![]() 490x346 Louis Philippe de Borboun, "Citoyen Unité", Minister of Finances In Autumn 1791, the distribution of power within the assembly was this: Feuillants: 22% Jacobins: 44% Independents: 34% After the May Revolution, the Feuillant Club was destroyed. Many, many Feuillants were traitors and had to be executed, however there were still a loyal core that remained loyal to the French State and rejected Louis Capet when he betrayed France. These loyalist Feuillants were joined up with the Parti Orleanist, making the Parti Orleanist the successor organization to the Feuillant Club. After the Winter 1793 elections, the distribution of power within the assembly was: Orleanists: 27% (+5%) Jacobins: 60% (+16%) Independents: 13% (-21%) Despite a rapid expansion of the electoral franchise to all male Frenchmen (which benefits the Jacobins), despite the various missteps I have personally made (which costs us votes), despite the abandonment of the traitorous Emigres (and consequently, their lack of votes)...we still won seats. This election was a victory for the Parti Orleanist, and consequently, a victory for Louis Phillipe, our President! However, we must not grow too complacent. Indeed, we probably already have. So I will leave Paris to begin an outreach effort towards the rural peasantry of our nation, so that we can secure more votes in the next election and counter both Jacobinism and Babeufism. The conservative and moderate forces of our country will be rallied. I will continue to communicate with you, the notables of our great country, through articles in L'Ami de la France, and I will hope that you will continue providing leadership to our great nation, as you always had. The Emigres have abandoned our country, like traitors, but when the Revolution inevitably wins, they will come crawling back. When that happens, remember that you stayed.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 14:16 |
![]() Auguste Hay de Bonteville, Veur Steward of Brittany However amicable the personal opinions of the people of France may be toward us now, in the course of a few years they will be succeeded by those who have been taught to hate the people and institutions of this peninsula, with a hatred more deadly and more virulent than one hostile nation ever entertained toward another. That end is plain to see. By the necessary course of events, if left to themselves, we must become, in the end, two peoples. It is impossible that we could ever reunite under one political system, considering the deadly hatred which must spring up between two nations, if the present government in Paris is permitted to operate unchecked. Even though the links that held our nations together were once strong, the conflicting elements would burst the republic asunder. Brittany and the First Republic of France cannot co-exist. As a friend of France I proclaim this truth to any Frenchman who will listen, and the sooner this is recognized, the better. I believe in my heart that peace is still possible, but soon it will be beyond the power of man to control the course of events. We of Brittany can never, will never, surrender our institutions. To maintain the separation between our two nations is necessary for the peace and happiness of both. It cannot be subverted without drenching one country or another in blood. I do not hold that the separation of our two races is an evil: far otherwise, I suggest that it is good, and has thus far proven itself to be a good both to the people of Brittany, as well as the Republic of France -- though it would be a greater good to the latter if they would abandon their insane lust for the blood of Breton men, women, and children. I hold that in the future it would continue to be a good, if not disturbed by the dark spirit of war. I appeal to the facts: in almost two thousand years, never has republicanism reached the heights that were brought about in France. We must admit that their republic, even though they hold themselves to be our enemies, exemplifies the highest possibility of men when removed from the protection and grace of the Crown. They have chosen the path that suits them, and even as we refuse to follow, we can respect their decision and cheer their accomplishments. In the meantime, the Breton race has not degenerated, or fallen into insanity, or any of the other odious lies that have sprung from the tongues of the ministers and generals of France. I appeal to all of you - is a Breton not the equal of any man who ever lived in terms of virtue, intelligence, patriotism, courage, fair-mindedness, and any other high qualities that adorn our God-given natures?
# ? Nov 29, 2012 17:00 |
A speech given by Toussaint in Port-au-Prince, as recorded by his personal scribe My friends, colleagues, relatives, family, neighbors, brothers, sisters; we have, earlier this year, seen the French flee the island with their tails between their legs, whimpering in pain. We have enjoyed the cries, remembering the years of sobbing they gave us. But though they are gone, we are not yet safe. To the world, our revolution is not finished; France just last season attempted to sell our nation to the highest bidder, as if they still owned us. Spain clamors for us, wishing to place us back in the same servitude from which we have recently escaped. The Disunited States easily see us as a source of easy labor, far closer than Africa. Even Napoleon and his wicked men are still a stone's throw away. Until we are safe, we are not yet free. I can provide some measure of safety; my men have been brave before and they will happily be brave once more. But they cannot do this forever. They will need to be paid, housed, clothed, fed, and given the finest guns we can muster, for if the French, the Spanish, the Americans, the Louisans, if they come to our shores, we must stand equal to them. Because they protect us all, we must all be responsible for their upkeep. As such, I propose instituting a tax system, designed to be paid by all so that we may all be protected. The taxes will not be onerous, by any means, but we must pay them - it is the price of continuing our freedom. Likewise, I request that, if you need to work, you return to the plantations. Sugar is the best commodity we have, and if we sell it, we can make even more. If you return to your homes and work the sugar fields, you will do so as free citizens, and receive a fair wage - money you can then spend on your families and your new homes. If you instead wish to do something else with your time, devote yourself to a trade or craft, then come to the cities - there are many opportunities for you there. So long as you contribute to the well-being of the nation, the nation which continues to protect you and ensures your freedom. The lessons of the revolution are that we, together, can achieve so much. We have begun an unprecedented thing this year, creating an island of freedom in a world of tyranny. But at any moment this freedom could be taken away. If we stick together and build a nation of strength, we can continue living the reality of Liberty. on the Desk of the General-Secretary posted:Contributions Directes:
# ? Nov 29, 2012 18:10 |
![]() Auguste Hay de Bonteville, Veur Steward of Brittany In reviewing the finances of the Duchy of Brittany, I have established a new system of bookkeeping which I find easier to work with. The "gronk" value represents the decent level of spending which used to be represented by the denominator of a fraction; for lack of a ready word to represent this ephemeral point of spending, I invented my own. Note that this style of bookkeeping can easily be modeled on one of the "spread-sheet" which the ever-ingenious Jewish banking houses utilize to great effect. The budget shown here is a sample, and I do not necessarily intend it for adoption by the Duchy this turn. pre:BUDGET PROPOSAL Brittany, Spring 1793 =ECONOMIC DATA= Tax Efficiency: Extremely Low Noble Tax Rate: 20% 4 credits expected Bourgeoisie Tax Rate 20% 3 credits expected Petit-Bourgeois tax rate: 20% 1 credit expected Working Poor tax rate: 0 0 credits expected Land Tax: 25% 5 credits expected Debt Total Debts 16 Debt to Bank of England 16 [note: interest deferred] Other Economic Indicators Interest Rate (market) 4% Inflation 6.12% Debt growth per turn 8 [note: maintains current levels of spending] =BALANCE SHEET= Revenues Expenditures Source Amount Item Spent Gronk Taxation 13 Manufacturing 1 2 Grant from Papacy 2 Agriculture 5 5 Loan from England 8 Infrastructure 2 7 Minting 0 Transportation 2 3 Tariffs 0 Culture 1 3 Police 2 5 Army 5 5 Navy 0 4 Intelligence 0 3 Courts 1 2 Clergy 2 2 Education 0 0 Healthcare 0 0 Colonies 0 1 Food Relief 2 2 Subtotal of Revenues 23 Subtotal of Expenditures 23 Debt Repayment 0 Total Expenditures 23
# ? Nov 29, 2012 20:17 |
![]() 496x514 People of Picardie, Thank you all for electing me and the Enrages to lead this government, I am glad the popular will is being carried out in our fair nation, I regret of course, that conscription is necessary, but our nation has been born to War, our Mother is war, our Father is War, and until we have become mature, and equal with our peers, we can not fly our Parents nest, so war will remain. Let us honour our Father and our Mother.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 20:36 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned Open Address to the Nation posted:For over a year we have seen, the world has seen, us ask for meager concessions, then compromise, then independence, then peace, and finally our lives. Every step of the way the response was to deny our pleas, deny our independence, deny our existence, and then to call for our mass extermination.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 21:59 |
![]() To Tuffin, and the Breton People posted:We have been willing to show mercy, we have been willing to obey the rules of war. If you reject this generous settlement, if you continue to use your own women and children as shields to hide behind while you make war, then total war it shall be. Total war of your own choosing, and may God have mercy upon us all.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 22:19 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned To the Radical Donkey Robespierre - CCed to the Breton Nation posted:Your 'Mercy' is threatening to mass murder all our Nobility, and shelling civilians with fire and death from the sea. I think we'll pass on your offer of more of it.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 22:27 |
![]() To the Traitor Tuffin posted:The only ones for the guillotine are those who actively led the rebellion - the others would be tried by tribunal. As for the matter of the naval bombardment, an investigation into the matter is already progressing. Alas, the fog of war is ever so obstructing.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 22:29 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() To the Peoples posted:Brothers and Sisters, we have won a great victory, but we are not done with our task! You have heard the speech of Lafayette by now, how he proposes a law for your protection, should you lay down your arms, should you hand over your freedom for a piece of paper. From his Diary posted:...As I continue to hear the news from the Kingdom, I hear more from the traitor's son, his crowing at the election results. He call himself conservative? I believe the purpose of the Radical is to create injustice, and for conservatives like him to prevent those mistakes from ever being corrected.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 22:39 |
A Letter sent to the leading British daily publications posted:And why, members of Parliament, are we sending our ships and soldiers to the aid of Frenchmen, of all people? Tuffin himself fought against us during the recent unpleasantness in the American colonies (though I do reserve some pleasure at their recent problems), and now we are his greatest ally? This is hardly a fitting use of British resources, both in gold, men and ships. Attempts to find Mr. William Dafoe, unfortunately, proved fruitless - it's as if the man never existed.
# ? Nov 29, 2012 23:09 |
Saint-Just An act is proposed before the Assembly....the Religious Liberty Act quote:1. As freedom of conscience is a fundamental right of man, and the right to worship God as one sees fit is pleasing to Him, and compulsion in matters of religion abhorrent in his sight, therefore, the French state will neither fund nor sponsor any religion or religious practices, but all individuals are free to worship the Creator as they see fit.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 00:41 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() Letter to Parliament posted:Ministers and distinguished Members of Parliament, I Georges Cadoudal, Chancellor of the Duchy of Brittany, do greet you! May St. George, whose channel connects our countries, intercede on our behalfs before the Throne of God!
# ? Nov 30, 2012 00:42 |
![]() After consulting with the other members of the Royal Council, I propose this as the state budget of Brittany this quarter. Our hard-won victory against the French invader must be capitalized upon to bring stability to Brittany and ensure we can never be threatened by anyone again! pre:BUDGET PROPOSAL Brittany, Spring 1793 =ECONOMIC DATA= Tax Efficiency: Extremely Low Noble Tax Rate: 20% 4 credits expected Bourgeoisie Tax Rate 20% 3 credits expected Petit-Bourgeois tax rate: 20% 1 credit expected Working Poor tax rate: 0 0 credits expected Land Tax: 25% 5 credits expected Debt Total Debts 16 Debt to Bank of England 16 [note: interest deferred] Other Economic Indicators Interest Rate (market) 4% Inflation 6.12% Debt growth this turn +17 =BALANCE SHEET= Revenues Expenditures Source Amount Item Spent Gronk Taxation 13 Manufacturing 2 2 Grant from Papacy 2 Agriculture 5 5 Minting 0 Infrastructure 2 7 Tariffs 0 Transportation 2 3 Culture 1 3 Police 4 5 Army 8 5 Navy 0 4 Intelligence 3 3 Courts 1 2 Clergy 2 2 Education 0 0 Healthcare 0 0 Colonies 0 1 Food Relief 2 2 Subtotal of Revenues 15 Subtotal of Expenditures 32 (Loan from England 17) Deficit 17 Total 0
# ? Nov 30, 2012 01:11 |
![]() President of the First French Republic Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, “Citoye Egalité” My countrymen, I cannot bear to see any more bloodshed between Frenchmen. The Breton leaders have sent thousands of their young men to slaughter for what? We have gone back and forth and remain at an impasse now. I do not seek more death in the name of Breton Independence or French Nationalism. As such, I propose the Breton Peace Settlement quote:Brittany becomes a semi-autonomous French state. It retains its regional government, with a 150 seat legislature. 75 seats are dedicated to noblemen, and 75 are elected on 1-5 year cycles (flexible). Suffrage is given to all men over the age of 21. In lieu of a Duke or Duchess, the head of state is an elected Executive serving up either 5 or 10 (negotiable) year terms with a maximum of 3 terms and given the ability to appoint cabinet ministers. Brittany retains the right to make its own regional laws so long as they do not directly contradict French law, and retains its language and education rights. Citizens also have the option of retaining French Citizenship. I believe these terms to be fair to the Breton government and people. For I do not wish to see any more bloodshed between countrymen. The true threat of the Prussian and Austrians loom over us. I ask the Breton government to accept these terms not for themselves, but for their people. If you should truly care for the lives and well being of your citizens, you should seriously consider my offer. The numbers are negotiable but the core tenets of the proposal stand.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 02:47 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned Or... we can not surrender and be killed. Not a single one of our war goals is reflected in that 'offer'. Perhaps that can be a hint as to why this is not a peace offer in the least, and will never be accepted. Come back when you learn what a peace offer should look like after you lose every battle in a war.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 02:53 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() Reply to the Kinslayer's "Peace" posted:You have tried to tax us into oblivion. When that failed you sought to starve us. You tried to raid Naoned, and now you have marched an army to try and destroy this nation from the ground up. "But I want peace!" you say. You want the peace of the Roman, who makes a desolation and calls it glorious, the peace of the Athenian who says "The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must." You want the people of this nation to trust men who deal with no laws, who hate God and His Church, who desire nothing more than their own self-aggrandizement. And furthermore you do this not through the channels befitting an independent state, but by trying to convince the people of Brittany, those very same men and women you have starved and shot! that you are something more than you look. Because let me tell you, all the world sees you as this -- an opportunist, a hypocrite, a mercenary, a murderer and traitor to his own family, a man more in love with his own power than anything else in the world. That is what you are, and no cloak of friendliness or reasonableness will cover the stink of your crimes against man and God.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:13 |
![]() To the Breton Leaders posted:The people of Brittany are shot because you make civilians targets, they starve because you bring war upon them. You consort with a kinslayer, and rely upon foreign support to further your mad dreams. These terms are more than reasonable, and it becomes ever more clear that the leaders of Brittany are more keen on realizing their ambition than preventing further bloodshed. You spin a tapestry of fine words, but words will not save you from the armies of France. You have had your chance, and you have lost it. May God forgive you all.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:20 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard Letter to the Bretons from the camp of l’Armée du Centre My fellow Frenchmen, you have been offered great and generous concessions which respect all of your demands. Your church is to remain unhindered - your language will thrive - your culture and traditions will stand through the ages - your leaders are to be selected by you. What more could you want? Is this not what you have fought for all along? Yet the conman "Tuffin" has turned down this offer, and in doing so revealed his true intentions. He fights not for Brittany, but his own perverse sense of glory and his cultish obsession with death. Is there any greater selfishness than to condemn your own people to war and destruction for your own abstract benefit? I know that if I stood in the Breton camp, and saw this insane man tear apart this guarantee of peace and freedom, my sense of betrayal would be total. If the rogue "Tuffin" were instead to accept this deal, your mother would be safe, your wife smiling, your children fed. Instead he has condemned them all to misery! I call on all to lay down their arms, accept the amnesty provided by my army, and remove this supposed leader from his command. Only then will Brittany survive this struggle between the Republican future and the feudal past.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:23 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned In Response to the Cowardly French Republicans posted:Our civilians have always been your targets. You starved them, you blockaded them, you shot at them with warships while they slept in their beds, and you consistently and often called for their deaths and the deaths of their leadership.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:24 |
![]() Refutations of the continued lies of Tuffin posted:You see now the acts of a desperate man, searching in vain for a reason to continue the fight.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:37 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned More Responses to the Cowardly French Republicans posted:Yes, it was quite a coincidence that the bombing of our civilians by warship stopped at the same time the UK fleet showed up, destroyed said ships, and began a blockade of the French coast....
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:41 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() Against the Radicals posted:Is having a priest in the parish church abstract, Lafayette? Is seeing your taxes used to your benefit, and not for the social engineering of madmen, abstract? Is sleeping in bed without fear of Acquisitors stealing everything they can lay their hands on for your war machine abstract?
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:44 |
![]() President of the First French Republic Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, “Citoye Egalité” I am disheartened by the lack of negotiation or even attempt at civility by Monsiers Tuffin and "Triple Chin" Cadoudal. I have made a generous offer for peace, for I wish no ill upon the Breton people but alas the greedy, power hungry, blind men in power would rather sit upon their thrones and throw their people to the lions. These are not the arenas of Rome! Your people are not there for you to see them led to slaughter! Are you so blind that you are willing to sacrifice their lives for your own power?!!
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:54 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned Where was this desire to negotiate for peace the hundreds of times we offered it before? Where is it now?! Our government has never been contacted by yours to set up negotiations over peace. We simply get these diktats from you once a year demanding we surrender, and calling it 'mercy'. We refuse to surrender to racist Republican scum for what crumbs they can scavenge off the floor of their godless indignation.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 03:59 |
Saint-Just An act is placed before the Assembly! The Treason Act quote:Treason shall consist of waging war against the French Republic, or providing assistance to the enemies of the French Republic, or by plotting, either alone or in combination, the overthrow of the French Republic or physical violence against officials of the French Republic in opposition to the execution of their duties.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 05:00 |
Epicurius posted:Saint-Just Condorcet, overheard speaking to a friend. ...but yes, I have heard of this Act. And while I believe a Secular government is best for France, we should take care to remember the great Asset that Religion has been towards Scientific Advancement, let we forget in favor of all of the times it has been advancement's greatest Foe. And I worry about this Demonologist group at the Universite, which, one could Argue, would not be Subject to this Law if it is not Purporting to be Religious, but Scientific in nature. No, I fear our current instability means that France is simply not Prepared for this Act, and I hope to Providence that it may be Reintroduced once stability returns. I'm going to have little internet access all weekend. Ironically I'm going to a French colony (Djibouti).
# ? Nov 30, 2012 06:49 |
![]() Mari Tereza Charleza ar Vourboned, by the Grace of God, Duchess of Brittany A letter to Louis Philippe posted:
# ? Nov 30, 2012 16:33 |
![]() Auguste de Bonteville Hay, Veur Steward of Brittany France is a government with which hardly any Christian nation dares negotiate. If a Frenchman presents himself at the lobby of any bank in Europe, he is laughed off of the premises. If a Frenchman and a gypsy happen to make camp beside one another, the gypsy begins to watch his possessions with great care. This is because there is no race on the planet as perfidious and untrustworthy as the French have shown themselves to be. Indeed, we need no further proof of the doctrine of original sin than to reflect upon the last few years of recent history. The only people in the world who looks at a Frenchman and sees in his face a fellow-friend are the infidel Turks. The French government, which has shown itself to be utterly incapable of managing its own finances, now dares to presume to set terms for Brittany's finances. This is ludicrous - if anything, they should immediately accept our terms for peace and look to us as a wise teacher in the art of statecraft. The only policy the French government understands is slaughter. For want of an assembly building, they conduct their affairs of state in an abattoir. For want of an army, they have turned to throwing untrained, barely-armed conscripts into battle like farm stock. They slaughter their own people when they protest; they slaughter Breton peasant when the tide of war starts to turn; no doubt they would slaughter every German, Spanish, or British man, woman and child if they but had the power. French armies face defeat on every front. Brittany will become Lafayette's grave, as it has already become the grave of so many of those men who foolishly followed him here. People of Brittany, let us talk to Lafayette in a language he understands!
# ? Nov 30, 2012 16:44 |
![]() 'Steward of the Duchess' Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie Steward of the Duchess for the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Mari Tereza Charleza I ar Vourboned ![]() Official Anthem of the Breton Civilian Resistance Movement posted:
# ? Nov 30, 2012 20:58 |
![]() 407x500 Mari Tereza Charleza ar Vourboned, by the Grace of God, Duchess of Brittany To the French soldiers posted:Soldier, what are you doing?
# ? Nov 30, 2012 21:08 |
![]() Auguste de Bonteville Hay, Veur Steward of Brittany Parade Song of the Bretons posted:The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
# ? Nov 30, 2012 21:18 |
![]() Veur Marshal: Aimé Picquet du Boisguy We have fed you all three hundred years posted:
Credit to Utah Phillips Mayenne River posted:There’s a River in Brittany called Mayenne, And to the International Brigades
# ? Nov 30, 2012 21:18 |
Georges Cadoudal![]() "A Duchy Once Again posted:When boyhood's fire was in my blood
# ? Nov 30, 2012 21:45 |
![]() ![]() ![]() Characters in Demand - François Hanriot - Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac - Joseph Fouché - Lazare Carnot - Marie-Jeanne Phlippon Roland - Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès We need players in and around PARIS, mostly republicans - of both the moderate and radical stripes (but maybe you're a closet monarchist? off to the guillotine with you). The political scene is dying off because so many people have fled to Louisiana or gone to found their own goofy separatist republics/monarchies/whatever or DIED. Paris is a massively important part of the game! The players for Georges Danton and Jean-Paul Marat have both disappeared/left the game. Those characters are now open and I very much recommend someone come play as them.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 22:05 |
Cumfart Vortex posted:We need players in and around PARIS, mostly republicans - of both the moderate and radical stripes (but maybe you're a closet monarchist? off to the guillotine with you). The political scene is dying off because so many people have fled to Louisiana or gone to found their own goofy separatist republics/monarchies/whatever or DIED. Paris is a massively important part of the game! We have way too many people in random places and way too little politics, at this point the main plot threads are "lol bretons" and "franco-ottoman axis vs. the world."
# ? Nov 30, 2012 22:15 |
Gantolandon posted:
On the subject of the disposal of Louis Capet's body, I humbly suggest that his bones are ground to be used as fertilizer, so that at least in death he can help alleviate the hunger of those he once saw as his subjects. As for the rest of him, I would have used his skin as a very fancy banner, but I assume that whomever is responsible for pulling the number on him relinquished that right once they fled as cowards without even claiming the body. Tao Jones posted:
Rogue0071 posted:
Arujei posted:Georges Cadoudal I am seriously considering endorsing Breton independence if the lot of you will, for the love of God, stop posting your awful, awful music and poetry.
# ? Nov 30, 2012 22:19 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard Letter to my dear wife from the camp of l’Armée du Centre ... and as I tried to sleep, I heard over the low Breton hills their chants and songs. Though I am filled with resolve, their words terrified me, their tunes filled me with an innate dread. I have attached a sample of some of the lyrics, read these barbaric utterances only as your own nerves allow...
# ? Dec 1, 2012 00:22 |
Saint-Just The Jacobins propose two bills before the Assembly! The Prices Act quote:In this time of national emergency, all hoarding of food stuffs, speculation in grains, oils and fats and other essentials, or price gouging is forbidden by law. Anyone found guilty of such practices will have their goods seized and sold, levied a fine, and sentenced to prison for a term of not less than a year or more than ten years, with the concomitant loss of rights. The Emancipation Act quote:Within six months of the passage of this act, slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crimes, shall be banned in France and the territories of France. All slaves shall be granted their freedom within six months of the passage of this act.
# ? Dec 1, 2012 01:04 |
![]() Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard Declaration from the camp of l’Armée du Centre Evidence has been provided to myself, the President, and the Prime Minister of planning by Général Gerbey to overthrow the Republic. This plot is a direct assault on the French Republic during a time of war. There will be no mercy for the traitor who conspired against his country while our soldiers bled in the snow defending it. I strip Gerbey of his command of l’Armée des Pyrénées and his leadership of the Acquisitions Committee. He is now a wanted criminal and traitor.
# ? Dec 1, 2012 02:18 |