Delta Green
Recent History
Starting around 2001, Delta Green began to achieve a more open status. It forming limited ties with Majestic, Strazh Pryectn, and, eventually, FEMA and the USO. Eventually, these ties would cause major troubles for DG. Splinter groups formed at many points in its history, many of which distrusted the strengthening ties and openness of DG. A good deal of the force of the Rebellion was composed of DG agents who had decided that the Rebellion was appropriate to their mission, or absorbed DG splinter groups.
DG formed one of three arms of the 'grey government', along with Majestic and Strazh Pryectn. More investigative than MJ, and more Mythos focused than SP, Delta Green provided vital information, often piped to the UN/USO 'white government' and the various covert 'black government' operations of the USO. Relations always remained most cordial between DG and SP, given a long running cooperation and compared to the bad blood between MJ and DG.
Delta Green also provided most of the research and effort along unusual fronts. While Majestic provided a great deal of Mi-go supplied research and engineering, and Strazh Pryectn produced valuable Hypertech, DG went further, with creative plans involving the Dreamlands, spells, Astral space, and so forth. Their broad knowledge, though often channeled into the other groups, allowed them to make inroads that were often incomprehensible to more conservative agencies.
Disasters in 2037 confirmed, somewhat, the paranoia of the splinter groups. Investigated for corruption by the USO, close to 90% of the DG files were ultimately lost, with no adequate explanation. Also, about two thirds of personnel died in thinly disguised accidents, amidst a confusing backdrop of social upheaval.
Afterwards, DG, as a coherent group, existed only as an investigative arm of the USO. Many earnest agents worked for the group, but it, like the USO, was rife with corruption and self-interest. Splinter groups continued on, the biggest two being Kyle and Y6.
Attempts by some splinter groups to prop up DG and use it to provide useful information, hoping to help promote SOME legitimate service, brought disaster again. In 2046, during a time of huge social turbulence, the USO scapegoated MJ and DG, having arranged a convincing case that many of the abuses the USO was charged with had been committed by rogue MJ and DG agents. Splinter groups were gathered up as 'rogue agents', executed or absorbed into other USO operations groups, and the (semi)official MJ and DG agencies disbanded.
Campaign Stuff
Game possibilities:
Delta Green agents become more 'respectable' over time, but are also more embroiled in political and military affairs. Although agents will have more ability and freedom to call on official aid for investigations, they will also be more at the will and whim of USO forces and rather corrupt political fights.
Agents will also have access to cutting edge and strange technology, like Hypertech. However, DG has a historic aversion to widespread human alterations, and tends to discourage Melt tech use. Unlike most other agencies, limited use of magic is encouraged, particularly those magics which can be used defensively.
Most of the templates in the DG book apply in the future, as well, but with more advanced technologies. (See Endtime PCs, for new/altered skills)
It is particularly appropriate for DG agents to have starting spells, though the Keeper should determine how many, if any, are allowed and what spells are appropriate.