The Revolution Begins Now
Down in the park Where the Machmen meet The machines are playing kill-by-numbers Down in the park with a friend called Five I was in a car crash Or was it the war? But I've never been quite the same Little white lies like I was there Come to Tom-Tom's, a place to eat Like it was built in one day You can watch the humans Try to run Oh, look, there's a rape machine I'd go outside if it looks the other way You wouldn't believe The things they do Down in the park Where the chant is 'Death, death, death' Till the sun cries morning Down in the park with friends of mine We are not lovers We are not romantics We are here to serve you A different face but the words never change -Down in the Park, Gary Numan (covered by Foo Fighters) |
![]() The Triumph of Death Pieter Brueghel "the Elder" (c. 1530-1569) |
Known by many names, the rebellion had its
roots in Delta Green, Strazh
Pryectn, Majestic, and other organizations. As government agencies became increasingly detached from normal accountability, a variety of groups developed lofty ideals.
Despite rampant corruption, many of the steering
members of these secretive organizations had some form of higher goal in mind. These ideals were centered around the salvation of Mankind from Evils. By the 2040s,
after becoming mainstream and then folded into the United Security Organization,
the official agencies of Majestic and Delta Green soon grew covert branches once
What is the Rebellion about, what is it a Liberation from?
It is a liberation from despair, a rebellion against the attitude that all actions are futile, all futures are dark, and all lives are meaningless. A loose, chaotic collection of clandestine operations, the Rebellion formed as a medium of exchange for Important Things, a chance to do something about the prophesies of doom.
While corrupt desires, both Cult and mundane, drove many actions of the rebellion's actions, some important achievements were made. The development of technology capable of harming Mythos entities was entirely due to the actions of Majestic and Delta Green. DG was also instrumental in bringing Elder technology and crucial magical principles to the fight. Two core aspects of these efforts where the use of Dimensional Shamblers for operations on Mars, and the creation of Gates to facilitate space operations.
Though the success of various Options
(Oneiros and Astral) were
rather questionable, the efforts the Rebellion took were instrumental in what
few successes Humanity managed to have.
After the end of human civilization on Earth, the
successful attempts to colonize Mars and other efforts ensured that the human
race survived.
Character Options
It is natural for games to involve the rebellion.
With ties to the USO, Majestic, Delta Green, along with
interactions between government and many protectorates,
the rebellion offers a complex, interactive, and heroic campaign.
Occupational templates are much like standard
ones from the rulebooks. Military characters, agents, as well as more exotic
characters may find a common goal.
In whichever direction the Keeper designs the game,
it is suggested that the characters form a unit. Whether a peacekeeper or
military squad of USO, a gang, a group of protectors, or an agent cell, the
characters should have some bond of loyalty that keeps them going when the
world falls around them. In the culture of the Endtimes, personal loyalty is one of the last commodities of any value.