Announcement 03.03.2025
This website has been revived by the NationSims Archive. All prior news items written by Rigil Kentaurus. While none of the files were preserved, their descriptions have been kept for historical purposes. Links have been updated to point at the latest and/or most complete archive from the Wayback Machine whenever possible.
A custom faction matching the description of the Borg faction has been found on the archive of the faction files of the main Arrival - Alpha Centauri website, as well most of the maps in the corresponding section. Links have been updated accordingly. Following banner found on the link to the Star Trek faction pack.
"Mindworm" by Googlie Part 8 of 10 was not archived, and has been recreated with the live thread from Apolyton.
The two stories mentioned in the July 9, 1999 update do not seem to have ever been added to the archive. They have now been ported from their corresponding threads on Apolyton.
Short "mission statement"
The goal of this page is mainly to collect as much SMAC fiction as possible and give you only the best factions, with reviews. I will
not just put all crappy factions I find on my page. I have no ambition of becoming one of the greatest SMAC-pages, just get you a few things that other pages don't. As a result of this, this page may not be the most updated on SMAC-related news, but I will try to keep somewhat updated on that as well. Please enjoy the page for what it is!
Old News -------- 28.07.1999 --------
No, I'm not
really updating. You see, the thing is, I've just bought CTP... And you know what? I love it. It's not as bad as many people say. Really! You should get it yourself. Buuut, my point is; I'm not even sure if I'll keep the site up. Now that Apolyton has their own fiction section there's not much I can do to compete is there? I neither have the resources nor the skills that they possess. They're probably the biggest/greatest of all Civ/SMAC-sites, so it gets a bit pointless to "resist". As I said, I've just bought CTP and I like it more, so maintaining a SMAC-site is maybe a little strange? I'm not really very enthusiastic about SMAC anymore (and I wasn't too enthusiastic to begin with). Now, this is how I'll do it: If you know any reason why I should or should not keep the page up, go
here and tell me. This
will probably decide whether or not I keep the page up...
-------- 09.07.1999 --------
Yes, I know it's been ages since my last update, no need to remind me... This is a one-man project, I get lazy, there's not all that much fiction being written (the main reason is that I'm lazy though...) so please forgive me. I've also been working on another project together with a friend. What I've got for you this time is as follows:
- Two new stories, "Embargoed Tapes" and "The Line of Resistance" in the
fiction section.
- Some more links,
SMAC/Bryce 3D and
- The Arrival has now merged with the
AC Nexus and I've just followed, so I'm now hosted at SidGames...
- Patch 4.0 has been released. Go to the
official SMAC-site to get it.
- I'm planning on putting up some more fiction, and I might just do it before I leave for a very short vacation (a little more than a week).
- As a result of the merger my forum-button now links to the SidGames-forums. I plan to get a guestbook sooner or later for more Chiron Archives-specific messages/posts.
-------- 30.06.1999 --------
It was a dark and windy night, and I knew it was time for another update... I had been putting it off for a long time, seeking inspiration. I finally forced myself to write a little more on my fiction, currently just going under the title "The Text Without a Title" and put it up in the
fiction section. As dark clouds gathered up above, covering the sun still shining, for the sun never sets on Northern Norway (at least not in the summer...), I uploaded two new scenarios and one new map as well. The wind howled outside and the trees where bending over. Whispers in the leaves lured people outside, and madness overcame them. Growling from the mad hordes could be heard across the land, and all righteous men sought cover. As the oldest of trees came tumbling down, one hero emerged to save us all. His name was Algarion, and I'm straying far, far away from the actual topic of this page while writing lots of crap that makes no sense... Oh, forgive me, ye of little humour, it is late, I am tired, I could not stop myself...
-------- 25.06.1999 --------
I have added another theme. Guess neither you nor me ever thought that would happen! Go to the
theme page to check it out. I also added some more fiction; "The Interview" by
Hydro. Have a look at that and more in the good ol'
fiction section.
-------- 23.06.1999 --------
A bit of a late update again (02:00am). Actually, I feel more creative after 11:00pm. I have no idea why... (not alcohol if that's what someone's thinking). Today I've added version 1.1 of the SMAC theme, only a few minor changes. I've also surprised myself again, I'm getting pretty good at that... Finally I've written some SMAC-fiction myself! How about that! Hope you'll take the time to read it and give me some comments. As always before you'll find this and other fiction, yes, you guessed it, in the
fiction section. I've also put some of the older news into the new
Old News archive.
-------- 20.06.1999 --------
I should already be in bed (04:15am now, and I'm getting pretty tired...) but I just had to finish reading, editing and uploading "Mindworm". It has 10 "chapters" and can be found in the
fiction section. It's long, very long, but I thought it was pretty good. I did perhaps not like the strong position the mindworms had in this story (I'm pro-Human), but it was quite good. The ending is somewhat "open to interpretation", and I'm not really such a big fan of that, but it's an ending, so... I'm pondering on another article about the lack of SMAC-mods/creations (both factions, modpacks, scenarios, new terrain and whatever else one might edit). Since I'm beginning to get a few visitors here I'll probably have a poll soon. Any suggestions as to what it should be about? If there's anything at all, even if you just want to talk about anything, just
mail me. Oh, before I fall asleep; The ACZone as shut down, and Marian says it won't be opening again. She has other projects, and she got tired of waiting for more factions or other stuff, which is understandable since there's really not much being made. May the ACZone forever rest in peace. Okay, that's it for tonight folks, I added a little something to my MPS article since I've heard rumors and seen for myself things indicating that Microprose is not as dead as they appear to be.
-------- 16.06.1999 --------
Well, I had planned on adding some more fiction today (and I still might, it's 01.25am...), but instead I surprised myself and made my first desktop theme. As far as I know this is also the first SMAC theme... Find it in the
themes section. I know it's not all that good (come on, it's my first), but I believe it's worth a try. I hope this can inspire others to make SMAC themes as well (it's really not all that hard). That's it for now. If you have any questions or something doesn't work, just
mail me.
-------- 13.06.1999 --------
I added Sven's Story and SMAC jokes to the
fiction section. I'm currently working on collecting and categorizing quotes, don't know if anyone's interested, but I'll just do it. I still have some more stuff waiting to be HTML-edited and I'll do it soon. Well, that's about it for now.
-------- 10.06.1999 --------
I've added a new section instead of the "form". Please visit the new
article section. Okay, so I wasn't able to come up with a better name, sue me... If anyone has a suggestion for a better name, please let me know. Anyway, the section will contain articles about just about everything. This means not just SMAC, but preferrably something strategy gaming-related. There's only one article there for now, written by me; "Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen", on the fall of Microprose, a living(?) legend and a company that still has a place in my heart. Please do not confuse this and the fiction section, since this is
not supposed to be fiction, but a place where you can submit your thoughts on different things. Oh, and if you haven't heard yet, Firaxis' Civ III forum and a section with pictures from the Firaxis offices have been put up over at the
official site.
Images from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri copyright 1998 Firaxis Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.