This report was written by Borodino. It's a report on a creature from The Alternate Future Chronicles. Borodino is also the webmaster of the AFC archive.

Report 118A
Author: Miyabe Minamoto, Mission Xenobiologist, Narmonov Exploratory Expedition
Class: Science -- Xenobiology -- New Species Encounter
Subject: Species Discovery 79 -- Aerial Cniderian
Timestamp: 001/18.8 -- One year and one-hundred and eighty nine days after planetfall
Physical Description of Species:
Maximum Observed Length -- ~2.1 m
Minimum Observed Length -- ~.9 m
Maximum Observed Circumference -- ~1.1 m
Minimum Observed Circumference -- ~.2m
Estimated Mass: Not Enough Data -- No More Than 1.47 kg
The species most resembles the jellyfish of Earth, displaying radial symmetry, a transluscent cap, and dangling tentacles. It would, according to Earth's nomenclature, have been a cniderian, save one peculiar feature: it floats in air.
This adaption is thus far nearly unique among Chiron's observed fauna, for no other creature except the tiny alpha gnat has been observed to take flight in this planet's heavy gravity. Best hypothesis as to cause of capability: the central sac most likely serves as a gas storage chamber, much like a blimp. The most probable gas is simple H2, which is less flammable in Chiron's nitrogen heavy atmosphere.
Capture and disection of the organism is reccommended to complete futher study.
Behavioral Description:
The data thus far collected is slim. The organism is definitely carnivorous, having been seen feeding upon a variety of other native lifeforms; primarily, thus far, alpha gnats and AC shrews. We have also obeserved a tendency towards pack behaviour. We have not yet see any mistsquid without at least three other mistsquids in "visual" range. [Note: primary sense organ not yet none -- visual refers to human vision] Further observation warranted.
