![]() Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte, Emergency Military Governor of the Territory of Louisiana It is with the greatest of sorrows that I learn of the attacks on the settlements and the loss of Bonérville. Though we had only overseen the founding of the settlement it had already grown into a second home to me. I want it made known to the aboriginals of this land that there will be zero tolerance towards any attacks on established settlements. If there is any prospect of coexistence and the continuation of the indian nations' inhabitance of these lands, it is inextricably tied with peaceful relations towards those lands administered from New Orleans.
# ? Nov 24, 2012 22:30 |
![]() Dear countrymen: In light of recent events, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDYFgaAq8Ww
# ? Nov 24, 2012 23:05 |
![]() Motherfuck the government, motherfuck the system Motherfuck you I'm just living how I'm living Patron with a lemon, pinneapple in the Ciroc Vanity, more homes than the Sherlock family to roll through Smoke up, fuck with a jacobin or two I'm broader than you, (Murda!) I'm slaughtering you Lafayette ain't gotta be a genius to see it I just hope the brain make me say Jesus Christ No religion, I'm just so explicit I coexist in places you would never know existed
# ? Nov 24, 2012 23:14 |
![]() Men and Women Of Brittany. I think this looks pretty good: ![]()
# ? Nov 24, 2012 23:45 |
![]() 'Steward of the King' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Loeiz II Stay the hell out of Brittany. We love our Catholic Church and Traditions; your lies hold no sway here.
# ? Nov 24, 2012 23:58 |
Earlier, before the Battle of Signes![]() Olympe de Gouges, patriot François-Noël Babeuf! I stand before you on behalf of Father Roux and the entire Enragé movement to accuse you of treason against the Revolution. Prior to this, you had served us faithfully. Your leadership had proven to be wise and brave. But I come here not to praise you, but to bury you. You are hereby charged with conspiring with foreign reactionaries to forment rebellion in sabotage against our national defense. You are charged with the crime with aiding the enemy to acquire supplies and succor with which to stir civil unrest- no less, at a time in which this nation must hold together against foreign enemies. You have sold off your nation for thirty cases of gold and a chance to satiate your bloodthirst by killing your countrymen. You are a revisionist and an accelerationist who seeks to further the destruction of France. You may claim to have good intentions. You may believe in them yourself. But you will drag down a hundred thousand good men and women into graves to achieve that. Is that reason? No. Is that loyalty? No. Is that justice? A million times, no! You have betrayed the people of this nation, and you shall pay for your treachery. This gold you have been bribed with by these former reactionaries will be redistributed to the people. The prisoner you have illegally taken will be restored to official custody- his fate will be decided by the due process and the justice of this nation, not by your petty and greedy whims. On behalf of La Garde Révolutionnaire, the Enragé movement, and France herself, you are under arrest." "To the Fédérés and other brave men here in Signes tonight. You have done an admirable thing. You have proved your loyalty to the Revolution by accompanying this foul traitor here so that he is unable to escape. Your service to the cause of justice will be rewarded, as it is right. I applaud your actions. Let us take him in chains and secure this gold to buy bread and butter for the people, not guns and swords to kill our brothers. Good men of France, join the Revolutionary Guard and our cause! We will punish this traitor, defeat the reactionaries, and save the people! Long live France! Long live justice!"
# ? Nov 25, 2012 00:08 |
Meanwhile, in the mysterious future of 2012, American nationalists battle over the American Election 1792 page on an internet encyclopedia.![]()
# ? Nov 25, 2012 00:37 |
Maximo Roboto posted:Earlier, before the Battle of Signes ![]() 496x514 Men and Women of Picardie, do not think that this Woman speaks for me, While in the end I did not support the actions of Babeuf, due to his desire to form this "Unholy Alliance", I never believed he was a traitor and to be killed, his views were just, correct, honourable, his actions were not, but he could have been redeemed. Great people of Picardie, heroes of France, heroes of the Revolution, cling to your moniker of Babeufist, Babeufist only means one who follows the thought of Babeuf, but do not hold to his actions, as he was only a Man, a deeply flawed Man. But Babeufism only goes so far, and his thought, limited, Call yourself Babeufist, I will too, Call yourself Rouxist as well! But Olympist! Never!
# ? Nov 25, 2012 00:55 |
![]() To be honest I'm still figuring out who I want to behead for all of this, but in the face of Mademoiselle de Gouges' open and obvious betrayal of the unity of the Enragés, I can only denounce her treachery and side with Father Roux.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 02:19 |
SexyBlindfold posted:
Um, wasn't Babeuf about to hand the King over to the Monarchists? Wouldn't that make de Gouges the real protector of the Enragés, and Roux a revisionist?
# ? Nov 25, 2012 02:27 |
![]() ![]()
# ? Nov 25, 2012 03:18 |
sniper4625 posted:Um, wasn't Babeuf about to hand the King over to the Monarchists? Wouldn't that make de Gouges the real protector of the Enragés, and Roux a revisionist? I'm not going to delve on this with reactionary scum but basically: nah, it was a trick You just didn't get it
# ? Nov 25, 2012 03:18 |
![]() Général Michel Ney, commander of l’Armée des Alpes ...from the General's personal letters... "Peace and her sister Stability must be our priorities. France is caving in on itself, as every ideologue uses this opportunity to pursue their petty agendas and vendettas. The Bretons have been a part of our country for centuries and would see France torn down. Those mad followers of that Babeuf fellow are even worse - they would see all of civilization brought low. At the same time, a return to monarchy and despotism is now unthinkable. Once a man has been freed he will not reforge his own cage, no matter how horrifying the world beyond might seem. The best hope, it seems at this time, is to work with the central government to restore authority to France." In as General Ney! Hit me up at rakovskymaybe@gmail.com or just on synirc. It's pretty hard to keep track of everything that's happened so contact me and let me know who to work with/betray/double-betray!
# ? Nov 25, 2012 05:13 |
![]() 311x640 Koca Yusuf Pasha, Ambassador of the Ottoman Empire People of France, it is a time for war, not in fighting, you must turn your full attention to the German brothers of Austria and Prussia striking at your borders. Unite and strike against the fiends who seek to take your hard won republic from you! Also robspierre, Please, we need those military advisers, we need all the help we can get against Austria. Modernizing a military while fighting a war is a taxing thing indeed.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 05:34 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard The self-destruction of the "enragés" has proven to the world the failings of radicalism and anarchism, which will never again be allowed to threaten the nation. For their terroristic plots they are banished from civil society, to be arrested and treated as traitors wherever they try and emerge. Let a moderate Republic, swayed to no dangerous extremes, guide France to prosperity, stability, and liberty! The Republic will continue to consolidate its gains, and soon the revolution will truly be complete, the guillotine dismantled, and peace within shall reign. The forces of reaction continue to mobilize across Europe, but the French people have risen to the cause of their nation. The levee will continue, and a vast citizen army as never before witnessed will march to topple the tyrants. Let the enemy assemble, they will be blown aside by the superhuman strength of a people whose hearts are filled with righteousness.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 08:11 |
![]() Olympe de Gouges Brothers and sisters. You have fought well against our foes. France is safer now that the treacherous Babeuf is dead. I had hoped that he would have come willingly, and his followers surrendered peacefully. Never in my worst nightmares did I imagine this bloodshed would come to pass. I know that many of you now doubt the future of the Enragé movement. It has become as splintered as the ruling parties of France. Many of you are tired of this struggle, and doubt my leadership. Well, know that I never wanted to lead; my duties to the women are enough, and I do not wish to be a military commander. I hope that as long as I will live that I will not be again forced to draw blood, but only the ink from the inkwell. And I do not wish to splinter the Enragés further, even as they defend the final actions of François-Noël Babeuf. Yet even Babeuf I cannot damn for all time. His ideals were noble, and his actions just, until the end, when he became rabid. Brothers and sisters of La Garde Révolutionnaire, this once-august militia is suffering. I know many of you mistrust me. Therefore, I willingly surrender control over this force. All of you who believe in Rouxism and choose to follow Father Roux and Claire Lacombe instead of me may leave in peace. Unlike those currently in power in Nantes, not to mention Paris, I will not force you to abide by my own ideals nor beliefs. You are free to join those who still believe in Babeufism in Picardie. I have no desire to splinter this movement, but to forge my own path. I now declare the formation of the Sons and Daughters of Justice. For too long the natural laws that empower every free citizen of France and obligate every ruler in this nation have been defied. These natural laws- not simply the mere mortal laws that we may legislate- endow all of the women of this nation with equal rights as men. Furthermore, these natural laws likewise guarantee the freedoms to life and liberty. It was because Babeuf conspired against these laws that he had to be removed. So I say to you who still remain among us, and believe in me still, join the Daughters of Justice! As Saint Jeanne once did, we shall march as a shining light across this land, clothing the poor, feeding the starved, defending the weak, and uplifting the rights of women everywhere. Together, we will transform this broken society and replace one that will truly recognize the intrinsic rights of women. Join me, sisters! May justice reign! Long live France!
# ? Nov 25, 2012 08:44 |
![]() 1395x1860 Général Joseph Marie Servan de Gerbey, Commander of l’Armée des Pyrénées fuck it
# ? Nov 25, 2012 08:53 |
![]() From the desk of the Secretary of State, William Short To M. Robespierre posted:I trust this letter finds you well. My apologies for not being present to properly greet the National Guardsmen that you so generously detached to protect me with. I have always maintained that I am your most loyal friend on the international stage, and I hope that you agree with me that the cloud that has hung over our friendship in these past few months has blown away, pushed ever onward by the zephyrs of the sea. If your thoughts should still dwell on wrath, I must plead that my actions were born out of a love of the woman, not out of a love for the crown. To William Pitt, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain posted:Dear Prime Minister Pitt,
# ? Nov 25, 2012 11:59 |
In the lecture hall of the École Polytechnique for talented young scientists and academics, Marquis de Condorcet holds lecture. "...and by applying this filter, we can impress upon our results such a clean sweep as shall strike out any margin of error possible, yielding only the Truth. In this case, the truth of an election. And, as we have established, this Truth one so pure as to almost be divine, free of any taint of bias, malfeasance, or incompetence in the tabulation. It is this Truth that brings about stability, my friends. Science is, and has always been a key to stability, whether through grand astronomy or through the more political of sciences, such as this new voting system. I pray that we shall have some chance to utilize it in the field, soon, but that is a decision of politicians. Anyway, I ramble on now, and shall leave you with your time, and my humble thanks." After the post-lecture congratulations, and other familiarities were in order, Condorcet was pulled aside into a deep scientific discussion with Joseph Louis LaGrange. The following is a recollection of their discussion from the point of view of LaGrange in his later memoires. "...and he said to me in this slightly condescending tone, 'LaGrange, surely even you must recognize the growing war on science, on independent thought, on politics and reasons by legions upon all sides.' I knew he was right, but would not admit it at that moment were all the treasures of the Cosmos made available to me, how wounded my pride was to have to admit that I agreed with him... Later, after he left, I thought back upon his comments about Les Philosophes, the informal group of scientists, academics, inventors, theoreticians, and other such learned minds, as might meet on occasion in the social clubs of Paris. I could not have known then what kind of war I was getting myself into." --- Hi guys, joining the game as a new player from a new (mod approved) faction. I'll be representing Les Philosophes, an academically and socially connected group of scientists, philosophers, inventors, academics, and other such learned minds. Instead of fading away as Les Philosophes historically did by 1793, this version will band more and more tightly together as Enlightenment era advances of science and politics are threatened by war, religion, and traditionalism. There's tons of room for great characters, and a group like this will have room for internal conflict, factionalism, and overlapping interests with some of the more political factions. I'm hoping any new players considering joining the game would be interested in doing so as someone from this faction. As for myself, I'll be representing as the Marquis de Condorcet, a former Controller-General of the budget, and a respected political scientist, mathematician, philosopher, and a half-decent astronomer as well. PMs welcome, email is swatjester ...at..gmail...dot..com Also, glad to see so many SpainGame vets here. This group is NOT the Futuristics if that's what you're thinking.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 12:20 |
![]() Dear friends and comrades, I would clarify the declaration of illegality of the Enragé party pertains to the followers of Babeuf and Roux, those responsible for the terrible destruction wrought upon our Legislative Assembly, as well as the American Embassy and the Jacobin Club, and other acts of violence, including the illegal molestation of Citizen Louis Capet. Any harassment of Olympe de Gouges, her followers, supporters and members of the Sons and Daughters of Justice, and their cultural actions, must be ceased, for as long as they continue to defend France's unity and the rights of its citizens. I would also like to welcome Les Philosophes in the political and scientific development of our great nation. I am certainly not alone amongst the Ministers in having much to learn from these studied minds, and I hope they will indulge my interest in their assistance for the institutions under me. Your friend in times of peril, Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre Minister of Justice
# ? Nov 25, 2012 13:22 |
![]() Louis XVI, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre, Duke of Brittany People of France! For more than four years, the "revolution" takes it course. The country has been ruled by a clique of relatively wealthy people, with Robespierre and Lafayette as powers behind the throne. First they used me as their hostage, but - as I have tried to stop their worst travesties - they quickly replaced me with a puppet king-president. Look around you. They promised you liberty and freedom, but has already arrested and executed more people than my entire reign combined. They promised you elections, but there were only one so far and it is becoming obvious the next one will not come soon. They promised you prosperity, but even after robbing the Émigrés of their property, you are still starving. They promised you work and perhaps this is the only promise they kept - Lafayette's forced conscription, after all, do provide jobs. They promised you peace, but you are already at war with Great Britain, Austria and Prussia, and malicious actions of Marquis de Sade also encouraged Spain to intervene. Is it what you wanted? Is it what some of you have fought, shed their blood for? Are you still going to curl, cover your eyes and pretend everything is still fine, even as the entire country is breaking apart? Or is it time to acknowledge that you have been deceived? Those of you who have not lost their spine yet, there is still hope. Join our army in Netherlands, or comte de Rochambeau's next to the Breton border. Those of you, who does, will have all their crimes, even the ones committed in the name of the "revolution", pardoned. It won't matter if you followed Robespierre or Babeuf, if you aid your legitimate king now. Those, who still want to aid the illegitimate republic, or pursue even weirder forms of government, I pity. I can no longer protect them in any way. A huge host will be soon on the way to Paris, after Robespierre and Lafayette. Whoever decides to fight them in a misguided attempt of protecting the republic, will be treated as an enemy. Whatever your decision is, it is important to make it now.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 13:53 |
sniper4625 posted:Um, wasn't Babeuf about to hand the King over to the Monarchists? Wouldn't that make de Gouges the real protector of the Enragés, and Roux a revisionist? ![]() 496x514 No, Olympe gave tacit approval of Babeufs plans in a mad dash for power, I held the reservations and was the last to know of Babeufs plans, and forged my own path in the destruction of the assembly, I made my reservations known to Babeuf, giving me promises, but I still held them, if you care to call my new movement revisionist, do it, this term has no meaning to me, but do not call Olympe the protector of the Enragés her goal was always our destruction, she was always scheming. Babeuf had his flaws, his actions, misguided, but he always believed in a just and true society, even if he would make such plans to get to this end, can the same be said of Olympé, non!
# ? Nov 25, 2012 13:57 |
![]() Alexis Le Veneur de Tillières, Maréchal de France, commandant l'Armée du Rhin quote:Communiqué delivered to Gen. Masséna's Army of the North quote:From a personal letter to André Masséna
# ? Nov 25, 2012 14:20 |
![]() 490x346 Louis Philippe de Bourbon, "Citoyen Unité", Minister of Finances Myths and Facts: An Open Response to the Open Response Written By Charles Armand Tuffin posted:The traitor, Charles Armand Tuffin, seems willfully blind to the arguments against his treasonous action, in the hopes that doing so would help defeat the Revolution. Even now, he demands the creation of "Successor States", hoping to splinter France into even more mini-states. The reactionaries, unable to break the will of the French people, are now embracing particularism, and plan to annihilate the French state in its entirety. To counter these lies, this pamphlet was created, stating the 'myths' that royalists spread, and the true, undeniable 'facts'. Why Conservatism? A Speech Delivered To The Nobility And Bourgeois posted:I suppose some of you are confused as to why we embraced conservatism. I know many of you liked our changes to the party platform, and think we're going in the "right direction". But I also know many of you are upset about the end of the monarchy and the creation of a 'republic'.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 15:21 |
![]() A Speech on the Perils Facing France posted:People of France, Sons and Daughters of the Republic! Affairs of State posted:Danton has gone missing when he is needed most. If he does not return, soon, I will have no choice but to replace him. Perhaps with St. Juste...
# ? Nov 25, 2012 16:03 |
Jacques Pierre Brissot, Citoyen de La Nouvelle-Orléans I have long held that the difference between Black Man and White Man is simply culture and luck, and having had the opportunity to meet some of the local, ah, "Indians" are they called? I can assert with confidence that this rule holds for all the Colours of Mankind - Black, White, Red, Yellow and Miscellaneous. Therefore, I would like to announce my intentions to form an Association for the purpose of bringing civilisation and democracy to the indigenous peoples of this continent. The Aboriginal Civilisation Association will endeavour to uplift the native peoples from their current... tribal dispositions - we have hope that by the end of the decade they will be at least as civilised as the Bulgarian. As part of this endeavour, I am embarking on an expedition to explore the full extent of the Missouri river, and to bring the people of the land more fully into Louisianan society and jurisdiction!
# ? Nov 25, 2012 16:40 |
Jacques Roux, Speaking from Amiens Dear Men and Women of the Collective, unlike Robespierre, and his "Republic" in the rest of France, Democracy will be coming in the immediate future. For the time being I have declared myself President, but and Election will occur for the Presidency within 6 months, what must come first is the election for the Peoples house, all communes in Picardie will soon be electing members for the Peoples House, for the purposes of both the control of the State and the ratification and modification of the Constitution. After this registration of Official bodies will take place before the presidential election to form the Second House of our grand new Republic. Please find in all local offices the draft of the constitution. https://docs.google.com/document/d/...2Ibq4eCMg8/edit Thank you, I wish you all my brothers and sisters well in our endeavour to produce the most free, fair republic the world has ever known. In absentia, I Hereby nominate Claire Lacombe as Working Womens Collective Representative, hopefully to be ratified by the Peoples house within the coming months.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 17:38 |
![]() To President Hamilton posted:Sir, To Marie Antoinette posted:I miss you, dear Queen. You were a warm light during those tense days when I thought we might be slaughtered by the mob or arrested by the Jacobins. I hope you are well, and that your lessons with Federico continue. I have heard you made quite an impression on my countrymen. As much as I would treasure a letter from you, it would not be safe for me to receive one here. I hope we may be reunited soon.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 18:40 |
![]() Ah, but now I must disappear into the gray mist of history, my work complete, my mission fulfilled. I shall not return, my France, for yours is a future of rationalism, science, and progress, no place for an old spirit like myself. No, I shall spend the rest of my days in leisure and not conflict, satisfied that I served my country, laughing at that fucker Lafayette and that asshole Babeuf, both owned muchly by myself, and lo, my first in a long string of inventions meant to improve the world shall be the pina colada. To Martinique, bosun! To freedom, and to the last pages of our stories...
# ? Nov 25, 2012 19:25 |
Meanwhile, in Vienna...![]() We, Francis the First, by the grace of God Crown Prince of Austria; Prince of Jerusalem, Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galicia and Lodomeria; Archduke-in-waiting of Austria; Duke of Lorraine, Salzburg, Würzburg, Franconia, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola; Grand Duke of Cracow; Grand Prince of Transylvania; Margrave of Moravia; Duke of Sandomir, Masovia, Lublin, Upper and Lower Silesia, Auschwitz and Zator, Teschen and Friule; Prince of Berchtesgaden and Mergentheim; Princely Count of Habsburg, Gorizia and Gradisca and of the Tirol; and Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia and in Istria, sincerely hope y'all are ready for the other fuckin shoe to drop.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 19:37 |
Pcs can be foreign leaders?
# ? Nov 25, 2012 20:04 |
![]() Général Michel Ney, commander of l’Armée des Alpes Letter to Marquis de Condorcet, respected member of the École Polytechnique posted:
# ? Nov 25, 2012 20:15 |
![]() 'Steward of the King' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Loeiz II An Open Response to An Open Response to the Open Response Written By Charles Armand Tuffin posted:Successor States? I do not think you understand what the term means based on your arguments thus far, but it basically means that when a state is destroyed and another of similar nature replaces it, that state inherits the legacy of the former. It has nothing to do with randomly breaking apart France, and I demanded no such thing. In fact if you can find even a single instance of me demanding that France be "splintered into hundreds of mini-states" I will surrender my person to you at once. But of course I have never done such a thing and anyone who has ever read anything I have written can tell you as much. All I have ever demanded is that Brittany be allowed to live in peace, and you and your ilk have denied this so many times that we have been forced to take action and respond to your year old war on us with military action of our own.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 20:31 |
sniper4625 posted:Pcs can be foreign leaders? GM ruling on this incoming, gotta talk with QPQ about it first. If anyone has thoughts/concerns about it feel free to reach me on IRC.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 20:54 |
Cumfart Vortex and myself, after much discussion, have come to the following ruling about foreign nations: Players are allowed to be foreign rulers if they become one over the course of the game or if they are a minor European ruler. This means nations such as Austria, Prussia, UK, United States, Spain and the Ottomans are off the table. On the other hand, something like Andorra or the Duchy of Savoy would probably be acceptable. As it has gone thus far, the Ambassadors more or less dictate their nations policies with regards to France. We could expand the game's purview, but it goes beyond our operational capacity. There is simply not enough time in the day and we don't want to open a can of worms where the game transforms from FranceSim into 1791Sim. CVortex and I really hate to say, "No" like this. I apologize for any confusion.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 21:52 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() From "The Georgian Philippics," a series of speeches given in the Winter of 1792 posted:I have heard a story or two, friends. It seems that Monsieur Robespierre desires that I should share the fate of Marcus Tullius Cicero, that great orator of Justice. He desires that my head, sans tongue, be removed from my body, as well as my hands, and that they be nailed to a post in the middle of Paris, so that all men may see my fate and tremble at the power the Monsieur wields in his iron hand. He does well in his imitation of the tyrant Antony, who desired to make himself Dionysius and God-King of all the world! He pays me a greater compliment than I would ever attribute to myself, or desire from any friend, if he compares me to that illustrious rhetor! And so I will repay him that compliment, and speak as though that noble pagan led me like Virgil led Dante.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 22:25 |
![]() An anonymous pamphlet posted:It is clear now what Messieurs Cadoudal et Tuffin intend to do with that arm they so cruelly stole from La Republique - they intend to pleasure the British, the Austrians, the Prussians, and anyone else who will let them hide under their skirts. The rotund Cadaoul huffs and puffs, and the pompous Tuffin flaunts his French captive (if it is even the real Marie Therese), while the forces of Brittany openly call for a return to absolutism. Long live Luis, they cry, in their rather strange tongue, long live Luis! Citizens of the Republic, reject Tuffin! Reject Cadaoul! Reject monarchism! Do you wish to place the chains of slavery back on your own wrists? Never! Vivé la Republique!
# ? Nov 25, 2012 22:58 |
New from the Mandarin Duck Publishing House!![]() BASED ON A TRUE STORY! A rare beauty, raised among the opulent palaces of Austria, Marie Antoinette knew it was time to give up her life as the Queen of France when she narrowly avoided a brush with death. Unfortunately, her country still needed her - and she'd do anything to stay in the game. Forced to give herself over to a handsome, duty-obsessed 'minder' to ensure that she completes — and survives — her escape from Paris, Queen Marie is incensed... for her guardian, Ambassador William Short, is simply too dedicated, too unbending, and too disarmingly attractive. But in the face of dark secrets and deadly treacheries, as the true peril to Marie is slowly revealed, the ambassador Short realizes that, to save and win this extraordinary woman, he will have to do the unthinkable and break the rules — rules that passion and desire have suddenly, irrevocably changed.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 23:02 |
![]() 'Steward of the King' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Loeiz II Excerpts From a Speech to the Noble Assembly posted:... are you not Bretons? Are you not those brave men who stood with the Veur Chancellor and I and professed as much with the spirit and pride it was due? I believe you are; and yet I have heard more than once that some of you are actually debating the succession laws of the French! What kind of madness is this, that a Breton should continue to base his doings on what he reckons a Frenchmen might? We are Bretons, and our Duchy has Elective succession laws! The heir to the throne is whoever we so choose - and those amongst us who accept and pride ourselves on our Breton blood and heritage choose to elect a Breton next! And what Breton stands today with Noble blood and honest heart? There is myself, but I have no wish to rule as a full fledged Duke, nor do I think it is the path God set out for me. There is the Chancellor, but he is so modest as to not even think of himself as Nobility at times, and so would never allow his name to be even uttered as a possible candidate. Who then is left? What nobles are there of Breton being? I can tell you at once that it is not fair Xavier, French as French can be.
# ? Nov 25, 2012 23:04 |