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Jul 30, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

François-Noël Babeuf

Lafayette, the ever-eager enemy of liberty, and lapdog of the King, emerges ever-so-quickly from the woodwork to condemn the formation of our Revolutionary Guard; and why wouldn't he? The will of the people fills him with fear, makes him quake at the knees, for he sees you--the laborer, the artisan, the sans-culotte--as a threat. The National Guard, so his argument goes, adequately fills the role proposed by our new Revolutionary Guard. The National Guard, made up entirely of middle class citizens wealthy enough to supply their own uniform and weapon, is supposed to represent your interests. This is tripe, and anyone with eyes can see it. Is our revolution not a revolution of the common man? Was it not you--the laborer, the artisan, the sans-culotte--who stormed the Bastille? And should you not be represented in this revolution, allowed to stand-side-by-side with your fellow citizens in its defense? I call upon the Legislative Assembly to ignore the bleating of Lafayette, and to throw its support behind Citizen Robespierre's proposal, and I call upon the citizens of Paris to volunteer; rise up, and safeguard our revolution!

Apr 10, 2010


Citzens! Even now the enemies of liberty, the traitor nobles travel to the court of Louis Stanislas, the Young Tyrant, to prepare to wage war against their homeland! And they carry with them the means to make war; the wealth they stole from the French people! They conspire with the nobles of Brittany, who even now raise an army against us! Why, then, does the Assembly do nothing? There was a bill in the Assembly that would have stripped those who would desert France and side with Her enemies of their illbegotten wealth, but they would not pass the bill! How long, how long before the Assembly moves against France's enemies? Must we wait until enemy troops are on the streets of Paris until they take action? In the name of the Goddess Liberty, I beg of the Assembly, take action!

Empress Theonora
Feb 19, 2001

No reason to make an effort to empathize if doing so comes at the price of oblivion.

The ink is hardly dry on de Sade's pernicious budget, and it has already induced armed insurrection amongst previously loyal subjects of France.

Behold Jacobin "order".

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

My dear Minister, are you suggesting that armed rebellion is a proper first course of action when we have an Assembly? If so, I believe you would have seen the king toppled already, but no - we have a system, and we do our best to work within it. To leap immediately to rebellion speaks to a long-standing seed of treason. "Loyal" is a strong phrase.

Friar John
Aug 3, 2007

Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night
Have my old feet stumbled at graves!

Georges Cadoudal

From "A Dialogue at the Crossroads, Or, A Small Piece of Philosophy posted:

Monsieur Alphonse: And that is the thrust of the philosophy of Rousseau, and the other great thinkers of Liberty.
Monsieur Belloc: Forgive me, friend, but let me try to understand these wise men. I have little learning, beyond what Latin I learned from my Cure as a boy.
A: Of course.
B: So these men would say that the laws of men and of the governing of states are perfectable?
A: Yes. And that by such perfection in Reason men would know greater happiness than he knew in Eden.
B: I'm sure. But they also propose that all men are trained by their environment, and that their upbringing is a man's only measure?
A: You are correct again, for what is a Tabula Rasa but the starting point for Reason?
B: Now, would you say that the laws of man are perfect now?
A: What? Why, of course not! That is why we must have this revolution, so that we may reach that most perfect form of government.
B: Then I see a problem in their arguments. If a man be naught but the product of his education, then a man such as you or I, born into an imperfect law, should be unable to rise out of it. The arguments of these men of liberty is self-defeating! For if we are imperfect now, we cannot escape that imperfection, no matter our will. Thus, there cannot be a perfect form of government, by their own arguments!
A: Why, I had never thought of that! But if there cannot be a perfect form of government, what can we do?
B: If all the works of man are temporal, then so must their laws. Perfect and eternal laws are outside of our grasp, but can we not strive for justice towards our neighbor? Instead of concepts and theories of justice, we have virtue in men. For should that happen, any government would be worthy of the greatest dignity and honor in the world, be it a monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy!

I would also like to announce to all the friends of the King of France, that a secret network of riders known as "SynIRC" will carry messages between us, if they are marked "#monarchists"!

Gone Fashing
Aug 4, 2004

dulce et decorum est

I'd like to take the role of Claude Antoine de Valdec de Lessart, my email is and I'm thewindupman in IRC.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


sniper4625 posted:

The Final Contribution of the Emigre: Seize the possession of all goods, properties and wealth of any emigres, and use it to pay for two things: an expansion of the National Guard, Military and Police, and food for the poor. Any aristocratic emigrant will be allowed to leave, but will forfeit all their possessions.(*Second proviso to be debated)

Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

This is unnecessarily drastic - instead we should seize only the property and possessions of emigres who openly align with Stanislas and other would-be tyrants waging war on France herself. This will damage the attacking forces support and reduce the number of emigres actively plotting against their own country, for they will have more to lose. If we take everything we turn every aristocrat and every franc they still have into a weapon against the people.

Viral Warfare
Aug 4, 2010

~~a n d I a m c a l m~~

1st French Assembly, 2nd Session

Proposals on the Floor:
Free Trade Compact w/ USA - spons: Marquis de Lafayette.
Food Relief Act of 1791 - spons: Antoine Barnave. amends: 1
City Guard Act - spons: Maximilien de Robespierre. 
Traitors to France Resolution -  spons: Maximilien de Robespierre.
Reinforce the National Guard Act - spons: Marquis de Lafayette.
The Final Contribution of the Emigre - spons: Maximilien de Robespierre. amends: 1

Empress Theonora
Feb 19, 2001

No reason to make an effort to empathize if doing so comes at the price of oblivion.

The comte de Montmorin endorses the following legislation: The Free Trade Compact w/ USA, the Food Relief Act of 1791, and the Reinforce the National Guard Act.

The comte de Montmorin opposes the City Guard Act, the Traitors to France Resolution, and the Final Contribution of the Emigre Act.

Aug 25, 2008

The only mystery left,
is what I put in your tea.

My dear friends,

Truly, these are desperate times. As I warned you, the additional taxes imposed upon the Bretons have only given credibility to those who seek to see Britanny conquered by Great Britain. More than that, the imposition of taxes on a linguistic group is outright illegal and should be balanced to the national average before the situation slips out of further control. I am also calling for an investigation on the incident in the Palais du Luxembourg. If the rumours of a massacre, illegal trials and torture are true, then the Marquis de Sade should be captured and judged accordingly.

Nonetheless, Cadoudal and the Marquis de la Roueire are traitors and should give themselves up for judgement before a tragedy should happen in the lands they so greatly love.

I must concur with the ever wise Lafayette that those emigres who have alligned with this Stanislas pretender should have their possessions confiscated. Treason is a crime we shall not forgive. I can only hope the Legislative Assembly can guide us, legally, to union, freedom and victory!

Your comrade-in-arms,

Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre
Ministre de la Justice

Apr 10, 2010


Citizens! Do you see what they are doing? Finally, after waiting, the National Assembly is finally moving into action against the traitor nobles! Citizen Robespierre has once again proposed a bill that would strip those who would betray us of their property. But those individuals in the Assembly who hate the bill seek to destroy it, not by voting it down as they did last time, but by amending it so that the only property seized is that of the traitor nobles who join the Young Tyrant!

Citizens! How come you can see what the Assembly can not? If this bill passes, all the traitor nobles must do is to leave the country, take the time to liquidate their funds, and then join the Young Tyrant with weapons against us. So this amendment makes the bill meaningless! I say that by leaving the country in her time of need, they have already shown themselves to be traitors! No further action is necessary for them to show their intent. So why do we not stamp down on treason, and assure that their wealth, which was taken by them FROM the people of France be put back in the service OF the people of France.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Marquis de Lafayette, Commander of the National Guard

After much thought, I have reconsidered my previous position on the émigrés. I previously felt pity for the nobility who were, I wrongly believed, forced to leave their homes. No - they were no more forced to leave than the millions who remain to stay and fight for Liberty, for France. They have fled their nation because they are, in fact, greedy cowards... and if any man, be him a Monarch or a Breton peasant swaddled in feces encrusted rags, defends these traitors they not only stand on the wrong side of history but threaten the very safety and security of France herself.

I call on the King to allow this Assembly to prosecute these émigré scum to the fullest extent while seizing their assets and property for the war effort. Failure to do so will reveal to all where his loyalties truly lie. I also revoke my amendment to the Final Contribution of the Emigre and announce my full faith in the original legislation.

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 22, 2003

Citizen Sade

Citizens of France, do not listen to the pernicious slander spread by those who fear my operation of a reasonable and scientific budget. There is a reason that no one has lasted more than a few months in my position, and that is simply because every occupant of my title has realized that the only true solution to France's debt crisis relies upon the nobility of France being stripped of their 30 coins of silver.

How can anyone complain that I have seized the Palace from the very traitor who threatens France itself, for the previous owner of the Palace du Luxembourg was none other than the vile serpent Louis Stanislas Xavier, lately styling himself comte de Provence, and Regent of the Kingdom of France and Navarre, though I would claim the title of Usurper and Traitor would suit him far better.

His home is now the property of France thanks to my Bold stroke. People of Paris! His riches will be turned over to the state! Works of art most precious, luxuries most rare and splendid. Let the people of France drink from the usurper's golden chalice! His estate will pay for the expansion of the National Guard, who will receive funding to ensure that our true King is kept safe and secure.

I admit that I took action when the King failed to allow passage of a bill vital to the future prosperity of the nation. Was what I did by nationalizing the property of the worst of our emigres legal? Perhaps no. But we live in a world where the laws are remnants of a system passed down since the Merovingian kings and their allies (my own ancestors among them) imposed their law upon the people of Gaul. Law is made by those with the strength to impose it! For too long we have been burdened by the laws made by the nobility, to the benefit of none -but- the nobility. This is the matter of our time, Legalité against Justice itself! I shall always choose the side of Justice before I claim to merely slavishly accede to the law like a lowly bank clerk or an Englishman. I am French! If our revolutionaries merely followed the law, then there would be no revolution at all, and we would still live in an era ruled by the Divine Right of Kings.

To any true and committed Frenchman who believes in free speech, liberty, equality, I beseech you. Pay no credence to the rumors you have heard. I invite the Justice Minister himself to enter into the Prison du Luxembourg and speak with the prisoners therein and ascertain their guilt or innocence according to the citizen-charged crimes himself. To support the inhabitants of the Palace of Luxembourg is to support the usurper himself, that much is obvious, and only from unrepentant monarchists and Breton peasants have any calls come.

Regarding the rumors and gossip of the Bretons, I have never levied a tax upon the Bretons themselves, but rather four departments of France. If any French citizen does not approve of these taxes, which are set to pay for the expansion of the military and police necessary to deal with the Breton threat, then let them simply emigrate to another province. Instead the people of these departments have chosen the non-payment of taxes altogether. To let it be more clear, let us understand the chain of action and reaction. The Bretons agitated for special privileges, bordering on the treasonous and usurious, they were granted special privileges of taxation, though not the privileges they desired I admit, and now they have shown their true colors by refusing to pay taxes altogether. Perhaps the point has been made and the taxation of these four troublesome departments could be returned to standard, but ask yourselves this before you would request this of me... will the Bretons pay their taxes once more? Will they lay down their peasant army's arms? Will they repudiate their course of destruction, or merely be emboldened by their success? If you believe they will then I encourage you to vote to allow these departments their old taxes. If however, you feel that this Breton plague will only spread, then let us amputate their leadership like we would a diseased limb, or put them down like any plague-ridden rat.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

With regards to the Breton question, a two pronged approach seems best.

The Carrot and Stick Act: Reduce Breton taxes to original levels. At the same time, mount a punitive campaign to destroy any rebels and capture the Traitor Tuffin.

Jun 1, 2011

Nicolas Luckner

It seems that some are finally seeing sense in regards to the Breton question. Friend Robespierre has put forward some legislation, but I feel that it does not go far enough. I would like to add these 3 Acts on top of the The Carrot and Stick Act.

The Let's Not Be To Hasty Act
A general ban on the death penalty for all crimes. The current times are to charged with emotion and blithely sentencing people to death is bound to lead to further instability.

The Stop Messing With The Bretons Act
The only reason the Bretons are currently revolting is because they were forced to by stupid, inane and cruel decisions by this Legislature. I say we should enshrine in law that no matter a persons ethnicity, that we are all French. Therefore, any action that specifically harms a single group of people is itself a traitorous act to be punished immeadiatly. This act will also set Breton tax rates and tarrifs to the regular levels throughout France. An amnesty for everyone except the Marquis De Sade and the Marquis De La Rouerie should be put into effect, since they are both the main instigators of these troubles.

The For God's Sake Stop Pissing About Act
Under armed guard and escort, we give both Marquis fair trials, and limit any sentences to a maximum of 3 months in prison. A second conviction will lead to a lifetime sentence.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

To compare the Marquis de Sade, whose only crime is that he perhaps asked too much of the Bretons, to a traitor who actively and openly took up arms against the French nation, is an outrage! I reject all three amendments and vigorously oppose any reintroduction!

And I am perfectly willing to treat the Bretons as French, provided they stop demanding their own national language, culture, and morals. So far, they are unable to do so, which I believe is the main factor for this current revolt.

Jun 1, 2011

Nicolas Luckner

Friend Robespierre, at some point the line blurs between who is guilty and who isn't. De Sade put forth a budget that blatantly victimised the Bretons and they reacted. I only suggested these legitlations as a way to head off future problems quicker.

I apologise to the Marquis as well, but both of you are causing more problems then you are solving. Civilised debate is the way forward.

In any case, I put forward this emergency budget. I hope it does not have the same effects on the Assembly as my Acts had with Robespierre.

Contributions Directes:
Tax Efficiency: Low
25% tax on nobility (12)
25% tax on bourgeoisie (11)
25% tax on the petit bourgeoisie (3)
20% tax on working poor (2)
30% tax on land and estates (15)

Current Market Interest Rate: 2.0%
Debt growth per turn: 15 credits
Payments to debt interest per turn: 15
Payments to debt reduction per turn: 0
Debt Credits: 515
---102 credits to Swiss banking houses
---413 credits to various private investors

Possible creditors: Private citizens. Dutch and Swiss banks willing to loan more only at higher than market interest rate while stability of government still in question.

Tariffs: 5.0% tax rate on all overseas imports and exports.
---1 from salt imports [Pondicherry - France]
---3 from sugar imports [Saint-Domingue - France]
---1 from cocoa imports [Martinique - France]

Trade Deals: None

Government Revenues:
Minting: 10 (+1.0 inflation/year)
Inflation: 5.25%

Manufacturing: 3/3
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/6
Transportation: 1/2
Culture: 4/2
Police: 8/8
Army: 12/12
Navy: 6/10
Intelligence: 1/2
Courts: 1/1
Clergy: 1/3
Education: 3/4
Healthcare: 2/5
Colonies 7/8

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 1
Credit Income: 58

The free credit is to pay for the National Guard, should that act pass.


From the private Journals of Nicolas Luckner.

-stard Robespierre! Why does he have to be so mean? And it's not like De Sade is totally innocent. I don't understand most of what he says, but I gather that a lot of it isn't nice. I only want these problems with the Bretons to stop so we can move on to promised future of peace and stability. Well fine, I don't need him. I don't need anyone! All I need is Napoleons Hair!

Aug 19, 2012

Louis XVI, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre

We had hoped that Marquis de Sade's nomination will be seen as a gesture of goodwill towards the Republicans. It seems that we have been gravely mistaken. My newly appointed Chancellor-General not only continues to live his life in debauchery and vice, not only he alienates our good subjects in Brittany, but also pockets the crown property for himself, bypassing all state organs, including those staffed with most rabid Jacobins. Another group of republican radicals form their own militia and openly calls for trying us, God only knows by which law. It is becoming quite obvious the constitution, which you made us to sign, means something to you as long, as it serves your interests.

Now you dare to demand from us that we approve an order to fight these subjects of us, who are actually loyal to the crown, and sign with our own hand an order which would strip blood of our blood from his property and titles. Are you really that vile? As a King, we may have made many mistakes, but it doesn't mean we are a spineless coward you consider us to be.

First of all, we announce that Marquis de Sade is hereby discharged as the Chancellor-General. If Monsieur Brissot considers himself able to take his place, he is welcome to do so. As for the former Chancellor-General, we urge the National Guard to arrest him for his misdeeds.

As for your propositions, you can't reasonably expect us to strip our own brother of his property and formally banish him. We could negotiate with him and urge him to stop his course of actions, but right now there is no reason to do that. It is pretty clear that at least Montagnards are bent to abuse the constitution whenever they see fit. Unless you do something about those so-called Les Enragés and seek reconciliation with the people of Brittany, our hands are tied. We see no point in any gestures of goodwill when our outstretched hand is being spit on.

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 22, 2003

Citizen Sade

I thank Citizen Robespierre for his vigorous defense of liberty. If the people of France are willing, I will go so far as to support the Carrot and Stick Act and return the level of taxation to the previous level.

As for the proposals of Marshal Luckner, I would suggest he remain worried with military matters and not concern himself with the business of the legislature. Those brawny arms are made to tame vigorous young stallions to the art of war, crack the whip on them Monsieur Luckner, I should like to see it very much indeed, indeed I think I shall have some engravings of the subject made up for my own... personal use.

As for my position as the Controller-General of Finances, I hereby proffer forth my next budget for the coming season... my final act before I am fired for doing my utmost to save the nation, I hereby return to the life of a Legislator in the Assembly.


Contributions Directes:
Tax Efficiency: Low
20% tax on nobility (10)
20% tax on bourgeoisie (9)
20% tax on the petit bourgeoisie (3)
0% tax on working poor (0)
10% tax on land and estates (5)

Current Market Interest Rate: 2.0%
Debt growth per turn: 15 credits
Payments to debt interest per turn: 0
Payments to debt reduction per turn: 0
Debt Credits: 515
---102 credits to Swiss banking houses
---413 credits to various private investors

Possible creditors: Private citizens. Dutch and Swiss banks willing to loan more only at higher than market interest rate while stability of government still in question.

Tariffs: 5.0% tax rate on all overseas imports and exports. Internal tariffs upon the production and manufactures of the departments of Finistere, Morbihan, Cotes du Nord, Ille et Vilaine and Loire Inferieur.
---1 from salt imports [Pondicherry - France]
---3 from sugar imports [Saint-Domingue - France]
---1 from cocoa imports [Martinique - France]

Trade Deals: None

Government Revenues:
Minting: 10 (+1.0 inflation/year)
Inflation: 5.25%

Manufacturing: 3/3
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/6
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 0/2
Police: 8/8
Army: 10/12
Navy: 5/10
Intelligence: 1/2
Courts: 1/1
Clergy: 0/3
Education: 2/4
Healthcare: 2/5
Colonies 5/8

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 0
Credit Income: 44

Please note all changes to the current budget in bold. The nation is facing dire circumstances in the form of an attack from the outside. In this case, we must cease building palaces for the nobility and sponsoring works of art and instead focus on the means of warfare to actually defend our nation. The clergy budget has been reduced, for did not Christ himself say that if you would follow him, give up all that you have? Fine advice for our prosperous clergy in a time of war. The budget of the army has been doubled, while that for the development and administration of our colonies reduced slightly, to be returned later.

I vigorously support the Final Contribution of the Emigre act, as it was in fact based upon my own earlier legislation, I applaud Monsieur Robespierre for reintroducing it, and am certain the King will not hesitate to see it enforced considering that the nation is under attack by these very emigres. In addition I offer up the following act...

Debt Restructuring Act Any debt owed by France to any French citizen, noble or otherwise, who can be shown to have ties to the hostile emigre community led by the King's traitor brother will be declared null and void by the state. Let us not waste paper tabulating the interest we owe those who would see our heads cleaved from our shoulders in order to return the ancien regime to power.

Feb 5, 2011

Jacques Roux

The Archbishop has made claims that the formation of an army by a man of God is wrong, even an ex-communicable offence, this is not so, does he not recall the Gospels themselves?, Christ came to earth, not to bring peace, but a sword, to turn man against brother.
Are we therefore not doing Gods work by taking up the sword he has given us, to reclaim our freedom, to live as the first Pope, Peter himself did, in a Christ like manner, sharing all that is owned, in a classless society based on democracy.

There are bound to be calls of blasphemy against this, claiming I am comparing myself to the Messiah, to God! Again, this is not so!
Good Christian men must act in a way that God intends, us Catholics do not accept the protestant doctrine of Sola Fide, but by Gods grace on those who believe in him and do works that he approves of.

And is emulating his desires, emulating his first Pope not the surest way of working in a way that he approves of, I say yes, the scripture tells us this, God himself has made his ideas clear.

These Ex-communication threats against us revolutionaries are based on fear, not true faith, I hope that the Pope will see reason and not be swayed by the Archbishops protestations, but if he does, it shows the corruption of the church in France, and why the civil constitution was needed!

Aug 19, 2012

Louis XVI, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre

It is sad that Marquis de Sade wastes his time on petty vengeance and shaking his fist at the crown, instead of thinking about the country. Perhaps his new budget would be more plausible if he didn't try to stick as much republican propaganda to his speech as it's possible without ruining its grammar. We can't help but notice that, when we had spoken to him three months ago, he seemed much more moderate. Let this be a lesson for everybody - you can't handle a snake safely.

As we understand, Monsieur - or Citizen, if he prefers to be called such - Robespierre vouched for de Sade's moral integrity. A honorable man would resign from his post after such a scandal, but we have every reason to believe he is as untrustworthy as the man he supported.

We also want to point out that Marshall Luckner's budget supports art endowment and the church, yes - but it also taxes the nobility quite harshly, including a much higher land and estates tax. It also takes much better care of the army, navy, education and colonies. There is no reason not to prefer this proposition over the de Sade's, written clearly out of spite.

Friar John
Aug 3, 2007

Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night
Have my old feet stumbled at graves!

Georges Cadoudal

Excerpt from a speech to the locals of Guyenne posted:

...they call me a bandit, but I ask you, do you see my flaming brand and pistol? I come to you with fire, but it is the fire of rhetoric, while the fools and sodomites of the assembly clamor for the fires of war! They have sought the destruction of Brittany, do you think they will stop themselves there? There are no limits to the powers they seek, no limits to the horrors they would unleash upon all of us for their own benefit.
Friends, I am a Breton and a subject of the King of France, but I am fighting not just for my homeland, but for the true liberty of all our homes! I know what you feel, when you see the rolling fields and green forests of Guyenne, because it is the same love I have for my own home! But it is that love of our homes, built by the innumerable years and labors we have worked for them, that the assembly would destroy -- replacing it with an artificial and thin love of the idea of the "Patrie."
They think they have destroyed the nobility, but I see you, working the plow on your land next to your neighbors, too poor to be able to leave bed while your trousers are being mended. Know that you are in my heart, and the heart of the King! You, who gave so much in the service of the crown, have been hated and execrated upon by the "loyal" republicans! Take heart from the example of Brittany! If Paris would spit upon the ancient love all men feel for their homes, let them feel the rage of a man whose dear has been dishonored! If Paris would seek to destroy God, let us show them the consequences of their sin!
Do not co-operate with the vicious catamites! Withhold your gold from the assembly, save your strength, band together under leaders of virtue and train in the arts of war, should the worst come to pass.
Know that the King has you in his heart, and say prayers for his strength! Vive le Roi!

From a discussion with a local intellectual of Bordeaux posted:

Emigres? Well who is an emigre, I ask you? "An Emigre is an enemy of France"? And how do they define that? You leave the kingdom. I ask you, how much more stupid can they be? Are you an enemy if you go into Spain to see your cloistered aunt? Is the man who goes to Venice for an art tour an enemy of all the kingdom? Don't you see, mon bon homme, the act is nothing more than greed dressed up as love of the "Patrie." They wish to impoverish more and more of France. And I will tell the few sane men in the assembly to do their best to fight it!

Nov 28, 2004

I unironically like Anders as a character.

Antoine Barnave

Fellow Assemblymen, and your Majesty, in the interests of moving forward to a new era of peace and prosperity for France, before we turn to open war with the Emigre, I would strongly suggest a one time Emigre Amnesty to any who wish to return peacefully, and pledge loyalty to the rightful King Louis XVI, and to the lawfully created Assembly and constitution.

To that end, their lands and property will not be seized, regardless of the final state of the Final Contribution of the Emigre act, and we will welcome them back as countrymen and brothers.

It should be noted that this is a limited offer of Amnesty. With the passing of a month, those who have not taken the offer will find this avenue of repatriation closed to them. Those turning guns against the people of France will be treated and known as enemies of France for all time.

Also, thank you a bad enough dude for these portraits. They're great.

Aug 19, 2012

Louis XVI, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre

A lot of Émigrés most probably fear about their safety. The National Assembly doesn't even try to mask their hostility towards them. When some people are allowed to openly state they would like to see their king tried and executed, when appointed ministers behave like common bandits, when the Constitution is used as a weapon against the nobles, then ignored to better exploit Breton peasants - how could they not doubt that this Assembly would abide their promise?

When God wills it, the time of reconciliation will come. But it must happen when the hatred to everything that's not republican won't be the Assembly's only guidance.

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

Uh King you know your brother is threatening to invade the country and topple the government of which you are the nominal head right. You should maybe take a harder stance against that, or everybody is going to think you don't really care about things like "democracy" or "not being conquered by the rest of Europe". I mean I know you're half-cousins or whatever with 90% of the rest of the European royals, but you're also surrounded in a city by people who are pissed off that you weigh like 500 pounds and eat baby veal for every meal while they just buried their third infant this week because of starvation. Think about it for like one fuckin second, man

- Your Loyal Servant, Charles Hector, comte d'Esting

P.S. Also please appoint me Minister of Marine, and I will also nominate myself for Minister of Finance because I rule.

Apr 18, 2009

Major von Bachmann, Swiss Guard

"...amongst which include Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym, learned scholar of the arcane and disciple of Aquinas, translator of the Summa Theologica, who agreed with the aforesaid witness that the nightsoil did most like as not contain blood from the wicked magics of a summoning ceremony. The burning of sulfur before this nightsoil was most successful in dissipating the traces of Satanical taint whereupon the witness did perceive the form of the Marquis de Sade appear before him, cackling madly, holding a sandalwood phallus, before leaping out of the flames and flying up the chimney of the witness's abode. Following this he did read from the text of The Summoning of Bune, beginning thusly:-
'I will cloath me with ye armour of Salvation in ye strength of ye highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Anitor, That my desired End may be Efected Through ye strength Adonay To whome ye praise and glory will forever & ever belong. Amen.'
which did protect the witness from de Sade's magics for the rest of the night..."

Being an extract of the account given before the court of His Majesty Louis XVI pertaining to the accusations of witchcraft against the Marquis de Sade in the year of Our Lord 1791

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

To His Royal Highness Louis Bourbon, Sixteenth of His name, Blessed of God, King of France and Navarre, Lord-Protector of Europe

Hey it was late at night and I just got the message that de Sade had seized a prison and was getting his rocks off illegally or something and I was pretty bored in the meantime and even if had wanted to sleep, I had scheduled gunnery practice for that night (I need more money for training, btw, just a heads up) and YOU try sleeping when there are cannon going off a few miles away, anyway I thought I might try giving this whole budget thing a shot.


Contributions Directes:
Tax Efficiency: Low
80% tax on nobility (40)
20% tax on bourgeoisie (9)
20% tax on the petit bourgeoisie (3)
0% tax on working poor (0)
50% tax on land and estates (25)

Current Market Interest Rate: 2.0%
Debt growth per turn: 15 credits
Payments to debt interest per turn: 15
Payments to debt reduction per turn: 18
Debt Credits: 515
---102 credits to Swiss banking houses
---413 credits to various private investors

Possible creditors: Private citizens. Dutch and Swiss banks willing to loan more only at higher than market interest rate while stability of government still in question.

Tariffs: 5.0% tax rate on all overseas imports and exports. Internal tariffs upon the production and manufactures of the departments of Finistere, Morbihan, Cotes du Nord, Ille et Vilaine and Loire Inferieur.
---1 from salt imports [Pondicherry - France]
---3 from sugar imports [Saint-Domingue - France]
---1 from cocoa imports [Martinique - France]

Trade Deals: None

Government Revenues:
Minting: 10 (+1.0 inflation/year)
Inflation: 5.25%

Manufacturing: 4/3
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 3/6
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 4/2
Police: 8/8
Army: 6/12
Navy: 6/10
Intelligence: 2/2
Courts: 1/1
Clergy: 2/3
Education: 4/4
Healthcare: 5/5
Colonies 8/8

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 0
Credit Income: 92

I know you'll probably see the tax rates on your buddies and shit a brick but think about it: they're not gonna starve or anything, and we get so much extra revenue that we can just make sure it goes back into the culture budget and agriculture, which they have huge interests in, it's just that we're making sure it and the manufacturing sector get funded appropriately. That, and we can finally fully fund education and healthcare, which means your personal popularity will skyrocket. Also, this has the added bonus of finally addressing our debt problem, and our creditors and neighbors will be super happy to see we're finally paying the bills, which should settle things down a bit with concerns regarding our stability. Anyway, think about it, hit me up when you get a chance, it's all good.

Your Faithful Servant,
Charles Hector, comte d'Esting, Admiral of the French Navy

Viral Warfare
Aug 4, 2010

~~a n d I a m c a l m~~

Turns are due in about 25 hours. Get them in, and if you care about how half of these bills fare in the Assembly be sure to say how you feel about them.

1st French Assembly, 2nd Session

Vote Distribution:
Feuillants: 165 votes
Girondins: 162 votes
Montagnards: 168 votes
Independents: 250 votes
For a bill to pass, it must command a majority of votes, or 373.

Proposals on the Floor:
Free Trade Compact w/ USA - spons: Marquis de Lafayette.
Food Relief Act of 1791 - spons: Antoine Barnave. amends: 1
City Guard Act - spons: Maximilien de Robespierre. 
Traitors to France Resolution -  spons: Maximilien de Robespierre.
Reinforce the National Guard Act - spons: Marquis de Lafayette.
The Final Contribution of the Emigre - spons: Maximilien de Robespierre.
Debt Restructuring Act - spons: Marquis de Sade.
Emigre Amnesty - spons: Antionne Barnave.
The Luckner Acts - spons: Nicholas Luckner. amends: 1
The Carrot and Stick Act - spons: Maximilien de Robespierre.
Note: if no budget passes, then the default will be the budget from the past session. You may only choose one budget to vote for.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

There is much to be done, much to be said!

First, the position on the Jacobins on "What is an Emigre" is anyone who leaves France with the intention of taking action to restore the absolute monarchy. We have a different name for people who are visiting Spain on vacation - tourists!

The King has made several troubling statements. The first is his refusal to take the properties of those who fled France to take up arms against it, merely for sake of family ties. Shame! And now he seeks to fire a proud servant of the people. Bah!

If his Majesty allows the Breton rebels free reign, then he will see similar revolts all across France. Leniency may be shown to the common people, but those in open revolt must be crushed!

More to come, people of France, more to come!

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie

Excerpt from a speech to the Breton Association and various seated guests posted:

The King has spoken at last! The sleeping father of this Kingdom wakes up with a roar which casts the Jacobin captors aback! Imagine their surprise... was the King not their captive? Is he not forced to sign their vile Bills and pay heed to their insane ramblings and hatreds? No, not quite!

It is clear to me now, to all us now, that the King was kept throughly in the dark as to the crimes against Brittany and the Breton peoples; our cries for relief and our petitions. But now he has heard our cries through the walls of his cell and takes action at last. He has sacked the vile Sade! *cheers* He has called for the liar Robespierre to resign! *more cheers* He has refused to allow my kidnapping and execution! *wild cheers* This is our King, Breton brothers! And I pledge my loyalty to him anew. When we drill with Ar Diebiñ Bretoned tomorrow, we shall do so with three flags: the flag of the Breton Association, our Breton Cross; the flag of Ar Diebiñ Bretoned, the symbol of our struggle; ... and the banner-flag of the King of the Kingdom of France! *wild cheers and applause that drowns out the rest of the speech and forces Tuffin to stop for a few minutes before trying again*

... The King does not bid us to prepare defenses for our nation or to fight. But we know that he understands why we might do so. Let us prepare for the worst and drill and prepare for our invasion by the Jacobin hounds, but hope and pray for the best wherein we never have to make use of our forces for the capital stands down and grants us our God and King given rights we have earned through blood and toil! Give us our fair Brittany back in all its glory and splendor!

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

My own proposal: a modest increase on taxes for the landed in order to fund an expansion of our military.


Contributions Directes:
Tax Efficiency: Low
30% tax on nobility (15)
22% tax on bourgeoisie (10)
20% tax on the petit bourgeoisie (3)
0% tax on working poor (0)
12% tax on land and estates (6)

Current Market Interest Rate: 2.0%
Debt growth per turn: 15 credits
Payments to debt interest per turn: 0
Payments to debt reduction per turn: 0
Debt Credits: 515
---102 credits to Swiss banking houses
---413 credits to various private investors

Possible creditors: Private citizens. Dutch and Swiss banks willing to loan more only at higher than market interest rate while stability of government still in question.

Tariffs: 5.0% tax rate on all overseas imports and exports. Internal tariffs upon the production and manufactures of the departments of Finistere, Morbihan, Cotes du Nord, Ille et Vilaine and Loire Inferieur.
---1 from salt imports [Pondicherry - France]
---3 from sugar imports [Saint-Domingue - France]
---1 from cocoa imports [Martinique - France]

Trade Deals: None

Government Revenues:
Minting: 10 (+1.0 inflation/year)
Inflation: 5.25%

Manufacturing: 3/3
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/6
Transportation: 2/2
Culture: 2/2
Police: 8/8
Army: 7/12
Navy: 7/10
Intelligence: 1/2
Courts: 1/1
Clergy: 1/3
Education: 2/4
Healthcare: 2/5
Colonies 6/8

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 0
Credit Income: 49

Nov 28, 2004

I unironically like Anders as a character.

Antoine Barnave

Good Robespierre, I would be hard pressed to call du Sade, if that is to whom you were referring, a proud servant of the people after the debacle at the Palais du Luxembourg. To turn a demonstration, misguided as it was, into a murderous mob, and then to unlawfully imprison de Brissac and his family to indulge his own twisted excesses is not something that should be tolerated in our new France.

I add my voice into those calling for his arrest and trial, for the good of order and to restore confidence in the Assembly.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

The Marquis de Sade has shown his complete willingness to meet with the Minister of Justice to discuss the allegations against him. Tuffin, however, refuses to answer for his crimes, skulking the the provinces, whipping up discontent. To arrest one, but not the other, is an outrage!

Nov 4, 2011

Pitching is the art of instilling fear.

We shouldn't be putting together budgets that don't pay down the debt I mean come on. That's what people outside of France are going to talk about, and the sooner we pay and the more we include in those payments the less overall we have to pay.

Also Tuffin can say whatever he wants, but unless he's actually killed somebody he probably shouldn't be arrested. You know who should be at least arrested? De Sade, who killed somebody.

Also, also, somebody said something about tourism and that seems like something we should look into. Build up beaches and wineries into tourist spots, I guess? C.R.E.A.M., don't forget it.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

For the record, my budget has removed the Breton taxes, as a sign of good faith.

Jun 1, 2011

Nicolas Luckner

Considering public opinion, I have decided to put forth a new budget for the Assembly's perusal. My hope is that it will be more in line with public opinion.

Contributions Directes:
Tax Efficiency: Low
25% tax on nobility (12)
25% tax on bourgeoisie (11)
25% tax on the petit bourgeoisie (3)
20% tax on working poor (2)
30% tax on land and estates (15)

Current Market Interest Rate: 2.0%
Debt growth per turn: 15 credits
Payments to debt interest per turn: 15
Payments to debt reduction per turn: 0
Debt Credits: 515
---102 credits to Swiss banking houses
---413 credits to various private investors

Possible creditors: Private citizens. Dutch and Swiss banks willing to loan more only at higher than market interest rate while stability of government still in question.

Tariffs: 5.0% tax rate on all overseas imports and exports.
---1 from salt imports [Pondicherry - France]
---3 from sugar imports [Saint-Domingue - France]
---1 from cocoa imports [Martinique - France]

Trade Deals: None

Government Revenues:
Minting: 10 (+1.0 inflation/year)
Inflation: 5.25%

Manufacturing: 3/3
Agriculture: 4/4
Infrastructure: 4/6
Transportation: 1/2
Culture: 3/2 -1
Police: 8/8
Army: 12/12
Navy: 6/10
Intelligence: 1/2
Courts: 1/1
Clergy: 1/3
Education: 4/4 +1
Healthcare: 2/5
Colonies 7/8

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 1
Credit Income: 58

The single credit remains to fund the National Guard, should that act pass.

In light of recent changes, I shall remove The Stop Messing With The Bretons Act and the The For God's Sake Stop Pissing About Act. Peace must come from a willingness to co-operate

Nov 28, 2004

I unironically like Anders as a character.

Antoine Barnave

We approve of Luckner's budget, proud to vote for proper funding of the military and improvements in schooling, as well as fixing the tax issues that had caused such an uproar these past months.

In addition, we are proud to voice support for the Reinforce the National Guard Act and for the Free Trade Compact w/ USA.

Despite my spoken comments about de Sade, his Debt Restructuring Act has merit, but I will offer the following amendment as follows. Should the Emigre Amnesty be passed, which we fully encourage all to vote Yes on, those who return will not be held to the debt restructuring act, as they have shown their loyalty to France and the King.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

IPlayVideoGames posted:

Antoine Barnave

We approve of Luckner's budget, proud to vote for proper funding of the military and improvements in schooling, as well as fixing the tax issues that had caused such an uproar these past months.

In addition, we are proud to voice support for the Reinforce the National Guard Act and for the Free Trade Compact w/ USA.

Despite my spoken comments about de Sade, his Debt Restructuring Act has merit, but I will offer the following amendment as follows. Should the Emigre Amnesty be passed, which we fully encourage all to vote Yes on, those who return will not be held to the debt restructuring act, as they have shown their loyalty to France and the King.

In the interests of co-operation, I will support most of this, though I will retain my support of my budget for the moment and hesitate on amnesty.

Friar John
Aug 3, 2007

Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night
Have my old feet stumbled at graves!

Georges Cadoudal

An Open Letter to Lafayette posted:

"Warrior of Liberty, son of France"! Such is what would strengthen your monstrous ego, but I speak not flattery, but truth! You fancy yourself a moderate, a man willing to brave the stormy seas of politics for the good of the nation, but you are a fraud! The world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an apostate or an impostor; whether you have abandoned good principles or whether you ever had any. For a man who fought for liberty, to allow such degenerate crimes as de Sade's to happen while the assembly calls for the head of men who have done no crimes is madness! Should you march on Brittany, while the vile crimes of the radicals still stain the air of Paris with screams and horror, all the world will know your true allegiance as an enemy of justice. But should you remember the duties of your office, and act with virtue and wisdom, the heavens will sing the praises of a just officer of the kingdom. The choice is yours! Vive le Roi!

Sword of Damocles
Jul 11, 2006

A public notice issued from the desk of myself, Alexis-Vincent Charles Berbiguer of the New World of Thyme, le Feau des Farfadets, room 117 of Hotel Mazarin, 54 Rue Mazarine, Paris.



Fathers of nations, you who represent the heavenly God of peace and consolation on earth, unite your efforts to my own to destroy the power of Demons, Witches, and Imps, that devastate the unhappy dwellers of your countries. You see at your feet the most unfortunate of men; the torments with which I have struggled for these twenty-five years are the best titles that I can bear before your paternal gaze.

Ah! The diabolical persecutions of the Imps would have long since been ended on Earth, had one of your subjects had the courage to reveal them to you. It is in order to unmask them that I have dedicated my work to you, that you may not be heedless to my torments, and that you will work to end them now that they are known to you."

(joining the game as Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym. I can be reached at

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