With the fire from the fireworks up above me
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand
You run for cover in the Temple of Love
You run for another, but still the same
For the wind will blow my name across this land
In the Temple of Love you hide together
Believing pain and fear outside
But someone near you rides the weather
And the tears he cried will rain on
Walls as wide as lovers' eyes
In the Temple of Love: Shine like thunder
In the Temple of Love: Cry like rain
In the Temple of Love: Hear my calling
In the Temple of Love: Hear my name
And the devil in a black dress watches over
My guardian angel walks away
Life is short and love is always over in the morning
Black wind come carry me far away
With the sunlight died and night above me
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain inside
You run for cover in the Temple of Love
You run for another, it's all the same
For the wind will blow and throw your walls aside
With the fire from the fireworks up above me
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain
You run for cover in the Temple of Love
I shine like thunder, cry like rain
And the Temple of Love grows old and strong
But the wind blows stronger, cold and long
And the Temple of Love will fall before this
Black wind calls my name to you no more
In the black sky thunder sweeping under
Ground and over water sounds of
Crying weeping will not save your
Faith for bricks and dreams for mortar
All your prayers must seem as nothing
Ninety-six below the wave when
Stone is dust and only air remains
In the Temple of Love: Shine like thunder
In the Temple of Love: Cry like rain
In the Temple of Love: Hear the calling
And the Temple of Love is falling
-Temple of Love, Sisters of Mercy
Non-governmental bands of individuals have gained size, importance, and power in the culture of the Endtimes. These organizations have a variety of origins and places in society.
Youth gangs are often small, tightly knit groups
of juveniles organized in tribal systems. With hazing rituals of membership and
strict hierarchy, these teach strength, the rules of the pack, and create vital
ties that the illegals will need later in life.
Protectors form more elaborate, structured organizations that are vital to what they call free society, society outside of the government and 'legals'. Organized into protectorates, they are the closest thing to government that the illegals have.
The other organizations vary in motives, size, and
safety. Tight bands of freelancers accept jobs from protectors. Freelancers are
used for actions that protectors cannot touch, whether politically or due to
specialization of resources and skills.
Protectorates are often racial, but form coalitions of forces with other groups. In the arcologies of the western hemisphere, the head of a protectorate is King, the chief beaurocrat is Governor, and the factional leaders are called Lords. In the eastern arcologies, the head is Governor, the chief beaurocrat is Prefect, and the factional leaders are also called Lords. The military arm of protectorates are generally called protectors if directly overseen by the protectorate, or enforcers if otherwise.
Protectorates are focused in Arcologies, but extend franchises to regions outside.
Clans are loose cultural groups that cross
organizational lines. Various gangs may belong to different protectorates but share a clan allegiance. A protectorate will usually consist of more than one clan. There is sometimes a tension between clan and protectorate allegiance. There are gangs that rely exclusively on clan allegiance.
Many gangs are influenced by the media. The
most common gangs, the Nations, are actually references to a 2020s virtual
reality game. Each Nation, in the game, consisted of a mutant race with special powers. The nations fought each other and the forces of Dark Lord Amber.
The original game, Nuts and Bolts, took itself
very seriously. The melodramatic nature of the game attracted a large, young
audience that found the melodrama funny. Sequels, NB 2, NB III, NB Wank, and NB
Gorefest, relied more on cheap gags, sex, and violence. Though increasingly incoherent, the series remained quite popular.
By the late 2020s, gangs in the eastern americas
had begun to adopt icons and concepts from the games. The gangs had acheived
a codified existance by 2040. All over the world, each Nation maintained a loose
common culture, and the Nations as a whole set themselves apart from other groups. The Nations were the most populous Clan structure.
The Nations
One of the larger clan, members chose equipment
with a smooth, glossy look. Dark chitin, morphing gear, and eclectic body alteration
marked the Aliens. Their chosen attitude was one of calm, quiet watchfullness,
and most preferred to work via remote.
The Aliens were important to the Nations as a
whole. Though delusional geeks, they had wide technological and scientific resources.
In practice they acted as support for other groups, and traded valuable favors.
The Flowers were identifiable by the bright
white flower in the lapel, slicked back dark hair, and big sly grins.
Just like their hero, Kid Carnage (AKA KC), they were wise-cracking mechanics
and daredevils. All Flowers were required to have a vehicle, whether in a club
garage for repairs or ready for a deathride.
Flowers were popular and relatively common, but
lacked any significant power. They were usually deep in debt to other groups. The other Nations had little respect for the Flowers.
The last of the Nuts and Bolts games, NB Gorefest,
contained a number of references to the King in Yellow. Rumored to have been edited
by government censors before it was allowed to be released, gamers spent years
trying to fill the gaps in the storyline. One of the most notable parts of the
storyline were the Sigil-chips. Players that collected Sigil-chips found the game
shifted in very puzzling ways. One of the final chapters of the game involved the
player turning out to be the King of the world. The puzzling aspect of this was
that no matter what characters were chosen, the clues pointed to the player being the King. This happened to each character that gathered Sigil-chips. There was no obvious attempt to reconcile contradictory plotlines.
The games, at this point, would generally turn into
a disturbing montage of arguments, symbols, and fights between different factions, each
pointing to various omens that their King was the true King. When the plotlines would finally start to resolve, the game inevitably crashed.
Though met more with puzzled looks than adulation,
NB Gorefest remained a canonical part of the Nation tradition. The Kings
took their name from a restructured version of NB Gorefest. This version was created by fans, billed as what NB Gorefest 'should have been.' In the game a new nation is described, CoroNation, where every man was destined to be King.
This clan, by the 2040s, had focused their group
on politics and influence. More a social club for the well-to-do, they saw themselves
as natural puppet-masters. The degree of their actual power was not obvious.
Brought in late in the series, Cats often received body modification to look feline. The women were like Lady Sheba, graceful, sly, and deadly assassins. The men emulated Prince Bastard, hefty foulmouthed warriors with a penchant for horribly torturing their enemies. Both had sex as often and loudly as possible, preferably in public.
Cats had a violent disposition and ruled through terror. However, given their lack of focus or thought, most were relegated to small turfs and low level gang warfare.
A minor option in NB 2, Sterns were depicted as
British gentlemen in derbies and black outfits. Originally intended to bring
some political flavoring to the game, Sterns ended up as mages whose primary
characteristic was dramatic backfires. A few gangs in the 2040s maintained the
Stern look, focusing on magical talent.
Dressed in leather and wielding either morphable
whips or floating knives, the Doms were the most popular of the Nations. Heavily
into sex, violence, and pushing the envelope, the Doms were also the clan with
the heaviest attrition.
Frequently connected with Cult activities, most of
the Nations regarded the Doms warily. Drugs and slave trade were their primary
resources, though magic and favors were traded as well. A small but important
cadre of Doms had contacts in the Hypertech industry, and the Doms in general
were surprisingly well-armed.
Originally depicted as highly stereotypical
American Indians, the Ds eventually evolved to embrace a combination of ancient customs and high technology. Scarification and tattoos were important parts of D ritual
and hierarchy, along with cyberware and Link skill.
The Ds came the closest to forming viable political
groups. Several families maintained D membership over several generations. With stable day jobs and a network of favors, Ds became one of the few serious cultural bodies among the Nations.
Featuring leather chaps and constantly eating,
Shit Boy and his race of scatalogical mutants (featured in the highly forgettable
NB Wank) ruled the sewer worlds. From this incoherent backstory, the Limits
came about. The Limits trained to become mercenaries extrordinaire, with a
nihilistic attitude inculcated in the membership. Limits had icons of death
or mathematical equations describing limiting series tattooed on their faces.
The group went through a number of phases of
development. Lacking a focus, the clan found itself pressed to create a more
powerful theme. Eventually, the worship of nothingness, the acknowledgement that
the world is a sphere of shit, became predominant. Surprisingly, the Limits
succeeded at acquiring and running a number of companies and were serious contenders
in the world arms market. The Limits and Ds had a strange respect for one another.
A combination of bad joke and 'k3wl powerzzz', the
Germs faked German accents and were heavily into biological technology. A good
number were Melted, and all Germs had cosmetic alterations to give their skin a variety of tiled patterns. This group was rather large, but lacked organization.
The Germs were regarded as the safe Nation. Membership
was very easy, and the clan didn't require much of its members. The other Nations
generally regarded the Germs as convenient pawns or as a pool of potential recruits.
The Bears were mutant pawns of Dark Lord Amber, until the daring adventurers of Nuts and Bolts freed them from the Dark Lord's mind-control codpieces. By the 2040s, the Bears were the toughs of the Nations. Heavily modified, often with cosmetic alteration to look more animalistic, the Bears spoke of honor and glory while they went around breaking things.
The Imagos were a group that cultivated being mysterious and enigmatic. While most came off like nitwits, Imagos were well versed in magic and the supernatural. This made them very very dangerous.
The more intelligent of the Imagos ended up joining magical orders, to pursue more serious study. Other Nations would attempt to foster Imagos, for the magical power they could bring to bear, but treated them cautiously.
Pollys were the whores of the Nations. Forming
a variety of prostitution rings, Pollys were very protective of their turf.
The biggest of the Polly-mommas kept enforcers well paid to help their interests.
Several Polly gangs were exposed as Shub-niggurath cultists at various times,
but Polly girls and boys remained a popular service.
Modelled on old fashioned heavy metal satanists,
the Loaders were from a magical dark land of music and blood demons. Another
group of the Dark Lord's army, they were turned into allies in NB 2. The Loader
gangs were interested in media, in sound, vision, and immersive dramas. Some
were hard edged punks, but typically the Loaders were more style than substance.
Loader games and shows were tremendously popular
in the 2030s and 2040s, which made a number of them quite rich. This visibility
and mainstream acceptibility pissed off most of the other Nations, and the Loaders
soon found themselves broken up, as a clan, by other power groups. By the late
2040s, Loaders were mostly small social circles of artists.
Originally witch-hunters in Nuts and Bolts, the
Cross character types were adapted later as supernatural martial artists. Absorbing
just about every stereotype in the genre, the Crosses became very popular. The
gang disdained major body modification, although many Cross gangs used boost
drugs and minor cyberware. Trained in a variety of martial styles, Crosses
sold their services as troops and enforcers to other groups.
Another incoherent idea from the forgettable NB Wank, the Spoons battle-cry of 'Piss off!' found popularity in a number of young gangs. Like the Germs, the Spoons were a somewhat unimportant but popular gang. Featuring decals of a variety of grinning figures pissing down on authority figures or well known Mythos entities, the Spoons were a rather vocal rebellion against an increasingly frightening world.
The Aliens and the Ds had a number of gang wars over operating system standardization. The IOS Standards Board, convened in 2029 to regulate the growth of self modifying operating systems, caused great chaos and violence between proponents of different systems. This erupted as turf battles between the Aliens and Ds, as well as protectorate battles and a series of assassinations between Majestic, Delta Green, and the USO technology board.
Wars also frequently erupted between the Cats, Doms, and the Bears over various issues of style and personality. In one notable case, an offhand phrase in a virtual nightclub caused a three month bloody conflict between Cat and Doms in western Australia and the southeast of North America.
Though expressing intense dislike for each other, the Imagos and Sterns had few overt conflicts. Both were frequently at odds with other lodges and magical organizations, so it may be assumed they elected to favor clan loyalty for pragmatic reasons.
Major Protectorates