Strazh Pryectn

     The Strazh Pryectn (loosely, Project Guardian or Warden) had roots in several odd groups of Cossacks in Tsarist Russia. After the Bolsheviks came to power, the descendents of witchhunters, demonhunters, and others, found themselves in the Soviet army, working to serve Russia.
     Much like a Russian version of Delta Green, the SP had certain differences. SP had much less experience with Deep Ones, more experience with vampires, sorcerers (isolated mythos cultists, more or less), and a great deal of experience with psychics. Project Omen, an investigation of psychic phenomena by the Soviet government, was steered mainly by SP, although other shadowy organizations had influence.
     One of the biggest enemies of SP wass the Organyzatzia, the Russian mob. With ties to China and the US, as well as the Karotechia, and drawing on a wide variety of occult and Mythos power, the Organyzatzia continued to be a credible threat in the Endtimes, though their operations relocated to China and the Americas by the 2030s.