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Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie
Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Luis II

Excerpt From Tuffin's Poetry posted:

None can tell the day,
When my people will be free.
But for now, they eat.

Sep 13, 2010

... It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.


Koca Yusuf Pasha, Ambassador of the Ottoman Empire

From the desk of the ottoman ambassador to the president of france posted:

Congratulations on your de-coronation! I hope you will treat that crown with all the respect it's history deserves whatever your beliefs on someone wearing it, and will give it a place of reverence in a museum that all might appreciate the weight of french history.

Now onto business. I have been considering things, and my sultan has begun to embark on a campaign of army reform, i wish to aid his reform in a different manner.
The Arab world is known for it's physicians, it's astronomers, and it's mathematicians, i wish to make this bounty of knowledge available to the french people.
Of course, i would expect due compensation.
What i suggest is an Exchange of learned men, teachers and students from our universities to yours. And since knowledge cannot be lost when shared, neither side has nothing to lose.
Show the world what french and arab minds can do when we work together.

Jenkem Delivery
Feb 8, 2005

Death created time to grow the things that it would kill

President of the First French Republic Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, “Citoyen Egalité”

My first act as President of the Republic is to name Robespierre the Prime Minister of France. This replaces his current position as President of the Assembly.

Tao Jones
Jun 15, 2007

That's a very courageous post, Minister!

Letter to Prime Minister Robespierre posted:

It seems I was correct to fear for my life within Paris. I understand that my embassy was completely destroyed by some kind of bomb placed beneath it by parties unknown. I suspect that the bomb was planted by parties attempting to forge a rift between your government and my own, as, had I been asleep in my bed when the bomb detonated, you would be explaining a dead Ambassador to my government. I hope you will investigate this matter thoroughly and bring the culprits to justice.

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie
Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Luis II

I hereby recommend the adoption of the following Budget for Brittany, and call for the formation of a small dedicated police force for keeping order and ensuring that the common and traditional laws are followed. Furthermore I would like to look into committing the Duchy to some public work projects to ensure that our Duchy, now fed, is able to get back to work and become self-sufficient as in times of old.

Budget posted:

Contributions Directes:
Tax Efficiency: Extremely Low
20% tax on nobility (4)
20% tax on bourgeoisie (3)
20% tax on the petit bourgeoisie (1)
0% tax on working poor (0)
25% tax on land and estates (5)

Current Market Interest Rate: 4.0%
Debt growth per turn: 0 [-0 in interest, -0 in spending]
Payments to debt interest per turn: 0
Payments to debt reduction per turn: 0
Debt Credits: 8
--- 8 from the Bank of England [interest payment suspended for 12 months]

Possible creditors: Private citizens, the Bank of England, Dutch banks, and the Catholic Church

Tariffs: 0.0% tax rate on all overseas imports and exports.

Government Revenues:
Minting: 0 (0 inflation/year)
Inflation: 6.12%

Manufacturing: 1/2
Agriculture: 5/5 +3
Infrastructure: 2/7
Transportation: 2/3 +1
Culture: 1/3 +1
Police: 2/5 +1
Army: 4/5 +1
Navy: 0/4
Intelligence: 0/3
Courts: 1/2
Clergy: 1/2 +1
Education: 0/0
Healthcare: 0/0
Colonies: 0/1
Food Relief: 2/2
Subtotal: 0

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 0
Credit Income: 13

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard

Though I mourn the loss of a great King, I salute the rise of a greater citizen! Vive la République! Vive le Citoyen Egalité!

To the brave men of the National Guard,

I have known many patriots. I rode next to Washington, the founder of the American Republic, and I saw the honor and duty in his eyes at numerous bloody battles. And I say now, without a doubt in my heart, I saw that same beauty in all of my brothers eyes as we charged into that cannon-fire and smoke and death. It was a vice set by traitors, and though we did not drive the misguided enemy from the field we broke their spirit with the invincible strength of our own. Now Paris is saved, now your country is saved. It was your victory - yes, victory - that truly established this Republic! You have created a government that will represent all of France, a government of equal and free Citizens that will live on through the centuries! And as old men you will look around you, at your country, and be able to say to all "I created this!" Is there any greater glory?

We have more battles to fight, be they in the field or in the halls of power. I ask you only to march with me as you marched with me in this Battle on the Seine. For if that is the case, the National Guard will never be defeated! Vive la Garde nationale!

Declaration of the Ministry of War

The civil conflict of France is largely over. The Republic has been established, and order will reign. We now must face the enraged forces of Tyranny, who look upon our liberty in despair, and the slave armies they march against us. We must show these aristocrats what Free Citizens, armed with justice and right, can do. I order the implementation of the Levée en masse.

decree posted:

From this moment until such time as its enemies shall have been driven from the soil of the Republic all Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for the services of the armies. The young men shall fight; the married men shall forge arms and transport provisions; the women shall make tents and clothes and shall serve in the hospitals; the children shall turn linen into lint; the old men shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors and preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic

By the end of the year 300,000 Citizens, with an appropriate number from each department, will be conscripted to patriotically serve in their armed forces. If needed more will be drafted through 1793.

Oct 8, 2003

Alexis Le Veneur de Tillières, commandant l'Armée du Rhin
A letter published in a Strasbourg newspaper, reprinted throughout France

War is no easy task for a man, nor an army, nor indeed a nation--let alone a nation such as ours, in its mere infancy. A people taking their first steps of self-determination should be watched over and nurtured; instead the snarling dogs of Europe have chosen this time to lunge for France's throat. This war that now smoulders at our doorstep has been called upon us by kings in foriegn lands who will not rest until every man, woman, and child is once more subjugated.

I understand that the people of France tire of war and struggle. Truthfully, I do too. I wish for nothing more than to retire to my home in Paris and live a quiet life. Once France is safe, I intend to retire from public life as quickly as I can. But that time is has not yet come, and I know my road ahead may be long. However, despite the battles I see for myself and my country in the future, I do not for a moment lose my resolve for I know that by my side on this road walk the men and women of France--each of you helping me carry the weight of this army!

Citizen Lafayette has at this moment announced the unprecedented Levée en masse. He calls for all people of France--not merely the soldiers--to make the defense of the homeland their primary goal. I commend this action, not because I love war, but because I love France! All those who feel likewise, I encourage you to waste no time in enlisting.

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard

As is in my capacity as Minister of War, I hereby appoint Alexis Le Veneur de Tillières as Maréchal of the Republic. I place my full confidence in him, and know he will lead us in many victories against the enemies of liberty.

Citizen Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, the former Comte de Rochambeau, is removed of his command and stripped of all rank. He is dishonorably discharged from the Armée and ordered to surrender himself at once to the proper authorities for crimes against France.

((vv ill just say i think its hilarious that Robespierre ended up being the "moderate" and Brissot the radical))

Mar 23, 2011

Jacques Pierre Brissot

It is clear to me that the "Abdication" of the President-King is nothing more than a petty-minded populist sham. This is no Revolution, and has never been anything but a war of two kings, and in all such wars the People come off worst. The sole purpose of this government is to gain power for Lafayette, Robespierre and the Duke of Orleans - the "ideals" they claim to represent have long been discarded, as a lady discards her rag.

I refuse to involve myself further in the affairs of this mockery of a republic, and I urge all Republicans to do likewise. Do not fight in their wars, do not pay tribute to their King, do not sell your wares to them.

Dearest France, I must leave you. For how long, I cannot say. Where, you cannot know. How I will get there, I haven't decided. I may be some time. "Woodrow": Dearest Edna, I must leave you. Why, I cannot say. Where, you cannot know. How I will get there, I haven't decided yet. But one thing I can tell you, any time I hear the wind blow it will whisper the name France. And so let us part with a love that will echo through the ages - but only for a while. For I shall return!

-Citoyen Brissot

Aug 25, 2008

The only mystery left,
is what I put in your tea.

An anonymous letter sent to the Armée du Nord, to be delivered to von Bachmann. It is accompanied by a copy of a report on de Sade's experiments within the Palais du Luxemburg posted:

It seems I have been outplayed, congratulations von Bachmann.

Your talents are something to be admired and it is a shame that overconfidence would doom you. Unfortunately, for you, de Sade left a few notes that your captors would be very eager to employ to find their King and Dauphin.

I wish your final days are not as painful as they promise to be.

A secret admirer

An Open Letter to the Republic, sent to most newspapers posted:

To the people of France,

My name is not known to many of you outside certain select circles, but I was the acting Justice Minister before this coup and I went into hiding for fear of my life. It seems I have acted in mistake.

It seems no one has bothered to occuppy the ministry. And at a time when France needs justice the most. In this void uncontrolled mobs murder at their leasure whoever catches their eye and the so-called president orders assassins to remove his enemies while his Hessian guards shoot at civilians. Will Robespierre and his Committee defend Justice or only their political allies? Is he truly the Incorruptible? Is it truly a republic, equal, fraternal and just, that he seeks? Then prove it, judge the mightiest as you would judge the lowest.

In this, I must state my own failure. For cowardice I disappeared. There are many deeds I have practiced and commanded that would be reprehensible, but they were all done for the France of my dreams, a state of law. I understand other men, true patriots each and every one, may have been misguided in their actions, and may have divided our people in these darkest of days, but patriots they are. We must look past these deeds and present an unified front, for France starves and our enemies gather. Rochambeau is a patriot, as is Cadoudal, for different ideologies that they cannot betray, for they are men of honor, whose chains are stronger than steel. This call I also offer to the men who now hold Louis XVI, let reason, not anger, be your guide, let the man who fed the children of Paris join political life as a representative of those who would follow him, or do you fear democracy?

It is not mercy that I call for, but understanding, those captured by true patriots should be judged according to their deeds, not for their ideology. We must walk into this new dawn with the promise of justice, not terror, so that the nation may join as one.

Your comrade-in-arms,
Citizen Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre

An anonymous letter to L'Ami du Peuple posted:

It certainly looks like the Jacobin club is in need of a reform. The one responsible for this has already been imprisoned, but by whom and for which crime?

Letter sent to de Sade posted:

a bad enough dude
Jun 30, 2007


Général Lafayette, Minister of War, Commander of the National Guard

I propose the following budget. The military spending is indeed massive, but absolutely necessary to arm and train our new recruits from the levée. Taxes have been risen on the nobility to pay for this new Republic, while emergency overseas tariffs have been raised.

(I added the inflation that was not added in the update)


Contributions Directes:
Tax Efficiency: Low
50% tax on nobility (24), raised
20% tax on bourgeoisie (9)
15% tax on the petit bourgeoisie (1), lowered

0% tax on working poor (0)
60% tax on land and estates (30), raised

Current Market Interest Rate: 2.0%
Debt growth per turn: 10 [-2 interest, -0 spending]
Payments to debt interest per turn: 10
Payments to debt reduction per turn: 0
Debt Credits: 527
---105 credits to Swiss banking houses
---422 credits to various private investors

Possible creditors: Private citizens. Dutch and Swiss banks willing to loan more only at higher than market interest rate while stability of government still in question.

Tariffs: 10.0% tax rate on all overseas imports and exports.
---2 from salt imports [Pondicherry - France]
---2 from cocoa imports [Martinique - France]

Trade Deals: Free Trade Compact w/ America
--- 1.0% growth from textiles [France - America]
--- 1.0% growth from cotton [America - France]

Government Revenues:
Minting: 10 (+1.0 inflation/year) (from 10/+1.0pa)
Inflation: 6.32%

Manufacturing: 4/4 (-1)
Agriculture: 4/5
Infrastructure: 4/7 (+1)
Transportation: 2/3
Culture: 0/3
Police: 12/9 (+3)
National Guard: 2/5 (-2)
Army: 25/13 (+9)
Navy: 4/11
Intelligence: 1/3
Courts: 1/2
Clergy: 0/4 (-1)
Education: 4/5 (+1)
Healthcare: 2/6
Colonies: 7/9 (+1)
Food Relief: 6/3 (+1)
Subtotal: 79

Yearly Credits

Free Credits: 0
Credit Income: 79

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.


A Speech to Paris

A Republic was promised, and a Republic has been delivered. Is it any less a Republic because it was not born in a sea of blood like many of you so desperately demand? Nonsense! President Louis Phillipe has kept his promise, and the Kingdom of France is gone forever. Let this show the superiority of compromise and perseverance over rhetoric and hot air - had some of my colleagues had their way, we would have had chaos! Now, there is light in the darkness.

To the people of Paris - let us now come together to heal, to regroup, to gain our strength. There is much to do in the days ahead, and we must all work in one. I invite anyone with doubts in our new Republic to pay me a call at any time, I shall be happy to receive you or your letters. For now, I shall savor the republic we have - won not through blood and the bayonet, but through reason and the pen. Long may it last.

To the American Ambassador posted:

Monsieur Ambassador,

I am dreadfully sorry to hear your house was exploded - we should commiserate over that sometime. I would, of course, would like to know what you were doing with one of France's most wanted criminals in the back of your cart. Harboring such a fugitive can only be harmful for relations between our two fair republics.

I await your favorable reply,

Robespierre, Prime Minister of the Republic

Robespierre's Diary posted:

I expected such an act from St. Juste, or Marat, or Babeuf, but Brissot? The man is supposed to be a moderate! You'd think he'd leap to his feet and cheer our new republic, but rather he's made a silly speech and ran off into hiding. I'm sure he'll calm down soon and return to business, for his own safety.

Aug 3, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...

Grief: No, that can't be true. There's no way King Louis Philippe I has given up the throne. It must be a rumor spread by the Traitor King's lackeys.

Anger: How dare did King Louis Philippe I give up the throne, just like that? How could a King surrender power easily? Is he willing to throw the nation into chaos by refusing to serve as an anchor of stability?

Bargaining: Maybe he didn't really abdicate, right? After all, he's still the supreme ruler of the French, and elections can be rigged. Maybe he's king in all but name, but Louis Philippe I decided to just give up the name.

Depression: Orleanism is based on the whole idea of Revolutionary Monarchism! As soon as you take away the Monarchism, what do you have left? The Jacobins already has a reputation for moderate republicanism, the reactionaries already serve the Legitimists, and if you want extremist rhetoric, the Enrages already monopolizes that. Once you take away monarchism, does Orleanism even makes much sense?

Acceptance: I can't fight it, but I might as well prepare for it. There's still some room for Orleanism to exist.

Flyer on the Front Door of Orleanist Party HQ posted:

Party Ideology Changing. Please Hold.

Letter To Prime Minister Robespierre and President Louis Philippe I posted:

Dear Prime Minister Robespierre and President Louis Philippe I,

I would like to make a request that a new Cabinet position, the Minister of Catholic Churches, be established. This minister would be in charge of the official French Catholic Church, of course, but also for reconciliation with other Catholic churches that exist within the French Empire, such as the People's Catholic Church (led by Father Roux), the Legitimist Catholic Church (led by the Bishop of Nates), and the Samedist Catholic Church (decentralized, located in Haiti). We must try to strive towards uniting all Catholic churches together so that they will serve the interests of the French State.

I do express some degree of frustration in the low funding that is set aside for funding the Church(es). While it is necessary to fight the war, it is also necessary to maintain our spiritual needs as well. A well-functioning Church will also increase the morale of our citizens, giving them the fighting spirit needed to win against the Prussians and the Austrians.

To help ensure that the Churches is fully funded, I suggest that the state pass the Tithe Collection Act, which states that France will begin collecting a 10% tithe from each citizen who belongs to a local church, with such money being provided to fund that specific church. This tithe will not be collected for followers of the Legitimist Catholic Church, as they are currently enemies of the state, but if, through successfully negotiation, the Legitimist Catholic Church agrees to work with the French state, then we will begin collecting tithes for their church as well.

If the Churches will not receive any funding from the state, then a Minister of Catholic Churches would help manage fundraising opportunities to help the Churches be self-sufficient. But I believe that a tithe is a more sustainable solution to the problem of spirituality.

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

Affairs of State posted:

The former Prince's proposal will be considered and given due thought.

Due to the anti-republican, nigh traitorous statements of Citoyen Brissot, he is hereby stripped of his position as Minister of Finance. A true shame.

Jun 2, 2007

You'll see...

Louis Stanislas Xavier, comte de Provence, Commander of L’Armée des Princes, Regent of the Kingdom of France and Navarre, acting in lieu of His Most Christian Majesty The King, Louis XVI

Lafayette's budget shows that the new republic isn't one for all Frenchmen, but one only for the poor.

Even with all of the republican speeches that we have been hearing, it is Lafayette's criminal tax plan that speaks the loudest. 50% and 60%. Those tax rates are outright theft. The republicans wish to build a new state on the backs of the poor rich, while the poors themselves laugh and loot and murder. You might think that you can get away with things like this just because you've had your 'revolution', but let me tell you that your crimes can and will catch up with you.

Every time you commit a crime against France, every time you commit a crime against the King, every time you commit a crime against the Dauphin, every time you commit a crime against the nobility, every time you commit a crime against the Bretons, and every time you commit a crime against God himself the good-hearted people of France and Europe recoil in shock, horror, and anger.

We will not tolerate this injustice. I promise you that the counter-revolution is coming to right the wrongs you have committed, and punish you for your crimes. The nobles and all who know justice in their hearts are rising up against you.

We will destroy you.

Jan 12, 2012


I extend my heartfelt greetings to the Kingdom of France and Duchy of Brittany. We hope this message finds you in good health and safety. The Jacobin weed has extended its tendrals across the nation and threatens to undo much good work. I weep for France as I do a sick child.

As a leader of state and government, within the Holy Roman Empire, I hereby extend the following terms of agreement to the unlawful despots in Paris. Accept these and a state of war will no longer exist between us. For both our sakes, I hope you accept.
  • DESTRUCTION of this so-called 'Constitution'. The King is the sole voice of law, no document shall come before him.

  • REINSTITUTION of the French provinces under the Ancien Regime. The dissolution of these administrative districts were illegitimate. The nobility and aristocracy must be returned to their rightful place in France.

  • TRANSFER of the provinces, Alasce, Lorraine, and Flanders to the Holy Roman Empire. No longer must they struggle under the tyranny of Paris.

  • TRANSFER of the island of Corsica to His Holiness, Pope Pius IV until such a time when France is deemed stable again.

  • OWNERSHIP of Pondicherry transferred to the Hapsburg estate.

  • TRANSPORTATION of the legitimate royal family to Vienna until hostilities cease. A representative from Vienna will control the nation in their absence.

  • EXECUTION of the one who calls himself Citizen Louis Philippe and all his heirs. Betrayal runs in their blood and as such the Orleanist line must be expunged.

  • RECOGNITION of the Duchy of Brittany, both in name and law.

  • IMMEDIATE dissolution of the supposed 'Jacobin Party'. All land and assets formerly owned by the organization will be ceded to the Crown, effective immediately.

  • EXILE of Robespierre and Lafayette from France. They may never be permitted to return.

Should these terms be accepted, we will not bring war upon your people. For their sakes, I hope you accept. Do not keep us waiting.

Tao Jones
Jun 15, 2007

That's a very courageous post, Minister!

W. Short, Personal Journal posted:

She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee
Her dress has got a tear
She waltzes on her way to Mass
And whistles on the stair
And underneath her wimple
She has curlers in her hair
I even heard her singing in the abbey

She's always late for chapel
But her penitence is real
She's always late for everything
Except for every meal
I hate to have to say it
But I very firmly feel
Marie-Antoinette's not an asset to the abbey

I'd like to say a word in her behalf
Marie-Antoinette makes me laugh

How do you solve a problem like Marie-Antoinette?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

A response to the Holy Roman Emperor, sent via courier and posted on every street corner posted:


An address to the people of France posted:

See how the mighty "King of the Romans" quakes at the notion of a free people. He fears you! He fears France! He wishes to make such an example of our fledgling Republic as to set our cause back a hundred or more years! Will we let his bluster and boasts, his empty threats and hollow claims deter us from the pursuit of liberty, of freedom? Never!

To his most exalted King of the Romans, to that pompous fool, I say this, "Non! Your time is done, monsieur! Step down, as Louis Phillipe was wise enough to do! Step down, and form a German Republic (your claims to be King of the Romans aren't fooling anyone)! Step down, King of the Romans, for the tide of Republicanism is an inexorable force that shall sweep away the last fragments of your tattered reign!"

A proclamation to the enemies of the Republic posted:

Run to the hills!
Run for your life!

Our soldiers in blue on the borders of France, stand fighting for France and for fame!
Chasing the royalists back to their holes, defeating you their favorite game!

Sometimes when you're scared to take a look, at the corner of the room, it'll be the Republicans who are watching you!

Viral Warfare
Aug 4, 2010

~~a n d I a m c a l m~~


Grey represents the many minor states of the Holy Roman Empire.

Gears represent manufactures. (helps: artillery)
Picks represent mines. (helps: cavalry)
Shirts represent textiles and silk. (helps: infantry)
Cornstalks represent farms. (helps: all)

By controlling important resource nodes in the event of a civil war, your army will fight better. Losing resource nodes to foreign invasion will harm the government's credit income, and losing too many farm nodes will put France at risk of starvation.

Every major French city (those on the map) can supply an army. So long as an army is near a major city in its control, it is in supply. Moving into foreign/rebel-held territory, you must keep an open, unoccupied line from your supply center to your army - or you must be supplied by ship. Losing supply is the most devastating thing that can happen to an army, and if supply is not reestablished shortly it will suffer desertion among men, defections among officers, and a shortage of munitions. Allied cities can also offer supply, as can those captured - but not looted - by the armies of the Republic.

Battles happen when two armies meet on the field. Usually, armies are likely to come into conflict with each other so long as they are in the same general region. Wars of maneuver are very difficult to wage, and the decisive confrontation is the tried and tested way of winning wars.

Aug 19, 2012

From the supposed speech of Louis XVI to his captors posted:

You have heard about the Imperial edict already, have you not? This is what I worked so hard to prevent. I sent letters to the Emperor begging him not to attack France and assuring him the kingdom is still a stable, God-fearing country it used to be. When this barely worked, I also sent my son to grow up on the Imperial court, just like in old times, to mend the rift between our states. In the meantime, Lafayette and Robespierre were doing everything to undermine me and plotting my downfall. But I guess I am to be blamed just because I am the King - regardless that I never asked for this intervention nor condoned it.

What have I done to you? When Robespierre and Lafayette printed pamphlets, I were at the streets of Paris giving out bread. When they deliberated how to crush Bretons, I organized a great feast, as no one should spend the day of our Lord's birth hungry, cold or alone. The very day they gathered people to slaughter my servants, I planned how to fund a bunch of bakeries which would sell bread to the poor at affordable prices. How is it possible that I am still a bloody tyrant, and the people who scattered and tried to kill my family are lauded as heroes? Why am I to be reviled for using the only prerogative I were left, yet the people who spat on the constitution, when it was no longer convenient to them, should be considered as wise and benevolent rulers?

A republic will not solve your problems, as there is nothing miracular or noble in the process of voting. After you choose your leader, he is beyond your control, as he still has the entire state in his hands. There is a substantial difference between him and a monarch, though: a King is subservient to the God, a president is limited only by his pride, greed and wrath. He answers to no one but the people, whom he is able to scare into obedience once elected.

It is pretty obvious right now. You had one revolution and your lives were even worse than before. But your leaders told you it's because of the King, the remnant of the ancien regime, still sitting on the throne. Still, France is in worse shape than before and everyone hates her. Maybe it is because you are not revolutionary enough, but don't you find it strange that moving towards your ideal state makes everything worse?

Do you still think murdering me will make your lives better?

Aug 3, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...

EX-Prince-Royale Louis Philippe de Bourbon

The Holy Roman Empire has declared war against our state, and has imposed humiliating terms for our surrender. Though we do plan on destroying our "so-called Constitution" (in the hopes of creating a brand new one through a constitutional assembly), it must be done on our own time and our own pace, and not through the force of arms. I am also sympathetic towards the plea to eternally exile the Traitor King to Austria, and keep him there permanently. But this must be done by the will of the French citizenry. And if it is true that the Traitor King has plotted an assassination attempt against our Prime Minister, then his safety must certainly not be guaranteed; should we really guarantee the safety of a murderer?

Every other demand the Emperor Leopod II has imposed upon us is intolerable and unjustifiable.

The citizens of France are sovereign, and will not be threatened again by the forces of reaction. Every loyal follower of France must be willing to not just defend the French Revolution, but to export it to all of Europe. We will set an example for future generations.

To endorse the unity of France in these tiring times, I hereby follow in the traditions of my father. I cast aside my old title of Prince-Royale. Today, refer to me as "Citoyen Unité".

Jenkem Delivery
Feb 8, 2005

Death created time to grow the things that it would kill

President of the First French Republic Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, “Citoyen Egalité”

Excerpted from a speech made to a crowd at one of the many barricades around Paris.


My brothers and sisters these walls are symbolic of the very walls that hold our fledgling Republic together! These walls were built with the blood, sweat and sacrifice of men dedicated to Liberty! Every man who has died defending these walls is not simply a man, not simply a soldier, not simply a Parisian. Every man who died defending these walls is a Patriot!

Unlike the symbolic walls that guard our republic, the men outside of these walls are our brothers! They are Frenchmen, dedicated to protecting our country as much as anyone else! But their commanders, Cadoual and Rochambeau, they are not our brothers! They are in league with the bloodthirsty Hun Leopold! Together they seek to rape and murder Lady Liberty! Together they seek to burn down our Republic! Together they seek to erase every accomplishment we have achieved since that fateful day when true French heroes stormed that wretched Bastile! The wretched Leopold seeks to install Rochambeau and Cadoual in power along with the despised Capets! I will not stand for it! I will not see my beautiful Republic destroyed by men such as they!

To the men who stand outside these walls I say, join us! Join the true French Army! Join the Army of the Republic and fight the true enemy. For too long you have taken orders from the traiterous whoresons Rochambeau and Cadoual! Rise up against them and bring them to justice! Bring them to be tried for their crimes against the Republic! They will not hesitate to let the ravenous armies of the Prussians burn France to the ground so that they may gain power! My brothers of the Army du Nord we are close, so close to establishing a government for the people, of the people! The shadow of the despicable Leopold and the wretched Capets loom over us, threatening all we have achieved! We must destroy them! We shall destroy these specters with the blinding light of Liberty! We shall stand together, one France united in brotherhood, united in arms, UNITED FOR THE REPUBLIC!!!

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

OOC: Home for Thanksgiving, which means I probably won't be on chat as much. If you need to reach Robespierre, shoot me a line at my

Legislative Announcements

I know little of military matters, so I will support General de Lafayette's plans for the armed forces of the Republic. This includes his budget, call for a great leveé en masse, and reorganization of the army.

Furthermore, it is my great pleasure to announce that the Legislative Assembly will be re-opened in the near future! More details to follow, but I am certain that this new Assembly will be a powerful force for justice in our new Republic.

Sword of Damocles
Jul 11, 2006

Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym

A letter from the University of Paris, addressed to Robespierre and Louis Philippe posted:

Greetings to my friends and true benefactors of Goetian research, the blood-bound of our Savior!

First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for my new position at the University of Paris. The opening of the Department of Gnostic Conjuration and Experimental Thaumaturgy was a rousing success. With me and my apprentices working here, Ezekiel's wheel will most certainly descend upon the yellow, gilded towers of this cathedral of learning. All the fiends, frauds and followers of Furcas, Furfur, Focalor, Forneus and Foras will certainly be driven from here once the walls have been baptised with blood. It is not, however, our mission to attempt to unravel the knots of God's great plan. As such, we should seek to act rather than portend.

After I settled in, the first beasts to escape the University were the familiars. With them, the witches lost their innate connection to the spirits of Dis; their slime-scaled and grime-furred hearing horns were blasted from their lobes by the waves sent forth by Israfil blowing into his grand trumpet. I witnessed with my own eyes how these vermin escaped into the streets! While the sorcerers themselves can be exterminated with ease after they have been properly and fairly identified and judged, these terrible creatures must be hunted down as well.

This miniature tracing of a lithograph depicts creatures that are not at all dissimilar to the ones I have seen lurking around recently. Behold the unholy magnetism, the transfiguration of dust and carnal sin that can give birth to soul-scroungers and stalkers such as Vinegar Tom! As attempting to trap them within the Triangle and commanding them to leave the material and mental planes of manifestation is, at this point, impossible, I have decided to delve into a selection of medieval arcana and Hopkins' writings. I would dare suggest that the impending legislation aimed at solving this problem follow in his unerring footsteps. I consulted the Divine Monarch of the Republic of France, Lloyd Phillips, concerning the matter at hand, and we agreed that as the resident specialist I should draft up a proposition as soon as possible. In my opinion, in order to solve this crisis of faith, passing the Act to Establish the Ministry of the Eye of Providence, headed by a Witchfinder Minister-General is of utmost importance.

Your terrestrial servant in the extraterrestrial,
Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym
Le Fléau des Farfadets

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 22, 2003

WhitemageofDOOM posted:


Koca Yusuf Pasha, Ambassador of the Ottoman Empire

OOC: Do you have an email address or some way people can get in contact with you?

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

An Announcement to the People of the Republic!

Today is a red letter day, my friends. On this day, I am overjoyed to be able to present the working draft of our new constitution. Available from your nearest Republic Printing Office.

To forestall the outcry - yes, it does not include Universal Suffrage. I know many of you cry for such a provision, and I am sympathetic to your claim. However, you must realize that France is not ready for such a step - see the hullabaloo over the Lady Freedom Act of 1791. However, we do include several key rights for women (look towards the bottom), and we are confident it will be a strong foundation for future development.

Vivé la France! Vivé la Republique!

Aug 3, 2010

... so you see, following that the will of the People cannot be reasonably interpreted down to the individual level, a legitimate government should operate purely through coin-flips...


Louis Philippe de Bourbon, "Citoyen Unité"
Excerpted from an essay published in L'Ami de la France

Some of the Breton nationalists have made arguments that there is a double standard in the French Revolution, one applied to the French Speakers and another to the Minority Speakers. They argue that if the people of Paris can change their own government on a whim, why can't the people of Brittany? This argument has been championed by Charles Armand Tuffin, the leader of the Breton rebels, and I wish to respond to it in brief.

The problem with this argument is that it misunderstands what the concept "consent of the governed" means. Tuffin argues that consent of the governed means "if a people feel they have been wronged and wishes to change their government they may do so - by any means necessary." He even gives an example to demonstrate his understanding of consent: "[the people have every right], if forced to live in a way not their choosing, to have revolution and radically alter the government as they see fit. They may change laws, rulers, customs, everything and anything they wish - if the [people] as a whole will it."

That's not true. Nobody has the right to change laws if they merely wish it.

Just look at the May Revolution. People already hated the Traitor King before, but there was no attempt to launch a revolution, not until the Traitor King conducted treason by vetoing the Brittany Rebellion Act. This wasn't just out of convenience's sake; Lafayette, the hero of the May Revolution, has repeatedly said that outright that he would not move against the King before the King vetoed the proposal.

Lafayette posted:

If the King vetoes Monsieur Robespierre's act, I will respect the constitutional order. However, let it be known that to do so will be a fundamental insult to the national honor of France. That action will alienate him totally from his people, who recognize these bandits who seek to shatter France as exactly what they are.

It was clear that Lafayette wanted the Bill to be passed and not vetoed, and it was clear that the King wanted to veto the Bill and conduct treason. Lafayette certainly desired for the bill to be passed. But Lafayette did not order the May Revolution immediately to prevent the veto from occurring. Instead, Lafayette deferred to the constitutional order, and allowed for the bill to be unjustly vetoed. Lafayette, like all good patriots, subordinated the desire for "rule by passion" for the greater principle of "rule by law".

The May Revolution only occurred because the Traitor King has conducted a grievous treason against the French State by vetoing the bill. This was a grievous sin, and it is only this sin that justify a revolution and the changing of the laws, rulers, customs, everything and anything. But had the Traitor King not vetoed the bill and committed treason, then there would have been no cause for revolution. Lafayette would have deferred to the wishes of the monarch, and the monarch would continue to be rule France.

Furthermore, only when a revolution is justified are the laws, rulers, customs, etc. allowed to change. And once they are changed, they cannot be modified again, except only by constitutional amendment or another revolution. I however express faith that this government will not fall into the same trap as our Traitor King, and thus will be able to avert a revolution.

"Consent of the governed" is not "rule by the governed", but an acknowledgment that the 'governors' may pass laws that the governed may not like...but that the 'governors' must not exceed the limits imposed by the governed. In the case of the May Revolution, the King stood against the national security of the French State and violated the inviolability of the French state. He thus lost the consent of the governed, and thus, revolution was justified.

Let's compare that with the Breton example. It is true that de Sade's discriminatory taxes were unjust, and rebellions against them were justified. And if the French state continued with its unjust taxation, then a revolution would indeed be called for. Note this though: The French state recognized this injustice and ended the discriminatory taxes. So no revolution was needed. A simple troop deployment is not enough to justify the actions of the Breton afterwards, especially after we realized the crimes of de Sade and moved to stop them.

I'll end with this. The Breton government is unpopular. It can barely provide for itself. It lacks real legitimacy and lacks any revolutionary spirit. It stands against rationality and French nationalism, and supports a reactionary form of particularism. It will be crushed, and the Breton population will once again be reincorporated into the French polity, where its rights will be protected and guaranteed.

*I should note that while I have repeatedly referred to the "people" of France, it is my personal opinion that there is no such thing as the "people", just the citizens of France that have spontaneously organized themselves into factions. Nevertheless, I have used the word "people" for ease of convenience and understanding.

Feb 17, 2011

My god, it's full of cat!

From the most secret, private, and personal diary of Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte

We waited for so many months. We went through disease. We battled. And it ultimately all proved to be an exercise in futility. Though I suppose it could have gone worse, de Sade is truly a champion. I don't care what they say about him, to all the men on these ships, he is a saviour and a noble man, and I share their thoughts on the first count, and if I concentrate hard enough on ignoring the decor on the second count as well.

We are currently headed to New Orleans; we took with us as many of the white folk as we could, St Marc should not be the site of a second massacre. The captain told me de Sade already drove out the Spanish garrison, so we'll arrive at home soil. The men do need some rest. We should probably see to getting the Haitian refugees settled properly. Lots of free land there, and most of them are former landowners with experience in plantations and farming. We should be able to more than compensate them for the loss of their homes.

Vive la Republique

Sep 13, 2010

... It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.

Fall Sick and Die posted:

OOC: Do you have an email address or some way people can get in contact with you?


Sorry i've been out, my health has been has been quite poor as of late.

Cozy Hemp Mines
May 16, 2009

by Fistgrrl

Archbishop of Paris: Antoine-Éléonor-Léon Leclerc de Juigné

A Sermon Given to the Breton Army posted:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

May the grace and peace of Christ be with you.

Throughout history God has manifested his love and care for those who have suffered from violence and oppression. We commend you Bretons to the healing mercy of God who binds up all our wounds and enfolds us in his gentle care. Brothers and sisters, listen to the words of the holy gospel according to Matthew: 10:28-33

Jesus said to his disciples: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father."

Let us Pray:

The Lord is my strength and my salvation.

Deliver me, O LORD, from evil men like Heretic Roux in Paris; preserve me his violent men, From those who devise evil in their hearts, and stir up wars every day.

Save me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked False King; preserve me from his thug Lafayette.

Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked Robespierre; further not the Jacobin plans. Those who surround me lift up their heads; may the mischief which they threaten overwhelm them.

I know that the LORD renders justice to the afflicted in Brittany, judgment to the poor. Surely the just shall give thanks to your name; the upright shall dwell in your presence.

Protect us all from the violence of others, keep us safe from the weapons of hate, and restore to us tranquility and peace in Brittany.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

May God bless you with his mercy, strengthen you with his love, and enable you to walk in charity and peace.

And may almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

At the conclusion of the sermon, blessing are given to each man to improve troop morale in the Breton Army.

Sep 13, 2010

... It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.


Koca Yusuf Pasha, Ambassador of the Ottoman Empire

QuoProQuid posted:

[*] DESTRUCTION of this so-called 'Constitution'. The King is the sole voice of law, no document shall come before him.

[*] RECOGNITION of the Duchy of Brittany, both in name and law.

I find it interesting that the emperor would oppose France's constitution and elections on ideological grounds.
But support the elective duchy of Brittany, and the constitutional monarchy of Britain.


[*] TRANSPORTATION of the legitimate royal family to Vienna until hostilities cease. A representative from Vienna will control the nation in their absence.

This however, is a most fair and reasonable demand regardless, Louis is a good man regardless of politics and his life should not be made a sacrifice at that altar.
Well the safe transportation is anyways, the representative not so much.

Viral Warfare
Aug 4, 2010

~~a n d I a m c a l m~~

Turn is being DELAYED until FRIDAY 6:00 PM EST DO NOT MISS THIS POST IT IS IMPORTANT READ THIS POST. If you ask when the turn is due after this post I WILL KNOW YOU DIDN'T READ IT AND BE MAD AT YOU. Okay thanks guys

Gorgo Primus
Mar 29, 2009

We shall forge the most progressive republic ever known to man!

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin, marquis de la Rouerie
Steward of the Throne of the Elective Duchy of Breizh/Brittany for Duke Luis II

Open Response to Louis Philippe de Bourbon posted:

The King of semantic wordplay and half-truths has decried the Breton struggle and has said that ours was a senseless and unpopular Revolution, while their "May" affair was just and called for. How does he do this? He claims that the King of France violated the constitution and therefore his immediate capture and probable execution was justified, and the destruction of that very same Constitution likewise.

He says that the Bretons were justified in opposing the racist taxes, but that afterwards there was nothing worth complaining about and that ours was an unpopular revolt lacking 'spirit'. I will allow you to laugh at that for a moment.

The King vetoed an act which would have, and for all practical purposes did, plunge France into a major war. He vetoed it because he felt it was wrong. Under their sacred Constitution the King's power - the King's ONLY power - is to veto laws he feels unjust or unwise. Thus when he vetoed the act he did so lawfully and with the full support of the Constitution.

In Brittany we were faced not only with unjust taxes, not only with armies sent to attack us, not only with calls for the execution and murder of our leaders, but an entire host of injustices laid out in our Declaration - up to and including racist repression of our language, customs, and traditional laws.

Following their May affair they ripped up their sacred Constitution and embarked on a civil war in France. A civil war. When the Bretons declared their independence, they did so as one. There was no civil war. There are no Republican or pro-Union armies running around engaging us in pitched battles. In France Republicans and Royalists do most bloody combat over the unjustness of the May overthrow.

Whose revolution is the more popular? Whose revolution was justified?

Louis Philippe de Bourbon is a sophist who hides behind wordplays and half-truths. He continues to fundamentally misunderstand the Breton people. We have no spirit? We fought and defeated a invasion attempt by the French with a Volunteer Army.

I can not but shake my head and laugh at this disgrace to the Bourbon line.

Steward Charles Armand Tuffin of the Sovereign Independent Elective Duchy of Brittany, in Personal Union with the Kingdom of France under Luis II/Luis XVI

Aug 25, 2008

The only mystery left,
is what I put in your tea.

Inscription in the devices sent to the main squares of all of France's major cities posted:

Welcome Monsieur Guillotine, the true democratic machine!

Tao Jones
Jun 15, 2007

That's a very courageous post, Minister!

From the desk of William Short

To A. Hamilton posted:

Mr. Hamilton,

I trust this note finds you well. Events in France are dire. The people in Paris are in a riotous state, demanding not only the blood of those noblemen who have oppressed them, but of any and all that they deem to be traitors to France. The Prime Minister claims to be powerless to stop them, but I suspect that he covertly approves.

The American embassy in Paris was destroyed by a bomb. Fortunately, no one was hurt, as I was in the process of relocating. I extended asylum to a woman who appeared at my doorstep during the May Revolution, brandishing a sword and covered in blood. It has transpired that she was spotted when a mob attacked me, and it happens that she is the Queen of France. I escaped to the extension of the embassy which the French government lately extended to me at my request, but I fear that any day now, another mob - whether of Parisians or of Robespierre's henchmen - will descend on the Embassy to recapture her.

France is beset with enemies on all sides. The Holy Roman Emperor has declared his intention to march on the country if his various demands are not met; the pretender-king Louis Stanislas is also said to be gathering an army. Men loyal to the Bourbon dynasty still remain, and as of this writing, the duchy of Brittany is still in existence.

Mr. Jefferson is blind to the reality of the situation in France. The revolution in France unleashed wicked forces - it seems daily those oppressed who I speak to remark on how the revolution in the United States has produced wise government, while the revolution in France has brought disaster and misery at every turn. I have heard this not only from the noblemen, but also from those of the most impoverished and oppressed classes of people.

After much anguish, I have decided to support your bid for the presidency. Aristotle, when criticizing the doctrines of his teacher Plato, remarked that he was "a friend to Plato, but a greater friend to the truth". So it is with Mr. Jefferson - I am his friend, but I cannot, in good conscience, stand for a foreign policy that would expand our ties with France. I hope that, should you be elected, you think fondly of me - in light of the recent conflict in France, I have established relationships with many nations and know the labyrinths of European diplomacy perhaps better than any other. At the risk of seeming blunt, I do not expect that you will retain Mr. Jefferson's services as Secretary of State should you become the President, and I suggest that if I were appointed to such a position, I would maintain the spirit of good diplomacy which has marked my career so far.

W. Short

To T. Jefferson posted:

Dear friend,

France is in turmoil. The Holy Roman Emperor has declared his intention to march on the country if his various demands are not met; the pretender-king Louis Stanislas is also said to be gathering an army. Men loyal to the Bourbon dynasty still remain, and as of this writing, the duchy of Brittany is still in existence. The people of Paris run riot, tacitly encouraged by Robespierre and unchecked by the National Guard. They have recently grown so bold as to attack the embassy of America, as well as my own person - it was only through the connivance of Fate that I was able to escape unscathed.

I know that you are disposed to think well of men in general, but the situation in France is not one to be optimistic about. Political murder here rivals any in the stories of old Rome, made more grimly efficient by modern means. The arguments put forward to support these actions could be picked apart by even the most lazy student of the law at the school of William and Mary, or Saint John's College. I urge you to reconsider your stance on relations between our Republic and the French one.

I fear that I will soon be a marginal figure here; Robespierre and I do not see eye-to-eye on the issues. Should you win election, I hope you will think kindly of your old friend and appoint me as your Secretary of State. I have fostered cordial relationships with the representatives of many nations over my tenure here, and I understand well the nature of European affairs. I understand that factionalism has risen in the US, but I feel my time away from there, as well as support for initiatives favored by the federalists, would make me a stable candidate for such a post. Think on it, at any rate.

How is the logging proceeding at Spring Garden? I do miss my estate. The Virginia pines will fetch a nice price at...


W. Short

Aug 25, 2008

The only mystery left,
is what I put in your tea.

Friends and fellow revolutionaries,

It is with great honor that I re-assume my position as Minister of Justice. We must look forward to implement the revolution in a way that is both through and honest to its principles. We must not fall into the trap of ideology and opportunism, and thus alienate those who would contribute to France.

You! The worker! Do not bow down to anyone, for you are free! It is those who govern who must bow to the governed, for ours is a democracy. Remember this always as you go about your days, stand upright with pride and honor that belong to those who work.

You! The unemployed! France needs you, in its armies, in its farms, in its universities, in its factories, in its police, in its bureacuracy and many more places. You are a fruit ripe with potential and as you enrich so does the nation. Feel welcome under the sun and storm, for they bring hope for our future!

It is with these thoughts that I initiate a reform and expansion of the police. France shall have the world's first true professional police force. We need studied citizens for our officer corps, scholars for our investigative division, but we also need citizens of strenght and courage to guard the republic. No previous experience required, food and training provided, for France is a mother with a role for all of her children.

It is in this situation that I propose the creation of a Revolutionary Tribunal to judge political crimes, specially counter-revolutionary agents aligned with foreign powers. Composed of a jury, representing all legal parties of France, a public prosecutor and two substitutes. As we exist in a state of democracy, both the positions of President of the Tribunal and of the Prosecutor of the Republic should be elected by the Legislative Assembly, as soon as it is reconvened, and may not be held by members of the same political party. This will be an organ for the people, not for any would-be dictator to conveniently remove his political enemies.

Moreover, I call for the first trial of the Revolutionary Tribunal to be that of President Louis-Phillipe for the planned assassination of Rochambeau. Let us prove that Justice regards all in the same way, let us judge if the actions of the President of the Republic can be justified by the state of war, or if the guillotine should have the taste of the Bourbon.

Your comrade-in-arms,
Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre
Minister of Justice

Ramba Ral
Feb 18, 2009

"The basis of the Juche Idea is that man is the master of all things and the decisive factor in everything."
- Kim Il-Sung


A Personal Request

Sehr geehrter von Steuben,

I hope the quiet life in Rome, New York serves you well. I cannot say the same from my flight from Paris as there exists treachery on all sides but mein Gott was I lucky to make it through the lines.

I wish I were writing in better circumstances but alas the nation you help create through reforming the Continental Army is about to have an election that is watched closely in Europe and namely France which is between Jefferson and Hamilton.

The situation has changed greatly with the Jacobin Terror introduction of the guillotine which allows them a barbarity that is unmatched in Europe. After the execution of Armand Marc, the Jacobins decided to appease the crowd and started killing anyone that disagreed with them. The Revolution in France is a failure compared to the American Revolution. It is not a government being led by virtuous people who want to establish a nation that is accountable to the people. Instead here, it is a government founded to appease the whims of blood thirsty tyrants that would stop at nothing until there are no more enemies for them to oppose internally.

The situation needs help from your new home, America. I believe the only person fit to guide America and likewise help all those that would be victims of the Jacobin terror is Hamilton. He is a man who actually fought in the Revolution. He served in the military and understands military thinking, a sort of pragmatism that isn't a compromise of his beliefs. Compare this to Jefferson, who from what I hear, states lofty ideas such as the abolition of slavery but keeps his own slaves as a personal amusement.

If you can and decide, please give your support to Hamilton. If my words fail to sway your decision to him, please consider this letter I have attached to this one. She is completely innocent and is terrified for the sake of her family and her nation. I fear that if Jefferson wins, she will share the same fate as Armand Marc and the others in Paris whose bloods were used as the foundation of tyranny there.

Mit freundlichen Empfehlungen,
Friedrich-Wilhelm von Franco


Letter to Prussia

Sehr geehrter Kanzler,

I have escaped Paris as per your orders. I have finished settling here in Brittany as it is currently the safest and stablest part in France at the moment. Society has collapsed outside this Duchy but lay assure that there exists men and women still loyal to the King Louis XVI. Nonetheless, the Jacobins have unleashed a terror and plan to raise enough men that our superior discipline it seems would be meaningless. They have no concept of the quality of life as I heard after I left Paris. They will be throwing these peasants into the slaughter to at least keep their dictatorship propped up for as long as possible.

We need to win the hearts and minds of the people of France from them. They believe we are to be savages that would slaughter them all, but we are not. We are preparing to save them from tyrants that whisper lies to them. The terms the Austrian Emperor has given has some points that I agree with but others are fueled by the anger that the Dauphin was kidnapped. The Emperor needs the King of Prussia the most now. We need to advise him that we need to declare that we are fighting against the enemy of France and Brittany that seeks to establish a dictatorship that is not going to be content to sit in Paris. They need to see the Germans as the liberators and not as conquerors.

I will write to you later with my plans on how to approach this situation in greater details and hope that there is more favorable news from back home.

Mit freundlichen Empfehlungen,
Friedrich-Wilhelm von Franco

Sep 26, 2009

It is a foolish man indeed who attacks his fellow man when there are literal crocodile-men eating Virginians.

A Speech to the People of France posted:

There has been some misinformation spreading around of late, no doubt by sympathizers of the deposed King, that the Jacobins are responsible for the late violence via Monsieur Guillotine. Know that this is the furthest thing from the truth! Our revolution is one of reason, of justice! We seek the least violence possible, and certainly have no interest in wanton slaughter at the guillotine. Order will be restored in the streets of Paris, for which I am grateful to have the council of the returned Minister of Justice, and I endorse wholeheartedly with his proposed reforms!

Fall Sick and Die
Nov 22, 2003

A letter arriving recently on a merchantman from the West Indies is widely publicized in France

Citizens of France,

My departure from our August Nation was likely seen with some pleasure, for my enemies have succeeded in casting me as a Villain and Rogue, when I am truly nothing more than a Libertine, seeking pleasure and freedom for myself while not infringing upon that of others. Yet this does not mean that I am without patriotism or feeling of national fraternity! Though France has looked askance upon me, I look only to her with light-filled eyes, seeking to aggrandize her and honor her. Only in a nation as free as France could a man such as myself live, only there have the roots of the Tree of Liberty spread so deeply, so widely. Thus France I bring to you both glad tidings and sorrowful news.

St-Domingue, our jewel of the Caribbean, has fallen to the forces of the slave-tyrant of Haiti, the butcher of Le Cap. But all is not lost, my fleet has successfully evacuated all those white citizens of Haiti who wished to depart rather than take their luck with their new overlord. In addition, the French Army tasked with stopping the rebellion has also been safely evacuated, along with Colonel Napoleon Bonaparte, who is currently enjoying my hospitality.

Ah, hospitality you say? Indeed, for not only have we succeeded in evacuating France's forsaken colony, we have done one turn better and redressed one of History's grand Inequities. The French territory of Louisiana has been returned to France! With my army, I have taken the city of New Orleans and ejected the degenerate Spanish garrison without a shot having been fired. Even now the armies of Colonel Bonaparte are making their way northwards along the grand Mesesipi River to eject any further Spanish troops, make contact with French settler communities and to finally return this grand colony to France's rightful possession! At the same time, let it be known that we do not seek war with Spain or their New World Possessions, but rather to return to France a territory which was settled by French labor and drowned in the blood of French patriots who sought for two-hundred years to wrest this wilderness from the grasp of savages and shine upon it the light of Civilization.

France has a mission, a grand historical mission, to bring its Light of Freedom, Liberty, Fraternity, Equality, to those nations less blessed than She. This light is blinding, and they will avert their eyes, turn away their heads and cry, "Non!" They will seek to surround you and Terrorize you, to divide you and weaken you, to grind you beneath their heel and exterminate the light that emanates continually from your Body Republic. You must not allow this to happen. People of France, no matter what you think of me, or each other, recognize that you are all Frenchmen. The wolves gather around your Fire, growling and snapping, they seek to devour you whole, and only the Light of your freedom keeps them at bay. I tell you that now is the time to toss the light into the tinder of the forest itself, and burn out the wolves once and for all. Side by side, America and France stand as the two bastions of Freedom and Human Dignity in the New World, forever at odds with the monarchism and elitism of Spain.

To those soldiers of France, I offer you this boon, any man wounded in the service of the Nation shall receive in Louisiana a Grand Estate of 500 acres. Any man honored with a Medal shall receive an estate of 1000 acres. The prizes are yours for the taking, France. We shall not forget your sacrifices, "Le courage pousser la bravoure!" And to those men in command of the Nation of France, I would ask you this. Do not open a door which you can not close. I have always opposed the Death Penalty, for its very finality. Who are we to determine who may Live and who may Die? While we approach more closely to Justice's desires than any other nation, we may prove unable to replicate them entirely. Who is to say that there is no redemption? No, instead I beg you, mercy Monsieurs, mercy! Let all those who have sinned against the Republic be spared the guillotine and instead be sent to Louisiana where they may learn firsthand from the sweat of their brow in the cotton fields why all men are equal. Let them labor beneath the scorching sun razing fields of sugar cane to the benefit of France, and through their sweat let the poison of Monarchism and Reactionary Thoughts be purged from their blood. Whether noble or Breton slug, let them have a second chance in the new world, so that none in the future look back and say that France was without pity, for many will be changed men, I assure you, I shall put myself behind each and every one in my strong support.

Yours faithfully,
Citizen de Sade
Civilian Administrator of the French Colony of Louisiana

Feb 17, 2011

My god, it's full of cat!

Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte, Emergency Military Governor of the Territory of Louisiana

An Open Letter to the People's Assembly in Paris posted:

Gentlemen of the Assembly,

I understand you are presently facing a crisis the likes of which la patrie hasn't seen for centuries. You have little time to care for civil trivialities or for lands as far and foreign to you as Louisiana. Regardless, I hope you will lend me a few minutes of your time and a short vote in the assembly.

Louisiana as you know, is vastly expansive, but also vastly underpopulated. Should France desire to turn it into anything other than an uninhabited, unproductive, and ultimately worthless land this situation needs be brought to an end. For this purpose I wish to make the following proposal to you:

I would like to ask you to codify monsieur de Sade's proposition regarding the certain losers in this current conflict. Remove these treacherous elements from la belle France, these agents of instability, and send them off to work the fields and plantations that this French territory of Louisiana has, and will have. The Bretons are a thorn on our country's side; so eject them! Let them scatter in this vast expanse of this New World. The monarchists walk among you; rat them out and send them off to another continent to work the land and walk safe in the streets of Paris! And the former nobility, so attached to their lost privileges; would you get more satisfaction seeing their head get chopped off, giving them a quick and painless death, or from the humiliation they would receive by having to stoop to the level of a common, small-time farmer in a savage foreign land?

Under this Traitor Act, the prisoners of war, the traitors, and all who lose their citizenship in the conflict you are facing, as well as any other person condemned to such treason will be sent to the Territory of Louisiana, assigned to work the farms of those landowners here who are dedicated to the Republican purpose, or should no such landowner desire the work, which I doubt they would, be given a small, 10 acre farm to work on their own with their families, barely enough for their own sustenance.

Louisiana needs the men and France proper needs to rid itself of the traitors. I have faith that your most righteous assembly will see to alleviating the problems the Republic faces on both continents as necessary.

-Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte,
Emergency Military Governor of the Territory of Louisiana

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