![]() Nwabudike Morgan Here at Morgan Industries, we're proud to announce to you all, the public, some of our upcoming innovations in the realm of life. First we have the upcoming "Morgan Breweries" project, which promises to produce at least fifteen different types of homebrewed ale like your mother used to make, as well as some specialty brews and a small whiskey and vodka distillery on the side. The next innovation, which has been developed hand in hand with Morgan Breweries, is the hangover cure. That's right, we on the planet have finally begun to develop past the limits of old. Simply ingest this tablet with your favorite drink (Perhaps a Honey Ale from Morgan Breweries?) and your hangover will instantly vanish in two to three hours! Yes, the future does look bright at Morgan Industries, and we hope to make it bright for you all as well!
# ? Apr 28, 2013 07:18 |
EVENTS FOR TURN 3 (MY 2150 June - July) (in which Godwinson's propaganda roll was really, REALLY successful) - A major fire breaks out in the Monsoon Jungle, but it does not affect civilization in the slightest before burning itself out within a week. The Last Days of the Santiago Constitution - Some motions are made in the legislature, but very few bills manage to pass without the clear backing of faction leaders. - No coalitions form. - Morgan Industries is recognized as having a monopoly on distribution of VR bodysuits as a stopgap measure, but no substantial intellectual property law is proposed - Believer-Hive tensions grow as numerous Believers call for the prosecution of Sheng-Ji Yang. No action is taken, as the government refuses to act unilaterally and the legislature faces Hive opposition and the possible precedent of an ex posto facto conviction. - The elephant in the room is the revenue issue. There are simply not enough funds to keep most government services running without a formal system of taxation in place. - No deal on either a budget nor a means of generating revenue occurs. - With political catastrophe imminent, the market goes into freefall. - The constitution, while never officially repealed, essentially dissolves as several other events plunge Planet into chaos. The last meeting of the legislature occurs in late June, with less than half of delegates present. - Deirdre Skye continues work on breeding an edible form of xenofungus. The project is successful, yielding an easily reproducable and inexpensive foodstuff. The fungus is a bit bland, and has distinct black coloring, but with processing, it should taste at least tolerable. - While samples are in transport to Unity Base, several spores are emitted into the wild. It is not believed that this should have a major impact, given Planet's ability to self-regulate its lifeforms... The Bombing of Cape Zakharov - Zakharov programs most of the fusion reactors on Planet to critically malfunction upon his potential death. This is not widely known at the time, but will become apparent very shortly. - Yang launches a major recruitment drive for his faction, asking them to settle in Cape Zakharov, to the disgruntlement of the current inhabitants. - Massive anti-Yang protests are arranged by the Believers, some of which nearly turn violent as they are inflamed by Godwinson's effective rhetoric. Most call for his arrest, but the subtext of extrajudicial killing brims underneath. - The government does not respond. - An apparently independent cell of Believers hatches a plot to kill Yang and several of his higher-ranked officers. It involves a sub-kiloton nuclear weapon. - On June 23rd, the plan is put into motion. The payload is planted in an unsealed and largely unguarded storage facility next to the University biological laboratory, which is adjacent to a Hive office where Yang is believed to reside. The possible deaths of University staff is considered a bonus. - The bomb detonates at local noon. - Several hundred people are killed instantly, and many more die within next few hours to days of exposure to extreme radiation. - Among the victims are Prokhor Zakharov, who was working in the biology lab at the time. - Also killed is Sinder Roze, though her whereabouts remain unknown. - The electromagnetic pulse manages to temporarily shutdown Heosphoros, but no permanent damage is done thanks to significant shielding. - Ironically, Yang survives out of sheer luck, as he is recording one of his "lectures" to the Datalinks. He does fall down, suffering minor bruises. - The situation is quite confusing in Cape Zakharov, as rumors spread about the possible perpetrators. A anti-Hive riot spontaneously breaks out in the base's tunnels and corridors. - Pro-Hive demonstrators attack the rioters. - Morgan Security forces intervene... The Battle of the Bomb - Morgan Security's "Mindguard Force" was significantly damaged by the bomb, with 28 troops killed and 16 battlesuits fried by EMP, leaving 56 ready for combat. It still has the tactical advantage, however, as most of the force was deployed in defensible positions. - The Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard has numeric superiority, with about 300 armed individuals capable of responding. - Mindguard Force is led by Captain Milo Pellegrino. While he has never seen live combat, his theoretical tactical prowess is competent enough for a force of this size. - Yang personally leads the guard. While he is not happy to have his hand forced by recent events, he has a significant claim to legitimacy as South Security Leader, and fully intends to take the base. - Both commanders order their forces to conduct a direct attack on each other, with Yang being slightly more conservative in scope. - Temporarily abandoning the defensive positions proves to be a mistake, as the rather even odds happen to favor Yang, whose forces neutralize 4 heavily-armored troops for 30 of Yang's own. Yang advances further into the base. - Pellegrino holds the line as Yang gets slightly more aggressive. With Yang's position secured, he orders the People's Guard to hit heavily at the expense of advancement. - Mindguard Force proves to be far more entrenched than Yang thought. He takes 58 casualties for 2 inflicted. - Yang is slightly wounded by shrapnel from a grenade launcher. His officers hear the rare sound of him screaming in pain, but he presses the attack on. - A lull in the battle occurs, as Pellegrino insists on holding the position and Yang orders a slow-moving series of harassing attacks. Yang loses 25 troops for another 2 battlesuits destroyed. - The Believer cell responsible for the bombing claims responsibility, but few are listening. - Yang pushes for a direct attack. This is not very successful, as the People's Guard takes 44 casualties and only 3 battlesuit troopers are killed. - With most of the People's Guard killed or wounded, many of the officers are tempted to retreat, but Yang brings them into line. - Yang decides to wait out Mindguard until they are provoked. - The ensuing few minutes of fire are Yang's first victory in a while, with the People's Guard suffering only 12 losses for 4. - Pellegrino is confident enough to attempt a significant maneuver, much like Yang had hoped. - Unfortunately for Yang, this maneuver is successful, as Mindguard Force flanks their position. Yang suffers 76 casualties for only 2 suffered by Pellegrino by the time the Guard is pushed back. - Consensus among the Hive emerges to retreat from Cape Zakharov. Yang views it as a fait accompli and gathers as many loyal non-combatants as he can before leaving. - Pellegrino lets them go, not wanting to risk further combat. - After significant repairs and medical attention, 8 of the 17 Morgan Security personnel wounded in the conflict die, some of direct wounds, some of radiation exposure after the suit was damaged. - The People's Guard is far less lucky, with 76 captured and 169 killed from either combat or radiation exposure. - The fifty-some troops remaining and a large contingent of pro-Yang citizens of Cape Zakharov flee to the south. - The fate of Cape Zakharov seems up in the air, with Mindguard Force effectively back in control. It isn't clear what Santiago thinks about this. Total Economic Collapse - In twelve hours, almost every major fusion reactor on Planet suffers catastrophic failure. - Most events are relatively limited, as fusion reactors are pretty safe compared to their fission counterparts. No major damage to the outside world occurs, as the events are self-limiting. The events do manage to permanently damage the reactors beyond any means of repair. - The exception is the Unity Base reactor, which is still connected to the ancient ramjet propulsion system. - It is still unknown, even to high-energy physicists, exactly what happened with the stardrive, but a massive explosion kills about 8,000 people. - Local seismic activity, possibly caused by the explosion, destroys even more structures. - Planet's magnetic field reverses. - At Unity Base's antipode, north of Xanadu and south of Sunny Mesa, an explosion is reported. The blast itself does not appear to be very large, but debris is detected up to 500 kilometers away. - Widespread panic ensues, as rechargeable cells are looted, stolen, and hoarded. The energy economy is over. The Mind Worm Attacks - A combination of massive environmental changes and aggression from settlers creates the largest boils of mind worms ever reported, with most forming just south of the Uranium Flats. - Santiago's redeployment has been delayed by the stardrive explosion, leaving most of the bases in the area undefended by trained troops. Hammarskj�ld, Lie, and Waldheim are forced to take a fifth of their population out of the workforce to man flamers. - Waldheim is the first base to be attacked. The boil is persistent in attacking, which leads it to die faster than the colonists. After five long days, the boil is destroyed. - Hammarskj�ld is more well-defended, but not as lucky. After an initial onslaught ends up killing most of the boil, it settles into a defensive position. The next eleven days are a slog of limited conflict and starvation. The boil dissipates, but most of the 4,000 defenders are dead. - Lie is worse, as the worms do not even bother launching a major attack at first. Three days of a siege is followed by an assault which overruns the entire base. Most of the population gets away, but over 8,000 are dead from either the attacks or nitrogen narcosis due to limited supplies. The refugees settle in Unity Base. - A comparable boil is attacked by the Darwin Raiders, who encircle and dispatch it in less than an hour (as famously filmed by Mohammed Steiner). The planetpearls harvested are reportedly on a scale "that would cause massive inflation if [the Raiders] attempted to sell them". Aftermath - alt.d4t4, which has miraculously survived all of these events, falls under the control of Luttinen through apparent consensus. The hivemind settles on the nuke being a false-flag attack by Yang. - Many of Morgan Industries' projects collapse, up to and including the Morgan Bank, MorganMarts, and several as-yet unannounced biotechnology and weapons projects. The Q2 shareholder's meeting simply does not happen. - Life returns to as normal as it can be in Cape Zakharov, which now features a half-kilometer radius blast zone next to the University. The recently extended Luttinen-owned solar arrays provide an adequate standard of living. - The Christian Citizens' Militia is forced to downsize as Boutros-Ghali cannot sustain the level of militarization necessary due to economic collapse forcing members into menial jobs. The force loses over a thousand people. - Members of the Morgan Security Canal Detachment, now guarding a project that seems all but abandoned and facing intermittent payment, defect to the Workers' Self-Defense Militia. - The army restructuring goes as planned after a few delays, with the 2nd & 3rd divisions divided into two groups each, each guarding a specific base. A detachment finally makes its way to Lie, and is ready to strike on Santiago's command. - Santiago forms the "Unity Party", a political party promoting her worldview and a radical anti-mind worm stance. It is fairly popular in the territories she controls, though some refugees in Lie decry her "criminal incompetence" in dismantling the garrison structure. - Richard Hitchens spends most of his time rambling about Covenant Academy. The one member of the Allied Atheist Alliance who protests in Boutros-Ghali is shot. Nobody outside of the faction cares. - Luttinen works on another AI project. No one is quite certain what it is, but it is apparently a humanoid robot and a prototype has been made. - Skye attempts to build social networks among the Gaians. Recruitment dries up due to current events swinging the populace in an anti-Planet direction, but the faction achieves more solidarity. - A post is made on alt.d4t4 regarding a robot chassis building contest. It is ignored. - Robin Huxley leads the only major economic expansion on Planet, reconfiguring Xanadu to be less grandiose and building farms, forests and solar panels on the Great Dunes. - Dr. Mohammed Steiner's documentary on the Raiders lingers in development hell. He certainly has more than enough footage, but finding an audience seems to be difficult with the current political situation. The one clip that is released, that of the Raiders' extermination of a local mind worm boil, proves to be extremely popular. Support for the Raiders increases greatly. - Prokhor Zakharov's brain and spinal cord are put in cryopreservation, as per his orders, but the extent of damage renders information-theoretical death extremely likely. An informal service is held.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 13:40 |
= Game Status = Date: MY 2150, August (Turn 4) Turn Length: 1 month Action Points per Turn: 7 = Colony Status = ![]() Population: >100,000 Birth Rate: Unknown = Bases = Unity Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~45,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: In a Giant Resource-Filled Crater, Effective Capital of Humanity, Refugee Crisis Hammarskj�ld Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Convenient River Delta, Hillside Settlements, Manpower Exhausted Thant Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Storm-Wracked, Naval Center Waldheim Base Controller: Believers Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Projects Overbudget, Strategic Leverage, Rampant Corruption, Unionized New Sargasso Marine Colony Controller: Gaians Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Xenobiological Mecca, Expensive Infrastructure P�rez de Cu�llar Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Army Headquarters, YIMBY Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Controller: Morganites Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Morganite Haven Cape Zakharov Controller: Cyborg/Morganite/University anarchy Population: ~7,000 Desirability: 8 Situation: Access to Monsoon Jungle, Begrudgingly Isolated University Town, Revolutionary Sentiment, Post-Atomic Horror New Panama Controller: Drones Population: ~5,000 Desirability: 10 Situation: Canal Project to Freshwater Sea, Concentrated 'Free Drone' Activity Boutros-Ghali Base Controller: Believers Population: ~5,000 Desirability: 12 Situation: Thinly-Disguised Believer Puppet Base, Neo-Ascetic Utopia Xanadu Controller: Raiders Population: (transient) Yang Encampment Controller: Hive Population: ~1,000 Mysterious Countdown: 566,000 / 1,000,000,000 = Military Status = Christian Citizen's Milita: Controller: Believers Location: Boutros-Ghali Base Cost: 1,560 REP Training: Basic Power: 40,000 Force Makeup:
Workers' Self-Defense Militia: Controller: Drones Location: New Panama Cost: 84 REP Training: Basic Power: 2,240 Force Makeup:
Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard: Controller: Hive Location: Cape Zakharov Cost: 60 REP Training: Basic Power: 1,600 Force Makeup:
Morgan Security Flagship Force: Controller: Morganites Location: Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Cost: 850 REP Training: Good Power: 16,000 Force Makeup:
Morgan Security Mindguard Force: Controller: Morganites Location: Cape Zakharov Cost: 210 REP Training: Good Power: 3,200 Force Makeup:
Silksteel Horde: Controller: Raiders Location: Xanadu Cost: 1,950 REP Training: Good Power: 68,000 Force Makeup:
1st Army Division: Controller: Spartans Location: P�rez de Cu�llar Base Cost: 1,828 REP Training: Good Power: 47,600 Force Makeup:
2nd Army Division - Hammarskj�ld Station: Controller: Spartans Location: Hammarskj�ld Base Cost: 380 REP Training: Good Power: 9,600 Force Makeup:
2nd Army Division - Lie Station: Controller: Spartans Location: outside former Lie Base Cost: 560 REP Training: Good Power: 14,400 Force Makeup:
3rd Army Division - Unity Station: Controller: Spartans Location: Unity Base Cost: 772 REP Training: Good Power: 19,600 Force Makeup:
3rd Army Division - Thant Station: Controller: Spartans Location: Than Base Cost: 452 REP Training: Good Power: 11,600 Force Makeup:
*PLANET CURRENTLY LACKS SIGNIFICANT NON-TRANSPORT NAVAL FORCES* = Projects & Buildings = alt.d4t4 Description: Popular BBS co-opted by Cybernetic Consciousness. Very secure. Cost: 40 REP Effect: Invokable. Cape Zakharov Solar Panel Array Description: A pair of 1200 square meter installations of photovoltaic cells. Revenue: 1600 REP Effect: Generates energy. Covenant Academy Description: A K-12 school with a Believer curriculum. Location: Boutros-Ghali Base Cost: 800 REP Effect: Increases local desirability (12). Invokable. Freshwater Sea Canal Description: Canal linking the open ocean with the Freshwater Sea. Location: New Panama Value: 10,000,000 REP Status: Under Construction Next Stage: Completion - ????? (at current pace) Morgan Labs Description: R&D laboratory run by Morgan Industries. Location: Cape Zakharov Cost: 150 REP Effect: Attempts invention at +5 every month. Can be used to provide workspace for player inventors without their own funding. S.M.A.R.T. Academy Description: A K-12 school with a Morganite curriculum. Location: Cape Zakharov Cost: 800 REP Effect: Increases local desirability (8). Invokable. Together Description: Drone-run children's creche / family planning center. Location: New Panama Cost: 16 REP Effect: Increases local desirability (10). Invokable. = Characters = ![]() Leader of Planet: Corazon Santiago - Litos / clfurster at gmail dot com While officially of fairly low rank on the Unity, a large portion of the colonists were aligned with her 'Spartan Federation' in the early days of the colony. With the threat of mind worms and inter-factional conflict, she has managed to obtain a powerful position. Santiago has become the effective leader of Chiron after the near-total collapse of the Planetary Government under her own constitution. REP: 3992/7500 Aspects: Experienced General, I Know Kung Fu Skills:
![]() Naval Administrator: Ulrik Svensgaard - (vacant) The Unity's Chief Astrogator was perhaps chosen more for his far superior experience with the oceans. As such, Svensgaard was a natural choice. Under his command, the Planetary Navy has become fiercely independent of other factional ties, and especially Santiago. Their disinterest in politics makes them potentially a very chaotic factor... Currently lost at sea. REP: 0/50 Aspects: Experienced Admiral, Free Spirit Skills:
![]() Leader of the Human Hive: Sheng-Ji Yang - a bad enough dude / ehoovestol at gmail.com The Unity's Chief of Security is an enigmatic figure, feared and valued for his extreme competence. Since Planetfall, he has slowly built a base of supporters in an 'Anti-Corruption Movement'. After fallout from multiple scandals, and a serious of catastrophic events, Yang has fled to south of Cape Zakharov, where his supporters are regrouping. REP: 60/5000 Aspects: I Am Watching You, Will to Power Skills:
![]() de facto New Sargasso Marine Colony Leader: Deirdre Skye - epicurius / epicurius at aol dot com The eccentric minister's fanatical environmentalism has brought opposition from pro-development factions, but her talents have kept her (barely) in power. No living human being currently knows more about Earth-original life, and few know as much about the life on Planet. She is perhaps the most psychicly gifted of the high echelons of Planetary Administration. Opposition to the Believers have shoed her in to leadership of the New Sargasso Colony, but recent mind worm attacks has made pro-Planet politics perilous. REP: 0/6500 Aspects: Fond of Flowers, Telepath Skills:
![]() Leader of the Lord's Believers: Miriam Godwinson - Takanago / ktakanago@gmail.com While merely the Psych Chaplain on the Unity, Godwinson's natural charisma has spread Conclave Christianity to far across Planet. Her rabid natalism has made "The Lord's Believers" a very large faction in a very short time. The Planetary Government has created the 'Minister of Morale' position as a ceremonial role, hoping to appease the growing faction... She now effectively controls Waldheim and Boutros-Ghali Bases after the collapse of the Planetary Government. REP: 2360/35000 Aspects: Charming, Grumpy Skills:
![]() CEO of Morgan Industries: Nwabudike Morgan - ThatBasqueGuy / mrfireblaze@gmail.com Morgan was a major contractor for the Unity after the Russian economic collapse of 2058, and used his influence to become a stowaway aboard the ship. He was reprimanded after Planetfall, but political tensions and the immediate struggle for survival prevented him from being severely punished. In the aftermath, he managed to found Planet's first private enterprise, Morgan Industries. Total economic collapse has made his position somewhat worse. REP: 2010/27000 Aspects: Sell Anything to Anyone, Talented Businessman Skills:
![]() Leader of the Free Drones: Arthur Donaldson - (vacant) A geologist and the former Director of Mining Operations who aided with some of the first major infrastructure projects after Planetfall, Donaldson became appalled with the lack of attention paid to the working conditions of the laborers. He now leads the "Free Drones", the closest thing Planet has to a labor union. The Free Drones now control New Panama, perhaps out of apathy for the canal project more than anything else. REP: 100/1500 Aspects: Came From a Land Down Under, Sensitive Skills:
![]() Leader of the Cybernetic Consciousness: Annikki Luttinen - A RICH WHITE MAN / moodinconsistency@gmail.com An artificial intelligence researcher, Luttinen ran an unauthorized experiment using the Unity's spare computing power. Few people realize that the presentient algorithm that ran would eventually become self-aware, and save the Unity from colliding with debris during its deceleration via psionic extra-sensory perception. The program was 'killed' when the Unity required the vast majority of its processing for landing, but the results inspired Luttinen to become one of the most radical advocates for AI research on Planet. REP: 0/2250 Aspects: Bipolar, Little Need for Human Contact Skills:
![]() Prominent Evolutionary Biologist: Richard Hitchens - stalin-chan / stalin@c0balt.com An outspoken atheist and critic of the Believers. Currently leads a small group of followers. REP: 0/600 Aspects: Indefatigatible, No, Fuck You God! Skills:
![]() Adventurer: Mohammed Steiner - ZearothK This mysterious documentary filmmaker is stuck in some encampments near Xanadu, following recent events. Can he find a place in this new world? REP: 0/40 Aspects: Callous Disregard for Safety, Film Everything Skills:
![]() AI: Heosphoros - EccoRaven A powerful artificial intelligence. Luttinen's pet project. REP: 0/0 Aspects: High Learning Capacity, Immune to Meat Dangers Skills:
![]() Leader of the Darwin Raiders: Robin Huxley - Maximo Roboto The leader of one of the most powerful military forces on Planet, Huxley seems to be capable of just about anything... REP: 1950/3000 Aspects: Lives off the Land, Warrior-Poet on Roverback Skills:
# ? Apr 28, 2013 13:41 |
Sniper gets first dibs on a possible University successor or playing somebody else. Rulings and secret events will be out eventually. Great job!
# ? Apr 28, 2013 13:41 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov I warned you about those believers, bro! I warned you!
# ? Apr 28, 2013 13:47 |
Argh, I am so sorry about missing this turn, but I definitely want to keep playing as Donaldson if you'll still have me ![]()
# ? Apr 28, 2013 13:58 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang The Believers have shattered the unity of society. I call on all to join together to eradicate them once and for all. Only with this virus gone can cohesion and order be restored.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 13:59 |
![]() Nwabudike Morgan ![]() ![]() Morgan Breweries and Morgan Hangover cure have been pushed back for a release in Q2 2051. We hope to bring back MorganMarts, Morgan Banking and all of the other amenities that you all count on as soon as possible.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 14:12 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Look at the failures of our former government! Look at what the so-called virtues of secularism and science got us! All our constitution got us was a government that refused to punish the butcher, Yang. All our science got us was the complete destruction of our entire economy! I cannot overstate the amount of joy that fills my heart when I imagine Zakharov's soul burning in Hell for all eternity. He truly deserved what happened to him. Moving forward, it is clear that anything that is truly just and proper must be something that comes from God. Mere creations of man are ultimately doomed to failure. I lent my support to our constitutional government because I believed that the corruption of secular governments can be limited. This was clearly not the case. The collapse of our society is a tragedy, but let us not shed tears for too long. This is an opportunity to rebuild our civilization as it truly should be.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 14:15 |
Takanago posted:
![]() Nwabudike Morgan Let us consider that, while Yang was, at best, the head of an organization that was marred by a controversial tragedy, the Believers quite clearly just destroyed the global economy and caused thousands of innocent casualties for the sake of their radical beliefs. Professor Zakharov was completely innocent by all accounts, and your slander of his name postmortem is, quite frankly, disgusting. If you expect anyone on this planet, sans the poor consumers that you have clearly brainwashed, to consider you as anything more than a war criminal, you must be even more insane than we think. Morgan out.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 15:13 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Why do you blame us for the economy's collapse? It was not one blast in a university storage room that caused it, but rather the failure of our planet's reactor network as a whole. I should remind you that it was Zakharov who was working on "innovating" our reactor system. If anybody should be blamed, it is him. Judging from these recent events, he was clearly a terrible researcher in addition to being a terrible person. He is innocent of nothing.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 15:24 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Thought Leader of the Hive The Hive recognize Corazon Santiago as the leader of the Colony, and will support her against the Believer rebellion which has nearly brought all the People to ruin. The liquidation of the Believers is the only hope for the People.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 15:28 |
![]() Dr. Annikki Luttinen Leader, Cybernetic Consciousness Interim Leader, Zakharov University, Cape Zakharov It is with great shock and sorrow that I greet the news of the death of Dr. Prokhor Zakharov; I had long counted the professor among my very closest of friends, and his death to the callous forces of radicalism has shaken me to my core. I condemn the acts of terrorism which have brought low the great outpost of Cape Zakharov, and its eponymous founder, and I call upon Miriam Godwinson to ensure that they are dealt with properly. In the meantime, though, Cape Zakharov and its University needs a leader; a leader who subscribes to the values and ideals that Zakharov held deal. In the interim, I announce that I will stand as this leader; I announce further that the University of Planet shall be forever known as Zakharov University, in memory of its great founder. Prokhor Zakharov posted:The popular stereotype of the researcher is that of a skeptic and a pessimist. Nothing could be further from the truth! Scientists must be optimists at heart, in order to block out the incessant chorus of those who say "It cannot be done."
# ? Apr 28, 2013 16:15 |
![]() General Corazon Santiago, Planetary Governor, Commander in Chief I, Governor Corazon Santiago hereby command Miriam Godwinson and the Cult of Believers to assent to an immediate government investigation regarding the Church's contact with the Believer terrorists who have destroyed the University, destroyed an entire city, and incited violence between the People's Thought Guard and the Morgan Mindguard Force. A failure to comply with this order will result in the arrest of the entirety of the associated Believer leaders for an obstruction of justice. In light of recent events and in the absence of a functioning legislature, administration will be handled by the Planetary Governor. New Legislative elections will be held after all rebellions have been put in their places and the mindworm threat and economic woes are eradicated. On the Mindworm threat, the Military will be dispatching several thousand troops to each location under the army division system. All refugees will be compensated. On Cape Zakharov, Dr. Annikki Luttinen is the new Academician of the University of Planet. Sheng-Ji Yang will continue as the Security Director of Cape Zakharov. Morgan will handle administration for Geothermal Shallows. We bestow the New Panama project onto local authorities controlled by the Free Drones provided they remain loyal to the Planetary Government. The Emergency Budget Office will now be directing all budgetary matters. Legislative elections will produce a new budget as soon as legislative elections occur. These are troubling times, but the Planetary Government is strong and stability will be restored. I ask that all factions who have not done so already re-affirm their commitments to the Planetary Government.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 17:59 |
![]() The respect that flesh currents turn awry, By a sleep of despised love, there's the rub; For in the sleep: perchance to dreams may come When he himself might make cowards of us all. To die, to be: that sleep to say we end; For who would bear the thousand natural shocks, To grunt arrows of outrageous fortune, The undiscover'd whips that make us all? We know not to be: his quietus then, With the pale cast of time, against a sea. To take arms, that patient merit of time, The insolence of office and moment With a bare bodkin? Thus consummation. Be all my sins remember'd, be not bourne, And be lose the dread of so long a life.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 18:19 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Tell me, who would be the ones conducting the investigation? It would do us no good if we had some of Yang's, Zakharov's, or Morgan's fanatics try to simply pin the blame on myself. If you can guarantee that the investigators from your faction would be neutral and free of bias, we would consent to an investigation. It would soon be very clear that the bombers were acting on orders not from Me, but from God Himself.
# ? Apr 28, 2013 18:22 |
reregging![]() Arthur Donaldson So, the reactionary forces of volatile fanatics have come terrifyingly close to destroying all order on Planet. The Believers have shown their true face: as rebels, and crusading mass murderers. Perhaps the only bright side here is that the exploitative and outdated capitalist mode of production has collapsed sooner than anticipated, though at terrible cost. With this in mind, this void must be filled, at least locally. Economic and political power in New Panama will be transferred as soon as possible to a democratic Worker's Council. Certain redistributions of property may prove necesssary to keep the area defensible and the canal project operational on at least a basic level, as the costs of abandoning and later resuming such a massive geoengineering undertaking would be catastrophic. Regardless, we remain strictly loyal to the rightful Planetary Government in Unity, and will resist all attempts to poison our people with the opium of the masses that Godwinson peddles.
# ? Apr 29, 2013 01:47 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson The ones who now "show their true face" are the atheists of this planet. After one mere incident caused by, let me say this again, an independent group which has accepted responsibility for their actions, you lot of Sinners show your true colors and use this as an opportunity to attack my people. Clearly, you all already had a desire to persecute us for our religion all along. The explosion at the university aimed at taking out that criminal, Yang, was just a mere spark that inflamed your hateful prejudices. I should say though that what happened there at the university was a tragedy. It is a shame that Yang did not die in that blast, or even in the battle that happened afterwards. If the group had succeeded in their objective, perhaps more of you may have recognized the event for what it was: divinely-inspired vigilante justice. Also, I am going to politely have to refuse Santiago's deployment of army troops to areas where I am responsible for security. This would be Waldheim and Boutros-Ghali Base. Resources are limited here, after Zakharov's economic collapse. We have already had to downsize our military forces because of this. Adding more troops than we need would simply make our economic hardships even harder.
# ? Apr 29, 2013 05:27 |
![]() General Corazon Santiago, Planetary Governor, Commander in Chief If Boutros-Ghali's economy can't handle a deployment, we'll abstain on that one and deploy only to Waldheim instead. Every day, we'll ship in supplies from the rest of Chiron to avoid constraining local food supplies. All investigators will come from the Planetary Government and will remain unbiased. In preparation for future instances of terrorism, I appoint Minister Sheng-Ji Yang administrator of high security military prisons. Shortly, his department will work to prevent further threats.
# ? Apr 29, 2013 14:26 |
![]() ![]() Also, people now all have secret events (if they received any).
# ? Apr 30, 2013 05:46 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Sending your troops to Waldheim is also unnecessary. We will handle the security of that base on our own. Don't forget the importance of territorial boundaries, Santiago. Waldheim's security has been my responsibility since Garland divided up Yang's duties. This has given me clear areas where I am allowed and not allowed to operate my forces. Sending the central government's troops to Waldheim will be a clear sign that the divisions put in place before are now gone and meaningless. I don't think that is something that either of us want.
# ? Apr 30, 2013 05:53 |
![]() General Corazon Santiago, Planetary Governor, Commander in Chief I would like the divisions removed and for the planet to once again be unified against the economic, social, and planetary stresses we face. I have ordered forces to deploy to Waldheim to ensure it is adequately defended and as a symbolic gesture that the time of infighting is over.
# ? Apr 30, 2013 12:34 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson But the time of infighting is not over so long as Yang remains a free man. For months we have been calling for his trial, and what have we gotten? Nothing. He is a sociopathic madman with a clear intent of killing each and every Believer. Do you just intend to sweep the matter under the rug and have us ignore it? Keep in mind that the government's ignoring of the matter was the clear cause of the university incident. If you actually want the people to be unified, then you must do something about it. If the government cannot deliver justice, then people will inevitable take it with their own two hands.
# ? Apr 30, 2013 12:47 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Thought Leader of the Hive The Ministry of Security acted to preserve the security of the colony. Unfortunately I was impeded in my duties and your terrorists, blinded by irrational fanaticism, were allowed to nearly destroy us. I advise you order your cult to cooperate fully with the legitimate government of the Colony. I would be perfectly satisfied with the consequences if you did not, however. If justice were on your side so would the law. Yet you have resorted to shattering not just the law, but all of society in an attempt to murder me. It is you who must be punished.
# ? Apr 30, 2013 14:01 |
![]() Dierdre Skye Haven't the events of the past month shown us the danger in division. Are we to repeat the mistakes of Earth? Lets focus on rebuilding our economies, and our lives, on finding out why the mindworms are attacking and try to stop them, and being sure that all those who carried out or incited violence are punished.
# ? May 2, 2013 17:00 |
![]() quote:Scientific socialism was the first to take on the conscious steering of social processes as its primary historical mission. Arthur Donaldson, speaking to a crowd of supporters in New Panama Brothers and sisters, comrades, friends! The monetary economy is gone, and with it, the little certainty we enjoyed. Troubled times lie ahead, and new conflicts arise, now between faith and science. Our path through the debris, however, is clear. The socialist of the 22nd century must align with the forces of scientific progress. While, as you all know, it is naive to put one's faith in techno-utopianism and take a Messianic view of science, as it cannot by itself free us from menial toil, new tools and know-how at least open up possibilities for radical social progress. The recent resurgence of cybernetics, for instance, makes us recall the 20th century notion of "cybernetic market socialism". This was an idea well ahead of its time, under which the beast of market pricing would be yoked into the service of decentralized, but purposeful control, much more advanced than the sledgehammer of the command economy. Advanced computer simulations and AI's can render moot the once-valid point of bourgeois economics about the unfeasibility of large-scale economic planning. The post-Terran socialist economy is, let us say this loudly and proudly, a thoroughly rational economy, and we aim to prove this! It is based on the utilitarian principle of the Eudaimonic Society: of maximizing the potential for happiness and freedom, of using the promise of science and technology to fulfill the dream of liberating Mankind from hunger, disease and alienated labor. Today, as the unsustainable economy of energy as currency lies destroyed by an act of terror, we begin our work for this common good. Here at home, we will build anew, and set an example for others. And in this pursuit, the age-old parasite of exploitative capital shall be dealt with swiftly. But one must see now that, being driven by hollow and machine-like greed, it is not as deadly an enemy as fanatical, reactionary fundamentalism. Even with the Morganites, it is obvious that the working classes face the same opponent as always: class-conscious capital protecting its interests, and here the lines in the sand are drawn and clear, the conflict is acknowledged and material. The mindset of the Believer terrorists, however, is insidious, in its obstinate denial of our everyday material problems and their material solutions. It is their denial of the body, of the value of life itself, that lets them sacrifice thousands before the altar of revenge. "Poverty", says the neo-ascetic of Boutros-Ghali, "is a virtue, and faith and prayer are food for the soul". "Work, pray and obey", says the motto they repeat after medieval monks. The Believer approach to the "Drone", the common laborer, is doubly dehumanizing, as they would control not only our actions, but our very thoughts. Whereas the historical Jesus Christ, regardless of one's religious beliefs, was a progressive freethinker, a revolutionary who spoke in powerful metaphors and ruthlessly questioned old ways of thinking, Miriam Godwinson is a Pharisee! She is a crude demagogue who demands unquestioning adherence to blunt literalist doctrine. The Christianity of its early years, before it was hijacked by the ruling classes of the Roman Empire, was a radical and transformative idea for its time, spread among slaves who yearned for freedom from their oppressive masters. How distant this seems from the Believers' idea of a Chiron where all questions are either answered with dogma or forbidden; a stagnant hell devoid of hope for anything but a lifetime of toil and prayer, and a dubious reward in a hypothetical afterlife. Despite the terror and devastation of recent events, despite the confusion and uncertainty, we stand by this one core idea: that a better world, a better life, is possible. And this simple statement runs utterly contrary to the hatred, the fear, the stubborn and constipated resistance to change, that lies at the heart of Conclave "Christianity". We will not bow down, neither before their vengeful and petty God, nor the now-shattered idol of Mammon! We will pick up the pieces and rebuild a new, better economy, and we will base it on reason and humanity, on democracy and equality - starting here, today! Drones of Planet, unite! ![]() did someone mention wanting flavor? here, have a wall of text effortpost
# ? May 3, 2013 11:50 |
![]() ![]() Get your turns and fluff in.
# ? May 3, 2013 19:30 |
DEADLINE PASSED The following people are horrible:
# ? May 4, 2013 20:14 |
Sorry for the late turn, I had a pretty severe episode of insomnia. EVENTS FOR TURN 4 (MY 2150 August) - The suicide rate is noted to be extremely high. At least a thousand documented cases of people killing themselves are recorded. - Godwinson decides to cooperate with investigators on the Cape Zakharov Bombing, much to the surprise of officials. - Most of her top officials are vindicated, but two are found to have connections with the bombers. They prove quite valuable in arresting the perpetrators of the bombing. - More damaging are the arrests of several dozen mid-ranking Believer officers. Boutros-Ghali Base suffers from mismanagement because of the drastic loss of leadership. - Morgan Labs builds a prototype for a mass-producible solar panel, but its readiness for the general public is questionable. The Datalinks expects it sometime in the next few years. - Richard Hitchens begins a renewed campaign of anti-Believer agitation. It goes well, especially among the small, but vocal intra-University opposition to Luttinen's control of Zakharov University (which mostly comes from disgruntled Humanities departments). - Boils of a seafaring vector of mind worms, 'isles of the deep', appear in the area near New Sargasso. - Coincidentally, Skye has stated her commitment to enhancing New Sargasso's defensive capabilities. An "attack foil" is slated for deployment sometime in September. - Morgan Industries begins a massive recruitment campaign. The prospect of economic stability is enough to attract thousands of new employees (many of which are not happy with the Unity Party's laconophilia. - Recruits are drafted from 'unemployed' members of Spartan-controlled areas. There isn't much of a backlash (except among a few conscientious objecting Believers), but the troops are currently at the bare minimum standard of training. The 4th Army Division now resides in P�rez de Cu�llar. The Naval Debacle - Governor Santiago announces plans for the potential merger of the army and the navy into a unified command structure. This is not very popular with the traditionally independent navy. - Her first action towards this process is creating a small detachment of "marines" from excess troops in the 3rd Army Division Unity Station. The marines aren't necessarily prepared for a sea-to-land invasion, but the navy does transport the (undefended) squadrons without incident. - Rumors spread of a messianic cult in the naval ranks, awaiting the return of Ulrik Svensgaard to save Planet from its woes. - Several experimental "autonomous formers" outside Thant begin behaving erratically. While no serious damage is done, the culprit remains unknown. - Plans are abandoned after it becomes clear that the navy won't budge on the issue. Santiago is irritated, but the possible costs of outright rebellion make her leverage weak. The Planetary "Marine" Corps remain in operation. - Arthur Donaldson gives an inspiring speech in New Panama. The economy is effectively socialized within days. Standards of living only improve marginally, but the power of the Free Drones is firmly entrenched. - The Gaians make progress on developing a sustainable economy in New Sargasso. The ancient concept of "cap and trade" is taken to a new level, with the possibility of exchangeable environmental impact credits being a source of economic scarcity that combines the advantages and disadvantages of monetary policy and conservation. - Godwinson makes a massive investment in energy infrastructure for Boutros-Ghali. Fewer people are starving. - Luttinen's non-University activities continue, with new plans for the "Planetary Energy Grid" linking a series of relatively small fusion reactors. Experimental implementation is planned for the Lie area, but ends up occurring near Thant Base, which is often too cloudy for solar power to be effective. - Her other big project is revealed, the "Autonomous Combat Unit", a combat robot capable of independent strategic decision making. The current model is believed to be capable of replacing a company-sized organization on its own. It is, of course, ludicrously expensive. The Unity Base Riot - Conclave Christianity missionaries swoop in on the Lie refugees, and are very successful. - Santiago reaffirms Yang as the chief of security for Cape Zakharov. - Outraged Believers in the area form a mob, killing 84 people and damaging an incredible amount of property. - The resulting conflict with the 3rd Army Division's Unity Station is brief, but hundreds of Believers lay dead in the streets. Few question the Unity Party's hegemony at the base afterwards. - However, international reaction is mixed. Even the normally virulently anti-Godwinson alt.d4t4 is filled with posts condemning the 'mainland fascists'. - Luttinen is sworn in as the head of Zakharov University in a solemn ceremony. Her appointment is not seriously challenged, though more radical elements in Cape Zakharov believe she is too pro-Government. - Yang is also reaffirmed to be chief of security of the base, but his apparent disappearance is enough to quell angry protestors. Hive officials state he is still at the encampment. Some theorize his wounds were far greater than previously believed. Some even go as far to speculate that Yang is dead, and the Hive is currently in a power struggle. - In the aftermath of the riots, Santiago weighs options regarding Unity Base's energy needs as the reserve shrinks rapidly. Fossil fuels do exist, but they are comparatively deep compared to the sources on Earth, and would require expensive infrastructure. - The most plausible proposal is to revive the oil extraction project in Garland Crater from earlier in the year. The well was mostly unharmed, but the refinery was destroyed in the stardrive explosion. Expanding the project to serve the entirety of Unity Base would take upwards of 20,000 REP for three months. The Occupation of Waldheim - The riots fresh in the mind of Planetary Government officials, Waldheim base is viewed as a prime target to take from the Believers. - Mindguard Force is moved out of Cape Zakharov, heading for the base. - Meanwhile, a general strike occurs at the base, apparently organized by the Free Drones, temporarily shutting down production and distracting the meager local security. - The "marines" are sent to intercept any vessels heading to or from Boutros-Ghali base, and seize any weapons. - Anticlimactically, Mindguard Force takes the base with no resistance, as few wish to resist the heavily-armored troops. - Most of the Believers do evacuate Waldheim and head to Boutros-Ghali. Most are unarmed, but a few weapons caches are intercepted. - The general strike persists. Barbarians at the Gate - The Silksteel Horde forms a camp outside Cape Zakharov, allegedly for the purpose of combating mind worms. - Robin Huxley delivers an ultimatum for Luttinen; grant the Raiders access to research as a "protected" area or be destroyed. - A substantial minority of citizens in Cape Zakharov are extremely tempted by the offer, with anti-Government sentiment still remaining high. Several members of Zakharov University defect outright, tempted by food and planetpearls. - Luttinen decides to ignore the threat. - The base has not been attacked, yet, but logistical elements consistently run back and forth along the Chiron �rt��...
# ? May 10, 2013 08:13 |
= Game Status = Date: MY 2150, September (Turn 5) Turn Length: 1 month Action Points per Turn: 7 = Colony Status = ![]() Population: >100,000 Birth Rate: Unknown = Bases = Unity Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~44,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: In a Giant Resource-Filled Crater, Effective Capital of Humanity, Refugee Crisis Hammarskj�ld Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Convenient River Delta, Hillside Settlements, Manpower Exhausted Thant Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Storm-Wracked, Naval Center Waldheim Base Controller: Believers Population: ~7,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Awkward Drone-Morganite Co-Influence, Strategic Leverage, Rampant Corruption New Sargasso Marine Colony Controller: Gaians (REP doubled for local spending) Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Xenobiological Mecca, Expensive Infrastructure P�rez de Cu�llar Base Controller: Spartans Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Army Headquarters, YIMBY Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Controller: Morganites Population: ~10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Morganite Haven Cape Zakharov Controller: Cyborgs Population: ~7,000 Desirability: 8 Situation: Access to Monsoon Jungle, Begrudgingly Isolated University Town, Revolutionary Sentiment, Post-Atomic Horror New Panama Controller: Drones (REP doubled for local spending) Population: ~5,000 Desirability: 10 Situation: Canal Project to Freshwater Sea, Drone-Controlled Boutros-Ghali Base Controller: Believers Population: ~8,000 Desirability: 12 Situation: Overcrowded, Thinly-Disguised Believer Puppet Base, Neo-Ascetic Utopia Xanadu Controller: Raiders Population: (transient) Yang Encampment Controller: Hive Population: ~1,000 Mysterious Countdown: 768,000 / 1,000,000,000 = Military Status = Christian Citizen's Milita: Controller: Believers Location: Boutros-Ghali Base Cost: 1,560 REP Training: Basic Power: 40,000 Force Makeup:
Workers' Self-Defense Militia: Controller: Drones Location: New Panama Cost: 84 REP Training: Basic Power: 2,240 Force Makeup:
Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard: Controller: Hive Location: The Hive Cost: 60 REP Training: Basic Power: 1,600 Force Makeup:
Morgan Security Flagship Force: Controller: Morganites Location: Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Cost: 850 REP Training: Good Power: 16,000 Force Makeup:
Morgan Security Mindguard Force: Controller: Morganites Location: Waldheim Base Cost: 210 REP Training: Good Power: 3,200 Force Makeup:
Silksteel Horde: Controller: Raiders Location: outside Cape Zakharov Cost: 1,950 REP Training: Good Power: 68,000 Force Makeup:
1st Army Division: Controller: Spartans Location: P�rez de Cu�llar Base Cost: 1,828 REP Training: Good Power: 47,600 Force Makeup:
2nd Army Division - Hammarskj�ld Station: Controller: Spartans Location: Hammarskj�ld Base Cost: 380 REP Training: Good Power: 9,600 Force Makeup:
2nd Army Division - Lie Station: Controller: Spartans Location: outside former Lie Base Cost: 560 REP Training: Good Power: 14,400 Force Makeup:
3rd Army Division - Unity Station: Controller: Spartans Location: Unity Base Cost: 560 REP Training: Good Power: 14,800 Force Makeup:
3rd Army Division - Thant Station: Controller: Spartans Location: Thant Base Cost: 452 REP Training: Good Power: 11,600 Force Makeup:
4th Army Division: Controller: Spartans Location: P�rez de Cu�llar Base Cost: 720 REP Training: Mediocre Power: 19,200 Force Makeup:
"Marines": Controller: Spartans Location: Waldheim-Boutros-Ghali Strait Cost: 260 REP Training: Good Power: 6,400 Force Makeup:
*PLANET CURRENTLY LACKS SIGNIFICANT NON-TRANSPORT NAVAL FORCES* = Projects & Buildings = alt.d4t4 Description: Popular BBS co-opted by Cybernetic Consciousness. Very secure. Cost: 40 REP Effect: Invokable. Cape Zakharov Solar Panel Array Description: A pair of 1200 square meter installations of photovoltaic cells. Revenue: 1600 REP Effect: Generates energy. Covenant Academy Description: A K-12 school with a Believer curriculum. Location: Boutros-Ghali Base Cost: 800 REP Effect: Increases local desirability (12). Invokable. Freshwater Sea Canal Description: Canal linking the open ocean with the Freshwater Sea. Location: New Panama Value: 10,000,000 REP Status: Under Construction Next Stage: Completion - ????? (at current pace) Morgan Labs Description: R&D laboratory run by Morgan Industries. Location: Cape Zakharov Cost: 150 REP Effect: Attempts invention at +5 every month. Can be used to provide workspace for player inventors without their own funding. S.M.A.R.T. Academy Description: A K-12 school with a Morganite curriculum. Location: Cape Zakharov Cost: 800 REP Effect: Increases local desirability (8). Invokable. Together Description: Drone-run children's creche / family planning center. Location: New Panama Cost: 16 REP Effect: Increases local desirability (10). Invokable. = Characters = ![]() Leader of Planet: Corazon Santiago - Litos / clfurster at gmail dot com While officially of fairly low rank on the Unity, a large portion of the colonists were aligned with her 'Spartan Federation' in the early days of the colony. With the threat of mind worms and inter-factional conflict, she has managed to obtain a powerful position. Santiago has become the effective leader of Chiron after the near-total collapse of the Planetary Government under her own constitution. REP: 4928/7500 Aspects: Experienced General, I Know Kung Fu, Ultra-Prgamatism Skills:
![]() Naval Administrator: Ulrik Svensgaard - (vacant) The Unity's Chief Astrogator was perhaps chosen more for his far superior experience with the oceans. As such, Svensgaard was a natural choice. Under his command, the Planetary Navy has become fiercely independent of other factional ties, and especially Santiago. Their disinterest in politics makes them potentially a very chaotic factor... Currently lost at sea. REP: 0/50 Aspects: Experienced Admiral, Free Spirit Skills:
![]() Leader of the Human Hive: Sheng-Ji Yang - a bad enough dude / ehoovestol at gmail.com The Unity's Chief of Security is an enigmatic figure, feared and valued for his extreme competence. Since Planetfall, he has slowly built a base of supporters in an 'Anti-Corruption Movement'. After fallout from multiple scandals, and a serious of catastrophic events, Yang has fled to south of Cape Zakharov, where his supporters are regrouping. REP: 60/5000 Aspects: I Am Watching You, The Needs of the Many, Will to Power Skills:
![]() de facto New Sargasso Marine Colony Leader: Deirdre Skye - epicurius / epicurius at aol dot com The eccentric minister's fanatical environmentalism has brought opposition from pro-development factions, but her talents have kept her (barely) in power. No living human being currently knows more about Earth-original life, and few know as much about the life on Planet. She is perhaps the most psychicly gifted of the high echelons of Planetary Administration. Opposition to the Believers have shoed her in to leadership of the New Sargasso Colony, but recent mind worm attacks has made pro-Planet politics perilous. REP: 0/6500 Aspects: Fond of Flowers, Green Spirituality, Telepath Skills:
![]() Leader of the Lord's Believers: Miriam Godwinson - Takanago / ktakanago@gmail.com While merely the Psych Chaplain on the Unity, Godwinson's natural charisma has spread Conclave Christianity to far across Planet. Her rabid natalism has made "The Lord's Believers" a very large faction in a very short time. The Planetary Government has created the 'Minister of Morale' position as a ceremonial role, hoping to appease the growing faction... She now effectively controls Waldheim and Boutros-Ghali Bases after the collapse of the Planetary Government. REP: 2360/37600 (halved REP for Turn 5) Aspects: Charming, Grumpy, We Must Dissent Skills:
![]() CEO of Morgan Industries: Nwabudike Morgan - ThatBasqueGuy / mrfireblaze@gmail.com Morgan was a major contractor for the Unity after the Russian economic collapse of 2058, and used his influence to become a stowaway aboard the ship. He was reprimanded after Planetfall, but political tensions and the immediate struggle for survival prevented him from being severely punished. In the aftermath, he managed to found Planet's first private enterprise, Morgan Industries. Total economic collapse has made his position somewhat worse. REP: 2010/32710 Aspects: Life of Luxury, Sell Anything to Anyone, Talented Businessman Skills:
![]() Leader of the Free Drones: Arthur Donaldson - Guildencrantz A geologist and the former Director of Mining Operations who aided with some of the first major infrastructure projects after Planetfall, Donaldson became appalled with the lack of attention paid to the working conditions of the laborers. He now leads the "Free Drones", the closest thing Planet has to a labor union. The Free Drones now control New Panama, perhaps out of apathy for the canal project more than anything else. REP: 100/2000 Aspects: Came From a Land Down Under, Sensitive, Working-Class Culture Skills:
![]() Leader of the Cybernetic Consciousness: Annikki Luttinen - A RICH WHITE MAN / moodinconsistency@gmail.com An artificial intelligence researcher, Luttinen ran an unauthorized experiment using the Unity's spare computing power. Few people realize that the presentient algorithm that ran would eventually become self-aware, and save the Unity from colliding with debris during its deceleration via psionic extra-sensory perception. The program was 'killed' when the Unity required the vast majority of its processing for landing, but the results inspired Luttinen to become one of the most radical advocates for AI research on Planet. REP: 40/3740 Aspects: Bipolar, Little Need for Human Contact, Radically Transhuman Skills:
![]() Prominent Evolutionary Biologist: Richard Hitchens - stalin-chan / stalin@c0balt.com An outspoken atheist and critic of the Believers. Currently leads a small group of followers. REP: 0/775 Aspects: Indefatigatible, No, Fuck You God! Skills:
![]() Adventurer: Mohammed Steiner - ZearothK This mysterious documentary filmmaker is stuck in some encampments near Xanadu, following recent events. Can he find a place in this new world? REP: 0/40 Aspects: Callous Disregard for Safety, Film Everything Skills:
![]() AI: Heosphoros - EccoRaven A powerful artificial intelligence. Luttinen's pet project. REP: 0/15 Aspects: High Learning Capacity, Immune to Meat Dangers Skills:
![]() Leader of the Darwin Raiders: Robin Huxley - Maximo Roboto The leader of one of the most powerful military forces on Planet, Huxley seems to be capable of just about anything... REP: 1950/3390 Aspects: Imposing, Lives off the Land, Warrior-Poet on Roverback Skills:
# ? May 10, 2013 08:13 |
Secret events have been sent to everybody who needed them and the ACU has been added to the military price list! (Only Luttinen or those she gives permission can buy one)
# ? May 11, 2013 03:46 |
OOC: been busy lately, but I'd like to get a post in today.
# ? May 14, 2013 11:03 |
Please don't die, game ![]() Edit: I understand that most everyone is scheming and clutching their cards tight, but seriously.
# ? May 17, 2013 01:08 |
Guildencrantz posted:Please don't die, game Agreed, I love this sim.
# ? May 17, 2013 06:49 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Yet again, the persecution of the faithful has made the news. Hundreds of Believers were recently massacred by atheist, fascist government forces. And yet, as they do these things again and again, they still call us the monsters. If this is what we get for completely cooperating with government security forces, then clearly that was a mistake. It is time to put my foot down for the good of my people. I hereby order the withdrawal from Waldheim Base of all military forces associated with Santiago's government or any non-Believer faction. This base was placed under our responsibility, and now we will step up to that. Security of the base shall be handled by the Christian Citizen's Militia, and no other force. I can clearly see that it is my duty to protect all Believers now, from all the sinful forces of the planet which seek to do them harm. I will not back down from this God-given task.
# ? May 17, 2013 08:07 |
Alright then, deadline is Sunday, May 19th, 0:01 UTC (that's Saturday night for the US).
# ? May 17, 2013 08:47 |
Takanago posted:
![]() General Corazon Santiago, Planetary Governor Pay your taxes and you'll have a say in what the government does. The old maxim is no taxation without representation. Well that works both ways. Benjamin Franklin said there were only two certainties: death and taxes. We wish you'd stop propagating the former and start working on the latter. You've irritated us long enough. Waldheim struck under your aggression and now you insist you should dominate it again. You're so wrong even your own troops defected to Morgan's security forces the first chance you got. Apparently your facts aren't right either: none of my forces are in Waldheim. The civilian governance of Waldheim is hereby tasked to Donaldson. All security zones, an obsolete system from the times when Yang and the Believers directly combated one another, are abolished. Miriam is in control of the security zone around Boutros-Ghali, conditional on her payment of even the slightest of taxes, Morgan is in charge of security at Waldheim and Geothermal Shallows, Donaldson is in charge of security in New Panama, and Yang is in charge of security at Cape Zakharov. All other posts will be managed by the Planetary Government. See? Problem solved.
# ? May 17, 2013 15:38 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson No. Waldheim will remain under my administration. Any non-believer security forces in the area will be forced to disarm or leave. This includes, by the way, the 'marines' which are in the strait between Waldheim and Boutros-Ghali. You place yourself on a high ground that you have no right to occupy. You invoke the legacy of America's founding fathers and talk about the virtues of government, but your government is a sham. What has your government given us? Certainly not justice. The butcher Yang not only runs free, it is clear as day that you have no intention to prosecute him for his crimes. I co-operated with your administration, handing over those who were responsible for the vigilante strike against him. And what did I get? Hundreds of my own people murdered, at the hand of your security forces. And now you try to force us out of Waldheim, for no good reason.
# ? May 17, 2013 19:26 |
Takanago posted:
![]() General Corazon Santiago, Planetary Governor Will you pay your taxes?
# ? May 18, 2013 04:21 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Look at you, obsessed with power and the recognition of it through 'taxes'. Haven't you been paying attention for these last few months? The economy has completely and utterly collapsed! We no longer measure the worth of things through kilowatt-hour credits. Economic worth is measured no longer through the fallible fiat of man, but of material and practical worth. So, no, I am not paying taxes. Taxes have become a meaningless concept. The old order has fallen, and we must adjust to a new way of life. Perhaps you should learn the ways of asceticism, and learn to enjoy life without wealth.
# ? May 18, 2013 07:00 |