Population in millions |
Per capita output in écus1 |
Supranational Affiliations2 |
Algeria | 19.1 |
31 900 |
European Confederation, Francophonie, Arab League |
Argentina | 60.4 |
67 900 |
South American Community, la Hispanidad |
Australia | 34.5 |
64 600 |
Pacific Asian Council, Commonwealth of Nations |
Belgium | 13.5 |
66 900 |
European Confederation, Francophonie |
Brazil | 158.6 |
65 300 |
South American Community, la Lusophônia |
Canada | 17.1 |
19 500 |
Confederation of North America, Francophonie |
China | 77.6 |
2 900 |
Pacific Asian Council |
Cuba | 15.1 |
42 800 |
Confederation of North America, la Hispanidad |
England | 39.8 |
54 900 |
European Confederation, Commonwealth of Nations |
Egypt | 67.1 |
39 200 |
Arab League |
Finland | 5.4 |
60 300 |
European Confederation, Nordic Council |
France | 72.9 |
66 800 |
European Confederation, Franco-German Combine, Francophonie |
Germany | 52.4 |
61 500 |
European Confederation, Franco-German Combine |
Japan | 140.8 |
48 400 |
Pacific Asian Council |
Kerala | 30.7 |
2 900 |
Indian Community, Commonwealth of Nations |
Korea | 67.6 |
30 800 |
Pacific Asian Council |
Luxembourg | 0.9 |
79 600 |
European Confederation, Francophonie |
Maharasthra | 51.8 |
9 300 |
Indian Community |
Mexico3 | 68.3 |
31 300 |
Confederation of North America, la Hispanidad |
Nouveau-Dauphiné | 1.0 |
39 600 |
South Pacific Confederation, Francophonie |
Peru | 27.6 |
18 800 |
South American Community, la Hispanidad |
Russian States | 14.5 |
11 900 |
European Confederation |
Sweden | 14.1 |
71 900 |
European Confederation, Nordic Council |
Switzerland | 9.5 |
78 400 |
European Confederation, Francophonie |
Ukraine | 47.3 |
23 800 |
European Confederation |
Venezuela | 27.4 |
69 800 |
South American Community, la Hispanidad |
West Africa | 43.4 |
15 600 |
Francophonie |
1 As of 1 January 2002, one écu equalled 0.29 Confed dollars.
2 All states on Tripartite Alliance Earth are members of the League of Nations.
3 All figures for Mexico include the Southwestern Confederation.