
Short Morganite story written by Rynn, posted to Apolyton thread.

"Embargoed Tapes"

Morgan News Archives
Tapes #7701 - 7705
Operation (Deleted)
Embargoed ten tears by order of CEO Morgan

Morgan News Archives
Tapes #7701 - 7705
Operation (Deleted)
Embargoed further ten tears by order of CEO Morgan

Tape #1412
Title 'Disclosure'
Runtime 3'44
Attachment: Tapes # 7701 - 7705
Run Primetime

"Good evening. This is David Pringle bringing you the news for today.

"This was a momentous day in the annals of the Morgan Federation as the archives were opened on a black chapter of our history - the events of 2393 during our war with the Peacekeepers. Five long-embargoed news reports were finally made available to our citizens, and tonight we are pleased to share them with you, our viewers.

"Paula Forbes, now our Current Affairs Anchor, was the reporter on the scene for many of these events, and it is her voice and recorded images that we now bring to you."


1700.00 hours

"Hi, I'm Paula Forbes, and I'm standing on the rooftop of the Morgan News Tower in Morgan Industries about six kilometers from the launch pads at the Aerospace Center. It is a quiet night, the winds have abated somewhat from their bluster of late afternoon, and preparations are now underway for the mission.

"As far as we can ascertain from our sources, this is going to be a defense satellite being launched by the military, with the capability of not only intercepting any orbital weaponry fired by our enemies, but also of destroying any orbital satellites launched by them. As such it will complement the four hydroponics and six energy satellites that we currently have in orbit.

"The countdown has commenced, and we can hear the roar of the fusion engines firing up. The sound is reaching a crescendo as we see the sky lighting up as if in daytime, and we can make out the rocket with its plume of fire rising to space. Truly an awesome sight and a tribute to the industriousness of our Federation. We are the only one of the seven factions that split up almost 200 years ago to have reclaimed our birthright among the stars.

"Paula Forbes signing off"

Tape 7701, © MorganLink 3DVision



"Paula Forbes reporting to you from Morgan Industries.

"We must hope and pray that this day will not live in infamy in the history of the Morgan Federation.

"Just before midnight the eastern sky lit up with a blaze that was as if one of our twin suns had gone supernova. Although the explosion was 1600 kilometers away it was as bright as the noonday suns. Our military, despairing of the progress of our war against the Peacekeepers, have unleashed a nuclear weapon colloquially known as a PlanetBuster, on the Peacekeeper's territory.

"We have no details yet on the amount of damage, nor of our allies reaction to this exercise.

"They merely slapped economic sanctions on us last year after we accidentally obliterated the population at UN Headquarters Base when we attempted to destroy the four Special projects built there rather than let them be retaken by conquest.

"With a heavy heart, I am Paula Forbes, signing off."

Tape 7702, © MorganLink 3DVision



"I'm Paula Forbes reporting from a Morgan News copter flying over a new bay created where UN Education Agency was once located. A huge bay has been carved into the coastline where there was once a thriving metropolis of almost 200,000 souls, and the cynical are already calling it 'Crater Bay' to commemorate the event.

"A smaller base, UN Information Agency, was also destroyed by the blast, and the ground below us is indeed a desolate nuclear waste. All infrastructure, roads, mines, farms and dwellings have been obliterated, and one can only imagine what must be going through the minds of the Peacekeeper leaders and their citizens at this time.

"Awed by the devastation that mankind has wrought, this is Paula Forbes signing off."

Tape 7703, © MorganLink 3DVision



"Good morning.

"It is with a heavy heart that I, CEO Nwabudike Morgan, address the citizens of Chiron.

"Late last night we took the drastic action of using a nuclear explosive against the Peacekeeper Base called UN Education Agency. The base was totally destroyed, with the loss of some 200,000 lives. A second base, UN Information Agency, was also destroyed in the blast, with a further loss of 50,000 lives.

"We have no quarrel with the citizens of the UN Peacekeepers. Our quarrel is with your leaders, and especially its Commissioner, Pravin Lal. He has engaged in warfare with us over a thirty-year period, wantonly destroying our mines and farms, our formers and crawlers and their crews and has wasted no opportunity to harass and interdict our shipping and aircraft and bombard our bases.

"For over five years now he has steadfastly refused to acknowledge my entreaties to him over the comm-links, and he has ignored the supplications made on our behalf by our pact sisters, the Lady Deirdre Skye and Colonel Santiago.

"His attacks were weakening us, and our ability to resupply our air defense forces was severely degraded after the loss of our trading agreements when sanctions were misguidedly applied by other factions following the unfortunate accidental obliteration of the UN Headquarters Base.

"Our backs are to the wall. I had no other option but to launch the attack by our PlanetBuster on the Peacekeepers. Our Pact sister refused to assist us in our war efforts.

"Dr Lal. If you have a conscience, if you have a heart, let us cease this war and try to live in peace and harmony. We are willing. Are you"

Tape 7704, © MorganLink 3DVision



"Good evening.

"Fellow citizens of the Morgan Federation. We are alone.

"As a result of the justified action we took in self defense, the other factions on Chiron have united to declare vendetta upon us.

"We thought that our backs were to the wall when facing only the crazed Lal and his stormtroopers, but we enter a new dark age in the checkered history of mankind.

"Today I have instructed all our bases to go on to a war footing. We must be ready for battle, and prepared to be victorious. We are small in size, with eight bases, but we are unsurpassed in our research efforts. We will fight not to survive, but to win. Commencing immediately I have ordered our commanders to go on the offensive. Our arsenal is modern, and our morale is high. We have commenced the development of a native corps, and already our first mindworm units are in action - indeed it was a Locust of Chiron that effected the capture of UN Headquarters Base just last year.

"I know that we will emerge victorious. We will be magnanimous in victory, and accept the surrender of those that wish to cease hostilities with us. But we will prosecute this war ruthlessly. We will play no favorites. Those that once called themselves our pact sisters will be dealt with as harshly as those that have persecuted us for thirty years.

"God bless us all."

Tape 7705, © MorganLink 3DVision


"So these tapes that have been locked up for twenty years can now be brought to light.

"As I bring you this newscast from the Commons at Gaia's Landing, I can only reflect that we are fortunate to have a leader such as Nwabudike Morgan. His vision and steadfastness saw us through the dark ages and his generosity in victory saw us spare the citizenry of The Gaians and Spartans, our former Pact Sisters.

"I shed no tears for the Peacekeepers or the citizens of the Hive. They were parasites on Planet's surface and received their just desserts. Miriam and Zakharov have sworn servitude to our enlightened leader, and we now go forward into a brighter future, as one nation, united, under CEO Morgan.

"This is David Pringle saying goodnight."
