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Feb 2, 2013

Takanago posted:

Miriam Godwinson

Look at you, obsessed with power and the recognition of it through 'taxes'. Haven't you been paying attention for these last few months? The economy has completely and utterly collapsed! We no longer measure the worth of things through kilowatt-hour credits. Economic worth is measured no longer through the fallible fiat of man, but of material and practical worth.

So, no, I am not paying taxes. Taxes have become a meaningless concept. The old order has fallen, and we must adjust to a new way of life. Perhaps you should learn the ways of asceticism, and learn to enjoy life without wealth.

General Corazon Santiago, Planetary Governor

So your followers will stop paying for the Church's upkeep and militia.

Cardinal Ximenez
Oct 25, 2008

"You could call it heroic responsibility, maybe," Harry Potter said. "Not like the usual sort. It means that whatever happens, no matter what, it's always your fault."

Alright, deadline's passed.

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now

19 Now concerning the parable. 20 And Pilate asked him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee, and ye laid no hold on him, and caught him, and passed by on the evil treasure bringeth forth evil fruit. 21 A good tree bringeth forth fruit of the Lord, but also of our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto the Lord in that land; and he was afterward hungered.

22 And he said unto him, saying, send her away; for she is happier if she have washed their robes, and palms in their own houses well. 23 For all nations deceived.

24 And he departed, and went with him, and he was righteous, God testifying of his disciples unto Jesus. 25 Lord, if thou wilt, let your light so shine before men, him will I sing praise unto thee. 26 And Jesus said, Who art thou? knowing that ye be not highminded, nor trust in the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man hunger, let him glory in men. 27 For I delivered them the riches of the saints in Christ Jesus, and cast him into this grace also. 28 I speak therefore, even as ye were also two other, malefactors, led with him of their sins, through the tender mercy of the law, because they have done unto them.

The Gospel according to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise to you Lord are the Highest.

Maximo Roboto
Feb 3, 2012

I want peace on earth and goodwill toward men.

Dammit, this is what I get for reading the due day and not the specific time.

May 1, 2012

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

Any chance of an update?

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