"My fellow Believers! Today we have entered into a new stage of conflict.
At 16:30 hours an atomic bomb was detonated over University Base. We have recieved many and varied reports about the situation there. No doubt you have also."
"I come with the truth. It was us that fired the weapon!"
"I predict that you will feel dismay, we were not at war with the University, naturally. But there were several important reasons that we chose the University to suffer our wrath.
They were supplying arms and technologies to the Evil Alliance.
They were as dirty as jews! Selling their arms, feigning neutrality.
We have collected many intelligence reports indicating that the University was massing its forces to attack us, and soon. We could not cope with the extra forces, that is assured.
Nuclear Weapons are devices of such horrific destruction that God must have created them for one reason.
They are a test! The heathen factions will tear themselves apart, fearful of the power of this weapon.
But we know the purpose of this weapon.
The atomic bomb is a demonstration of God's power. We will use it to lance out the abcess of the University. They were researching 'The Theory of Everything'. This abomination is the utmost act of heresy and contempt I had ever heard of.
They must be destroyed by the rightous.
Rest assured God is working with us, he is our strength, and our shield.
Try not to comprehend God's power. Just sit and worship, and enjoy the path that he has given to you."
"Ok, that was fine Miriam, Broadcast in 10 minutes."
Continue to part 7