have no proper grounds for removing me as Naval Minister. I have done nothing in my position but adeptly and competently defended the republic. Removing me from my office puts us all at serious risk of being immediately conquered by Meiji. Furthermore, it is highly doubtful that the navy or the military at large will go along with this change in leadership. You may have had an argument about removing Otori Keisuke from his office but I have broke no laws and have not disobeyed any orders. You are attempting to remove me from office simply because I pointed out that you had lied about a single event. You are an imbecile and should kill yourself so that this republic may survive.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 21:46 |
Katsu Kaishū (勝 海舟)![]() Bill 3-2: The Establishment of an Investigatory Committee In light of the grave murder of the Shogun's sister, and the events in Satsuma, the Congress of Ezo finds it necessary to form an Investigatory Committee which shall be vested with the full authority of this Congress in the investigation and prosecution of any and all acts of a criminal and dishonorable nature. Members of this committee are to be: Katsu Kaishū (Chair) Matsudaira Naritami (Represented by CXC, who I feel it would be inappropriate ICly to propose) Kasuga Saemon Nagai Naoyuki Any prosecution to come from recommendation by this Committee will be tried in a court presided over by Judges appointed directly by the Supreme Court. A RICH WHITE MAN fucked around with this message at Feb 19, 2014 around 21:51 |
# ? Feb 19, 2014 21:49 |
Tokugawa Kamenosuke, shogun, hero of the battle of Sado, shinto devoutee, brother to a murdered sister. It appalls me that cowards would turn my family tragedy into an excuse to bring to light political machinations. Approach me all of you with your staged investigations betraying dark political schemes and call it justice?! I call it a dishonor to samurai and every man in Ezo. If you were so far enraged by the wedding of my sister why did you not meet me on the field like a man? Why did you not meet me face to face? You skulked in the shadows liked a damned rat, then using dishonorable tactics, killed a woman on her wedding day, and slew British nationals over your political greed. Ezo does not have a government so much of a nest of silver tongued vipers, and I spit on your contrived investigations, and politically charged suspects. (OOC this isn't yelling at the proposal directly above me, im just too lazy to edit the rant atm.) cxcxxxxx fucked around with this message at Feb 19, 2014 around 21:56 |
# ? Feb 19, 2014 21:51 |
Tokugawa Kamenosuke, shogun, hero of the battle of Sado, shinto devoutee, brother to a murdered sister. It is also worthwhile to note that I am stripping the disgraced army minister from his status of Samurai, as well as daimyo. His act of bartering away my lands to facilitate his own personal forces, is utterly dishonorable. So well Mr. chairman, you served your party strangely. cxcxxxxx fucked around with this message at Feb 19, 2014 around 23:17 |
# ? Feb 19, 2014 22:11 |
Kasuga Saemon (S)![]() Letter to the President posted:Honorable Sir, Letter to Concerned Citizens posted:Brothers, there is turmoil in our land: that, all men can see. Storms of civil discord rage, and threats of violence and destruction lurk on the horizon. I put my ear to the ground, and I hear the trembling fury of an earthquake brewing in the depths of the earth. What are we to do? Letter to Supreme Court Chief Justice Takenaka Shigetaka posted:Teach me the law, your Honor, for I have no learning in this field.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 22:24 |
A RICH WHITE MAN posted:Katsu Kaishū (勝 海舟) ![]() This proposal seems fair and reasonable. I would be willing to lend my support to Bill 3-2.
# ? Feb 19, 2014 22:43 |
Joining as Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President (Republican)![]()
# ? Feb 19, 2014 23:40 |
The Constitution of the Republic of Ezo (OOC: I'm pasting the entire constitution and striking out anything I think our Republic would not have had, so everyone can see. I am not adding anything though I am changing United States to Republic of Ezo and giving the powers of the Senate to the Congress. This is not meant to be definitive, maybe people will disagree, but at least it gives us a basic document to discuss. I am all for letting QuoProQuid have the final say, along with the GMs. I might add notes in italics for how I think something should be changed...) quote:We the People of the Republic of Ezo, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Republic of Ezo. Fall Sick and Die fucked around with this message at Feb 20, 2014 around 00:38 |
# ? Feb 20, 2014 00:15 |
Tokugawa Kamenosuke, shogun, hero of the battle of Sado, shinto devoutee, brother to a murdered sister. I will never support a system in which non samurai may hold positions in our fine senate.
# ? Feb 20, 2014 00:18 |
![]() Esahi, a fishery town on the western coast, has long provided the fertilizer for up to one quarter of Japan, thanks to the nearby herring fisheries. It is this government's intention to support the industry and promote vigorous trade, since this market is cut off due to conflict with the Meiji, let us instead seek markets in Korea and China. I leave it up to the Finance Minister to work this item into the budget. Bill 3-3, The Esahi Fertilizer Promotion Bill Funds from the government will go towards the promotion of developing the fishing industry in Esahi. These fish will be 'canned', according to methods promoted by Horace Capron, and sold to other nations to be eaten. The waste material will be turned into fertilizers, also to be sold. To this end, a fertilizer factory set up along modern lines will be developed in Esahi, with government support and loans, to develop an industry and trade selling this fertilizer to nearby nations, as well as to improve the fertilization of our own fields and farms.
# ? Feb 20, 2014 01:09 |
![]() Takenaka Shigekata Chief Justice of the Ezo Supreme Court Fall Sick and Die posted:
Litos posted:
The Supreme Court will hear Keisuke v. Takeaki. Please have patience while we review the facts of the case and draft a ruling.
# ? Feb 20, 2014 04:01 |
Fall Sick and Die posted:
![]() Otori Keisuke, Army Magistrate, Chairman of the Republican Party There are no grounds for sacking the Naval Minister other than his protest at the nomination of a suspect of justice until the investigation concludes and proves his non-involvement. Sacking the entire military cabinet in in a time of war and terror is not only paranoid but an abuse of power and obstruction of justice. You were the father of the Republic but your recent actions are insane. Let me remind you that you did not only plan the invasion of Sado, you planned it in public, and hundreds of men died because Meiji knew exactly where we were attacking. It was not you who did more than propose the invasion; honorable generals planned and fought on the front, and these men you have to thank for victory. You deny your claims, but Saigo knows and you yourself conceded you wanted to kill him. You are responsible for the murder of 1,000 men out of a harebrained political scheme, and that would have been 5,000. Noone is at fault but you for your loss of support. You abandoned the party in the elections while you were busy conspiring against Saigo. Now you accuse them of treachery; this is not the way to win our support again. Was it you who was building the school, or your money? Charitable that is indeed, but no certification for your merit as a man. And as you should well know, you accepted pledges as well, but only because fief granting traditionally entails them. I have not gained anything from receiving pledges, I have quartered my lands and granted them as legitimate reward. It's good to see however that we have compelled you to subordinate yourself to Congress. No longer does the President claim to be above the rulings of his representatives. This is nothing short of a concession that Presidents have no power of to vacate ministries alone. You have just conceded: I am not fired. I thank you for showing us our constitution and reminding us of its contents, and nowhere in it does it give the President the power to vacate, only the power to propose changes with Congress's support. Don't play victim, I offered to resign to preserve unity, but you needed a power trip after feeling offended by the challenges delegates had levied to your authority last season. You are not defending constitution because the whole purpose of constitution is to limit the executive; it has taken this whole argument just to get you to concede that the legislature matters for more than bills. I thank the Supreme Court Justice for his offer but there is another case to attend to as well, if he is willing to hear it. I file Otori v. Tokugawa, declaring that the Shogun is found nowhere in the Constitution and he has no power over daimyo. The Shogun is given the power to elevate by past law, but past law can be overturned, and it does not give him the power to take away estates. The Shogunate Court is compromised of the Shogun and the Daimyo, not the Shogun alone, so even if it were a constitutional body, the 14 year old Shogun has no rights to make decisions in it. This is by no means an affront to the Shogun or his honorable regent who I understand is judiciously shielding and guiding him in this time of adolescence and crisis, as we can follow by an official addition of the Shogun to the constitution, but through legitimate legislative amendment. Litos fucked around with this message at Feb 20, 2014 around 05:41 |
# ? Feb 20, 2014 05:34 |
![]() Enomoto Takeaki sighed as he drew his katana... "Your understanding of the constitution is... unfortunate." He gestured towards the Congress Hall, "Your last chance to leave this world with a shred of honor, meet me as a man. Your position is lost, but do not lose the sight of the man you were, or at least the man you could have been, a man of honor. A duel to the death, the challenge has been proffered." OOC: I'm headed to sleep and I won't be around for about 24 hours, got a busy day at work tomorrow, so please don't think I am ignoring anything. I'll catch up with what I'm sure is a lot when I return.
# ? Feb 20, 2014 07:04 |
Ataman Hijikata Toshizō, The Demon of the Shinsengumi![]() Guess I got my work cut out for me. This is going to be a long night. Before I begin, I like to propose that one to two credits be allocated for the Shinsengumi so that our training facilities and men we recruit will be able to handle any and all problems that will arise and then be able to work toward making our police the pride of the nation. quote:Letter to Tokugawa Kamenosuke quote:Letter to Kasuga Saemon quote:Letter to Tsukinoeaino
# ? Feb 20, 2014 07:23 |
Tokugawa Kamenosuke, shogun, hero of the battle of Sado, shinto devoutee, brother to a murdered sister. In response to the deposed army magistrate and former samurai, by act of congress it is vested within me to remove the status of samurai, and daimyo as well. Found guilty of gross dishonor you may no longer hold a position in this congress or vote, as you are no samurai only a peasant. This is not up for debate as it is clearly written, and fairly evident. Daimyo=Samurai Litos = dirt class serf dirt class serf= not Samurai not samurai = not daimyo therefore litos = not daimyo cxcxxxxx fucked around with this message at Feb 20, 2014 around 08:36 |
# ? Feb 20, 2014 08:33 |
Thomas Crusoe, Owner and Proprietor of the Round Eye Saloon![]() Circling the Wagons About a month or so ago, in fact a few days before the bombing of Thomas Blakiston's wedding and murder of Tokugawa's sister, the Round Eye Saloon suffered an unfortunate incident. Around 11 PM, one of Nagai Naoyuki's subordinates and a few of his lackeys stumbled into the saloon in a less than clear state of mind. Despite disturbing and threatening some of our wealthy foreign patrons through their sake-saturated breath, we let them stay because their money spent and their threats seemed idle. As the evening proceeded, the Nagai subordinate and his friends decided they'd try their hands at poker. With three hours of cold hands and diminishing pockets, Nagai's subordinate accused my dealer of cheating him. After a few choice words, Nagai's subordinate decided to flip the table in frustration, and he and his lackeys pulled out their knives threatening seemingly everyone. A brief scuffle ensued, where my security was able to subdue these insufferable drunkards and escort them out of the establishment. Unfortunately, as he was gently being escorted out, the subordinate tripped over a bar stool, hit the floor, and cracked all his ribs, broke both his arms and busted up his nose. On the outside, the subordinate promised to "blow up" the Round Eye Saloon if it was the last thing he did in this life. With this incident along with the Blakiston bombing, I have decided it is in my best interests to beef up security and also enforce pat downs of all patrons entering my joint. And let me be blunt, anyone who dares to actively threaten me or my business will be dealt with extreme prejudice and under my justice.
# ? Feb 20, 2014 08:34 |
Thomas Crusoe, Owner and Proprietor of the Round Eye Saloon![]() Place your Bets! If Army Minister Otori Keisuke accepts President Enomoto Takeaki's challenge, Thomas Crusoe will be taking bets as who will emerge victorious. As a preliminary wager, place a bet on whether Otori will have the stones to accept the challenge! Odds are 60:40 in favor of Otori's cowardice. (Note: Enomoto and Otori can not place wagers) Edit: Challenge seemingly accepted. 7:3 in favor of Minister Otori. mynamewas fucked around with this message at Feb 20, 2014 around 10:42 |
# ? Feb 20, 2014 09:05 |
Matsumae Takahiro![]() Letter to the Congress Honorable samurai of Ezo Republic, I'm writing this letter with permission of my captor, Takamori Saigo-san. I, Matsumae Takahiro, have been betrayed. The plan I was informed about by the president would be me holding Satsuma along with Takamori Saigo-san. The Ezo Navy, as I were told, was going to block the passage of the Emperor's Meiji forces. What should have happened next were the republican forces decisively attacking the imperial weak points, forcing them to capitulate. What I didn't expect, was an assassin trying to kill the leader of the rebellion. I don't know who gave the orders to send a hired killer. No one who was involved in this operation should have done it. This doesn't make sense. If we succeeded, Ezo would be safe from Meiji retribution for years. Trying to murder the man who almost became our ally was not only dishonorable, but also incredibly stupid. I swear to the kami that I will spend the rest of my life to avenge this betrayal. If I die, either executed by Takamori forces, or the Emperor's, I expect my heir to pursue this matter in my place. Yours, Matsumae Takahiro
# ? Feb 20, 2014 10:11 |
![]() Otori Keisuke, Army Magistrate, Chairman of the Republican Party Crazy president, betrayer of Matsumae and a thousand men, harbinger of division, if you insist that Congress must be tainted with the vileness of your blood for generations after our battle, then we will duel on this floor the day of our seasonal recess, open for the viewing of Congress when all their business has cleared. To Lord Matsumae, I offer my condolences to you for the betrayal of you and your men by our President. He has conceded to the attempted assassination of Saigo, an effort to take control of the rebellion, and a foolhearty attempt to kidnap the Emperor, and I thnak you for your confirmation that your only intent was to assist the rebellion and not to aid his designs. Condolences alone will not free you, and if I survive this duel I pledge my life to freeing you and hope Enomoto will do the same should he emerge by some error in fate's judgement the victor. Until then we officially advance the following items to the seasonal docket for a vote so that we can confirm truly what political will supports: Replacement of Otori Keisuke Replacement of Arai Ikunosuke Impeachment Enomoto Takeaki If it's dying you want, you can do it anytime.
# ? Feb 20, 2014 10:30 |
The president, buoyed only by a slim majority, seeks to tighten his grip over congress by sacking a man who defied foolish orders from a man content to sit in the Ezo homeland whilst true warriors fight on the battlefields of Sado. Is this really the character of a samurai? He seeks instead to consolidate his own power by murdering the emperor, instead killing the emperor's sister and using this as an opportunity to displace his political rivals. The president ignores our constitution by forcibly firing a man who has done nothing wrong, therefore I am forced to put it to the floor myself. Special Bill 1 posted:-Otori Keisuke is to lose his position as Army Magistrate on the grounds of disloyalty. Special Bill 2 posted:- Arai Ikunosuke is to lose his position as Naval Magistate on the grounds of disloyalty. I would also like to propose that the investigation into the wedding incident fully investigates the claims made by the army and naval ministers implicating the president in the murder of the shogun's sister. My sworn brother is a man of honour and would never target the shogun's family, even as they engage in an abandonment of Ezo tradition. The president has proven himself time and time again to be a weak man of compromise and deceit, maybe he targeted the wedding as a compromise to some internal or foreign power. It is to this end that I propose an amendment to bill 3.2 Bill 3.2.2 posted:Bill 3-2: The Establishment of an Investigatory Committee Surely no sane man can oppose this amendment. I would also like to recommend that a replacement chair is found, as the current chair stands to gain if the investigation into the president is not conducted fairly. I propose that the chief justice either chair the investigation or finds a chair with no conflict of interests E: It already exists. Namtab fucked around with this message at Feb 20, 2014 around 11:00 |
# ? Feb 20, 2014 10:47 |
Katsu Kaishū (勝 海舟)![]() Namtab posted:Surely no sane man can oppose this amendment. I would also like to recommend that a replacement chair is found, as the current chair stands to gain if the investigation into the president is not conducted fairly. I propose that the chief justice either chair the investigation or finds a chair with no conflict of interests I can oppose it, and I will. It is inappropriate for a Supreme Court Justice to act in the capacity of a prosecutor and investigator; as it is, the Court will have oversight on any finding by this Committee by virtue of appointing the judges that shall preside over any case resulting from our findings. Further, I find your veiled assault on my honor to be distasteful; what do I, Katsu Kaishū, have to "gain"? Where is the conflict of interests? I demand that you elaborate on your vile accusations if you are to make them. It is, further, interesting for me to see a man so known for his hatred of the Gaijin, so known for his friendship with Matsudaira Sadaaki, speak up in the interests of "fairness" in this investigation. A RICH WHITE MAN fucked around with this message at Feb 20, 2014 around 11:52 |
# ? Feb 20, 2014 11:46 |
Perhaps a lawyer, or a specialist in criminal science should head the commission? Rather than a body created for potential political gain, I encourage th creation of a truly non-partisan, unbiased investigatory body. This is of course no slight against Katsu-san, a man of famed and prodigal mercantile talents.
# ? Feb 20, 2014 11:52 |