World of 2100
Maps of 2100
Future Article
Enigma Home Page
Updated 12/14/98
December 10, 2061 - 2062
World Collapse - the First Year
On December 9, 2061, unknown terrorists release a genetically-modified version of the oil-eating bacteria in cities throughout the world. The bacteria uses humans as a vector and rapidly breaks down most petroleum-based polymers.
Most of the world's computer and communication systems, built almost completely of petroleum polymers, are destroyed within days. In addition, petroleum polymers are also included in key parts of most other machinery, and most of the world's industrial, agricultural, transportation, and household machines cease to function.
Orbital and land-based hair-trigger weapons fire automatically when communications fail and their programming assumes that bases have been destroyed by a preemptive strike. The major military and industrial centers of the two warring powers are destroyed by nuclear missiles and orbital lasers. Two billion Asians and Americans die in the initial exchange of nuclear weapons and laser fire. The orbital lasers, drawing power from solar panels, continue to fire at the burning rubble until they break down or are turned off. The last laser is turned off by Swiss astronauts in 2066 after it has been firing on Seattle for over five years.
Total worldwide economic collapse. Millions die of starvation due to insufficient agricultural production and an inability to distribute what little is harvested. Pestilence and disease sweep the world, killing many others. Millions drown or are left homeless when polymer seals disintegrate in the waterlocks of both aquacities and the dikes protecting most coastal cities, allowing the seas to flood in. Still more are killed by violence as all vestiges of social order disintegrate in most areas of the world. All together, an estimated two billion people die in 2062.
ABM systems over Japan actually protect the country from most of the incoming missiles, while only Tokyo and Osaka are badly damaged by orbital lasers. Immediate incineration of all machinery displaying symptoms of bacterial infection serves to stop the spread of the polymer bacteria. The government imposes a total quarantine of Honshu and shoots any ships which approach. This condition lasts for nearly four months until food riots topple the Japanese government. The military turns on the people and in the confusion a refugee ship is able to land. The polymer bacteria spreads throughout Japan.
In the confusion, Fijian rebels take control of their nation and are able to successfully quarantine the islands and aquacities from all outside contact, protecting themselves from the polymer bacteria.
The Soviet and Swiss computers and industries, based on metals and non-petroleum polymers, are spared from the polymer bacteria. Damage is also mitigated in neighboring nations in Europe, the Middle East, central Asia, and North Africa who have been buying some of their machinery from the Soviets and Swiss in the past years.
Civilization essentially collapses in all areas of the world except Europe, Fiji, and a few spots in the Middle East, central Asia and North Africa.
Continue to 2063-2100