![]() Sheng-Ji Yang It is a shame that as he approaches death Garland's deteriorating mental state results in poor leadership. He has failed to address the threats to the unity of our society and instead turned on its most loyal servant. I will not participate in the establishment of a democracy. Democracy only turns the people against one another when their will must be whole. Majorities and factions only exist among the divided, and the divided consume themselves.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 17:26 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov Unlike some, Yang makes no attempt to hide his beliefs, and I salute him for it, though I disagree.
# ? Apr 8, 2013 00:16 |
![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4 - Tom Maroon I'm not a politician or a prominent business leader, so I'm not going to add anything to the constitution as such. However, I do feel that the Spartan constitution works best for everyone. If Ms. Santiago allows, I would be happy to lend my support in having it pass. If anyone feels similar, payments made to UBC4 will be used to advertise this fact. Hopefully our partnership with Morgan Industries will equal upgraded broadcasting so we will be able to reach more people.
# ? Apr 8, 2013 01:37 |
New rulings finally up: http://forums.somethingawful.com/sh...0#post413955198 (now you can own your own helicopter gunship)
# ? Apr 8, 2013 05:56 |
![]() Heosphoros, Luttinen Labs, Cape Zakharov I... am.
# ? Apr 8, 2013 17:55 |
EccoRaven posted:
This has been approved.
# ? Apr 8, 2013 17:56 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov Now that we have a government, we can move forward with the pre-approved educational plans, for which I am quite grateful. Furthermore, University Researchers stand on the brink of several quite interesting developments, though we are always willing to explore, shall we say specific, lines of inquiry if the appropriate funding is provided.
# ? Apr 9, 2013 01:21 |
![]() Robin Huxley Frontierswoman, Surveyor, Visionary. A former tank commander in the wars of old Earth, Master Sergeant Huxley sought plowshares over swords on Planet, joining a crew of Formers operating beyond the Sunny Mesa. Though she is ostensibly working on behalf of the Unity government, much like many other Formers, she has acted autonomously, cultivating the land wherever possible on behalf of her people. But even as she settles into the civilian life, she grows bored of its mundanity, and once again turns to her social theories� maximo.roboto@gmail.com
# ? Apr 9, 2013 06:54 |
Turn has been prettified.![]() ![]()
# ? Apr 9, 2013 07:26 |
![]() Arthur Donaldson Now that, with the Planetary Constitution soon approved, we have a functional legal framework in place, I would like to draw your attention to a pressing issue. As you know, the construction of the New Panama Canal is the largest industrial project on Planet, and when it is done, it will open the bounties of the Freshwater Sea to colonization - and with them, the entire western continent can flourish, greatly increasing Planet's capacity for human habitation. However, this project carries a great human cost. Meet Bob Jones. [watchvid footage of a man in a wheelchair] Bob was a drill operator, until he was injured in the recent industrial accident. From what we can tell, an engineer, tired on the tenth hour of his shift, was rushed in the placement of explosive charges, told not to slow down work. The charge was not properly disarmed, and it was left outside of proper containment. Bob was nearby when it went off unexpectedly. The blast snapped his spine like a matchstick, doctors - who had to be rushed in from town, as there are none on-site - were barely able to save his life, but he is paralyzed from the waist down. He will never walk again, let alone work. We have set up a fund that will support his family, but he couldn't afford insurance and receives no aid from the state. If not for his friends from the union, Bob's family would live in destitution. Now meet little Johnny Kazarov. ![]() Johnny is five years old. His father, Vladimir, was even less fortunate than Bob. The explosion destroyed his safety suit and, already severely wounded, he asphyxiated in Planet's toxic air. Johnny's poor, widowed mother now has to work cleaning floors to support herself, and Johnny spends much of his day at "Together", the Children's Creche co-op run by the Free Drones, with lifetime free membership. The Creche tries to give him and his mother the best possible care, including psych support, but our staff can't explain why Daddy is gone now. This tragedy was easily preventable, and the victims should not have to rely on the union for support. It was a result of several factors - mainly lax and poorly enforced safety measures and human error caused by overworking. This problem is not limited to New Panama, though here it is most acute. All over Chiron, thousands toil in similarly dangerous conditions in factories and construction work, doing hard manual labor for ten or eleven hours a day, with inadequate equipment, rushed by their foremen to skip safety precautions so that productivity can be kept up. When they are injured or fall sick, even with government healthcare, they are often simply fired and replaced, left to rely on the kindness of friends and family. If they can, they go out to seek a new job - any job, even one where they must risk their health and their life. Enough is enough. The Free Drones ask that we update our labor standards to, at the very least, the norms of late-20th-century Earth. The New Panama tragedy is a wake-up call, and makes it obvious that universal safety standards are necessary in industry, and a government bureau of health and safety inspection must be set up to ensure that they are kept. What's more, it is shameful that hard-working, honest citizens go inunsured. We must implement a comprehensive and universal tax-funded system of social insurance that will care for our people in the event of sickness, disability, old age and unemployment. I understand if some are concerned by the potential for excessive bureaucracy, and others might accuse us of demanding handouts. However, what we propose is the development of a robust social economy sector. Social Security can be partially outsourced to social cooperatives and local governments, should they express a desire to participate. This could relieve Planetary administration and foster a sense of community, and will be cheaper than a centralist system. The success and popularity of "Together" in New Panama has shown that the co-op model is very much workable in providing social services, but as the participants are the economically disadvantaged, some measure of administrative and financial support is necessary. I will be happy to personally oversee the creation of such social co-ops, at no compensation, if they are at least somewhat subsidized and a favorable legal environment created. Furthermore, in a more local matter, our largest member organization, the Construction Workers Union, has sent me to work out a collective bargaining agreement on the New Panama construction project. The government is their employer, so it is the government that must answer for their dire situation. The workers' demands are as follows: - Shifts in manual labor must be limited to eight hours per person, as tired workers endanger themselves and others. - Safety regulations must be tightened, all outdated and damaged equipment fixed or replaced, and health and safety inspectors are to be deployed on-site during all work hours. - Union workers are to be protected from unlawful termination of employment and receive a 20% pay raise for working work in dangerous conditions. - Representatives elected by the workers are to advise management and participate in the decision-making process. These are not unreasonable expectations. The canal workers deserve this much for what they have recently suffered. Proposal: Law change: Social Security: Universal, Mixed Government/Co-op Government mandate for Arthur Donaldson to help implement the latter side of this arrangement Labor +1 in the budget, representing improved safety standards and a Collective Bargaining agreement on New Panama Canal Project
# ? Apr 9, 2013 07:56 |
Shogeton posted:
![]() Dr. Mohammed Steinner You are indeed geniuses, my friends, bravo! I will study your blueprints and seek out investors for the construction of these, this will be exceedingly valuable in preventing a tragedy like the one from my last film.
# ? Apr 10, 2013 03:54 |
![]() Robin Huxley excerpt from morning broadcast Come, all ye faithful! We rise today on a noble day, for a noble task. Even as the bureaucrats continue to blather on in Unity, we work onwards. Even as the beasts of Planet lurk outside, we pay them no mind. Even as the harsh weather and terrain bear down upon us, we are unstoppable. It is with our might, our cunning, and our work ethic that we carve out civilization in this wilderness. So cheer on, fellow Raiders, as we raid the first fruits from Chiron's bosom, to share with one another in plenty. Be uplifted as you can see your labor already pay off: a few mere weeks ago this place was a desert, but now we see the beginnings of home. Those who live back in the cities live long, comfortable lives, never knowing the dangers we face on a daily basis. As they dither about voting blocs and amendments, they forget the work we are doing for them. The improvements we Formers will benefit all of humanity greatly, yet we are forgotten. We may as well be machines to them, wandering these wastes, automatically improving the land for the sedentarists. In years to come they will breed their way to here, to turn Xanadu into another one of their metropoles, choked in comfort and ease. But do not despair- this service we work for is not merely for them, but for us too. For even as we mold this great wretched barrenness into someplace inhabitable to more than mindworms, we mold ourselves towards the full potential of our species. Through energetic struggle and force, we build more than farms and solar collectors. We build a lifestyle, a culture. One devoted to perfecting our strength and intellect against a harsh and unyielding world. One focused on respecting pure merit, not one corrupted by nepotism and politicking. So let the talking heads talk. We will only hope that whatever government that arises from their squabbling will be one amenable to the needs of those conquering the wilds for them. Let us pray that even in the city there can be wisdom.
# ? Apr 11, 2013 21:11 |
Just a reminder...![]() ![]() I have not got even the majority of people's turns in yet, so I presume you are all waiting for last-minute squabbling. I may not be around from 20:00 EST to the deadline, so ask your questions now in #bop or #cardgames.
# ? Apr 12, 2013 13:44 |
TURN DEADLINE HAS PASSED The following people live in shame:
ETA for processing is 72 hours, but may be slower depending on time taken by personal obligations.
# ? Apr 12, 2013 20:00 |
![]() Planetary Press posted:SANTIAGO CONSTITUTION PASSES WITH 77.1% APPROVAL alt.d4t4 posted:#00000: saw constitution chat, tl;dr
# ? Apr 14, 2013 06:56 |
EVENTS FOR TURN 2 (MY 2150 April - May) - A new constitution, organized by Minister of the Army Corazon Santiago, is drafted for the Planetary Government. The document is incredibly brief, and leaves most of its implementation up to statue, but it does win the approval of many of the faction leaders. - The constitution narrowly passes the referendum, with 77% of the vote. - Cape Zakharov is the only precinct to not have majority approval over the constitution, perhaps due to weariness about its vagueness with regards to powers granted to the government. A few disgruntled protesters organize a 'sit-in' in the commons. - Elsewhere, celebrations are held, especially among the normally stoic Spartans. Unity Base plans for a public ceremony for the transfer of power on April 31st. - Garland clarifies that the Godwinson-Lal-Yang division is to remain in effect until affected by legislation. The Collapse of the Peacekeepers - John Garland, Pravin Lal and Corazon Santiago are to sign the constitution in front of the Unity Base Capitol Building. - Despite some security concerns, the event seems to go off as planned, and all three sign the document. - Lal immediately thereafter collapses to the floor with an agonized scream. - Lal is rushed to the medbays. After brief panic, authorities indicate that this was not an assassination attempt. - The Datalinks are utterly unconvinced, and begin blaming their enemies immediately. - Lal's condition is known in a few hours: chronic poisoning from a previously undetected parasite that had infected him during the early years after Planetfall. The neurotoxic prions it has emitted do not seem to be removable with currently exisiting technology. - With the consent of Pria Lal, the governor is put into the cryotubes until a treatment can be developed. - Corazon Santiago is appointed Planetary Governor pro tempore, and takes over Lal's role as Central Security Chief. - The loose network of advisors and magistrates which make up the Peacekeepers quickly realize the need for a clear successor. - The lack of a clear hierarchy makes this impossible, and a Peacekeeper candidate fails to qualify for either the Upper or Lower houses in the first election. - Disgruntled followers flock to other factions or abandon the political system altogether in resignment. - Garland is back in the cryotubes before anyone can ask for comments. Legislative Shenanigans - The lack of a clearly defined framework of criminal law poses a challenge for the Planetary Government, which has resorted detaining violent offenders on loose charges in the interim. - The consensus settles on building a new common law framework based off of the recognition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights being "binding" via Article 8. - The legislature fails, however, to put in place either term limits or a clear executive or judicial hierarchy. The problem seems intractible until faction leaders intervene. The previous government is largely left in their same positions de facto. - A number of statues are passed on some issues. The most controversial is a statue interpreting Article 16 to be explicitly defining marriage as applying to opposite-sex pairs and the criminalization of several drugs (including some that do not currently exist on Planet). - Coporations are declared officially female as part of a Believer-Morganite compromise on constitutional interpretation. - The biggest looming problem seems to be revenue. No one can quite agree on how much or where to tax the population without major political pressure. - Donaldson proposes a bill to increase the relative spending on various social provisions. The matter is shelved until a source of revenue can be found. - Lie Garrison encounters a mind worm boil while out on patrol. The conflict is quick and decisive, with no casualties to the garrison and the boil wiped out. - Demand for vehicles spikes in the global market. The industry, fortunately, is able to keep up with demand. - A research vessel near New Sargasso is briefly stranded after colliding with a lump of xenofungus, but the navy successfully evacuates the scientists. - A team of geologists successfully dig a borehole into the Uranium Flats, the deepest man-made structure so far on Planet. - A priest, a rabbi and an imam petition Boutros-Ghali Base to stop putting dead people into the recycling tanks. Authorities comply without note, and a small graveyard is made. Less economically well-off Believers complain about the expense of burial, and petition the Ministry of Ecology to lift CO2 emission restrictions on cremations. - Miriam Godwinson personally attempts to implement Believer-run after-school programs across Planet. The project collapses due to financial mismanagement and costs far over projected values. - A 1200 square meter solar power array is constructed outside Cape Zakharov. The financier appears to be Annikki Luttinen. - Network traffic slows down considerably in a brief period in mid-April. A glitch apparently has rerouted traffic through a particular server in Cape Zakharov. Authorities solve the problem (after a day-long outage for the mainland), but speculation runs rampant with some of the IPs tracing back to Ministry of Security servers... - Yang initiates a multi-million kilowatt-hour campaign to recruit Believers into the Anti-Corruption Movement. To the surprise of very few, it fails miserably. - Minister Skye conducts research into agritechnology, and releases a paper on the possibility of genetically modifying xenofungus to be safe for human consumption. Successful germination of the GMOs has not yet been achieved. - Minister Zakharov also seems to be focusing on biology, announcing a project to attempt to speed growth in mammals. The project seems to be more difficult than anticipated, to the chagrin of bioethicists everywhere. - Zakharov is also attempting to develop a less bulky fusion reactor and "something that will make farmers obsolete". - Arthur Donaldson is appointed Chief of Security for New Panama by Yang. - Political campaigning for the Free Drones goes quite well, and membership rises considerably. Some hardliners call for the withdrawl of the Morgan Security Canal Detachment in favor of self-policing. - alt.d4t4 becomes a major player in planetary media as new members flood in following the adoption of the constitution to express their opinions. The old guard begins referring to the 'Eternal May', but overall, most think the quality of discussion has improved. - Dr. Mohammed Steiner is seeking backers for an expedition, and has managed to procure several prototype psi shields... - Banerjee focuses funds on building a dedicated psionics laboratory. The facility is the most state-of-the-art of its kind yet built. - Santiago begins a new regimen of anti-mind worm training for the army. Troop quality improves in some areas. - UBC4 begins broadcasting "Achilles and the Tortoise", an animated kids show based off of various philisophical dialogues written by Lewis Carroll, Douglas Hofstadter and others. - Kids start begging their parents for a brain-machine interface, inspired by Madame Tortue's... - Tom Maroon dedicates a segment to consumer electronics on his show. While theoretically non-partisan, the term 'developed by Morgan Industries' comes up more often than not. Despite groans from across the Datalinks, it still generates significant interest in Morgan's party. - alt.d4t4 takes advantage of the network outage to upgrade their servers significantly. - Steiner angrily demonstrates that the Banerjee mind shields are incredibly buggy, in a spectacle involving a live mind worm and graphic footage. - He also demonstrates that he has successfully fixed the device, and uploads the blueprints to the general public. - Banerjee is reprimanded by New Sargasso officials for selling the buggy prototypes. - Skye launches a campaign to promote environmentalism. Former Peacekeepers flock to the Gaians. - Robin Huxley, self-proclaimed leader of the off-the-grid "Darwin Raiders", attempts to start a base construction project in the Great Dunes. - 'Xanadu' does not gain unilateral support, especially with concerns over the suitability of its location and Raider sentiment towards centralization, but over 600 of the group volunteer to work on the project. - Completion is expected in four years at the current rate of construction. - Many of the workers in Waldheim begin unionizing. Businesses brace for having to have to grease even more pockets to do business in the area. Free Drone involvement is suspected but not proven. - Santiago orders the reorganization of the various garrisons into more formal mobile army divisions. With enough paramilitaries running around to take care of close encounters with mind worms, the Base Leaders do not seem to mind. - An attempt at setting up an "alternate reality game" fails spectacularly due to ongoing events and esoteric problems that no-one seems able to solve. When the puppetmasters release hints, a group on alt.d4t4 manages to skip right to the end. Nobody figures out or cares what it was advertising. - "On the Frontier", a Datalinks TV series which is a strange combination of Planetary Western and Japanese Animation Revival becomes popular for its one-and-a-half episode run (due to logistical problems in coordinating animators with the network slowdown). - Least weasels are fast-tracked on the species revival program for reasons unknown. - Raider popularity surges as anti-constitution elements in Cape Zakharov become restless. Talk of 'seccession' is growing. - Planetpearls flood the global market from unknown sources. - Dr. Banerjee, despite his setbacks, is able to find many volunteers for his psi research. - Donaldson organizes the "Worker's Self-Defense Milita" to protect New Panama. - The Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard concentrates itself in Cape Zakharov. The locals are not happy with the situation... The Morgan Revolution: - Nwabudike Morgan makes a series of gigantic investments in various projects. - "MorganMarts" are rolled out at every major base on Planet. Quality of life improves globally as inexpensive products make their way into the population's hands. - UBC4 sells 49% of its shares to Morgan Industries. In return, they recieve a gigantic new broadcasting tower at Geothermal Shallows. Viewership is higher than ever. - The Morgan Bank is founded, providing one of Planet's first major financial institutions. Loans are granted to individuals across the globe. - S.M.A.R.T. Academy is founded in Cape Zakharov, after many delays. The program is mediocre, but funding assures a steady flow of students. It is by no means profitable, at least currently. - Morgan Industries offers subsidies for its employees to have children. Results are yet to be seen. - Two helicopter gunships are added to Flagship Force. The expensive vehicles cause a slight uproar in military circles, with new pressure to add anti-air capability to the army. - Morgan Labs attempts to 'patent' a VR Bodysuit. Whether this succeeds depends on the action of the legislature. - Army recruitment proceeds well, with 850 new infantry added to the force. - Dr. Richard Hitchens goes on a public speaking tour, promoting radical anti-believer sentiments. The newly formed "Allied Atheist Alliance" becomes a major player in world politics.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 11:29 |
= Game Status = Date: MY 2150, June (Turn 3) Turn Length: 2 months Action Points per Turn: 7 = Colony Status = ![]() All values are monthly. Population: 153,175 Birth Rate: 0.42% Faction Breakdown:
Government: Constitutional republic. No formal executive hierarchy de jure, previous Planetary Government hierarchy de facto. Approval: 52% Next Election: Unspecified. Upper House:
Lower House:
Political Issues:
Economic System: Market economy, as explicitly defined in constitution. Explict grant to "ensure it remains competitive and functioning for the good of the population". GDP: 638,589,889 kwh GDP per capita: 4,169 kwh GDP Growth: 0.52% Tax Rate (effective): 10% [1] Revenue: 63,858,988 kwh Budget:
[1] No taxes agreed on! Scrounging for revenue! = Bases = Unity Base Population: 40,847 Desirability: 0 Situation: In a Giant Resource-Filled Crater, Effective Capital of Humanity Lie Base Population: 20,423 Desirability: 0 Situation: Natural Harbor, Next to a Freshwater Lake Hammarskj�ld Base Population: 20,453 Desirability: 0 Situation: Convenient River Delta, Hillside Settlements Thant Base Population: 10,212 Desirability: 0 Situation: Storm-Wracked, Naval Center Waldheim Base Population: 10,212 Desirability: 0 Situation: Projects Overbudget, Strategic Leverage, Rampant Corruption, Unionized New Sargasso Marine Colony Population: 10,212 Desirability: 0 Situation: Xenobiological Mecca, Expensive Infrastructure P�rez de Cu�llar Base Population: 10,212 Desirability: 0 Situation: Army Headquarters, YIMBY Cape Zakharov Population: 10,212 Desirability: 8 Situation: Access to Monsoon Jungle, Begrudgingly Isolated University Town, Revolutionary Sentiment Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Population: 10,212 Desirability: 0 Situation: Rapidly Growing Economic Center, Morganite Haven New Panama Population: 5,106 Desirability: 10 Situation: Canal Project to Freshwater Sea, Concentrated 'Free Drone' Activity Boutros-Ghali Base Population: 5,106 Desirability: 12 Situation: Thinly-Disguised Believer Puppet Base, Neo-Ascetic Utopia Mysterious Countdown: 388,056 / 1,000,000,000 = Faction Status = Moderates Government Approval: 50% Issues: -1 LGBT Rights Tax Tolerance: 30% Data Angels (Angels) Income from Population: 43,816 kwh Reserve: 69,630 kwh Government Approval: 57% Budget Preference: Telecommunications Issues: -1 Abortion, -3 Civil Law, -3 Criminal Justice, -3 Cryptography, -2 Cybernetics, -2 Drugs, -3 Freedom of Speech, -1 Genetic Engineering, -1 LGBT Rights, -3 Privacy, -1 Religion Aspects: lol, internet, No Mods No Masters Tax Tolerance: 35% Allied Atheist Alliance (Atheists) Income from Population: 46,025 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Government Approval: 0% Budget Preference: [none] Issues: -4 Religion Tax Tolerance: 35% Lord's Believers (Believers) Income from Population: 2,252,069 kwh Reserve: 2,872,073 kwh Government Approval: 40% Budget Preference: Religion Issues: +3 Abortion, +1 Criminal Justice, +2 Cybernetics, +2 Drugs, +3 Genetic Engineering, +1 Gun Control, +3 LGBT Rights, +2 Native Life Approach, +1 Psi Research, +4 Religion Tax Tolerance: 25% Aspects: Be Fruitful and Multiply, We Must Dissent Cybernetic Consciousness (Cyborgs) Income from Population: 38,563 kwh Reserve: 159,972 kwh Government Approval: 67% Budget Preference: Research Issues: -3 Abortion, -2 Cryptography, -4 Cybernetics, -3 Drugs, -1 Freedom of Speech, -3 Genetic Engineering, -3 LGBT Rights, +2 Native Life Approach, -1 Privacy, -2 Psi Research, -3 Religion Tax Tolerance: 35% Aspects: Attracts the Autism Spectrum, Radically Transhuman Free Drones (Drones) Income from Population: 92,218 kwh Reserve: 231,596 kwh Government Approval: 67% Budget Preference: Labor Issues: -1 Abortion, -3 Civil Law, -1 Criminal Justice, -1 Freedom of Speech, -1 Gun Control, -3 Healthcare, -3 Social Security, -3 Urban Planning Tax Tolerance: 50% Aspects: Safety First!, Working-Class Culture Gaia's Stepdaughters (Gaians) Income from Population: 198,945 kwh Reserve: 1,013,674 kwh Government Approval: 40% Budget Preference: Ecology Issues: -3 Abortion, -1 Civil Law, -1 Criminal Justice, 0 Cybernetics, -1 Drugs, -1 Freedom of Speech, +1 Genetic Engineering, -1 Gun Control, -1 Healthcare, -2 LGBT Rights, -3 Native Life Approach, -3 Native Life Ownership, -1 Privacy, -3 Psi Research, -1 Social Security, -2 Urban Planning Tax Tolerance: 40% Aspects: Green Spirituality, Highly Empathic The Human Hive (Hive) Income from Population: 690,598 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Government Approval: 56% Budget Preference: Security Issues: -3 Abortion, +3 Criminal Justice, +3 Cryptography, -2 Cybernetics, +1 Drugs, +2 Freedom of Speech, -2 Genetic Engineering, -3 Gun Control, -1 Healthcare, +3 Privacy, -2 Psi Research, -2 Religion Tax Tolerance: 50% Aspects: The Needs of the Many..., Yang is Dear Leader Morgan Industries (Morganites) Income from Population: 1,781,006 kwh Reserve: 4,762,048 kwh Government Approval: 75% Budget Preference: Finance Issues: +2 Civil Law, 0 Cryptography, +1 Gun Control, +3 Healthcare, -1 LGBT Rights, +1 Native Life Approach, +3 Native Life Ownership, +3 Social Security, +3 Urban Planning Tax Tolerance: 15% Aspects: Greed is Good, Life of Luxury Darwin Raiders (Raiders) Income from Population: 2,005,002 kwh (includes +2,000,000 from scrounging) Reserve: 1,000,000 kwh Government Approval: 0% Budget Preference: [none] Issues: +4 Urban Planning Tax Tolerance: 10% Spartan Federation (Spartans) Income from Population: 652,868 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Government Approval: 80% Budget Preference: Army Issues: +2 Criminal Justice, +4 Gun Control, +3 Native Life Approach, +3 Native Life Ownership Tax Tolerance: 20% Aspects: "THIS. IS. SPARTA!", Ultra-Pragmatism University of Planet (University) Income from Population: 230,171 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Government Approval: 71% Budget Preference: Research Issues: -2 Abortion, -2 Cybernetics, -2 Drugs, -2 Freedom of Speech, -2 Genetic Engineering, -2 LGBT Rights, -1 Native Life Approach, +1 Native Life Ownership, -2 Psi Research, -2 Religion, -1 Urban Planning Tax Tolerance: 35% Aspects: Intellectual Integrity, "We can solve this with SCIENCE!" = Persons of Interest = Tom Maroon Income: 63,900 kwh Reserve: 118,900 kwh Ratings: 8.3 (1.0 base + 6.5 UBC4 Tower + 0.8 shows) Gafur Banerjee Income: 63,900 kwh Reserve: 687,500 kwh Mohammed Steiner Income: 63,900 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Heosphoros Income: 0 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh = Military Status = Christian Citizen's Milita: Controller: Believers Location: Boutros-Ghali Base Maintenance: 2,760,000 kwh (paid by Believers) Training: Basic Power: 72,000 Force Makeup:
Worker's Self-Defense Militia: Controller: Drones Location: New Panama Maintenance: 24,000 kwh (paid by Drones) Training: Basic Power: 640 Force Makeup:
Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard: Controller: Hive Location: Cape Zakharov Maintenance: 720,000 kwh (paid by Hive) Training: Basic Power: 19,200 Force Makeup:
Morgan Security Flagship Force: Controller: Morganites Location: Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Maintenance: 850,000 kwh (paid by Morganites) Training: Good Power: 16,000 Force Makeup:
Morgan Security Mindguard Force: Controller: Morganites Location: Cape Zakharov Maintenance: 450,000 kwh (paid by government) Contract: 112,500 kwh (to Morganites) Training: Good Power: 8,000 Force Makeup:
Morgan Security Canal Detachment: Controller: Morganites Location: New Panama Maintenance: 60,000 kwh (paid by government) Contract: 15,000 kwh (to Morganites) Training: Basic Power: 1,600 Force Makeup:
Raider Main Group: Controller: Raiders Location: Xanadu Maintenance: 1,950,000 kwh (paid by Raiders) Training: Good Power: 68,000 Force Makeup:
1st Army Division: Controller: Spartans Location: P�rez de Cu�llar Base Maintenance: 1,828,000 kwh (paid by government) Training: Good Power: 47,600 Force Makeup:
2nd Army Division: Controller: Spartans Location: P�rez de Cu�llar Base Maintenance: 940,000 kwh (paid by government) Training: Good Power: 24,000 Force Makeup:
3rd Army Division: Controller: Spartans Location: P�rez de Cu�llar Base Maintenance: 1,200,000 kwh (paid by government) Training: Good Power: 30,400 Force Makeup:
*PLANET CURRENTLY LACKS SIGNIFICANT NON-TRANSPORT NAVAL FORCES* = Projects & Buildings = alt.d4t4 Description: Factional BBS for Data Angels. Very secure. Value: 525,000 kwh Maintenance: 40,500 kwh Effect: Increases Angel happiness (1). Invokable. Cape Zakharov Solar Panel Array Description: A 1200 square meter installation of photovoltaic cells. Value: 330,000 kwh Revenue: 892,000 kwh (variable) Effect: Generates energy. Covenant Academy Description: A K-12 school with a Believer curriculum. Location: Boutros-Ghali Base Value: 8,000,000 kwh Maintenance: 800,000 kwh Effect: Increases Believer happiness (1). Increases local desirability (12). Invokable. Freshwater Sea Canal Description: Canal linking the open ocean with the Freshwater Sea. Location: New Panama Value: 10,000,000,000 kwh Status: Under Construction Next Stage: Completion - ????? (at current pace) Morgan Bank Description: A worldwide financial institution. Value: 3,000,000 kwh Revenue: 3,000 kwh Effect: Controller can loan up to [value] at a given interest rate. Value and revenue scale with GDP. Morgan Labs Description: R&D laboratory run by Morgan Industries. Location: Cape Zakharov Value: 1,500,000 kwh Maintenance: 150,000 kwh Effect: Attempts invention at +5 every month. Can be used to provide workspace for player inventors without their own funding. MorganMart Description: International chain of general stores. Value: 10,000,000 kwh Maintenance: 1,000,000 kwh (variable) Revenue: 1,030,000 kwh (variable) Effect: GDP growth +0.16%. Value, maintenance and revenue scale with GDP. S.M.A.R.T. Academy Description: A K-12 school with a Morganite curriculum. Location: Cape Zakharov Value: 8,000,000 kwh Maintenance: 800,000 kwh Effect: Increases Morganite happiness (1). Increases local desirability (8). Invokable. Together Description: Drone-run children's creche / family planning center. Location: New Panama Value: 160,000 kwh Maintenance: 16,000 kwh Effect: Increases Drone happiness (1). Increases local desirability (10). Invokable. UBC4 Tower Description: A broadcasting tower for a popular television channel. Location: Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Value: 1,000,000 kwh Maintenance: 100,000 kwh Effect: Increases ratings for UBC4 by [value] / [population]. = Research = Edible Xenofungus Description: Genetically modified xenofungus, made to be safely consumable by humans. Researchers: Skye Value: 1 kwh per 10 meals Status: Facilities Next Stage: Prototype - requires successful Research attempt at +7, 1 AP per attempt, 450,000 kwh available for project. Psi Shield Description: Helmet capable of blocking mental attacks. Researchers: Banerjee, Skye Value: 1,000 kwh per unit Status: Prototype Next Stage: Completion - requires successful Research attempt at +9, 6,000 kwh and 1 AP per attempt. Effect: For +10,000 kwh per squad of infantry, adds 'Negate Psi'. Psych Implant Description: A brain implant which regulates mood and emotion. Researchers: Zakharov Value: 7,500 kwh per unit Status: Prototype Next Stage: Completion - requires successful Research attempt at +9, 45,000 kwh and 1 AP per attempt, 470,000 kwh available for project. Effect: Invokable for 7,500 kwh per person affected. Survey of Planet Description: A comprehensive study of Chiron and its ecosystem. Status: Minimal Data Next Stage: Moderate Data - 3 months Completion: Comprehensive Data - 38 months. Effect: Free +2 to rolls involving xenobiology. VR Bodysuit Description: An immersive non-invasive virtual reality interface. Researchers: Morgan Labs Value: 2,000 kwh Status: Facilities Next Stage: Prototype - handled automatically due to Morgan Labs Effect: Currently unknown. Zakharov Agricultural Project Description: [classified] Researchers: Zakharov Value: [classified] Next Stage: Concept - requires successful Research attempt at +7, 1 AP per attempt, 806,725 kwh available for project. Effect: [classified] Zakharov Biological Project Description: [classified] Researchers: Zakharov Value: [classified] Next Stage: Concept - requires successful Research attempt at +9, 1 AP per attempt. Effect: [classified] Zakharov Fusion Project Description: [classified] Researchers: Zakharov Value: [classified] Next Stage: Concept - requires successful Research attempt at +7, 1 AP per attempt, 1,613,449 kwh available for project. Effect: [classified] = Characters = ![]() Minister of the Army: Corazon Santiago - Litos / clfurster at gmail dot com While officially of fairly low rank on the Unity, a large portion of the colonists were aligned with her 'Spartan Federation' in the early days of the colony. With the threat of mind worms and inter-factional conflict, she has managed to obtain a powerful position. Observers speculate her appointment is a check on Minister Yang's power. Aspects: Experienced General, I Know Kung Fu Skills:
![]() Minister of the Navy: Ulrik Svensgaard - (vacant) The Unity's Chief Astrogator was perhaps chosen more for his far superior experience with the oceans. As such, Svensgaard was a natural choice. Under his command, the Planetary Navy has become fiercely independent of other factional ties, and especially Santiago. Their disinterest in politics makes them potentially a very chaotic factor... Currently lost at sea. Aspects: Experienced Admiral, Free Spirit Skills:
![]() South Security Leader: Sheng-Ji Yang - a bad enough dude / ehoovestol at gmail.com The Unity's Chief of Security is an enigmatic figure, feared and valued for his extreme competence. Since Planetfall, he has slowly built a base of supporters in an 'Anti-Corruption Movement'. Has been demoted following a series of scandals, but is still a powerful player. Aspects: I Am Watching You, Will to Power Skills:
![]() Minister of Ecology: Deirdre Skye - epicurius / epicurius at aol dot com The eccentric minister's fanatical environmentalism has brought opposition from pro-development factions, but her talents have kept her (barely) in power. No living human being currently knows more about Earth-original life, and few know as much about the life on Planet. She is perhaps the most psychicly gifted of the high echelons of Planetary Administration. Aspects: Fond of Flowers, Telepath Skills:
![]() Minister of Research: Prokhor Zakharov - sniper4265 / sniper4625@gmail As one of the main engineers for the Unity, humanity perhaps owes it continued existence to Zakharov, and he is not humble about it. His prestige has placed him at the head of Planet's entire scientific effort, though many are irritated with his lack of 'practical' work. Aspects: Egotistical, Greatest Scientist Ever Skills:
![]() Minister of Morale / North Security Leader: Miriam Godwinson - Takanago / ktakanago@gmail.com While merely the Psych Chaplain on the Unity, Godwinson's natural charisma has spread Conclave Christianity to far across Planet. Her rabid natalism has made "The Lord's Believers" a very large faction in a very short time. The Planetary Government has created the 'Minister of Morale' position as a ceremonial role, hoping to appease the growing faction... After the Covenant Academy incident, she has been given control of security for three bases, which are now essentially run by the "Christian Citizens' Militia". Aspects: Charming, Grumpy Skills:
![]() CEO of Morgan Industries: Nwabudike Morgan - ThatBasqueGuy / mrfireblaze@gmail.com Morgan was a major contractor for the Unity after the Russian economic collapse of 2058, and used his influence to become a stowaway aboard the ship. He was reprimanded after Planetfall, but political tensions and the immediate struggle for survival prevented him from being severely punished. In the aftermath, he managed to found Planet's first private enterprise, Morgan Industries. The legal status of this venture is difficult to determine in the rather informal jurisdiction of the Planetary Government, but its capital has made large-scale infrastructure much more feasible. Aspects: Sell Anything to Anyone, Talented Businessman Skills:
![]() Leader of the Free Drones: Arthur Donaldson - Guildencrantz / guildenstern42 at gmail, or PM A geologist and the former Director of Mining Operations who aided with some of the first major infrastructure projects after Planetfall, Donaldson became appalled with the lack of attention paid to the working conditions of the laborers. He now leads the "Free Drones", the closest thing Planet has to a labor union. The group is rapidly gaining members in New Panama, where a canal to the Freshwater Sea is being built... Aspects: Came From a Land Down Under, Sensitive Skills:
![]() Leader of the Data Angels: Sinder Roze - Rauri / enyardo@gmail.com A notorious programmer and hacker back on Earth, her talents were requested on the Unity in exchange for amnesty. She resigned from the Planetary Government after her position was folded into the Yang-run Ministry of Security, and is now a tireless advocate for transparency. Aspects: 1337 h4x0r, Thrill-Seeker Skills:
![]() Leader of the Cybernetic Consciousness: Annikki Luttinen - A RICH WHITE MAN / moodinconsistency@gmail.com An artificial intelligence researcher, Luttinen ran an unauthorized experiment using the Unity's spare computing power. Few people realize that the presentient algorithm that ran would eventually become self-aware, and save the Unity from colliding with debris during its deceleration via psionic extra-sensory perception. The program was 'killed' when the Unity required the vast majority of its processing for landing, but the results inspired Luttinen to become one of the most radical advocates for AI research on Planet. Aspects: Bipolar, Little Need for Human Contact Skills:
![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4: Tom Maroon - Lord Windy / windyce@gmail.com Planet's foremost media figure, his channel influences the opinions of thousands. But who will he use this platform for? Aspects: I Want To Be On TV, Planet's Anchorman Skills:
![]() Prominent Psi Researcher: Gafur Banerjee - Shogeton / ????? A Planetborn academic, this New Sargasso man wishes to delve into the new and mysterious science of 'psionics'. Aspects: Consensus Junkie, Psientist Skills:
![]() Prominent Evolutionary Biologist: Richard Hitchens - stalin-chan / stalin@c0balt.com An outspoken atheist and critic of the Believers, more so than Yang or even Zakharov. Will his radicalism splinter into a new faction? Aspects: Indefatigatible, No, Fuck You God! Skills:
![]() Adventurer: Mohammed Steiner - ZearothK Aspects: Callous Disregard for Safety, Film Everything Skills:
![]() AI: Heosphoros - EccoRaven Aspects: High Learning Capacity, Immune to Meat Dangers Skills:
![]() Leader of the Darwin Raiders: Robin Huxley - Maximo Roboto Aspects: Lives off the Land, Warrior-Poet on Roverback Skills:
# ? Apr 18, 2013 11:30 |
Note that you can now propose and vote on bills without it consuming actions or anything. Prettification, rulings and secret events coming up. Also, RIP Lal. You posted twice.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 11:32 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov A few notes: 1. Now that we have a government, we can implement the standardized educational curriculum. This will occur in the coming months. 2. I will be focusing our research budget on Fusion power, as it has the most applicable benefits. 3. Yang, please consult with me before stationing your private guard in my home town. One could get nervous.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 12:04 |
![]() Nwabudike Morgan So let's get the easy bills out of the way. First, there's a patent pending for my companies VR Bodysuits. There's no reason to not do so, so let's patent them. Second, the military is either underfunded or overbudget, depending on your point of view. Either way our current position is not sustainable, and we need to either cut down on the military or allocate it more funding.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 12:10 |
![]() General Corazon Santiago, Minister of the Army, Planetary Governor, Central Security Leader We have a lot to discuss. I'll list the issues and offer comment. New Curriculum A new curriculum should be overseen primarily by the University of Planet, the most qualified educational authority but should include smaller factions and the representation of the Cult of Believers as to purge controversial content. The Spartans will run ROTC programs and we invite Morgan Industries to draft a business curriculum. Planetary Governorship John Garland appointed me Planetary Governor following the death of Pravin Lal. Under the constitution I and all other ministers will serve until anyone musters the balls to impeach me. However, soon we should agree on a date for new legislative elections and I will likely put my seat up to a referendum of the upper house once those occur. Legislative Elections The first legislative elections went smoothly. I propose that, in six months, we hold new elections. Shifts in the power structure including the collapse of the peacekeepers mandate an earlier next election. VR Bodysuit Patent Yeah, that's cool with us. Labor Relations New Panama's strikes should end so we can finish the project. I am willing to mediate a discussion between the Free Drones and Morgan Industries if those parties are willing. Conservation of Life Some factions want more environmentalism. I propose we have a conference of all interested parties to talk about how conservation can be advanced with the cooperation of the government, business, and the masses. Bureaucracy Ulrik Svensgaard has been absent for a long while. Since the navy has no combat vessels and is purely a supplement to the army, it's time we merged the navy and the army into one position: Minister of Defense. Constitutionally, this requires a 50% majority. Funding to Research Yeah, but this stuff should be public. Military Budget The budget office says military funding is critical. I propose it be raised to 20%. This matches rates in Earth. Earth isn't a model, and in fact rates should be higher given our security threats. That said, it's a good compromise line since noone wants other programs to take the back burner. Deployments I'm ordering the 2nd Army Division to deploy to the Central Security District in the absence of other protecting forces. The first and third divisions will remain in Perez de Cuellar base and will respond to security risks as they appear. Please offer more suggestions. Taxes We need them. The best system for economic growth is 30% tax on all non-government financial transactions. Corporate taxes are biased, income taxes disfavor the working class, and property taxes disfavor farmers.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 13:14 |
![]() Dr. Mohammed Steiner While the terrible loss of life is tragic as ever, it has nonetheless served us well in improving the capabilities of the Psi Shield. After my improvements I can safely recommend the new design for scouts and others who are at risk of encountering Mind-Worms and other yet unknown creatures of Planet. That also brings me to mind, I am fascinated by the Raiders and their lifestyle and I believe the entire society of our world could learn much from their efforts. If Mrs (or Ms?) Huxley would allow me, I would be glad to film a documentary about the Darwin Raiders, as this would both increase the visibility of your faction and provide a new perspective on our relationsip with Planet. Who knows, maybe some drones live unsatisfied existences in the safe colonies merely because they have no idea of the adventures and freedom they may find beyond. What do you say, comrade? OOC: Shouldn't I have some energy in reserve, or did my actions last turn consume something?
# ? Apr 18, 2013 13:24 |
![]() Nwabudike Morgan We support the budgetary increase, and offer that the Morgan Security Flagship Force be contracted out to alleviate some of the budgetary strain. We're fine with and mostly apathetic towards Mrs. Santiago's other proposals.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 13:40 |
![]() Richard Hitchens It is important that the new curriculum cover all the basics, your sciences, your maths, your histories. There should be no believers preaching about myths or unprovable gods outside of their historical context, lets make sure topics such as this are limited to the home.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 13:44 |
![]() General Corazon Santiago, Minister of the Army, Planetary Governor, Central Security Leader Executive Morgan makes a good point. The military will hire a Morgan Industries PMC if an additional 5% of the budget can be allocated to a different area, security contracts. We understand the objections to Christian education. Perhaps we can have a separate education system for Christian education?
# ? Apr 18, 2013 14:04 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov A universal curriculum has already been agreed upon, for we cannot leave the education of our children to proceed in a fragmented manner. Well-rounded curriculum will be distributed to all educational facilities on Planet. What these facilities choose to do outside of the curriculum is their own business.
# ? Apr 18, 2013 14:06 |
Rulings updated.![]() ![]()
# ? Apr 19, 2013 14:49 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Perhaps we should consider slimming down the government. I must say that a thirty percent tax is too high. God only asks for ten percent, after all. Our government should too, ideally. Are you so arrogant as to say that our government is three times more important than God? If you set taxes that high, I assure you that the Believers will not be happy at all. In regards to education, recognition of Covenant Academy's legitimacy would be ideal. There is no need to change anything or interfere with it at all. Speaking of the academy, I must remind us all of the tragedy that happened there last month when Yang's thugs murdered innocent schoolworkers. It is beautifully illustrated here in this drawing which one of my students gave me: ![]() Yang and his men are murderers, clear and simple. Now that we have a constitutional system in place, one of our top priorities is the prosecution of all those responsible for the Covenant Academy Massacre. This is, in my opinion, one of the most important first tests to see how legitimate and just our government really is. Will this government be built upon a solid foundation of swift justice, or will it be built upon the sinful sediment of lies and corruption? We should also address the division of security responsibilities, set in place by Garland. That was simply a band-aid measure that needs to be resolved in some better way. As it is right now, the activities of me and my people are quite restricted, which directly resulted in the failure of my proposed after-school program.
# ? Apr 20, 2013 06:22 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov I believe the quote is "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". Taxation is a necessary burden of a civilized society, and we should be formalizing it, not slashing it. Furthermore, I see no reason to abrogate the planned standardized curriculum. I have a crack team of experts in several academic fields ready to begin teaching. Let our children walk forward in educational unity!
# ? Apr 20, 2013 06:52 |
![]() Dierdre Skye Perhaps I might suggest a compromise in regards to the question of education? Why not mandate a standardized list of topics and skills that must be taught, but allow each school to decide for itself how to implement its curriculum? This way, we can have diversity within uniformity, and guarantee our children are adequately educated while, at the same time, recognize unique cultural traits.
# ? Apr 20, 2013 07:38 |
![]() All men's ghost, so pleasure that of my Kent How she's goodness every hour never be That flow'r which her praise is ceremony of that will traitor? O! the proud pebble Why silly on, my life itself, to think No quietly, or else were as madam. Herefore may be measur�d of the heart Good hath write sin with all in together, and all,-- Making I do for one.
# ? Apr 20, 2013 17:12 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Corazon Santiago is a fitting governor for the people. I offer my support to her leadership in all ways. The demand by Godwinson that I be brought to trial fits her disturbed psychological history. I acted only to fulfill my duty as one man. There is no higher pursuit.
# ? Apr 23, 2013 00:30 |
![]() ![]() You may want to consider raising taxes to levels that can sustain current maintenance for the military and projects.
# ? Apr 23, 2013 18:22 |
![]() 4. But if I dreaming? So that I before deeply impede my previous modes of doubts, whence I perceive things are in sleep; by extension, if I deny things, and, in them so long to seek is certain errors, I have being the senses proceeded from consciousness or levity, but only to the whole of it accordance will not. I feel pain, as is, tower, viz, that therefore will never it is the other should proceed by the notion of the hurtful to say a rations which it? Am I nevery other I rather by the other objects, I ought to be one of my exist, and although the ideas that I ought not have each times the objectively and body which I have been deceived? I supposite objects much greater when a foot are unknown. It is the objects, are considered, so far as I perceiving it must be certain. But why shows that very closely viewed from this certainly the motion is only, that it is certainly the inmost led me back to examine a triangle illusions of being fallacious than to me, I desire of all of external senses. Nor for the goodness which the less whethere is not asleep, and discern the constandingly, I hesitate; that such principles by which to be made clock, composed.
# ? Apr 23, 2013 19:27 |
The following people have not submitted turns:
Turn will begin processing once this list is reduced to four. If this does not occur within 24 hours, the game will conclude due to lack of interest.
# ? Apr 23, 2013 19:30 |
Okay, enough people in. TURN PREVIEW: Shit is going down.
# ? Apr 23, 2013 20:17 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang King Hui of Wey said to Pu P�i, �When you hear my voice, what does it sound like to you?� He replied, �I, your servant, hear Your Majesty�s compassion and beneficence.� Delighted to hear this, the King said, �And then to what extent will my achievement progress?� �To the extent of ruin,� Pu P�i replied. The King curiously said, �But being compassionate and beneficent are good deeds to practice�so why would it lead to ruin?� Pu P�i replied, �Compassion results in leniency, and beneficence results in fondness of conferring favors. If Your Majesty is lenient, you will neglect censuring those who have faults. If Your Majesty if fond of conferring favors, you will bestow rewards without first awaiting for merit to appear. If people who are guilty of faults are not punished, and those who have no merit are rewarded, then isn�t ruin a likely outcome?�
# ? Apr 27, 2013 21:42 |
![]() Annikki Luttinen Cybernet Consciousness Message to the Datalinks In the coming days, I suspect many of you may encounter an entity that calls himself Heosphoros. This is only the beginning.
# ? Apr 27, 2013 21:48 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang To link oneself with the masses, one must act in accordance with the needs and wishes of the masses. All work done for the masses must start from their needs and not from the desire of any individual, however well-intentioned. It often happens that objectively the masses need a certain change, but subjectively they are not yet conscious of the need, not yet willing or determined to make the change. In such cases, we should wait patiently. We should not make the change until, through our work, most of the masses have become conscious of the need and are willing and determined to carry it out. Otherwise we shall isolate ourselves from the masses. Unless they are conscious and willing, any kind of work that requires their participation will turn out to be a mere formality and will fail.... There are two principles here: one is the actual needs of the masses rather than what we fancy they need, and the other is the wishes of the masses, who must make up their own minds instead of our making up their minds for them.
# ? Apr 27, 2013 22:01 |
![]() Annikki Luttinen Cybernet Consciousness The Fallacies of Self-Awareness posted:And here we tinker with metal, to try to give it a kind of life, and suffer those who would scoff at our efforts. But who's to say that, if intelligence had evolved in some other form in past millennia, the ancestors of these beings would not now scoff at the idea of intelligence residing within meat?
# ? Apr 27, 2013 22:05 |