
The Line of Resistance, part 2

Jace leaned back in his chair, letting the AI take the wheel, his co-driver was barking about staying in formation. 'Screw That!' thought Jace, attempting to scratch his nose, but nearly breaking his finger on the pressure helmet. 'Thats another thing!' he thought. 'If this is God's promised land, why do we have to wear helmets?'

'Ah of course! it was to test the unfaithful, as was every challenge in this life'

"X48Q13.....Chaos Speeders, 3 Squads.......". The damn intercom! Why can't it censor bad news?

He took the wheel again, steering the Impact Rover to keep formation with the turning Squad. The marsh undulated below, sometimes the Rover would kick up some wet dirt, that would cling to the windscreen and leave a brown trail.

"This is Rover Foxtrot India Seventeen Whiskey. Request permission to break from formation, we have already lost sealing for the rover, and are running on helmets. We have sustained armor cracking during the engagement at T34P12, I don't think we will be much use in the next combat"

"Negitive Rover FI17W, we need every man we have, even in your state"

Hot damn!

BLEEP BLE-BLE-BLEEP, the map on the 2D dasboard was lighting up like a Christmas tree.

"Heads up squad, we have multiple targets inbound, beyond visual, so get charged, and look for cover!"

The Entire squad seemed to go crazy, the channels were filled with people praying for salvation, this battle was not going to be easy. Jace refused to pray, no inquisitor was going to question him after this...

All of a sudden the ground shook, as if their had been an Earthquake. The rover about 100 yards from Jace had erupted in smoke, black dense particles billowing out into the air. The crew had come running out in time, but they fumbled for their helmets in the blaze, unsuccessfully as they writhed in the poisonous air, Jace could almost hear their gasping, but it was too late.

He turned a hard left on the rover, feeling the resistance in the machine as it tore up the ground. He hoped that he could at least move in from the side and take one of these monsters out. Despite their much longer range.

The rest of the squad had virtually halted. Several were eminating blue light from the conical death machine strapped to their rovers.


The air in front of the rovers superheated, and the noise from the guns was emmense, several orange beams sped out of the car's.

At least one hit, because the screaming from Jaces navcom decreased. Jace jerked the car into the highest gear, begging that it did not sink in the mud. All around cars were being atomised by the enemies Chaos guns. ' They seem to be more effective at close range...I will have to write a report' he thought darkly. Several other rovers were following his pattern, at this rate they should be in effective range, within a few seconds.

'We are outnumbered, outgunned, we have nothing to fight for, WHY!'

He charged up his gun.

'WHY?' He was on the verge of sobbing. He didn't want to die!

'WHY!' The green hull of an enemy speeder was directly in front of him, he aimed the reticle.....


The Peacekeeper fired a shocking white blade at him, he was blind!

His car exploded in flames, the hydrazine tank ruptured and poured into the cockpit. Luckly he was saved the torment, the shot had vapourised him, and the rest of his squad.

Continue to part 3
