Apr 26, 2007

"Little by little the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him"

High Priestess Apollonia

The temple had been likely rather underwhelming to its recent visitor. It was simply the end of a hallway in the slums, devoid of furniture, the end of which had every artificial layer stripped, so there was only bare moonrock. On the far rock, parts of the rock were stained with the 'moonblood' as it was called. A piece of steel was decorated with a female figure with pale skin and white hair, looking down on the gathered people with cool, serene benevolence. There was no furniture, people had to stand for their services, as overcrowded as the slums were. And that was exactly why the very emptiness of that room now was such a show of the growing respect the Followers were given. Ampty space was nearly absent from the slums. Wherever you were, there was always the press of bodies, their warmth, their smell, their sound. To have a room like this mostly empty was nearly unheard of. Though even the Temple rarely did that. When it was not used for services, it was also an impromptu school.

Right now, there were only two people in it. One was the High Priestess Apollonia herself, the other one of the priestesses, Yuan Len, an Asian woman in her late twenties, short haired but rather pretty, though a scar from a mining accident marred her face a bit. Both of them wore the traditional white robes. Though these robes were made of cheap plastic, easy to clean. No normal fabric would be able to remain white in these conditions with water still a scarce good, though it had improved. Yuan Len was fidgetting nervously.

"Ah, thank you for inviting me, High Priestess, I am honoured you wish to speak to me alone." She said, worry sounding in her voice.

Apollonia nodded. "Sister Yuan, I hope the Sacred Mother Selene finds you well. Sister Michaels has told me a lot about you. She said that when gaining new followers, you tend to speak too much about the spectacle, the community, rather than the faith. She says you are to otheatrical."

The other woman was quiet, nodding. "I... try to add some flair, High Priestess, if you feel it is impious, I..."

"No. No, I did not bring you here to chide you, sister. On the contrary. The reason our faith is important is not the comfort it brings, the community it creates or the mysticism of the rituals. It is the Silver Truth, our role to play. If we forget that, all the other things become an empty box, nothing more than a group of people enjoying some together without higher purpose. That is what Sister Michaels fears, and it is good she is vigilant for it."

She paused. "But while one who is faithful understands the importance of those things, those who have not embrace the Sacred Mother do not. Community, comfort, mysticism, these things are not places where ones faith should end, but they can be places where it begins. Sister Yuan, I am told you speak passable English and Chinese." She said. The two languages were rarely known well among Lunars. The Pidgeon language they knew usually good enough to deal with the Administration and other Earthborns the few times they interacted.

The woman blinked. "Y... yes, High Priestess? Why do you ask?"

Apollonia gave a serene smile. "You will bring the Silver Truth to new followers, sister Yuan. And I think you will not have to worry about Sister Michaels for a long while."

Apr 21, 2010
More graffiti:

All power to the workers
A better tomorrow for all of us
Lunar Corp needs us, we don't need them

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007

I have turns from

Selene's Followers
Lunar Security Forces
Dank's Boys
Workers Union
Order of New Dawn
Maher's League
International White Owl
The Guild

Still need:

Lunar Corporation
Earth Society
Apollo Investments

Sep 25, 2009

Loyal to the hEnd

Join the Lunar Security Forces Auxiliary today! Protect yourself and your neighbors from undesirable elements!

Harold Ramis Drugs
Dec 5, 2010

by Y Kant Ozma Post
Joe Braddock

I'll be in my office approving timesheets, reading shipping logs, and scheduling for the next week.

Nov 11, 2007

I'm sorry,
I can't hear you over the sound of how HIP I am.
Maher News: Valasky Nye's Editorial Column

Clearly it is easy to see the exploitation of the worker in this colony. Those that are prisoners are exploited for crimes not even committed here. Those that are free, are exploited and given no recourse and no rights.

The so-called security force are little more then thugs for the Corporation. They attempt to hide it, but their actions betray their intentions. Daily we see abuses by this security force, meanwhile the real criminals, those managers of the Corporation walk free!

The workers are beginning to see this, and are uniting to enforce their rights. We have seen the calls of Marxist-Leninism shouted in the halls. However, this columnist must call for caution. Such radical ideals can be dangerous if mis-handled. One only has to look back to the Soviet Union that existed on earth not so long ago, or China today. These nations have committed the same abuses the Corporation does now.

They say that if you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back unto you. In this case, we must be careful that we don't end up replacing one corrupt dictatorship with another for that was not Maher's vision.

Maher's vision was a functioning, stable, scientific colony. Where research, advanced technology, and freedom of idea's won the day. This can be realized again once these corrupt plutocrats are turfed! Only, however, if we make the right choice.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


January-June, 2229-----

Lunar News

The Maher League begins to express some reservations about the new radical direction of the Workers Union. Through its popular newsletter it warns about the history of communism on Earth. This emboldens the moderates in the Workers Union to begin challenging the authority of Chairman Jihn Jones.

At the same time, Maher’s News continues to publish articles revealing the abuses and corruption of the Lunar Corporation and its security forces. Opinion of the administration could not be lower among the Lunars.

Auxiliaries begin to join regular Security agents in patrols through the slums. They quickly become desensitized to the brutal but necessary actions taken to maintain peace and order in the Colony.

Missionaries sent by the Priestesses of Selene into the Central Facilities to convert Earthborn are very successful, partly in thanks to support from the Earth Society, and several hundred women begin attending temples in the slums. They begin some charitable works, aiding in schooling and basic healthcare. These friendly overtures shock most Lunars, whose previous interactions with Earthborn were mostly through truncheon or Comms.

Several shipments of machinery meant for the agriculture center are ambushed. After a short firefight, the assailants are driven away.

Engineers are shocked to discover a significant amount of urine missing from the Water Purification Facilities. Water rationing is again implemented to make up for missing supply.

The Heinleinlites purge potentially disloyal elements, losing five members.

Apollo Investments dramatically lowers the price of its line of robotic domestic servants. At a significant loss, AI corners the market. Most Earthborn in the Colony now own at least one. Their popularity and the tight corridors of the facility result in several accidents, including a rather horrific mutilation. Investors in Apollo begin to grumble at the expenses, from both their artificially low prices and the cost of lawsuits born from disastrous malfunctions.

Apollo Investments offers to purchase a chunk of the Agriculture Center, promising to upgrade the facilities and greatly increase efficiency under their subsidiary Abba Produce. Lunar Corporation needs to respond to offer.

At several classy parties and balls in the Central Facilities, the Earth Society stirs up fears of uppity, deranged Lunars, and collects substantial donations to protect the Earthborn.

Guild leader Joe Braddock gives a rousing speech in support of the Workers Union to his fellow workers, who for the most part agree.

The Corporation imports more mining equipment and several dozen engineers to increase efficiency.

A new union of miners is established which is immediately recognized as the “official” union. While it initially attracts few members as it is seen by most as a Lunar Corporation ploy against the popular Workers Union, it manages to “negotiate” for its members slightly higher salaries and a work-training program that will eventually allow Lunars into management. Much of the moderate faction of the Workers Union splits off and joins the new Union, while thousands of others join for the higher wages. Members are popularly labeled as scabs.

The digital security of the Colony is revamped.

The Order of the New Dawn launches new conversion efforts. These are a success, and thousands of Lunars flock to the religion. It begins collecting tithes from all but its impoverished members for social projects.

A hysterically crying young woman approaches Security Forces, claiming to have been tortured and abused for weeks in a confined cell by strange men in elaborate robes. She suffers from permanent psychological damage and remembers few details about the event.

The non-profit educational organization White Owl establishes several quality primary and secondary schools in the slums, greatly increasing access to education among Lunars. Other programs include work training in Colony-focused careers, as well as what seems to be a large, rather clandestine lab deep in the slums.

The Workers Union massively ramps up its armed contingent. Several members are arrested by Lunar Security Forces after attempting to purchase guns from one of their undercover agents - but it is rumored that they have thousands of firebombs hidden throughout the slums.

Chairman Jihn Jones declares a general strike, demanding sweeping wage increases, labor rights, and safety standards for all workers. The strike, however, is a flop - despite brutal attacks on scabs they fail to convince non-members to stop working.

Suddenly, a fight breaks out between several LSF agents and picketing union members. It is quickly forgotten who threw the first punch as the LSF finds itself under a barrage of firebombs and molotovs, and immediately opens fire into the mob. Rumors of a massacre by security forces flows through the slums, and in minutes the entire Lunar population is rioting. Massive crowds descend on any Earthborn unfortunate enough to be outside of the Central Facilities. After losing several dozen men, the LSF has no choice but to retreat to the Central Facilities. Workers Union members attempt to direct the rioting crowds to storm the Central Facilities, but fail to rally enough people to overtake the LSF barricades and defences. Instead the rioters turn on any symbols of the Lunar Corporation, and few cameras, comms speakers, and corporate offices survive the following hours.

The rioting in the slums inspires a riot in the Penal Colony, lead by Dank. While Workers Union members attack the guards from outside with firebombs and mining drills, Dank’s gang does the same from within. A panicked guard attempts to eject the cells into space as ordered to do in the case of a riot, but only manages to release one block before his head is crushed into the controls. While a hundred gang members die in the riot, (and over 1000 prisoners suffocate to death on the lunar surface) the rest of the prison population surges into the slums.

In the wake of the riots the Workers Union finds itself in control over most of the slums, but resistance from the United Miners and rapacious looting continues. Hundreds of Earthborn join the Citizens Auxiliary out of self-preservation, while the Corporation and its Security Agents find themselves holed up behind barricades in the Central Facilities. Hundreds of Lunars are dead, either shot by the LSF or murdered in the riots. All mining has ceased, and various pieces of vital infrastructure are in immediate danger of shutting down.

News from Earth

Apollo Investments appeals to the US Senate, China, and the European Union for a reinvestment in Space; specifically through giving AI money. While the US and Chinese refuse due to a strong Lunar Corporation lobby, the European Union agrees in principle to support AI with projects it deems will advance the cause of humanity. It will, of course, need those projects outlined for it before it hands over cash.


Lunar Colony “Maher’s Hope”
A mostly underground facility, built to house twenty thousand. Aging and vastly overcrowded, it has been expanded in a piecemeal fashion over the decades through mining, with many of the tunnels now serving as slums. Access to the surface is extremely limited.

Population: 235,350 (75.5% Free Lunars, 14.5% Earthborn Prisoners, 8% Earthborn, 2% Descendants)
Year: Early 2229

Life: Lunars live in vast underground slums carved out of the side of the original colony, while Earthborn reside in the original facilities. Access to electricity and is very limited in the slums, as is running water. Healthcare is poor, and average lifespan of those born in the colony is 58. Education is not provided by the Corporation, but small community volunteer schools run by Selene's Priestesses, alongside several quality schools run by the White Owl nonprofit provide basics. Earthborn originate mostly in China and the United States, but Lunars have developed their own unique pidgin language and cultural identity from their diverse origins. Descendants, heirs of the original colonists, remain well educated and work more professional jobs than most Lunars, but are lumped in with them by the Earthborn. They maintain most of the infrastructure from complete ruin. Most people live and die without ever seeing the stars.

Economy: Revolves entirely around export of minerals to Earth. Weekly rockets send tons of the high demand metals back to Earth, producing enormous profits. Earthborn are paid a good wage. Lunars are paid a few “Lunar Credits” for their dangerous work in dark, deep mines, but a healthy black market has evolved as an alternative. Lunars mostly work as miners or laborers, while Earthborn manage them.


Lunar Corporation
Manager: Jing Wenchun/Epicurius, epicurius at
Description: Runs day to day operation of the Colony. A paid employee at the mercy of corporate brass.
Transport: Three active space-shuttles.
Support: Very high among Earthborn, hated among Lunars, Descendants, and Earthborn Prisoners

Lunar Security Forces
Chief: John Richardson/sniper4625,
Forces: 975 Security Agents, 700 Civilian Auxiliary
Description: Contracted to serve one year stints in Maher’s Hope, their responsibility is to implement the Corporations strict perspective on law and order. They are feared and loathed by the Lunar population. Very experienced and well-armed, with most having served in the various wars of Earth. Civilian Auxiliary is lightly trained and has limited access to weapons.

Lunar Organizations

Workers Union of Maher’s Hope
Secretary General: Jihn Jones/A RICH WHITE MAN
Description: A popular union of Lunar workers.
Ideology: Marxist-Leninist, pro-Lunars
Support: high among Lunars, 60,000 miners and other free Lunar workers are members
Forces: 4000 poorly disciplined workers armed with bats, chains, hammers, mining drills, firebombs, several dozen seized guns

United Miners
President: Salazar Zheng/(PLAYER NEEDED)
Description: Recently formed union, under control of Corporate managment
Ideology: pro-Corporate
Support: low among Lunars,17,000 miners and other free Lunar workers are members
Forces: 500 poorly disciplined workers armed with bats, chains, hammers and mining drills

Mark Maher League
Leader: Albert Elsheimer/Razage, thetans AT
Ideology: Left-Wing Utopian, Lunar independence
Description: Founded after the firing of most of the original colonists by the few that remained, it is dedicated to saving Mark Maher’s vision.
Support: Very strong among descendants of original colonists (who number ~5,000), somewhat low from other Lunars. Widely read anti-Corporation newsletter Maher’s News.

Commander: Ivan Sanjrani/Loomer,
Ideology: Libertarian, Lunar independence. Discovered a copy of The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress and have made it their bible.
Description: Armed group of Lunars dedicated to violent destruction of the Corporation and complete self-sufficiency
Support: Low
Forces: 90 poorly trained, poorly armed, but loyal Lunars

Earth Society
President: Anne Nichols/rakovsky maybe,
Ideology: pro-Earthborn
Description: Formed after several Earthborn were killed during Lunar riots, dedicated to protecting Earthborn from violence
Support: Very high among Earthborn

Dank’s Boys
Boss: Inmate 87239, alias “Dank”/Urbandale, A1chipster at gmail dot com
Description: Largest of the Prison gangs, lead by charismatic and intelligent Dank who was sent to the Moon for subversive terrorist activities
Support: Very high among Earthborn Prisoners
Forces: 2980 criminals + 2000 from other gangs armed with bats, chains, hammers and mining drills

Selene’s Followers
High Priestess: Apollonia/Shogeton, kim dot biebaut at gmail dot com
Description: A cult born from the colony’s vast demographic imbalance between men and women, Selenites worship the Moon as the true feminine home of humanity tainted by Earth’s patriarchal mores.
Support: 38% of Lunars have converted, 10% of Earthborn

Order of the New Dawn
Grand Cardinal of the Order: Unknown; Earth-based
Archbishop of the Heavenly Flock: Joseph (pseudonym)/Enjoy,
Description: Syncretic monotheist cult. Worship the Light of God in various aspects. The Order sees the various corporations as materialistic heathens and arrogant blasphemers attempting to outshine His Glory. The Moon colony itself is a new Tower of Babel, its inhabitants already cursed into a gibbering tongue, worshipping false idols.
Support: 14% of Lunars have converted, 50 Paladins undergoing training

Spacefarers and Teamsters Guild (The Guild)
President: Joe Braddock/Harold Ramis Drugs, junomarr at yahoo dot com
Description: Unsanctioned labor union. Performs the function of facilitating legitimate cargo exchanges and ship repairs. Suspected of smuggling contraband into the Colony.
Support: 440 due-paying members, 30 privateer escorts on contract who are decently armed.

The White Owl
Lunar Supervisor: Linda Terleski/Umbilical Lotus
Description: International humanitarian organization promoting and providing free and impartial access to education, scientific involvement and job training.
Lunar Personnel: 55 service volunteers, 10 administrative personnel, actively recruiting from both Luna and Earth; one barn owl, named Barney.


Jack Bennett
Description: Lunar-born Prisoner

Earth-Based Organizations

Apollo Investments
CEO: Gideon Mar/QuoProQuid,
Description: Newly formed corporation interested in expanding its Lunar assets. CEO Gideon Mar made his wealth mining asteroids.
Transport: Two active space-shuttles, one small space station orbiting the moon.

UN News Service
Head of Lunar Affairs: Makena Simba/Servant,
Slant: generally Pro-Earth
Description: The last non-corporate-owned news outlet. This is partly because the UN News Service is owned by the United Nations, and there is generally pressure for the News Service to represent the interest of the Terran states and the Earthborn.




Red - Central Facilities, populated by Earthborn. Contains the spaceport.


Blue - Slums, populated by Lunars


Purple - Lunar Penal Colony


Green - Agricultural center, hydroponic automated farming


Brown - Active mining

Apr 18, 2009
It's impossible to get good help these days.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
A voice crackles over one of the few remaining loudspeakers in the slums. "You are acting unlawfully. Disperse and return to your homes. If you do not, you are liable to arrest and detention. You are acting unlawful. . .bzzzt". Then, as a thrown piece of concrete hits it, it falls silent.

Apr 26, 2007

"Little by little the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him"

High Priestess Apollonia

And so, blood is shed this day, with more threatening to come. I too live in poverty, and I understand the need, but now, so many have died, and our lives have not improved yet. Hatred grows and boils over, and it is a tragedy when brother hates brother and sister hates sister.

It must not be so. If we acquire homes by shedding the blood of our fellows people, we might have gained food, and water, and rest, but we will have lost more than we gained. It is clear we cannot simply return to things as they were, but I call upon all to talk, and see if together, we can build something that is perhaps not entirely how either side wished it, but will be better than a blood-soaked and lifeless monument to the follies of patriarchy, a tear on Mother Selene's face.

Our priestesses now dwell among the Lunars as well as the Earthborn, and carry respect throughou Maher's Hope. We offer our services as in betweens and messengers, and will try to bring peace to this tragic, tragic situation.

Harold Ramis Drugs
Dec 5, 2010

by Y Kant Ozma Post

"Attention all guild personnel: Until the current state-of-emergency has ended, overtime is available to all due-paying and probationary members on an at-will basis. Members seeking overtime are still expected to attend their regular shifts. You are encouraged to work as hard as you can for as long as possible until this crisis is resolved. Report all overtime to you shift supervisor."

"All shipments of emergency supplies are designated priority-1 in bays 'A' through 'M'"

Nov 11, 2007

I'm sorry,
I can't hear you over the sound of how HIP I am.
Maher News: Valasky Nye's Editorial Column
Well it seems that the Corporation's answer to organized unions is to form it's own union! Such a traditional divide and conquer tactic, if you can't control something, make your own! This shameful attempt is similar to mugging someone and them giving them a pittance of their money back.

I call upon the workers to come up a non-extremist union idea. I'm sure it can be done, many unions have arisen from injustice to be functional organizations promoting freedom, workers rights and democracy.

Speaking of which, it's a poor way to encourage solidarity among the workers to attack them because they refuse to do what the union says. These are your brothers and they are trying to earn a living the same as we all are. It is our job as activists and advocates to speak for them! Unions are not just about their members, they advocate for all labor!

Let's stop with the petty squabbling and looting. Let's move forward with a new plan for this station and a new life for everyone here!

Get your head in the game, unioners!


In other news, it seems the Lunar Security Force is at it again. This time they've decided that individual abuses aren't enough, they now have to top themselves by engaging in full scale manslaughter!

Will there be any trial or punishment for these actions? Probably not, instead we'll hear from our benevolent [sic] dictators that these actions were necessary to secure the order of the station.

I'm sure our compatriots in the UN News Service will be standing at the ready to whitewash this latest incident. We eagerly wait their apologetic, terror filled article.

I am appalled at the Earth-Born eagerly signing up to the LSF Auxillery to get their own batons to administer police beatings with! Is this what you signed up to do here on Maher's Hope? Beat prisoners and destitute miners? For shame, people from Earth should know better!

The LSF are one thing, they're basically the rascals and bullies from high school given guns. Educated intelligent minds from Earth should be able to see through this sham!


Lastly, it seems Apollo Industries has yet again stepped up to improve life on the station! The AI bots are an interesting addition to an otherwise depressing situation. I passed one by recently and we had an interesting conversation about the consistency of cheese, then it offered to “Push my grandma down the stairs.” I'm not sure what to make of that, but it was a helpful little guy and even showed me how to navigate the slums while I was on assignment.

They've also offered to invest and improve the agri-farms on the station and I think the Corporation should accept, unless they want us all to starve to death, which isn't as far fetched as it first sounds.

I'm also disappointed to see that the Corporation still has no interest in repairing or upgrading the rapidly degrading components of the station. Let's hope that they come to their senses soon, otherwise we'll be dead before the next issue comes out!

Umbilical Lotus
Nov 12, 2005

International White Owl
Newton Primary School, Blue Sector

It was much worse than Anja had imagined. Such a short time after they had arrived on the Moon, barely enough time to get through the first few weeks of classes - and now kids were huddled in the classrooms as real war boiled and boomed outside. The majority of the schools were set up in Blue Sector, of course. There was more need here. But there was one in Red, adult learning, and if she had been a little bit luckier...

No, this was where she was needed. This was what she had signed up for. The White Owl had been responsible for lifting not only her family, but her country out of medieval ignorance, and while she had not been alive during the Bad Times, she knew enough to give gratitude where it was due. Still, the pad shook in her hand as she glanced between the glowing words and the filthy bodies huddling there in the dark. Far more than just children here - the schools had been opened as temporary shelters during the crisis, and whole families sat in the dark, talking in quiet, frightened voices and waiting until it was safe to go home. That might not be for some time. And they could not just sit forever.

Anja walked to the head of the classroom, behind the vacant desk, and cleared her throat until the hush became complete and all eyes swarmed lazily upon her. "I have some news from the outside," she began, and just like that the class perked up. "The fighting is over, but..." The whoop and cheer stole her words away, echoing in the shadowy room; Anja had to wait until she could be heard enough to call for quiet. "But! Blue Sector is still in a state of conflict. While you may leave the premises if you wish, it is recommended that you remain, for your own safety, until the situation has stabilized." That cleared the cheer quick enough, and she wasn't done just yet. "Aid is on its way. In the meantime, we encourage you brave Lunar people to volunteer in aiding your community to re-establish itself, and we at the White Owl pledge ourselves to aid you with our skill, materials and expertise. Volunteers will be trained in first aid, systems repair and search and rescue techniques and guided both in-shelter and in the field by skilled mentors. In this time of..."

Anja stopped, and looked up over the edge of the memo. There was something in the faces out there, something that reminded her of her father and her grandfather - a dead-eyed, Bad Times kind of something that whispered gruesome certainties into the cracks between every thought. Why she was here. She sucked in a breath and went off-script. "I won't lie. It's terrifying out there. People are dead, but people are dying - and we can fix that. It takes one bad gunshot to puncture the right tube and pressure-fuck us all to Hell, yes... but what if someone was there right after that shot was fired, someone with a patch and a flash-welder? We need to be those someones. Or no one will be anyone anymore."

She exhaled. Things were... different, somehow. One quick glance down to the memo. "Orientation will take place in Classroom 3-K."


The Director's office was so quiet that Linda's soft breathing seemed to bounce back from the walls enough to ruffle her hair. Here, among the bare rock and suffocating vacuum, Director Terleski had two of the most precious luxuries available: complete silence and a blank page of real paper. It was easier to organize her thoughts in handwriting, and Hamelin needed a special sort of organization.

He would respond promptly to the situation in Maher's Hope, she was sure of that. As soon as news hit anywhere, he would know, and he would rouse an investigation and begin mobilizing resources. There were protocols here, honed over hundreds of years of human atrocity - and how her direct reports portrayed this most recent manifestation would shape that response. Aid was the first priority, of course, and that would be out of her hands completely, but Luna was a specialized situation that required unique equipment, and she knew exactly what was required.

One sentence floated in her head. She pushed it down, but it bobbed back up, like ice in a glass of ginger ale, or a body in a pond: 1000 prisoners killed when forced onto the surface. Onto the stark, cold surface of a dead moon. Five words found themselves worked into the margins of her speech: You are among the last.

Pencils down. Time to call home.

Apr 18, 2009
I normally do not forward these things but this if this is true, WHY!!
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2229 9:16 PM
Subject: FW: END IS NIGH (not a joke)
> look at this! Time will tell more of what we thought
> of the Order all along, won't it? How is the media in
> such control of us?
>> This has been flying under the radar. Read the
>> UNNS article and check the truthonluna.Com site. The
>> TruthOnLuna version is shown below.
>> This event is factual. Archbishop Joseph has taken
>> the heat of being called a liar and a war monger for 2 years
>> while he kept his silence to protect the people of the
>> moon. This is truly a display of selfless honor.
>> On February 5, 2229, the Associated Press (AP) released
>> a story titled: Secret New Dawn Mission exorcises demons
>> from Moon colony.
>> The opening paragraph is as follows:
>> The last major remnant of Ba'al Hammoth's
>> demon program a huge stockpile of concentrated holy water
>> reached the docking port Saturday to complete a
>> secret New Dawn Operation that included a two week space flight from
>> Moon Base Alpha and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.
>> See anything wrong with this picture? We have been
>> hearing from the far-left for more than two years how, Joseph
>> lied.
>> Somehow, that slogan loses its credibility now that
>> 550 hellspawn demons of Ba'al Hammoth, used for possessing
>> innocent children, has been discovered and exorcised from
>> the Moon colony using holy water.
>> It appears that Order Paladins found the 550
>> demons in 2228 after spreading the good word door to door. They
>> had to sit on this information and the demons themselves, for
>> fear of Selenites attempting to worship and release them. It was
>> guarded and kept safe by the
>> Paladins at an abandoned mineshaft site.
>> This is vindication for the Archbishop's administration,
>> having been attacked mercilessly by the liberal media and
>> the far-left pundits on the blogosphere. Now that it is
>> proven that Archbishop Joseph did not lie about Ba'al's
>> demonic ambitions, one would think the mainstream
>> media would report the story. Once the AP released the
>> story, the mainstream media should have picked it up and
>> broadcast it worldwide.
>> This never happened, due in large part I believe,
>> to the fact that the mainstream media would have to admit
>> they were wrong about Joseph's Moon motives all along.
>> Thankfully, the AP got it right when it said, The removal of
>> 550 bloodthirsty demons the seed material for
>> higher-grade unholy possession was a significant step
>> toward closing the books on Ba'al's evil legacy.
>> Closing the book on Ba'a''s evil legacy.
>> Did Ba'al have an evil legacy after all? I thought Joseph
>> lied.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

Gideon Mar
CEO of Apollo Investments
Rhoeo Radio

Good morning, sweet Maherians. Or is it Maherites? Maherouis? Hmmm... What do you call yourselves? I'm going to fire one person every hour, on the hour until I find out.

Anyways, I'm here today to answer a few questions. I've heard from many people, both Lunars and Earthborns yet the one question that seems to pop up the most, aside from "What sort of bullets kill a ghost?", is "How do you build such an outrageously successful company that lactates out dollar bills?" Well, kid, I am glad you asked.

You see, building a company is like building a relationship. A business is like a fine woman. You've got to compliment her and shower her with gifts. Make sure her stockholders know you care but don't afraid to get rough either. You're the boss here! You'll spend my money where I God damn please. It's none of her business where you go on Saturday nights or why there is robot oil on your collar. None at all. Where you stick your investments is your own fucking business.

Then you come home one night and find out she has been seeing other stockholders. That's when shit hits the fan. When that happens the only reasonable thing to do is to brutally dissolve your assets and hide the corpse in a lake somewhere. Or maybe just attach it to a rocket. You've got to buy some white out too, that way when the IRS comes snooping around they don't find traces of ink all over your apartment...

What was I talking about again? Hmm... I seem to have forgotten.

Well, that's all the time we have for now, colonists. I'll talk to you again soon.

Apr 21, 2010

There is a reason people like me are working against this system. I hold here in my hand a letter I sent to the White Owl, an aid organization, asking for them to provide education opportunities to the former Earthborn prisoners and Lunars living in the slums. Their response was a flat no, and while they insist that they aren't working at cross purposes, they state, very calmly, that


Once the situation is calm enough that something like normal activities can resume, we will be negotiating with Lunar authorities to allow us to establish publicly-funded college and library services for the prison population, and we are willing to negotiate a volunteer exchange.

This is what the unsubjugated Earthborn don't understand. They continue to define us by the oppression that they forced upon us. They continue to refer to us as prisoners, but also plead with us and tell us that they mean us no harm. My response is simple. Prove it.

Apr 21, 2010

Oh and uh, Boys, gather round. Got a message from that Selene crew. They're making safe spaces in the slums. If you've got a wiener, don't go in there. if ya don't, you can go in, but leave your weapons elsewhere. Uh, that's all.

Apr 26, 2007

"Little by little the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him"

Priestess Apollonia

Let it be known, that the Priesthood of Selene regrets the bloodshed that has happened. We pray for the families of those that have died, and entrust their souls to our Sacred Mother.

Once more, men face off against one another. All of them wish to have peace, none of them wish to kill, but their weapons remain at the ready all the same. The patriarchy prepares for another battle. And as ever before, women and children will suffer. Whether it be out of hateful vengeance, perverse lusts or simply to inspire terror, they will be targeted.

No, we may not be able to stop this tide of blood that threatens to rise, but we can try to build dams. We, the Priesthood of Selene will protect the all too few women and children that have ascended to her. In the name of Selene, we call upon all those who command men, to tell them to not engage in violence in these places, come what may. Women are welcome, children are welcome, weapons are not, violence is not.

May it be known that we will see to it that priestesses of both people's will be mixed. Lunars will shield Earthborn, Earthborn will shield Lunars. Mother Selene suffers as blood gets spilled, but those who buther womn and children will have only her contempt. Let no Follower of Selene violate these sanctuaries, or suffer their comrades or colleagues to violate it. I call upon the Secretary General Jihn Jones, Chief John Richardson and Mr. Dank to state in the manner they feel most effective, that any who violates this sanctuary is no longer welcome among them.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007

Turn won't be due until midnight Sunday, Central time.

Nov 11, 2007

I'm sorry,
I can't hear you over the sound of how HIP I am.
Maher News: Special Edition
By: Sue Yaun, Reporter and Investigator

Today we bring you a special edition of Maher news! I have recently had the chance to talk with the leader of the Dank's Boys guild, known only as “Dank.” We arranged to meet at the makeshift briefing and strategic operations center deep within the prison district of the station. It's from here that these freedom fighters rally against the oppression forced upon them by the Lunar Corporation.

Mr. Dank, contrary to popular belief, was well spoken as you will see in our interview. The first thing he made clear was that his group was not simply a collage of rapists and pedophiles as some propaganda rags would have you believe:

Sue: Who are the Dank's Boys and what do you stand for?
Dank: Honestly, we started out as a loose group of people from all sorts of backgrounds who had to organize to deal with the conditions in this hellhole. At this point, we've broken out, and we're trying to find a place in this colony. We're used to being subjugated by the Earthborn, but we will not stand for that any longer and will defend our Lunite and Maherite comrades from the tyranny of the corporation.

He also gave us his opinions on some of the various organizations that inhabit the Lunar Colony. He sees the Lunar Corporation as definitely part of the problem:

Dank: You're asking me how I feel about the people who have kept us working for no pay for years and then ordered the mass execution of my boys? My goal right now is to see them off of this rock. We cannot build a better world if these exploiters are still around.

For the Workers Union he spoke with respect:

Dank: They were the first Lunar organization to help us out, and we will never forget that. I think they're the real future for the people, and we will support them in their struggle.

For the United Miners he showed some reserved but cautious optimism:

Dank: I understand why they have some support from the workers. In the short term, it makes sense to deal with people who can help ya out. But the corporation is simply pulling the oldest trick in the book, and has created this union to act as a wedge amongst us. Workers are smarter than that though, and won't fall for the bosses tricks.

Although he didn't take kindly to the stinging comments of our own Valasky Nye, he showed approval for the Mark Maher League:

Dank: I read ya'lls newspaper pretty often. Gotta say I'm bummed about calling out the union, even though I agree to an extent. Other than that though, I love their work and can definitely appreciate the stance they're taking here. Despite the inevitable propaganda that'll be circulated, no one wants bloodshed, especially not us.

And for the Earthborn Society, he expressed regret:

Dank: To borrow some language from my comrades, the organization is reactionary. I understand why the average Earthborn fears for their safety all too well. But if I could speak to the people in this organization, I would let them know that they have nothing to fear from us if they don't take arms against us. I will do everything in my power to keep this revolution from hurting them and their loved ones. I encourage each and every Earthborn to take a walk through the slums or the prison. You'll see the conditions we live in compared to yourselves. This is what we are fighting against. We want to have everyone live well, not a chosen few.

Afterwords, we discussed the Lunar Security Forces, and specifically the incident where they decided to murder 1,000 prisoners through ejecting their cells into space. Dank's demeanor turned grim and he told me what he thought of the action:

Dank: I will find and kill each and every person responsible for this cowardly action, and I will still mourn because it will not and cannot bring my boys back.

From there, we moved on to the matter of the Slums and how they are currently under Lunar control and the Dank's Boys are apart of that as well.

Sue: The slums and under sections are in a clear state of turmoil right now, what advise would you have for people needing access to these areas?

Dank: Since it has long been clear that the administration doesn't give a fuck about the slums and the conditions Lunars have lived in for years, we have no belief that they will suddenly start now. As such, we're going to be attempting to support the people with the necessities. To do this though, we need support from basically everyone. We don't have a lot, but we are going to do what we can to work with the Lunars to provide everyone with the things they need that the administration isn't giving them.

I asked him for one thing that he would most like to see done on the colony right now and his answer was simple and concise:

Dank: The colonial administration off our land.

As we finished up the interview, Dank had one more thing he would like our readers to know about his organization:

Dank: Our goal is simply to work with the people to build a world in which they'll actually be able to thrive. Theres a reason the corporations have imposed these conditions and subjugated us for so long. Now they're trying to divide us further. We will not fall for their tricks, and the people will prevail.

The interview concluded, he had two of his men escort me back to the slums. The Dank Boys left me with a much different impression then the one I had going in. I thank Dank for his time and this paper will watch future events closely.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

Gideon Mar
CEO of Apollo Investments
Rhoeo Radio

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. There are several issues I need to talk about today, so let's just get started.

First, I got quite a lot of feedback from my last address. I'm not going to bore you with direct quotes but a lot of young ladies asked me if I were single. Well, sorry ladies but I'm married to my company. I'm not speaking metaphorically either, I am physically married to my company. Makes filing taxes a hell of a lot easier.

Next, I feel that it's probably necessary to address the little party going on in the Blue and Purple Division. I gotta say, I like your style, kids. You're not afraid to get rough when you need to. Never ones to duck out of a fight It reminds me of back when I was a young boy in the army. Oh, the adventures we had... That's the subject of another day though. We've got important business to deal with.

I am close with Lunar Corp and I could not abandon them at their time of need (even though they threw me under a bus during my Congressional hearing, those bastards). We've got similar interests and companies have got to stick together. So, here is what I propose:

As a voice of reason, civility and sanity in this fine Colony, I will mediate a solution between the disparaging factions. I am sure we can reach a deal together.

Aug 2, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...

Unrest In Maher's Hope Increases Prices Of Lunar Materials By 25%
Without Raw Resources To Fuel Its Economic Growth, Terra is Expected to Enter Prolonged Recession

... While European diplomats express private concern over their over-reliance on Maher's Hope, American and Chinese diplomats assure the Europeans that supply will resume momentarily. They point to recent talks being held between Inmate 87239 and Lunar Corporation, as well as reform attempts to improve the living conditions of workers. Still, at least one European leader (Tony Blair VI) call on the Europeans to pursue resource independence, a popular position with the European public.

One IMF economist privately sympathize with the Europeans. "Maher's Hope had this unrest before, and will have this unrest again. Lunar Corporation has refused to implement the necessary reforms to push Maher's Hope into the 23rd Century, and it is now bearing the consequences of that policy." Yet, the IMF economist stated that Blair's desire for resource independence is unlikely to be achieved in the short term. "Quite frankly, there's nowhere else to go. Where else can you look? On Terra? We ruined it already. In space? That'll take lots of capital and time to setup, and many space projects end up failing within twenty years. No private enterprise would want to take the risk, and no state enterprise can afford it."

Several ecological economists has taken the opportunity to lobby the Europeans for their own own pet project, the "Grand Service Revolution". They argue that Terra's over-dependence of mineral resources have jeopardized its national security and prosperity, and that only by replacing the massive industrial sector with a new service-based economy will restore European economic survival. "Why do we need yet another billion dollar VR simulator," said one ecological economist, "when we can just bring back the Old-School Theaters of old? Yes, this will lead to 'degrowth' in the short term, but it will bring our economy on a more sustainable and competitive footing, and will create jobs."

While this will help alleviate the worst of the resource shortages, many people view the "Grand Service Revolution" as a form of backdoor austerity, a policy that Europeans were forced to undergo after the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Yet it would seem that the other alternatives to dealing with Maher's Hope are just as bad, if not worse ...
Excerpt from Longer Apollo Investment's Editorial
"... We therefore commend the Workers Union of MH for both their unwavering solidarity as well as their patience and willingness to reach compromise with the Lunar Corporation. The relationship between the capitalist and the laborer need not be an adversarial one: Rather, the optimal relationship is one of a give-and-take...

...An overambitious capitalist is wont to take on the role of oppressor, seeking personal profit at the expense of all else. However, at the other extreme of ambition the capitalist becomes a wastrel. The laborer faces a similar balancing act between the extremes of slave and usurper. It is only through patience and compromise that we can hope to prevail. Some prosperity must be sacrificed in the name of human dignity, and Vice Versa..."

Oct 7, 2003

I'm joining the game as:

Horizons Security
Commander/CEO: Alexander Fenn/AndItsAllGone
Description: Private Security Firm led by former capitalist revolutionary
Forces: 100 well-armed, well-trained soldiers

Sad Banana
Sep 7, 2011
ooc: Gonna have to leave this game due to time constraints. Good luck everyone!

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007

Just a reminder, turn is due tonight.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

OOC: So, Lunar Corp, did you accept my offer? I need to know.

Apr 9, 2010
College Slice
OOC: The offer is accepted. Welcome aboard.

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

OOC: Thank you very much. I'll make a post about it tomorrow because right now I am really tired.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007

Hey guys, I'm swamped with finals. I'll try and get the turn out late thursday/friday.

Umbilical Lotus
Nov 12, 2005

"... Kyle Warington, Jun Chu Wei, Amelia Ya, Xiobe Yado, Lois Yakesh, Ryan Yarling, Renee Yarling, Annika Yesiya, Suri Zaman. Would the parents, guardians, or next-of-kin of the following children please contact the the International White Owl as soon as possible. Your children are safe and awaiting pick-up. I repeat: Would the parents, guardians or next-of-kin responsible for the care of the following children please contact the International White Owl as soon as possible: Charity Abbasi, Connor Andras, Isobel Andras, Victoria Best..."

This message is repeated every hour on all public channels. It seems to get a little longer every time.

((take the time you need, we'll be waiting in anxiety))

Apr 18, 2009
The administration is understandably shortstaffed and disoriented given the recent altercations in the mining sections

Apr 21, 2010

the administration has been unable to care for those in need for quite some time now. stop trying to shift the blame here. when was the last time someone in the slums wasnt hungry?

Jul 29, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.

a bad enough dude posted:

Hey guys, I'm swamped with finals. I'll try and get the turn out late thursday/friday.

any news?

Jul 29, 2010

See them other chickenheads? They don't never leave the coop.