Okay, so there's not all that much here, but the production of SMAC fiction is pretty low. I hope that will change. The page is still pretty small, and 99.9% or more of SMACers have probably never even heard of it. I hope I will get more fiction as people start to hear of the page. I have added a
form where you can fill out a fictional scientific report concerning just about anything Chironian. This way, you can just do it while passing by instead of having to write it first on your computer. I realize this could result in a lot of crappy reports, but I think it's worth a try.
"A Day in the Life of Victor Rayburn, a Hive policeman"
"A Discussion on the Merits of Preservationist Society"
"Alpha Centauri: 2184", Hive fiction (Hi-fi?)
Dictionary of SMAC
"Don't Cross Yang"
"Efficiency, Care For Your Work...", more Hive fiction
"Embargoed Tapes"
"The First Few Weeks", Peacekeeper fiction
"Formative Documents from Early New Sparta"
Gaian pamphlet
Info on the AFC
Info on the CoFH
"The Interview", Hydro's first SMAC-fiction
"Journal of Tazeem", PK story
"The Line of Resistance"
"Mindworm", story about a mindworm...
Morgan Pamphlet
"My Buddy, the Transcendent" (great stuff)
"The Text Without a Title", my first attempt at some SMAC-fiction
Report concerning the discovery of a new creature.
SMAC jokes
"Sven's Story - Miriam and the OCC"