![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov Despite the reasonableness of Minister Godwinson's recent statements, it is common knowledge that the "Conclave Christianity" practiced by the Believers is a radical movement, a Dominionist sect. Do I have proof that the new educational facility will be a "Believer Indoctrination Facility"? Of course not, it hasn't been built yet. However, considering how pervasive and dogmatic Conclave Christianity is within the Believers, it is hard to imagine it resulting in any other outcome. At the same time, when considering the key role religion played in the Crusader Wars and the downfall of the United States in the mid 21st century, I hope you can appreciate why I would prefer the role of religion in public be kept to a minimum. All should be free to practice whatever faith they wish, or choose not to, in private of course, but to allow religion to insert itself into the most vital task, the education of the next generation? Madness. I appreciate the offers of Minister Godwinson, and hope to work together in the months to come.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 05:54 |
![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4 - Tom Maroon I personally cannot see the conclave as anything more than the christian denomination of our little endeavour, of no more worry than the peacekeepers or moderates. Other than a desire to breed faster than we can currently support, the Believers have done no evil. Rather, they have been on the defensive for the past quarter. If anything Ms. Zakharov, with all due respect, I feel that your prejudices against the fundamentalists which even Miriam I am sure would agree where the real evil is colouring your opinion of christians as a whole. The conclave have offered to allow your syllabus and teachers, all without your department bearing the cost. In the unlikely event that the school is used to further some evil Christian conspiracy, than you can easily convince the rest of us to place the school under your direct control. But until then, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. EDIT: I have just been informed by my producer that you are infact a man. I frankly, don't believe it. You have the hair, earrings and lack of MANLY facial hair that a man would posses. I demand to see a birth certificate.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 06:19 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov If the good newsman believes the Believers to be your standard Christians, he is less well informed than one would think. The Believer fundamentalism is a matter of record, their Dominionist believes freely espoused. Might I provide an excerpt from a recent report on the Believers? quote:Godwinson and her Believers are the faction most strongly committed to a theocratic state. They hold both democracy and atheistic forms of totalitarianism in disdain... However, as I said, should Minister Godwinson truly wish to abandon her radicalism and work for the advancement of education in this colony, I will be happy to do so. Not this season, I'm afriad, due to the last minute nature of her announcement, but in the months to come. Also, it is Mr. Zakharov. Or Academician. Or Minister. Whatever you like.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 06:28 |
![]() Dr Gafur Banerjee An unpleasant misunderstanding, but I have to admit I too had read CEO Morgan's intention as one to start his own private school system. I did not take him for one to support a state run initiative, and am pleasantly surprised. Still, his contributions are welcomed, though to make sure there is no more confusion, those schools too would be fully administered by the Ministery of Education, correct? As to Sister Godwinson's undertaking, I very much understand an unwillingness to simply throw away many resources and manhours because of a simple misunderstanding. However, I still hope we can come to some kind of agreement. What I wish to avoid is that we'll end up with a situation where all Believers will send their children to your school, while the rest of Planet will send their children to the other school. Partly because this seems like it would increase the divisiveness of humanity, with possible dire consequences in the future. We want people of a myriad of different backgrounds to be educated together, so that we end up a colony with many different factions oppinions, that is still one colony. The schools should be something that unites, rather than divides. Still, if wishes were horses. To be constructive, might I offer some propositions to deal with the quandry. 1: The Ministry of Education could refund the investements the Believer Faction made, plus I think some extra funds for the time Sister Miriam wasted on something caused by a misunderstanding. 2: The schools remain, and all will be managed by the Ministry of Education, but the extracurricular activities Sister Godwinson has planned can still be organized, as, honestly, could any such after school educations by other factions. (Spartan scouts? Young Gaians? Peacekeeper Model UN?) They would be attached to the schools, but done off school property, and done outside of school time and of course without State funds. So rather than running a whole school in one certain base, which I fully acknowledge you would be capable off, you would run an after school program which might be Planet wide, making sure that all people on Chiron can come in contact with the Believer point of view, without one certain area ending up putting all Believers together seperate from their non-Believer peers, which will be the consequence I fear if you run one particular school, considering the respect you have from the Believers Sister Miriam. 3: Miriam's own suggestion. She is certainly capable, and as long as she follows the concept of the schools as a 'neutral ground' meant to advance learning and unity, rather than be a battleground for factional strife, which I have no reason to doubt, I see no reason why she couldn't be an administrator. If it comes to a situtation that she seems to abuse this position, well, we cross that bridge when we get there. But that is something that MIGHT be a conflict, as opposed to something that IS a conflict right now.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 07:47 |
Due to unexpectedly shitty Internet, I won'tbe able to participate in this.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 07:52 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson So Zakharov admits that his own beliefs are founded upon a bias and prejudice against the belief system of Conclave Christianity. What we suspected all along now established itself as undeniable fact. When all of his objections are shown to be worth nothing he instead casts a finger at religion itself. Yes, we certainly have our own ideas about how government should be run, but does that make a difference? He tries to paint us as an outsider-hating, anti-government cult, but I should point out that a full fifty percent of us support the government according to recent polls. Zakharov, a man which the psych records describe as having "poor ethical judgment", has a clear agenda against those with faith. His myopic perspective only extends to a specific segment of the recent past, and he ignores the great contributions that the church has made to knowledge-keeping and learning. If he met the great Thomas Aquinas, I'm sure that Zakharov would spit in his face and belittle the man for being both a believer and a scholar. This is precisely why I decided to create Covenant Academy in the first place: to protect our young from narrow-minded men like Zakharov. People accuse us of being dogmatic brain-washers just because we teach our own beliefs to our children, but I believe the real brain-washer is Zakharov. He, like Yang, is a godless atheist with a clear agenda against 35% of our population. I have been patient with him so far but there is only so long that you can turn the other cheek before you put your foot down. It is clear that Zakharov wants to use public education as a wedge to drive Believers apart from their religion.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 08:56 |
![]() Dr. Richard Hitchens As I feared the Christian fundamentalists have gone over our head and have begun construction on a school when there is no system set in place to regulate such a school and the legality of such a school is still in question. I demand the government halt construction on this project until a consensus on education can be met.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 08:58 |
![]() Academician Prokhor Zakharov Holding a position based on clear and objective facts is neither bias nor prejudice. The Believers seek Theocracy, they seek control, they seek to stamp out independent thought, and to stifle the course of scientific advancement. These are not the product of some University witchhunt, these are objective reports based upon years of observation. Minister Miriam may have retired the old Fire and Brimstone sermons lately, but I maintain the goal remains the same - domination of Planet under her faith. Free thinking people cannot allow such a tragedy. Proudly she states that half the Believers support the government. Should we not be concerned the number is so low?
# ? Apr 3, 2013 09:10 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Look at this two-faced hypocrite. Which one of us is, right now, trying to stamp out independent thought? It is you, Zakharov! You have no right to speak ill of the Believers when you yourself practice the kind of misdeed that you condemn! You have no spine, no moral compass whatsoever, and you abhor those who do. Not only do you turn your back on God and faith, you viciously attack it every chance you get! You are so very typical of the ignorant atheist. You blind yourself, and then you claim that you know about all there is to see! Open your eyes, Zakharov, for you are already trampling on the garden of an angry God! Perhaps if you abandon your self-imposed ignorance and repent you may possibly see the miracles God has to offer and may yet save yourself from the fires of Hell! Wake up before you find yourself in the clutches of the Devil with no means of escape!
# ? Apr 3, 2013 09:24 |
![]() Dr. Richard Hitchens There is no hypocrisy here; we simply can see the conflict of interest between education and a religion which preaches against education. Of course in our public schools we can teach children about your religion in a secular context as part of a critical thinking class. So I see no hypocrisy here.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 09:38 |
![]() Dr Gafur Banerjee People, please, I ask of you, calm down. Many of our worldviews are entirely incompatible, and it is clear many of us do not trust one another. Sad but true. But noone is going to be aided by throwing invective around. Unless we want to forego any kind of Unity and just repeat all the misakes of old earth and start to kill eachother, we're going to have to do it together. We have a large amount of people that follow Sister Godwinson and her faith, we have another large amount of people who fear Miriam will instill theocracy. We can lament these things, and say they are irrational or unjust. But they are the facts as they are, and we'll have to work with them. Nothing good will come of this exchange, not a single colonist will be fed, not a single child will be taught. Let us save these things for speeches and articles. The people of Planet look at us now and don't expect grand declarations. They expect solid policy. Now, moving away from the general discussion, let us stick with the concreteness. Sister Godwinson has invested in a lot of things because of a misunderstanding. But it's generally considered problematic for the Believers to run their schools, even following the general curriculum, because of fear of her influence. My proposal is that the schools she has started will be run under the auspices of the ministry of education, rather than under Sister Godwinson. I acknowledge her great skill in leading people, but it is perhaps because of that skills people are worried about this. Of course, we acknowledge the fact that this community will profit from investements the Believers had made under the assumption they would be able to run it themselves. They will be given fair recompense for the resources and time they put in. I propose, off the cuff, the amount of resources we estimate to have spent to build a similiar school, plus a 15% surplus for the lost opportunities. Might I ask the Believers what amount of energy they have spent on their project? However, we also acknowledge that the factions, Believer or otherwise, play a role in our culture. I would say that as long as it happens without public funds, not organized by school employees and of course not on school time, factions could organize their own after school activities. Even using the infrastructure present in the schools. After all, space is always at a premium. Sister Miriam mentioned bible study, which is a perfectly good example. But all factions, and other faiths or political leanings or just hobbies can have their own after school activities. Would this be acceptable to all?
# ? Apr 3, 2013 15:45 |
Shogeton posted:
![]() Dr. Richard Hitchens I find this reasonable.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 16:40 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Your words of compromise sound pleasant on the surface, but I'm going to have to correct a few general statements you made that just are incorrect. First, you said: Shogeton posted:We have a large amount of people that follow Sister Godwinson and her faith, we have another large amount of people who fear Miriam will instill theocracy. This implies that we represent roughly equal portions of the population. Zakharov and his academics represent only four percent of the population. If you include Yang and his "purge all the irrationals" nonsense, that bumps it up to sixteen percent. But these together are less than half of the thirty-five percent who follow Conclave Christianity. This is something that must be addressed. Shogeton posted:Sister Godwinson has invested in a lot of things because of a misunderstanding. But it's generally considered problematic for the Believers to run their schools, even following the general curriculum, because of fear of her influence. That aside, I am not entirely opposed to a compromise here, provided Zakharov apologize and admit that his attitude towards the Lord's Believers is unreasonable, and that he pledges not to let his prejudice against the faith influence his policies. Also the time, effort, and land use provided by the Believers and myself is worth a payment of at least 25% extra. I budgeted eight million kilowatt-hour credits, so the payment I would need would be a full ten million. If this can be arranged, then I think that a sale of the school building can be worked out. As an aside, I think this issue highlights the dire need for a constitution which guarantees the protection of rights such as Freedom of Religious Expression. That should probably be the next issue we tackle, so that we can get this "purge the irrationals" and "Believers want to brainwash us all" business out of public policy.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 16:42 |
![]() Sheng-Ji Yang Minister of Security Only the blind do not see the intent of these "Believers." To compromise with them is to surrender to backwardness and theocracy. To liberally tiptoe around the threat only strengthens it. Belief with no evidence, faith without cause, it has ruined one planet and it will not ruin this one while I have the duty to secure it. The only enlightenment is through submission to and embracement of the greater will, not empty idols. One either achieves this enlightenment or stands in the way. We will push them out of the way.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 16:44 |
![]() Dr. Richard Hitchens I see no point for an apology; the interest of educators will forever be at conflict with your belief structure and there is no way around it. I believe payment will be compensation enough for the work you put into the school. On another note I still recommend an article to be included in our constitution when it is drafted that would cement the separation of church and state; and by extension education. Keep religion in the home and church.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 17:09 |
Dierdre Skye![]() It seems that what contributed to the problems on earth was not faith, not belief, but intolerance and the insistence that everyone share our beliefs. Can not we learn from the failings of earth, and adopt a policy of tolerance? Planet is big enough, after all, to contain a multitude of ideas. I may not agree with Sister Miriam's Christianity or Minister Yang's atheism, but they have the right to those beliefs. All I ask is that they respect my right to my beliefs in return. So let us remember Earth and not enforce our beliefs on each other. Please, no more talk of pushing each other aside.
# ? Apr 3, 2013 19:35 |
![]() Dr. Mohammed Steiner Adventurer, Collector, Explorer, Film-Maker, Xeno-Biologist. Though not a formal part of the planetary government in any form, Dr. Steiner is one of the most active explorers of the new and dangerous Planet. He seeks financing for his bold expeditions to uncover the secrets and vistas of mankind's new home. His breakthrough documentary "Into the Mindworm Plains" has been a success amongst Xeno-Biology and B-Film enthusiasts alike, though it has been subject to critics who consider it "sensationalistic" and marked with "an absolute disregard for the suffering and death of fellow citizens". The later is factually incorrect, as 0.173% of the profits were given to the families of the poor interns who sacrificed themselves for science, showing the doctor's great concern for his entourage.
# ? Apr 4, 2013 03:21 |
Sooo... Cardinal, any news on an update?
# ? Apr 5, 2013 12:14 |
# ? Apr 5, 2013 12:52 |
This game is not dead! If I don't get the turn done by Sunday, 12:00 AM EST, ban me. ![]()
# ? Apr 5, 2013 12:56 |
Cardinal Ximenez posted:This game is not dead! ![]() Dr. Mohammed Steiner Do so, or I will crush you.
# ? Apr 5, 2013 13:22 |
I have faith in you. God speed.
# ? Apr 5, 2013 13:34 |
Stalin-Chan posted:I have faith in you. God speed. ![]()
# ? Apr 5, 2013 13:37 |
Cardinal Ximenez posted:This game is not dead! Our hero...
# ? Apr 5, 2013 13:58 |
Cardinal Ximenez posted:This game is not dead! Please don't go. The Drones need you. They look up to you.
# ? Apr 5, 2013 23:42 |
EVENTS FOR TURN 1 (MY 2150 January - March) - The weather on Planet is mild, at least by its standards, and the few storms that break out near human civilization are easily kept under control. - A few mind worm attacks are reported, but no casualties. The boils do not seem to be expanding any faster than normal. - A massive oil deposit is discovered under Garland Crater. ![]() - Instead of immediately exploiting the discovery to power current projects, the Planetary Government begins stockpiling rechargable energy cells for the explicit purpose of future intervention in the global energy market. The burdgeoning financial corporations of Planet feel much more secure. - Civil servants at Waldheim Base discover that several roadways have 'accidently' been allocated far more money than projected, but are still uncomplete. The base is forced to cut back on services to rectify this discrepancy. ![]() - Thieves attempt to steal Pablo Picasso's painting "Dora Maar au Chat" from the Unity Museum, but are easily thwarted by local police. The painting was smuggled onboard along with Morgan (as part of his personal collection), and is one of the few art objects originally from Earth on Planet. No word on a potential motive is given. - A misplaced explosive injures 7 workers and kills 5 during the construction of the Freshwater Sea Canal in New Panama. The local population is angered, and only the intervention of Morgan Security goons prevents a riot. - Former Chief Programmer of the Unity 'Sinder Roze' has developed an elaborate bulletin board system for her followers. "alt.d4t4" has quickly become the Datalinks largest forum, covert or otherwise. Popular subforums include /pol/, which currently is up in arms about "Peak Believers", and /yang/, where members claim to be part of the Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard. It is nearly impossible to distinguish between those acting ironically and confused members of the Hive, but the Bayesian moderation system somehow manages to track down (and ban) IPs coming from the Ministry of Security. - Planetary Governor Lal launches a massive, multi-million kilowatt-hour campaign to promote the transition to a free, democratic government. Moderates flock to the ubiquitous rallies and holoposters. Detractors think it is a veiled attempt at self-promotion. - Support for the Governor increases tremendously. ![]() - Orders for a variety of obscure electronic components are sent out from Cape Zakharov. The Datalinks are brimming with rumors about their purpose, with guesses as wild as EM sterilization weapons to cold fusion. - The actual purpose is revealed by the end of the month, as plans for an advanced supercomputer are leaked to alt.d4t4. The builder is apparently Annikki Luttinen. The consensus seems to be that she is working on some sort of artificial intelligence project... - Minister Zakharov announces a new initiative to study the connection between the human brain and body, personally financed by himself. While the official line is that it is for medical purposes, more paranoid elements believe he is looking into mind control. - Their fears are not calmed by the revelation of his new project, a cheaper, smaller 'psych implant'. While used occasionally as far back as 21st century Earth, these cybernetic devices regulate emotion and mood to coorespond with 'normal' ranges, in a far more effective and precise manner than pharmaceuticals. - A strange man, smiling and standing for an entire day outside a research facility becomes a meme on the Datalinks. 'Yanggate': ![]() - Yang proposes reshuffling the Ministry of Security's hierarchy to purge 'corrupt elements'. - The 'elements' in question wiretap Yang's office. - Yang's proposal is considered, but the paucity of replacement candidates makes it difficult to immediately implement. - Yang reportedly finds an anonymous memorandum on his desk, accusing him of trying to make a power grab. - Yang discovers the wiretap, on one of his routine inspections. He denounces this 'act of sedition' and offers amnesty to the parties if they resign. - Several resignations come in, all ostensibly for non-wiretapping related reasons. - Internal Affairs launches an official investigation into the wiretapping. In reality, the investigation seems to be more about Yang's activities. - Yang releases a discovered memorandum from the Internal Affairs division, detailing their actual actions. It is heavily redacted, leading some to comment that there is significant evidence condemning Yang. The investigation is cancelled, and the Director of Internal Affairs resigns. - In a press conference, the former Director suggests an investigation into how Yang discovered the (classified) Internal Affairs document. Yang dismisses this idea as "absurd". Battle of the Education Plans: - Spun off from the population debate is an interesting question: how is Planet going to modernize its education system? A number of plans are proposed. - Dr. Gafur Banerjee, a fairly unknown psi researcher, proposes an integrated curriculum of STEM and comparative philosophy and religion. The curriculum is praised for its multicultural appeal, but it remains obscure outside of a few parts of the Datalinks. - Zakharov proposes a much more well-backed (and verbose) plan, which focuses even more extremely on STEM. The plan is percieved as faster-paced then Banerjee's (by the few that have read both), and perhaps less forgiving to the lower half of the percentile curve. - Morgan announces a plan for a private school, but the project seems to linger in development hell. ![]() - Minister Godwinson decides to up the ante and orders the construction of "Covenant Academy", a private Christian grade school headed by Godwinson herself. The academy is constructed and opened within a month, despite some opposition. Whether the school meets the government's standards remains to be seen, once the government settles on a curriculum. - The choice of curriculum is delayed pending adoption of a constitution, as ordered directly by John Garland. His office makes a statement urging the ministers to "settle on a means of democratic and fair decision-making before implementing statues". - Arthur Donaldson generously donates funds to found 'Together', a family planning and day care center in New Panama. His actions are appreciated by the community, especially the grieving widows of the Canal Disaster, who are given lifetime free care for their children. The Free Drones are publicly lauded by the Base Manager. ![]() - Santiago announces a new training regimen for the 1st Army Division based off of the (classical) Spartan concept of 'agoge'. Her Laconophilia is subject of many jokes throughout the ranks, but troop effectiveness is increasing. ![]() - The Ministry of Ecology announces it is making a "comprehensive" study of Chiron and its ecosystem. The task ends up taxing most of the Ministry's budget, forcing it to cut back on detailed inspections of environmental impact. Minister Skye, who backed the initiative with her own funds, states in an interview that she hopes the benefits of the survey will outweigh its costs. - Rumors abound that Morgan Industries is about to make a major series of purchases in the energy sector. - At a quarterly meeting, however, the CEO states that he has assessed the conditions of the market, and that purchasing now would be ineffective, citing the unresolved constitutional issues and the skyrocketing price of rival companies due to the Garland Crater deposit. His plans will have to wait for another day. - Over 200 prisoners from around Planet have abruptly disappeared. The Human Rights office has not yet issued a statement. - The Free Drones begin training "community outreach liasons". Numerous businesses in New Panama unionize. - Santiago's Spartanization campaign continues with the attempted implementation of transforming squadrons into career-length "syssitia". Officers lash out at this plan, which they claim highly limits their ability to be flexible. The plan is quietly cancelled before the hierarchy revolts. ![]() - UBC4 broadcasts a thrilling 'docu-drama', "On the Wings of an Angel". The plot concerns an artificial intelligence experiment allegedly performed by Annikki Luttinen over the course of the Unity's forty-year voyage. The pre-sentient algorithm that she runs gradually evolves over time and solves the mysteries of the universe until he (yes, he) discovers his mastery of psychic powers. The AI detects that debris will crash into the Unity, and redirects the course of the spacecraft out of the way (opposed by the Unity's anachronistically anthropomorphic sassy security AI, played by a synthesized actor that alt.d4t4 is certain is based off of sound clips and images of Sinder Roze). Tragically, the AI learns that he will not have enough space to run once the landing program starts. Because he has root access, he could choose to abort the landing, and orbit around Alpha Centauri and live forever, but he decides to let himself die in order for humanity to continue on. - Reception is fairly bad, with critics calling the plot "ridiculous and offensive". Very few take the claim that it was 'based on a true story' with any seriousness. - Meanwhile, Garland and Zakharov ponder how the story was leaked to the public. Suspicion is cast on Luttinen, but the two realize that going after her would make the story more credible. - Luttinen herself is mostly silent on the issue, but assures alt.d4t4 that the Unity did not have a "security AI", much less one that portrayed itself as Sinder Roze. Roze and Luttinen subsequently get into a brief flamewar over whether an expert system counts as an AI. - Luttinen has gotten some new followers out of the movie, however. - After remaining silent on the issue for a while, Governor Lal launches a campaign against the population control measures proposed by Morgan, Skye, Yang and Zakharov, stating that they are in direct violation of "both the principles of human dignity and of the UN Charter". The campaign is large enough to sway moderate opinion against the four. - Godwinson makes a special, personal appearance on UBC4, promising protection from "persecution" by Yang if they flee to Boutros-Ghali Base and inviting them to eternal life with the Lord Jesus Christ if they become Conclave Christians. - The message is ironically undercut by the program immediately following: the premiere of "Mission Time 2330 with Braelyn Simeonov", a ressurection of the late-night(ish) talk show format starring the titular lesbian comedian. - With the exception of some Believer hate-mail, the program is fairly well-recieved, despite an extremely low budget and barely recovering its cost. The show is fairly short on monologue and mostly consists of Simeonov chatting for three-fourths of an hour with self-published novelists and the latest Datalink celebrity. - Support for LGBT rights among moderates increases. - The Christian Citizen's Militia expands in response to talk of population control and mandatory public education. Several vehicles are added to the group's loadout. - The Free Drones start a campaign in New Panama with the slogan "They Bicker - We Work". It is moderately successful, but is meager in comparison to the ridiculous amount of pro-Lal propaganda. ![]() - Hackers penetrate UBC4's security, and briefly hijack the airwaves. A variety of crude photoshopped images are plastered over the various programs. The event is linked to a contest on alt.d4t4, and makes it even more infamous among the Datalinks. The winner of the contest, according to /shop/ consensus, seems to be a graphic artwork involving Minister Yang, Nwadibuke Morgan, and fellatio (not pictured). - Tom Maroon hosts a news documentary on "Yanggate" which is very critical of the Minister of Security. Support for Yang slightly drops. - Maroon's other programs are less notable: a reality game-show ripoff of the old Earth TV show "Big Brother" (the gimmick is that the contestants are from the different factions) and a documentary on Morgan Industries which is panned. - The Minister of the Navy, Ulrik Svensgaard, goes AWOL. Some presume he is dead, others merely lost. The Nautilus Pirates effectively disband without his leadership. - Morgan Industries announces the creation of "Morgan Labs", a facility in Cape Zakharov that will serve as a research and development laboratory. Zakharov himself is hired as nominal chair, while Luttinen is seen entering the facility... - Deirdre Skye and Gafur Banerjee work together on research into psionics. - After a month or so of development, they come up with the concept of a "mind shield", a device which can protect against telepathic contact (and thus mind worms). - However, they lack proper facilities to build a prototype. Additional funding is needed... The Covenant Academy Incident: ![]() - Yang-loyal elements in the Ministry of Security investigate the construction of Covenant Academy. - After being given a (brief) tour, the officials demand the Believers to cease and desist. - The Believers refuse. - The police open fire on the workers, killing 10. - The Christian Citizen's Militia is quickly deployed to quell the incident, which turns into a firefight. - Outnumbered, the police retreat and flee from the base. - Word of the event gets out. - The general mass of Believers call for the prosecution of both Yang and the instigating militia members. - Yang calls for the destruction of the CCM. - John Garland issues an emergency declaration. The Ministry of Security is to be disbanded, and replaced with four separate divisions. - Godwinson will be in charge of security for Boutros-Ghali, New Sargasso and Waldheim. - Yang will run security for Cape Zakharov, Geothermal Shallows, and New Panama. - Lal will be given control of police in Unity, Hammarskj�ld, Lie, and Thant. - The Army will directly control P�rez de Cu�llar. - Yang, and his forces, are required to remain south of the Planetary Equator, and off the mainland. - Godwinson and the CCM are required to remain north of a line just to the south of New Sargasso. - John Garland blames the recent events on the failure of the ministers to propose and adopt a constitution, and declares he will implement one unilaterally in June if they cannot settle on a document. - UBC4 breaks a story which alleges pictures of an x-ray showing Garland with an inoperable brain tumor. His office has no comment.
# ? Apr 6, 2013 17:36 |
= Game Status = Date: MY 2150, April (Turn 2) Turn Length: 2 months Action Points per Turn: 7 = Colony Status = ![]() All values are monthly. Population: 151,900 Birth Rate: 0.42% Political Breakdown:
Political Issues:
Economic System: Informal, personal property respected, but lack of private enterprise beyond Morgan Industries. Land ownership is ambiguous. GDP: 632,000,000 kwh GDP per capita: 4,160 kwh GDP Growth: 0.36% Tax Rate (effective): 40% [1] Revenue: 252,800,000 kwh Budget: [2]
[1] Due to a lack of a clearly defined economic system, this rate cannot be lowered or changed directly until a constitution is adopted. [2] Budget totals 100 points. Each item must be "supported" by a column of budget items under it. Budget does not reflect actual percentage of spending, but relative priority of items. Current political system allows for a maximum of four categories to be affected per turn, and each can move up or down up to one level. = Bases = Unity Base Population: 40,507 Desirability: 0 Situation: In a Giant Resource-Filled Crater, Effective Capital of Humanity Lie Base Population: 20,253 Desirability: 0 Situation: Natural Harbor, Next to a Freshwater Lake Hammarskj�ld Base Population: 20,253 Desirability: 0 Situation: Convenient River Delta, Hillside Settlements Thant Base Population: 10,000 Desirability: 0 Situation: Storm-Wracked, Naval Center Waldheim Base Population: 10,127 Desirability: 0 Situation: Projects Overbudget, Strategic Leverage, Rampant Corruption New Sargasso Marine Colony Population: 10,127 Desirability: 0 Situation: Xenobiological Mecca, Expensive Infrastructure P�rez de Cu�llar Base Population: 10,127 Desirability: 0 Situation: Army Headquarters, YIMBY Cape Zakharov Population: 10,127 Desirability: 0 Situation: Access to Monsoon Jungle, Begrudgingly Isolated University Town Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony Population: 10,127 Desirability: 0 Situation: Rapidly Growing Economic Center, Morganite Haven New Panama Population: 5,063 Desirability: 10 Situation: Canal Project to Freshwater Sea, Concentrated 'Free Drone' Activity Boutros-Ghali Base Population: 5,063 Desirability: 12 Situation: Thinly-Disguised Believer Puppet Base, Neo-Ascetic Utopia = Faction Status = Moderates Population: 14,335 Government Approval: 20% Issues: -1 LGBT Rights Lord's Believers Income: 8,848,000 kwh Reserve: 5,300,000 kwh Population: 53,350 Government Approval: 38% Budget Preference: Religion Issues: +3 Abortion, +1 Criminal Justice, +2 Cybernetics, +2 Drugs, +3 Genetic Engineering, +1 Gun Control, +3 LGBT Rights, +2 Native Life Approach, +1 Psi Research, +4 Religion Aspects: Be Fruitful and Multiply, We Must Dissent Cybernetic Consciousness Income: 126,400 kwh Reserve: 93,750 kwh Population: 920 Government Approval: 60% Budget Preference: Research Issues: -3 Abortion, -2 Cryptography, -4 Cybernetics, -3 Drugs, -1 Freedom of Speech, -3 Genetic Engineering, -3 LGBT Rights, +2 Native Life Approach, -1 Privacy, -2 Psi Research, -3 Religion Aspects: Attracts the Autism Spectrum, Radically Transhuman Data Angels Income: 126,400 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Population: 765 Government Approval: 50% Budget Preference: Telecommunications Issues: -1 Abortion, -3 Civil Law, -3 Criminal Justice, -3 Cryptography, -2 Cybernetics, -2 Drugs, -3 Freedom of Speech, -1 Genetic Engineering, -1 LGBT Rights, -3 Privacy, -1 Religion Aspects: lol, internet, No Mods No Masters Free Drones Income: 252,800 kwh Reserve: 570,000 kwh Population: 1,525 Government Approval: 50% Budget Preference: Labor Issues: -1 Abortion, -3 Civil Law, -1 Criminal Justice, -1 Freedom of Speech, -1 Gun Control, -3 Healthcare, -3 Social Security, -3 Urban Planning Aspects: Safety First!, Working-Class Culture Gaia's Stepdaughters Income: 505,600 kwh Reserve: 1,100,000 kwh Population: 2,745 Government Approval: 33% Budget Preference: Ecology Issues: -3 Abortion, -1 Civil Law, -1 Criminal Justice, 0 Cybernetics, -1 Drugs, -1 Freedom of Speech, +1 Genetic Engineering, -1 Gun Control, -1 Healthcare, -2 LGBT Rights, -3 Native Life Approach, -3 Native Life Ownership, -1 Privacy, -3 Psi Research, -1 Social Security, -2 Urban Planning Aspects: Green Spirituality, Highly Empathic Human Hive Income: 2,780,800 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Population: 16,470 Government Approval: 45% Budget Preference: Security Issues: -3 Abortion, +3 Criminal Justice, +3 Cryptography, -2 Cybernetics, +1 Drugs, +2 Freedom of Speech, -2 Genetic Engineering, -3 Gun Control, -1 Healthcare, +3 Privacy, -2 Psi Research, -2 Religion Aspects: The Needs of the Many..., Yang is Dear Leader Morgan Industries Income: 6,320,000 kwh Reserve: 20,443,150 kwh Population: 8,240 Government Approval: 56% Budget Preference: Finance Issues: +2 Civil Law, 0 Cryptography, +1 Gun Control, +3 Healthcare, -1 LGBT Rights, +1 Native Life Approach, +3 Native Life Ownership, +3 Social Security, +3 Urban Planning Aspects: Greed is Good, Life of Luxury Peacekeeping Forces Income: 5,561,600 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Population: 32,715 Government Approval: 33% Budget Preference: Human Rights Issues: -1 Abortion, -2 Civil Law, -2 Criminal Justice, 0 Cybernetics, 0 Drugs, -2 Freedom of Speech, 0 Genetic Engineering, -2 Gun Control, -2 Healthcare, -1 LGBT Rights, 0 Native Life Approach, -2 Native Life Ownership, -1 Privacy, +1 Psi Research, 0 Religion, -2 Social Security, -1 Urban Planning Aspect: The Bureaucracy is Always Expanding, Four Freedoms Spartan Federation Income: 2,528,000 kwh Reserve: 5,100,000 kwh Population: 15,145 Government Approval: 50% Budget Preference: Army Issues: +2 Criminal Justice, +4 Gun Control, +3 Native Life Approach, +3 Native Life Ownership Aspects: "THIS. IS. SPARTA!", Ultra-Pragmatism University of Planet Income: 1,011,200 kwh Reserve: 2,013,000 kwh Population: 5,490 Government Approval: 56% Budget Preference: Research Issues: -2 Abortion, -2 Cybernetics, -2 Drugs, -2 Freedom of Speech, -2 Genetic Engineering, -2 LGBT Rights, -1 Native Life Approach, +1 Native Life Ownership, -2 Psi Research, -2 Religion, -1 Urban Planning Aspects: Intellectual Integrity, "We can solve this with SCIENCE!" = Persons of Interest = Tom Maroon Income: 63,200 kwh Reserve: 62,500 kwh Ratings: 1.7 Gafur Banerjee Income: 63,200 kwh Reserve: 687,500 kwh Richard Hitchens Income: 63,200 kwh Reserve: 187,500 kwh Mohammed Steiner Income: 63,200 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Heosphoros Income: 0 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh Robin Huxley Income: 2,000,000 kwh Reserve: 0 kwh = Military Status = 1st Army Division: At P�rez de Cu�llar Base; Loyalty - 80% Spartans, 40% ambivalent; Total Power 46,400; Artillery 16,000; C3I 1,200; Maintenance (gov funded) 1,820,000 kwh; 850 infantry, 45 large APCs, 3 command posts, 3 IFVs, 8 self-propelled artillery. Unity Garrison: At Unity Base; Loyalty - 80% Garland, 20% Spartans; Total Power 12,800; C3I 400; Maintenance 500,000 kwh; 400 infantry, 1 command post. Lie Garrison: At Lie Base; Loyalty - 70% ambivalent, 30% Spartans; Total Power 6,400; C3I 400; Maintenance 260,000 kwh; 200 infantry, 1 command post. Hammarskj�ld Garrison: At Hammarskj�ld Base; Loyalty - 60% ambivalent, 40% Spartans; Total Power 6,400; C3I 400; Maintenance 260,000 kwh; 200 infantry, 1 command post. Thant Garrison: At Thant Base; Loyalty - 90% ambivalent, 10% Spartans; Total Power 3,200; C3I 400; Maintenance 140,000 kwh; 100 infantry, 1 command post. Waldheim Garrison: At Waldheim Base; Loyalty - 60% ambivalent, 30% Believers, 20% Spartans; Total Power 3,200; C3I 400; Maintenance 140,000 kwh; 100 infantry, 1 command post. Boutros-Ghali Garrison: At Boutros-Ghali Base; Loyalty - 80% Believers, 20% ambivalent; Total Power 1,600; Maintenance 60,000 kwh; 50 infantry. *PLANET CURRENTLY LACKS SIGNIFICANT NON-TRANSPORT NAVAL FORCES* = Faction Paramilitaries = Morgan Security Mindguard Force�: At Cape Zakharov; Loyalty - 100% Morganite (contracted to University); Total Power 16,000 (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +50% modifier for good training); C3I 800; Maintenance 900,000 kwh (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +20% modifier for good training and x1.25 multiplier for extended contract); 100 battlesuits, 2 telecommand posts. Morgan Security Flagship Force�: At Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony; Loyalty - 100% Morganite; Total Power 16,000 (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +50% modifier for good training); C3I 800; Maintenance 730,000 kwh (Includes +50% modifier for good equipment and +20% modifier for good training); 100 battlesuits, 2 telecommand posts. Morgan Security Canal Detachment: At New Panama; Loyalty - 100% Morganite (contracted to Planetary Government); Total Power 1,600; Maintenance 75,000 kwh (includes x1.25 multiplier for extended contract); 50 infantry. Yang Sheng-Ji Thought People's Guard: At Geothermal Shallows Marine Colony; Loyalty - 100% Hive; Total Power 19,200; Maintenance 720,000 kwh; 600 infantry. Christian Citizen's Militia: At Boutros-Ghali Base; Loyalty - 100% Believer; Total Power 72,000; C3I 2,800; Maintenance 2,820,000 kwh; 2,000 infantry, 10 APCs, 10 large APCs, 7 command posts. = Darwin Raiders = Main Group: At Great Dunes; Loyalty - 100% Raider; Artillery 20,000; Total Power 68,000; C3I 4,000; Maintenance 1,950,000 kwh; 500 infantry, 25 assault guns, 25 impact rovers, 60 APCs, 10 command posts. = Government Status = Type: Interstellar Mission under UN Jurisdiction, de facto military command structure; stated intent to transition to a democratic government Approval: 39% UN Charter in Effect: Yes = Projects, Buildings, and Research = 1st Army Division Training Description: Upgrading the 1st Army Division to 'Good' quality. Status: In Progress Next Stage: Completion - 1 month alt.d4t4 Description: Factional BBS for Data Angels. Very secure. Value: 375,000 kwh Maintenance: 37,500 kwh Effect: Increases Angel happiness (1). Invokable. Covenant Academy Description: A K-12 school with a Believer curriculum. Location: Boutros-Ghali Base Value: 8,000,000 kwh Maintenance: 800,000 kwh Effect: Increases Believer happiness (1). Increases local desirability (12). Invokable. Freshwater Sea Canal Description: Canal linking the open ocean with the Freshwater Sea. Location: New Panama Value: 10,000,000,000 kwh Status: Under Construction Next Stage: Completion - 40 years (at current pace) Morgan Labs Description: R&D laboratory run by Morgan Industries. Location: Cape Zakharov Value: 1,500,000 kwh Maintenance: 150,000 kwh Effect: Attempts invention at +5 every month. Can be used to provide workspace for player inventors without their own funding. Psi Shield Description: Helmet capable of blocking mental attacks. Researchers: Banerjee, Skye Value: 1,000 kwh per unit Status: Concept Next Stage: Facilities - 200,000 / 300,000 kwh paid. Effect: For +10,000 kwh per squad of infantry, adds 'Negate Psi'. Psych Implant Description: A brain implant which regulates mood and emotion. Researchers: Zakharov Value: 7,500 kwh per unit Status: Prototype available (bugged) Next Stage: Completion - requires succesful Research attempt at +9, 45,000 kwh and 1 AP per attempt, 470,000 kwh available for project. Effect: Invokable for 7,500 kwh per person affected. Survey of Planet Description: A comprehensive study of Chiron and its ecosystem. Status: No useful data Next Stage: Minimal Data - 1 month. Completion: Moderate Data - 5 months. Comprehensive Data - 40 months. Effect: Currently none. Together Description: Drone-run children's creche / family planning center. Location: New Panama Value: 160,000 kwh Maintenance: 16,000 kwh Effect: Increases Drone happiness (1). Increases local desirability (10). Invokable. = Characters = ![]() Mission Leader: John Garland - (unplayable) The aging leader of the colony, who has rarely been in the cryotubes, wishes to retire and step down from his role in government. He wants to assure a smooth transition, but his patience with the ongoing bickering is wearing thin. Rumors suggest he is slowly dying of some sort of disease... ![]() Planetary Governor / Central Security Leader: Pravin Lal - Cumfart Vortex / vanhelsing420@gmail.com The title of 'Planetary Governor' was originally planned to be more powerful, but internal opposition from faction leaders (especially paranoia about his UN connections from the Spartans and Believers) has effectively restricted the position to a purely administrative role. He is considered Garland's favorite candidate, but the new generations on Planet view him as a relic of Old Earth and its bureaucratic ills. Lal has been promoted to head of security for most of the Unity Base mainland in the fallout of the Covenant Academy incident, and now wields perhaps the most power on Planet. Aspects: Believes in the Democratic Process, Pacifist Skills:
![]() Minister of the Army: Corazon Santiago - Litos / clfurster at gmail dot com While officially of fairly low rank on the Unity, a large portion of the colonists were aligned with her 'Spartan Federation' in the early days of the colony. With the threat of mind worms and inter-factional conflict, she has managed to obtain a powerful position. Observers speculate her appointment is a check on Minister Yang's power. Aspects: Experienced General, I Know Kung Fu Skills:
![]() Minister of the Navy: Ulrik Svensgaard - (vacant) The Unity's Chief Astrogator was perhaps chosen more for his far superior experience with the oceans. As such, Svensgaard was a natural choice. Under his command, the Planetary Navy has become fiercely independent of other factional ties, and especially Santiago. Their disinterest in politics makes them potentially a very chaotic factor... Currently lost at sea. Aspects: Experienced Admiral, Free Spirit Skills:
![]() South Security Leader: Sheng-Ji Yang - a bad enough dude / ehoovestol at gmail.com The Unity's Chief of Security is an enigmatic figure, feared and valued for his extreme competence. Since Planetfall, he has slowly built a base of supporters in an 'Anti-Corruption Movement'. Has been demoted following a series of scandals, but is still a powerful player. Aspects: I Am Watching You, Will to Power Skills:
![]() Minister of Ecology: Deirdre Skye - epicurius / epicurius at aol dot com The eccentric minister's fanatical environmentalism has brought opposition from pro-development factions, but her talents have kept her (barely) in power. No living human being currently knows more about Earth-original life, and few know as much about the life on Planet. She is perhaps the most psychicly gifted of the high echelons of Planetary Administration. Aspects: Fond of Flowers, Telepath Skills:
![]() Minister of Research: Prokhor Zakharov - sniper4265 / sniper4625@gmail As one of the main engineers for the Unity, humanity perhaps owes it continued existence to Zakharov, and he is not humble about it. His prestige has placed him at the head of Planet's entire scientific effort, though many are irritated with his lack of 'practical' work. Aspects: Egotistical, Greatest Scientist Ever Skills:
![]() Minister of Morale / North Security Leader: Miriam Godwinson - Takanago / ktakanago@gmail.com While merely the Psych Chaplain on the Unity, Godwinson's natural charisma has spread Conclave Christianity to far across Planet. Her rabid natalism has made "The Lord's Believers" a very large faction in a very short time. The Planetary Government has created the 'Minister of Morale' position as a ceremonial role, hoping to appease the growing faction... After the Covenant Academy incident, she has been given control of security for three bases, which are now essentially run by the "Christian Citizens' Militia". Aspects: Charming, Grumpy Skills:
![]() CEO of Morgan Industries: Nwabudike Morgan - ThatBasqueGuy / mrfireblaze@gmail.com Morgan was a major contractor for the Unity after the Russian economic collapse of 2058, and used his influence to become a stowaway aboard the ship. He was reprimanded after Planetfall, but political tensions and the immediate struggle for survival prevented him from being severely punished. In the aftermath, he managed to found Planet's first private enterprise, Morgan Industries. The legal status of this venture is difficult to determine in the rather informal jurisdiction of the Planetary Government, but its capital has made large-scale infrastructure much more feasible. Aspects: Sell Anything to Anyone, Talented Businessman Skills:
![]() Leader of the Free Drones: Arthur Donaldson - Guildencrantz / guildenstern42 at gmail, or PM A geologist and the former Director of Mining Operations who aided with some of the first major infrastructure projects after Planetfall, Donaldson became appalled with the lack of attention paid to the working conditions of the laborers. He now leads the "Free Drones", the closest thing Planet has to a labor union. The group is rapidly gaining members in New Panama, where a canal to the Freshwater Sea is being built... Aspects: Came From a Land Down Under, Sensitive Skills:
![]() Leader of the Data Angels: Sinder Roze - Rauri / enyardo@gmail.com A notorious programmer and hacker back on Earth, her talents were requested on the Unity in exchange for amnesty. She resigned from the Planetary Government after her position was folded into the Yang-run Ministry of Security, and is now a tireless advocate for transparency. Aspects: 1337 h4x0r, Thrill-Seeker Skills:
![]() Leader of the Cybernetic Consciousness: Annikki Luttinen - A RICH WHITE MAN / moodinconsistency@gmail.com An artificial intelligence researcher, Luttinen ran an unauthorized experiment using the Unity's spare computing power. Few people realize that the presentient algorithm that ran would eventually become self-aware, and save the Unity from colliding with debris during its deceleration via psionic extra-sensory perception. The program was 'killed' when the Unity required the vast majority of its processing for landing, but the results inspired Luttinen to become one of the most radical advocates for AI research on Planet. Aspects: Bipolar, Little Need for Human Contact Skills:
![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4: Tom Maroon - Lord Windy / windyce@gmail.com Planet's foremost media figure, his channel influences the opinions of thousands. But who will he use this platform for? Aspects: I Want To Be On TV, Planet's Anchorman Skills:
![]() Prominent Psi Researcher: Gafur Banerjee - Shogeton / ????? A Planetborn academic, this New Sargasso man wishes to delve into the new and mysterious science of 'psionics'. Aspects: Consensus Junkie, Psientist Skills:
![]() Prominent Evolutionary Biologist: Richard Hitchens - stalin-chan / stalin@c0balt.com An outspoken atheist and critic of the Believers, more so than Yang or even Zakharov. Will his radicalism splinter into a new faction? Aspects: Indefatigatible, No, Fuck You God! Skills:
![]() Adventurer: Mohammed Steiner - ZearothK Aspects: Callous Disregard for Safety, Film Everything Skills:
![]() AI: Heosphoros - EccoRaven Aspects: High Learning Capacity, Immune to Meat Dangers Skills:
![]() Leader of the Darwin Raiders: Robin Huxley - Maximo Roboto Aspects: Lives off the Land, Warrior-Poet on Roverback Skills:
# ? Apr 6, 2013 17:37 |
![]() Private Memorandum from John Garland posted:Listen up. Since you bastards can't seem to pass anything without being prodded, here's how things are going to work.
# ? Apr 6, 2013 17:45 |
My sympathies go out to 1stGear. I've been there. New Rulings coming tomorrow.
# ? Apr 6, 2013 17:47 |
![]() Owner & Anchorman of Unity News 4 - Tom Maroon =BREAKING NEWS= Speculations are running wild that our Mission Commander is suffering from a brain tumour. What isn't being discussed, is the rush to now write a constitution. Is Garland forcing the process to go faster because he knows time is running short? Watch next Sunday as Tom Maroon investigate's the issue. OOC: Yikes that was a huge turn for you Cardinal. Congrats on getting it all done as soon as you did.
# ? Apr 6, 2013 20:15 |
![]() Corazon Santiago 1. All citizens have the right to bear arms. 2. All citizens have the right to choose their religion. 3. All citizens have the right to own native life. 4. All citizens have the right to own property. Government will be a bicameral legislature with the lower house elected by popular majority in universal suffrage and the higher house with one representative for each faction. The legislature passes resolutions inclusive of all policies unspecified in the constitution by majority vote. Amendments to the constitution require a 75% majority. Governors and officers in planetary government serve until impeachment which takes a 66% majority in both houses. New officers are selected by majority. Laws restricting scientific research or concerning nationalizations also need a 66% majority. Add.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 03:01 |
No objections at this time.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 03:27 |
![]() Nwabudike Morgan I support with all of the proposed parts. I would also like to suggest: 1) No one shall be persecuted due to their race, ethnicity, religion, or ideology. 2) Our economic system is a free market. As such, the government shall not intervene except in times in which the entire Planet is in mortal danger 3) All substances will be legal under the law, but abuse or mishaps in public shall be treated like public intoxication. Rehabilitation on judge's discretion. 4) Everyone has a right to free speech. Slander and libel are wrong, though. 5) Everyone has a right to privacy in their home, persons and vehicles. 6) Full rights for corporations under the law. That's all I have for now.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 05:50 |
![]() Corazon Santiago Thank you, Executive Morgan for your additions. quote:1. All citizens have the right to bear arms. Substances and market policy are matters of legislative law. Nationalizations, infringements on the free market require a high 66% majority.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 06:04 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Here is my proposal for a bill of rights: 1. The right to choose or practice one's own religion shall not be abridged by the government 2. The right to free speech and dissent shall not be prohibited whatsoever 3. The right to bear arms and form militias shall not be abridged by the government 4. The right to privacy shall be respected; the government may not perform unreasonable searches without permit 5. The right to property shall be respected; the government may not seize private property 6. The right to a fair trial by a jury of one's peers and due process for criminal justice shall not be abridged 7. The right to free destiny shall not be abridged, except as a criminal punishment brought about by a just and proper court; slavery and involuntary servitude shall remain prohibited 8. The right to vote in public elections shall not be abridged, with the exception of criminal felons found guilty in a just and proper court 9. No rights shall be prohibited on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion Also here is my proposal for a government structure: Government will consist of a bicameral legislature. The Lower House will consist of 1 representative for every five-thousand people, who will be elected as a result of popular majority of voters in his/her district. The Upper House will consist of two senators from each Colony Base, and they will be elected by popular majority of voters from that base. Eligible voters will be all human citizens age sixteen or above. Citizens are defined as all humans residing on this planet, born naturally from two human parents. The legislature passes resolutions inclusive of all policies unspecified in the constitution by majority vote. Amendments to the constitution require a 75% majority. Governors and officers in planetary government serve until impeachment which takes a 66% majority in both houses. New officers are selected by majority. Laws restricting scientific research or concerning nationalizations also need a 66% majority. --- You may notice that overall my proposal is very moderate and quite similar to Miss Santiago's. I find her ideas acceptable overall, but I felt that I should put my ideas out there. There are a few concerns I have with Santiago's ideas. First, I think that religious freedom requires not just the right to choose a religion, but to practice it. It doesn't do us any good if Yang and his brethren allow us to have our faith, but not do anything with it. Secondly, I don't like the idea of an Upper House that gives equal representation to factions, regardless of size. Is it just to give equal representation to my fifty-thousand believers as you would give the 'Cybernetic Consciousness' of less than one-thousand?
# ? Apr 7, 2013 06:36 |
I cannot agree with the proposal to base representation purely on merits of population, so clearly biased towards one faction. The lower house may represent the people, but let the Upper House represent the views of society as a whole, not merely whoever can expand the fastest. Furthermore, should human cloning become an actuality, would they not be deserving of representation? Let us make this a constitution of law, not faith. Morgan, I am no foe of private enterprise, but some of your points are a bit excessive.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 06:46 |
![]() Corazon Santiago You'll call me General Santiago, and an upper house keeps larger factions from oppresisng smaller ones. Merit isn't based on how many you have, and while Spartans, as a larger faction, would benefit from population based representation, we'd not benefit from an insurgency of the disenfranchised. Your religion clause is a good revision. quote:1. All citizens have the right to bear arms.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 06:55 |
In the Council Room, Miriam and Morgan now talk of a system where wealth determines Upper House Representation. An abhorrent idea, rewarding the rich while disfranchising the rest. Shame. I call upon all those who favor a properly representational body to reject such an idea.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 07:05 |
![]() Miriam Godwinson Miriam's Bill of Rights & Constitution posted:Here is my proposal for a bill of rights: I made a few adjustments to population and base counting. My apologies if I offended you, General. I was discussing the merits of a one-to-one faction to representatives representation to a colleague, and the idea of a population threshold was brought up. How would you feel about the idea of one-to-one faction representation for all factions with say, five percent of the population or more in membership?
# ? Apr 7, 2013 07:07 |
Strip the University of a voice entirely? We may not like politics, but we will not be marginalized.
# ? Apr 7, 2013 07:18 |