Inspector Detector
Dec 12, 2008

Nobody likes you, so kindly fuck the hell off.
Manuel Azaña
Prime Minister and Minister of War
Republican Action

Lerroux Budget
The Labour Inspection Act
The Minor Devolution Act

I vote in favor

Military Reform Act

I vote against.

Furthermore, as Minister of War I appoint General Francisco Franco as the Head of the Spanish Army.

Jun 1, 2011

Those sure are words on pages which are given in a sequential order!
Francisco Largo Caballero
Minister Of Labour
Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party
General Union of Workers

Lerroux Budget
The Labour Inspection Act
The Minor Devolution Act

I vote in favour

Although I enjoyed Melquíades debt fighting budget, Lerroux's budget of investment is preferable for now, especially while our Aeronautics Industry is setting up.

Military Reform Act

I vote against.

For now with the army so small, such reform is unnecessary. Until we have a long-term strategy for the improvement and modernisation of the armed forces, additional reform is not needed.

Aug 23, 2005

Marcelino Domingo
Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Trade
Radical Socialist Republican Party

Lerroux Budget
The Labour Inspection Act
The Minor Devolution Act

I vote in favor

Military Reform Act

I vote against.

Dec 8, 2009

Grey Hunter's next target.

Manuel Rodriguez

The Democratic Federal Republican Party stands for real action to progress society. It is time to put an end to the aristocracy of the clergy, sapping from the public coffers without contributing so much as a peso to their maintenance. The centralization of government acts in a similarly parasitic way - draining from the regions the fruits of their labor. The base capitulation of this government to the forces of reaction is disgusting as it is futile - the reactionaries will never accept a government outside the grasp of a dictator or king. The PDR-Fed stands strong against reactionaries and for the rights of workers and regions. Victory to the Republic!

Minor Devolution Act
The Labour Inspection Act

In favor

Military Reform Act


In addition, the PDR-Fed proposes the Parity Act which mandates that all tax exemptions for religious institutions be abolished and all such institutions be taxed as per a corporate entity of equivalent size.

Ramba Ral
Feb 18, 2009

"The basis of the Juche Idea is that man is the master of all things and the decisive factor in everything."
- Kim Il-Sung

Manuel Fal Conde
“Comunión Tradicionalista”

I shall announce that the position of the Church must be completely defended against the tyranny of liberalism! I shall not rest until the four tenants of Carlism are upheld and protected: God, Country, King, and Common Law!

For generations, the people of the Spain had been under the anguishing yoke of the Isabellan line. We must restore the traditional Spanish society that God had approved of originally! The path that those on the Left have taken shall only lead toward death!

So, dear Parliament, I shall not vote for any of these bills for they are against the traditions that our fathers fought for in Spain. I demand that we focus more on local militias. We must focus on giving more power to groups like the Requetes who fight to defend the Spanish tradition.

Proposition Joe
Oct 8, 2010

He was a good man
I am going to jump in and claim Lluís Companys, leader of the Republican Left of Catalonia.

No PMs, email:

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

LATE 1933


Lerroux Budget Wide support from the cabinet as well as the moderate left and centrist wings of the Cortes are able to push through this budget.

Labor Inspection Act Passes, and businesses begin to be inspected by government officials. Business owners complain about the intrusion, but labor conditions do see an improvement.

Minor Devolution Act Passes, and tensions in Catalonia die down immediately. Many government powers are granted to the Generalitat. In Navarre, the native Basques begin to demand similar treatment.

Military Reform Act Opposed by most of the cabinet, this act fails.

Parity Act This act is regarded as unnecessary. Not only are churches taxed but they are required to pay the government rent as per the Spanish constitution.


Assassination Attempt! Emilio Mola, Chief of Police, prepared to board an airplane late in March. Upon getting nearer the plane exploded, scattering debris everywhere. Mola has been hospitalized but is expected to recover. The culprit is unknown.

Political Violence! In Barcelona, a CNT-aligned militia and the "Blueshirts", loyal members of the National-Syndicalist Offensive come to blows. Fighting breaks out in the streets and four people are killed.

Francisco Largo Caballero and the UGT begin a huge push for membership in the PSOE. He is able to co-opt many of the regionalist parties by taking claim for devolution and promising more in exchange for PSOE support. He also produces documentation showing the good effects that his labor acts have done for the country, including the unemployment decrease.

The Ministry of the Interior demands that the FIE be dissolved into the regular police, separating detectives and eliminating the organization. Internal Affairs is created and headed by a well-known and respected political centrist. While Chief Mola may have opposed these changes, his current state prevents him from doing anything to stop them.

The Spanish Air Force purchases upgraded equipment and gear from Aereas Espanolas, and receives a few visits from Soviet pilots to exchange strategies and information.

The Spanish Navy similarly receives visits from Soviet sailors, discussing doctrine and fleet compositions.

Alvaro de Albornoz joins Lerroux's Partido Republicano Radical. He carries a list of corruption charges and crosses the country claiming that the current Prime Minister and government are selling the country to the Soviets as well as undermining the police. People unhappy with the current government begin to turn to the Partido Republicano Radical.

Fernando de los Rios, Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works purchases closed parochial schools to transform them into public ones. This spreads government schools throughout the rural areas. He also standardizes the curriculum even more and establishes textbook standards.

Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada attacks the government for their anti-culture stance, claiming the historical values of beauty and aestheticism are being wiped out by the new budget. Pablo Picasso, currently living in Paris, writes a short article in support of Gónzalez-Posada.

El Republicano publishes a number of articles claiming the the moderate path Spain currently follows is thanks to Alejandro Lerroux and his party.

American Metals, a mining company, claims that their lead mines were seized by the nationalization act. While the mines had been abandoned for over five years, American Metals is demanding compensation.

National Action continues to advertise how great Spain could be, if only they would let the right leadership govern.

Manuel Azana campaigns for Republican Action. Many people begin to wonder why so much of the government spends a large amount of their time campaigning.

Violence against the wealthy in Catalonia continues, and the police and Civil Guard seem unable to make much of a difference in the area. They often do not intervene when necessary, according to some observers.

Comunión Tradicionalista campaigns in the areas of Navarre, spreading their Carlist message.

Trade missions are sent to the US, but investors in the country seem reluctant to trade considering the recent nationalization scandal with American Metals.

Production of airplanes increases.


Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazis, is appointed Chancellor of Germany. A month later the Reichstag is set on fire by a communist. In response Hitler removes or restricts many civil liberties previously enjoyed by the German people. Shortly thereafter the Nazis win the parliamentary elections and pass a bill granting Hitler and his cabinet wide authority to create and enforce laws, without the Reichstag's approval. Eventually all non-Nazi parties are outlawed.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt is sworn in as President of the United States. He begins to enact what he calls "The New Deal."



Country: República Española (Spanish Republic), formed in April 1931 from the former Kingdom of Spain.
Foreign Relations: Good relations with the United Kingdom, France, and Soviet Union. Poor relations with Portugal.
Population: 26 million
Year: Late 1933


Popularity: 62%
System: Presidential Republic
President: Niceto Alcalá-Zamora/vacant
Parliament: 470 members
Elections: Held every 4 years for Parliament or called by the President in between, last held in Late 1931. Presidential election is held every 6 years, last held in Late 1931.
Voting System: Men and women over 23.

Council of Ministers
System: President appoints the Prime Minister from the ruling coalition. President can remove the Prime Minister and dissolve the government, calling for new elections twice during his term. The Prime Minister proposes other Cabinet positions, which the President approves or rejects. Ministers may be removed with a vote from Parliament. Ministers are responsible for the strength and effectiveness of government policy in their field. Parliament determines the budget as well as passes new legislation, which the President can veto. The Parliament can overturn a veto with a two-thirds vote. The Parliament can impeach the President with a three-fourths vote.
Prime Minister and Minister of War: Manuel Azaña/Inspector Detector
Minister of State: Luis Zulueta/vacant
Minister of Justice: Alejandro Lerroux/Takanago
Minister of Finance: Jaime Carner Romeu/vacant
Minister of the Interior: Santiago Casares Quiroga/gowb
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works: Fernando de los Ríos/Turkeybro
Minister of Public Works: Indalecio Prieto/HotDogDay82
Minister of Labor: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Minister of Agriculture, Trade, and Industry: Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán/Canasta_Nasty


Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party “Partido Socialista Obrero Español” (Marxist Left, 115 seats, 25% popularity, led by Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs)
Radical Socialist Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical Socialista” (Republican Left, 59 seats, 19% popularity, led by Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán/Canasta_Nasty)
Republican Left of Catalonia “Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya” (Regionalist Left, 29 seats, 6% popularity, led by Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe)
Republican Action “Acción Republicana” (Republican Left, 26 seats, 8% popularity, led by Manuel Azaña/Inspector Detector)
Federation of Galician Republicans “Federación Repubicana Gallega” (Regionalist Left, 14 seats, 1% popularity, led by Santiago Casares Quiroga/gowb)
Democratic Federal Republican Party "Partido Republicano Democrático Federal" (Republican Left, 16 seats, 3% popularity, led by Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue 0071)

Radical Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical” (Republican Center, 90 seats, 23% popularity, led by Alejandro Lerroux/Takanago)
Basque Nationalists “Partido Nacionalista Vasco” (Regionalist Center, 7 seats, 1% popularity, led by José Antonio Aguirre/kentuckyfriedfish)
Liberal Democrat Republican Party "Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata" (Republican Center, 4 seats, 1% popularity, led by Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada/Riso)

National Action “Acción Nacional” (Accidentalist Right, 5 seats, 8% popularity, led by José María Gil-Robles/Incy)
Traditional Communition "Comunión Tradicionalista" (Monarchist Right, 4 seats, 2% popularity, led by Manuel Fal Conde/Ramba Ral)


National Confederation of Labor “Confederación Nacional del Trabajo”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Joaquín Ascaso/Noreaus
Ideology: Anarchism
Influence: 775,000 members primarily in Catalonia, though some in Castile y Leon and Andalusia.
Forces: 1,000 armed members of workers' militias, entirely based in Catalonia

Iberian Anarchist Federation “Federación Anarquista Ibérica”
Type: Political organization within CNT
Leader: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN
Ideology: Radical Anarchism
Influence: Secret membership, believed to be about 10% of the CNT

General Union of Workers “Unión General de Trabajadores”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: 1,010,000 members throughout the country.

The Socialist "El Socialista
Type: Newspaper
Leader: Toribio Echevarría/DivineCoffeeBinge
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: Heavy readership in Catalonia and Andalusia, Moderate in Castile y Leon and Navarre

Unions of the National-Syndicalist Offensive "Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista"
Type: Coalition of unions
Leader: Onésimo Redondo Ortega/vacant
Ideology: National-Syndicalism
Influence: Minor in Madrid and Castile y Leon
Forces: 2,500 "blue shirts"

Other Individuals

Alvaro de Albornoz/SlothBear
Type: Legislator
Party: Radical Republican Party

Military and Police

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 105,000 soldiers and 16 tanks in Spain; 7,000 soldiers and 15,000 regulars in Spanish Morocco
Situation: Morale is low, the army’s loyalty is known to be strongly royalist. Troops in Spanish Morocco are composed of battle-hardened veterans. Officers are numerous, and the most firmly opposed to the government.
Commanders: General Francisco France/Epicurius

Spanish Republican Air Force
Forces: 50 light bombers, 10 fighters
Situation: Planes and equipment are somewhat outdated. Loyalty to the new government is uncertain.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano/Fall Sick and Die

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 9 destroyers, 12 submarines, 44 smaller craft
Situation: Officers are royalist but sailors are generally supportive of the government.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios/Gorgo Primus

Spanish Police
Forces: 45,000 officers
Situation: Fairly conservative and royalist. Disorganized this turn due to attempted assassination of police chief as well as folding FIE into regular police.
Commanders: Emilio Mola/Diplomaticus

Civil Guard
Forces: 21,500 officers
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest. They are extremely conservative and royalist.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo/Colonel Wood


Media: Uncensored, a huge variety of newpapers with opinions ranging from fascist to socialist, royalist to republican, and everything in between.
Education: 65% literacy, moderate portion of children do not have access to schooling. Government-run, secular schools are in existence and share a standardized curriculum. Catholic schools are rare, though they do continue to exist in rural areas.
Electricity: Common in urban areas, controlled largely by foreign companies. Rural areas rarely have access to electricity.
Water: Most of the country has access to clean water though rural areas often rely on wells.
Healthcare: Hospitals only in the cities, healthcare access is limited especially amongst the poor. Orphanages have reduced childhood homelessness and starvation, though conditions leave something to be desired.
Transport: Railroads link the major cities, dirt roads still prevalent in rural areas. Roads are being built by the government.
Labor: Labor unions are legal and a large majority of workers belong to them. The eight-hour day is guaranteed by law. Unemployment is around 16% and show signs of improving. Businesses are regularly investigated by the government.
Land: Much of the land surrounding towns has been redistributed to the peasantry, though in some areas they currently see much of their profit going to paying off debt.
Food: Food can be hard to come by for the poor, and food prices fluctuate wildly if the country undergoes instability.
Crime: Rural areas are generally well-protected and patrolled. Cities still have a considerable degree of political violence, but corruption has decreased. Violence in Catalonia is high right now.
Trade: Exports are beef and agricultural products, as well as some very minor light industry. Minor trade with the Soviet Union.
Religion: Almost everyone is at least nominally Catholic, though there are a few Protestant churches. A greater number of people are identifying as non-religious due to disillusionment with the Catholic Church.
Languages: Castillian is the official language. However, regions are given a great deal of autonomy and thus Catalan is spoken in Catalonia, Basque in Navarre, and so forth.
Consumer Goods: Increasing in the major cities, though still difficult to find elsewhere.
Immigration: Very small, generally from Latin America.
Civil Rights: Plentiful, the people are guaranteed freedom of speech, the press, assembly, religion, and the right to petition the government. Government records are available to the public.
Judiciary: Uncorrupted currently, loyal to the Republican government.

Government Budget
26% tax on high income (26)
15% tax on middle income (9)
10% tax on low income (2)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (0)

Light Industry: 2/3
Heavy Industry: 2/2
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 3/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/1
Police: 4/5
Army: 5/6
Navy: 1/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 1
Credit Income: 38
Debt Credits: 9.5 (5% interest)

I automatically used your free credit this turn to pay down the debt and will continue to do so until you assign it elsewhere.

Also Saurus you should totally join I looked for you in IRC but couldn't find you!

Apr 14, 2005

Santiago Casares Quiroga
Minster of the Interior

The greatest concern is expressed for the recovery of El Director, a beloved figure in the police and in all of Spain. This is a grievous breach of our national security, and I take full responsibility. The terrorists who have committed this crime will be found and brought to justice - I will be devoting the full resources of the Spanish police and the Civil Guard to investigating this crime! Those who take aim at police will receive no mercy.

Again, with the success of the Devolution Bill, I ask that the same be considered for Galicia. It is a beautiful land with a rich heritage, and while it is an integral part of Spain, it is distinctly different, with its own culture and language. In this interest, I am proposing the Minor Galician Devolution Bill, with the same contents as the bill for Catalan, only applied to Galicia.

I would also suggest that more funding be given to the police, given the current violence in Catalan, and to allow them to insure that such attempts as the one against Director Mola may not happen again, or go unpunished if they do. An increase of one (1) credit, fully funding our forces, would be sufficient. Thank you!

Jun 2, 2007

You'll see...
Alejandro Lerroux
Minister of Justice
Radical Republican Party

First, let me say that as Minister of Justice, all accusations of corruption must be taken seriously. If we never formally investigate something, then there will always be at least some doubt about whether the claim is true or not. This can damage both the accuser and the accused, and is something we especially have to keep in mind after passing the Whistle-Blower Act.

While I know that that act drew a lot of criticisms from centrists and conservative, who feared that accusations would mainly be pointed at them. However, it is something that protects everyone equally, as is the Ministry of Justice itself.

As such, I announce my intention to investigate former Minister of Justice Alvaro de Albornoz's accusations of government corruption and misconduct. I would also like to note that if the former minister can present more information on the matter to me it would be very helpful.

Next, I must comment on the tragic state of our nation currently. Violence rages in the streets, and our own police chief was almost brutally murdered. I know that there are those who very much disapproved of Chief Mola, there is nothing which justifies that kind of action.

In times like this, we must be very careful, and we must support our police forces. The culprit behind the attack must be brought before a court of law and be forced to answer for his or her crimes.

But let us not be too hasty or clumsy in our search for justice. As I see it, we are at a tipping point. Stopping political violence is just as much of a concern as dealing with this assassination attempt, and if we step in the wrong direction we may just make the former problem worse.

So, we need to make sure we have a strong, effective police force. I propose the following budget to make it happen:


Lerroux's Government Budget
26% tax on high income (26)
15% tax on middle income (9)
10% tax on low income (2)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (0)

Light Industry: 2/3
Heavy Industry: 2/2
Agriculture: 3/4 (-1)
Infrastructure: 3/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/1
Police: 5/5 (+1)
Army: 5/6
Navy: 1/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 1
Credit Income: 38
Debt Credits: 9.5 (5% interest)

Cutting agricultural funding is a shame, but letting our country fall into chaos would be a much bigger one. I believe that at the present time this will cause the least pain in budget cuts, and give us the most needed benefit in budget increases.

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 21, 2003
I noticed a small error, you mention that the Spanish population is 26 million in the turn report however you also noted that 4 people were killed in the riots in Barcelona, which should bring our population down to 25,999,996

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
One more event from this turn:

A mysterious newsletter by a seemingly anonymous writer begins to appear around Spain. Its contents promise a new political system free of bickering or conflict, and is popular among the intelligensia and educated centrists of the country.

Cicero posted:

Peoples of Spain, look around you. The world is devolving into chaos. Proponents of various ideological systems are at each others throats, on the streets and in the government. The socialists insist that once they have power, they will abolish class conflict and install a system where all are equal. Yet looking about us, we can see quite clearly that all are not equal, nor can they ever be so. The capitalists and petty nobility insist that a rising tide will lift all boats, easy for them to say, perhaps, as they lounge in their palaces of silk and gold built upon the labor of generations of Spanish peasants. The peoples of Spain cry out for leadership that can truly lead, for someone to save them from the crass vote-counting and selling that dominates the Spanish parliament.

Spain is currently third-rate power, unable to provide jobs or a decent education to its people. Though the nobility of our Spanish blood rages against this idea, the time has come to fight against the fiery emotions of our hearts, and to listen instead to our brains. Our current government shuts down schools when our people are lost in a desert of ignorance, because they can not stand that they are associated with the Catholic Church, the same Church which our people overwhelmingly support, but more importantly, without any alternative in place! The Radical Republicans are focusing more money on the police, without thinking about why we need police in the first place. Criminality is bred from poverty and a lack of education. By forcing money into the military and police and removing it from agriculture, education and industry, the Radical Republicans show that they are clearly committed to the idea of class warfare as firmly as the socialists, only from the opposing side.

Peoples of Spain, the time has come to forge a new path, not one formed by unreasonable emotion and devotion to ideology, but instead tempered by the fires of logic, skill and technique. We have a vision for a New Spain, built all around you, by you. The Partido Futuristica will create a Spain where all those who wish to have a meaningful job will have it. A Spain where all children will find an education. A Spain where the Catholic Church will act as a moral guide. A Spain where all men will have equal opportunity but those who are possessed of superior work ethic and intellect can rise to the top. Where the government is composed not of bitter partisans for their own ideology thinking only of the next election, but instead of skilled professionals with a firm backing in science. Imagine a Spain where the problems of society are not fought on the streets by angry and aimless youth, nor in our Parliament by those whose only skill is selling their ideals to the lowest bidder, but instead are debated and real answers to our problems are discovered and implemented, regardless of ideology.

Continue to watch the papers and the the streets around you. You will know each other by the red and gray colors that you wear. You will know that the future of Spain rests in your hands. But unlike the Socialists or the Capitalists, we will not achieve our revolution with violence. Our people are already in the cities, our numbers are growing each season, as normal folk become disillusioned with the state of our nation. When the time comes, our people will establish the Spain of the Future with the full support of the people. Para el futuro de España!

- The author signs his name as Cicero

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
A hand--written note from El Director's convalescent bed.

El Director condemns this brazen attempt to destabilize the country. As El Director has said before, the police do not stand for any political party. The police stand for Spain. And Spain will not stand for an attack on her protectors. El Director announces a bounty of 40,000 pesetas to anyone who brings actionable intelligence used in finding this terrorist, and 200,000 pesetas to the one whose information is directly responsible for the arrest or death of this terrorist.

El Director prays his thanks to a merciful God that this attack occurred. It clearly shows that there are criminal elements that are scared of El Director's leadership, and that the police are on the right path. La Policia Nacional will continue to target those who would commit violence for political gain, and corrupt individuals who seek to line their pockets at the expense of our people: whether the victims be peasantry toiling in our fields to feed this nation, or factory workers creating the machines of our industry, or the aristocracy, utilizing their wealth to invest in our economy and culture to create new jobs. El Director offers to Sr. Lerroux his full support in the investigation into whistleblower complaints of corruption, including those from Sr. de Albornoz.

And El Director offers one, and only one warning to the police officers allegedly allowing violence against the rich to continue in Catalonia: work to end the violence and crime now, or you will not just face the wrath of Sr. Quiroga's internal affairs investigations -- your actions will be considered political crime and corruption, and if you continue you will be fired and arrested as criminals.

El Director hopes that in this, our country's time of need, the people will offer their full support not just to the police, but to the civil guard, who must double their efforts under the great El Leon de Rif to ensure safety and security; and to Sr. Lerroux, for his ministries efforts in the Cortes to keep our country safe.

OOC: the exchange rate during the 30's was averaged at 8.5 pesetas/dollar in 1931 valued dollars.

Nov 12, 2011

Looking for strong men to discover what's under the helmet.

Fernando de los Ríos
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works

I propose the Military Academic Reform Act. It has come to my attention that Spain's military academy has been closed since the start of our grandious republic, this is understandable as at the time this institution was plagued with partisans who wished for nothing more than the destruction of the republic, but we have gone for too long without it. I propose that the Military Academy be reinstuted, but this time under total control of the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Works, so that us, as level-headed people who care for nothing more than a good education, can create and manage an instituion solely for the learning of the military arts and also that it's interests may be aligned with that of the general populace, whom it serves and protects.

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 21, 2003

General of the Skies - Luis Lombarte Serrano

The closure of the military academies after the fall of the military dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera can be understood, it had become nothing more than a nest for men who belonged to these old ways. Yet the armed forces must be led by capable men if they are to fulfill their duty. Therefore I will tentatively support this Military Academic Reform Act on behalf of the Air Force so long as it can be assured that neither socialist dogma nor monarchist sentiment will be taught, instead pure military theory and craft will be the foundation of this academy.

Our exchanges with the Soviets have taught me that their experiments with officer election and abolishment of rank are nothing more than ideological garble that will prevent us from winning a war. At the same time, we do not wish to create an institution of reactionary thought dedicated to returning to traditions outmoded for a century or more. The military must accept civilian control, but at the same time the government must actually support the military and assure our brave sons of Spain that they are not to be left out in the cold simply because their own political ideas may be different from many of those in the government.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice

Francisco Franco-General of the Spanish Army

I am pleased to see that the government is discussing the reopening of Spain's military academies, and believe that this is a necessary step for the better training of Spanish officers and the strengthening of the national defense.

I do, however, wonder the purpose of putting it under the control of the Ministry of Public Education and Fine Works. Would it not be wiser to put it under the Ministry of Defense? This will help to guarantee smooth functioning and limit the chances for friction between the two ministries.

Jun 2, 2007

You'll see...
Alejandro Lerroux
Minister of Justice
Radical Republican Party

I vote in favor of the Military Academic Reform Act.

Also, I will have to look into the actions of the police in Catalonia. Non-intervention when crimes of violence are going on is a serious offense. It is the number one duty of policemen to protect the public, and if they do not do this then they do not deserve to be police officers.

Finally, I must issue a personal, public statement to the man who calls himself Cicero. I admire what you seem to be trying to do but I must say that some of your criticisms, especially of me and my party, are just incorrect.

Cicero posted:

Spain is currently third-rate power, unable to provide jobs or a decent education to its people.
It is true that unemployment is high and many children do not have access to schooling. Unemployment was at 18% two years ago, has dropped to 16% since then, and is showing signs of improving. This isn't great but keep in mind that economic depression has struck the entire world.

Likewise, in 1931 when Catholic Schools were still dominant, nearly half of all children were unable to go to school. Now, only a moderate portion of children do not have access to a good public school.

Cicero posted:

Our current government shuts down schools when our people are lost in a desert of ignorance, because they can not stand that they are associated with the Catholic Church, the same Church which our people overwhelmingly support, but more importantly, without any alternative in place!
No alternative? What about the public school system?

Cicero posted:

The Radical Republicans are focusing more money on the police, without thinking about why we need police in the first place. Criminality is bred from poverty and a lack of education.
This is true in the long run. Education is something that shapes men and women over the course of their youth and adolescence. If we want to fix our political violence problem now, we need an effective police force which can protect the public. Poverty is something for which there is no quick fix, either. And don't claim that I'm not trying to stop poverty, because...

Cicero posted:

By forcing money into the military and police and removing it from agriculture, education and industry, the Radical Republicans show that they are clearly committed to the idea of class warfare as firmly as the socialists, only from the opposing side.
This is just factually untrue. While I may have proposed to cut a single credit from agricultural programs, I have not once cut funding for education or industry. Both of those are things that I believe are important for our economy and our people. In fact, education has full funding right now.

I really don't know what you're trying to get at with these statements. It is especially odd that in your paper decrying the partisan politics of Spain, my party is the only one mentioned by name. I am not a proponent of class warfare, I do not want to keep the people of Spain ignorant, and I am not a bitter, ideological partisan.

Cicero, I understand the sentiment you are trying to express, but many of your criticisms are just untrue.

Oct 11, 2008

by merry exmarx

Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada, leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (4 seats)

Catalonian violence, police response, and funding
Once again the government tries to solve a problem by throwing more money at it.
The Catalonian police' problem is not funding, the problem is that the Catalonian police chief is either incompetent, a fool, or worse.
I demand the resignation of the police chief of Catalonia and the appointment of a replacement that protects all the citizens he is sworn to protect, and not only the ones he likes.

And then the absurdity of the minister to decrease agricultural funding without any thought to the consequences!
Do I really have to remind the government that the main export of this country is agricultural goods? That the majority of our population works in agriculture? That you are threatening their very livelihoods?

Military Academic Reform Act
There is no question this should be reopened, but if the government wishes support by the opposition it has to be put under jurisdiction of the Ministry of War.

Assassination Attempt
I send my best regards to Chief Mola and hope he recovers soon.
The government has to ensure all culprits be found quickly to prevent another attack on high ranking officials!

Nationalisation Effects and Compensation
The government has dragged this issue out long enough. Why have the private companies not been reimbursed properly yet?
I brought up that very issue last year but only received placation.
As the response our trade emissaries in the US showed, this is obviously not enough and the cabinet has to act now.
Nationalisation without compensation just drives away the foreign investment we so much need for our economy.

Propose Campaign Law Act
Seeing how much more concerned with re-election our government seems to be instead of governing, despite the next elections still being years away, I propose to limit political campaigning to six months before the election date.

As before, I propose no additional industry construction funding, more funds in infrastructure, and restoration of culture funding.

 Light Industry: 1/3
 Heavy Industry: 1/2
 Agriculture: 4/4
 Infrastructure: 4/4 
 Transportation: 2/2 
 Culture: 1/1
 Police: 4/5
 Army: 5/6
 Navy: 1/1
 Air Force: 1/1
 Intelligence: 0/0
 Courts: 1/1
 Water: 2/2
 Electricity: 3/3 
 Environment: 0/1 
 Education: 4/4
 Healthcare: 3/3 

 Yearly Credits

 Free Credits: 1
 Credit Income: 38

Ramba Ral
Feb 18, 2009

"The basis of the Juche Idea is that man is the master of all things and the decisive factor in everything."
- Kim Il-Sung

Manuel Fal Conde
Leader of the Comunión Tradicionalista

Assassination Attempt

I have sent my heartfelt condolences to the Chief of Police Emilio Mola. It is quite sad that the central government is unable to defend its own officials from these rabble-rousers. I do suggest that the police be given more power to investigate this matter. We are living in highly politicized times! The safety of each individual is compromised as long as those on the Left continue to seek violence to achieve any sort of power.

Military Academic Reform Act
I will only support this act, if and only if, the military is back under the guiding hand of the ministry of war. This is because a bunch of poets and shut-in intellectuals do not know anything of modern warfare tactics. If they will have their way, we would be fighting with purple prose and flowers!

Nationalisation Effects and Compensation

I will echo what Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada had said. We must remember what the Holy Father Pope Leo XIII said about this in Rerum Novarum. We cannot just go up and take the property of people. As I quote the Encyclical against the dirty socialist and anarchist rabble,

"What is of far greater moment, however, is the fact that the remedy they propose is manifestly against justice. For, every man has by nature the right to possess property as his own."

We cannot go and just end up denying property of individuals and groups. It is their God given right!

I support the:
Minor Galician Devolution Bill

One of the main tenants of Carlism is the adherence of regional autonomy. The ability for each region to be able to decide for themselves against the centralized state is key. I wholeheartedly support it. Still, I do hope that this means that the Church will be the main guiding force for all their actions as listening to outside the grace of God will only lead to death.

The one thing that has been ignored so far is the Spanish faithful. I do beseech other parties that are in communion with Rome, to ask for the Holy Father to visit Spain. His presence here will aid greatly in raising the spirits of the Church Militants who are terrified of what the government will do next.
May God have mercy upon us!

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Fall Sick and Die posted:

General of the Skies - Luis Lombarte Serrano

Our exchanges with the Soviets have taught me that their experiments with officer election and abolishment of rank are nothing more than ideological garble that will prevent us from winning a war. At the same time, we do not wish to create an institution of reactionary thought dedicated to returning to traditions outmoded for a century or more. The military must accept civilian control, but at the same time the government must actually support the military and assure our brave sons of Spain that they are not to be left out in the cold simply because their own political ideas may be different from many of those in the government.

Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios
Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy

While I agree that the abolishment of rank and the election of officers without heed to their ability are foolish, I do believe that something needs to be done about the state of the Republican Navy' Officer Corps. Many of the officers seem to despise the Republic, and just as disturbingly, the sailors under them who are loyal to this Republic - of which they are the majority.

Morale in the navy is at an all time low, in part because of the aforementioned, but also because of its outdated sorry state. From our exchanges in the USSR we discovered that the Red Navy is likewise in a sorry state with most of it being a handful of submarines and few real ships of note - their officers however seem to be adored by their crews who for their part seem in good spirits. Upon asking about this they reportedly responded that their officers are good men who are of the same mind as their crews in terms of loyalty and social-political views, and that the knowledge of a massive construction effort on the part of their government to create a navy worthy of them was enough to keep them content and proud.

After talking it over with some of my staff I would like to recommend the following:

- That we plan and save up for a massive expansion and update of the Republican navy.

- That we institute a system whereby sailors may, at the end of this session and then once every 3 years hence, be allowed to vote out their commanding officers and replace them with any other officer of their choice of comparable skill and rank - so long as said officer is willing to stand there.

Because the officers are now held accountable to their crews I would expect that they would render better treatment onto them and be more in tune with their needs. In addition because the crews can only do this once every 3 years they will have to obey their officers once chosen and can not simply put up a yes man who will never ask sacrifice of them. Likewise because the crews can only elect someone of comparable skill and rank we will not have the mess that one might foresee in a system of officer election whereby sailors simply elect their friends and family members without any heed to qualification or ability. This system would ensure that our sailors and officers aren't constantly at odds, that our officers in command of our most loyal ships are no longer the most disloyal of the bunch, and that our navy becomes less a microcosm of what was wrong in the Spanish Kingdom and more a reflection of what a loyal Republican Navy should strive towards.

Yes this may lead to some trouble with our officers at first, but if our officers can't be counted on to defend our Republic or serve well amongst their crews, then they aren't doing them job and should be removed anyways. And for those of you fearful that conservative officers will be forced off their ships for socialist ones, I assure you that just because our sailors are mostly republicans doesn't mean they are all of one mind politically - socialist, conservative, liberal, or otherwise.

On the matter of the Military Academic Reform Act, I would voice my support. It is important to ensure that our military is a well educated one - and hopefully one free of the reactionary hate-mongering that once filled the academies' halls under Miguel Primo de Rivera's tyranny.

Jun 2, 2007

You'll see...
Alejandro Lerroux
Minister of Justice
Radical Republican Party

Minor Galician Devolution Bill

I vote in favor.

Campaign Law Act

I vote against. This isn't really a concern that is big enough to require the attention of parliament. Plus, there could be some concerns about limiting speech, and what exactly is considered "campaigning". It's too much trouble for very little benefit.

Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada's Budget

I vote against.

Hot Dog Day #82
Jul 5, 2003

Soiled Meat

Indalecio Prieto
Minister of Public Works

Good evening, gentlemen. It is once again my pleasure to approach the Cortes.

I read the reports regarding The Assassination Attempt on Police Chief Mola with a heavy heart and tear stained eyes. To think that the political situation in our republic has been radicalized so much in such a short amount of time is, to say the least, very troubling. It is very rare that the members of this august body agree - or listens to - with one another, but I believe we can all agree that we should contain our political squabbles to this building or the election circuit. Nothing is worth a man's life, especially one who is as devoted to our republic as Emilio Mola. We may not have pulled the trigger, but radical politics is what put the gun in the hand of the assassin. It is our duty to legislate even-mindedly and judiciously. If there is anything I can do to help in this trying time, my dear Emilio, you need only ask it of me. I am ever your servant.

Now, to the matter of legislation:

I believe that the Military Academic Reform Act is a just reform. We cannot expect our officers to be knowledgeable in the ways of war if we deny them avenues of study within the borders of this republic. I agree with Manuel Fal Conde when he stated that his conditional support of this act was predicated on the assumption that these institutions are to be administered and staffed by the Ministry of War. I would not want my electrician to be taught his trade by a painter, just as I do not want my generals to be taught the arts of war by a professor of literature. Everything has its place, and the place of the military academies is with the Ministry of War.

Furthermore, I also agree with and support the Minor Galician Devolution Bill . Our previous devolution act met with great success and, more importantly, saved the Republic money and resources by pacifying an entire region of our country with the pen rather than with the sword. This act has the interests of the common Spaniard at heart, and I believe that we would be compromising our moral integrity were it not passed.

In addition, I believe that the Campaign Law Act is an inspired piece of legislation. As politicians it is our duty, first and foremost, to legislate; we cannot do that if we must devote half of our term to shaking hands, making stump speeches, and going on the lecture circuit.

In closing, I am voting for:

Minor Galician Devolution Bill
Campaign Law Act
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada's Budget
Military Academic Reform Act

Jan 25, 2009

Alvaro de Albornoz
Radical Republican Party

Speaking to a crowd in Madrid.

"You see how the enemies of Spain strike at us? They know that without brave men like El Director we will never be safe and free. Once the Prime Minister and his cronies have leeched all they can from us they want to make sure the sale of Spain to the Soviets goes without issues. Prepare yourself for your gulags, the new aristocracy of the wealthy leftists will have secured their Cuban getaways by then."

"I have here a list of seven corrupt politicians within this very city, all men that Senor Lerroux does not have the resources to arrest because he is too strained dealing with the attempts of the Minister of the Interior to weaken the police force and cut our defense budget."

"What is the response of the man who is charge of national security to this clear threat? Words. Nothing but words and and a request to split his home country off from the rest of Spain. A token of cash to make it seem like he cares, from the same man who wants to check the voting cards of anyone on the police force. If we had let him have his way, Senor Mola would likely be dead right now, the victim of a successful attack if Quiroga's plans to weaken the police force had succeeded."

"You are not safe in your own homes with this level of incompetence and greed ruining us. One man has stood up to corruption and been sacked, another has been nearly killed, is Lerroux the next in line for assassination? Speak with your votes my people, let those who would be the new aristocrats know there is no place for them in a free Spain."

de Albornoz leads the crowd in chanting the slogans of the Radical Republican Party.

Mar 2, 2011

Spider-Man's Amazing Construction Company
Toribio Echevarría Ibarbia
Writer, El Socialista newspaper; member, Unión General de Trabajadores; member, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; not a government employee

A selection of article excerpts from El Socialista on various topics:

"... applaud the dissolution of the FIE. The existence of an elite group of officers selected, to all appearances, for personal loyalty to a leader and political views is a wrongheaded and dangerous game to play. Equality for all demands..."

"...a second FAI communiqué, reading 'Comrades! As I warned you, your union officials cry for you to stand down, to shut up, and to back down in face of Republican aggression. They ask you to stand idly by as the police forces--the FIE in particular--pander to the whims of the right, led by El Director, the scumsucking Mola. You must not listen to these pleas! The republic is a farce! We must have revolution! I call for you to organize! I call for you to arm yourselves! Follow the example of your brothers in Catalonia! Form Peoples' Militias, for soon you will need them! The threat of fascism and royalism looms over us all, and Mola and the FIE are only the start of it. Combat the fascist at every turn!' While El Socialista does not always agree with the FAI, we cannot help but echo their call for the formation of militias..."

"...find the activities of José María Gil-Robles deeply worrying, noting the similarities between the model of government he proposes and that currently employed by the facist regime in Italy..."

"...investigation into police methods by brave Socialists continues. The data we have found - copies of which are freely available in our offices, with names redacted to prevent retaliation - shows that the police, across all branches of law enforcement, predominantly target leftist organizations and individuals for investigation. Understand - we do not claim that there is deliberate bias against the left by the police! What we do claim - what the evidence shows - is that whenever there is crime the police assume that leftists are responsible. This is indicative of a systematic bias, one brought on by the 'average' policeman's view of the left as 'other' - a situation which could be easily remedied by ensuring that leftists are represented in all branches of government service, including law enforcement and the military. We believe that many police mistrust the left simply because they have not met the law-abiding and patriotic leftists that comprise the vast majority of the movement, and by integrating the left into the police we can ensure that the police learn to view the left as just as patriotic as they themselves are - as, we hope, the leftists may learn to view the police! We call upon the Ministry of Justice to address these concerns at the earliest possible..."

"...condemn Minister Lerroux's recent speech calling upon Spaniards to subscribe to El Republicano in the wake of the Public Radio Act's failure; the clear intimation is that El Republicano is somehow more representative of the state than any of our other fine newspapers - this one included - and it ascribes a degree of legitimacy upon one organization's house organ while denigrating the others. We call upon Sr. Lerroux to publicly retract his statement and endorse the Spanish free press in all its forms, from the facist to the socialist!"

"...applaud the recent Minor Dissolution Act. While we are all Spaniards, the various regions of Spain have had unique cultural and historical aspects that should be preserved, and the Basques - who have long needed such representation - should be the next in line. We caution, however, about the surrender of more than symbolic power to regional assemblies, for unique though we may be, we are still all Spaniards..."

"...condemn in the strongest possible sense the attempted assassination of Director Mola. Our Republic was achieved through nonviolent means; it will not be preserved through unprovoked violence! Despite our many political differences with Sr. Mola, still we wish him a speedy recovery..."

"... Sr. de Albornoz' accusations are laughable, and his kneejerk mistrust of the Soviets only reveals his own ideological bias. We urge the left to peacefully protest de Albornoz' rallies wherever they might be held..."

OOC: My apologies for my absence; a combination of post-holidays plag (it's like plague but a bit less vicious) and some crossed communications with rakovsky and my own stupidheadedness all combined their powers to make me Captain Procrastinate.

Jun 1, 2011

Those sure are words on pages which are given in a sequential order!
Francisco Largo Caballero
Minister Of Labour
Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party
General Union of Workers

The violence currently occurring is simply unacceptable; if it continues in this way, we many need to look at extreme methods to keep the peace. My condolences El Director; Although your polices are abhorrent, this should not have happened, something has gone wrong with Spain in these recent months.
To 'Cicero' and those like him on the right, I say nonsense. Where is your proof? Since the establishment of this republic our parliament has done it's best to improve Spain, we would be faster to, if it were not for your inane ramblings. At least El Director and General Franco are mostly reasonable.

The Minor Galician Devolution Bill
I Vote In Favour

Although I think it to fast, especially as we have little idea of the effects devolution has had on Catalonia, everything appears to be going well so far. This will be an ideal way to gather more information on the subject.

I also propose the;
The Minor Navarre Devolution Bill
I Vote In Favour

If the Catalonian's and Galician's both get devolution, then so should the Basques of Navarre, especially seeing as they have directly asked for similar powers.

Military Academic Reform Act
I Vote In Favour

Campaign Law Act
I Vote Against

If this act passes we would all become little Alvaro's, spitting hate and nonsense with no evidence or reason. At least currently we can use our achievements of legislation as evidence of our will to better spain.

I also propose;
The Relief Act
Currently much of the profit from our newly created national farms is going to paying off the debt of that nationalisation. This act will serve to freeze the current debt with no additional interest being added, while slashing the necessary monthly payments by half. This will double the amount of time it will take to fully pay off their debt, but will give them a greater share of their profits which can be used for collectivisation and modernisation. The actual interest incurred will then be added after the fact. Although this will increase the time taken and the amount that needs to be paid back, it should free most of the profits for actual improvments.

Nov 12, 2011

Looking for strong men to discover what's under the helmet.

Fernando de los Ríos
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works

The Minor Galician Devolution Bill
The Minor Navarre Devolution Bill

I vote in favour of these two proposals.

Aug 23, 2005

Marcelino Domingo
Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Trade
Radical Socialist Republican Party

The attempt to assassinate El Director is tragic, there is nothing to be gained from terrorism when real changed is accomplished through mass action, but what can one say other than "chickens come home to roost." Perhaps if Sr. Mola had not been so supportive of repression under the past dictatorship he would find himself in better health.

The Minor Galician Devolution Bill
I Vote In Favor

The Minor Navarre Devolution Bill
I Vote In Favor

Military Academic Reform Act
I Vote In Favor

Campaign Law Act
I Vote Against

Party work should not be limited to election seasons because the political life of the Spanish people should not be so limited.

The Relief Act
I vote in favor

Pinche Rudo
Feb 7, 2005

General José; Sanjurjo
El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil

El Leon del Rif holds a speech at El Plaza Mayor de Madrid, wearing his full dress uniform complete with medals.

My compatriots, I have personally visited El Director in the hospital and I can tell you he is doing better. I am absolutely in shock at the abhorrent attempt on the life of General Mola. Political disagreements are no excuse for murder! I will personally direct the investigation into the attack, and bring the perpetrators to justice! No civil servant should live in fear! My friends, my brothers, my fellow Spaniards, we must stand against these cowardly acts of violence!

As for the military academies being re-opened, they must be placed under the direction of the Ministry of War. To place them under the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Arts would be as futile as using a hammer to chop down a tree!

I will continue to fight the violence that plagues our streets, our countrysides. Politically motivated attacks stand no place in a civilized society. I beseech you my countrymen, do not be afraid! Work with the Police and La Guardia Civil, for we are not here to persecute a man's for his political leanings! We are here to bring justice to those who would do wrong. Those who accuse of targeting people are merely doing so to obfuscate their own actions. Your attempts at interfering with justice will do you no good! We will find you, and we will drag you into the light of kicking and screaming to face justice for your actions! VIVA SPAIN!

Proposition Joe
Oct 8, 2010

He was a good man

Lluís Companys
Republican Left of Catalonia “Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya” (Regionalist Left, 29 seats)

Oh god.

Oh god.

Were we having a government thing. Oh shit. I'm here now, don't worry. Sorry for being late.

The Republican Left of Catalonia will vote for the following:
Minor Galician Devolution Bill
Minor Navarre Devolution Bill

And vote against anything not aforementioned.

Ramba Ral
Feb 18, 2009

"The basis of the Juche Idea is that man is the master of all things and the decisive factor in everything."
- Kim Il-Sung

Manuel Fal Conde
Leader of the Comunión Tradicionalista

As this turn is coming to an end, I propose that all those that are concerned for the well being of Spain form an alliance. I propose the creation of The Confederatión Espanola de Derechas Autónomas or CEDA. We, of the Right, must set aside our differences in the hope of securing a safer Spain. It is only a matter of time until godless anarchists set off bombs to advance their wretched cause. I hope that those that are truly concerned for Spain join with me.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Francisco Franco-General of the Army

In these difficult times, I would call for the disarming of militias and more funding to all branches of the armed forces...the army, air force and navy. Political differences must be settled by debate in the Republic. There is no room for private armies, private violence, and wars. I ask the Cortes to take action against these private militias, and to fully fund all the branches of the armed forces. We are a country with a long naval tradition. We must not forget it or abandon our navy now. Our army is the guardian of the homeland, and it needs funding. Our air force is a new service, but mastery of the air will be vital to fighting and winning the wars of the future. So I urge you, Cortes, for the sake of peace at home and abroad, disarm the militias and fund the armed forces.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008

EARLY 1934


Minor Galician Devolution and Minor Navarra Devolution Both with the wide support of the Cortes, and there is celebrating in the major cities of these areas. However people in the central regions of the country begin to look on devolution with suspicion, considering the violence breaking out in Catalonia.

Campaign Law Act The opposition of the cabinet as well as most of the socialists in the Cortes is enough to prevent this from being enacted.

Military Academic Reform Act Passes only after being amended to put the academy under the control of the Ministry of War, led by current Prime Minister Manuel Azaña.

The Relief Act Loved by the Republican-Socialist, this act passes. However, it is loathed by many of the aristocracy who feel this is one step closer to pure nationalization and theft. If any were left supporting the current government, they do no longer.

Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada's Budget With support from the very well-connected Prieto and silence from the rest of the Cabinet as to their position, this budget is able to overcome Lerroux's.


Police Chief Mola recovers from his injuries and is capable of leading the police once more.

A huge surge in violence is reported from Catalonia. CNT militias are combating Blueshirts in the street. Random people - no longer merely aristocrats or the wealthy - are being kidnapped out of their homes and disappearing, some by the CNT and others by the National-Syndicalist Offensive. The police begin to engage the militias, but this often results in violence. Inspired in part by "La Socialista" cities in Catalonia are coming under the control of the CNT, patrolled exclusively by workers' militias, and the Generalitat is using its limited power to protect them.

Alvaro de Albornoz releases a list of corrupt politicians in Madrid, and the police detectives begin an investigation. Madrid being a center of Spanish leftism, the accused are almost all members of socialist or left-leaning republican parties. The local government claims to be suffering from the same persecution seen in Seville, while the anti-corruption forces claim virtually the same thing - with the addendum that the persecution was justified. Madrid politicians claim there is as much corruption out in the conservative countryside being ignored as there is in the cities. Rallies organize in support of politicians, often directly across from rallies opposed to them. Though the situation has not broken out into violence, it is tense as conservatives and radicals face one another across the street.

Cicero releases a new polemic:

Cicero posted:

The politicians tell you not to worry. Unemployment has dropped 1% per year! Perhaps when your children are fully grown there will be jobs for them, so long as this rate of growth can be maintained forever... just continue to place your trust in them, continue to vote for them above all. Yet what has the government done this term to promote growth, to allow a man to put food on the table for his family? Bickering about how much money we should be paying the Americans to take back our OWN Spanish national resources? The various political parties look upon it as a favor to the people that they might limit their campaigning to only HALF of the year, presumably governing the nation being little more than a part-time job, one wonders why our politicians require such hefty paychecks?

The Futuristics have a plan for your family. Each man who desires a job will have one. Each man who wishes to tend a farm will find land set aside for him. Each family who wishes an education for their child will find that the opportunity will never be denied due to lack of funds, all the way through to professional training and university. Each soul who prays for the moral and spiritual recovery of our nation will find that the Futuristics will lead a path, though never will we force you down that path, it is your own choice to make.

Every day more and more men and women take up the gray and red. They're doing so because they see that Spain is lost amidst a sea of chaos. Our people have been battered enough by the heavy waves of both socialism and communism for far too long. Men and women are realizing that they will no longer be pawns in the games of the rich or the grasping. The Futuristics have a plan for our society, a plan which allows each man and woman to seize greatness, to be a part of setting the path of their family, community, people and nation. The Futuristic revolution is happening around you. Open your eyes and look around you. Why should your labor be stolen by the great-grandson of a warlord? Why should you be forced to support the indigent and incorrigible in the name of some mistaken ideal of social justice? Human nature can not change, but those with wills of steel CAN shape the future, the society in which human relationships can interact. The Futuristics will ensure within 1 year that every man in Spain has work and is able to feed their family. The Futuristics will ensure that every child can attend school. The Futuristics will protect the position of the Catholic Church as our moral guardians. The Futuristics will begin a vast reorganization of the economic and political system we currently maintain to our society's great detriment.

Speak to your friends and neighbors. Talk to your family. Learn that the problems that you face, fear of the future, anger at the lack of opportunity, disgust with the tenor of politics in Madrid, these problems are shared by ALL Spaniards with eyes to see and ears to hear, with a mind to comprehend all that goes on around them. In your communities, take up the gray and red! Wear it as a symbol of your pride in your own future, whether you live in Bilbao, Barcelona or Cordoba. Form a Furutistic Society in your community, and take up the study of science. Thank the brave men and women who labor in our universities, our schools, our mines, farms and factories and who truly do work, but do not forget the masses who wish to do work but can find none worth the name. The Futuristic Society will not forget you!

People throughout the country begin to form Futuristic Society's and adopt the gray and red, some seeing it as the only defense against communism while others see it as the best way to build a better future. Many communists and anarchists grow nervous about this new movement.

Indalecio Prieto makes visits to Galicia and Navarre, to ensure devolution is going smoothly. When he tries to visit Catalonia, the Generalitat refuses to aid his trip in any way, claiming that the police and Civil Guard have been abusing native Catalonians. He also visits large churches in many of the areas he visits, usually at the most well-attended masses.

El Republicano releases a number of articles fighting the claims of Cicero, stating that while he has some valuable ideas many of his criticisms are misplaced. El Republicano and Cicero's writings are both most popular among the middle class, who now find themselves in a battle between El Republicano's moderation and Cicero's extremism.

The last few Catholic schools are closed down in the countryside, and a new government studies class is implemented to encourage the discussion of political ideas. A textbook is distributed alongside it, with many passages translated from a somewhat obscure Italian writer, art critic, and playwright: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.

UGT increases membership by continuing to offer generous benefits. Members are trained to stay together and protect themselves at night, though many of the more extreme ones are beginning to demand that they arm in the wake of unrest in Catalonia, perceived political persecution by the center, and the rise of Futurism.

PSOE takes on an anti-clerical stance, which continues to be popular with the public.

American Metals comes to terms with the Spanish government, accepting a monetary award in exchange for dropping the issue of nationalized mines.

The PRRS promises more land reform, gathering a number of new peasants under it's wing. These people see the government as being too slow to act and increasingly coming under the control of centrism and even stranger ideologies. Many of them want immediate action - the currently existing government programs are not enough.

The peasant collectives which do exist earn substantial support from the Ministry of Agriculture, and begin producing a larger share of the nation's foodstuffs.

Admiral Fernández-Palacios distributes a speech regarding direct elections in the navy, an idea favored by many of the socialists in the Cortes. They are demanding the government legislate on this issue.

The Carlists utilize the Catholic church to deliver soup kitchen aid to the needy, though the many restrictions on the church make this somewhat difficult to accomplish. Popularity for the group rises. They also suggest the formation of CEDA, though current instability among other right-wing parties leadership makes it unclear whether they will join the coalition.

Major splits between centrists, regionalists, republicans, and socialists in the ruling government of Spain have made the ruling coalition very shaky.


Germany announces that it will be leaving the League of Nations.



Country: República Española (Spanish Republic), formed in April 1931 from the former Kingdom of Spain.
Foreign Relations: Good relations with the United Kingdom, France, and Soviet Union. Poor relations with Portugal.
Population: 26 million
Year: Early 1934


Popularity: 52%
System: Presidential Republic
President: Niceto Alcalá-Zamora/vacant
Parliament: 470 members
Elections: Held every 4 years for Parliament or called by the President in between, last held in Late 1931. Presidential election is held every 6 years, last held in Late 1931.
Voting System: Men and women over 23.

Council of Ministers
System: President appoints the Prime Minister from the ruling coalition. President can remove the Prime Minister and dissolve the government, calling for new elections twice during his term. The Prime Minister proposes other Cabinet positions, which the President approves or rejects. Ministers may be removed with a vote from Parliament. Ministers are responsible for the strength and effectiveness of government policy in their field. Parliament determines the budget as well as passes new legislation, which the President can veto. The Parliament can overturn a veto with a two-thirds vote. The Parliament can impeach the President with a three-fourths vote.
Prime Minister and Minister of War: Manuel Azaña/Inspector Detector
Minister of State: Luis Zulueta/vacant
Minister of Justice: Alejandro Lerroux/Takanago
Minister of Finance: Jaime Carner Romeu/vacant
Minister of the Interior: Santiago Casares Quiroga/gowb
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works: Fernando de los Ríos/Turkeybro
Minister of Public Works: Indalecio Prieto/HotDogDay82
Minister of Labor: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Minister of Agriculture, Trade, and Industry: Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán/Canasta_Nasty


Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party “Partido Socialista Obrero Español” (Marxist Left, 115 seats, 24% popularity, led by Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs)
Radical Socialist Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical Socialista” (Republican Left, 59 seats, 18% popularity, led by Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán/Canasta_Nasty)
Republican Left of Catalonia “Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya” (Regionalist Left, 29 seats, 6% popularity, led by Lluís Companys/Proposition Joe)
Republican Action “Acción Republicana” (Republican Left, 26 seats, 7% popularity, led by Manuel Azaña/Inspector Detector)
Federation of Galician Republicans “Federación Repubicana Gallega” (Regionalist Left, 14 seats, 1% popularity, led by Santiago Casares Quiroga/gowb)
Democratic Federal Republican Party "Partido Republicano Democrático Federal" (Republican Left, 16 seats, 3% popularity, led by Manuel Rodriguez/Rogue 0071)

Radical Republican Party “Partido Republicano Radical” (Republican Center, 90 seats, 24% popularity, led by Alejandro Lerroux/Takanago)
Basque Nationalists “Partido Nacionalista Vasco” (Regionalist Center, 7 seats, 1% popularity, led by José Antonio Aguirre/kentuckyfriedfish)
Liberal Democrat Republican Party "Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata" (Republican Center, 4 seats, 1% popularity, led by Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada/Riso)

National Action “Acción Nacional” (Accidentalist Right, 5 seats, 8% popularity, led by José María Gil-Robles/Incy)
Traditional Communition "Comunión Tradicionalista" (Monarchist Right, 4 seats, 3% popularity, led by Manuel Fal Conde/Ramba Ral)


National Confederation of Labor “Confederación Nacional del Trabajo”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Joaquín Ascaso/Noreaus
Ideology: Anarchism
Influence: 775,000 members primarily in Catalonia, though some in Castile y Leon and Andalusia.
Forces: 15,000 armed members of workers' militias, entirely based in Catalonia

Iberian Anarchist Federation “Federación Anarquista Ibérica”
Type: Political organization within CNT
Leader: Diego Abad de Santillan/A RICH WHITE MAN
Ideology: Radical Anarchism
Influence: Secret membership, believed to be about 12% of the CNT

General Union of Workers “Unión General de Trabajadores”
Type: Labor Union
Leader: Francisco Largo Caballero/OscarDiggs
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: 1,060,000 members throughout the country.

The Socialist "El Socialista
Type: Newspaper
Leader: Toribio Echevarría/DivineCoffeeBinge
Ideology: Socialism
Influence: Heavy readership in Catalonia and Andalusia, Moderate in Castile y Leon and Navarre

Unions of the National-Syndicalist Offensive "Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista"
Type: Coalition of unions
Leader: Onésimo Redondo Ortega/vacant
Ideology: National-Syndicalism
Influence: Minor in Madrid and Castile y Leon
Forces: 2,500 "blue shirts"

Futuristic Society "Sociedad de Futurismo"
Type: Political movement
Leader: Cicero/Unknown!
Ideology: Futurism
Influence: Minor in Castile y Leon, Andalusia, and Galicia

Other Individuals

Alvaro de Albornoz/SlothBear
Type: Legislator
Party: Radical Republican Party

Military and Police

Spanish Republican Army
Forces: 105,000 soldiers and 16 tanks in Spain; 7,000 soldiers and 15,000 regulars in Spanish Morocco
Situation: Morale is low, the army’s loyalty is known to be strongly royalist. Troops in Spanish Morocco are composed of battle-hardened veterans. Officers are numerous, and the most firmly opposed to the government.
Commanders: General Francisco France/Epicurius

Spanish Republican Air Force
Forces: 50 light bombers, 10 fighters
Situation: Planes and equipment are somewhat outdated. Loyalty to the new government is uncertain.
Commanders: General Luis Lombarte Serrano/Fall Sick and Die

Spanish Republican Navy
Forces: 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, 9 destroyers, 12 submarines, 44 smaller craft
Situation: Officers are royalist but sailors are generally supportive of the government.
Commanders: Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios/Gorgo Primus

Spanish Police
Forces: 45,000 officers
Situation: Fairly conservative and royalist.
Commanders: Emilio Mola/Diplomaticus

Civil Guard
Forces: 22,000 officers
Situation: Civil Guard are an elite police unit specifically trained and equipped to deal with rural unrest. They are extremely conservative and royalist.
Commander: General José Sanjurjo/Colonel Wood


Media: Uncensored, a huge variety of newpapers with opinions ranging from fascist to socialist, royalist to republican, and everything in between.
Education: 65% literacy, moderate portion of children do not have access to schooling. Government-run, secular schools are in existence and share a standardized curriculum.
Electricity: Common in urban areas, controlled largely by foreign companies. Rural areas rarely have access to electricity.
Water: Most of the country has access to clean water though rural areas often rely on wells.
Healthcare: Hospitals only in the cities, healthcare access is limited especially amongst the poor. Orphanages have reduced childhood homelessness and starvation, though conditions leave something to be desired.
Transport: Railroads link the major cities, dirt roads still prevalent in rural areas. Roads are being built by the government.
Labor: Labor unions are legal and a large majority of workers belong to them. The eight-hour day is guaranteed by law. Unemployment is around 15% and show signs of improving. Businesses are regularly investigated by the government.
Land: Much of the land surrounding towns has been redistributed to the peasantry, though tracts of land away from rural centers are still owned by aristocrats.
Food: Food can be hard to come by for the poor, and food prices fluctuate wildly if the country undergoes instability.
Crime: Rural areas are generally well-protected and patrolled. Violence in Catalonia is very high right now.
Trade: Exports are beef and agricultural products, as well as some very minor light industry. Minor trade with the Soviet Union.
Religion: Almost everyone is at least nominally Catholic, though there are a few Protestant churches. A greater number of people are identifying as non-religious due to disillusionment with the Catholic Church.
Languages: Castillian is the official language. However, regions are given a great deal of autonomy and thus Catalan is spoken in Catalonia, Basque in Navarre, and so forth.
Consumer Goods: Increasing in the major cities, though still difficult to find elsewhere.
Immigration: Very small, generally from Latin America.
Civil Rights: Plentiful, the people are guaranteed freedom of speech, the press, assembly, religion, and the right to petition the government. Government records are available to the public.
Judiciary: Uncorrupted currently, loyal to the Republican government.

Government Budget
26% tax on high income (26)
15% tax on middle income (9)
10% tax on low income (2)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (0)

Light Industry: 1/3
Heavy Industry: 1/2
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 1/1
Police: 4/5
Army: 5/6
Navy: 1/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 1
Credit Income: 38
Debt Credits: 9 (5% interest)

Aug 23, 2005

Marcelino Domingo
Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Trade
Radical Socialist Republican Party

The first thing I would like to propose is a responsible budget.

Budget Proposal
26% tax on high income (26)
15% tax on middle income (9)
10% tax on low income (2)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (0)

Light Industry: 2/3
Heavy Industry: 2/2
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 3/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/1
Police: 4/5
Army: 5/6
Navy: 1/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 1
Credit Income: 38
Debt Credits: 9 (5% interest)

The next thing I would like to propose is to accelerate our land reform. The last act that we passed has performed admirably but we are still stuck with the most lopsided land distribution in Europe. The land of Spain belongs by right to the Spanish people. To that end I propose the following act:

The National Agriculture Advancement Act:
This will authorize the gradual nationalization of latifundios, with compensation. All land thus acquired by the state will be rented out at reasonable rates to peasant collectives and family farmers, with all proceeds to be put back into the nationalization and modernization process until we have eradicated these remnants of feudalism. Acquisitions will be prioritized to aid the peasants in the poorest part of the country first.

Hot Dog Day #82
Jul 5, 2003

Soiled Meat

Indalecio Prieto
Minister of Public Works

Sons and daughters of Spain, it is with a glad heart and a wide smile that I welcome back our most esteemed police chief, Emilio Mola, to his entrusted position. The Republic is swiftly falling into chaos, my good sir, and it desperatly needs men of your quality to safeguard her passage out of these troubling times.

I also wish to applaud the passing of Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada's budget, for too long the infastructure of our country has been left to rust and decay - an innocent victim in a war of petty political squabbles. Finally, a system has been put in place that will bring Spain out of the 19th century and into our modern era. The safer our roads, bridges, and buildings are the better our society will be for it. By modernizing our infastrucure we are supporting and enriching the lives of all of our citizenry; I earnestly believe that Spain is be a better country for having passed this budget.

Lastly, I wish to express my deepest regret the political situation within Catalonia. The Generalitat has taken it upon themselves to espouse the radical politics that have so recently come in vogue within parts of this country. Extreme politics of any stripe, be they right or left wing, do little more than cause divisions. If Spain is to survive this decade she must find a middle road. Though I am a pious Catholic I cannot help but agree that the church, before our constitution, was far too powerful a body to be left unregulated. Checks needed to be put in place and compromises needed to be made. Similarly, we must find a solution to remedy the revolutionary vitriol inside of Catalonia before it spills over and poisons our Republic. There can be peace in our time; we must settle our grievances with words and debates, not with bombs and militias. At this critical point in our history we must come together as one, not split ourselves into many. Together we can make a better tomorrow.

I thank you for your time and yield the floor.

rakovsky maybe
Nov 4, 2008
A newly released polemic from the mysterious "Cicero" spreads across the country:

Cicero posted:

People of Spain! It seems as though it's been so long that I have attempted to reach you with my entreaties as to the nature of the government you currently possess. Many of you have taken my words at face value, but I do not ask you to do so! The Futuristics believe in evidence-based science, not in Marxian mysticism or the invisible hand of the Free Market and their promises to solve all of our problems so long as we adhere sufficiently to the politicians, thugs and fat cats who promote them. The sad fact is that the Spanish state has had the wool pulled over its eyes by your own leader, Prime Minister and Minister of War Manuel Azaña!

Elected on a promise of moderation, despite the strong Republican, Socialist and Marxist showing in the polls, Azana has attempted to steer a path not to true moderation with a mind towards what is best for the nation, but rather to do-nothing powermongering! This 'leader' of the Left has betrayed his own people, and no one in the political parties which are supposed to represent the will of the people have thought to investigate this wrongdoing, instead remaining in their coalition uselessness.

People of the political left, why did you elect and support this government these past years? Was it to see the Head of the Army, Francisco Franco, quietly purge the army of all leftist elements, denying promotions to any with socialist, communist or anarchist leanings, until the entire organization has become a bastion of reactionary politics loyal only to Franco himself, not to the state or to the will of the people, ready to strike at a moment's notice to do away with our very Republic itself? Brave Futuristics have infiltrated the armed forces, and Franco's secret intelligence apparatus itself, to learn that not only is Franco forging a knife to hold to the throat of the Spanish people regardless of ideology, he is also spying upon the police, and Parliament itself. I do not wish to stoop to fearmongering, but do any doubt that he may have been aided by other traitors from within?

Knowing this, we are forced to ask the question, is Prime Minister Azana a fool, or a traitor? Just recently, was it not he in his position as Minister of War who raised Franco to his position as head of the entire Army? Was it because he was oblivious to the fact that before his very eyes the Army was being purged of his own supporters? How can the Minister of War function without having some general idea that the organization that is supposed to protect the nation is instead being strung as a garrote and drawn around our very necks! If he was not a complete and utter fool, then we are left with only one other option. Azana himself has betrayed his own 'ideals' and wishes merely to protect himself, perhaps having forged an alliance with Franco to ensure his continued control. Azana indeed would be no fool in this case, merely the canniest in a long line of liars, traitors and thieves who blow like a leaf wherever the wind takes them.

The Futuristics bring two demands to this government on behalf of the people whom they no longer serve. The first is that Francisco Franco y Bahamonde be removed from his position in the military and an investigation of the extent of his corruption and malfeasance take place. The second is that the Prime Minister be removed from his position and new elections be called. This government no longer stands for the people, you can see it in the chaos taking place in our very streets, the political left and right both feel completely alienated and fear is spreading throughout the Republic. Men and women who wish only to live a normal life now have to fear for their lives as they walk down the streets, afraid of kidnapping, or even political executions. We call upon the people to speak out, to ask why the parties are not supporting the people who pledge their time, money and even lives, not for themselves but for the betterment of the Spanish Republic. Their nobility of purpose is truly commendable, it is only the parties they have placed their faith in which have truly failed them. We call upon all politicians who still have a shred of decency left within them to renounce their ties to this incompetent prime minister, call for his resignation and that of Franco, and for new elections to test the political will of the Spanish people.

Spain can be the Future, but only if you build it now with the Futuristics!

Mar 26, 2005

Son of the Defender
Formerly Diplomaticus/SWATJester
OOC: We don't have a President to call a no-confidence vote in the PM.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
OOC: Well, the President's an NPC, right?

Dec 8, 2009

Grey Hunter's next target.

The people of Spain have for too long suffered from underfunded infrastructure, crumbling industry, and an unnecessarily high tax on the poor. It is nonsense that such critical programs remain underfunded as the rich gorge themselves on the profits of exploitation. It is time for a new budget - A People's Budget - that addresses the urgent demands of the workers of Spain.

Furthermore, our wise admiral is entirely correct in calling for an expansion of the navy. Fascists gather around us - in Germany and Italy they have already seized power - and Spain must have a strong, modern navy to defend itself! What is the purpose of Germany's withdrawal from the League but an opening to allow itself new imperial ventures? The safety of Spain rests on the strength of its navy.

Jobs for the workers! Relief for the poor! Security for Spain!

The PRD-F therefore puts forth two proposals;

The People's Budget
31% tax on high income (31)
15% tax on middle income (9)
5% tax on low income (1)

Other Income:
Nationalized Mines (0)
Amended Temporary Material Extension Act Business Funds (1)
Aereas Espanola (0)

Light Industry: 3/3
Heavy Industry: 2/2
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/4
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/1
Police: 4/5
Army: 5/6
Navy: 2/1
Air Force: 1/1
Intelligence: 0/0
Courts: 1/1
Water: 2/2
Electricity: 3/3
Environment: 0/1
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 3/3

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 1
Credit Income: 41
Debt Credits: 9 (5% interest)

The Naval Reorganization Act

Admiral Fernández-Palacios is authorized to expand the navy with any additional funding allotted. He is furthermore authorized to reorganize the Navy's order of battle and officer corps as necessary to raise the navy to the level of modernity. The Admiral is also authorized to conduct further naval studies in European nations as necessary for his modernization program.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
Francisco Franco, General

It is rare that I make my views public, but I wish to announce my support for naval expansion. A strong military is vital to the defense of Spain, and modernizing our fleet will help contribute to Spain's defense.

Jan 25, 2009


Prime Minister Azana a fool, or a traitor?

When asked his position on this, Alvaro de Albornoz laughed and wondered why it couldn't be both.

He further stated that while he did not see exactly eye to eye with Cicero, the fact that someone who cares so fervently about the future of Spain felt it necessary to hide behind anonymity showed how thoroughly the Department of the Interior has failed to make the citizens of Spain feel safe in their own country. He also lauded the efforts of the underfunded and constantly harassed Department of Justice in doing all they could to combat the situation.

He then dropped the names of several other officials guilty of corruption, that the new aristocracy that the Prime Minister was seeking to create would not tolerate the investigation of.

Nov 12, 2011

Looking for strong men to discover what's under the helmet.

Fernando de los Ríos
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works

This is simply ridiculous.

So far I've stayed quiet in this parliament, not many are the times I raise my voice, but this is simply absurd. That Azaña would be working together, or maybe even fooled by Franco as he purges from the army good Spanish men based solely on their ideologies!

Spain is plagued, and that plague is not one thing but many; all the ideologies here in this parliament, deeply entrenched in their own ideals so that they can not see the good in any ideology other than their own! It both amazes and saddens me to see many of you turn down sound legislation time and time again, simply because of personal differences, with no regards as to the merit of the proposal itself. I've tried to remain pragmatic as to such matters, and I've favored legislation from both sides of the political spectrum, not because of ideology, but rather because said legislation is sound and well-meaning, yet I'm only one man and can not stand to see all of you bicker as if children, forgetting that every proposal you do or do not consider reflects on the life of every Spanish person.

With this in mind I've reached a conclusion, the parties that exist today are entrenched and archaic in their dealings, the only cure is something new. So I, Fernando de los Rios, hereby create the Futuristic Party, all of you who are tired of the usual bickering of the current system and wish simply for a better Spain are welcome, I do not care about political ideology!

I also echo Cicero's demands, and ask that Franco be removed from his position in the military and a thorough investigation of his time as leader of the armed forces be conducted! I also ask that our Prime Minister Manuel Azaña be removed from his position and for new elections to be called!

I hope many of you will see reason in face of this knowledge, and join me as brothers. Understand that which sickens our glorious Spain and help nurture it together, not as bickering, arguing, blind enemies, but as a strong united force.