
The Line of Resistance, part 7

Zakharov had a headache. This was not the kind of headache that could be relieved by asprin, or even a head-cold, that could be eradicated by one of Planet's antibiotics.
Planet's antibiotics were curious. The structure of the antibiotic was such as that several fungi needed to produce the consituent parts. They needed each other. Even more surprisingly was that they only attacked alien bacteria! Zakharov had several interesting thesis about this, he had often browsed that datachip.

They had done it!

The Believers were the first faction to use nuclear weapons on Planet.
One Bloody bomb, one fucking, small, crude first attempt sub-Hiroshima bomb had burst over University Base.

He didn't need the training he had in the Russo-Sinai war. He knew the effects instantly. The initial heat would vapourise the Central Complex, and the Twin Towers.
That was 100,000 accounted for, he calculated grimly.

The Flash ignition of the tarmac and the park would kill anybody outside.
'That's another 50,000'. He thought.

The shockwave would then level any towers that were not vapourised. The entire city was built up. Rather than as a sprawl. Zakharov cursed this design.

He had developed it himself. In the first year. He had never though of the possibility of nuclear survival. Just efficency and economics of scale. He was at heart, still an engineer. As well as a theoretical physicist.

The blast wave had pulverised the remaining citizens. another 100,000.

That left 25,000. He pondered this. Then he remembered what the mindworms did when the VX gas was first tested. The survivors would be huddled in a pulverised pit,the ground a metamorphic crater.

Then wave upon wave of mindworms would devour the hapless civilians.

275,000. Dead. No survivors.

He cursed again the opportunity he had to kill Miriam. He cursed religion. He cursed God. He cursed the complacent Philby, his optimist diplomatic advisor.

There was some consolation. He could sell the WatchVid rights to Morgan.

Continue to part 8
