
The Line of Resistance, part 4

The representative from the University was getting increasingly impatient. He squirmed in his seat, while the Morganite talked on and on.....

Luckly Pravin noticed this, and suggested a recess. Often more business was done in a tea-break than in an entire conference. Lal was happy with either situation.

He sought out the University man amoungst the crowd outside the conference room. Almost instantly the University man, looking dictatorial in his serge suit, offered him a walk around the base. The University were quite proud of Cosmograd. It had been designed by Nataliya herself. It was functional, yet Utopianistic. The onion domes contrasted quite well with the high rise buildings.

They walked along the strasse, admiring the elegant simplicity of the design. The long room even had the feel of a street. There were several shops, mostly food and data-exchanges, and a few houses. Not many people lived in this district, it didn't have the view the rest of the town enjoyed.

"This design allows us to feel right at home, even 100ft up in the air!"

"Indeed, but where are the recreation commons?"

"We replaced them quite a while back, every citizen now has a Holo-Projector in his apartment"

As if to illustrate the point, a child was watching Recon Rover Rick from a projection in the wall.

"We, of course, are soon going to replace this technology, with what we have been using with the military. Brain Induced Imagery. BII"

"Yes, yes we have a file on it, but we are thinking about the moral implications...."

The conversation stopped for a while. The differences between the ideologies of these two factions were never more plainly shown.

They sat down on a viewing bench, a massive plate glass window showed the exotic landscape outside. insane towerblocks rising in improbable places. Palm trees studding the outside like little soldier ants.

"What do you think of the proposal?" Lal said, staring at the train, that passed between the towerblocks at fantastic speed.

"Fascinating, naturally. However, I must remain cynical about the final division of land"

"If you capture a base, you keep it"

"Yes but what about combination attacks, or base snatching. I am sorry, but the University needs more evidence that we will be protected, if they launch a counter attack"

"But can't you see. They cannot launch a counter attack. We don't even need to destroy her. If Miriam is made less hostile, then we don't have to live in fear anymore."

"Your forces seem advanced enough, why can't you hold off the fanatics"

"We cannot hold her off, forever. She has strength in numbers, if not technology. If this war is allowed to continue, we may be overwhelmed. We need your help, I beg of you"

"I am sorry, but I see no obvious benefit for the University. Besides, at your current rate of advancement, you should cripple the Believers quite soon"

"I see there is no point convincing you now, but you must understand. We have exhausted our supply routes. Miriam stands to win if she can build up any sort of force. I hope future events will change your mind."

They walked back to the conference room slowly. Discussing how to finish the debating, now that the decision has been made.

Continue to part 5
