-------- 09.06.1999 --------
Well, I've finally moved to the new server (
The Arrival). I hope this won't cause any problems. I also added "Journal of Tazeem" to the
fiction section and edited "My Buddy the Transcendent" a little after a request from the author. I'm planning to replace the "Form" section with a new section, but I haven't had the time to do it yet...
-------- 03.06.1999 --------
"My Buddy the Transcendent" continues. Read the new "episodes" in the
fiction section (they are simply added to the same document as the old "episodes"). As I've said before, "My Buddy the Transcendent" is great reading, I advise you to read it right now!
-------- 01.06.1999 --------
Added two short stories by TAS, "The First Few Weeks" and "A Day in the Life of Victor Rayburn". Read both in the
fiction section.
-------- 30.05.1999 --------
Added yet another piece of fiction, "Morgan Pamphlet". Read it, as always, in the
fiction section. I also added a
form to fill out and send me a report. I have problems finding fiction since the official forum is running dry, and production is low. I hope this will get the lazier of you to write a small report, since all you have to do is fill it out. I'm talking about fictional "scientific" reports concerning things Chironian. I wish more people would write more short stories rather than just writing in the chronicles, short stories are much easier to put on a page. I realize fiction is not what most gamers find interesting, but some of it is really good. Fiction can help fill out the story that you just can't get by simply playing the game.
-------- 28.05.1999 --------
Added some more fiction again; "Don't Cross Yang" and "Formative Documents from Early New Sparta". Read them in the
fiction section. That's all, folks!
-------- 27.05.1999 --------
I've put up some more fiction, "My Buddy, the Transcendence", great stuff. Read it in the
fiction section. I have some more fiction ready, but I'm waiting for permission to use it. As I've said before, I want all fiction I can get, so if you have something,
please mail it to me. Well, that's all for today.
-------- 26.05.1999 --------
Wrote a review for the
Star Trek modpack and "updated" other reviews. I added another hive fiction story yesterday, check it out in the
fiction section. I have some more fiction that still needs HTML editing, and I will get it up soon. If you have some fiction or files, please
mail it to me. As I mentioned, I will most likely move to a new server shortly, but the surf.to/smac URL will still work. As always I want you to tell me what you think of the page using the form (see frame).
For those of you interested in reading about Hasbro Interactive and Firaxis' agreement to let Firaxis make Civ3 (I guess they couldn't let Microprose do it now that they've lost Sid and Brian and are generally going down the drain), please visit
the official press statement or read
this .
-------- 25.05.1999 --------
Okay, so here it is. I've had complaints about the original design, and the colors in the frame were obviously too dark for 15"-screens with 800x600. I have been working on that for some time now, and since I don't actually have a 15"-screen myself (and it seems 800x600 on a 15" and 800x600 on a 17" looks completely different) I've had to mail it to a friend and make him look at it. It still doesn't look perfect, and for the moment those that use 1024x768 will get a better experience, but it's okay, and I'll try to improve it. I figured it was about time I got the page up now, so here goes. The form is still there, and I still want input on how the page looks, things that don't work and just generally what you think of it - I particularly want to know what you think of the colors, since I'm not sure about those myself (especially the color when the links, not in the frame, on the page, light up), so please fill it out to help me. For now, the page can be considered pretty much finished, although not 100%. Some pictures/headlines still need to be adapted to the new design, but bear with me until then, will ya. I will probably move to a new server pretty soon, but I'll let everyone know when I do. Oh, and one more thing; does anyone have an idea for how to liven up the top of this page (I had to remove the original stuff because it was a bit too heavy, and lots of people had problems with the applet).
-------- 11.05.1999 --------
Welcome, page testers! Explore the page and then tell me what you think by using the form (see frame). Report any bugs you find and tell me what you think of the design, and everything. There will of course be more content as time goes by, since this is still just the test-page.
-------- 30.04.1999 --------
This will become a glorious new SMAC-page; The home of the Chiron Archives. I hope to see all of you SMAC-fans here after the page opens, and I would appreciate all reports I can get.