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Aug 19, 2012

Louis XVI, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre

Let's not be hasty, commander. Right now we only know that Luckner gave the order. This matter should be thoroughly investigated before making any more accusations.

Aug 25, 2008

The only mystery left,
is what I put in your tea.

Friends and comrades,

These are difficult days we are in, but we must press forward, united, so that none, within or without France, can doubt our stability. There are wolves who would plunder our homes and those of our families, who would see the streets of our fair cities red with the blood of French men and women. We must set aside our bickering and unite against these enemies, for the Constitution, for the Nation and for the King!

I too would call for leniency for the Comte du Ruchambou, Luckner had pretended to be acting at the command of His Majesty when issuing the order and I am sure our colleague will see reason. Of course, if he presses the assault on our capital he should be judged as harshly as possible.

I would still press the importance of la Garde Vigilante to prevent the terrible prospect we are in from appearing ever again in our future. This is an institution that would obey, above all, the constitutional principles of France, the only ones who should fear it would be traitors, for no lawful citizen of our nation would suffer at its hands.

Your comrade in arms,
Ministre de la Justice

Feb 11, 2009

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

At no point did I ever say I would march on France this is simply the delusions of an insubordinate madman. I was told to stop the National Guard from marching on the loyal subjects of Bretagne, nothing more nothing less.

I will not stand down as long as the Marquis continues his attack, once again I have no intention of marching on Paris or whatever silly thing he is spouting off.

Perhaps the Marquis should resign himself to a worthy opponent instead of the poor loyal Bretons, fighting tilting windmills maybe?

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Well, that was weird as shit. But now I guess I have to fix all of your problems. First, as a gesture of good faith towards the National Guard, here's whats up: It was all Luckner trying to do...something, I guess, acting without the authority of the king, but he's dead now, so who cares. Nobody is marching on anybody.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

tatankatonk posted:


Well, that was weird as shit. But now I guess I have to fix all of your problems. First, as a gesture of good faith towards the National Guard, here's whats up: It was all Luckner trying to do...something, I guess, acting without the authority of the king, but he's dead now, so who cares. Nobody is marching on anybody.

Except for the national guard upon the rebels, oui?

Feb 11, 2009

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

sniper4625 posted:


Except for the national guard upon the rebels, oui?

OOC you should have let me make your photoshops for you sniper really...

Aug 19, 2012

sniper4625 posted:


Except for the national guard upon the rebels, oui?

Actually, an act hasn't been even voted, and certainly not passed. Marching on Brittany right now would be illegal.

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie
Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Luis II

Letter to Jefferson posted:

January 20th, 1792

Mr. Jefferson,

You have been an ardent defender of Republicanism and the radicals in France; this I know, so do not be confused as to why I am writing you. I am writing you to ask you why you would support our oppression under unjust laws and tyranny simply because the oppressors at this juncture are 'Republicans' and the oppressed 'monarchists'.

We didn't rise up and assault Paris. We didn't call for the death of all the Republicans. We didn't demand an Absolute Monarchy be brought back to France.

We asked for our right to defend ourselves from laws and actions taken solely to destroy the Breton people. If the UK had been a Republic, and carried out the same actions - or worse - on the 13 Colonies, would your declaration of independence have been any less just? Would you support the UK calling for the UK to be 'made whole' as if you split for no reason other than accident?

I know that you have been a chief obstacle in the USA to Brittany getting any support from your government. Know then that is is partly your own fault. You were among those who refused to call France to task for its attempt to tax us into the dust based on our race (unfair taxation indeed!). You were the one to support France's march on us. You were the one to glorify the actions of the Radicals, regardless of intent or effect, on the basis of them simply being radicals.

You must right these wrongs. You must lend your support to recognition of our Independence and assent to guaranteeing our independence, as I myself did in word and action when the roles were reversed. Prove that you truly oppose tyranny by opposing a tyrannical 'republican' government in Paris, and prove that you truly support those who would cast off their chains and declare their independence on the basis of reason and just-cause by supporting Brittany.

Read my words and think on the matter. History will not look kindly on a man who sees in black-and-white and only judges actions on the score of who is left and who is right.

With Respect,
Steward Charles Armand Tuffin of the Sovereign Independent Elective Duchy of Brittany, in Personal Union with the Kingdom of France under Luis II/Luis XVI

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

sniper4625 posted:


Except for the national guard upon the rebels, oui?

Yeah, and that's still illegal since the King, who he answers to in the constitution has told him not to do it, and because the Assembly, who he also answers to, has not authorized him to do anything, you cyborg.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

Does the police officer require authorization when a crime in being committed in front of his face? The state of war exists, and we should not act as though it does not - my proposed act merely makes it official.

Aug 19, 2012

sniper4625 posted:


Does the police officer require authorization when a crime in being committed in front of his face? The state of war exists, and we should not act as though it does not - my proposed act merely makes it official.

Monsieur Robespierre, you are the worst lawyer in the entire history of France.

Feb 11, 2009

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

sniper4625 posted:


Does the police officer require authorization when a crime in being committed in front of his face? The state of war exists, and we should not act as though it does not - my proposed act merely makes it official.

Does the police officer not follow rules and regulations and orders from a captain? Oh he does do those things... I see... Must have been a bad analogy.

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie
Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Luis II

Letter to Robespierre posted:

January 26th, 1792

Hey Robespierre,

I heard about your little incident the other day. This is what you get for refusing to duel with your hands... it appears they got mad at your tongue and ran off! Anyways, I know you are crazy and all, but maybe you shouldn't be sticking bits of shrapnel into your arm socket.

Also please stop calling us a rebellion. We are not rebelling. We are not at war. We are in a state of rebuilding after a rebellion. You missed the whole thing. We present you with a fait accompli. The Elective Duchy of Brittany stands whole and united under the terms we set for it.

Now you can either accept this and let us be friendly, or start a war with us and get France into a death spiral it won't recover from. Personally I'd prefer the former.

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin of the Sovereign Independent Elective Duchy of Brittany, in Personal Union with the Kingdom of France under Luis II/Luis XVI

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

If the King vetoes Monsieur Robespierre's act, I will respect the constitutional order. However, let it be known that to do so will be a fundamental insult to the national honor of France. That action will alienate him totally from his people, who recognize these bandits who seek to shatter France as exactly what they are. I beg of him to reconsider, and allow his nation to remain whole. I fear the people would finally and totally turn against him, and the abyss that would follow no reasonable man could dare desire.

As a patriotic Frenchman and lover of Liberty, I necessarily support the Breton Rebellion Act, and know the rest of the Assembly will as well.

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now

A letter arrives to the Assembly; its signature bears the name Toussaint Louveture, but the quality of the penmanship indicates it was likely transcribed by a secretary. It reads in part:

Your boats and armies have landed in St-Marc, you have built fortications [sic] and battlements in our jungles and mountains, and you continue to promote the wretched institution of slavery. You keep us under your yoke, and expect us to happily call ourselves your subjects. Still you treat us as animals, even as we capture your cities and send your fighters to slaughter.
[. . .]
Your occupation of the
[ed: smudged, likely "island"] of St-Domingue has reached a crossroads. If you send your soldiers away, they will be spared their destruction. If you abolish the institution of slavery, you will have gained our trust. And if you help us dismantle the corrupt, wretched colonial government, you may yet win our allegiance.
But your hour runs short. We will soon bear upon St-Marc, and if the French Army is there, I can promise neither their safety, nor our mercy. You must decide now where you stand: do you stand for us, and the cause of Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood? Or do you stand with tirants
[sic], with slavers, with villainy and sin?
[. . .]
I pray sense comes about you, and you fly from St-Domingue at once.

T. Louveture, Free St-Domingue.

Friar John
Aug 3, 2007

Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night
Have my old feet stumbled at graves!

Georges Cadoudal

From "War and Its' Temptors" posted:

War is a grave act, even when brought on with full scruples and legal rights. No man should lightly seek war, for if he does, the blood of men, women, and children lie on his hands. Monsieurs Robespierre and Lafayette claim Brittany now brings war on France, with all the terrible consequences of such an act. But can we not see how false this accusation is? Have the Bretons launched raids into the Kingdom, begun sieges on the fortresses and cities of the Kingdom, brought rapine and fire to the countryside of the Kingdom? No! They defend themselves, with the right that any man has should someone come seeking his life! If a man aims his gun at you, do you not have a right to knock it from his hands?
Brittany did not seek war, only to protect itself from the political monstrosities that are the acts of the assembly. But should the revolutionaries seek to bring horrid war into Brittany, what man would deny the Bretons their right to protect themselves?
Peoples of France, pull yourselves away from the abyss of destruction, rein in the bloody-minded National Guard and its partisans, and pray ceaselessly for peace!
Vive le Roi!

A Letter to the comte de Provence posted:

Salutations and greetings to you, prince of the royal line of Capet! The grace of Christ be upon you!
Much has been said of your work in the Austrian provinces, much calumny and fear-mongering. There are men who claim you wish to murder all of Paris, and water the fields of France in such torrents of blood as to call to mind the proscriptions of Rome. But I know such rumors are false, and are slanderous to your character!
But the written word can only do so much, and so I humbly ask for your co-operation in turning the Kingdom from the path of ruin. Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the Gospels of Our Lord, the Prince of Peace. I ask that you swear an oath, witnessed by those you have gathered to yourself and clergy, an oath before God and all the nations of the earth that you are committed to peace, that you would rather your soul be damned in Hell than be the aggressor in civil conflict, and that you will do everything in your power to ensure the safety of your brother, the King.
May you be well!
Vive le Roi!
Georges Cadoudal
March 2, 1792

Feb 11, 2009

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

a bad enough dude posted:


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

If the King vetoes Monsieur Robespierre's act, I will respect the constitutional order. However, let it be known that to do so will be a fundamental insult to the national honor of France. That action will alienate him totally from his people, who recognize these bandits who seek to shatter France as exactly what they are. I beg of him to reconsider, and allow his nation to remain whole. I fear the people would finally and totally turn against him, and the abyss that would follow no reasonable man could dare desire.

As a patriotic Frenchman and lover of Liberty, I necessarily support the Breton Rebellion Act, and know the rest of the Assembly will as well.

Keep your fear mongering from the king, he has no interest in your personal grudges against the Breton people. The legislation never passed, so if you invade you have proven you have no respect for the King or for our Republic.

So you best disband your troops.

My troops will be sent to the border of Bretagne to keep order.

Robespierre as anyone knows you are right handed. Can a man without the ability to write or fire a rifle really lead an entire faction? They say Saint Just is your right hand man perhaps literally now. Maybe you should retire before your sanity begins to slip as well, hmmm?

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

If the act passes and the King does not veto it, it will be you who will be violating the constitution by attacking a lawful force waging war for France. I have said I will respect the King's veto and the will of the Assembly, but I implore him not to use it as it would be a disaster for the Monarchy.

Jun 2, 2007

You'll see...

Louis Stanislas Xavier, comte de Provence, Regent of the Kingdom of France and Navarre, acting in lieu of His Most Christian Majesty The King, Louis XVI, Commander of L’Armée des Princes

Monsieur Cadoudal,

I thank you for your letter, for your gift of the Gospel, and for your concern over the state of my brother and I. It warms my heart to know that there are still those like you who are loyal to the Crown, its King, and its Regent. I would like to especially thank you for taking the time and effort to dispel the libelous rumors that seem to have surrounded me. I will accept your offer and swear as you have asked of me.

I, Louis Stanislas Xavier, Regent of the Kingdom of France and Navarre, do swear upon the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and upon the honor of my family, that I would rather my soul be damned in Hell for all eternity than the sole aggressor in a civil conflict in France. What I will do is intervene in any conflict started over the fate of my brother, Louis XVI, or his realm.

In addition, I swear upon my soul to do everything in my power to ensure the safety of my brother, His Most Christian Majesty The King. I will see it that he is freed from control of those who would seek to strip his power away from him and see him dead, so that he will no longer have to worry about his own fate every single day.

I take these oaths because I do not just fight for myself, Louis Stanislas Xavier, or the Emigres, but for the Kingdom of France and Navarre itself. I fight not just for the nobility, but for justice.

I will do everything in my power to restore the rights and and ensure the safety of my brother, Louis XVI.

Feb 11, 2009

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

a bad enough dude posted:


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

If the act passes and the King does not veto it, it will be you who will be violating the constitution by attacking a lawful force waging war for France. I have said I will respect the King's veto and the will of the Assembly, but I implore him not to use it as it would be a disaster for the Monarchy.

You keep bringing up your irrelevant Ifs. Keep your hypothetical situations to yourself and disband your troops who do not have the authority to march on Britanny.

I have the authority to protect Britanny from any unauthorized assault.

Tao Jones
Jun 15, 2007

That's a very courageous post, Minister!

I have read the Breton Declaration of Independence and find it to be a fine document, written in the best spirit of Liberty. I have no doubt that Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson will agree when he learns of these developments. I protest any talk of the use of force in Bretagne without the express acquiescence of His Majesty's government.

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie
Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Luis II

Letter to William Short posted:

January 28th, 1792

Dear Mr. Short,

I have heard the news of your communique to Paris and am ever so thankful! You have come through for us! The Breton people shall be ecstatic when they hear of your decision, and I think I speak for Georges Cadoudal and I when I say that we are ever so flattered by your praise of our written Declaration.

I have written to both Jefferson and Washington about our struggle, and with your support I think we can find common ground to defend all our Liberties.

Thank you ever so much sir! Men like you are why I look back on my time in the Americas with utmost reverence and pride.

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin of the Sovereign Independent Elective Duchy of Brittany, in Personal Union with the Kingdom of France under Luis II/Luis XVI

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

Excerpts from a speech to the people of Paris posted:

People of Paris, lend me your ears. You know who I am - you once acclaimed me as the Incorruptible, hoisted me on your shoulders as a model citoyen of the Revolution. I come not before you today to boast, but to ask forgiveness for my excess.

I am a man, I am fallible, as we all are. I have erred, most recently in some of my legislative supports and endorsements (including a certain Marquis). But have we not all made mistakes, have we all not done things we regret?

I know that I have not always been perfect, but please know that I have always acted in the best interests of France as I saw at the time - in what I perceived to be the wishes of you, the people.

I come today to ask you a simple question: should France be whole, or divided? Should we grant every duchy and county the right to secede, abrogate their responsibilities to the nation and swear theoretical loyalty to King Louis? I mean, listen to the words they use! A Personal Union? They would see us returned to the feudal era, the era of counts and dukes, of Crusader Kings! Is that the era you wish to return to?

I admit that in my zeal, I may have been a bit extreme in sessions past, and I am now willing to extend the hand of friendship one last time to the erstwhile rebels. However, this comes at the unnegotiable condition that the rebels disperse and return to their homes. Their grievances may be answered, but it will be by the legislative process, not force of arms. If they spurn my offer, then there can be no hesitation - either France is united, or it is broken. I choose Union, my friends, but I cannot speak for all. What say you!? *Chants of Unité reverberate throughout the crowd*

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie
Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Luis II

Excerpts from a speech to the people of Naoned posted:

... Robespierre says we wish to return to the times of Crusader Kings. He is wrong! We wish only to keep France and ourselves from entering our Darkest Hour by declaring a state of drawn out war.

Let us instead enjoy our Two Thrones, and live in peace in the embrace of our Europa Universalis. They talk of Union, but I talk of Personal Union! Is the manner of Union of so much import that they'd declare war on us for justly seceding from their oppression? *cries of "Liberty and Independence! Union on our terms!" erupt from the audience*

Feb 11, 2009

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

The people of Brittany have spoken, do you as one man have the right to deny them their wish? Surely if you had your way we would return to an absolute monarchy with you as the head.

I plead to the people of America to send their support. I fought side by side with President Washington against Cornwallis, surely he would understand the plight of the Breton people.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

I would ask our distinguished Marshall where, exactly, I have proposed to end the Breton rebellion single handily? I have proposed acts, as is proper in my role as an Assemblyman, I have not sought to raise up a personal militia and march on the Rebels! I am confused as to the vehemence with which a man entrusted with one of the armies of France so defends the ones who would be no part of it.

Feb 11, 2009

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

sniper4625 posted:


I would ask our distinguished Marshall where, exactly, I have proposed to end the Breton rebellion single handily? I have proposed acts, as is proper in my role as an Assemblyman, I have not sought to raise up a personal militia and march on the Rebels! I am confused as to the vehemence with which a man entrusted with one of the armies of France so defends the ones who would be no part of it.

It is because of your incorrect assessment that the Bretons no longer wish to be a part of France and your support of the vigilante Lafayette that allow me to make that call.

But please do not over exert yourself, your grievous wounds need time to heal it may be best that you retire to your bed for the time.

Aug 19, 2012

The King's proclamation to the Frenchmen posted:

Dear people of France!

These last several years were not easy, for us and certainly not for you. Like a soldier, wounded with a sword, France bled horribly - but didn't die. Instead she lied, weakened and pale, when the medics dressed her with sutures and gave her some medicine. Now there comes a question: what to do with her?

Monsieur Robespierre, monsieur Lafayette and their lot would like her to get back to fight. Enough of dossing around, they say. Bretons need to be taught a lesson, they say. After all, the revolution needs sacrifices. France should bleed, will bleed even more, to have a chance to be a country they envisioned it to be.

Your king advises: let her rest for a while. Let her wounds to be tended until they mend. Feed her heartily, so she could regain her strength. Soon enough, our homeland will be great again, just as it was.

The republicans would make you to fight, so Brittany could be divided into districts again and ruled from Paris. We say that this is not a good time to wage war. Food is still expensive. Many Parisians are without jobs. Bandits such as de Sade are roaming the countryside, gathering forces to attacks. These are our threats. These are our objectives.

You may feel safe, though. We promise you: as the King, we will never sign an act which would force you into a war you gain nothing from. No more troops tramping the fields before harvest, no more French blood flowing to satisfy a madman's wounded pride!

We say: this soldier has fought enough, give her some rest!

Apr 18, 2009

Major von Bachmann, Swiss Guard

Now that the matter of the loyal Breton subjects of His Majesty Louis XVI has been concluded, will the National Guard of Paris do their duty in stopping the maniac de Sade and his imps in their rampage across the countryside? Does Lafayette condemn or condone rape, murder and looting? I will not look to his words for the reply - as the poet de Peche-Mode wrote, "words are meaningless and forgettable" - if Lafayette returns to Paris without de Sade in chains or a shroud, I will know him to be a traitor and will send my second to him to discuss the matter further.

Mar 23, 2011

Jacques Pierre Brissot, Citoyen de France et Girondin Extraordinaire

I must absolutely lend my support to the Brittany Act. This foolish and insulting rebellion must not be allowed to go unchecked.

The rebels can hold no pretence to oppression, other than the plight of any other citizen of France, and as such their abandonment of our people - at this moment of all moments! - speaks ill of them. "Breizh" indeed. They were born Frenchmen, and while they may not live as Frenchmen, we shall certainly see that they die as Frenchmen.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

The King has made his decision. I will maintain my forces on the border of Brittany, but I will not step foot within it.

To the betrayed people of France, I weep with you. I am sure the Assembly will represent your will, the democratic will. Our Sovereign has thrown in his lot with those who would tear our nation apart.

Feb 17, 2011

My god, it's full of cat!

Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte

Excerpt from a letter sent to home
"[...] I keep running drills and training exercises on the rough terrain. This will surely prove to be valuable experience in unconventional fighting. One thing is certain, that combat here will not be resolved through conventional field tactics.

Frankly, so far away from France the mainland politics don't have a dire effect effect here. The greatest concern here is the former slaves. Everyone is terrified... St. Marc is recent in peoples' memories, and when the news came that we were too late to save Cap Français, and of the atrocities committed there, I think that hardly any Haitian on this side of the colony could keep themselves from crying. I have heard only the best about Louverture, but he doesn't matter any more. A leader that can control battles but not their aftermath is the worst and most dangerous kind of leader. This is the kind of leader Louverture is; his men are not going to listen to him. They might as well only be listening to a devil who only has bloodshed and death in his mind. There must be justice. The butchers of St. Marc and Cap Français cannot go unpunished. [...]

P.S. Give Robespierre my sincerest condolences for his arm. Hopefully he'll still be capable of shouldering his responsibilities as leader of the Jacobins and lift France out of the crisis it seems to be heading towards. I know the man can be uncompromising sometimes, but if push comes to shove, he needs to shake hands with those close to him and make a strong showing before the stakes go higher and brothers get up in arms against each other."

Apr 10, 2010


Citizens! A crime has been committed! The King has, without the permission required from the legislature, sent the Dauphin out of the country, and he is now in the hands of France's enemies! And while he does this, he forbids the army from marching into Brittany to put down the rebellion! All the while, his bastard brother sits in the Austrian Netherlands and prepares the destruction of our country and the violation of our liberties. I say it is clear! Louis is no king! He is a traitor, brother to a traitor, and married to an Austrian bitch, and it is our duty as citizens to put down treason against France whereever it may lie, and for traitors to pay the ultimate penalty!

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Epicurius posted:



Citizens! A crime has been committed! The King has, without the permission required from the legislature, sent the Dauphin out of the country, and he is now in the hands of France's enemies! And while he does this, he forbids the army from marching into Brittany to put down the rebellion! All the while, his bastard brother sits in the Austrian Netherlands and prepares the destruction of our country and the violation of our liberties. I say it is clear! Louis is no king! He is a traitor, brother to a traitor, and married to an Austrian bitch, and it is our duty as citizens to put down treason against France whereever it may lie, and for traitors to pay the ultimate penalty!

Man do what you gotta do and say what you gotta say but do not use gendered insults. Everyone knows language shapes our culture, idiot.

Friar John
Aug 3, 2007

Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night
Have my old feet stumbled at graves!

Georges Cadoudal

From "The Proposed Debate at Toulouse, April 17 1792" posted:

Dearest friends in the audience, and to my esteemed opponent in this contest, Monsieur Barnave, I greet you with fondest warmth! It is through such dialectic that even the greatest of issues may be resolved without blood, a task I believe is the highest order for our day. I give fondest thanks to the men of Toulouse for allowing us to hold our battle in this, the old Parlement building, where so many debates and laws were heard in better times.
Let me begin by speaking the proposition: that the only just state is the popular state. I answer to such a statement in the negative! As is right, let me lay out my premises, and follow them to the conclusion.
It is universally acknowledged that the light of reason was placed into the nature of man so that he might seek what is best for himself. His natural end, the flourishing of his capacities, moral, intellectual, and physical, this is what reason illuminates. But because one man alone cannot procure all those things that build up the mind and body, it is natural for man to live in community with many.
Now, although all other animals are given natural capabilities and insight, so that the sheep might know the wolf is its enemy, man is given only a general knowledge of those things essential for his life. Instead, he must reason from natural principles to those particulars he needs for his life. But it is impossible for one man to learn everything necessary, which is why in society, men can direct their efforts toward one goal or another- one man in medicine, another in arithmetic, another in agriculture, &c.
If then, it is necessary for man to live in society, then there must be some means by which that society is governed. For where there are many men together, each looking to his own interest, the multitude would be broken up and scattered unless there be an agency with responsibility for what pertains to the common good. Thus does Solomon say: "Where there is no governor, the people shall fall: but there is safety where there is much counsel" (Prov. 11:14).
And this is reasonable, as what is proper and what is common are not identical -- things differ by what is proper to each, and are united by what is common. Thus there must be something in a multitude that impels it toward the common good. And just as the soul rules the body, binding all the parts together, so does the state aim the polity toward the common purpose. "A ship, for example, which moves in different directions. according to the impulse of the changing winds, would never reach its destination were it not brought to port by the skill of the pilot" writes Aquinas.
Now that the natural necessity of governance has been shown, it is to the question of its justice I turn to. Now this hinges solely upon the meaning of the virtue justice. Aquinas calls justice "the perpetual and constant will to render to each one his right." Thus, the government that renders to each one what is due to them, is the just government. The government that respects the duties and rights of each man in his office and station, that acts to curb vice, ensure right judgments in law, that is the just government.
Is the popular government the only government that can do this? I believe that history shows that to be false. Do we not still think highly of the kingship of Henri IV, who brought peace back to France between the Church and Her faithful and the wayward? Have we not read about the Emperors Augustus and Constantine, how they held the ship of state steady in times of civil disturbance and conflict? Did not the Frankish councils choose kings from their nobility, and so led to men of such renown as Clovis and Charlemagne?
I do not claim that popular governments are unjust - only that they do not hold a monopoly on justice. The Republic of Venice has stood for centuries, bringing prosperity to the people, and that is good for the Venetians. The Knights Hospitaller elect their Grandmaster, who brought safety and peace to the Christian Mediterranean, and defended his charges on Malta, and all of Europe, from the Turk. The Polish crown shared governance with their nobility, leaving such a hero as Jan III to save Vienna from the infidel. The United States, for whom I have much admiration, elects its executives through the representatives of the states that comprise it, and have chosen Monsieur Washington, a man of wisdom and virtue. I say a popular government may be just, but so may an aristocratic, or a monarchical! Popular government is not the only form of organization that may bestow upon the people what is owed to them.
The floor is yours.

Gone Fashing
Aug 4, 2004

dulce et decorum est

Claude Antoine de Valdec de Lessart, Minister of the Marine

excerpt from a letter to King Louis XVI posted:

...which brings me to the issue of the Haitians. The negroes have been allowed to gain too much power, and are openly revolting even in many of the most serene communities.

I would implore Your Majesty to strongly consider increasing our military presence across the Atlantic, lest word of the struggles be perverted by those blasphemous members of the Assembly, or even worse, our supply of sugar be stymied.

While I have as yet refrained from expressing the reservations myself and other members of your Royal Cabinet hold with regard to your hesitance on the Breton situation, I cannot in good conscience abide to see the current situation in Haiti remain a relatively low martial priority....

Ramba Ral
Feb 18, 2009

"The basis of the Juche Idea is that man is the master of all things and the decisive factor in everything."
- Kim Il-Sung

Friedrich-Wilhelm von Franco


Dear King Louis XVI,

I am writing a petition directly to you, Majesty, from my lovely estate out in Orleans. How are you? I am fine personally but sadden by the current state of affairs. The loss of any German noble leading our men is a great tragedy next to an army routing due to weak morals but I believe we can recover. The true key of the army will be toward the stability of France since we kind of made some people angry, or so my friends from abroad write to me. Not to say that there aren't people that have lack of nice things to say but just that changing climate and all. I mean, the situation here in Orleans is really crazy with these peasants forming outside my place and throwing rocks at the windows in the most pitiful manner. I do say pitiful since they threw like Russian peasants. So, I went outside and had to teach them to throw properly and within formation. If I had spare bayonets, I would've gotten them to grenadier levels in training but my lack of preparedness was my greatest shortcoming in this endeavor. The only real problem after that is I ran out of windows and need to get new ones, but that should be fix soon.

Anyway, to get these windows fix, I am going to need a commission from the generosity of the King of France. So if you so kindly please, make me a general as I believe the pay will go toward getting new windows and from there I'll see what we can do to fix any sorts of problems but first my windows!

With regards,
Friedrich-Wilhelm von Franco

Apr 24, 2008
i dont care how much probation i get capital letters are for squares hehe im so laid back an nice please read my low effort shitposts about the arab spring


I am joining the game as Jacques Hébert. Email: estafortaleza (at) gmail (dot) com

It is my sincere sorrow to see that the journalism of today limits its intended audience to the perfumed salons of the petite-bourgoisie, perhaps believing that the toiling people of France is too stupid to read. This betrays the true beliefs of the leeches and parasites that have taken hold of the revolution as their own. These papers, printed in fine ink and glossy paper, are weak not only in words, but also in intent, mirroring the gutless gluttons who read them. The nation of France, and above all, its people, are bleeding to death from the inoperance of their so-called rulers, both the pitiful remnants of the Ancient Régime and the newcomers who style themselves as revolutionaries.

Those who starve and languish without work, those who suffer the yoke of taxation and the tyranny of conscription, can now find a friendly voice in their old friend, the father figure of bastards all over France, the giver of refuge to whores and bread thieves, he who toils with them in the gutters and will yell with them at the barricades, the good Père Duchesne.

And, my sons and daughters, your good Father Duchesne is very angry today.

As you know me, I am but a simple laborer, just like you. But I cannot understand how those fancy men of wealth waste away days and nights (which they should be spending in securing food and work for the people) bickering endlessly, like runts over a ball game, over what fucking ink the stamp on their legal decrees should be wetted on. "Oh, the King must allow sending troops into Brittany!", says one. "Oh, Monsieur, heavens no! Rather, the King must not allow not sending troops into Brittany!".
I tell you, you could breed retards with donkeys for generations and still you'd fail to come up with a more incompetent batch of simpletons. Not being a man of science, I must say that the medical prodigy of Robespierre's iron hand pales in comparison to the shit brains of half the Assembly.
The matter of Brittany is simple: one of those deluded fools who still believe in the crock of shit that is the concept of nobility saw fit to put a crown over his head, and a fat, flatulent choirboy by the name of Cadoudal saw fit to support him.
I, for one, would normally be more than happy to let these rats and dogs play their crown games at their leisure, but this charade is not harmless to us, the ailing people of France: By wanting to sink France into yet another pointless war they are condemning us to the burial of our children, the rise of our taxes and the drop of our meager wages. Furthermore, by taking away the farmlands that feed us, they are practically entering our houses and taking away our bread - that is, the bread of those few fortunate enough to receive alms from His Most Exalted Majesty King Lous XVI.
And what is Kind and Good King Louis, Ruler of all Frenchmen By the Grace of God, he who was so magnanimous as to feed us during our hunger, doing to stop this pillaging of that very meal? Why, he is hiding behind the satin curtains of his bed, wetting his silk pajamas, that is! I will admit that it must be uncomfortable, the bed so crowded with the endless parade of noblemen and women his wife cuckolds him with! And yet, this is no surprise, for he is also hiding from his very cousin who, as you read this, plans to establish himself as yet another fake king with the aid of mercenaries and robbers; he hid from the misdeeds of Marshal Luckner, stepping up only once the nefarious German dropped dead (brave King! Exalted King!); he hid from the women of France when they bravely came marching on his door; by all hells, it is said he even hid on his wedding night, the sight of his wife's sex so strange to him!

The Marquis of Lafayette, due to the squeamishness that is expected of those of his birth, decided that the quivering reserve of the cowardly monarch was enough reason to rein in his troops, who are days away from returning fertile land to the hungry people of France. Not only this, but the marshal who has been called to replace the corrupt Luckner has decided to side with these robber barons and mercenaries, even suggesting that French men should defend the "right" of this scum to rob us of our food and to increase our tax burden!

This is the call I make to you, my most beloved miscreants: Just as the bishop and the baron steal from a family, Brittany is stealing from France. Not stealing our dignity, national honor, or any such nonsense ideas that monarchists and their inbred supporters babble about, but no less than our own bread and butter.
Furthermore, it is clear that the Assembly (aptly named, for it is no more than a collection of asses) is weak and indolent to our hunger. If we wish to conquer Brittany, we must first conquer Paris. The army, packed with fools, will not obey to the will of the people, rather being content with their role as the King's lapdogs. For this, I must call you, my sons, to ENLIST INTO THE CITY MILITIA AND PREPARE FOR ACTION.

Jul 30, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

You should join #bop and #enrages!

Jan 12, 2012

George Washington posted:


I request that you will accept my acknowledgements for your letters. Permit myself and the Stock of America to approach you with the most cordial affection and esteem for your person & merits. Your nation has accomplished great object, the establishment of a Constitution and the introduction of Republican government. You have done this without abandoning the traditions of which France has been built upon. Allow me to give my blessing to that Country, whose service has delivered us from foreign tyranny, for whose sake I have consumed many anxious days and watchfull nights, and whose happiness being extremely dear to me.

Citizens of France, I have been burdened with the issue of your correspondence. I have entertained your friendship without the slightest apprehension. However, your words have been used to organize faction, to give extraordinary and artificial force to divisions that were once not readily apparent. The Congress, at my behest, has divided itself and now threatens to undo those liberties which we accomplished so few years ago. I have already, on previous occasion, intimated the dangers of Parties in the State and their corruption influence both on nations and individuals. These United States threaten to slide into a state of near peril and anarchy, brought upon those who seek to exploit your conflict.

In order to secure the preservation of Government, I hereby announce these United States’ neutrality in your internal strife. We respect the lawful execution of law, so long as it reflects the legitimate aspirations of the people and not made to undermine the spirit of Liberty. The common and continual mischiefs of parasites, to exploit the spirit of law for momentary gain, to forment ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, to subjugate individuals for their politics or creed, must be dealt with swiftly by your nation before legitimate dialogue may proceed. We wish you all patience and wisdom in finding a solution to the Breton Revolution and the riots being supported by unpatriotic factions. By the smiles of the Heavens, I know a solution is possible for your woes.

For these reasons I give you the trouble of this Address, and the assurance of being Gentlemen. Mrs. Washington joins me in every good and kind wish for France and her people.


President Washington

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