Official Pages - Fan Pages - Reviews - Non-SMAC

Please visit my host; The Arrival which provides me with unlimited webspace!

Fan pages
The Arrival (my host)
Home of the ACEdit faction editor
Addicted to Alpha Centauri (the webmaster's Norwegian, just like me)
Alpha Centauri Nexus
Apolyton CS SMAC site
The Mindworm Magazine
SMAC on Geminisector (list of sites)
Xenofungus, site with mainly selfmade scenarios.

Non-SMAC sites
Site about the Alpha Centauri system Pretty good, check out the links at the bottom as well. Site about "Chiron and Friends". This is not related to SMAC, since this Chiron is an "object" in space, in our own solar system, astronomers do not agree how to classify it, so I just call it an "object". A bit funny if you're interested. Also has the Chiron symbol.