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a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

The illegal occupation of the Luxembourg Palace will be dealt with. De Sade's fate however is not up to the National Guard, and personally I oppose prosecuting him for doing his patriotic duty and seizing the property of the traitorous brother of the King.

In regards to the rabble in Brittany, they also will be dealt with. We simply cannot allow a minor tax protest based off of rumors and falsehoods to dictate policy to France.

I again call on the Assembly to pass the émigré act. We will not allow these cowards to abandon their country and work against its security without justice. By betraying the Nation they have forfeited any right to its land and its wealth. If the King vetoes the "The Final Contribution of the Emigre" Act the National Guard will ignore said veto and enforce the act, seizing all of the traitor's estates and property in Paris and encouraging fellow National Guards to do the same throughout France! This is an issue of national security, and trumps the King's archaic privileges.

Finally, I fully and totally endorse the budget proposed by Minister of War Luckner, and request all do the same. We are about to have the assembled forces of tyranny descend upon our experiment in Liberty - we must be fully prepared to defend it from enemies within and without. Emergency taxes must be collected to deal with the invaders.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

a bad enough dude posted:


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

I agree with literally everything said here. Marquis de Lafayette once again demonstrates his clear loyalty to the ideals of 1789 over the antiquated superstitions and traditions of Europe past. Three cheers for Lafayette! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

I fully withdraw my budget, and enthusiastically support Luckners!

At the request of some of my colleagues, I will amend The Final Contribution of the Emigre Act to require the emigres to only give up 90% of their wealth.

Nov 28, 2004

I unironically like Anders as a character.

Antoine Barnave

It is alarming to hear of the National Guard's resolution to enforce an act, as it would be any act, regardless of the merits of it, in the event of a theoretical veto from the King. The law is absolute, and not to be ignored when inconvenient to us. If we did as such, then what does our Constitution become but another trivial footnote in history? I strongly urge the Commander to reconsider his threat, or we will be forced on principle to vote against The Final Contribution of the Emigre Act. We must set an example for all to properly show the merits of 1789.

The urgent need for emergency funds is clear, however, with the current threat to the nation. As such, as an alternative, should the Contribution of the Emigre Act fail, I propose an emergency Tax Levy for the Guard to raise the emergency funds. The money will be drawn more heavily on the nobility and bourgeoisie, as they are most able to afford it. Funds will be returned after the emergency has passed to those borrowed from, drawn from the future military budget.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

In any court of law, if the presiding judge was the brother of the defendant, he would be asked to step aside. Why should the King be exempt from such an conflict of interest. Is it not clear that in his veto of the Final Contribution of the Emigre Act, he is more concerned for the wealth and titles of his brother? His brother that, need I remind you, is now planning to sweep back into France to destroy this very assembly? The King must abstain, or show his utter disregard for the due process of law!

I also support:

French-American Free Trade Compact

Debt Restructuring Act

Mar 23, 2011

Girondins represented by Citoyen Brissot

I lend my support to the following items:

The Amended Final Contribution of the Emigre Act;

The Luckner Budget;

The Franco-American Free Trade Compact;

The Debt Restructuring Act;

The Food Relief Act.

Were it not for Monsieur Luckner's celebrated budget, I would find him to be mentally incompetent. As it is, I can find no reason for the preposterous insult to rationality found in the Luckner Acts other than to spit in the face of every thinking man in this room.

Jun 2, 2007

You'll see...

Louis Stanislas Xavier, comte de Provence, Regent of the Kingdom of France and Navarre, acting in lieu of His Most Christian Majesty The King, Louis XVI

A letter to the monarchies of Europe posted:

My brother, Louis XVI, sits effectively as a prisoner on his own throne. While the republicans have granted him a token amount of power, the Sword of Damocles hangs above his head. Let us not forget that the question among many in the assembly is not "if" but "when" to remove the king from his rightful throne. Loyal monarchists can hold back the revolutionary tide, but they have no hope of truly stopping it or reversing it.

The government may appear to have checks and balances to evenly distribute power, but this is only a tool to bind the hands of loyalists. When they are not using the law to destroy tradition and seize noble wealth, they just go out and break it! Simply take a look at the recent declaration from the commander of the "National Guard"! When my brother takes a big risk and tries to prevent the criminal seizing of noble land, the radicals openly defy him! This is not a system where the monarch has any real power! It is simply a sham!

There is only one way to put a stop to radical anarchy and excess. It is not by using the 'power' of law which the radicals ignore on a whim. No, it can only be stopped with force!

Radicals call me a pretender, a traitor, and a tyrant, but these are all peasant lies! In fact, these lies are so foul that now that I have repeated them myself, I will need to wash my tongue. My goal is simple: My intention is to return to France, free my brother, and put an end to the crimes of the bourgeois revolution. But this is not something I can do alone. If I am to restore power to the French throne, I will need assistance from all the monarchies of Europe!

All those who are friends of God and justice, and all those who are loyal to the Kingdom of France and Navarre, stand up with me against the revolutionary menace!

Tao Jones
Jun 15, 2007

That's a very courageous post, Minister!

I am pleased to hear of general agreement on the Franco-American free trade compact. It is my hope that the Assembly acts with wisdom on the question of Bretagne.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

Tao Jones posted:

I am pleased to hear of general agreement on the Franco-American free trade compact. It is my hope that the Assembly acts with wisdom on the question of Bretagne.

Monsieur Ambassador, what is it you seek? We have already repealed the ill-planned taxes upon the Departments of Brittany. What more do you look for? If the people of Brittany do not take this chance to return peacefully to their homes, General de Lafayette will be swift in his actions.

Feb 5, 2011

Takanago posted:


Louis Stanislas Xavier, comte de Provence, Regent of the Kingdom of France and Navarre, acting in lieu of His Most Christian Majesty The King, Louis XVI

If you wish to end the Bourgeois revolution, so be it, the workers will have your head on a pike soon after.

Friar John
Aug 3, 2007

Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night
Have my old feet stumbled at graves!

Georges Cadoudal

A Letter to the Kingdom, or, A Warning to the Radicals posted:

Peoples of France! Occitan, Norman, Cosmopolitaine, and Breton! Hear me! As I have warned, the revolutionaries now seek to bring war, horrid war, to the homes and fields of the provinces! The bastard Lafayette, whore for his idol "Liberty," will burn and murder men, women, and children who did no evil, did no injustice! Yes, no injustice at all! An unjust law is no law at all, and all the nations of Earth saw the mockery of justice that was the assembly's laws, including the United States, home of Lafayette's precious "Liberty"! Now all the Earth knows the true nature of the man -- an atheist, a murderer, a brigand, an anarchist! I implore you all, from the men of Navarre to the men of Lorraine, Provence to Normandy, prepare for your own defense! The "National Guard" is nothing more than a mob of arsonists, ready to bring rapine and desolation to the kingdom! Our honored elders will be forced to watch as their sons are butchered, your daughters and wives shamed and humiliated, our homes put to the torch. And for what reason? Because the Bretons have fought their revolution with wisdom and without bloodshed, because we refused to countenance the starvation of our children by Paris! Peoples of France, the assembly comes to claim our lives now, but they will not stop with us! Their vision is a France denuded of life, a wasteland and desert that calls to mind the ancient Tartar massacres more than civilized men. I know you desire peace, but war has been thrust upon you, and you must act!
As for you radicals, you show yourselves plain now, eager to taste the blood of innocent men and women who have done you no harm! You will seek battle with the Bretons, but we shall resist you! All of Brittany knows your violence, and we shall not give in to the slavery you offer! All you shall find here is your own death!
So I say to you, free subjects of France, arm yourselves! Prepare your defenses! Seize powder and shot from the revolutionaries, and begin to train yourselves in soldierly discipline! And know that the King is with you, as am I! Vive le Royaume! Vive le Roi!

Apr 10, 2010


Citizens! Do you hear the words coming out of the mouth of the mouse Barnave? What are the propositions that some of the weak and timid are offering France? To offer amnesty to those who have betrayed us? To say that, even if they are to be punished, they must not, by all accounts, be put to death? No! Never will we here these words! They are traitors, and death the only fitting punishment for treason! Let us treat them as they deserve, and give them the rope and the block, as the fit punishment for their crimes!

I also ask, no I demand! That the Assembly correct an injustice. Why do we deny citizenship to the Jews? Are we still so burdened by the old superstitions that we would deny them the same right of liberty that we have ourselves? No! Let us abandon our old myths and adopt the true faith of Reason and Liberty, and grant Jews equal citizenship and rights to Christians. The Constitution allows individuals of all creeds, even pagans, Turks, Muslims, and Chinese, to become citizens, but not Jews. The Jew is ever excluded. Freedom of worship does not permit distinction to be made between the political rights of citizens on the basis of their beliefs. As a citizen, I call on the Assembly to pass the Jewish Emancipation Act, which allows Jews to swear the Civic Oath and enter into full citizenship, and also abolishes all the old privileges and rights that that community previously enjoyed.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


IPlayVideoGames posted:


Antoine Barnave

It is alarming to hear of the National Guard's resolution to enforce an act, as it would be any act, regardless of the merits of it, in the event of a theoretical veto from the King. The law is absolute, and not to be ignored when inconvenient to us. If we did as such, then what does our Constitution become but another trivial footnote in history? I strongly urge the Commander to reconsider his threat, or we will be forced on principle to vote against The Final Contribution of the Emigre Act. We must set an example for all to properly show the merits of 1789.

Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

I will withdraw the seizure if the King agrees to accept the act if it is agreed upon by the people of France in a National Plebiscite. Allow all those with suffrage to weigh in on the matter of these traitors. If the masses disagree with the émigré act, the Guard will of course respect their decision and the King's veto. If the people approve, then the King will voluntarily withdraw his veto.

Is his Majesty willing to accept this compromise?

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! See the patriotism of the followers of the Old Testament, that would drive them to enlistment even at the threat of imprisonment! We are no longer a society bound by the dictates of the Catholic Church, mired in age old superstition and anti-Semitism! Equality for the Jews of France!

Nov 28, 2004

I unironically like Anders as a character.

a bad enough dude posted:


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard
Is his Majesty willing to accept this compromise?


Antoine Barnave

I urge his Majesty to side with his people over those who would play traitor against his own rule and the rights of the people of France. If not by withdrawing his veto threat, than by agreeing with the Commander's compromise.

Empress Theonora
Feb 19, 2001

No reason to make an effort to empathize if doing so comes at the price of oblivion.

In my capacity as prime minister, I am putting my weight behind the Luckner budget.

Apr 10, 2010


Citizens! Why does Lafeyette choose to betray France with his talk of a plebiscite before passing a bill that is necessary to the safety of France? More, why does the King seek to betray France by threatening to veto a bill so necessary and right? Why do we stand for it? Let us demand that the Assembly do what is right!

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Will you all calm down jesus christ y'all are a bunch of angry fuckin babies. Nobody is going to do anything stupid we're not even two years removed from a new damn Constitution, and y'all are like "oh hey man guess what I don't like it already I guess I'll just break the law and do whatever I feel like because I'm special." Well, if you guys are already so freakin eager to have a civil war just say it because man this is annoying. Either the King denounces his brother as a threat to the damn country because he is threatening to invade the country and overthrow the government that the King heads or the King never believed in the '89 deal, and he should just tell everyone already, so we can make a new constitution. And Lafayette needs to realize that the King has veto powers, yeah, guess fucking what genius, if you didn't like it you should have said something two years ago. You can't just decide to threaten the King every time he decides to exercise the one thing you gave him in negotiations.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

I believe in this case, time is of the essence. With each day that passes, the external forces that plot our destruction grow stronger. It is a simple question - does the King stand for France, or does he stand for the nobility of Europe? I await his speedy reply.

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

I support the Jewish Emancipation act, but also we need to pass the Lady Freedom Act of 1791, which means all the ladies will be able to vote and get equal rights, because man that's fucked up that they can't vote, isn't it? That's fucked up. Anyway even if you don't pass this I am proud to announce that the French Navy is now co-ed, baby. If you are a poor as hell woman with nothing to eat come on down to the docks and we will set you up with a bomb-ass job, and get this: we don't even put up with sexual harassment now. That dude is going to get keel-hauled if he makes an unwelcome sexual advance towards anybody who has not granted their explicit consent towards such a thing, except he won't actually get keel-hauled, because I also just banned capital punishment in the Navy just now, because it's 1791, people. Come on. We're not going to literally hit our employees because someone made a mistake. Most likely he will be given a severe reprimand and sent to a class where he will learn about feminism and taught to respect women, and then if he does it again we'll just fire him (out of a cannon! ha, ha, not really, just a little joke, I know things are gettin kind of tense around here lately). Anyway vote for it, everybody.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

Gentlemen, we are forgetting something very important:

The Veto of the King is Suspensive, not Absolute!

The Constitution of 1791 posted:

2. In case the King refuses his consent, such
refusal shall be only suspensive. {249}
When the two legislatures following the one in
which the decree was introduced have again
successively presented the same decree in the
same terms, the King shall be deemed to have
given his sanction.

To put it simply, if we pass a bill thrice, the King cannot stop it. Progress cannot be denied!

Cozy Hemp Mines
May 16, 2009

by Fistgrrl

By the Canonical Laws as the Archbishop of Paris,

I, Antoine-Éléonor-Léon Leclerc de Juigné, do on this day declare the following with regard to the
Marquis de Sade for his grossly immoral conduct:

Repent and be saved, de Sade!

Maximo Roboto
Feb 4, 2012

A slow smile spread over John's face. He turned to me and said the five most horrifying words he knows.

'Dave, I have a plan.'

Could I be an anachronistically precocious version of Henri de Saint-Simon? Though given that the last big nationsim (Spanish Civil War) already had technocrats taking power, maybe I should play as someone more different.

Jul 30, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

Maximo Roboto posted:

Could I be an anachronistically precocious version of Henri de Saint-Simon? Though given that the last big nationsim (Spanish Civil War) already had technocrats taking power, maybe I should play as someone more different.

Message me on AIM.

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie

Short Poem published in the pamphlet Breiz da Zont posted:

They march against us.
A reckoning is coming.
They will not survive.

Excerpt from a speech given to Ar Diebiñ Bretoned posted:

... We recruit, not because we wish to become a grand army to march on Paris, but because we wish to defend ourselves from a grand army marching from Paris. We drill, not because we wish for war, but because we wish for peace. We set up defenses, not because we wish to cut ourselves off from the rest of the world, but because we wish to take our proper place in this world.

The road ahead shall be a difficult one; many of us may not survive to see the Brittany of Tomorrow... but those who do will remember our sacrifices we have made for our nation and our children's nation. May God grant us the strength to resist all attempts to subdue and destroy us and our Holy Catholic Church. May our glorious King Luis XVI grant us his blessings. May you never forget why you are in Ar Diebiñ Bretoned, and never forget, that you are Breton!

Maximo Roboto
Feb 4, 2012

A slow smile spread over John's face. He turned to me and said the five most horrifying words he knows.

'Dave, I have a plan.'

Gentlemen! Warriors! This revolution will only take effect when all women become fully aware of their deplorable condition, and of the rights they have lost in society. Woman are born free and remains equal to man in rights. Social distinctions may only be based on common utility. There is nothing in the common utility that causes the rights of us women to be trampled upon by men since the dawn of history. On behalf of all mothers and daughters, I, Olympe de Gouges, do raise up my hand to demand for the égalité so cherished by this Revolution to be likewise extended to women. In this let me be the first to support the Comte d'Estaing's proposal to grant us the franchise. If this kingdom is to be transformed into an elective one, it must grant our sex the right to shape it.

Furthermore, I henceforth issue this Declaration of the Rights of Woman and call for its amending into the Constitution of 1791. Man, are you capable of being just? If you are, and this revolution more than simple words, you will grant us these rights.

[maximo . roboto on Gchat and Gmail]

Aug 25, 2008

The only mystery left,
is what I put in your tea.

Friends and comrades,

Seeing as the Breton representatives (and as such they will be called, as this is the singular issue they care) have once again pledged loyalty to the king as the illegal taxes have been removed, I shall withdraw the request for their arrest, though investigations are in course and the documents and evidence collected shall be employed if they agitate again.

Lafayette, we have been friends for many years, and I have this position thanks to your recommendation, but I must urge you to reconsider your attitude towards a royal veto of the Final Contribution Act. We have created a thing of beauty here, a state of law, where the highest and the mightiest are limited by the same words that bind our humblest. I do know you have the power to disobey the law, but is this a precedent we desire to see? How can the people of France and Europe respect our constitution as a legitimate document if we discard it as soon as it is convenient? As Robespierre stated, there are limits to the King's veto and we should act within the law.

There are rumours that the King is actively stalling for time to allow his brother and his supporters in Europe to gather support to defeat the revolution and dismantle the Legislative Assembly, I ask that all of you pay no heed to such words, as they are clearly falsehoods and the creation of conspirators who would see us divided.

Finally, I lend my support to the Luckner Budget. I am also in support of the Jewish Emancipation Act, the Free Trade Compact w/ USA, the Food Relief Act of 1791, the Reinforce the National Guard Act and the Lady Freedom Act of 1791.

Your comrade-in-arms,

Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre
Ministre de la Justice

Sword of Damocles
Jul 11, 2006

Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym

I was surprised to find out that a local chatteler of revolutionary geists by the name of Maximus de Robespierre had extended an open invitation for every citizen of France to attend the Jacobin club for a free meal. The municipal act of grazing on the fruited flesh of our Savior is naturally a divine act in and of itself, and I'm enchanted (figuratively speaking) by the fact that some radical Jacobins are still willing to support the idea of a dinner as a fellowship meeting where the return of Christ is both anticipated and celebrated. Delighted, I decided to take part in one of these events, organised under the so-called Gratis Gruel Gambit, for bringing back the spirit of Christ to the Jacobins is truly a great gambit, of Robespierre.

Excerpts from the first half of an impromptu speech held at the Jacobin Club posted:

Greetings to all of you, countrymen and consorts, patriots, patriarchs, hunters and gatherers of both beasts and things much more vile. After my recent expatriation to Paris both in search and avoidance of such beings, I have come to realise that the presence of Maloch and Belphegor are even stronger here than in Carpentras or other parts of the fatherland. The walls and foundations have been rendered unfit by spiritual decay; the faith of men cannot flourish as long as the black taint remains and the shadowy forms of charcoal imps leap from roof to roof and man to man in front of our very eyes. The white flames and white smoke of thyme and sulphur are the answer! During my stay at Hotel Mazarin, I have made great progress in devising an alchemical medicine to the nation's spiritual illness, which will undoubtedly...

In particular, one the greatest mistake of the canon of the Catholic Church has been to remove the Malleus Maleficarum from the public eye. The methods within were crucial to the holy purifiers and enlighteners of the past centuries, and every true man of God should maintain a copy of the work next to their bibles and catechisms. To reference the great grimoire of Pope Honorius...

I have heard that consulting practicioners of Cartomancy has become fashionable among the Parisian elites. While the likes Jean-Baptiste Alliette may seem harmless, I can assure you the powers of their magnetism should not be underestimated. I consulted two of their kind in my foolish youth, and I have since been chained to Beth Hadudo, guided only by the jaundice of light. Once my experiments are complete, the divine glare of the yellow sun will turn their cabal chambers and hovels into charnels of alabaster!

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 22, 2003

Citizen Sade

I hereby withdraw my budget and put my prodigious force behind Monsieur Luckner's butt-get. I shall stand behind him and thrust forth with all of my strength in support of his butt-get. I shall grip him tightly and drive forward again and again until I have torn his butt-get apart in the face of its enemies, showing them the true superiority of a military man.

I would also like to state that I am going to turn over the Palais du Luxembourg to the Minister of Justice this upcoming season. I have no desire to be seen as little better than some bandito from the wilderness of Corsica, and his words have swayed me as to the need for legality in the face of chaos.

I also support the Jewish Emancipation Act and the Lady Freedom Act of 1791 because nothing should be restricted or forbidden! Let us allow the vote to Jews, Prostitutes, Mahometans, the Insane, and any who would cast their ballot, it is their inalienable right!

The Reinforce the National Guard Act is a fine piece of legislature, our gilded cage must have its keeper, and a keeper must be kept himself!

The American Free Trade Compact, if it will increase our revenues, let it pass, gladly.

I will offer no new acts for consideration, the session is nearly over. I urge my compatriots to calm, and I must voice my agreement, let us see if the King will veto. If he does, let us simply pass it a third time, and our current government will be vindicated.

Aug 15, 2004

there is only one hell:
the one we live in now

In the middle of November, a messenger arrives in le Cap, carrying a letter written in phonetic French:

To the city and citizens of Le Cap.
By the end of the year, our forces will break the siege and enter the city. If you wish to avoid the savagery that was St-Marc, flee the city at once. Your ports are still open. If you remain in the city, I cannot promise your safety.
For a Free St-Domingue,
T. Louveture.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

While I traditionally have thought that suffrage of the female was a step too far, who am I to deny their revolutionary zeal! I throw my support behind the Lady Freedom Act of 1791!

Monsieur le Justice Minister, what can the King's refusal to take a stand against the enemies of France be but a stalling attempt to give them more time to strengthen? We must act now, the emigres must be divested!

Feb 17, 2011

My god, it's full of cat!

Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte

Gentlemen of the Assembly. It would normally not be my place to appear before you and make proposals. However as the current situation in Haiti continues and I am as things appear getting called on that front, I believe it is an emergency that demands I do as I am.

In the past months we shipped forty five hundred men to Haiti to bolster our numbers there. However our fleet is barely adequate to transport that many, and three hundred of these men perished on the way, before they even had a chance to show their loyalty to their country in the field of battle. And yet we need to send more to provide a match for the rebel forces on the north part of the colony, so I fear that my men will fail to arrive without significant casualties. For this reason I would like to ask of you a greater support of our navy. It is true that we may fail to match the fleet of the English even so, but on this case the welfare of the army rests upon the welfare of the navy. So I would like to propose to you an Amendment to the Luckner budget to be voted upon independently of it should it pass. Currently the budget's effects on the armed forces is as follows:


Army: 12/12
Navy: 6/10

Under my proposed amendment I would shuffle some funding from the army to the navy:


Army: 10/12
Navy: 8/10

I believe it a necessity for the Haitian expedition, and the final budget would still increase funding for both the army and the navy. Thank you for your patience.

Nov 28, 2004

I unironically like Anders as a character.

sniper4625 posted:


While I traditionally have thought that suffrage of the female was a step too far, who am I to deny their revolutionary zeal! I throw my support behind the Lady Freedom Act of 1791!


Antoine Barnave

I agree with my friend, Robespierre. With the announcement of Admiral Hector that he is allowing women sailors into the Navy, who would thereby gain Suffrage under the passed Citizen-Soldier act, it is fitting that we should extend the same rights to those citizens who pay taxes.

I will vote yes on the Lady Freedom Act of 1791.

Feb 5, 2011

This doesn't go far enough, all Men, Women and children born in France, no matter to race or religion have a right to suffrage.

I also think there should be provisions for those outside of France, such as our Haitian Friends once they gain their deserved freedom, should the choose to come to France, which is their right.

Hence I put forth in the Paris Commune, the "Liberté" provision!

I hope some in the more Radical wings of the assembly will take this clear and just proposal seriously.

Mar 23, 2011


Citoyen Brissot

I lend my support to Colonel Bonaparte's Military Amendment to the Luckner Budget.

Also, slavery. Abolish the shit out it, seriously.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

Stalingrad posted:

This doesn't go far enough, all Men, Women and children born in France, no matter to race or religion have a right to suffrage.

I also think there should be provisions for those outside of France, such as our Haitian Friends once they gain their deserved freedom, should the choose to come to France, which is their right.

Hence I put forth in the Paris Commune, the "Liberté" provision!

I hope some in the more Radical wings of the assembly will take this clear and just proposal seriously.

Too much, citoyen, too far.

Legislative summary to come.

Friar John
Aug 3, 2007

Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night
Have my old feet stumbled at graves!

Georges Cadoudal

From "The Kingdom of France and the Hebrew Tribe posted:

...There are some who claim that justice is only served by giving suffrage and citizenship to the Jewish manhood. I deny that claim, not out of hatred for the Jews, but out of love for them.
The Jews are not French, they are a nation apart from all other gentile peoples in the world, as is appropriate for those first chosen by God to be His people. The men who would give you, O children of Israel, the vote, would strip from you all that sets you apart from the gentile. Your laws, your history, would be melted away like wax before a flame. You, who have held to your ancestral race in the face of adversities, even unjust persecution, are honored by your exertions for the Lord.
No, the Jew is not French, but he is his own man! Sons of Abraham, reject the monstrous Revolution that would subsume you into its depths, erasing you from the face of the world! !שָׁלוֹם

Jenkem Delivery
Feb 8, 2005

Death created time to grow the things that it would kill

Louis Philippe II, “Citoyen Egalité”, Duke of Orléans

My apologies everyone, I accidentally locked myself in my cellar at the Palais Royale.  I was forced to live off of dried provisions and a few spoiled bottles of Port.  Since we have such a large amount of legislation pending I am going to give a listing of my positions on them.

Free Trade Compact w/ USA - Yes
Food Relief Act of 1791 - Yes
City Guard Act - No
Traitors to France Resolution - Yes
Reinforce the National Guard Act - Yes
The Final Contribution of the Emigre - Yes
Debt Restructuring Act - Yes
Emigre Amnesty - Yes
The Luckner Acts - No
The Carrot and Stick Act - Yes
Jewish Emancipation Act- Yes
Declaration of the rights of woman- Yes

I also propose a Constitutional Modification to the King's veto. Instead of wasting time passing a bill three times I vote we change the requirement to override a veto to a 2/3 majority vote of the legislature. In return for the immediate override the King receives a line item veto where he is able to veto parts of legislation without vetoing the entire bill.

Mar 23, 2011

Freudian posted:


Citoyen Brissot

I lend my support to Colonel Bonaparte's Military Amendment to the Luckner Budget.

Also, slavery. Abolish the shit out it, seriously.

In addition to this, I approve of the City Guard Act, and VEHEMENTLY oppose the tyrannical Line Item Veto Amendment.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

The Most Virtuous Positions of Citoyen Robespierre

Free Trade Compact w/ USA - Yes
Food Relief Act of 1791 - Yes
City Guard Act - Yes
Traitors to France Resolution - Yes
Reinforce the National Guard Act - Yes
The Final Contribution of the Emigre - Yes
Debt Restructuring Act - Yes
Emigre Amnesty - No
The Luckner Acts - No
The Carrot and Stick Act - Yes
Jewish Emancipation Act- Yes
Declaration of the rights of woman- Yes

Nov 28, 2004

I unironically like Anders as a character.


Antoine Barnave

To review, the Feuillants are taking the following positions on the current legislative acts pending voting.

Free Trade Compact w/ USA - Yes. Free trade with the new nation will both further solidify our friendship and strengthen France.

Food Relief Act of 1791 - Yes. We stand by our original proposal to fund food relief, and will draw funds from the surplus credits, or temporarily from Police funding, as goes alongside the National Guard Reinforcement act. Speaking of which:

Reinforce the National Guard Act - Yes. A powerful home guard is essential to the safety and sovereignty of France.

Traitors to France Resolution - No. Ties are being improved, and to act on this would only ruin the progress made.

The Final Contribution of the Emigre - No. The King has not reversed his veto threat, nor agreed to Lafayette's compromise, so we must vote no for the reasons we have given previously. If either of the events just mentioned occur, then we will vote yes.

Tax Levy for the Guard - Conditional on the above failing, we vote Yes. This will provide emergency funding for the Guard that was not able to be collected due to the previous act not passing.

Jewish Emancipation Act - Yes. Nothing else to say.

Abolish Slavery - Yes. Man's rights should not be decided by the whim of another, but through careful discussion, formation, and application of law.

City Guard Act - No. We must look to the Army and National Guard for protection. I feel that creating extra militias as mentioned above would only encourage armed vigilantism and confuse the command structure of our armed forces.

Emigre Amnesty - Very much yes. We need to encourage those to return home.

Lady Freedom Act of 1791 - Yes.

Luckner Budget - Yes.

The Carrot and Stick Act - No. Reduction in taxes are being covered by Luckner's budget.

The Amended Luckner Acts - No. Any prison time should be decided through the courts.

God damn, that's a lot of shit.

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