
The Line of Resistance, part 10

"So you did your own thing!" Gillian was ramping up her tirade.

"You did perfectly" she said icily.

There was a pause.

"Aren't you going to defend yourself, almighty queen?"

Miriam stood, impassively.

"That tactic doesnt work with me, anymore" She screamed at Miriam's face

"Let's count your mistakes." she said confidently "1/ You attacked the University
2/ You became leader of the Believers
3/ You were born"

"You stupid, stupid *****, don't you know how much trouble this has caused us?"

Miriam started to speak But Gillian cut her off.

"You defy the parliament, you defy the high command and you defy reason!"

"The parliament is debating now" Miriam interjected.

"And they have much choice!" Gillian said acidly.

"If you were a citizen you would have been hung by now". "let's see, unauthorised transfer of credits. unauthorised censoring of broadcasts, use of MY name for signing your bills...."
"Oh yes, I almost forgot. Using nuclear weapons!"

Miriam snarled.
"You pathetic gesture of a human!"

"You slaughtered thousands in less than an hour, does that make you Gods' favored, our even saintly?"


"We have compromised too many times. We have become complacent and confused. We have compromised on the Treatment, how many times have I had it? We have compromised with retrovirals, we have compromised with intellligent computers."
"To allow lucifer to grow amoungst us is wrong, more wrong that killing. Their souls were lost anyway."

Gillian rebounded savagely, a sign that she was stuck for reason. She prepared a mock prayer.
"Thats right, you are our moral guardian, our true light, we must believe in you, even when you turn insane *****es to murdering children!"

"GILLIAN! If you do that again, I will have you arrested for blasphemy"

"Arr, tis a hanging offence Mr Proctor" Gillian muttered. The Crucible was banned, obviously.
"Let's see...oh yes, Daddy, Junior, and Spook went down to the pub one night, looking for girls.."

Miriam shot her, with an impact pistol
