![]() With the demise of Earth all but inevitable by the mid-21st century, an elite team of engineers and scientists constructed the "Unity", an interstellar vessel carrying 10,000 crew members and colonists to an earthlike planet orbiting the Alpha Centauri star system. The forty-year journey was a significant technical challenge, which pushed the ship to a very thin margin of error... ![]() Perhaps miraculously, the mission succeeded without any major incidents. The landing pods were deployed at sites surrounding the 'Garland Crater', chosen due to its abundant resources and to minimize impact on the surrounding native life. The colony flourished, after hard work and some tensions, but it seemed things would be alright. But in Mission Year 2150, such optimism is difficult. The colony has expanded to fifteen times the original carrying capacity of the Unity, and with it, the problems of running an entire civilization become apparent. Population growth is out of control, with Miriam Godwinson's 'Conclave Christianity' taking the biblical advice to "be fruitful and multiply" quite seriously. Her "Lord's Believers" now make up a third of the population, from their origins as just 500 of the original colonists. Native life is responding to the actions of the humans, blooming in greater numbers as the settlements and mindworm boils enclose each other. The people want new leadership, either under their own faction or in the context of a democratic system. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of Planet, it is perhaps the best time for every faction to assert its power... === Hello. This is a NationSim, a heavily freeform roleplaying experience where players take control of people running a country and twist it towards their ends. The nation we will be simulating is a fictional colony on a planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri A; you might recognize the setting from a popular and critically acclaimed Firaxis computer game. However, things proceeded a bit differently from in the game... Take control of a vacant character by posting in the thread with your request and contact information. If for some reason you need to leave the game (either temporarily or permanently), post about it in the thread and we will try and work in a minimally disruptive solution. You do things by contacting me, either by PMs or by emailing me at dallasjhaugh@gmail.com. However, you can only do so many things per turn. You get a budget of action points each turn (currently 7), representing your personal political efforts. You must spend one or more action points on each action; the more action points, the better your chances of succeeding. You cannot save or "bank" action points; any unused points are lost. In addition, your faction has an income of energy credits, which are measured in kilowatt-hours (kwh) and must be used for in-game expenditures. You can bank these. You may (and should) use the thread to post flavor, diplomacy, open votes and what else have you. In addition, you should almost certainly join the IRC channels #bop and/or #cardgames on irc.synirc.net for discussion with your fellow players. Each turn currently lasts three Earth-months. This may change in response to actions in game, through group consensus and my personal judgement of the pace of events. The deadline for the first turn shall be unspecified until we have a broad group of players. If the initial cast of characters fills up, additional characters may be made at GM and player approval. = Game Status = Date: MY 2150, January (Turn 1) Turn Length: 3 months Action Points per Turn: 7 = Colony Status = ![]() All values are yearly unless stated otherwise. Population: 150,000 Birth Rate: 5.2% Birth Rate (20 yrs ago): 7.1% Mortality Rate: 0.04% Workforce: 80,000 Youth: 50,000 Other: 20,000 Political Breakdown:
Political Issues:
Economic System: Informal, personal property respected, but lack of private enterprise beyond Morgan Industries. Land ownership is ambiguous. GDP per capita: 50,000 kwh GDP Growth: 4.4% Gini Coefficient (income): 0.30 Tax Rate (effective): 40% [1] Revenue: 3 billion kwh Budget: [2]
[1] Due to a lack of a clearly defined economic system, this rate cannot be lowered or changed directly until a constitution is adopted. [2] Budget totals 100 points. Each item must be "supported" by a column of budget items under it. Budget does not reflect actual percentage of spending, but relative priority of items. Current political system allows for a maximum of four categories to be affected per turn, and each can move up or down up to one level. = Bases = Unity Base - Pop: 40,000; Situation: In a Giant Resource-Filled Crater, Effective Capital of Humanity. Lie Base - Pop: 20,000; Situation: Natural Harbor, Next to a Freshwater Lake. Hammarskjöld Base - Pop: 20,000; Situation: Convenient River Delta, Hillside Settlements. Thant Base - Pop: 10,000; Situation: Storm-Wracked, Naval Center. Waldheim Base - Pop: 10,000; Situation: Strategic Leverage, Rampant Corruption. New Sargasso Marine Colony - Pop: 10,000; Situation: Xenobiological Mecca, Expensive Infrastructure. Pérez de Cuéllar Base - Pop: 10,000; Situation: Army Headquarters, YIMBY. Cape Zakharov - Pop: 10,000; Situation: Access to Monsoon Jungle, Begrudgingly Isolated University Town. Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony - Pop: 10,000; Situation: Rapidly Growing Economic Center, Morganite Haven. New Panama - Pop: 5,000; Situation: Canal Project to Freshwater Sea, Concentrated 'Free Drone' Activity. Boutros-Ghali Base - Pop: 5,000; Situation: Thinly-Disguised Believer Puppet Base, Neo-Ascetic Utopia. = Faction Status = Lord's Believers - Happiness with Government: 50%; Energy Income (monthly): 8.75 million kwh; Expenses (monthly): 200,000 kwh (from Citizen's Christian Militia) Cybernetic Consciousness - Happiness with Government: 83%; Energy Income (monthly): 125,000 kwh Data Angels - Happiness with Government: 75%; Energy Income (monthly): 125,000 kwh Free Drones - Happiness with Government: 75%; Energy Income (monthly): 250,000 kwh Gaia's Stepdaughters - Happiness with Government: 67%; Energy Income (monthly): 500,000 kwh Human Hive - Happiness with Government: 83%; Energy Income (monthly): 3 million kwh Morgan Industries - Happiness with Government: 83%; Energy Income (monthly): 7.5 million kwh; Supplemental Income (monthly): 180,000 kwh (from Mindguard Force contract), 15,000 kwh (from Canal Detachment contract); Expenses: 730,000 kwh (from Flagship Force) Peacekeeping Forces - Happiness with Government: 67%; Energy Income (monthly): 4 million kwh Nautilus Pirates - Happiness with Government: 67%; Energy Income (monthly): 125,000 kwh Spartan Federation - Happiness with Government: 80%; Energy Income (monthly): 2.5 million kwh University of Planet - Happiness with Government: 83%; Energy Income (monthly): 1 million kwh Tom Maroon - Energy Income (monthly): 62,500 kwh Gafur Banerjee - Energy Income (monthly): 62,500 kwh Richard Hitchens - Energy Income (monthly): 62,500 kwh = Military Status = 1st Army Division: At Pérez de Cuéllar Base; Loyalty - 60% Spartans, 40% ambivalent; Total Power 42,800; Artillery 16,000; C3I 1,200; Logistics - Power 17,000 / Maintenance (monthly) 850,000 kwh; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 1.7 million kwh; 800 infantry, 40 large APCs, 3 command posts, 3 IFVs, 8 self-propelled artillery. Unity Garrison: At Unity Base; Loyalty - 80% Garland, 20% Spartans; Total Power 12,800; C3I 400; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 500,000 kwh; 400 infantry, 1 command post. Lie Garrison: At Lie Base; Loyalty - 40% ambivalent, 30% Spartans, 30% Pirates; Total Power 6,400; C3I 400; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 260,000 kwh; 200 infantry, 1 command post. Hammarskjöld Garrison: At Hammarskjöld Base; Loyalty - 60% ambivalent, 40% Spartans; Total Power 6,400; C3I 400; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 260,000 kwh; 200 infantry, 1 command post. Thant Garrison: At Thant Base; Loyalty - 80% Pirates, 10% Spartans, 10% ambivalent; Total Power 3,200; C3I 400; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 140,000 kwh; 100 infantry, 1 command post. Waldheim Garrison: At Waldheim Base; Loyalty - 50% ambivalent, 30% Believers, 20% Spartans, 10% Pirates; Total Power 3,200; C3I 400; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 140,000 kwh; 100 infantry, 1 command post. Boutros-Ghali Garrison: At Boutros-Ghali Base; Loyalty - 80% Believers, 20% ambivalent; Total Power 1,600; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 60,000 kwh; 50 infantry. *PLANET CURRENTLY LACKS SIGNIFICANT NON-TRANSPORT NAVAL FORCES* = Faction Paramilitaries = Morgan Security Mindguard Force™: At Cape Zakharov; Loyalty - 100% Morganite (contracted to University); Total Power 16,000 (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +50% modifier for good training); C3I 800; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 900,000 kwh (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +20% modifier for good training and x1.25 multiplier for extended contract); 100 battlesuits, 2 tele-command posts. Morgan Security Flagship Force™: At Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony; Loyalty - 100% Morganite; Total Power 16,000 (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +50% modifier for good training); C3I 800; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 730,000 kwh (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +20% modifier for good training); 100 battlesuits, 2 tele-command posts. Morgan Security Canal Detachment: At New Panama; Loyalty - 100% Morganite (contracted to Planetary Government); Total Power 1,600; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 75,000 kwh (includes x1.25 multiplier for extended contract); 50 infantry. Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard: Dispersed; Loyalty - 100% Hive; Total Power 16,000; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) *self-supporting due to dispersion*; 500 infantry. Christian Citizen's Militia: At Boutros-Ghali Base; Loyalty - 100% Believer; Total Power 32,000; C3I 1,600; Logistics - *DEMOBILIZED*; Non-Logistic Maintenance (monthly) 200,000 kwh; 1,000 infantry, 4 command posts. = Government Status = Type: Interstellar Mission under UN Jurisdiction, de facto military command structure; stated intent to transition to a democratic government Popularity: Mediocre UN Charter in Effect: Yes ![]() Mission Leader: John Garland - (unplayable) The aging leader of the colony, who has rarely been in the cryotubes, wishes to retire and step down from his role in government. He wants to assure a smooth transition, but his patience with the ongoing bickering is wearing thin. Rumors suggest he is slowly dying of some sort of disease... ![]() Planetary Governor: Pravin Lal - Cumfart Vortex / vanhelsing420@gmail.com The title of 'Planetary Governor' was originally planned to be more powerful, but internal opposition from faction leaders (especially paranoia about his UN connections from the Spartans and Believers) has effectively restricted the position to a purely administrative role. He is considered Garland's favorite candidate, but the new generations on Planet view him as a relic of Old Earth and its bureaucratic ills. ![]() Minister of the Army: Corazon Santiago - Litos / clfurster at gmail dot com While officially of fairly low rank on the Unity, a large portion of the colonists were aligned with her 'Spartan Federation' in the early days of the colony. With the threat of mind worms and inter-factional conflict, she has managed to obtain a powerful position. Observers speculate her appointment is a check on Minister Yang's power. ![]() Minister of the Navy: Ulrik Svensgaard - 1stGear / firstgeargame@gmail.com The Unity's Chief Astrogator was perhaps chosen more for his far superior experience with the oceans. As such, Svensgaard was a natural choice. Under his command, the Planetary Navy has become fiercely independent of other factional ties, and especially Santiago. Their disinterest in politics makes them potentially a very chaotic factor... ![]() Minister of Security: Sheng-Ji Yang - a bad enough dude / ehoovestol at gmail.com The Unity's Chief of Security is an enigmatic figure, feared and valued for his extreme competence. Since Planetfall, he has slowly built a base of supporters in an 'Anti-Corruption Movement'. ![]() Minister of Ecology: Deirdre Skye - epicurius / epicurius at aol dot com The eccentric minister's fanatical environmentalism has brought opposition from pro-development factions, but her talents have kept her (barely) in power. No living human being currently knows more about Earth-original life, and few know as much about the life on Planet. She is perhaps the most psychicly gifted of the high echelons of Planetary Administration. ![]() Minister of Research: Prokhor Zakharov - sniper4265 / sniper4625@gmail As one of the main engineers for the Unity, humanity perhaps owes it continued existence to Zakharov, and he is not humble about it. His prestige has placed him at the head of Planet's entire scientific effort, though many are irritated with his lack of 'practical' work. ![]() Minister of Morale: Miriam Godwinson - Takanago / ktakanago@gmail.com While merely the Psych Chaplain on the Unity, Godwinson's natural charisma has spread Conclave Christianity to far across Planet. Her rabid natalism has made "The Lord's Believers" a very large faction in a very short time. The Planetary Government has created the 'Minister of Morale' position as a ceremonial role, hoping to appease the growing faction... = Other Individuals = ![]() CEO of Morgan Industries: Nwabudike Morgan - ThatBasqueGuy / mrfireblaze@gmail.com Morgan was a major contractor for the Unity after the Russian economic collapse of 2058, and used his influence to become a stowaway aboard the ship. He was reprimanded after Planetfall, but political tensions and the immediate struggle for survival prevented him from being severely punished. In the aftermath, he managed to found Planet's first private enterprise, Morgan Industries. The legal status of this venture is difficult to determine in the rather informal jurisdiction of the Planetary Government, but its capital has made large-scale infrastructure much more feasible. ![]() Leader of the Free Drones: Arthur Donaldson - Guildencrantz / guildenstern42 at gmail, or PM A geologist and the former Director of Mining Operations who aided with some of the first major infrastructure projects after Planetfall, Donaldson became appalled with the lack of attention paid to the working conditions of the laborers. He now leads the "Free Drones", the closest thing Planet has to a labor union. The group is rapidly gaining members in New Panama, where a canal to the Freshwater Sea is being built... ![]() Leader of the Data Angels: Sinder Roze - Rauri / enyardo@gmail.com A notorious programmer and hacker back on Earth, her talents were requested on the Unity in exchange for amnesty. She resigned from the Planetary Government after her position was folded into the Yang-run Ministry of Security, and is now a tireless advocate for transparency. ![]() Leader of the Cybernetic Consciousness: Annikki Luttinen - A RICH WHITE MAN / moodinconsistency@gmail.com An artificial intelligence researcher, Luttinen ran an unauthorized experiment using the Unity's spare computing power. Few people realize that the presentient algorithm that ran would eventually become self-aware, and save the Unity from colliding with debris during its deceleration via psionic extra-sensory perception. The program was 'killed' when the Unity required the vast majority of its processing for landing, but the results inspired Luttinen to become one of the most radical advocates for AI research on Planet. ![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4: Tom Maroon - Lord Windy / windyce@gmail.com Planet's foremost media figure, his channel influences the opinions of thousands. But who will he use this platform for? ![]() Prominent Psi Researcher: Gafur Banerjee - Shogeton / ????? A Planetborn academic, this New Sargasso man wishes to delve into the new and mysterious science of 'psionics'. ![]() Prominent Evolutionary Biologist: Richard Hitchens - stalin-chan / stalin@c0balt.com An outspoken atheist and critic of the Believers, more so than Yang or even Zakharov. Will his radicalism splinter into a new faction?
# ? Mar 31, 2013 10:28 |
= Military Price List = All prices are for purchase, not maintenance. Infantry: 60 REP per ten-person squad Battlesuit Infantry: *currently unavailable* ACU: 1,600 REP per unit Command Post: 100 REP per post (note: immobile without vehicles) Telecommand Post: 120 REP per post (note: can be placed anywhere, susceptible to jamming) APC: 200 REP per vehicle, carries one squad Large APC: 300 REP per vehicle, carries two squads IFV: 400 REP per vehicle, carries one squad Impact Rover: 140 REP per vehicle Main Battle Tank: 750 REP per vehicle Assault Gun: 300 REP per piece SP Artillery: 500 REP per piece SP Anti-Aircraft Artillery: 500 REP kwh per piece Escort Ship: 15,000 REP per vessel Submarine: 20,000 REP per vessel Gunboat: 2,400 REP per vessel Helicopter Gunship: 5,000 REP per vehicle = Rulings = 2013-APR-2 Story-Related: 1. The Cult of Planet does not exist due to the alternate events of Planetfall. 2. The Progenitors are absent from Planet. Their artifacts are still around. 3. Growth of the Believers started with conversions of first-generation Chironians, bringing them from 500 in MY 2100 to 5000 in MY 2120. The growth rate has been about 8.2% for the Believers since. Rule-Related: 1. 2. Actions may cost money (kwh) in addition to (but not in place of) action points. Players may specify a minimum or maximum amount of money to spend on an action. As of the date of this ruling, there is no formal system in place for debt or credit on Planet, so expenditures cannot exceed income plus reserved money. If there is more money needed then there is available to spend, actions will be resolved in the following order: actions which can be fully paid for (from most expensive to least), an action that can be partially paid for (the first such occurring in your orders). 3. As of this ruling, the approximate purchasing power of a kwh is equivalent to about 1 USD in modern real-world currency. This will fluctuate depending on events in the game. 2013-APR-8 Meta: 1. The previous ruling was mistakenly labelled '2012-APR-2'. Rule-Related: 1. Several aspects of the simulation have been deemed unimportant to the scope of the game and dropped to aid processing. 2. Money transfers no longer will require AP. They will be handled before actions are resolved. 3. The 'Projects' section has been added. Each section has individual rules for their effects and cost, but they usually follow broadly similar rules for each type. 4. A building's maintenance is typically 10% cost to build. Sabotaging a building costs full cost for an unmodified roll of Espionage vs. Security, +1 to Security for each 10% left out. 5. Stats have been added to each character to aid the consistency of processing. 6. The 'IFV' was left out of the military price list. 7. Naval elements and others have been added to the military price list. 8. Propaganda roughly affects one person for every 1,000 kwh / (Propaganda roll) spent. 9. There is now a preferred turn format. You are not explicitly required to use it, but it would be very helpful. 2013-APR-19 Clarifications: 1. Income from population for factions is roughly proportional to government revenue. Raise taxes to increase income (if you are part of the government). Currently, the Raiders get a flat bonus for pillaging a wide area, and the Morganites get a scaled bonus for wealth. 2. Additional AP affects turn resolution by granting invocations of aspects that are available in the context of the action. Each individual aspect can only be invoked once per roll in processing. Rule-Related: 1. Some military costs have been changed. 2. Training has been simplified into a per-force value which no longer affects maintenance. 2013-APR-30 Rule-Related: 1. All demographic and economic stats are now quite loose as a result of geopolitical chaos. 2. Due to recent events, kwh have been replaced with Relative Economic Power. REP is an abstract representation of wealth based off of the sum of several skills and the approximate population of faction followers. 1 REP is approximately equivalent to 1,000 kwh per month; the difference is that they cannot be 'banked'. The first number is 'used' REP, for maintenance and the like, the second is total available. You can allocate free REP to certain actions in a turn. This is not monthly, but turnly! 3. Faction and character information has been merged. Faction political preferences have been discarded as irrelevant to the simulation. 4. There is now a turnly Best Fluff Contest. The person who posts the most flavorful post in the thread receives a permanent +500 REP. = Preferred Turn Format = Subject: [SMAC SIM] Turn X orders for Cha Dawn quote:Prophet Cha Dawn - Cult of Planet
# ? Mar 31, 2013 10:28 |
Chairman Yang! ehoovestol at gmail.com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 10:29 |
# ? Mar 31, 2013 10:34 |
Annikki Luttinen
# ? Mar 31, 2013 10:36 |
![]() mrfireblaze@gmail.com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 10:51 |
Miriam Godwinson
# ? Mar 31, 2013 10:51 |
If anyone would like to suggest art for John Garland, they are welcome to do so.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 11:05 |
Cardinal Ximenez posted:If anyone would like to suggest art for John Garland, they are welcome to do so.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 11:37 |
Corazon Santiago clfurster at gmail dot com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 11:37 |
Oh god yes Arthur Donaldson The future history of all not yet extant societies is a future history of class struggle
# ? Mar 31, 2013 12:08 |
Pravin Lal vanhelsing420@gmail.com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 12:12 |
Sinder Roze enyardo@gmail.com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 13:08 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov We cannot look to the past, we cannot look to the past, we must look to the future. A future derived through science. I look forward to working with any likeminded individuals or factions. sniper4625@gmail
# ? Mar 31, 2013 13:16 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil. Though some would call these days dark times, I believe instead that times are quite bright. Where others would shed tears over the loss of our old world, I would rather smile at the fact that God has blessed with a new one. Just as God's flood washed away the world's sins and paved the way for a new beginning, He has done so again. We have a fresh new start, and for that we should be thankful. Let us be sure not to repeat the mistakes of the past, and instead forge a beautiful future. I look forward to working with you all in creating a blessed and just society. email: ktakanago@gmail.com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 13:28 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Minister of Security Order and unity are to be maintained. Yet even now some breed disorder and disunity. The irrational "Believers" abuse the base biological function of reproduction to advance their backwards agenda. We have tolerated this for long enough to the point that it now presents a clear threat to all. As such the following policies are to be put in place by the Ministry of Security: 1. All reproduction must be registered with the Ministry of Security. 2. A maximum of 1 reproduction is to be placed on individuals labeled Irrational by the Ministry of Security, and 3 on those labeled Rational. 3. Any unauthorized reproduction is to be terminated by the Ministry of Security. 4. If an individual requires their unauthorized reproduction to be terminated more than once that individual will also be terminated by the Ministry of Security. That is all.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 13:58 |
![]() Arthur Donaldson Foreman of the Free Drones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwbzxemJZIc The Free Drones speak for the common working men and women of Planet, who must show unity and solidarity to protect their interests. We remember that the history of mankind on Earth was one of mass exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few, one in which countless lives were consumed by endless grueling toil so that some could live in golden palaces. The excesses of unfettered capital and greed ultimately contributed to the demise of our homeworld. We are determined not to let that happen again. Chiron is a common good. We support better pay, safe working conditions, quality welfare, economic democracy and post-capitalist, cooperative modes of ownership. We look forward to cooperating with all factions that have the best interest of the working person in mind. guildenstern42 at gmail, or PM
# ? Mar 31, 2013 14:47 |
![]() From the Press Office of John Garland posted:SPOKESPERSON: The mission leader has not commanded the implementation of Minister Yang's policy, and has commanded the non-implementation of the policy until and unless a consensus is reached within the greater government, and then if so, the policy is modified to conform to the UN charter.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 14:58 |
Ulrik Svensgaard firstgeargame@gmail.com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 15:02 |
Deirdre Skye-epicurius at aol dot com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 15:36 |
![]() ![]() Feel free to suggest positions you would like, for lackeys, other political players etc. (Cult of Planet and Aliens do not exist)
# ? Mar 31, 2013 16:23 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Look at this monster, Yang, as he advocates for the wholesale murder of our children! His despotic attempt at population control seeks to not just kill the Faithful, but also kill Faith itself! Know that the Christian Citizen's Militia will not allow the would-be butcher to implement his plan, should he attempt it! Even though Garland has spoken against this genocide, we will still remain vigilant.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 17:33 |
Deirdre Skye![]() Some form of population control is necessary, so that we do not overpopulate this new world the way we have done to Earth. We must be careful to learn from the mistakes of the past, lest we repeat them.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 17:40 |
![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4 - Tom Maroon Political Disposition: Moderate If Tom Maroon says it, it's the truth! You stay classy Chiron, I'm Tom Maroon. ----------- Assuming there is no issue, my email is windy (at) gmail dot com.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 17:57 |
![]() Nwabudike Morgan I must say that I am against such a wholesale, blanket way of handling our population growth. As shown time and time again, the only way to get something truly right is to subject it to market forces and let the market do the work for us. Might I suggest to Yang that we instead have a cap and trade system?
# ? Mar 31, 2013 18:05 |
Lord Windy posted:
Sure, why not?
# ? Mar 31, 2013 18:44 |
Cardinal Ximenez posted:Sure, why not? I didn't think there would be any issue with that.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 19:04 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Minister of Security As my previous proposal has been found "unpalatable" by the rest of the government, I have proposed a more moderate system of population control. Hopefully this will be accepted by all except those who wish to abuse their reproductive capabilities to breed disorder. 1. All reproduction must be registered with the Ministry of Security. 2. A limit of 2 offspring is to be placed on all individuals. 3. Any unauthorized offspring are to be seized by the Colonial Authority and educated to best serve the needs of the Colony.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 19:09 |
a bad enough dude posted:
![]() Nwabudike Morgan Can I sell my ability to have children? Can I offset having more children by murdering a drone? You're thinking is much too limited Yang, a Cap and Trade system would be perfect for what you envision. Either way, a limit of two per person is ludicrous for a colony that is still trying to actually grow into a fully functioning society. Why not set the cap at six children, and then steadily lower it as the population grows closer to the planets carrying capacity?
# ? Mar 31, 2013 19:15 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson We must oppose any kind of population control measures. It is not just our right, but our duty to expand and fill this planet which God has given us. If Yang tries to take our children away from us, we will do everything in our power to defend ourselves and keep him away. A "Cap and Trade" system is also absurd. Morgan clearly forgets that there are things in life whose value is infinite or priceless. Can a price be put on happiness, or the very soul? Of course not.
# ? Mar 31, 2013 19:25 |
![]() 320x320 Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4 - Tom Maroon Letter of offer for advertising posted:
# ? Mar 31, 2013 19:47 |
Takanago posted:Morgan clearly forgets that there are things in life whose value is infinite or priceless. Can a price be put on happiness, or the very soul? Of course not. ![]() Nwabudike Morgan That's not what the most recent batch of market tests have been saying about Morgan Brand® Brand Flakes. ![]() Now comes with a complete nutritious breakfast inside! Collect all five special collectors boxes to get the secret decoder ring! It tells you to buy more Morgan Industries products. How delightful!
# ? Mar 31, 2013 20:04 |
![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4 - Tom Maroon New Sponsorship guidelines posted:
OOC: Extra effort equals more action points spent on it to cause it to succeed more often. Also, made a mistake with my email. It's windyce@gmail.com
# ? Mar 31, 2013 21:21 |
![]() Foreman Arthur Donaldson The idea of "cap and trade" on reproductive rights is some kind of grotesque hypercapitalist dystopia. Clearly, Morgan would have a market opened on children just so he and his parasitic lackeys can corner it. While a reasonable population control plan is necessary, as the current rate of growth is outpacing production capacity and contributing to scarcity and poverty, it must under no circumstances be monetized. Even no control would be better than putting up wombs for sale. Global limits are, in any case, a ham-fisted measure. Any limits should be adjusted locally for the carrying capacity and projected growth of particular settlements, in order to prevent overcrowding and encourage new colonies. And, of course, such a measure would logically fall under the purview of the Governor and the Ministry of Ecology, let Minister Yang focus on keeping the streets safe.
# ? Apr 1, 2013 00:00 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov While Minister Yang's proposals may seem extreme, he is correct that overpopulation is a serious risk to a growing colony. Expanding beyond our resources breeds poverty, crime and social unrest. Normalizing our birth rates should certainly be on our agenda, in a serious, rational and reasonable manner.
# ? Apr 1, 2013 00:18 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." -Genesis 1:28 We are a colony of only one-hundred and fifty thousand living on a vast, untamed planet. You could multiply us several thousand times and still not approach the amount of people supported by the bounty of the Earth. Why are we so concerned with "overpopulation" when there is so much room to expand and so many resources to exploit? If we are concerned with wealth or space, should we not then focus on expanding our settlements and further terraforming the planet? It is not just mankind's nature to expand and multiply, but also its duty. Just as God commanded us to fill and subdue the Earth, He once again calls upon us to fill and subdue this new planet. Who are we to deny His gifts and His commands?
# ? Apr 1, 2013 09:12 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Minister of Security And what does your God say of Planet? The irrational were freely allowed to be fruitful and increase in number. They filled the Earth and destroyed it. The biological process of reproduction is to be treated as any other tool. It is certainly not sacred as the Conclave Christian's delusions proclaim - merely a trick of chemistry. We cannot allow it to be used against the order and unity of society. A consistent birthrate of 2.1 is ideal. This allows a manageable increase in human population. Though the limit is currently set to 2, no doubt people will defy this law enough to reach the ideal birthrate. We will confiscate the offspring from their criminal parents and send them to schools for training and education in ways to best benefit society as a whole.
# ? Apr 1, 2013 09:59 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov Minister Godwinson misses the crucial point that while the Earth may have been able to support millions, we are no longer on Earth. While there may be vast swathes of land yet untamed, we are reliant on artificial agriculture to feed us and Habitation Complexes to protect us against the toxic atmosphere of Planet. While advances in science may ease these burdens, we must not ignore the other end of the equation.
# ? Apr 1, 2013 10:04 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Minister of Security I propose the following distribution of the seized surplus population: The most brutish third are to be sent to the military barracks to be trained as soldiers from infancy, like the Spartans of Earth. The most intelligent third are to be given to Academician Prokhor Zakharov to educate in the pursuit of knowledge. And the rest are to be sent to Re-Education Camps run by the Ministry of Security to serve more basic roles in society.
# ? Apr 1, 2013 10:11 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov Should this plan be decided upon, I have no objections to educating those I am sent. They will be the foundation for the future scientific progress of this planet.
# ? Apr 1, 2013 10:18 |