![]() Saeki Fumiko Seeing a particularly confused European in the town center, dressed in an unintentional mockery of traditional Japanese garb, Saeki approaches Marius Klausen as he thumbs through his book and smiles at him. "Sprechen sie Deutsch? Do you speak English? I am Fumiko of the Saeki clan. May I ask your name?"
# ? Mar 31, 2014 23:34 |
![]() Marius Klausen, the Danish Samurai "Hello small cherry tree on top of a mountain! I am Marius Klausen, from the land of Denmark! I am busy trying to beat small children with bamboo sticks, in order to become a samurai, so if you'll excuse me, I have work to do! May you die one thousand deaths at the hands of your worst enemies!" THE LESBIATHAN fucked around with this message at Apr 1, 2014 around 04:47 |
# ? Apr 1, 2014 04:44 |
The following was published by the government of Ezo in the Hakodate Times: Evidence Presented Against Shogun Tokugawa Kamenosuke Exhibit A: Witness testimony Suzu Nakamoto: Nakamoto, a low ranking retainer of the Tokugawa clan, had been detained by authorities in the investigation into the bombing at the Blakiston wedding. After repeated and aggressive interrogation, Nakamoto implicated three fellow retainers in a conspiracy to harm foreigners at the Blakiston wedding by planting a bomb under the tent and detonating it during the ceremony. He claims the orders came directly from the shogun with no intermediaries, and he followed the orders as any underling should. This witness is under heavy protection, and represents the strongest witness against the shogun. Kinzo Takashita: Takashita claims to have sold large quantities of fertilizer and other potentially explosive materials from his large farming estate to a man claiming to be a "large landowner" from somewhere near Lake Ozuna (the location of the Shogun's budding castle complex). The bomb utilized at the wedding could have been constructed with such materials. Aoki Fumiko: Fumiko claims that the young shogun boasted to her of "a great calamity soon to befall the foreign devils" some weeks before the wedding, as she joined his harem of young women and men as part of his daily pleasure harem. Tomoaki Okuda: Okuda claims to have seen some men burying something in the night, approximately 8 days before the wedding, in the location where the tent would be. As groundskeeper, Okuda approached the men, and was told that foundation was being laid for the future tent sight, and did not question the samurai who were above his rank. Exhibit B: Security Clearance The government of Ezo claims that the Shogun and his family represent the only party, other than the English, that could have had access to the wedding to the extent necessary to store the explosives. This is due to the enhanced security brought to the wedding by Blakiston and his British allies. The Shogun and his followers did not need to follow the strict protocol, and those bearing the seal of the Tokugawa clan could largely ignore the checks and searches, as well as curfews, imposed at the wedding site. Exhibit C: Attempted coverup Shortly after the incident, someone attempted to disturb the crime scene by disturbing the dirt surrounding the suspected area in which the bomb was buried. The government contends that this was an attempt to coverup the bomb's location, and make the dirt disturbed in such a way that would obscure the bomb's location. This was not particularly effective. Of the three accused by Suzu Nakamoto of being a part of the conspiracy to harm the Blakistons, two of them are now dead. Both were found drowned in the sea shortly after the Blakiston incident. The third is currently missing. The government contends that this is no accident. Exhibit D: Role of Sadaaki and Naritami? Interrogation of those involved in the Sadaaki led mob lead to three confessions of guilt, in which they admitted to their desire to harm Blakiston and his wedding guests. Sadaaki has thus far been unabashed in his anti-foreigner rhetoric, though no direct evidence linking him to the bombing plot could be found. The raid on the Tokugawa estate revealed no evidence of any further cooperation by elites or leaders within the Tokugawa household, including chamberlain Naritami or any of the shogun's young siblings. Whether this is due to the concerted effort to conceal evidence, as seen by the absence of records or notes pertaining to the wedding, is unclear. Motive? The one weakness in the prosecution is the motive. While Blakiston claims that this plot was hatched to secure his fortune for the Tokugawa family, no other evidence has substantiated this motive. The witness claim no knowledge of why the Shogun might have ordered the bombing. It is also unclear whether Blakiston's fortune could even have passed into Tokugawa hands in the event of his death.
# ? Apr 2, 2014 14:14 |
This evidence is circumstantial at best, and clearly forged at worst. The shogun doesn't even have a harem. FYI having the key witness be someone who's been tortured until he told investigators the lies they wanted to hear is a great start. Namtab fucked around with this message at Apr 2, 2014 around 14:52 |
# ? Apr 2, 2014 14:47 |
The shogun has passed a note to his guards, to be used as evidence to debunk this theory.quote:Suzu Nakamoto: Nakamoto, a low ranking retainer of the Tokugawa clan, had been detained by authorities in the investigation into the bombing at the Blakiston wedding. After repeated and aggressive interrogation, Nakamoto implicated three fellow retainers in a conspiracy to harm foreigners at the Blakiston wedding by planting a bomb under the tent and detonating it during the ceremony. He claims the orders came directly from the shogun with no intermediaries, and he followed the orders as any underling should. This witness is under heavy protection, and represents the strongest witness against the shogun. quote:My friends, it is well known that under torture and duress, men will say anything to alleviate their own personal torment. Are we to rely on the testimony of a man that would of implicated his own grandmother if only to ease his suffering. The torture itself illustrates yet more dark and underhanded tactics used by the Government to facilitate their nefarious goals. Surely if the man wished to serve to condemn me he would of approached you as a friend and equal under the law. The fact that you must resort to underhanded and brutal gangster tactics to deal with a "witness" only illustrates the depravity of the forces that hold me a political prisoner. quote:Aoki Fumiko: Fumiko claims that the young shogun boasted to her of "a great calamity soon to befall the foreign devils" some weeks before the wedding, as she joined his harem of young women and men as part of his daily pleasure harem. Let us start with a reading from a dictionary, as im sure the morons who think this fallacious plot will succeed, have no grasp of grammar. Calamity: an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster. Damage: injury or harm that reduces value or usefulness My friends what I told my cute little concubine was only about my sexual conquests of a foreign woman, whom arrived for the wedding. I was planning to take her womanhood, and that is the calamity that would occur. A sudden damage to her hymen would strip her virginity and leave her with less value in marriage. Surely it is not out of place to give a but of hyperbole concerning my sexual conquests to my concubines? quote:Tomoaki Okuda: Okuda claims to have seen some men burying something in the night, approximately 8 days before the wedding, in the location where the tent would be. As groundskeeper, Okuda approached the men, and was told that foundation was being laid for the future tent sight, and did not question the samurai who were above his rank. I will address the actions of these samurai, under attempted cover up. quote:Exhibit C: Attempted coverup Both of these facets of evidence seem to suggest one thing to me. A group of rouge samurai, ronin had become displeased with the shogunate allowing one of its daughters to marry the white man. Sadly they took matters into their own hands, and latter upon realizing they had killed the wrong person, they became ashamed to betray their shogun in such a way. Ritual seppuku remained that last way for them to regain honor, so they sought to kill themselves to find honor, explaining the deaths and the disappearances. perhaps they even robbed me of my fertilizer to accomplish the heinous act. These may have been the samurai whom constructed the tent, and had security clearance to the wedding which only further explains why they took seppuku over dishonor after abusing the Tokugawa name for selfish interest. quote:Exhibit D: Role of Sadaaki and Naritami? How the hell is finding no evidence evidence to try me on? quote:Motive? So the people whom would see my gone have no motive for why I would slay my sister. Interesting as we have plenty of motives for why they would falsely have me arrested and imprisoned, such as to remove a political opponent.
# ? Apr 2, 2014 15:14 |
Supreme Court Judge Takeshi Kitano![]() 756x976 Hello, since the Chief Supreme Court Judge Takenaka Shigekata has been busy as of late. I will most likely have the honor of presiding over the case.
# ? Apr 2, 2014 15:19 |
![]() Jules Brunet Special Adviser to the President, Private Military Contractor, Businessman, Actual Commodore, Believer in Bootstraps, Haver of Private Conversations Hey Francois, come look at this manifesto! The prisoner tried to pass it to a guard not loyal to him, not really his best idea. Certainly has an inflated sense of his own manhood, non? As if any foreign lady would be satisfied with the smallness of his "little shogun."
# ? Apr 2, 2014 15:20 |
No RICE, NO LIFE Scrawled in red paint outside the finance ministry
# ? Apr 2, 2014 16:38 |
Horace Capron![]() Now, there is a thing that should be mentioned. We are under an ultimatum, and have been given terms. I believe these terms are unacceptable, and we should fully reject them, and prepare for war.
# ? Apr 2, 2014 17:08 |
Kasuga Saemon (S)![]() Letter to President Enomoto posted:Sir, enclosed here is my proposed plan for the defense of our Republic. I trust it will meet your approval. We are, all of us, prepared to do our duty for the Republic, sir. On the Future of Ezo posted:Men! Soldiers! My Brothers!
# ? Apr 2, 2014 17:15 |
![]() With the presentation of the evidence, we come to a crossroads. As President, it is my job to ensure that the nation remains on the right course, by choosing that course which I think best serves the people. First, our lack of financial structure in my mind can be placed firmly upon our Finance Minister, Nagai Naoyuki, who I am forced to remove from his position immediately. His open revolt against samurai stipends and defeatism in wishing to unify with the Meiji can not be allowed to stand as part of this government. His replacement will be Matsudaira Naritami, who will be shifted from the Education Minister position. The Education Minister position will be filled by Kasuga Saemon. I request that our new finance minister prepare a budget for the upcoming term which will allow our army and navy to defend Ezo from the Meiji, there is no greater necessity. I also request that our new Education Minister prepare a plan to improve the minds of young Ezoites and standardize and streamline our education system from primary to tertiary education. Next, regarding peace with the Meiji. The demand that we turn over sovereign Ezo territory to a foreign power, renege on our treaties, and pay an indemnity despite not having been the cause of this war are outrageous assaults upon our honor. Ezo is an independent nation with dignity and face, we will not draw back in the face of Meiji aggression. Let their armies attempt the crossing, they shall be dashed upon the rock of Bear Island. As for the Shogun, we will be proceeding with a trial based on the evidence we have gathered. Due to the sensitive political nature of this trial, it will be closed to the public and held in a secret location, yet we shall report the full and uncensored proceedings daily in the newspapers so that the citizens will have a full view of what is going on. In light of his support for the Shogun's position, I nominate Nagai Naoyuki to serve as the defense counsel for the Shogun, however this is purely a voluntary service and he may refuse if he wishes. If he will not take the position, some other volunteer will need to be found, otherwise we shall nominate a student from the Tokugawa Law School to serve as the Shogun's lawyer. I would like to recognize the excellent work of the Army Minister, Kasuga Saemon, and the Vice President in preparing a plan of defense for the nation. Men of the Army and the Navy, your strength and courage are the base of this nation, your courage shows us all to be little more than squabbling politicians, but we shall attempt to do right by you. I also offer up the following bill, for the adoption of a new flag of Ezo, representing our clear independence from the Meiji cowards and tyrants. Bill 8-1 posted:The following flag shall be adopted as the official flag of the Republic of Ezo. In opposition to Meiji Japan, we shall adopt red as the primary color, with a white sun occupying the center, along with a black triskelion, a traditional symbol of the samurai clans.
# ? Apr 2, 2014 17:25 |
![]() Nagai Naoyuki, Daimyo, Samurai, Artist I accepted this as an eventuality and, I am at peace with this. The differences between I and the President are not solvable at this time and I don't think my idea's serve much use for his government. I believe in time he will find my ideas to not be so strange and someday I believe we will have a whole Japan that can consider itself strong in the face of increasing foreign interest. A Japan that is both economically and socially stable, and strong. I would like to aid in the Shoguns defense, I intend to hire the finest defense lawyers in Ezo to defend their Shogun. However we have no contact with the Shogun or anyway to talk to him privately, how will we properly defend our client without a chance to talk to him and time to find witnesses in his defense? Stalin-Chan fucked around with this message at Apr 2, 2014 around 21:20 |
# ? Apr 2, 2014 17:37 |
![]() Emperor Meiji UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD It is our hope That all the world's oceans Be joined in peace, So why do the winds and waves Now rise up in angry rage? Prepare thyselves, insects.
# ? Apr 2, 2014 21:27 |
![]() 433x600 Tsukinoeaino, Chief, Daimyo. The Great Tanuki spirit has come to me in a vision. In it, Tanuki and myself were seated around a large empty table. I felt a deep and abiding hunger. After a long time, a man walked in. He was wild eyed and dirty, but Tanuki invited him to sit with us. When he sat down a strange thing happened. Food a drink began to appear on the table. Not any ordinary food, but the rarest and most speaking delicacies. I looked up and suddenly the man had become clean and well dressed. I only then recognized him as Thomas Crusoe. It is my interpretation that Thomas Crusoe is somehow important to the prosperity of the Ainu. So, I have decided that Thomas Crusoe is under Ainu protection as long as he is on our land.. We demand the Shinsengumi leave the area around his tree fort.
# ? Apr 3, 2014 05:19 |
Fall Sick and Die posted:As for the Shogun, we will be proceeding with a trial based on the evidence we have gathered. Due to the sensitive political nature of this trial, it will be closed to the public and held in a secret location, yet we shall report the full and uncensored proceedings daily in the newspapers so that the citizens will have a full view of what is going on. In light of his support for the Shogun's position, I nominate Nagai Naoyuki to serve as the defense counsel for the Shogun, however this is purely a voluntary service and he may refuse if he wishes. If he will not take the position, some other volunteer will need to be found, otherwise we shall nominate a student from the Tokugawa Law School to serve as the Shogun's lawyer. Naturally the president holds the shogun in a secret location, unable to communicate with his defence team or the outside world in general. Why are so many people turning a blind eye to the president's "justice". It could be you next.
# ? Apr 3, 2014 05:28 |
Matsumae Takahiro![]() Fall Sick and Die posted:His open revolt against samurai stipends and defeatism in wishing to unify with the Meiji can not be allowed to stand as part of this government. His replacement will be Matsudaira Naritami, who will be shifted from the Education Minister position. The Education Minister position will be filled by Kasuga Saemon. This is... baffling to say the least. As the current Minister of Education, I already prepared the model school and curriculum as a preparation for a widespread reform. It seems that now I'm going to be replaced in the middle of making sweeping changes to Ezo education system? To make the matter worse, by a well-known Christian? I have not heard any objections to my activities - neither before, nor after this announcement. May I know the reason of such a sudden dismissal?
# ? Apr 3, 2014 07:32 |
BrainParasite posted:
Ataman Hijikata Toshizō, The Demon of the Shinsengumi ![]() He has a tree fort? Well, I've been more than sympathetic to the Ainu so as long as he stays within Ainu territory he is your responsibility, but once he steps outside, we will arrest him.
# ? Apr 3, 2014 11:21 |
![]() 405x405 -Letter addressed to Nagai Naoyuki- To my colleague at this pressing time. Honored friend, I wish it to be known in private if not in public that I am sorry you have been removed from office. I had assumed when I heard rumors of a reshuffle that we would merely be exchanging stations. I am hurt and distressed to find that you have been entirely removed from the business of government. I would still value your opinions, even if I do not agree with them, on the finer points of finance within our lands. Blessings upon your house. Signed, Matsudaira Naritami
# ? Apr 3, 2014 14:11 |
Gantolandon posted:Matsumae Takahiro OOC: This is awkward, I had a brain problem and thought that the other guy was the current Education Minister. I will fix this when I get back from work today.
# ? Apr 3, 2014 14:20 |
Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President![]() I find it ironic the shogun's supporters are complaining about his arrest, however his regent still controls a private militia in clear violation of the militia regulation act.
# ? Apr 3, 2014 19:17 |
![]() 1280x1084 Mutō Kiichi and Crew, "Ace" attorneys hired by the Shogun http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=7253496 Stalin-Chan fucked around with this message at Apr 3, 2014 around 21:45 |
# ? Apr 3, 2014 21:02 |
Stalin-Chan posted:
![]() Jules Brunet Special Adviser to the President, Private Military Contractor, Businessman, Actual Commodore, Believer in Bootstraps, Knower of Things Perhaps the Shogun would like to hire someone who is currently still not in law school?
# ? Apr 3, 2014 21:16 |
![]() Mutō Kiichi, attorney to the shoguns. I think you will find sir I am quite an experienced defense lawyer, and NOT in law school. Stalin-Chan fucked around with this message at Apr 3, 2014 around 21:44 |
# ? Apr 3, 2014 21:30 |
![]() Ayasato Mayoi, co-counsel for the Shogun You should probably mention that keeping us from seeing the Shogun before the trial violates Ezo's 6th amendment, Kiichi. Stalin-Chan fucked around with this message at Apr 3, 2014 around 21:45 |
# ? Apr 3, 2014 21:42 |
Stalin-Chan posted:
Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President ![]() As I mentioned before, the Shogun's regent is illegally in control of a private militia which represents a clear danger to public safety. Were he to publicly relinquish control of this militia to the Army we could then talk about seeing him. Jenkem Delivery fucked around with this message at Apr 4, 2014 around 06:30 |
# ? Apr 4, 2014 06:18 |
Colonel Wood posted:Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President "If the regent stops breaking the law, we will too" -The Nationalist Party, unironically
# ? Apr 4, 2014 08:16 |
Colonel Wood posted:Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President ![]() Mutō Kiichi, attorney to the shoguns. Aside from the fact that it's irrelevant, i'm pretty sure the regent's militia is perfectly legal, nobody else seems to be claiming it is illegal. Which part of that law is he violating?
# ? Apr 4, 2014 08:54 |
![]() Jules Brunet Special Adviser to the President, Private Military Contractor, Businessman, Actual Commodore, Believer in Bootstraps, Amateur Lawyer I imagine this part: The Law posted:All local militias in Ezo report directly to the normal Army Command structure and are under the control of the Army Minister. By raising a militia loyal to himself alone, the shogun directly violated the duly passed law of Ezo.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 08:57 |
Matsudaira Naritami Does yours do this mister Brunet? I fully intend to have any people within the guards of the matsudaira family and the republic answer to army officers, but at the moment their training and equipment cannot solely be handled by the central government, which is why I am stepping in to help at this time. Rest assured I will make sure to speak to all concerned parties, but I must be going. The young shogun kept a harem that I am now in the process of finding actual jobs for. (OOC: going to be away for a little while, but please let me defend myself against these blandishments soon)
# ? Apr 4, 2014 09:42 |
Namtab posted:"If the regent stops breaking the law, we will too" Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President ![]() Because giving the location of the Shogun to people who have an elite trained private army and a healthy disregard for the law is a brilliant idea. You bring dishonor to your party with your ignorance. Also Mr. Brunet's forces have always been in compliance even before the law was passed. As to your point with guards, a contingent of personal security is one thing, however as I previously mentioned the Shogun has raised and trained a private army and his regent refuses to comply with the law. OOC this isn't conjecture its clearly stated in the turn
# ? Apr 4, 2014 10:13 |
![]() Jules Brunet Special Adviser to the President, Private Military Contractor, Businessman, Actual Commodore, Believer in Bootstraps, Follower of Laws Yes, in fact - MSF reports to me, I report to the government, all in accordance with the law. Please do not feel as though I am accusing you of a crime, my dear sir, I have every faith you plan to bring the militia you head into accordance with the law. The criminal youth now in government custody is ultimately responsible, as he is for so many other things.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 10:15 |
![]() Joining as Ooka Tametomo, acting High Judge of the Ezo Supreme Court. Sitting High Judge Takenaka Shigekata (QPQ) has gone missing in a "hunting accident" and as senior associate justice, it is his duty to replace him until Shigekata returns or is declared dead. Once High Judge Tanenaka is declared dead, the President will need to appoint a permanent replacement for High Judge. Tametomo is an older samurai and was a member of the Republican faction. It is unknown whether or not he has adopted the Nationalist Party moniker. He also is a desecedent of Ooka Tadasuke. (This has the approval of MaxRob, also I'll email from gridland2006@gmail.com) Paper With Lines fucked around with this message at Apr 4, 2014 around 12:45 |
# ? Apr 4, 2014 11:11 |
![]() 345x372 Thomas Blakiston It appears that there is some confusion over whether the militia law applies to Militaires Sans Frontières, even by my partner and its commander, Monsieur Brunet. The law in question does not and never has applied to MSF. MSF is not a militia, as it is not composed of non-professional soldiers. It is a private corporation that happens to provide military and security services, delivered by professional soldiers. Furthermore, it is composed largely of foreign nationals, not of citizens of Ezo, and is wholly owned and operated by myself and Monsieur Brunet, both of whom are foreign citizens. No reasonable definition of "militia" would include MSF, nor can it be said that it would be reasonable to extend the meaning of the law to include it. Of course, all of this is largely a moot point, as MSF is currently employed by the government of Ezo and has thus been integrated into its command structure. I simply wish to clarify the state of the law.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 13:08 |
so we can have a private army, we just can't call it a militia.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 15:59 |
Stalin-Chan posted:so we can have a private army, we just can't call it a militia. Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President ![]() Uhhh no. Mr. Blakiston appears to have imbibed a bit too much before making hia statement. Foreign soldiers do fall under the militia regulation laws. Regardless his and Mr. Brunet's forces do report to the appropriate government officials as required in the law.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 17:23 |
![]() 433x600 Tsukinoeaino, Chief, Daimyo. I have no particular financial or political interest in the outcome of the case. If both sides find it agreeable, I could carry messages to and from the Shogun.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 18:10 |
![]() 345x372 Thomas Blakiston I am unsure as to why the Vice President would believe that a private corporation registered in the United Kingdom and operating in multiple countries could possibly be considered a domestic militia within Ezo. Such an interpretation is clearly at odds with basic common sense, even putting aside the obvious and incontrovertible fact that militias are composed of non-professional soldiers. Are my private bodyguards also to be considered a militia? What about my trading company? Perhaps you wish to declare the British Army subject to the law as well? Please, spare us such absurdities. If the government wishes to pass a new law or expand the existing one to cover mercenaries, that would naturally be within its right, but I don't see why it would wish to do so. Militaires San Frontières is currently under contract with the Republic of Ezo; threatening its status in this way is both unnecessary and unwise.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 19:16 |
Maximo Roboto posted:Action Points for Turn 6 Just a reminder that orders are due in about two hours. You'll probably have all day tomorrow to turn them in anyways, so don't fret if you can't get them in tonight.
# ? Apr 4, 2014 19:20 |
![]() Ooka Tametomo, acting High Judge of the Ezo Supreme Court, Samurai Several things to address: We all pray that High Judge Takenaka Shigekata survives his unfortunate hunting accident. He seems to be in rough shape as of this moment, having been grievously wounded while facing down a gigantic wild boar. Shall the worst happen, the President will need to nominate a replacement High Judge. At this moment, since the High Judge still lives is incapacitated, I am acting High Judge as senior most associate justice. (This is all approved by maxrob). Second, while there have been several developments involving a conflict between the President and Shogun, it is not the role of the Ezo High Court to weigh into an issue while it is still at the trial stage. The facts of a case must be ruled upon by lower court judges before Constitutional issues may be addressed. There very well may be constitutional issues concerning the criminal case involving the Shogun, but until the case has an outcome at the trial level, it remains a criminal case. It is important for both the rule of law and judicial branch for a case to run it's course. To undermine these ideas would undermine the Republic. As it stands now, the High Court will not intervene until, through appeal of an outcome of a criminal case, it reaches the High Court. The High Court does not make this choice lightly. The Republic has had to work through several extremely difficult problems over the last few years. It is with this fact in mind that we make this decision. We must maintain the separation of powers in our Constitutional structure. We must uphold the Rule of Law. We must uphold the constitution. That said, defending our Republic is not only the purview of the Court. It is with the strongest possible advisement that this Court asks all citizens of Ezo, both elected and not, to support the Constitution, and thus the Republic, at all times. Lastly, this Court is still open to hear legal challenges. Judicial Review and Constitutional interpretation are at the heart of the High Court's role in the Constitutional order and ensures proper checks and balances. We relish in this role and encourage all citizens of Ezo to work with us should they feel they have been wronged. Paper With Lines fucked around with this message at Apr 4, 2014 around 20:20 |
# ? Apr 4, 2014 19:42 |
![]() Mutō Kiichi, attorney to the shoguns.' I call for a writ of habeas corpus challenging the constitutionality of The Shoguns detainment. http://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_A1Sec9.html Stalin-Chan fucked around with this message at Apr 4, 2014 around 21:13 |
# ? Apr 4, 2014 21:03 |