Welcome to Tripartite Alliance Earth! tpaguide.html
Brief History of Tripartite Alliance Earth tpahist.html
Napoleonic Wars (1803-1814) tpahist1.html
North America (Front Page) tpanoram.html
Beginnings (to 1922) tpanorm1.html
History of Canada histcan.html
History of Louisiana louisian.html
Timeline of the United States: 1803 to 1922 18031922.html
The Generation of British Preeminence (1815-1850) tpahist2.html
Belgium and Luxembourg belgolux.html
Brazil tpbrazil.html
Confederation of the (British) Isles confisle.html
French Colonial Acquisitions (1814-1870) frcolacqu.html
History of Algeria hisalger.html
International Migrations migrations.html
The Italian Empire italemp.html
South America tpasouam.html
The Rising Challengers (1851-1870) tpahist3.html
Africa tpafrica.html
History of Yucatán yucatan.html
Japan modjapan.html
La Belle Époque (1871-1913) tpahist4.html
Angola tpangola.html
The Case of Malaya malaya.html
Eurasia in the 20th Century 20euras.html
The Franco-Prussian War and Immediate Aftermath frpruswar.html
Modern Greece modgreece.html
Norden norden.html
The Indian Diaspora: Tables indiach.html
The Indian Diaspora indiasp.html
Paisos Catalans paiscat.html
The Second Orleanist Kingdom (1871 to present) 2ndorlki.html
The West African Federation afroufed.html
First World War, Interregnum, and Second World War (1914-1944) tpahist5.html
The Baltic States baltstat.html
Cuba in the 20th Century 20thCuba.html
Decline and Fall (1922-1981) tpanorm2.html
Development of Euskadi euskherr.html
Europe in the 1920's europe20.html
First World War (1914-1917) ww1.html
The Holocaust holocaust.html
League Cities leagcit.html
Post-1917 Turkey turkey.html
Second World War (1940-1944) ww2.html
les quarantes glorieuses (1945-1981) tpahist6.html
Berlin War Crimes Trials (1945-6) wcrtrials.html
The Destabilization of the United States (1968-1977) decline.html
The Euronet Euronet.html
The European Confederation eurcon.html
Franco-German Combine frgercom.html
Indian Modernization: 1947 to 1965 indmod.html
The Indian Renaissance: 1965 to 1981 indren.html
Institutions of the European Confederation eurconin.html
Latvia as a Cauldron: 1950-2000 lettass.html
Listing of Nuclear-Capable Powers circa 1970 nucpowers.html
Post-Communist Poland (1960 to Present) poland60.html
The Soviet Civil War (1960-1963) sovcivwr.html
Space Exploration (1956-1981) space.html
Weapons of the Third World War weapons.html
World Review: 1981 tpahist7.html
Prelude to War (1981-1982) tpanorm3.html
Third World War and Reconstruction (1982-1998) tpahist8.html
Australia's Post-War Relationships with its Neighbours ausrelne.html
Physical Effects of the Third World War ww3effects.html
Major Post-War Crises crises.html
Recovery (1982 to present) tpanorm4.html
The Tripartite Alliance tripall.html
Third World War (1982) ww3.html
Transcript, Jim Garrison, August 15th 1982 garrison.html
ITA Contact and Aftermath (1998 to present) tpahist9.html
A Different Jewish Diaspora jewishdiaspora.html
Algerians Living Abroad algerian.html
Belarus: New Hope belarus2.html
China in the Early 21st Century 21china.html
Directorat-Général pour la Sécurité Planétaire: English: Country Guides: Nouveau-Dauphiné DGSP-ND.html
Egypt 2001 egy2001.html
Filipinos Living Abroad filipino.html
Iran 2001 iran2001.html
Korea 2001 kor2001.html
Koreans Living Abroad korean.html
Mexico 2001 mex2001.html
Modern Euskadi meuskadi.html
North America: Tables tpanorta.html
Selected Quotes quotes1.html
Selected World Statistics worldsta.html
South Africa 2001 safr2001.html
Southeast Asia in the Early 21st Century 21seasia.html
Thailand 2001 thai2001.html
Thailand 2002 (draft) thai2002.html
Transcript, John Hosperger, January 27th 1999 hosperg.html
Travel Guides TpALeningrad.html
Ukraine 2001 ukr2001.html
North America (Front Page) tpanoram.html
Beginnings (to 1922) tpanorm1.html
Decline and Fall (1922-1981) tpanorm2.html
Prelude to War (1981-1982) tpanorm3.html
Recovery (1982 to present) tpanorm4.html
North American Quotes quotes.html
Disclaimer note.html
Thanks thanks.html
Listing of Files directory.html
Contact Randy McDonald