Santiago Casares Quiroga Minster of the Interior Alright, with the start of a new session it is time to address police funding issues. I think the simplest way to resolve this problem is to distribute the funds completely equally between the Civil Guard, regular police, and FIE. Director Mola and General Sanjurjo, do you have any objections or suggestions? In addition, the recent report on the royalist, conservative politics of the police force, and their resulting bias, is disturbing. A police force should be a cross-section of politics, reflecting the diversity of the people they protect. In the interests of this goal, I am hereby issuing an order within my department. The police and Civil Guard are to place priority on hiring capable leftists and centrists, and promoting those already within the department to positions of power. I will oversee this myself personally, and expect the full cooperation of Director Mola and General Sanjurjo. Thank you!
Alejandro Lerroux Minister of Justice Radical Republican Party I should clarify something: my report only comments on the conduct of the FIE. The regular police force and the Civil Guard were not a part of my investigation. With that aside, I feel that I should say a few other things. Note that these are my personal thoughts and opinions, and not statements of the Ministry of Justice. First, let me say that while the FIE has focused mostly on leftist organizations so far, they have not once stepped out of line and their actions have been backed up by evidence and there have been no major wrongful arrests. I have not seen any evidence that the political opinion of the FIE has affected their actions in a negative way. Let's remember that leftist political violence and corruption is a perfectly valid concern right now. Simply look at the crime wave that has hit Catalonia, or the recent UGT trial. Can we really fault the FIE for focusing on leftist groups when they have been in the news so much lately? It is not like they are imagining a threat where there is none. Secondly, I must object to your attempt to force a leftward shift in the membership of the police forces. For every officer that gets promoted because they are a leftist, there is another who isn't because he is conservative. I feel that discrimination in this way is unfair, and this is likely to cause resentment and lead to problems. While you may be concerned about the political leanings of the police force, remember that there has been no evidence of misconduct and that policemen have the right to have personal opinions just like anybody else. Your attempts to 'fix' the conservatism of the police is likely to just cause a lot of problems.
El Director, National Police El Director must echo His Excellency the Minister of Justice's comments. To hire and promote based on political affiliation is exactly the wrong thing for this government, regardless of party, and certainly borders on unconstitutional. It is certainly against the ideals that the republic stands for. El Director will promote the most able commanders, regardless of their political affiliation. Remember, it is El Director who would face the blame were an incompetent leftist promoted solely based on ideology.
Francisco Franco-General May I also say we need an increase in the army budget. Our equipment is out of date, we do not have the money for proper training, and our military doctrines lag behind the rest of Europe. Around the continent, new tactics are being developed; tactics for mobile warfare, for combined arms, for special forces, and Spain is lagging behind. I beg the Cortes to give me the money I need so that the army will have the tools to defend Spain against its enemies.
Alejandro Lerroux Minister of Justice Radical Republican Party Upon looking at official reports about the state of our armed forces, I must share many of the concerns that our military leaders state. The army is specifically cited as being severely underfunded, and morale is low throughout. There, and elsewhere, our equipment is outdated. If we are struck by war, I fear for what would happen to our nation. While money is tight everywhere, the current state of our military is just unacceptable. So, I propose the following budget. It does not completely solve our problems, but it is the best we can with the limited funds we have. Once we see the income from the projects we started last term, there should be enough to fill in the last gaps of the military budget. quote:Alejandro Lerroux's Proposed Budget
Santiago Casares Quiroga Minster of the Interior Director Mola, do you have any issues with the police budget? As an aside, Director, please do not twist this into a political battle. I clearly said CENTRIST AND LEFTIST candidates, and you will note the word CAPABLE. All things equal between two candidates, we will give preference to the leftist and centrist ones. That is all. The efficacy of the police force is still paramount. This change will be slow, but it is for the good of Spain to have a balanced police, one that reflects its own politics. This is not up for debate. I support General Franco and Sr. Larroux's changes to the military budget. The Great War showed us that Spain MUST be better prepared for modern conflict.
The Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista would like to announce that our dear leader and founder, Onésimo Redondo Ortega has gone into a coma and is not expected to recover for some time. In the meantime, we have established good relationship with National Action and its leader, José María Gil-Robles. We have elected José María Gil-Robles to lead the Juntas in Ortega's absence, and grant him full control of our resources and Blue Shirts. With Gil-Robles' help, we will begin a process by which this corrupt Republic is overthrown and the programme of National Syndicalism is established throughout Spain. OOC: Have to leave the game so I can focus on other issues.
General José Sanjurjo El Leon del Rif, Director of La Guardia Civil I am deeply troubled by the esteemed Minister Quiroga's directive on candidate preference. I have made every effort to ensure La Guardia Civil remains independent of politics. To begin giving preference based on political idealogy flies in the face of everything I have worked so hard to achieve. My men are free to join whichever party they wish but are forbidden from engaging in political activities due to the nature of our work in assisting in the rooting out of corruption and political violence. Not to mention, this will absolutely devastate morale. My men are recruited and promoted based on merit, aptitude, and ability. To begin placing weight on political views will disincentivize my men from performing at their highest possible levels. Knowing that a less qualified man or one with less meritous achievements can be promoted over you will eliminate the motivation to perform. There are almost never two candidates equally qualified when examined side by aide. Your idea may seem possible in theory but in practicality it will cause serious and grave harm. Minister Quiroga I beg you to reconsider. As for the budget I am all for a proportional allocation of funds. Please keep in mind La Guardia Civil is only roughly one fifth the size of the police so an equal split would not be appropriate. I am deeply disturbed by the growing violence in the Catalan and I will dedicate my efforts on stopping the violence and bringing those responsible to justice within the boundaries of Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights. I will coordinator with El Director on these efforts to best utilize our resources. I would also like to use this opportunity to reiterate my request for additional police funding in our next budget. The political violence that afflicts our country will require resources and manpower not available under our current budget. I would like to thank all of those who made the passage of the Rural Improvement and Modernization act possible. We are truly making a new Spain better for all its citizens regardless of their living location.
Hey guys, just clarifying a few things since we have some new players. Voting for legislation should be done in he thread, both because it encourages discussion, deal-making, and compromise as well as it being easier for me. Secondly, while I appreciate the commitment of people who send me gigantic turns its more work for me as well as less effective for the sender. Rather than send a turn which includes the full text of a speech you give to so-and-so, just give me a breakdown of the general ideas. Saying "Talk to the unemployed in wherever about how my jobs program will solve their problem" gets the point across better than actually typing out the speech. I have to go through it anyway to figure out the point, and its faster as well as less prone to misunderstanding if you break it down for me. I absolutely encourage people to give speeches and roleplay in the thread, of course. Also, could you use this new template for the specific items in budgets? I've modified it little bit, condensed some things and expanded some: quote:Light Industry: 0/3 Thanks a lot, hope everyone is having fun!
I am resubmitting my budget proposal. It is mostly the same as my last proposal. The only difference is that the two credits applied to Manufacturing are now in light/heavy industry, and the military budget is split so that we are paying seven credits out of eight required. While this does not give the army or the navy the budget increases they ask for, our army is clearly in the most dire need of money right now. As soon as we see the money from the projects we started last turn, we will see what we can do. quote:Alejandro Lerroux's Proposed Budget
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada, leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (4 seats) Minister Quiroga I must sharply protest against your violation of basic civil rights commited by you and your ministry. A persons political leanings are his own private matter and none for the state to know and inquire about. All this plan will do is force people to lie to be employed and create a negative, nay, hostile attitude towards yourself, and the very institutions of our country. It is simply outrageous that a man should be discriminated against simply for his political leanings. This is nothing more than a witch hunt! My dear fellows, it was just brought to my attention the disparate state of our military, especially that of the army. Morale is low, equipment is old, and we simply cannot afford to increase funding. I therefore propose the creation of a commission on the reform of the military to discuss such things as a reduction in the professional army, reduction of time to serve, changes in training, officer and troop compensation and pay, and perhaps even abolition of conscription and the creation of a truly professional force. This commission should perhaps best be headed by a known expert and war veteran like General Franco himself. Furthermore, referring to my earlier complaints I suggest to the foreign ministry we send a trade mission to France, Great Britain, America, and Germany, to acquire new technologies and lucrative investment deals and purchases for our country. I have also prepared an alternate budget for your consideration. The renewed focuse on infrastructure will connect the rural parts of our country and provide them with electricity and basic services for the first time. Additionally I cannot help but to preserve our country's proud cultural heritage, so recklessly disregarded by the government. I also have marked funds for the reduction of the debt the reckless spending has so far caused. code:
gowb posted:Santiago Casares Quiroga Which budget? Sr. Lerroux's? No objection, nor is there any objection to equally dispersing the budget internally within the police forces. That said, El Director is twisting nothing when he says that this IS a political issue. You are suggesting promoting (and as a result, denying promotions) to government employees based on their political affiliations. That is not what this government stands for. Simply saying it is not up for debate does not end the issue. You are not above the law, Minister, and if you persist on attempting to circumvent both the law, and our Republic's principles, in the face of objection from the police, the civil guard, and the Ministry of Justice, you will have harmed our nation's security. El Director will not let that stand. Please think carefully on your words.
Indalecio Prieto Minister of Public Works I agree with and support the proposals of Gonzalez-Posada to create a commission on the reform of the military and to send a trade mission to the countries which he mentioned. Solid, level-headed legislation like this is just the sort of thing that Spain needs; it is a personal honor to give it my backing and blessing. Needless to say, I also endorse his proposed alternate budget. As I have said before, if we are to transform our Republic into a force for good we must first focus our attention on the pressing matter of improving and modernizing our infrastructure. How can we expect to gain the support of rural Spaniards if we deny them the modern lifestyle that our city dwellers take for granted! Perhaps these rural poor don't read newspapers or march in political demonstrations, but they are every bit as deserving of modernity as their brothers and sisters in Madrid. Posterity will judge us on the basis of how we treat our poorest citizens, and I will not rest until the heat and lights are on in all Spanish homes - regardless of their location. A Republic owes its people that much at least.
Santiago Casares Quiroga Minster of the Interior I do not feel that my plan would be a violation of civil rights, simply a corrective measure to gross bias in the police system. However, after consultation with my advisers and many experts in the field, and taking into account the advice of El Director, General Sanjurjo, and Sr. Lerroux, I have come up with a compromise that will hopefully satisfy all parties as well as streamline and better organize the Spanish police forces. Director Mola's FIE will be folded into the regular police in order to better organize arrests and investigations. There is simply no practical reason to continue with two separate organizations, with all the logistical and communications problems that this implies, when a single organization could do the work more efficiently and quickly than two. This will include the reassignment of detectives to both the city police and La Guardia Civil, along with resources to be better able to investigate and solve crimes. Director Mola will continue in his work as head of the regular police, as he is an excellent director and a good man, and his advice has been invaluable during my tenure as minister. This will also solve the police budget issue, with LGC and the regular police receiving funding commensurate to their size and responsibilities. Thank you!
El Director wishes to point out that the FEI is already part of the regular police, it is a division within the national police in the same way that for instance, vice squad, homicide, and traffic divisions are part of the police department, yet work separate areas and have separate responsibilities. While fundamentally El Director does not object to the concept of integrating FEI detectives into other squads and the guard (assuming El Leon de Rif agrees), potentially on a rotation basis, it remains important to have a dedicated FEI division within the police, as their anti-corruption role means that they also are the internal affairs investigators of corruption charges within the police department. OOC: They're already a subset of the police -- I am not entirely sure how the impression came about that they were a free-standing unit or like a second police force. If you're just talking about shuffling the funding around and some of the officers thats fine, but I'm not sure that it is physically possible to "fold into the regular police" when they are already part of the regular police in the first place.
You are correct in that they are needed, Director Mola, however they are not going to be doing internal affairs anymore. That will be up to a new Internal Affairs, one free of politics and with someone unbiased at the head. FIE will be relegated to investigation, as any other detective force would be. They will rotate out to La Guardia Civil, as you said. They will no longer investigate corruption, that will be up to my squad, IA. Thank you!
Manuel Azaña Prime Minister and Minister of War Republican Action I am pleased to announce that the Soviet Union has offered an officer exchange program to all branches of our military. While the final decision will be left up to the heads of each branch of service, in light of proposed trade missions and increased military funding I find this to be a great idea that will strengthen our military and help the modernization process.
Supreme General of the Skies Luis Lombarte Serrano The Air Force hereby accepts the proposal for an officer exchange program with the Soviet Union. Along with the standardization and upgrade program we are embarking upon this season via a contract with Aereas Espanola, we imagine the capabilities of our air force will be improving greatly in the coming years.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy The Republican Navy also accepts the proposal and earnestly looks forwards to its implementation. May this be the first step in a complete reappraisal and modernization of our current naval doctrines, crews, ships, and facilities.
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada, leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (4 seats) I am sorry but I must question the purpose of a naval officer exchange program with the Soviet Union. Theirs is not a maritime power, and lacks any experience in the area. France, the British Empire, USA, and Italy would be much better suited for a program like this. The argument for the airforce is much similar I must add.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy You don't think the USSR, a major power with a larger navy than us and heir to the Russian Empire, has anything to teach our small outdated navy? I disagree. I don't see any downside in learning as much as possible, wherever possible.
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada, leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (4 seats) Do I really have to remind you, Admiral, that the last time the Russians fought a naval engagement was in 1905? An engagement they were decisively beaten in by Japan? The Soviets only started a ship building program a few years ago! Their ships are still the outdated junk they threw at the Japanese! No, the Soviets have nothing to teach us. What do they have? A pair of battleships from The Great War they never used? A few destroyers and patrol boats? You are looking at the past Admiral, not the present, or the future. Take off your ideological blinders to see what is best for Spain.
Miguel Buiza Fernández-Palacios Fleet Admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy You an learn as much from a loss as from a victory. The lessons they learned in 1905 would be useful knowledge, as would the experiences they have had in their naval expansions today. It is a lot of work building up a fleet, and given that the last time we went about constructing a naval on the scale needed today - and the scale the Soviets are attempting - was almost a century ago, I think we could learn a lot from seeing what innovations they have come up with on that front. Again, there is ZERO risk in having this kind of exchange and plenty of potential for gains. The only one here who seems to have 'ideological blinders' are you. You seem to think that my efforts here are born out of something other than open mindedness and a desire to see our navy expand and improve. Should the Italians or British agree to follow the USSR's suit in this manner then I'd agree to that too. I am doing what is best Spain.
Manuel Azaña Prime Minister and Minister of War Republican Action On the other hand, you consider Italy to be some sort of maritime power which is incredibly laughable. Please allow our own leaders with years of experience in military matters to make their own decisions, thank you.
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada, leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (4 seats) You only reached out to the Soviet Union for this program, I would call this an ideological blinder indeed. To ignore the modern and well trained Italian navy and dismiss it straight out of hand is more than foolish. Do they not have colonies to protect? Are their ships not one of the most advanced? Why not ask the French whom we already have military cooperation with for this exchange?
Francisco Largo Caballero Minister Of Labour Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party General Union of Workers It is good that we can now put the business of the UGT strike and investigation behind us, hopefully now we can fully get into running this country now without undue threat. The UGT is prepared to help propel the Spanish industry into the heady heights of international recognition. For now we need no large changes to the status quo, we need only to slowly reap the benefits of our programmes and improve our economic capacity. However, I propose two acts to deal with the recent rise of regionalist thinking. The Labour Inspection Act This act will allow the Ministry of Labour to inspect business to ensure they are keeping up with required safety and work practices. Businesses that don't conform to the required polices will be fined and continued refusal will lead to closure. The inspections will be held randomly and will also include interviewing of employees to pick up problems they may have with their employers following of the safety act. This will simply act as a minor safeguard, to ensure our work safety act is being followed and is functioning properly. The Minor Devolution Act This act will test the waters for the effectiveness of the Generalitat of Catalan. They will be given autonomy to control 'devolved powers'; Education, Health and Agricultural matters of the Catalan Region, in so far as this autonomy does not conflict previously made nationwide legislations (E.g. The Generalitat of Catalan can change their own education policy and budget, but can not break from the standardised curriculum). The Generalitat of Catalan will also have to obey any future nationwide legislation made. The Generalitat of Catalan will not have it's own legislative functions yet, but if the experiment shows no problems or issues, we can consider expanding the Act to other regions while including additional legislative powers. The political upheaval currently affecting us means we can not simply devolve power and allow full anonymity to the regions immeadiatly, but the desire for additional autonomy is not a bad thing, the Generalitat of Catalan is something that should at least be tested. This act will allow us to test and examine the merits of regionalism, to see if such a policy is workable or useful for the Republic. The officer exchange program is a fantastic idea to ensure our position on the global stage while we recover from the recent economic crash. Once funding proceeds in full, our officers will be fully prepared to take on their mantle as defenders of Spain and the Republic. While I am supportive of your debt fighting budget Sr Melquíades, because discussion has been limited to the officer exchange program, I will hold judgement until my fellows have had their say.
Marcelino Domingo Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Trade Radical Socialist Republican Party I support Sr. Lerroux's Budget. I mourn the cut to cultural funding but I expect to restore it as the economic situation improves. I also support the Minor Devolution Act. However I see a problem with the Labour Inspection Act. Given the state of the economy, closing down a factory would act as a punishment to the workers victimized by the owner's negligence. In the case of repeated safety violations signifying a contempt for the value of workers' health, I suggest nationalization. I will not propose any changes to the current land reform bill until we have more information on what works and what doesn't.
Alejandro Lerroux Minister of Justice Radical Republican Party The Labour Inspection Act The Minor Devolution Act I vote in favor. Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada I vote against. Your budget cuts funding to industry at a crucial time, when we have already dedicated a lot of effort and money towards industrial growth. In addition, you claim that we "simply cannot afford to" increase military funding when you dedicate two whole credits to debt reduction when we only have 1/2 credit of interest per term. While it is important to control debt, it should not be done at the expense of the state of our country. Note that my budget keeps debt in control as well. I must disagree with you when you propose that cultural funding and immediate debt reduction is more important than our industry and military.
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada, leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (4 seats) You are mistaken Minister Lerroux, I am not cutting funding of manufacturing, I merely propose that there shall be no new construction of state industries for the current year. I'd like to see how the money we spent the last fiscal year turns out before we engage in further spending in that direction. It does not make sense to wildly fluctuate the military spending every year, especially when we should have a commission on the reform of the military first before we agree on any further changes and therefore have left it at current levels. I see a lot of talk about the importance on the army, yet all that ever happens is vacillation of the funding. Military exchange programs are one thing, proper reform talks another. Everyone who votes for a reduction in cultural funding rips the heart out of our country. Many artists, operas, theatres, museums, art galleries, will now be forced to close. Our poorer citizens will be unable to afford to visit the ones that remain! Despite your claims to represent the people, you are nothing but an elitist aristocrat trying to keep the people uneducated! Once again sensible suggestions like the military reform comission and trade missions to friendly countries like France, Britain, and the USA are not even acknowledged by the majority of government officials, merely because they do not fit the narrative and/or has come from the opposition. The Labour Inspection Act No. We already have irregular and random inspections. Minor Devolution Act No. Either we have one Spain, for one people with a single set of rules, or we completely devolve power along the Swiss model. This does neither and will only cause problems. Minister of the Interior Santiago Casares Quiroga, I do not believe you have the authority to dissolve the FIE without an act of parliament authorising such a significant change. Prime minister Manuel Azaña, regarding your officer exchange program with the Soviet Union, do we not get to vote on this in parliament? Or is a minor detail like parliamentary approval just a hassle to you?
Alejandro Lerroux Minister of Justice Radical Republican Party But you are cutting manufacturing funding. Since manufacturing is no longer a separate item in the budget, it has been lumped with light and heavy industry. In leaving light/heavy funding at one credit each, you deprive them of two credits which they had previously. Note how the requested budgets for each of these has been increased. Also, this is the first time anybody has accused me of being an elitist aristocrat. I never expected to hear something like that in my life. Military Reform Comission Proposal Is this proposal one which will aim to reform the military as a whole, or just the army. It seems very army-centric to me, and names Franco as the head, but otherwise it sounds like it could affect the military as a whole. I really don't understand what you're trying to accomplish with this at the moment, so please clarify. Trade Mission Proposal I notice you leave out the USSR, who already has developed good economic relations with our country. This is a glaring omission, so please fix this if you want my support.
Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada, leader of the Partido Republicano Liberal Demócrata (4 seats) You seem to be unable to comprehend the statement Minister Lerroux. Manufacturing is not touched. The construction of new industries is. Why I laid the military reform comissions duties out in my first speech of the year: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3455381&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=4#post399091733 We have much better relations with France and Great Britain, who are not only democracies, but also the world leading economies. If you want to propose an amendment to my trade proposal, so be it, but I will not be the one to propose trade with backward state that wilfully starves its own population. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial_of_the_Holodomor#Contemporary_denial_outside_of_the_USSR
Alejandro Lerroux Minister of Justice Radical Republican Party Sir, you are clearly biased against our Soviet friends. Whether you personally approve or not whatever goes on there, fostering good economic relations is more important. So I will follow your suggestion and write my own trade proposal: Friendly Trade Act This act will send trade missions to the USSR, UK, and France, to promote the growth of economic relations between our countries. By focusing on these countries which already have friendly relations with us, we can strengthen our partnerships. Also, you still have not answered my question about what your military commission proposal will target. So let me ask again, will it target solely the army, or will it target the military as a whole?
Marcelino Domingo Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Trade Radical Socialist Republican Party Being the Minister of Trade I would like to point out that we don't need an act of parliament to send out trade missions. I have been encouraging foreign investment and trade, so far the USSR is the one willing to work with us. I have sent overtures to the UK, France, and the USA, but they were not successful. I will of course continue my efforts to expand and diversify our trading partners.
Alejandro Lerroux Minister of Justice Radical Republican Party Then I will withdraw the Friendly Trade Act, because honestly we don't need to have parliament doing each and every thing.
Fernando de los Ríos Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Works I support Sr. Lerroux budget, it pains me to see culture funding cut, especially as I had many ideas I wished to implement in the coming months that simply won't be realized, however I understand the precarious state of the Spanish economy and that, in the end, culture is simply not a practical thing to spend on in lean times. The Labour Inspection Act The Minor Devolution Act I vote in favor of both these proposals.
What the fuck why didn't anyone tell me about this I love these games Reading and thinking about a character.
No one has taken Chief Spanish Rabbi yet
Indalecio Prieto Minister of Public Works Good evening, gentlemen. I formally lend my support to Melquíades Álvarez Gónzalez-Posada's Budget Proposal , I believe that a focus on modernizing our outdated infrastructure is of paramount importance, and will lay the foundations for a more robust future industrial base. In addition to this I also support the: Minor Devolution Act Commission on the reform of the military And vote against: The Labour Inspection Act To be perfectly frank I have not been won over by the argument for a devolution of our Republic, but I concur that implementing this act is an idea that has some merit. Initially my reaction to the proposal was to think that it was neither prudent nor wise for us to make any sort of radical reforms to our government at this point in our history, but I also believe that devolution is an idea whose time will eventually come - and when it does I would prefer for the Cortes to have as much information on hand as possible before voting up or down the next stage of the Devolution Act.
Alejandro Lerroux Minister of Justice Radical Republican Party At this time I will have to vote against the Commission to Reform the Military because its purpose and scale is just too damn vague and I still don't know what the hell it intends to do. I've been asking if it is something which only affects the army, or if it is something that is supposed to restructure the entire military. If it is the latter, I think that putting Army General Franco in charge of it isn't the best way to go about this. This isn't to insult Franco, but I don't know how the Air Force and Navy would feel being told what to do by a land army general.
Santiago Casares Quiroga Minster of the Interior I vote in favor of the Minor Devolution Act, and ask that the Cortes consider the same for my beloved Galicia if the Catalan experiment is a success.