Matsudaira Naritami![]() Excerpts from a speech given to the Ezo republican senate Gentlemen of the court and loyal followers of the Shogun. I bid you greetings. At this present time of troubles it has fallen to upon the Shogun to ensure that the clan of the true ruler of Japan does not suffer the ignominy of defeat. [...] The Shogun has decided to undertake a tour of the coastal fortifications, the militia barracks, the naval docks and the foreign quarters to inform all as to their duty in the defence of the republic.[...] It is now that we must all realize the full extent of the threat posed to us by the traitorous "Imperial" powers and the Shogun has taken it upon his young shoulders to speak to all of you on our duties at this time.[...] May the Kami look favourably upon this enterprise. Excerpts from a private letter sent to the mainland of Japan For the love of whichever Gods you pray to, make sure that the strutting fool in Imperial dress knows who he is dealing with, and make sure the common people of Japan know that they march under a false emperor.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 06:29 |
![]() 433x600 Tsukinoeaino. I believe that the trade restrictions placed on the Ainu are illegal. I am instructing my people to go out of their way to openly break these illegal trade restrictions. We fight every case as long as possible. We will refuse to pay judgments against us. In short, we will use every tool short of violence to oppose these restrictive policies. You are welcome to clog the courts and stuff the jails if you believe that the oppression of the Ainu is more important than the welfare of Ezo.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 06:37 |
BrainParasite posted:
Matsumae Takahiro ![]() I'm all for remedying this situation, but shouldn't we wait with radical changes until the problem with Meiji invasion is dealt with?
# ? Mar 9, 2014 07:57 |
Ataman Hijikata Toshizō, The Demon of the Shinsengumi![]() As the smoke begins to settle over the past few months, I am cannot stand by while elements within our republic try to encourage factionalism. They seek to stamp out the unity of Ezo and try to form their own fiefdoms whether through political appointments, or other means. We are currently in crisis as we have seen by the coups performed in the past months. The former naval minister attempted to steal all our ships, and then that done by Otori who has received a harsh but just punishment by the president. I cannot stand idly by while petty squabbles over how we should expel all foreigners while our military is crippled, but we have a foreigner navy helping defend our nation. It is ludicrous. The fact how certain elements tried to use religion to their advantage in the coup, indeed, it is my belief that the state should tolerate religion, but not endorse a specific religion. Last thing we need is to create strife within our nation. No, when I took office as Minister of Security, it was to do my best to protect the republic. Instead, as I approach our naval minister in terms to try and create a spirit of brotherhood and cooperation. He instead sought to infiltrate my organization and nullify my work toward protecting our republic. This factionalism needs to end now! *Hijikata stands up* I, a samurai, seek to honor my oaths. Let it be known that the supreme oath I took that I hold sacred above all else is to protect this republic. All my actions thus far have reflected it. If I were to somehow die at this very moment, God will look upon my past deeds and proclaim that I have been honorable. Nevertheless! I shall take that oath once more for the Nationalist Party! I urge my brothers who seek to defend this republic and want to be above this pettiness and instead see our nation survive follow suite! *Hijikata begins to walks across the aisle toward the Nationalist Party side. He raises his hand and pledges to defend the Constitution of Ezo with his life. Once done, he takes a seat.*
# ? Mar 9, 2014 08:14 |
Gantolandon posted:Matsumae Takahiro ![]() 433x600 Tsukinoeaino. The smart woodcutter collects his money in Winter. The foolish woodcutter collects his money in Spring. I ask Ezo for less than inaction. The men who now guard your economic interests to my great detriment would be better used guarding the republic from Meiji.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 09:54 |
Horace Capron I cannot fault the chief for his insistence. His people have already demonstratrd loyalty in ample amounts. Their current status is both unjust and harmful to the nation. In times of crisinational unity. This Right now is the hest time to set this to right.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 10:04 |
![]() 345x372 Thomas Blakiston I must say that I am disappointed. I am disappointed that the investigation into the bombing of my wedding and the death of my wife has yet to definitively identify a culprit. I am disappointed that Matsudaira Sadaaki, a murderer responsible for the deaths of several British citizens, still serves in Ezo's cabinet. But most of all I am disappointed in the political leadership of Ezo for so dramatically failing in their duties. I have always believed the Japanese to be a worthy people - a people who, with a small measure of refinement, could take their place alongside the enlightened peoples of Europe. I still believe this, though I fear that some in Ezo seem to be doing their best to challenge this belief. Between the brief civil war and the loss of most of Ezo's fleet, it is difficult to summon respect for the current political leadership of the state. And only recently, the President engaged in a display of barbarism so horrific that it is hard to imagine its toleration in the deepest jungles of Africa, let alone in a supposedly civilized nation. And yet where are the protestations? Still, though, I shall not attempt to interfere with Ezo's government beyond the scope of my personal duty, which remains to seek justice for my wife and the others who were murdered at my wedding. Thus I must ask once again for Matsudaira Sadaaki to be removed from his cabinet post and arrested for the murder of those killed by the mob violence he organized. I bear no personal grudge, as he appears to have been cleared of suspicion regarding the death of my late wife, but he must still face justice for those he killed, including multiple British citizens. I would remind all citizens of Ezo that the British government is extremely interested in seeing justice properly done in this case. My homeland has long been a friend to Ezo, and it would be tragic if such bonds of friendship were to become strained or broken in Ezo's hour of need. And this is indeed Ezo's hour of need, with its enemies on its doorstep. Neither I nor the United Kingdom desires for this island to be conquered, but its current state does not inspire confidence. Thus, I have taken it upon myself to provide a remedy for those citizens of Ezo who fear for their lives in the event of invasion. Any employee of mine who desires it will be granted free relocation - with their families - to our secondary headquarters in Keelung, on the island of Formosa, at this or any future time, including in the event of invasion. In particular, any samurai or other soldiers who no longer feel loyal to the current government are invited to take positions of honour within my new organization, Soldiers Without Borders, a subsidiary of Blakiston and Company. I intend for this arrangement to benefit all parties, including the government of Ezo, which has had enough problems with disloyal soldiers already.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 11:34 |
Kasuga Saemon![]() Letter to Friar Takahiro posted:...Yes, I have been quite distracted by my duties at the academy, I must admit. But I must disagree with your analysis -- our predicament is hard, but our cause is right, for it is the cause of freedom. People ask me if I am afraid of death, and I tell them each and all the same thing: I am already dead, for in my baptism I died, and now Christ lives in me! That death, be it the death of the body or the death of fame that so terrifies the samurai that they slay themselves to escape it, has no dominion over me. Christ is our King, and He reigns over all the cosmos. He shall take my life when He wills it, for it has always been His.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 12:07 |
![]() Enomoto slams his fist on his desk before penning a letter A letter to Thomas Blakiston posted:I have assisted this investigation in any way possible, and this is how I am repayed? Surely as an Englishman you are familiar with the concept, innocent until proven guilty. I can not fire a man for merely being a suspect when as you so gently put it some time ago, ANYONE could have been the culprit. Your statements of distrust in this government are going to cause you problems if you wish this government to continue supporting you and your business ventures. You are expressly forbidden from transporting any soldier of Ezo away from the island during this time of crisis. Cowards fight best when their backs are to the wall. I have no interest in how barbaric or civilized you perceive me to be, but I do have an interest in maintaining control of this nation.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 14:26 |
Jules Brunet Special Adviser to the President, Private Military Contractor, Businessman, Aspiring Commodore, The Great Conciliator Gentlemen, if we quarrel, only Meiji prospers. As a European with deep roots in the Republic of Ezo, I can understand the position of both sides - Monsieur Blakiston feeling the just rage of a man suffering a terrible loss, President Enamoto staring Meiji invasion in the face. The cooperation between those of Ezo and those from Europe has been overwhelmingly to the benefit of the Republic of Ezo, and, in my opinion, is the one thing maintaining the independence of said Republic. Let it not all go to waste over a few words! I am sure Monsieur Blakiston has no intention of proving coward, but merely cares for the welfare of his men. While it is true that few fight like those with no escape, it is better to rule by respect than rule by fear. By giving his employees the knowledge that, should worst come to worst, they shall not be abandoned to certain death, Monsieur Blakiston has enabled them to fight on with a light heart. I will take this opportunity to announce a similar policy. In the event that the Republic of Ezo is subjugated by the Meiji, any employee of the greater Brunet Conglomerate will be free to relocate to a branch of their choosing. And not one second before - deserters and cowards shall receive their just rewards, just as those who serve loyally shall receive theirs. On more pleasant notes, LMM stands ready to assume a leading role in developing the army of the Republic, synthesizing European military technology with the indomitable spirit of Ezo.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 14:43 |
![]() 345x372 Thomas Blakiston A Letter to President Enomoto posted:With respect, sir, Matsudaira Sadaaki is no longer, to my knowledge, a suspect in the bombing. He has been cleared of that charge. He is, however, a confessed killer: there is no controversy over his role in organizing the mob that attacked my wedding. His guilt is technically unproven in a court of law, of course, but only because you and your government have sheltered him from the charges that should have been pressed against him months ago. You cannot, my friend, proclaim that someone is innocent until proven guilty and then proceed to prevent a court from investigating his guilt. Do not invoke the rule of law with one hand while you thumb your nose at it with the other. Never mind that even if he were cleared of criminal charges, there can be no question that he bears moral responsibility for the attack - that alone should be enough to disqualify him from serving in your cabinet.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 16:03 |
![]() ![]() Better send those orders in if you haven't already!
# ? Mar 9, 2014 21:21 |
Viscardus posted:
I believe any action to remove the minister would be a constitutional crisis and would require intervention on behalf of the supreme court to settle, Matsudaira-dono was free to exercise his right to protest your wedding. Your wedding is also insignificant, how dare you sow strife in this country at a time when we are faced with total destruction.
# ? Mar 9, 2014 21:44 |
Matsudaira Tarou - Vice President![]() I support Bill 4-1
# ? Mar 9, 2014 21:51 |
While the update has begun, I'm still missing a few key players' orders! It's not too late to send them in, so please do so ASAP.
# ? Mar 11, 2014 00:50 |
JosefStalinator posted:While the update has begun, I'm still missing a few key players' orders! It's not too late to send them in, so please do so ASAP. oh right my bad
# ? Mar 11, 2014 01:02 |
Update 4: Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 1877: Domestic News Fortress Ezo If the Meiji Emperor wants this island, he’ll have to eat a field of blades to get here. - Lt. Amane Fuseishutsu, Ezo Army Officer, Memoirs in a Field of Blades Throughout the civilized portions of Ezochi, the nascent military-industrial complex of the republic springs into action. Continuing the proud tradition since pre-independence times, the foreign advisors in the cabinet aid in the training of the military. Jules Brunet leads the charge, his fellow French foreigners creating a stolid officers corps based around sharpshooting and modern artillery tactics. Prancing around with the epaulettes and shiny buttons, Brunet and Messrs. Fortant, Marlin, Cazeneuve, and Bouffier impress the recruits into the military, both samurai and peasants alike. A few of them enviously eye their honors, and look at the crisper uniforms provided to the mercenary recruits at LMM… ![]() 800x282 One-eyed Blakiston similarly does the same, urging Ezo’s small population of merchant and adventuring Englishmen to bestow their martial experience. In doing so, he similarly creates a mercenary company of his own: the Soldiers Without Borders. Calling upon freebooters, filibusters, privateers, and dogs of wars of all stripes from all nations, Blakiston has begun to attract them to tiny Ezo. But even as they show up to make a mess at the Round Eye Saloon, those who sign contracts are starting to become a drain on his personal coffers. Vice President Matsudaira Tarou spent a fair amount of time himself planning out strategies, working with internal security as well as other agencies to coordinate defense plans, counteroffensives, contingencies, evacuations, and mass hari-kiri measures for every potential outcome of the invasion. His efforts also secured the purchase of thousands of winchester rifles from the United States (Capron’s efforts helped facilitate this as well), and Ezo forces immediately proceeded to master the new lever-action rifles, which quickly became the favored weapon of the samurai elite (and anyone else who could get their hands on them). Much effort was also spent by the Demon Commander of the Shinsengumi on rooting out and destroying any spies sent by the enemy. The Ainu patrol the northern coasts of the island, gamely sending alerts to the Shinsengumi of any enemy sightings. Army Minister Matsudaira Sadaaki oversaw an extensive plan in addition to the ones above. While Ezo’s numbers are small, Meiji’s speed is slow, undone by their own hulking machine. To take advantage of this, the Minister creates Plan Kaidate - named after the traditional formation of mobile shield walls, his grand strategy is to use the defensive positions of existing fortresses, coupled with newly built, temporary fortifications, to provide screened defense against the waves of Meiji. Utilizing everything from Ezo’s naval superiority to samurai mounted cavalry, the plan links up such speedy assets with warning posts, allowing groups of samurai and ashigaru footsoldiers to nip at the Meiji invaders from places of protection. Temporary forts named yagura, nicknamed for the traditional arrow stores housing archers in ancient battles, are also quickly erected as part of Plan Kaidate. These yagura are stocked with the best of the Gatling guns previously purchased by the Vice President, ready to lure the enemy into killzones that not even the Meiji Emperor himself could shake off. The veep also orders some sakamogi- small forts named after traditional stacked brush barriers in open field battles- to be built on the coast as an additional safety. ![]() ![]() 935x682 The child shogun continued his work on his massive fort as part of the general defense of the republic, or so it is presumed. He also continued maintaining his personal forces cultivated from peasants, allowing them to even choose their own officers, under the oversight of samurai, as is natural. All in the name of the restoration of the Tokugawa, and the triumph of the republic against the Meiji usurpers. Matsudaira Naritami, chamberlain to the Tokugawa household, similarly followed his young charge’s actions. Drawing upon the venerable name of the clan, he visited the soldiers and the sailors, urging them onwards in the name of safeguarding this last remnant of samurai. Once this incursion is fought off, surely the reconquest of the mainland will be made inevitable. To achieve that end, he works tirelessly to contribute remaining Tokugawa funds towards strengthening the Ezo Navy, both as a defense against the Meiji, and in the worst case, should a second exile is necessary. Factions great and small are involved in the massive undertaking of defense. Matsumae Takahiro, back from captivity, prepares his clan for the war, outfitting them with the latest in European gear. Kasuga Saemon rallies the Christian minority, invoking visions of the 17th century revolt by Catholics in the Shimabara Domain- ironic given that was against the early Tokugawa bakufu- as well as similar martyrdoms against an overwhelming oppressive force. Spurred to action, for survival and for the faith, Christians everywhere in Ezo volunteer to join in the war effort, whether as soldiers or those in service of the fighters. Unexpectedly, some even convert to Catholicism, whether from other denominations of Christianity, or even from Shintoism or Buddhism- the vision of Catholic Japanese crusaders in silk armor starts to become the rage, and many flock to the banner. ![]() 1024x768 Saemon also works extensively to introduce a new martial culture to Ezo: the franc-tireur. Inspired by the goings-on in Ezo’s patron nation, these are irregular forces cultivated from civilians with access to rifles and arms (the supply greatly enhanced over the past few months due to Vice President Matsudaira’s efforts). Farmers are taught to shoot, and hunters who know how to shoot are taught how to disrupt enemy supply lines and logistics, using their knowledge of Ezo’s wild terrain to their advantage. Ever the writer, Saemon drafts the The Maverick Mindset, a document explaining the fundamentals of franc-tireur warfare, both internal and external tactics for outwitting a numerically superior but much less flexible opponent.”* In addition to the gunplay, they are also taught how to make traps, sharpening wood for spiked pits in preparation for the holy hell that they will raise against the enemy. Throughout the land, in every village and fief, peasants and artisans become impromptu ashigaru. This of course, has had the effect of facilitating a rapid proliferation of simple weapons among the peasants and lower classes of Ezo. For now, these citizens are content to defend their homeland from their perceived threats, but already some in the elite are fearing what the long term implications of arming the general population might be… Ezo has finally, after a year of conflict, has mobilized itself for war. * due to mistranslations, this text is sometimes referred to as “Ideas on Heresy” in English. ( -gold for Blakiston from mercs, --foreign spies, +Plan Kaidate, +yagura and sakamogi, +Christians in the military and their morale, ++citizen guerrillas trained for extended partisan warfare!) (+10,000 peasant conscripts, +25,000 irregular militia**, +3,200 Samurai, +1,000 samurai upgraded to “elite” status, +Creation of SWB, +quality and equipment of all Ezo’s military) ** These are not soldiers per se, but peasants and labourers who have received some formal training in weapon use, and have been authorized to possess their weapons at all times and keep them in their homes. They will be mobilized locally in the event of a Meiji invasion, but will not be utilized in any offensive actions unless specifically conscripted. Until this time, they will continue with their normal occupations. The War Economy Come all now, step right up and open your hearts (and purses) to a grand new gate… to your future! - Jameson Wilkins, bank barker, Gate to Prosperity employee The Engines of Economy Grind Slowly, but with Exactness they Grind All. Even as the war is about to rage, the citizens of Ezo prepare the market for military action. Attempting to streamline the refugee settler-state of affairs that has dominated the rudimentary Ezo society since a decade ago, U.S. special advisor Horace Capron begins meeting with merchants (many of them among Katsu Kaichu’s Merchant Consortium), spreading American ideas of banking and finance. He proposes they reform the existing (non-)system and move towards centralization. In a mainly grassroots effort, Capron suggests that the existing banks pool their assets and collaborate in investment. He argues that secure banks incentivizes more usage of banks, and centralized banks provide secure banks. With these efforts, half a dozen small banks already have signed up to join this new institution: the Gate to Prosperity Bank. ![]() 600x948 This is the sort of radical reform that one would presume the Finance Magistrate would be vested in. However, as of press time, Nagai Naoyuki was seen morosely drinking sake and muttering, “Those meddling kids…” (+1 central bank- not yet governmentally recognized, +1 apathetic Secretary of the Treasury) Saddling the stallion This land is fertile, that is readily apparent to any fool. We Matsumae have watched over it for centuries, and we know it best. Let us lead the charge in conquering its riches, even as the exiles conspire to conquer the mainland! - Matsumae Nagahiro, son of the clan head Further north, the Matsuame clan works to harvest the minerals of their restored fief. Surveyors do their trick, foreign experts offer advice, and in no time some coal and iron mines are set up, creating a new income source for the previously benighted Matsumae. But the mines are young, and so far limited, so the clan head orders peasants to work on lumber and agriculture, for plants grow faster than rock, and are easily accessible, as well. 1000x667 But not all is well in this bustling bucolic Plymouth. The Ainu aboriginal peoples, who have seen their political and social clout improve drastically over the past year, seek to turn to matters economic. And so they begin trading, not through the traditional Matsumae clan merchant middlemen, but directly, both to Yamato tradesmen (some of Katsu Kaishu’s consoritum), as well as foreigners. This breach against centuries of tradition has some Matsumae clan hopping mad at the thought of their vassal barbarians acting without them. This tension mounts further as Ainu begin exploitation of the natural resources of their own lands, working in fishing, donuts, and construction (especially for military defense) in addition to timber. Throughout all of this, foreigners and non-samurai merchants gamely wheel and deal with both sides, not caring about how they prosper off of Ezochi’s bounties. One gaijin of note is the renowned Anglican Englishman missionary John Batchelor, who has been studying the Ainu people for the past year. His accounts on the Ainu peoples, currently written in periodical dispatches and published in newspapers both in Ezo and abroad, are quickly becoming the second hottest Ezo literary export after the works of Kasuga Saemon. It remains to be seen if he is seeking to be involved in the Ainu empowerment movement beyond his writing. ![]() 500x372 (+ore mines in Matsumae territory, +lumber and agriculture, *trade war between Ainu and Matsumae!) A Snake in the Grass Dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life - President Enomoto Takeaki to Otori Keisuke In a semi-public display to the elite brass of the Ezo military, President Enomoto Takeaki asserted his role as commander in chief, and held the leader of the coup against him personally responsible for his actions. Bound and gagged to prevent suicide, Otori Keisuke was dragged by his samurai chonmage to a stage on the ruins of Goryokaku. After a brief speech in which Enomoto invoked christian imagery and mocked Keisuke’s supporters (many of whom were captive witnesses), Enomoto proceeded to enact a rather brutal punishment on his traitorous former subordinate. First revealing the forked nature of Otori Keisuke’s tongue, Keisuke was then stripped nude, revealing his haggard body, starved from months of force-feeding and attempted suicide by starvation. His weak body had to endure further torture, as Enomoto Takeaki wordlessly used his katana to hack off Keisuke’s arms one by one, tourniqueting the open wounds and splashing Keisuke’s face with water to maintain his consciousness. Following the removal of his arms, Enomoto proceeded to remove one of his legs, until but one leg was left. Enomoto then spat upon the man, and gestured, pointing out his now permanent serpentine nature. Keisuke, weary from the loss of three of his limbs, and unable to properly speak due to the forked nature of his tongue, accepted his punishment with quiet dignity. While the President had planned to ship Keisuke off to Ezo’s first zoo for display, Keisuke’s body, already weak from torture and intentional hunger, succumbed to the strain of his dismemberment, and he perished in front of the present witnesses. Enomoto simply muttered “as weak in death as in life,” and strode from the stage, wiping his sword, and declining to lecture his soldiers further on the lessons of loyalty and price for betrayal. Further words were hardly necessary. (-Otori Keisuke) ![]() Artist's Interpretation JosefStalinator fucked around with this message at Mar 12, 2014 around 23:10 |
# ? Mar 12, 2014 22:04 |
Flight of the Crusoes I could have killed 'em all, I could've killed you. In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it! Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go! - Thomas Crusoe to one of his pursuers Thomas Crusoe, a wanted man for his actions in killing the wounded Matsudaira Katamori, continued his flight into the hinterlands of Ezo as he pursued the lawmen seeking to bring him to justice. His location in the hinterlands war known primarily by the many elaborate traps he placed for those on his trail, and some 7 bounty hunters seeking his arrest were maimed, burned, or beheaded by these bizarre traps. One man managed to reach Crusoe, but found himself captured in a bamboo cage, during which time he claims Crusoe dictated an insane rambling warning to those who might seek his capture, pleading for those to stop pursuing him. As the only man to witness Crusoe (at least without Crusoe’s consent), the story was related to other would be bounty hunters, many of whom called off their search for fear of injury or death. The only reliable information on his location and trajectory seems to suggest his flight is taking him to the heart of Ainu territory. Whether the Ainu receive him favorably, or if his insane flight continues in their lands, remains to be seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vgZfEmvRnU (-7 bounty hunters, +1 Insane Crusoe) Also, he fell in love with an Ainu woman, who has been attending to his wounds, and is possibly carrying his starchild. ![]() 650x899 Artist depiction (+1 common law wife for Crusoe, +1 mystery child) Nationalist Party Founded Since the foundation of the Republic of Ezo, the Republican Party has attempted to balance the needs of the nation with the strictures of our tradition. We did not move here to end the domination of the samurai, nor to see the samurai slip into the past as some relic of the past. The samurai are necessary to the nation of Ezo, and their place within the state will remain a unique one. - President Enomoto Having suffered a setback in the last Congressional election, and having allowed disunity within his party to foster a semi-legal coup, President Enomoto announced a radical reorganization of the Republican faction. This has amounted to a complete disbanding of the Republican faction and the foundation of a new official political party - The Nationalist Party. While not technically the first official party in Ezo (the Freedom Party takes that distinction), the Nationalist Party will be the first organized “Western Style” Party to serve in government. Working through Horace Capron, a number of prominent Republican Party organizers from the United States arrived in Hakodate to help President Enomoto hire staff and teach them the principles of party organization. In order to further bolster his party’s prospects and undo some of the damage of the Keisuke coup, President Enomoto also allowed the rebellious congressmen to return to the congress following a pledge of loyalty to the constitution and officially joining the new Nationalist Party. This included the 3 rebellious Christian Party members, who, fearing legal ramifications (and seeking to avoid the same fate as Keisuke) accepted the offer. In one fell swoop, the President regained the primacy of his party in congress, and none in homeland offered any considerable resistance to these efforts. Enomoto also shifted the focus of his political party towards one of nationalism, adherence to the constitution (incorporating the respect for legal institutions such as the courts), maintenance of a strong navy, and a generally pro-European position. While not overtly supportive of Christians over Buddhists or Shinto adherents, the reintegration of Christians into the party, and prominent homelanders’ moves to support shinto-buddhist traditionalism, has made the Nationalist Party the preferred party of the Christians within Ezo. The reintegration of rebellious congressmen has resulted in something of a backlash, with many questioning the loyalty of the congressmen, and some within their districts advocating for their removal and replacement. This has not amounted to much in the climate of war with Meiji, but may hurt the Nationalist Party further down the line. With a new party infrastructure in place, the President and his allies moved to campaign in the by-elections for the four deceased congressmen. (-republican party, +Nationalist Party, +13 Nationalist Party Congressmen +Nationalist Party Organization) By the By (Elections) I struggled so hard. And arrived so far. But upon the finale, it does not even matter. - Goro Ikeda, former Right Republican coup member While the Nationalist Party reorganized itself and (narrowly) retook control as the largest party of congress, emergency by-elections were held for the 4 congressmen killed in the Keisuke coup. Enomoto Michiakira, in his role as speaker and party organizer, cited the unrest of the previous few months, and war with Meiji, as reason to delay the elections considerably. The elections were thus not held until December 15th, 1877, much later than they otherwise would have been scheduled. Many critics cited the Nationalist Party’s reorganization as the true cause of the elections’ delays, for by the time of the elections, the Nationalist Party’s American advisors had utilized its massive resources to conduct an aggressive and modern campaign against their opponents. On the ground, alongside President Enomoto (who actually bothered to come out for his party this time around), Enomoto Michiakira and Erwin Balz campaigned for the Nationalist Party, arguing its principles and attempting to show support for their candidates. Only Hijikata Toshizo bothered to turn out for the Homeland Party (though he was significantly hampered by his illness), but the Nationalist Party largely overshadowed his efforts. Homeland did benefit from some of the unease over the amnesty for the 13 rebellious congressmen, as well as the fact that the districts were previously supportive of Homeland candidates (and the sympathy vote came out for their successors). Ultimately however, the Nationalist Party secured victory in 3 of the 4 districts, and in the process, secured a narrow majority in congress with 26 seats. Congressional Election Results 1887 posted:House of Representatives (total 50): Speaker Enomoto Michiakira Eliminating the impossible "Looks like this naval plan... has just gone Arai. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" - Hanzo Koi, Chief Shinsengumi Investigator Despite the incapacitation of their leader, the Shinsengumi do not slack in the effort to uncover the perpetrators behind the Great White Wedding Massacre. Their agents continue to scour the wreckage of the ruins, hunting down leads. As they chase suspects through darkened alleyways of Hakodate, on and off suspicious unmarked vessels, and through spooky graveyards, they uncover that this plot is far larger than anyone had possibly foreseen. It goes all of the way to the top- but to which top? It is on one dark night as two Shinsengumi agents sneak into a darkened, deserted room in the Round Eye Saloon. Sitting at the table is none other than the one-eyed Groom, Blakiston of Blakiston and Co. himself. The candlelight illuminates a weary and well-worn face, and the Groom is still clad in the tattered remnants of the fine suit he had worn to that fateful day of tragedy. He reveals to them that he had been hunting the murders of his bride for the past months, and his trail had grown hot. He tells them what he knows. Revengeance is imminent. ![]() 438x237 (+beginning of a beautiful friendship) Efforts to determine the location of Arai Ikunosuke, the presumed dead former Navy Magistrate, have determined that he is alive and hiding up the coast of Ezo with the two Ezo ships under his command. His current intentions are not known, but he and a group of loyal followers appear poised to disembark at any given time, and attempts to communicate with his forces have resulted in silence and flight. With his exact intentions unclear, morale is supposedly running low in his breakaway force, with periodic defections lending information as to their location. (+knowledge of Arai Ikunosuke’s forces, +chances of capture by someone… anyone) Toshizowned “In Italian, a belladonna is a beautiful lady; in English, it's a deadly poison.” - Ambrose Bierce As the schemes of Ezo citizens past faced investigation, a new scheme in the Republic struck an even greater blow to its efforts to survive and withstand internal division. On October 7th, as Hijikata Toshizo retired to his bedchambers to enjoy the company of some of the finest escorts of the Republic, he suddenly collapsed on the floor. His guards burst into the room as the screams of his escort pierced his estate’s halls, and he was immediately rushed to Erwin Balz’s hospital in Ezo for treatment. Toshizo faced a tortuous night, and delirious, he claimed not to have any knowledge of illness or injury sustained in the preceding days. The night passed with severe vomiting and diarrhea, but the doctors were able to stabilize Toshizo, who survived the ordeal. His sickness persisted however, and the doctors quickly came to one conclusion - that Toshizo was poisoned, but would survive the ordeal. After a month of recovery, Toshizo was released from the hospital, still sickly but slowly recovering from the ordeal. Unfortunately for Toshizo, he would be unable to attend the peace conference being organized in Berlin. An investigation was immediately launched into the poisoning, as the shinsengumi vigorously pursued the attempted murder of their leader. Investigations eventually pointed to the Toshizo’s chef as the prime suspect in the poisoning, and he was promptly arrested and questioned. Further investigation revealed the presence of a vial of arsenic in his possession, matching the symptoms displayed by Toshizo, and the chef was promptly thrown in prison for his role. The chef did not reveal his motives, or if any conspiracy was involved in the effort, but theories and accusations flew regardless. Given Toshizo’s role as head of the Shinsengumi, many pointed to Arai Ikunosuke’s NINJA as the prime suspects for the murder, as well as Christian samurai upset over the shinsengumi’s role in persecuting the Christian NINJA organization and its supporters. Others simply suspect Meiji involvement in the assassination attempt, as Toshizo’s shinsengumi have proven one of the more effective organizations at stopping their subterfuge and attempts to undermine Ezo from within. This would also disrupt the Berlin peace conference, for which Toshizo was one of the key Ezo representatives. Another possibility is political sabotage - as one of the few campaigning for homeland, his sickness greatly impeded homeland’s campaigns in the congressional by elections. Others suspect the chef was working alone, but failing a motive, few buy this explanation. Whoever was responsible for the assassination attempt, Toshizo remains in recovery in the hospital under heavy guard, though he will likely return to perform his duties soon. The shinsengumi are livid over the events, and have sworn to bring the responsible party (or parties) to justice. Buriburi-kun and company have already vowed to take the case and unmask the culprit. (+Sickness of Toshizo, + (attempted) MURDER MYSTERY!) Sengoku Jidai 2: Electric Boogaloo “Man's schemes are inferior to those made by heaven” - Chinese Proverb While Ezo has been rapidly mobilizing its economic assets and fully realizing its military potential, a worrying trend has begun to characterize Ezo’s military. While unsurprising given the former Bafuku’s own decentralized nature, Ezo’s army has increasingly been given sway to factionalism, as recruitment efforts by military leaders, party leaders, and members of the cabinet themselves seem as interested in ensuring loyalty to their individual causes as their collective patriotic cause. The passage of the Strengthen the Republic bill theoretically does away with much of this factionalization, but as yet, the government of Ezo has done nothing to enforce the authority of the President as commander in chief over the paramilitaries cropping up all over Ezo. The actions of the former Army Magistrate Otori Keisuke, and his violent execution, have created a backlash against the decentralization of the army, especially as the threat of Meiji looms over the island. Foreign companies, such as the LMM and SWB, also worry the natives of Ezo. Theoretically independent from the laws of Ezo, foreign run mercenary companies have considerable autonomy, but many samurai are fearful of what role these groups might play in any Meiji invasion or action of internal dissent. Brunet’s LMM participated in quelling the Keisuke coup, but some worry that, should the mercenary groups become displeased, or should a foreign power seek to strike against Ezo itself, there already exists a sizable garrison of potentially traitorous troops lurking near the capital. Needless to say, unless the President or his cabinet act to quell the rise of military factions, they threaten to tear Ezo apart. For now, the threat of Meiji is staying everyone’s hand, but this may not last. (+Backlash against factionalization, +backlash against foreign mercenary groups) International News Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue ”For twoscore and four years, America and the Japanese people have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times. From that alliance has come an era of peace in the Pacific.” - Grover Cleveland, U.S. President Special advisor Horace Capron has not been idle throughout the mounting crisis. Returning to his homeland with a special group of citizens from Ezo, Capron beseeched the State Department of the United States to assist in the impending crisis. He proclaimed the trustworthiness of the Republic of Ezo, its commitment to the same values of liberty and free trade, and pointed towards its adoption of a government similar to their own and safe harboring of good Christian believers as signs that it should not perish from the earth. During a live Senate hearing, Capron waved a book of poetry by Kasuga Saemon before the American legislators, pointing to the cover where it was stained “from the blood of Ezochian patriots fighting against Oriental tyranny.” Later historians would identify the blood as belonging to a samurai slain in a fierce duel after another one had insulted his opinions on proper haiku meter, or perhaps a bar brawl at the Round Eye Saloon. Regardless, his fervent declarations of the worthiness of Ezo, as well as feverish reports of the dire situation afflicting the wayward island were quite affecting. ![]() 400x445 Moved by his his heavy lobbying, the American president himself met with Capron, and even several Christian exiles who had previously fled the Japanese mainland. He consented to dispatching the Pacific Squadron on a “goodwill peace visit” to Hakodate, Yokohama, and elsewhere, hoping that this show of friendship and support would convince all local powers to refrain from warfare and discord. While this is not an actual military response to the Meiji, it does bring hope that it would act as a reminder to the southern Japanese government that other powers are watching its activities. ![]() 740x438 Not content with simply one solution, advisor Capron also visited the port cities of the Eastern Seaboard, with a jaunt to California as well, parading around his retinue of Christians, who each gave harrowing tales about the murderous samurai-massacres of the Meiji. (The fact that the samurai was previously a warrior caste is not mentioned, except in the context of being good Catholic warriors- Templar of the East, perhaps?) The completely exotic and foreign nature of his demonstrations revived old bygone notions of Prester John. One unlikely base of support arose: several West Coast chapters of the Know-Nothings appeared at Capron’s chautauquas. It would seem that the idea of a dynamic new Asiatic state- where Asiatics would flee to, rather than to less Asiatic climes- is quite attractive to those who are fans of a Northern American for, erm, Europeans. Not to mention that this Batchelor fellow claims that there are fellow Caucasians living on this island! Fancy that. While less unsavory conventional business interests are not much willing to back Capron’s proposals of sending additional ships to Ezo to prevent war, he is able to find several nativist adventurers who are willing to contribute boats and volunteers to go to Asia to keep Asia away from America. ![]() 690x400 (+Pacific Squadron now touring Asia, +American sympathy, +xenophobes like Ezo now, +several racist ships join the American expeditionary fleet) German nationals in Ezo content with status quo Teile und herrsche! - Gottwald Teichert, beer barrel merchant Beyond making patriotic speeches, the Tokugawa chamberlain engaged in some diplomatic actions, forging ties with the foreign patrons, insisting that the Ezo Republic is the future, not the Meiji. Matsudaira Naritami even met with the Germans, the presumed allies to the Meiji Japanese, and convinces them to adopt a stance of neutrality during this crisis. Though aside from Consul Balz there are not many representatives of the German government itself, he is able to convince the traders and business peoples to refrain from working as spies. If two Japans continue to persist, they reason amongst themselves, then the potential for bidding wars and other economic opportunities continue. For the time being, the Germans in Hakodate are happy to continue doing business with both sides of the conflict, including selling arms, without showing favoritism to either. (+Neutrality of Germans within Ezo) Balance of Power The question of war and peace, as far as Germany is concerned, will be decided in Berlin and in no other capital” -Chancellor Otto von Bismarck on the Far East While the conflict between Ezo and Meiji heated up, in Europe, efforts to defuse the crisis were already underway. After heavy lobbying by Erwin Balz, and efforts at conciliation by President Enomoto (who penned a favorable editorial for Germany in Hakodate’s newspaper), Otto von Bismarck agreed to facilitate a meeting between representatives of Ezo and Meiji in order to avoid further bloodshed. Likely on Bismarck’s mind, however, was the potential for the situation to escalate into a proxy war - and the decision by France to send 5 warships to Hakodate seemed to reinforce this fear. Germany’s own commitments to Meiji Japan would likely require considerable aid, if not open intervention, in the event of French involvement, and Bismarck, ever the realist with a fetish for balance of power politics, hoped to avoid such an outcome. Initially, Hijikata Toshizo was to attend the peace conference, but after his attempted assassination, Hiyashi Tadasu (foreign magistrate) was chosen instead. Meiji was reluctant to attend for fear of legitimizing the government it considers to be nothing more than a rebellion, but after receiving assurances from Chancellor Bismarck that the conference amounted to nothing more than “an informal meeting for discussion of peace,” and not an official diplomatic conference that conveyed legitimacy, Meiji consented to send a representative. The chosen representative was Suematsu Kenchou. As delegates arrived at the conference, the usual diplomatic niceties were exchanged (except between Ezo and Meiji), and French, German, Ezo, and Meiji representatives met behind closed doors to make their intentions and positions clear. Both European powers refused to recognize their opposing client states’ legitimacy, and instead focused on conflict mitigation, pressing their allies to offer concessions and return to the status quo ante bellum. Meiji struck a far more aggressive tone, and arguing that its victory was imminent, insisted that Ezo could offer nothing more than “total surrender” to satisfy their demands for peace. Meiji rallied not just against Ezo, but Russia as well, and openly rejected the legitimacy of the Ezo-Russian Treaty of 1877, declaring the Kuriles and Sakhalin to be sovereign Japanese territory. Clearly angry, and with little desire for peace, Meiji spent most of the conference bitterly rejecting Ezo’s conciliatory attitudes. Ezo’s delegates arrived without clear parameters for peace or negotiation, but unlike Meiji, seemed eager to avoid further bloodshed, and called upon Europe (especially France) to intervene in the event that one of the two sides should dominate the Japanese archipelago. As it stands, both sides have initiated dialogue, and all that needs happen now is for representatives of their governments to receive their positions and offers. As the situation on the ground changes, so might their willingness for peace, but as it stands, the conference has served to facilitate dialogue and nothing more. In other related international news, Jules Brunet personally penned a letter to President Patrice de MacMahon of France asking for clarification of France’s role in protecting Ezo from foreign invasion, and inquiring as to the status of France’s fleet positioned in the Far East. President MacMahon, attempting to avoid escalation of the conflict, reassured Brunet that “any and all preparations necessary to preserve peace in the Far East have already been made, and we would prefer a diplomatic solution to any military escalation.” This non answer somewhat perturbed Brunet, but one change was evident: shortly after the arrival of this letter, the French navy, which maintains a small but modern squadron near its concession in the Chinese city of Tianjin, became considerably more active. In fact, a request for harbor in Hakodate was made with the local port authorities, and 5 French Armored Frigates docked shortly thereafter with Ezo’s permission. They remain in port, as French crews take a lengthy vacation, and are enjoying the sights and entertainment offered by Hakodate’s foreign quarters. As of now, their intention is entirely neutral and non-military in nature, but a clear message has been sent to Ezo’s enemies. (+French Naval Presence in Hakodate, +Conference in Berlin) A Sado Day Indeed They think they have won. We will make them bleed -Samurai commander on Sado While the island of Ezo was turned into a veritable fortress, Sado did not enjoy quite the same fortification efforts. Most of Ezo’s military had returned to Ezo in haste after Otori Keisuke’s coup dispersed them to Ezo’s far corners, and little effort had been taken to replace the lost garrisons. Still, some 500 samurai forces populated Sado and oversaw its defense and pacification, and the Ezo fleet in Hakodate was ready for dispatch in the event that Meiji’s forces made a move. Such a move came on October 3rd, as Meiji’s navy, now bolstered by three shiny new German produced armored frigates and a collection of torpedo boats, approached the island of Sado and commenced a bombardment of its coastline. As this bombardment gathered steam, transport vessels appeared on the horizon, and Ezo samurai steeled themselves for an impending invasion. Ezo’s navy was quick to react, and while it possessed fewer top of the line frigates, it did enjoy superiority in number, even without the 2 ships that disappeared with the former Navy Magistrate. With Katsu Kaishu at its head, the Ezo navy steamed towards Sado to intercept the invading Meiji. Yet, they arrived too late. By the time Ezo’s ships arrived at Sado, Meiji forces had already streamed onto the island, and had begun setting up defensive fortifications to repel any naval counter-attack. With no land reinforcements forthcoming, Katsu Kaishu made the decision to simply support the evacuation of the island, while Ezo forces in Sado made Meiji pay for its invasion with blood. Meiji forces were forced, due to the geography of the island, to land on open beaches vulnerable to Ezo fire. Hoping to test the very methods by which they would defend the main island of Ezo itself, Ezo forces took position in the highlands and temporary forts dotting the beaches, and proceeded to incur as heavy losses as was reasonably possible on the invaders. Eventually forced to withdraw, the samurai resorted to partisan tactics to delay and harass the invading Meiji, and efforts to arm the local population to resist produced mixed results. What did result of this policy, however, was a brutal suppression of locals suspected of supporting Ezo forces, with reports of mass hangings and executions across Sado in the wake of successful Meiji military actions. Regardless, the samurai quickly found their position tenuous, and proceeded to destroy the gold mine in which the government had invested considerable resources, rather than let it fall into Meiji’s hands. Their efforts were mostly successful, with access to the mine blocked, though Meiji immediately sought to clear the wreckage and take advantage of the modernization that had occurred in their brief absence. The remaining samurai then took to the hills of Sado, and, with considerably higher morale and better training than the Meiji who had done the same, continue to wreak terror upon the local population and garrison. Some samurai have been evacuated by the navy and brought back to Ezo, minimizing losses. Supplies of weapon, ammunition, and food have also been smuggled in by the navy and shinsengumi to support the samurai in the hills. In all, the battle of Sado was over very quickly, but the guerilla war still rages. Meiji has paid a surprisingly high price for an island that was only minimally defended (incurring some 1,300 losses, including partisan activity), and this may provide some hint at what an invasion of Ezo proper might look like. (+Sado for Meiji, +3 new armored frigates - 200 samurai, +samurai partisans in the hills) JosefStalinator fucked around with this message at Mar 13, 2014 around 00:24 |
# ? Mar 12, 2014 22:04 |
A Porous Plan A small leak will sink a great ship.” - Benjamin Franklin As Meiji forces celebrated their costly victory in Sado, Ezo made its first move to strike at the heart of Meiji itself. With a sizable portion of the Meiji navy now docked at Niigata, having supported the Sado invasion, Ezo forces sought to covertly sabotage Meiji’s navy and destroy it at port, followed by a crushing victory at sea. On December 7th, a group of merchant vessels requested permission to dock at Niigata, claiming to possess chinese goods for trade. The vessels were granted permission by the Niigata authorities, but these were no simple traders - aboard the merchant vessels were Ezo samurai in disguise. Their mission was to sabotage the port facilities at Niigata, burn Meiji’s navy, and capture any ships possible, before absconding with them to the high seas. Once at sea, they were to meet up with Katsu Kaishu and the navy to utilize their advantage to deal a crushing blow to Meiji’s fleet, and secure Ezo’s independence. Yet, all does not always go according to plan. As the trojan vessel arrived in port, the fact that something was amiss became readily apparent. The Meiji fleet, seemingly in port due to the presence of many smokestacks on the horizon, was nowhere to be found, but instead large army garrisons could be seen encamped around the city, with large fires blazes from their camps. The inhabitants of the ships grew more nervous as they approached a dock that was entirely deserted, with no visible attendants or dockworkers to tend to their docking needs. Their suspicions and fears were confirmed almost immediately as the ship approached its designated dock, for the very moment the crew prepared to disembark, cannonfire erupted and pierced the ship’s decks. Matsudaira Sadaaki, personally commanding the operation, displayed brilliant leadership and screamed for his soldiers to leap into the water to avoid the cannonfire, and his soldiers proceeded to do so. Dispersing through the water, they collected themselves further up the docks, as Meiji soldiers began firing in the water and on the boat for any stragglers. ![]() 800x407 Moments later, another cannon pierced the ship, this time igniting the many explosives the samurai had smuggled within their vessel. The ship’s explosion clearly surprised the Meiji, and demolished much of the docking area, and proceeded to set some of the adjoining buildings ablaze. With shrapnel falling from the sky, and the situation spiraling out of control, Sadaaki rallied his men, and sought to do what he could with a rather dire situation. Recognizing the absence of the Meiji fleet, Sadaaki and his men were forced to evacuate with what little damage they had done, charging bravely into battle against a contingent of Meiji soldiers. Sadaaki and his group dispatched them with ease, and seizing their weapons, set fire to nearby buildings in an effort to inflict as much damage as possible on the Meiji. The Meiji had begun to rally, and while Sadaaki’s men were effective at dispatching groups many times their size, their small number would eventually doom them to capture of death at the hands of the local garrison. Accepting that little more could be done, Sadaaki and his crew seized a nearby vessel and proceeded to flee the harbor, using the smoke and chaos from the fire as cover for their retreat. Somewhat miraculously, their strategy worked, and despite sustaining cannonfire to their small vessel, the samurai were able to escape the harbor proper, and disembark up the coast, fleeing northward until waiting naval vessels arrived to whisk them back to Ezo. The navy of Ezo, having waited for the signal to engage a weakened Meiji fleet, preoccupied itself with the evacuation of the samurai, having witnessed the failure of the covert operation to deal a decisive blow to Meiji’s forces. Sadaaki had inflicted some damage, and his bravery in the operation won him considerable praise at home. Upon his return, despite the operation’s failure, he was hailed as a hero, and morale among all in Ezo was boosted by the largely ineffective operation. What was more distressing to Ezo, however, was the implications of the failed operation. Meiji appeared to anticipate Ezo’s every move - they had evacuated their fleet well in advance of the operation, and later spies confirmed that the fleet had been docked at Niigata only days before, and had since returned back to the area. Meiji forces had used trickery to lure Ezo into continuing its operation, and were eager to allow the covert forces in without trouble, hoping to slaughter them en masse once within the harbor. While the quick thinking of Sadaaki averted full disaster, one thing was clear - someone with knowledge of the operation had leaked the plans to the Meiji in advance of Sadaaki’s arrival. (+Minor damage to Niigata, +great popularity boost and honor for Sadaaki, ++morale back home, +snakery?) Congressional Report With Congress largely reinstated (though down 4 congressmen before the by-elections), two pieces of legislation were proposed. The delay in the by-election by the Speaker of Congress ensured that the full Congressional delegation (including a Nationalist majority) would not be seated for any votes until the coming Quarter. Wartime Contributions Act Final Vote: PASSED 26 - 20 In very party-line votes, the WCA barely passed congress. Sakoku and homeland both came out against the bill, seeking not to dilute the samurai class with a bunch of merchants. The merchant faction joined the newly formed nationalist party in voting yes, and with the 13 formerly rogue congressmen falling in line with the nationalists, the bill narrowly passed. Merchants with larger vessels capable of fielding at least two cannons have eagerly begun signing up for the navy, both for patriotic duty, but also to attain samurai status and avoid the heavy taxation that merchants face. (+35 Converted Merchant Vessels, -collected merchant taxes, +a handful of new samurai) Ainu Normalization Act Final Vote: FAILED 17 - 26 Homeland came out against the Ainu bill, as did Sakoku, but what doomed the bill was the defection of six Nationalist Party congressmen. These six congressmen expressed disgust at the concept of equality for Ainu along the same lines as Japanese, and voted against the bill. They cited the elevation of the Ainu leader to ceremonial daimyo as “enough of a travesty and dilution of samurai status and Japanese superiority as any other,” and did not want to further this trend of equality. (+Revelation of anti-Ainu prejudice ![]() Strengthen the Republic Bill Final Vote: PASSED 44 - 3 The only objections came from the three former Christian faction congressmen, who voted no largely out of protest. The passage of the bill reinforces the top-down nature of the military, and officially disbands NINJA, authorizing law enforcement to prosecute those still claiming loyalty to the organization. As a result of the law’s passage, a number of prominent NINJA personnel surrendered themselves willingly to the government, though most of the leadership remains at large. (+Reinforcement of military authority, -many NINJA members, +stability) Congress also approved the appointment of Matsumae Takahiro as Education Magistrate. The Sakoku faction thus lost its last cabinet representative. The following budget was also passed by congress without any difficulties: Q4 Budget posted:Bakuhan Taisei tax structure: The following budget represents the finances available to Ezo for Q1 of 1888. Merchant income has fallen as many were made samurai in light of the Wartime Contributions Act, though taxation rose across the board as the economy recovered from the coup and internal discord. Maintenance costs rose as the country finally fully mobilized for war, and the newly expanded army began to place a burden on the treasury of the Republic. Q1 1888 Budget posted:Bakuhan Taisei tax structure: Random Events The Meiji “ambassador” (more the representative of Meiji in Ezo) has taken it upon himself to purchase and open a restaurant, which he has titled “Sushi-tennou” or Emperor Sushi. Knowing his allegiance, few native Ezo have chosen to patronize his establishment, though foreigners (especially Germans) don’t seem to mind.’ (+New Sushi restaurant) Among the shinsengumi, football (inexplicably called “Sokka” by the residents of Ezo) is becoming increasingly popular. Sokka is popular among the children of the elite, as Toshizo has argued that sports are a good method of distraction for otherwise bored or frightened children. Cricket and sokka now tower above all other sports in Ezo, though for the time being there is little time for leisure as the war against Meiji continues to rage. (+Sokka popularity in Ezo, especially among the elite and their children) In Central Ezo, near the village of Obihiro, a model school has been constructed and opened by the Matsumae clan. The goal of this school is to educate the rural residents in the Japanese ways, and to encourage the cohabitation and integration of Ainu within Ezo society. Its curriculum places heavy emphasis on the importance of learning Japanese, mathematics, bushido and the superiority of the samurai class, as well as expounding traditional values and disparaging Christianity. (+Education for children of the Ainu, +Indoctrination of Children in central Ezo) Enomoto Michiakira, in a gesture intended to mock Jules Brunet’s ambitions, spared no expense in constructing the “flagship” of Brunet’s fledgeling mercenary navy. This ship amounted to a sailboat fit for 2 people at most, though it was exquisitely painted and imported from France itself. Brunet appears to have requested this boat, so this joke was taken most kindly, and many speculate that Michiakira and Jules may be seeking to take a boat ride together off the coast of Ezo’s shores. (+tiny sailboat for Brunet, +budding bromance) Enomoto Michiakira also purchased a plot of land in central Ezo, ostensibly because it has become the rage in Ezo for the elite to purchase otherwise worthless land and conduct economic experiments on them, or build fortresses for their retinues and schemes. (+land for enomoto michiakira) Thomas Blakiston has increased his efforts to integrate all of Britain’s East Asian trade network into his Ezo-based merchant empire, and has succeeded in establishing a base in Northern Formosa near the village of Keelung. This has turned into the base of operations for his Southeast Asian trade. (+Keelung trade for Blakiston) Emperor Enjuu appears to have ended his decade of isolation, and has begun touring Ezo in an effort to rally forces for the defense of the homeland. His focus has been recruiting eager citizens to join the militias preparing for the defense of the island in the event of Meiji invasion, and as a result, both his own popularity and recruitment for militias has been bolstered. Katsu Kaishu’s militias appear the main benefactors of this recruitment effort, and the navy minister himself has succeeded in creating a rather modern and sizable militia force ready to repel any invaders. (+Popularity of Emperor, +Defensive Militias) Jules Brunet, in an effort to smooth over relations after the Crusoe incident, has distanced himself from the escape fugitive and done a tour of Hakodate to demonstrate his wealth and goodwill, spending considerable amounts of his cash on local businesses and helping the poor. This has helped recover some of his lost reputation, but continuing violence and criminal activity has made Crusoe sorely missed within Hakodate. Brunet has also taken it upon himself to bolster his small mercenary navy with a torpedo boat refitted from France, and has made it the flagship of his fleet. While not particularly impressive, this does place Brunet in a position to marginally help any naval operations. Brunet also organized an operation to explore Formosa, dispatching 5 members of his LMM to explore its Eastern coast. None of have returned. (+Torpedo Boat and flagship for the LMM, +Brunet’s reputation -Formosa expeditionary force) The High Court building sponsored by President Enomoto has been completed, boasting an impressive grand court hall, chambers for the justices, and some adjoining office areas for clerks and other administrative purposes. The building is most impressive, and has boosted the legitimacy and prestige of the High Court. (+High Court building) Emperor Enjuu has taken it upon himself to plan and finance the construction of a great shrine in Sapporo. The shrine is set to be the largest in all Ezo, and has been seen as a sign of Sapporo’s ascendancy in Ezo as it rapidly grows into Ezo’s second city. The shrine’s specifications are not yet set, and it would benefit from some investment by the state if it is to reach the size and grand desires of its Emperor. The shrine is also designed to house kami, but the total number has yet to be set, nor is it clear which kami will be enshrined within. The Shinto laity wait with anticipation. ![]() (+Construction of shrine, +prestige of shintoism within Ezo, +Emperor role in shintoism) The magic lantern industry suddenly becomes more competitive, with the arrival of two pasty brothers from some godforsaken island out in gaijinland. ![]() 400x600 They have set up shop in Hakodate showing images of their drizzly hellhole of a homeland, until the outgoing former Education Magistrate Itakura Katsukiyo suggests that they get a government contract, instead. The Department of Propa- er, Education sends them a few coppers and official Ezo Republic magic lantern shows are put on, about magical tanuki and other clever forest kami foiling evil white suited not-samurai. In doing so, many are taught proper ways to build traps to catch some Meiji invaders. And it seems like the former Education Magistrate is still continuing his work and retains connections to his former organization, despite no longer being in power. ![]() 495x330 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3C5GN15kas(+commoners aware of how to fight, the Finance Magistrate now has a rival in the magic lantern business) As promised, two top of the line French armored frigates arrived in Ezo at the start of the year, replete with crews and ready to take part in any combat operations. (+2 Armored Frigates for Ezo!) The center of government remains unbuilt, as the wreckage of Goryokaku (the star fort that served as the center of government in ezo) continues to smolder from damages incurred in the coup. (+Need for capital building) A massive explosion ripped apart a teahouse and adjoining buildings in Hakodate’s merchant district, killing nine and injuring 15 during the busy trading hours. The cause of the explosion is yet unknown, but the merchant who owned the shop was a minor merchant without any connections to the powers that be in Ezo. Many suspect involvement of criminal organizations currently duking it out for leadership of Crusoe’s former crime empire. While a small fire broke out, it was rapidly contained, and the wreckage has since been cleared away. (+explosion in downtown Hakodate +fear of criminal violence) Map January 1st, 1878 ![]() 1725x2175 JosefStalinator fucked around with this message at Mar 13, 2014 around 00:32 |
# ? Mar 12, 2014 22:04 |
![]() Iwakura Totomi, Meiji "Ambassador," Proprietor of "Sushi-tennou" Ohayo minna-san! At sushi-tennou, it matters not if you are Meiji or Traito-- er, Ezo! Whether you are Japanese or Ainu, Superior or European - all are welcome within these walls. And as a show of no ill-feelings, I offer a free carafe of warm sake to anyone who dedicates themselves to fighting and defending Ezo from foreign invaders! Drink and be merry, for tomorrow is a good day to die! If you are instead here for cuisine, well look no further - I've recently learned how to make a fine, American dairy product they call... "cheesed cream." When paired with fine salmon, it results in a sensation not yet known in this world! Taste the texture and savor the flavor of traditional Japanese sushi with the best the world can offer! Come to sushi-tennou: when you're here, you're kazoku.
# ? Mar 13, 2014 07:28 |
OOC: TO the player serving as the Tokugawa regent, I saw that you sent me an email but sadly I have forsaken the account I first posted here, due to making 4channers mad and facing the subsequent repercussions. You can try reaching me at cxcxxxxx22@yahoo.com, as I recently reclaimed that one from the spam shit that had overtaken it. Otherwise look for me on #bop synirc if you use IRC. Most of the player-base checks in there already.
# ? Mar 13, 2014 08:10 |
I am now the former education minister, and I'm mad as h*ck.
# ? Mar 13, 2014 09:16 |
Namtab posted:I am now the former education minister, and I'm mad as h*ck.
# ? Mar 13, 2014 10:59 |
![]() Jules Brunet Special Adviser to the President, Private Military Contractor, Businessman, Actual Commodore, Recent Shaver, Queller of Fears I would hope that my efforts for Ezo not only in the recent abortive coup, but also in obtaining a foreign naval presence to protect the shores of the Republic would have put to rest any lingering doubts about where my loyalties lie. I will say it now, and again, and as many times as I need to in order to put these ridiculous fears to rest - neither myself, nor my company, nor my men, will take any action against the legitimate government of the Republic of Ezo. With that out of the way, let us focus on the future. The combined land and naval forces of Les Militaires Mondiaux stand ready to assist the Republic of Ezo as necessary. Let us learn from the events on Sado! Once the Meiji achieved local naval superiority, they were able to stream across en masse, overwhelming the brave defenders through sheer weight of numbers. Where was the navy of Ezo, I ask? Though I do hear that a sortie was made upon receiving reports of the Meiji fleet, it is obvious that it was too little, too late - why was a detachment of naval vessels not stationed at Sado? While perhaps not able to defend the island themselves, they may have been able to delay the landing long enough for the main fleet to arrive. As is, all the blood and treasure spilled to take the island in the first place has been for naught. But let us look to the future! Let us fortify the landing grounds, and let us create a wall of steel to keep the Meiji off our shores. Fear not the foreigner, for do not French war ships ward off Meiji ambitions, while American and British trade flood into your harbors? Accept the hand of European friendship, do not spurn it due to an outdated and obsolete xenophobia!
# ? Mar 13, 2014 13:20 |
Namtab posted:I am now the former education minister, and I'm mad as h*ck. You may rejoin as the former education minister, but remember, no grudges from your previous life will be allowed!
# ? Mar 13, 2014 13:30 |
Matsudaira Sadaaki 松平 定敬 (S) 陸軍奉行 (Army Minister) So, tell me, who was it that decided to betray me? I know it was somebody among us, my mission was supposed to be a secret. But I guess it wasn't, since even the Gaijin, of all people, knew what was going on. I am angry, not just because they sabotaged my mission, but because they sabotaged the whole war effort. So, tell me, who was it that decided to betray the Republic? Who turned their back upon the Army, the Constitution, and the Emperor? I know that I have enemies. There are those who blame me for Tokugawa Masako's death. There are those who hate me because I have made a stand for Japanese traditions, and for the Japanese people. There are people who might hate me for any reason. It is not my job to keep track of each and every one of them. If you are one of these people, that's fine. But if you hate me enough to want to kill me, just do it openly! If you are Samurai, just step forward and challenge me to a duel. There is no need to resort to Snakery that threatens the entire Republic! I am a proud Matsudaira man, and like my brother, I will not back down from a fair fight. I will, however, certainly not fall victim to mere trickery and dirty tactics. With this personal announcement aside, I will have a couple of important announcements to make at a later time.
# ? Mar 13, 2014 16:13 |
I shall be Saji Kobei - agrarian laborer working for the Aizu (Matsudaira clan), agitating against his clan's stranglehold over Ezo affairs and voiceless status of the peasantry. Russian Orthodox convert.
# ? Mar 13, 2014 16:36 |
![]() The betrayal of the Minister of the Army is an indictment of this nation. Because of this betrayal, the lives lost in the conquest of Sado have been wasted, their very memories shat upon. If we can not stand together, what use is it for us to have our own nation? I call upon Matsudaira Sadaaki to form a true party to act as a loyal opposition to the Nationalist Party. I also would request that the Minister of the army propose a method to bring the burgeoning militias under the control of the Army, until such time as they can be disbanded. Militias can not be allowed to operate under the personal control of samurai, there must be a method to ensure that they follow a chain of command. We can only defeat the Meiji through greater organization. Fall Sick and Die fucked around with this message at Mar 14, 2014 around 08:22 |
# ? Mar 14, 2014 04:09 |
Horace Capron For diplomatic reasons, I would very much recommend against the Anti-Chaos Act. I do not believe religious differences between different Christian faiths is the origin for any turmoil. However, freedom of religion is a cherished American value. Many say it is one of the reasons our nation was born. We have a great variety of Christian faiths in my nation, and we consider that not a problem. To pass this act just when I managed to draw the attention of the United States Government on this area, and more particularly the religious freedom the Ezo Republic provides, would make for an awkward situation, and may lose us supporters among Americans.
# ? Mar 14, 2014 04:59 |
![]() 433x600 Tsukinoeaino As a representative of the Ainu people, I am filing suit against the Matsumae Clan. The trade restrictions placed upon the Ainu have no basis in the laws of Ezo. We are suing for immediate suspension of all Matsumae attempts to enforce a trade monopoly with the Ainu and compensation for losses incurred due to illegally enforced trade restrictions.
# ? Mar 14, 2014 05:10 |
![]() I also wish to call upon the Minister of the Navy, Katsu Kaishu, to present to the Republic an explanation as to why the navy was unable to secure Sado Island, why it was unable to engage the Meiji fleet, and why the Minister himself spent more time seemingly organizing peasant militias than in running the navy. Our vaunted and powerful navy seems to have spent the past three months on a pleasure cruise. I want to know where this went wrong, and how the Minister of the Navy plans to rectify this problem in the future. Also, what is his plan regarding our rogue previous Minister of the Navy? This information is to be delivered publicly, as quickly as possible. I will not tolerate delay on this matter, it is far too important.
# ? Mar 14, 2014 06:19 |
![]() Nagai Naoyuki, Finance Magistrate, Daimyo, Samurai I would like to propose that we begin work right away on a central bank for Ezo therefor I propose Central Banking Act posted:This act will authorize Ezo to begin construction on a central bank which will benefit the entire republic, please see attached budget. quote:Q2 budget
# ? Mar 14, 2014 08:48 |
Fall Sick and Die posted:I call upon Matsudaira Sadaaki to form a true party to act as a loyal opposition to the Nationalist Party. Isn't that what the Homeland faction already is?
# ? Mar 14, 2014 16:10 |
Matsudaira Naritami![]() From A bill posted at the watering holes and centers of power of the Republic From the office of the Shogun To all Samurai of the great republic of Ezo the Shogun sends you greetings and hopes for your continued health during this time of trial. We have all suffered from the deprivations under the threat of invasion, therefore the Shogun has requested a grand conclave of all Samurai within the nation to enjoy an evening of revelry and entertainment at the newly finished occasions suite of the Shogunate Palace. Selected Foreign guests will also be welcomed. In fine print towards the bottom of the flyer No Dueling or bringing guns allowed. [OOC: Hey guys, so if you want to get in contact with me I am available on rweedall1@gmail.com, just so that you know this is going to be using up an action for me but is basically a way to get as many of us gathered as possible for talks in the open and political snubbing, so do do this whilst there!] Josef bugman fucked around with this message at Mar 14, 2014 around 17:21 |
# ? Mar 14, 2014 17:12 |
![]() Thomas Crusoe: "fugitive" and once again with a full head of hair and eyebrows. Open letter to whom it may concern To the hired hands who pursue me, I offer rewards far greater than your self-serving masters can possibly grant. To those who seek my capture, I pledge to make catamites and whores of your progeny. To those who desire my demise, I will make it so that you will long for death. Make no mistake, this is an act of mercy. You're hunting a man with nothing to lose, and happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. Yours, Thomas Crusoe
# ? Mar 14, 2014 17:28 |
![]() Iwakura Totomi, Meiji "Ambassador," Proprietor of "Sushi-tennou" Letter to Emperor Meiji posted:My dear Mutsi-kun; I write to you while sitting on the shores of illusive Hakodate. The air is crisp and fresh with salt and the seas are deep and bountiful with fish. I know this must be harsh to hear, but I wish you could see this - it is truly glorious. I know I spoke with trepidation about you assigning me this rebellious province, but my fears were dispelled from the first sunrise. A courier is surreptitiously given the letter and stowed back on the ship from which he came.
# ? Mar 14, 2014 18:12 |
Ataman Hijikata Toshizō, The Demon of the Shinsengumi![]() 463x486 *Struggles to stand up and make the announcement. Body recovering from the poison ordeal but this is too important not to make* ![]() ![]() It shall be made at Enomoto Michiakira own kitchen stadium. So far, the contestants have been both Enomoto and Iwakura. I shall at a later time let it be known what the secret ingredient is and it must be used in this competition. May the best chef win!
# ? Mar 14, 2014 18:19 |
![]() Iwakura Totomi, Meiji "Ambassador," Proprietor of "Sushi-tennou", future Iron Chef I believe, as the Americans say, I am yelling "timber," as you are going down.
# ? Mar 14, 2014 18:21 |
![]() Iron Chef I accept your challenge, and I am confident that I will win this Iron Chef competition. Bring it on, sushi chef!
# ? Mar 14, 2014 18:41 |
Horace Capron![]() Should a central bank be established, I would volunteer to oversee it. I belief my outsider status is a boon. As I cannot acquire political power, so the neutrality of the bank is assured, and I have some amount of trust with those most likely to come to this bank for investments.
# ? Mar 14, 2014 19:25 |