
The Line of Resistance, part 3

The sun illuminated edge of the hill. The radiant golden light enhanced the edges and contrast of the landscape. It certainly seemed like a good place to meditate.

Miriam was alone. Just her, and the garden animals.

Darleoks, specially engineered rabbits that could survive the nitrogen narcosis. Earth bees that sped around collecting nectar from Earth plants. That was their only limiting factor, if the fungus produced nectar, the bees would be a disease. 'Like man, a disease on a hostile world'. Miriam had read the censored publication, from her biogenetics lab. It went against her beliefs utterly. The publisher of this thesis had disappeared, as had many other people. The machinations were in place.

These biological experiments were the pinnacle of Believer technology. To Miriam they represented the genius of God. God has allowed them the ability to protect the weakest creatures, a demonstrative gift indeed. It was serene. Perfect for meditation. It brought Miriam closer to God. The wisdom was in the landscape, God would reveal his plans to her here.

The War was going badly, the Zion pocket, and the base itself, had been annilated by carpet bombing. Facing destruction the remaining believer forces had effected a retreat. Not before pulling down any infrastructure. 20,000 soldiers had died defending Judgement Seat. 120,000 civilians had died when she decided that the city was undefendable. The city was razed, lest the Morganites pervert the minds of the captured. 'They died pure, and in your name Lord God'. A pitiful excuse, some part of her said.

But they could win the attrition! They were still the single largest faction. They had inflicted many more casualties on the attackers than they could have hoped for.

'The Morganites cannot assemble a large enough military force, and the Peacekeepers have no willpower, at these losses they will just give up'. More optimism from her Spartan associates. They were always willing to share their xenophobic opinions about the other factions, regardless of their state of alliance.

Miriam, ruler of 11 bases, millions of faithful, was confronting the unknown. She knew that these were testing times, but how to react to the test? The Lord will find a way. No doubt.

Continue to part 4
