![]() Given Danton's unfortunate absence in this time of crisis, I have no choice but to replace him with Citoyen Saint-Juste. An intellectual man, reasonable in demeanor yet fiery in principle. I am confident he will do the job well.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 23:20 |
![]() Louis XVI, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre, Duke of Brittany An Open Response to the Open Response Written By Louis Philippe d'Orleans posted:
# ? Nov 25, 2012 23:54 |
![]() 496x514 People of Picardie I have realised that due to the Figurehead position of the President, that I am best suited not as President, but as head of the Enragés party, until the Presidential Election, Babeuf will be President Honorarily until the next Presidential election in 6 months. I hope the people of Picardie will make the right decision and elect the Enragés as the ruling party.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 00:09 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() From "Paris no more!" posted:...Corruptio optimi pessima, is what the philosophers of old said -- "the corruption of the best is the worst." Peoples of France, have we not seen this maxim play out before our very eyes? Have we not seen Paris, the Queen of Cities, descend into the mire of ruination and revolution? Paris, so long the standard that so many of the Kingdom followed, is plunging itself into chaos and madness. Will you follow her over the edge?
# ? Nov 26, 2012 00:48 |
An anonymous pamphlet distributed to Monarchist sympathizers across France posted:People of France! Marie Therese stands now a prisoner of the Bretons, held captive, forced to learn their foul tongue, forced to marry a Breton commoner, forced to give up her French identity at gunpoint! Taken advantage of in untold ways by the man who declares himself her Steward, he hopes to put her on the "throne of Brittany" as a puppet Duchess! Reject the Breton! Save Marie-Therese! Vivé la France!
# ? Nov 26, 2012 01:49 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard English soldiers now stand on French land. If there was any doubt in our minds that the Breton rabble are fully and totally against France, let this invitation of the United Kingdom to invade our nation kill those thoughts. In fact, it is now clear this rebellion - and Louis Capet's aid to it - was nothing more than a plot by the English to destroy France and restore the ancien regime! The Republic is the first government to represent all the people, and we cannot allow it to perish through the treacherous actions of a few Breton conspirators and their English puppetmasters. Order will be restored to Brittany, our men already sit within their supposed borders and are preparing to strike! Unité!
# ? Nov 26, 2012 02:07 |
a bad enough dude posted:
![]() 'Steward of the King' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Loeiz II Open Letter to Lafayette and the French Republic posted:
# ? Nov 26, 2012 02:12 |
![]() A speech to the people of France posted:How could I forget! The English! The English have come back once more, over 300 years since we last chased them from our fair country. Poised once more to strike at our heart, to see France a subsidiary of their "United Kingdom". Resist the English! Resist their comrade the German! Resist their pet, the Breton! Resist! Fight! Conquer! Vivé la France!
# ? Nov 26, 2012 02:12 |
![]() Général André Masséna, Commandant de l'Armée du Nord In a speech to his men a few days after the Battle of Lille: Brave soldiers of France! Many of you are wounded, I know. All of you are tired. And we have all lost dear comrades. But know that it has not been in vain! Know that we have struck the first blow in the defence of our nascent republic! Already we have secured our place in the pages of history! A hundred years from now, when our descendants speak of the defence of the ideals of the revolution, our names will be the first to their lips! They will look to us with admiration and with awe! Those who died will be remembered as the foremost martyrs of the republic, whose sacrifices secured liberty and justice for all! But we all know that the war is not yet won. Even now the traitors lick their wounds as they hide beneath the skirts of their Austrian masters. There will be more fighting. Many of us will die. But we must not think of this as a burden. It is an opportunity: an opportunity for all of us to show Europe our strength. The strength of liberty and justice! The strength of common men fighting back against those who would oppress them! The strength of the revolution! The strength of France! Vive la France! Vive la République!
# ? Nov 26, 2012 02:44 |
Saint-Just![]() Citizens of France, and people of the world. I greet you for the first time as foreign minister, and wish to make France's position clear before the world. It is not France's desire to war with any other nation or people. We are a peaceful Republic, a free nation, whose people are enjoying a liberty that has been denied them for centuries, and we desire only to maintain that peace. However, we find ourselves attacked by nations that we have no quarrel with. These were nations, many of them, who, when the old King Louis was on the throne, were among his fiercest enemies. Yet now, they are willing to spill blood to put him back on that throne. Refrain from this. Let us have peace and trade that will benefit all our nations, not war and destruction that will ruin them. People of the world, know that France means well to all who wish her well. We start no quarrels. But we will not stand by and watch our nation threatened with ruin, our women violated, and our people enslaved. Though we love peace, if we must fight, we will, and we shall have the victory. I would also like to congratulate President Hamilton on his recent victory in the American presidential elections. As a fellow Republic, we congratulate the United States, and wish it continued success.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 04:03 |
![]() 1395x1860 Général Joseph Marie Servan de Gerbey, Commander of l’Armée des Pyrénées Our great nation stands at a crossroads; we are currently at war with most of Europe, and face internal division and sedition. Should we succeed, should we triumph over our enemies, numerous though they are, our names shall ring forever throughout history, and we will be known as the men who defended liberty, and built the foundations of a republic that will last for a thousand years. Failure is not an option. And so I propose the following act, to provide critical wartime materials to our brave soldiers in the field: The Wartime Acquisition Act This act will create an Acquisition Committee, to be appointed by the Minister of War. This Committee will be tasked with the acquisition of critical wartime materials: copper, lead, saltpetre, sulphur, food, and clothing, to name a few. With the massive expansion of our military, we must have a massive increase in supplies: as such, this committee will be given the authority to do anything necessary to acquire necessary supplies for our war effort.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 04:20 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard I support the Wartime Acquisition Act and propose that Général Gerbey be made head of the Acquisition Committee.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 04:23 |
![]() An excellent idea! However, surely it would be best to have the Committee be based out of Paris - from my military laymen's perspective, it seems it would be best to allow Général Gerbey to focus solely on his army and theater of operations. However, I am always willing to listen to those who know more - if Général Gerbey is the man for the job, then he is the man for the job.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 04:27 |
Epicurius posted:Saint-Just ![]() 'Steward of the King' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Loeiz II Official Letter to France, CCed to other countries in the war - including the US and Russia who might join in the future posted:
# ? Nov 26, 2012 04:35 |
![]() Pamphlet found in a gutter in Rennes, Brittany pamphlet posted:"Liberty of death! That is our answer!" - Charles Armand Tuffin
# ? Nov 26, 2012 05:18 |
![]() 'Steward of the King' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Loeiz II Perhaps it was in the gutter because it is a bad French translation of the Breton saying "Give us liberty or give us Death!" and thus a really shitty pamphlet? Probably planted there by Republicans given the lack of effort put into it, similar to the lack of effort they put into their constitutions before they rip them up in bloody revolutions.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 05:23 |
![]() President of the First French Republic Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, “Citoye Egalité” A speech from the President distributed as a pamphlet throughout Republican held territories: quote:My countrymen, the time has finally come. The true enemies of France have shown themselves, and shown their alliances and intentions. The Bretons have sold their souls to our hated enemies the British all in the name of "Independence". Their intentions have never been any clearer, they have sought to not only dismantle our Republic, but install the traitorous King Louis Capet. They want you to bend your knee to their King once more! But my fellow Frenchmen, he is not your king! You let your voice be heard and expelled him and his wretched family from Paris. So long as the Republic stands you shall not bend your knee to the Capets! YOU SHALL NOT BEND YOUR KNEE TO ANY MAN! You shall remain free to exercise the Liberty you have fought so hard for! The Capets and Bretons are so desperate, they cast their lot in with our most hated enemy! Do you think that if they came to power, they would truly rule France? NO! They will be the puppets of the foreign powers they have conspired with! Do you want to be ruled by Prussian and British masters and their Capet puppets? Or do you wish to vote for a government, to have a voice, to have freedom?!!
# ? Nov 26, 2012 06:11 |
![]() President of the First French Republic Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, “Citoye Egalité” I fully support the Wartime Acquisition Act. I would also like to add an amendment that this cover taxes as well, and give full authority for the National Guard to assist in the collection of taxes and increase the penalties for tax evasion. I would also like to propose the Wartime Labor Act, which makes women eligible to work on the acquisition of resources and the manufacture of arms and armaments essential to our effort. We need every able body supporting the effort. I also propose the Emigre Land Re-Allocation Tax Break where peasant farmers who have received land seized from the Emigres will only pay a 5% tax rate on the land instead of the normal higher rate. This also includes a temporary requirement that the farmers give 10% of their crop to the military to feed our fighting men.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 06:19 |
Marquis de Condorcet, writing from a small brasserie near Rue de Rivoli 420x600 quote:My dear General, Marguerite's response to Condorcet, shortly after posted:
On the issue of the Wartime Acquisition Act, Condorcet speaks to his political contemporaries After consulting with my more martially minded colleage Lazare Marguerite, I have been informed of the necessity of this act. However, as a Man of Science, I must raise the critical notion that such an act must be amended to allow those in the pursuit of scientific advancement under the auspices of research approved by the Academie des Sciences to be Exempted from any procurement Demands, and to be given priority second only to the military in their procurement of such resources. Furthermore, if the act passes as amended, I shall use my position as Permanent Secretary of the Academie des Sciences to instruct that out of all research Approved or Funded by the Academie, that which shall offer tangible benefits to our military shall receive the highest priority. List of named members of Les Philosophes posted:1) Marquis de Condorcet (nominal leader/founder; political scientist and mathematician)
# ? Nov 26, 2012 07:51 |
![]() Gustaf af Wetterstedt Swedish Ambassador Sometimes, mistakes are made. Sometimes there are misunderstandings. This is what happened regarding our association with the Ottomans, and their attack on Austria. We had talks, and hoped to create a friendship of mutual understanding and need, despite being on different ends of Europe, with different culture and religion. However, mistakes were made. For that, we cant but to offer our deepest apologies and try to repent. We had no clue of what the Ottomans planned to do, and if we had, we would do all to convince them that it was a mistake, and break up any talks if we were unable to. The shipment to the Ottoman empire is now returning home, they have agreed to our demands on sending the weapons back. The token weapons, which were supposed to be a symbol of cooperation and friendship and NOT methods of which to be used to attack the Austrians. The weapons are now on its way home to the north. It is sad, that the bridge between our two nations has to be broken, but such is the folly of their attack on the Austrians.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 14:19 |
Diplomaticus posted:Marquis de Condorcet, writing from a small brasserie near Rue de Rivoli ![]() I would look favorably upon such an amendment.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 14:51 |
![]() 496x514 Dear Mr Caritat, (for the purposes of equality I will not be using your title), I have heard of your work on matters of voting, the Picard Constitution calls for a body elected by "the popular vote" and this is all, if a system could be in place, at a reasonable price of course, as we are a small state currently, which would even marginally improve the fairness of the vote, for all Men and Women Of Picardie, I would very much be grateful for such knowledge. Science and Technology is of course, a great way to improve the health, happiness and equality of man, and thus you would be a treasured and highly respected person in the collective. If you wish to remain in the "Republic" of course, that is your right, but the spread of knowledge is a noble pursuit, to be spread to all, no matter your personal politics.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 16:05 |
Marquis de Condorcet, writing from his offices in response to Mr. Roux 420x600 Sir, I have Enclosed a copy of the Abstract from Essai sur l’application de l’analyse à la probabilité des décisions rendues à la pluralité des voix (Essay on the Application of Analysis to the Probability of Majority Decisions), in which I delve into detail upon the Complexities of this Method. Should you find the Concepts within to be Suitable, I shall endeavor to arrange a Meeting in which we could discuss Business matters.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 16:27 |
sniper4625 posted:
![]() I, for one, must say I gladly support this nomination, as Saint-Just's policies of being pelted by shit after revealing himself as a fake revolutionary and an opportunist are something that we very much look forward for the "republican" government to adopt.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 17:17 |
![]() 490x346 Louis Philippe de Bourbon, "Citoyen Unité", Minister of Finances ... and I apologize for not doing more to stop the defunding of our churches. It is true that we were in the middle of a war effort and sacrifices must be made, they must not be made on behalf of those upstanding guardians of tradition and morality! I have however secured a promise that the churches will now be fully funded at 2 credits. We have made an error in violating the Civic Constitution, and for that, we are sorry. But we have to also have to look at the facts. Our religion is still in severe need of reform. The clergy has long since look upon themselves as an unaccountable class, just like our previous Borboun monarchical family. While many, many priests have realized the errors of their ways, even more have became willing servants of Reaction. Even now, several members of the clergy have refused to take the Oath mandated by the Civic Constitution of the Clergy. Furthermore, some of these clergy have conspired with our enemies at home and abroad, and deserve to be executed for their treasonous actions. Our peaceful overtures towards the Papacy, to end this schism and ensure that the Catholic Church would be unified, has been violently rebuffed, with the Pope denouncing our specific brand of republicanism and remaining subservient to the forces of the Holy Roman Emperor and the corrupt Archbishop of Paris. To make matters worse, our churches themselves have remained static and hidebound, no longer relevant to today's wordly struggles. For many radicals, this may be a sign for it to be abolished. Not so! Religion is a key part of our republicanism, a key motivation for our struggles! Yet, there needs to be a revolution within the clergy, much as the secular realm has recently experienced a revolution. I have talked with a English phampletter who have previously served in the American Revolution. He has gave me some interesting ideas that I believe would best serve the interests of the French Republic. Though this man is not a Catholic himself, he does believe in implementing reforms that will help make religion more relevant and more useful to the modern day. Therefore, I propose the Church Restruction Act, which will do the following: 1) A state of schism exists between the official "French Catholic Church" that remains loyal to the Civic Constitution of the Clergy, and the "Roman Catholic Church". Though all due effort will be taken to ensure that the two Churches will once again reunite as one, for now, we must strike out on our own course. 2) The French Catholic Church is hereby renamed the "Theophilanthropic Church", to demonstrate its commitment to friendship with both God and all of mankind. 3) The Churches will once again be fully funded, with 2 credits being dedicated to Church funding every turn. For now, this increased spending will be financed by loans. All Catholic churches in France will now be advocates of Theophilanthropy. 4) All the previous traditions and rituals that Catholics have performed in the past are now carried over to the Theophilanthropic Church. The Theophilanthropic Church will remain a Catholic institution, though there may be some new innovations that may be added. 5) The French Republic now gains full control of the church hierarchy. Though local priests will still be elected by their departments, the central French government will be in charge of all other religious appointments, including that of the Archbisop of Paris. 6) The President of the French Republic will also serve as the head of the Theophilanthropic Church, though the Archbishop of Paris will be responsible for day-to-day management. The Archbishop of Paris is a Cabinet-level appointment; the President may appoint and dismiss anyone to that position. 7) Antoine-Éléonor-Léon Leclerc de Juigné is formally removed from his position as Archbishop of France, to be replaced by Thomas Paine (vacant), a well-known revolutionary who is sure to lead our country to victory. 8) Those clergy who do not support the Theophilanthropic Church (including "non-juring" preists who refuse to swear loyalty to the Civic Constitution) are hereby exiled to penal colonies in Louisiana. Their property is to be seized the state and given to the preists who support Theophilanthropy. 9) The National Assembly is allowed to excommunicate traitors and criminals to Theophilanthropy. Upon passage of this act, both Antoine-Éléonor-Léon Leclerc de Juigné (ex-Archbishop of Paris), Louis Capet (the Traitor King), and Louis Stanislas Xavier (the "Regent" of France) are all hereby excommunicated.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 19:45 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard I support all of the Church Reconstruction Act except the appointment of my friend Thomas Paine as head of the Church... he is not exactly known for his friendly views towards Catholicism, or organized religion in general... It would be best to appoint a willing Bishop. Paine would be at his best stirring support for our Republic in America. I see nothing wrong with the Marquis de Condorcet (and the President's) proposed amendments to the Wartime Acquisition Act, and will vote for them. Reason will not only grant us victory in the minds of thinking men, but on the battlefield as well. I also support both the Wartime Labor Act and the Emigre Land Re-Allocation Tax Break proposed by our President. I believe it is now time for Early Elections. The constitution has them set for summer, but I see no reason to delay the democratic process any longer, especially with so many empty seats in the assembly. I propose they be set for early January.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 20:46 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() Heresiarchs and the Damned posted:Peoples of France, hear me! For I must needs to speak with you all about this matter, so important that should I be silent I would imperil my very soul. Private Diary posted:...Never in my life, from my readings of History and Theology, have I come across a heresy so boring and gutless as this. At least the Protestants had fire in their bellies, and the Mohammedans will accept no compromise, warring amongst themselves and with the Christians on that account. But this... this invention is flimsy as wet paper, without blood or spirit. It is hardly religion, hardly anything more than a country club for bored satanists. These men call themselves Freethinkers, and as the maxim goes, you get what you pay for.
# ? Nov 26, 2012 20:52 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard Nevermind!
# ? Nov 26, 2012 23:24 |
![]() Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte, Emergency Military Governor of Louisiana Nah
# ? Nov 27, 2012 00:13 |
Jacques Roux on hearing this news at lunch. I propose, Give it back to the natives.
# ? Nov 27, 2012 00:18 |
![]() Provided that any treaty resulting from these negotiations is understood to be the will of the French people and will be enforced by all arms of the French government, I would be happy to negotiate and submit a proposal to President Hamilton. I know the President quite well, however, and should there be any signs of disunity of opinion on this matter, I believe he will hold that the negotiation is being done in bad faith.
# ? Nov 27, 2012 00:22 |
I'm going to have Rochambeau mostly bow out as to allow more focus on defending France from outside attack, I feel like the monarchists aren't much of the focus anymore.![]() I will be rejoining as Joachim Murat Admiral of the Navy. (future minister perhaps?? hmmmm rumsod?)
# ? Nov 27, 2012 00:27 |
Saint-Just![]() An Appeal to the People of Britain People of Britain, your nation is waging cruel WAR and BLOCKADE against us! Do they do so by your WILL? The Republic of France has never wished you any harm. We are not your enemies. We merely wish the freedom that you have already achieved; the right to choose our government, to be free, and to enjoy the blessings of liberty. Why has your government attached itself to the cause of Louis XVI? Have not the Bourbon kings always been enemies of your nation? Are they not still your enemies? How do either of our nations benefit by war? Do we not benefit more from pacific trade? We should be friends. We must be friends. Parliament of Britain, do not allow your nation to be dragged into a war that will not serve your interests! Stop it, for everyone's sake.
# ? Nov 27, 2012 00:45 |
![]() Alexis Le Veneur de Tillières, Maréchal de France, commandant l'Armée du Rhin An address to his gathered soldiers and officers, December 1792 Men of France! Soldiers of the Rhine! The forces of injustice have aligned themselves against us. From every horizon, enemies swear to destroy this nation and subjugate us all once more beneath the yoke of tyrannical oppression. The sneering princes of Europe have attempted already to invade France, but our gallant brothers in the Army of the North repelled them with the fury of a free people! It now falls to us to defend not just France and her people, but the promise of freedom itself. Your children's children will look to you, in this cold winter, as the heroes of an entire race of men and women from Iberia to the Baltic Sea! This all turns on our commitment to destroy not just the armies of our enemies, but their ability to oppress and enslave their peoples. We will face Prussian and Austrian soldiers on the field of battle and you will destroy them with no remorse, but we will not stop there! All their tools of tyranny shall lie broken at our feet. This winter will likely be your last opportunity to enjoy the comforts of peace before we are all plunged into the fires of war. Let us not weaken in our resolve as we march forth in our duties. Long live the Republic, and long live the People of France!
# ? Nov 27, 2012 02:14 |
YF-23 posted:
(Ok this is just the best possible response to someone trying to send history on track with regards to the Louisiana purchase.)
# ? Nov 27, 2012 05:48 |
![]() 419x523 Général Michel Ney, commander of l’Armée des Alpes Response to Condorcet posted:
# ? Nov 27, 2012 07:27 |
![]() 311x640 Koca Yusuf Pasha, Ambassador of the Ottoman Empire Hutter posted:
If you wish to remain neutral in this and did not understand our intentions, i do not wish to damage further relations with Sweden upon a simple misunderstanding. You may have your canons back in mint condition, though we will be continuing our army modernization efforts without your aid unhindered. It Shall be oh so much more satisfying to shoot the Austrians with canons of German manufacture anyways.
# ? Nov 27, 2012 12:48 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard After some discussion, it has been determined that the selling off of parts of the Louisiana Territory will have to be postponed for now. However, I still support that letters of marque for English ships be offered to American privateers and that Saint-Dominigue be handed over to the United States for an appropriate price.
# ? Nov 27, 2012 13:27 |
![]() I shall pass along whatever proposals your government sees fit to extend. However, as I mentioned to the War Minister when he first broached this topic to me, knowing Mr. Hamilton as I do, I am extremely doubtful that he would be amenable to purchasing St. Dominigue without Louisiana.
# ? Nov 27, 2012 14:15 |
![]() Legislative Support Wartime Acquisition Act, with all amendments Letters of Marque Act St. Domingue Sale Act Emigre Land Re-Allocation Tax Break Wartime Labor Act Church Reconstruction Act, substituting a reliable Parisian priest for Thomas Paine re: Archbishop appointment.
# ? Nov 27, 2012 15:54 |