![]() Général André Masséna, Commandant de l'Armée du Nord In a letter to Monsieur de Condorcet: Dear sir, I have heard much about your intellectual pursuits, as well as your role as a leader among the intellectual elite of Paris. Further, I have heard that only a few years ago you were involved in an endeavour to standardize the various systems of weights and measures found throughout France. No one knows better than I that the difficulties of the revolutionary wars have put other matters at the forefront of all of our minds, but there can be no doubt that a standardized system of weights and measures would be invaluable to the republic. As it happens, I recently happened upon a copy of an old pamphlet written by one Simon Stevin, a native of the lands I am currently occupying. In it he emphasized the importance of decimal notation and suggested, among other things, a system of decimal measurements. I must admit I was suddenly inspired to come up with my own system of interrelated decimal measures; one that would be highly appropriate, I might add, for military affairs. I am sure I am not the first to propose a system of decimal measurements for our nascent republic, but given the lack of current progress in this area, I thought I might write to you with my suggestions. Enclosed you will find several diagrams outlining my proposed measures of length, area, volume, and mass. I hope they will be of some use to you and your colleagues. Yours, Général André Masséna
# ? Dec 5, 2012 03:14 |
Epicurius posted:Saint-Just ![]() My dear friends in the assembly, We already have a Revolutionary Tribunal to do just that, with members chosen by the assembly. I would also like to voice my support for Masséna's proposal considering the territories conquered by the Armée du Nord. I believe this state, if its people choose for independence, should be known as the Batavian Republic. Your comrade-in-arms, Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre Ministre de la Justice ----------------------------- Dear Mari, Family is indeed important and kinslaying is the worst of all crimes. I will be glad to assist you in judging your uncle Xavier Capet for his part in the assassination of your father by Swiss agents, as your Breton protectors, practicers of a mental technique I'd call double-think, seem unwilling to act against him. Nonetheless, I concur that the actions ordered by Lafayette must be looked into. I have been giving this matter extensive thought as a legislator, and the draft of a Treaty for a War With Honour is in the early state in my chambers. I understand that you are yet a child, but I believe people ultimately rise to the challenges they are given by circunstance and though our states are rivals this should not prevent its citizens from amicably debating matters of common interest, as such is the basis of civilization that may one day allow us to exist in peace. If you'd like I can send you a copy of the text I'm working on, and I will be eager to hear a response from you and your guardians on its specifics. Yours truly, Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre
# ? Dec 5, 2012 09:44 |
420x600 Condorcet, in response to Général André Masséna, Commandant de l'Armée du Nord My dear Général, I am Intrigued by this System you propose. I shall Confer with my colleagues, and should it be Desired that we Adopt such a system, I would Suggest that the basic Unit of Measure for Length in this System be the "Masséna".
# ? Dec 5, 2012 14:57 |
![]() Alexis Le Veneur de Tillières, Maréchal de France, commandant l'Armée du Rhin From an address to his troops, two days after the Battle of Metz Soldiers! All of France, and indeed the free world, owes you a debt. Through your skill and sacrifice, you have ensured the safety of all French citizens from the Prussian menace! I extend my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to the finest soldiers I've ever had the privilege of commanding. Generations to come will sing your praises. You have won a great battle in the name of France and freedom, but more enemies await just over our border. We must yet maintain vigilance, for the safety of your country, families, and liberty depends upon you! This army alone bears the burden of defending the soil of France. Let other generals be the swords of freedom, I proudly bear the shield of France! Together, we shall make any king rue the order sending his men to die in France!
# ? Dec 5, 2012 20:38 |
Saint Just![]() I would like to propose that Nice and those French speaking regions around it be annexed to France and that the the rest of the Sardinian territory we have liberated from the yoke of monarchy be encouraged to establish a Republic, known as the Savoyard Republic, and that France recognize the new government and support it. As for the revolutionary court, did that actually get passed, ZearothK? Obviously, if it did, I'll withdraw my bill.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 00:31 |
Général Joseph Marie Servan de Gerbey, Commander of l’Armée des Pyrénées, Patriot Declaration from Paris With the fall of the vile May Triumvirate, I have been forced to reconsider my campaign for election. I came to Paris to free the city from the chains of Lafayette and his National Guard, and I have done that. As such, effective immediately, I hereby renounce my candidacy to the presidency of France, and throw my full and unwavering support behind Citizen Joseph Fouche. Furthermore, I hold that the President's pronouncement removing me from my post to be invalid and illegal under the current constitution of France. This unelected Bourbon seeks to destroy France from the inside; I trust the people of Paris to do what needs to be done. As for myself, I will return to the front, where I will resume command of l’Armée des Pyrénées, and strike yet another blow against the vile House of Bourbon. To General Ney: I ask that we allow bygones to be bygones, that we unite against our common enemies, and bring glory and stability to France. Thank you.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 00:36 |
Saint-Just![]() The Republican Guard Act [quote]Because the National Guard has fired on the citizens of Paris and thereby proved itself an enemy to the people. the National Guard is hereby declared to be dissolved; members still in possession of firearms are hereby ordered to surrender them to local Acquisition Agents. In place of the defunct organization, a Republican Guard is to be formed under the direct authority of the Ministry of War. Those loyal members of the National Guard willing to swear an oath of loyalty to the Republic and people of France, are to be permitted membership within the Republican Guard[quote]
# ? Dec 6, 2012 02:02 |
"...In the quest for peace, unprovoked and even brutal attacks must often be launched upon unsuspecting people. Such is the way of the world..." Collected works of the Teacher, volume III: Transformation
# ? Dec 6, 2012 02:06 |
Epicurius posted:Saint-Just ![]() Quite so - the National Guard has lost the trust of the people, and must be purified. My apologies, Monsieur le Justice Minister - in my new found zeal, I forgot about the very existence of the Revolutionary Tribunal. I am sure it will be put to good use, very soon.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 02:07 |
Gaius Gracchus please? email: marcuswire@yahoo.com
# ? Dec 6, 2012 02:14 |
![]() 411x478 Joseph Fouche Epicurius posted:Saint Just I support this notion, france is not seeking conquest we wish only to defend ourselves from these unprovoked attacks from outside powers. However, we should not avoid liberating any peoples we can from the yoke of monarchical tyranny when given a chance.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 02:14 |
![]() Oh, let's peer into my crystal ball and see the future, let's say one year from now: Epicurius posted:Because the Republican Guard has fired on the citizens of Paris and thereby proved itself an enemy to the people. the Republican Guard is hereby declared to be dissolved; members still in possession of firearms are hereby ordered to surrender them to local Acquisition Agents. In place of the defunct organization, a Jacobin Guard is to be formed under the direct authority of the Ministry of War. Those loyal members of the Republican Guard willing to swear an oath of loyalty to the Republic and people of France, are to be permitted membership within the Jacobin Guard
# ? Dec 6, 2012 02:48 |
![]() Olympe de Gouges, woman As surely as the bells ring from Notre Dame, another band of power-hungry men has fallen from grace in Paris, to be replaced by a newer set. So surely I must ask you, wise leaders of the Republic: are you friends of women? Will you reject the unswerving prejudice against my sex and at last recognize the rights that we deserve? Rights not beyond any man, but simply rights equal to yours? And why not? I am not rich, nor of royalty- how can any such mere woman of France escape the terror of poverty beyond base means? So truly, they say a new order is on the rise in Paris. Perhaps that is true for some. But unless they grant us the franchise, unless they give us equal opportunity in determining our livelihoods, unless they give us equal stake in determining the education of our young, and more, then they are no better than the ones they have overthrown. Once again, I ask: are you friends of the women of France? But I am not here merely to scold, but to instruct. I have been quiet these past few months, but busy. The Sons and Daughters of Justice work everlastingly to combat all forms of poverty and injustice of our country. The praises of these women and men alongside me I cannot summarize in only ten thousand libretti. There is still work to be done. In these times of war, of anarchy and lawlessness, too often men think only of enemies to fight, villains to slay, and cities to plunder. But they do not stop to think of those innocents caught in the crossfire, maimed by their actions. (Indeed, it is for this reason that I rejected Babeuf.) And so, as this country continues towards war, there needs to be a new and better breed of relief given to those in need. I have seen battle, and I have seen wretched suffering of the dying. I am no midwife, but even a laywoman such as me can see that the medical care granted to the wounded. I call upon the formation of a voluntary relief organization to protect and care for those fallen in war, both fighter and bystander alike. There will those who question this mercy- why should we grant such courtesy to our enemies, they ask? They will not extend such luxuries for us. Perhaps it is so, but it is not a matter of what is deserved. It is a matter of what is right. Let us show the world that the French are a people of civilization and fraternity that our myriads of constitutions claim we are. Let us show the rampaging hordes of Europe that we are a compassionate and just people. And perhaps then they will see that we are righteous among the nations. I know that this call will likely go unanswered, so I will reply to it myself. The Daughters of Justice is proud to announce another member organization, the Sisters of Charity. This organization will be comprised of both women and men willing to help the fallen, providing them aid and under the banner of neutrality. We can redirect our meager humanitarian resources to help those harmed by the unceasing wars that have gripped our country. We shall petition for foreign aid in the hopes that merciful doctors and others will be inspired to join our cause to heal the sick. Furthermore, I announce the creation of the Order of the Shield of St. Jeanne, the first female chivalric order of France- and the world. The Shield will be made up of young women inspired by the actions of our greatest hero and willing to follow her example in defending our nation. They shall protect travelers through our increasingly dangerous countryside, work with the Liberation Army in defending the weak, settle disputes, and carry out justice. The Shieldmaidens and the Sororitas shall work together, one defending the other, one healing the other. In this, I hope the Daughters of Justice can become a provable movement, agitating for true freedom and equality for the women of France, showing that we, too, can serve this nation just as well as any men. I know in recent months there have been attacks made against me. It is natural that an upright woman would be mocked and insulted by those afraid of her commitment to righteousness. To those slanderers I say I pity you, and would lend you my honesty, for you surely need it. Need I remind you that Jeanne's glory and renown came from heroically fighting against Perfidious Albion, who again lurks beyond our shores, starving the people? I hold no love for the enemy government of a country we are at war with. And to the Liberation Army I say that I never wished to command hosts. I am by trade a writer, my pen is the only blade I need. So if you still doubt this mission for justice, then I again invite you to join sister Lacombe in Picardie. I have no quarrel with her or La Roux, in fact I commend their efforts. I only fear that the rest of the nation is unready for their program. When I call for equal rights for women, I mean in all of France, not one corner. Time will tell if their grand political experiment will bear fruit for all. To those who wish to stay, I invite to join the efforts of the Swords and Plowshares plan to both defend and feed France. And to some of the experienced fighters, may you join the Shield of St. Jeanne as captains and mentors. Indeed, I would like to call upon Theroigne de Mericourt, a most audacious and tenacious warrior among the ranks of the Liberation Army, to be Grandmaster of the Order. Our struggle is long and difficult. But together, we are strong. Un pour tous, tous pour un.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 09:33 |
![]() I whole hearted agree with the formation of the Sisters of Charity, though I believe the organization should adopt a gender-neutral name to increase its acceptance, and support must be sought throughout Europe, for this is an organization that should belong to the world, not to any one nation. Forgive if my position can be interpreted as chauvinist, but I am skeptical for the Shield of St. Jeanne, the initiative is admirable, but I fear for the safety of the women who would fight the brigands that torment our countryside. On the matter of the Savoyard Republic, I vehemently oppose it. Make it an Italian Republic! Let the men and women oppressed by the von Habsburgs rise up and join us in the fight for their own sovereign nation and territory. The struggle for liberty is universal, and the Italians will surely hear our call. While I have the attention of the Assembly, I'd like to propose the Just Elections Act. Additional investiment should be applied to the police during election season so that it will better able to oversee the process and guarantee the nation's stability in such a contentious time. We should also establish punishment for those who would tamper with the election by falsifying votes, bribing officials, harassing voters or any other action that would undermine the legitimacy of the elections. Personally I propose a loss of political rights for a decade, and a fine of one-tenth of the criminal's yearly income, or one-fifth if the individual has conspired with others to manipulate the elections. The fine may be waived if the criminal can produce evidence that he has done so at the bidding of another, in which case the mastermind will be prossecuted with the full force of the law. My logic for this proportional fine is that otherwise any ammount that could be reliably paid by a working poor would be trivial for a burgher, and any ammount that could inconvenience a burgher would condemn most people to misery or debt slavery, conditions that would inhibit their ability to be productive citizens of the republic. Fining by proportional income is thus democratic, as each shall pay according to his or her capacity. Corrupt officials caught in the act will be punished as traitors by the revolutionary tribunal. I urge all candidates and leaders to acknowledge how momentous this time is. We are at war and this is France's first presidential election. Now, more than ever, a popular leader chosen by the people is important. Do not attempt to manipulate the elections, do not let pride and ambition stand against the common good, respect France, serve its people, lead by example and show to the citizens of Europe that we can be the torchbearers of this new age.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 10:08 |
![]() ![]() 2nd French Assembly, 1st Session ![]() Vote Distribution: pre:Jacobins: 422 votes Orleanists: 187 votes Independents: 91 votes Proposals on the Floor: pre:Second Treason Act - spons: Saint-Just Sisters of Charity Act - spons: Olympe de Gouges Just Elections Act - spons: Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre pre:None Candidates for the French Presidential Election, 1793: pre:Louis Philippe, “Citoyen Egalité” Joseph Fouche
# ? Dec 6, 2012 12:24 |
A Political Pamphlet Currently Being Distributed Widely Throughout Paris And Jacobin Strongholds There is only one candidate for the Presidency who has shown his true Radical chops, not by attempting to play politics, but by taking Action in the Manliest way possible. Other politicians speak of Radicalism, but Citizen S. has lived a life of radical thought, belief and practice since long before radicalism was popular. When the politicians of Paris were playing with the budget, Citizen S. identified and prepared to destroy a threat to French unity, the Breton Menace! With his finely tuned taxation, he forced the Breton snake from its hiding place in the grass, exposing it to the light of Justice. And what was his payment for this? Dismissal and denunciation! When the moderate Orleanists and Girondists were questioning how best to let the nobles know that please the people of France would like equality, Citizen S. was seizing the property and homes of the nobles and trying them for their crimes of centuries against the people of France. And what was his payment for following the true will of the people? Demonization and detraction! When Citizen S. was spurned by the political powers, did he simply give up? Driven from France, did he give up on France? Never! He traveled across the broad Atlantic Ocean to return Empire and Glory to the people of France! Seizing Louisiana from the decadent Bourbon dynasty just as France itself was wrested from their grip, today the people of Louisiana live in freedom, monarchical tyranny ended thanks to Citizen S. Was he content merely with the conquest of a continent however? Not this Titan of Nationalism, because not only did Citizen S. free Louisiana, he also was the savior of the Armée du St-Domingue, successfully evacuating them and the majority of the white settlers of that island to freedom and safety in Louisiana. Where was the government to ensure the safety of its citizens then? If not for Citizen S., thousands would have died at the hands of black savages. Having successfully arranged the affairs of Louisiana, now Gaule, to ensure the safety and success of this new center of French culture and power, Citizen S. was confronted with the specter of American interventionism in the form of repeated pressure by the Americans to give up our newly won colony. Thanks to Citizen S. not only was this prevented, but covert assistance by the Americans to the Bretons was proven to be true, and destroyed along with that nation, never again to perfidiously attempt to split France apart with one hand while the other sent money and support to France's enemy, with not a drop of support for France itself! With the American continent firmly revolving around the center of French culture and military strength, Citizen S. returned once more, to meet the vast number of supporters who have been gathering and awaiting his return. With the merest rumor of his landing, the Queen of Whores Marie Antoinette was deserted by her noble followers, trembling in fear that Citizen S. would glance in their general direction, ending once more another threat by the nobility in their attempts to topple France's Republican government and end our noble experiment. Now He has returned. The Bretons quake with fear. The nobles of France wonder... what will become of their lands, their privileges? Kings and Emperors throughout Europe worry lines in their velvet carpets as they consider the implications. Before you cast your vote for President of this fair Republic, ask yourself these questions... Whose name did the nobility seek to turn into a dirty word? Robespierre? Brissot? Lafayette? No, the answer is Citizen S! Who is better suited to prosecute the war against the Bretons, a Breton himself, possessed of mixed loyalties and no record of radical action? Of course the answer is Citizen S! Who can we trust to truly end all vestiges of noble privilege, and to destroy all those who resist as he has done in the past? Only Citizen S! Who can we trust to truly end the war with France's enemies without any compromise of our position, because France's enemies will never compromise with him? Citizen S! Who does the Catholic Church fear so much, that rather than the so-called radicals or generals of France, they sought and achieved his excommunication, despite his never having subordinated himself to their False Church in the first place? Citizen S! And now a message directly from Citizen S. himself... People of France, I can not offer you peace. I can not offer you an end to conflict. I can not end the suffering of the diseased. I can not kindle pity in the heart of the miserly. I can not solve all of the problems of the nation. I can however, offer you one thing quite honestly. Revenge!! If you elect me as your president, I will take revenge on the Bretons, and for every French life they have taken, I shall repay them a thousandfold, exterminate their doggerel tongue, and set above their so-called 'nation' administrators learned in the Vou Dou Art from the Kingdom of Dahomey in order to thoroughly reduce them to a state of savagery from which they shall never arise. I shall destroy every last vestige of noble privilege, and all those who once walked tall among the people of France shall be forced to toil instead for them, their penance to repay the money, labor and dignity stolen from the true French people and carried down to their descendants for as many generations as they would claim their noble title has existed. I shall direct the moneychangers and Jews who currently hold a strangle on the finances of our nation to seek out the Bourbon family in Brittany or Spain when they seek repayment of the tremendous debt run up by those gluttonous "nobles" in their rapacious feasting upon the corpse of France's body public. They shall not have one further assignat from the people of France to repay the debts of Kings. Revenge, France, red red revenge! All those who trespassed against you shall be trespassed against in turn. It was the rascal Jesus who once said to turn the other cheek, but I say to you this. Wolves which batten upon lambs, lambs consumed by wolves, the strong who immolate the weak, the weak victims of the strong: there you have Nature, there you have her intentions, there you have her scheme: a perpetual action and reaction, a host of vices, a host of virtues, in one word, a perfect equilibrium resulting from the equality of good and evil on earth. I would have France to be a Wolf, rather than a Lamb. VOTE FOR CITIZEN SADE AS PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC
# ? Dec 6, 2012 13:20 |
![]() 248x260 Vote Roux for real change!
# ? Dec 6, 2012 13:51 |
![]() 411x478 Joseph Fouche ZearothK posted:I whole hearted agree with the formation of the Sisters of Charity, though I believe the organization should adopt a gender-neutral name to increase its acceptance, and support must be sought throughout Europe, for this is an organization that should belong to the world, not to any one nation. Now seems ill the time for france to be forming international organizations sadly. quote:While I have the attention of the Assembly, I'd like to propose the Just Elections Act. Yes, without a doubt anyone who tampers with the gears of democracy is an enemy of the revolution and the people. -------------------------------------------- People of paris, look who campaigns against me! The enrages though true champions of democracy and having my utmost respect cannot give you the strong centralized state needed to protect france from it's enemies. De Sade is well, De Sade. With General Joseph no longer in the running and able to return to his duties, i remain the sole Jacobin candidate. There is but one clear choice for president. Elect me, and i shall fight to protect our borders from German aggression, i shall work tirelessly to tear down the remnants of the old order, to build a new better future for France. Further i promise that should i still be in power when this war is over i shall begin construction of a new and modernized sewer system for paris, that your noses never again be assaulted by the stench that hangs over this city.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 16:35 |
Citizen Sade What is a Jacobin but a name? Can a monarchist or a traitor don the cloak of a Jacobin and instantly become a Republican? If a Jacobin is a true radical, than I am far more of a Jacobin than Monsieur Fouche. If a Jacobin is merely a club of elites trading the name of 'Nobility' for 'Jacobin' and assuming people will support them because of their name and not because of their deeds, then I am not one. Sir, name one accomplishment to your name deserving the title of President of France. Name one accomplishment whatsoever, no matter how trivial, beyond having merely been elected to the legislature to represent a constituency which loathes you and has betrayed the French nation entire. Though hardly your fault, I see no reason to place the national trust in a man as untried and untested as you. I have fought for France when France turned its back on me, I have found glories military, political, literary and philosophical in my conquest of the Parisian theater scene and the North American continent both, though I would never seek to cast it as a lone venture, for Colonel Bonaparte stood by my side as well. What do you offer to the people of France in the way of revenge? What are your proposed policies regarding the nobility? The Picardy Commune? The Bretons? The Germans. Saying that you will win the war is hardly a glowing statement, have you any plan on how to do so? Who will advise you in military matters or foreign affairs, as little experience as you have outside of the world of the legislature?
# ? Dec 6, 2012 17:14 |
![]() 411x478 Joseph Fouche Fall Sick and Die posted:Though hardly your fault, I see no reason to place the national trust in a man as untried and untested as you. I have fought for France when France turned its back on me, I have found glories military, political, literary and philosophical in my conquest of the Parisian theater scene and the North American continent both, though I would never seek to cast it as a lone venture, for Colonel Bonaparte stood by my side as well. I would never doubt your skills de sade, or your accomplishments. But a president is not a king, and your skill set, is it not more suited for a man of action than a politician, a legislator, and a bureaucrat? Let us not waste talent such as yours in areas where it cannot be best leveraged to France. quote:What are your proposed policies regarding the nobility? Every noble who does not completely support the revolution should have their heads chopped off and made to pay for the crimes of themselves and their ancestors, their property and possessions confiscated, and their names blotted from the history of France. quote:The Picardy Commune? The Bretons? It should be no surprise that i sympathize with the Breton plight. Namely the plight of being the only part of France still under monarchical oppression. When i heard my hometown had risen up in revolt, i wept. I will go to each, i shall speak peace, offer my best attempt, after all the Bretons and people of picardy are french just as much as you or me, and what a disaster to let french blood spill. Should they avoid reason, i shall do what is nessasary for the good of france, though i shall take no joy in it. I will not allow my home to languish under the oppression of tuffin. quote:The Germans. Saying that you will win the war is hardly a glowing statement, have you any plan on how to do so? Who will advise you in military matters or foreign affairs, as little experience as you have outside of the world of the legislature? It is not a military man, and this is true, and i cannot give much beyond all the support i can to the generals who we entrust to wage the war. Whatever they need though, i shall endevour to provide.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 17:34 |
![]() Mari Tereza I ar Varbouned Letter to Louis-Stanislas-Xavier posted:Dear uncle,
# ? Dec 6, 2012 17:39 |
![]() Hey fuckers!! Vote for me for your President of France! I'm chill as hell, I got a battery I invented myself so I can power your houses and shit and invent wonderful things that make your lives better, and I will make peace with all these other shitty countries, and then make sure you get fed and housed and get to ride mechanical horses that let you work less for more money. By the end of my tenure, I personally guarantee that you will have a bitchin' semi-industrialized society, which is better that whatever else these other jokers are offering. Vote Charles Hector in 1793.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 17:48 |
![]() Olympe de Gouges, woman Men of France! Do you consider yourself a protector of the honor of your women? Will you not recognize the innate rights of your mothers, sisters, daughters, and lovers? If so then give them a voice! None of the candidates in this mockery of a presidential election, where half of this nation's population is deprived of the ability to participate in it, support women's suffrage. Do not be complicit in this injustice! I urge you to reject this sham election and instead vote for the very spirit of France herself, Marianne, as protest against the disenfranchisement of France's women. Protect the honor of Frenchwomen! Give them the vote! ![]()
# ? Dec 6, 2012 17:57 |
An Election Notice, or Perhaps Jacobin Propaganda? posted:
# ? Dec 6, 2012 18:42 |
![]() Auguste de Bonteville Hay, Veur Steward of Brittany My apologies for how late these figures are - I have been ill. Please note that counter-inflationary measures have contributed quite a bit to the economic health of our nation by reducing gronk-values, and a modest tariff on Haitian sugar imports is also helping to grow our revenues. pre:BUDGET PROPOSAL Brittany, Summer 1793 =ECONOMIC DATA= Tax Efficiency: Extremely Low Noble Tax Rate: 20% 4 credits expected Bourgeois Tax Rate: 20% 3 credits expected Petit-Bourgeois tax rate: 20% 1 credit expected Working Poor tax rate: 0 0 credits expected Land Tax: 25% 5 credits expected Tariffs: 10% 3 credits expected Debt Total Debts 33 Debt to Bank of England 33 [note: interest deferred] Other Economic Indicators Interest Rate (market) 4% Inflation 5.8% Debt growth this turn +6 =BALANCE SHEET= Revenues Expenditures Source Amount Item Spent Gronk Taxation 13 Manufacturing 2 1 Grant from Papacy 2 Agriculture 4 4 Haitian Sugar Tariff 3 Infrastructure 2 6 Minting 0 Transportation 2 2 Culture 1 2 Police 4 4 Army 4 4 Navy 0 3 Intelligence 2 2 Courts 1 1 Clergy 1 1 Education 0 0 Healthcare 0 0 Colonies 0 0 Food Relief 1 1 Subtotal of Revenues 18 Subtotal of Expenditures 24 (Loan from England) 6 Deficit 6 Total 0
# ? Dec 6, 2012 22:06 |
![]() ![]() 2nd French Assembly, 1st Session ![]() Vote Distribution: pre:Jacobins: 422 votes Orleanists: 187 votes Independents: 91 votes Proposals on the Floor: pre:Second Treason Act - spons: Saint-Just Sisters of Charity Act - spons: Olympe de Gouges Just Elections Act - spons: Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre pre:None Candidates for the French Presidential Election, 1793: pre:Louis Philippe, “Citoyen Egalité” Joseph Fouche Marquis De Sade Jacques Roux Charles Hector Marianne of France
# ? Dec 6, 2012 22:18 |
![]() Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte, Emergency Military Governor of the Territory of Louisiana Put me on that ballot yo
# ? Dec 6, 2012 22:59 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned I hereby announce that I am running in the French Election on behalf of Bretons everywhere on the Peace and Independence Party ticket. Our entire platform is that France will recognize Brittany's independence as a Monarchy, drop all claims to Brittany and the Breton people, and accept that France and Brittany shall never unite ever again. Once carried out I shall resign as President and we can all live in peace.
# ? Dec 6, 2012 23:03 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Louis Stanislas Xavier, Regent of the Kingdom of France and Navarre, comte de Provence, Commander of L’Armée des Princes, Glorified Ally of Brittany, Knight of the Order of the Ermine, acting in lieu of His Majesty The King, the young Louis XVII A Letter to Marie Threrese posted:Marie, A Letter to the Steward of the Duchess posted:Charles Armand Tuffin,
# ? Dec 7, 2012 03:06 |
![]() 411x478 Joseph Fouche overheard by presidential Canidate Joseph Fouche while drinking posted:How about, monsieur Tuffin, and monsieur Louis Stanislas stop treating the poor duchess vagina like their property and let the girl marry on her own, if they think she's old enough to run Brittany, then obviously she's old enough to decide who she should marry.
# ? Dec 7, 2012 03:59 |
![]() ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Charles Hector, Master of Horses, Cup Bearer of France, Master of Horse, Lord Admiral of Her Majesty's Navy, Master of Lightning, Master of Haitian Industry, Supreme Potentate of the University of Les Anges, Grand Galactic Hierophant of the Celestial Brotherhood of Fraternal Order & Knightly Splendor, comte d'Estaing quote:
# ? Dec 7, 2012 04:19 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned A Letter To Louis Stanislas Xavier posted:Regent,
# ? Dec 7, 2012 05:54 |
turn hint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59MN-CX_rMQ
# ? Dec 7, 2012 13:27 |
I got more riches than you, fuck more bitches than you Only thing I haven't got is more stitches than you Fuckin punk, you ain't a leader - what? - nobody followed you You was never shit, your mother shoulda swallowed you you on some tagalong flunkie yes man shit Do me a favor, please get off louis-philippe's dick And if you think I can't fuck with whoever, put your money up Put your jewels up, no fuck it put your honey up
# ? Dec 7, 2012 15:19 |
Turn Preview http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_...%E2%80%93886%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylo...aptures_Babylon
# ? Dec 7, 2012 16:33 |
A political cartoon by thread lurker Frionnel:![]()
# ? Dec 7, 2012 19:48 |
I join as Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord![]() I currently am residing in London as per request of the government in my capacities as an expert statesman in an attempt to keep a diplomatic line open to Britain. I may also be able to provide any terms for peace if requested by the Governing body of France. I am as always at the behest of the wills of the French Government and will be more than able to help where my skills are needed. -EDIT- I am effectively joining as of next turn, not the current one being processed. -EDIT2- Also i'm an idiot and should've added an email dralmynac at gmail dot corn, also on irc and skype at most hours.
# ? Dec 8, 2012 15:07 |
AndItsAllGone has dropped from the game, we really desperately need generals... tell your friends, imo.
# ? Dec 8, 2012 15:11 |
Colonel Wood posted:The radical wing of the Enrages responsible for the bombing are confined to Picardie. I have not paid attention to the nonsense spoken by the "Republican" State recently, but Sir, All Enrages are radical, and we are not confined to Picardie, we are at your doors, we do your work, you eat our food. We are coming.
# ? Dec 8, 2012 23:20 |
![]() 411x478 Joseph Fouche Stalingrad posted:I have not paid attention to the nonsense spoken by the "Republican" State recently, but Sir, All Enrages are radical, and we are not confined to Picardie, we are at your doors, we do your work, you eat our food. I think he means the ones who go around killing innocent people by the radical wing.
# ? Dec 9, 2012 00:57 |