This is a brand-spanking new development, so I'm not ready to go into loads of detail just yet, but I do plan to stay in touch on the newsgroups during the development of the game, because I think every Civ fan has an idea in his/her head about what Civ 3 should be. We'll do a "call for features" once we have a serious prototype we like.
To answer some of the most obvious and burning questions--
(1) yes, many of the important strong points of Alpha Centauri will (where appropriate) be incorporated into Civ3, so don't worry your little (big?) heads about that. :-)
(2) Yes, we're still working on Alpha Centauri upgrades, expansions, etc. In fact, as Sid announced last night, we see Alpha Centauri and the Civ 1-2-3 series as two members of a broader Sid Meier "Sweep of Time" trilogy we want to create; wherein your actions and success in one game can affect your situation in the next. We'll talk about the third, yet-to-be-announced, member of the trilogy later.
(3) yes, we will be working with both Hasbro/Microprose and EA as publishers of our various products.
(4) yes, we have some really exciting ideas about how to make Civ 3 the best turn-based strategy game yet.